A few years later, commas. After some time

Good day, those who are interested! Spontaneously decided to supplement the review, although I planned to approach this thoroughly, add a photo, keep the chronology. Well, yes, the facts are interesting, until I forget, it is necessary to distribute.

Framed a year ago. Sandblasted, acid primed and painted with imported enamel. While the red dots are nowhere to be seen, it pleases. I do not use the car often, but I have already dashed off 60 thousand since the purchase. There were no problems, I spit three times over my left shoulder. I change the oil after 10 thousand km, fill in diesel synthetics for engines with particulate filters. I also try to change the air and cabin filters. 1 time I changed the native fuel and filter in the separator. I pour only on Rosneft, I have never drained sediment from Separ - it is in plain sight, I always see the cleanliness of the solarium.

I still admire Bongo. Elasticity and noiselessness of the motor at any speed, comfort, stability on the track and load capacity.

About the payload. 800 kg are indicated on board, I kind of wrote that I changed the spring package to reinforced ones. The maximum that I have carried so far is 1500 kg, but recently I went to pick up soft tiles in a neighboring city (Artem 40 km), and the storekeeper looks at the car in surprise and asks how many times I will come for the load? I say that I want to take everything at once, but what is it? It turned out that the weight is 1830 kg. I'm shocked, but I decide to take everything. Pumped up the rear wheels up to 4 kg. and returned without incident. The weight of my Bongy is 2300 kg. (I weighed it when I took out the garbage to the landfill) + 1800 cargo + non-standard wheels and all this the motor pulled very decently along all the ascents with good speed. By the way, I usually keep 1.8 kg in the rear wheels so as not to eat up the middle of the tread. In the front 2.3 always.

I remember an incident last winter. I always try to "walk" on the highway on 2 HP, because firstly, 4 HP does not turn off at speed, and secondly, and most importantly, when you turn on the front end when there is ice on the track, the car starts to "scour" so that I am constantly stressed. Recently I, it seems to me, "decided this problem, which I will write about a little later. So, returning home along an icy highway at night in 2 VD mode and a slightly loaded body, having waved 200 km out of three hundred, I go downhill with a slight slope, at the end of which there is a smooth right turn. It would seem that there is nothing to worry about. I go in 6th gear at 80 km / h, before the turn I release the gas and ... I feel the fifth point very late (it is more difficult to track the skid at night), which dragged the same point at Bonga "I squeeze the clutch, but the process was already irreversible. I leveled the car, but realizing that I would not enter the turn, I tried to tangentially leave the track so as not to lie on my side. I left spectacularly, breaking through the snow parapet like a locomotive and softly landed in the field. Immediately put out all the lights so that no one tried to slow down to help out - he was afraid that they would fly into me, starting to slow down. It helped partly. Right there, Toyota Kami decided to help me, but it began to slow down later and flew 30 meters further. According to the same scenario, though without departures spun a couple more cars and scattered along the roadside. The rest of the participants, seeing a bunch of lights, braked in advance.

Just in case, he tried to move. As expected, the "belly" sat well. In winter, for long distances, I try to take a snow shovel, and the bayonet "Fiskars" is always on the roof. With two shovels in 15 minutes, he moved the bong from its place and turned it perpendicular to the track. I cleaned up the exit trajectory a little more and decided to try my luck. The winch and the roadside column remained in reserve. How spectacularly I flew off the track, I also effectively returned there, the rear lock helped me a lot with this. Then he unwound his ship's cable for 20 meters, hooked Kami and pulled her out of the field. Paris-Dakar in one word.

Now about 4WD. This fall, putting a new winter, went to the wheel alignment. On the old rubber began to eat vnutryanku on the right wheel. It turned out that the nut on the steering rod had not been unscrewed for a long time, the pancake needs to be checked for everyone :-(It seems that everything has been set, it gives a printout - everything is ready. I pay attention to the angle of the castor, it is red. I know that this angle affects taxiing and I insist on adjusting. They fixed everything, drove out of the gate and let me, I think, check 4 HP at speed - lo and behold, the car goes to the root. Then I tested it a couple more times - But there were no full-fledged tests on an icy track, so I'm not sure until the end.

In general, for me, Bonga is an ideal assistant and expeditionary, at least for my tasks. I still don't see an alternative.

Peace for everyone! Happy New Year 2017!

P.S. I'll try to find photos.

Hello. I am writing my question for the third time. Please, help. In which cases is the pronunciation only ch, in which only shn, and in which both options are acceptable: Antique, bakery, bachelorette party, Ilyinichna, milky, dishonorable, excellent, poultry, trifling, wheaten, heartache, of course, two kopecks, for cap analysis , mustard plaster. Thank you very much)

"Help" does not perform tests and homework.

Question #303963

Do you need a comma before Even?: His skin is literally still glowing, even after a decade.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Setting a comma is possible (with intonation-logical selection). Right: all the same.

Hello! Tell me, is a comma needed before the union "and" in this sentence: "Well, a year later, Chavez's curls were already descending below his shoulders, and he again wondered: is it time to cut them off?" The expression "Well, another year later" looks like a common minor member of the sentence, so I doubt whether a comma is still needed here or not.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You're right, a comma is not required.

Question No. 301376

Hello. Tell me how is it right? What or what? "These guys won't let go"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible, but only in colloquial speech.

Question No. 300503

Can you please tell me if there is a comma before "and"? I hope Ivanov will be released and he will sign a new contract.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The comma is not needed because the introductory word Hope refers to both parts of a compound sentence.

Question #297655

Good afternoon. Tell me, what is the correct seed or seed? And accordingly: in flaxseed or flaxseed. Thank you. I hope for an answer.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Big explanatory dictionary

CE SWORD,-And; pl. genus. -check, dates -chkam; and. Razg. One sunflower or pumpkin seed. Break the seed. Full, empty s.

SE MECHKO,-A; pl. genus. -check, dates -chkam; cf. 1. Decrease to Se me (1 digit). 2. An oblong or flat seed in the fruit of a plants. C. apple. Watermelon, pumpkin seeds. 3. only pl.: all swords, check. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds as a treat. Click, gnaw, husk seeds. Raw, roasted seeds. Black seeds(sunflower). White seeds(pumpkin). Spitting seeds; the floor is covered in seeds(the husk of these seeds). These are seeds for us. (colloquial; about what does not require effort; empty ki, nonsense). < Se sword, oh, oh. (2-3 digits). C-s and stone fruits. C fruit trees. S-th halva(from sunflower seeds).

Question #296806

Good afternoon. Tell me, please, what part of speech is the word "however", when the whole phrase consists of only this one word (in the meaning of surprise, amazement). Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Big explanatory dictionary

HOWEVER. I. union. Use for joining sentences or individual members of a sentence with the meaning of opposition, inconsistency with the previous one or restriction of the previous one (similar in meaning to the union "but"). Star, oh energetic and upbeat. Goodbye ahead of time, oh did not explain the reasons. She likes to sing at home, but she is shy at a party. Oh. I know you too well to trust you completely. We didn't expect to meet, oh. saw each other years later. Although I appreciate you, oh. I don't overestimate. * Although it is sad to live, my friends, However, it is still possible to live(Pushkin). II. introductory sl. Nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless. I think it'll be all right, but be, oh, careful.The students love me, but, oh, they don't listen. Preparing for the performance all day; the meeting never took place. I fully share your indignation, but you, oh, are getting too excited. III. int. (with exclamation intonation). Use to express surprise, bewilderment, indignation, etc. He was recently elected to the academics. - ABOUT.! I will definitely become a great singer. - ABOUT.!

Question #295676

Hello, please tell me whether it is necessary to isolate the expression indicated by numbers: "A sharp cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river and (1) after a few moments (2) it was repeated further"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no reason to use commas.

Question No. 295208

Hello. Is it necessary to put a comma in the sentence: "These pills begin to act after 12 hours." On one of the sites they write that you need to put a comma after the word "pills".

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is not required.

Question No. 294158

When should one use "through" and when "after"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the meaning of "after some time" prepositions through And later are equivalent. It is difficult to give an example when a construction with a preposition later cannot be replaced by a construction with a preposition through.

Question #293990


The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You don't need to put commas.

Question #293396

Good afternoon. Please tell me if the punctuation marks are correctly placed in the phrase "it received its current name - Mercedes Cup - a year later - in 1979."? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better: its current name - Mercedes Cup - it received a year later, in 1979.

Question #292436

Good afternoon Please tell me whether the phrase "years later" stands out in the letter in the following sentence: "In the worst case, years later, covering the earth with an eternal glacier."

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no need for a comma before the words "after years".

Question No. 292090

Please let me know if a comma is needed in place of the gap. Almost ten years later () at the session held in 1966.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Nichel held a cigarette between his index and thumbs, releasing a jet of smoke upwards. It has become noticeably colder outside over the past week, and he even has nowhere to go to warm up, except in the ward to his sister. However, in a day, he will have to think about how to keep both of them warm. The money that he got from Tom should have been enough for the operation and part of the rehabilitation period, however, the cost of the operation increased sharply, and he hardly found the missing amount. The attending physician made it clear that without proper rehabilitation, the girl is unlikely to live until next summer, which means they have very little time left to be together. The day after tomorrow, the postoperative period ended, and he had to either get the money or pick up his sister. The young man took another puff and threw the bull into the bin. He still had to tell his sister about this, and yet she believed so much that now she would be healthy.
-What's going on here? The nurses were cleaning the empty room. The bed was empty, neither the girl nor her things were there, - Where is my sister?
“She was moved,” one of the girls answered.
-Where did you move it? For what? – he turned around and rushed to the office of the heads of the doctor. As he expected, she was there. In her old clothes, which she had been out of size for a long time, judging by the way her arms stuck out of her sleeves, and her trousers rose above her ankles.
-What's happening? He walked over to his sister, who immediately leaned against him. She was still very weak, - I thought we still have time.
- You have plenty of time now, - the doctor said and closed the patient's personal file, - your sister is being transferred to another place.
-Which place?
"Strange, I thought you should be aware of what's going on," he took out a document and held it out young man. He ran his eyes over it, and stared at the name.
- Wait, there's some kind of mistake. I can't pay for insurance, let alone… To pay for a day's stay in this place, I will need to work for a year, - he clenched the sheet in his fist.
- Look, I don't know. But I received a request last night that I should have my medical history, paperwork, and discharge ready by noon. Deal with them yourself, but my advice to you. Even if it's a mistake, it will save you a couple of days. Or maybe no one will know, and then your sister will receive rehabilitation in one of the best research centers. In any case, they are already here, and you have nowhere to go.
Nihal's sister was strictly forbidden to move independently, so in this moment she was in a special carriage, which was slowly driven in front of him by a young man. In the corridor, he was met by orderlies dressed in the uniform of the research center where they were being taken.
- Let me do it, - the guy carefully watched how carefully and carefully people in uniform treat his sister, and how happily she smiles at them. Yes, she would have been very good there, and perhaps there she would have had a chance. Provided he could afford it.
The first thing he did was go to the administrator to clarify the situation. Of course, he could have listened to the doctor and pretended that everything was as it should be, but now, when he had nothing to pay for even his yesterday's dinner and today's breakfast, and now apparently also lunch, he could not afford to plunge into another a nasty story that she and her sister were forced to pay fines, and pay the full cost of living in this place.
“Listen, girl,” he wearily leaned on the counter, “I simply don’t have that kind of money. It's some kind of mistake. Then you yourself will fly in from the leadership.
-So! - a young girl with long curly hair sand-colored, which the white uniform was like no other, looked menacingly at the dark-skinned guy, - How many times do I tell you that it will fly into me much more if I don’t place you in the next 5 minutes. Here, - she unfolded the registration journal and pointed to the line with her finger, - Is that her name?
- Yes, but, - the guy bit his tongue. He could not admit that this name was false.
- So, no buts! The girl slammed the magazine shut and stood up.
-Listen, how many people with the same name. I'm homeless! I can't even pay for my lunch, let alone keep her here.
"I shouldn't care," she held out her palm, indicating that she didn't intend to argue anymore. - All paid for 3 months in advance. And you're taking my time, I should check if your sister is well accommodated, and not hear about how it's too good for her!
The girl quickly walked down the corridor, away from the strange young man. Nichel, sighing bitterly, followed her. There was no logic in all this, but at least the fact that his sister would be warm and well-fed, for some time, could not but please him.
As he entered the room, he felt even more empty inside himself. It didn't look like a hospital block or a research center at all, it was a real children's room. Beige light walls, with watercolor paintings, looking at which you feel peace, large windows through which the sun shines in good weather, Stuffed Toys even the carpet on the floor.
Nichel looked at his sister. She seemed so happy, sitting in a big bed and hugging her already beloved bear with one arm. Maybe when they get kicked out, the guy could steal it for her.
He looked at her and for the first time in a long time he saw her like this, not in pain.
“Dinner will be brought soon,” the girl said softly, smoothing the child’s tousled hair, and left.
- I like it here so much! - the girl said enthusiastically, - And Uncle Bill gave me a cake.
- What else Uncle Bill? The guy immediately got worried. There really was a tiny children's cake on a small table, weighing 250 grams, no more. Nichel was ready to swear that he had already seen him somewhere - I told you that you should not talk to strangers. You never can. Especially accepting gifts from them. Not all people are good, my dear, and some want to harm us.
"Some, perhaps, but not me," came a male voice from behind them. Nichel turned around and opened his mouth in surprise. That's someone he certainly didn't expect to see...alive. Bill was dressed in cream skinny jeans, tucked into coarse boots, and a black turtleneck over which a white robe was thrown over - hello, - he said affably and extended his hand.
-It's you? – not believing his eyes, Nihel shook the outstretched hand, rather in order to verify the reality of the person standing in front of him, - So you did it?
-To a certain degree…
- Tom, he...
-He's alive. But for now, - Bill licked his lips, - let's not talk about this "bye". They told me that you are too nervous about all this, - he spread his arms to the sides, pointing to the room, - And I came to calm you down.
-Is this your doing?
-Let's go out?
They left the ward, not fully closing the door, in order to see the girl, who, however, was already carried away by her new plush friend, and did not pay attention to everything else.
- Bill, why?
- You helped us, so I want to help you.
- I didn't help you. We had a deal.
- You did not extradite us, let us go and fulfilled your part of the contract, I believe that under the conditions of that situation, this is help. I'm alive, and not without your merit, - Nichel vaguely recalled the events of that day, and suddenly remembered exactly where he saw that little cake standing on his sister's table now. It was in this, only more, that he handed Tom the weapon.
- This, – guy sighed and threw up his hands. He had no words to describe everything he felt. Despair, relief, pain, hope, disappointment, faith, love, gratitude, and many more conflicting emotions. He swayed and leaned against the wall to keep himself on his feet. When was the last time he cried? Yes, probably when he was five years old. It had been an eternity since then, but right now he just couldn't….couldn't keep it to himself. He slid down the wall, sitting on the floor, and could not even squeeze out a “thank you”.
-Too much? - Bill, not sparing his clean light clothes, sat down beside him, - I understand. Believe me, I now know perfectly well what it is to feel hope and how difficult it is. Think of it as the missing piece that we didn't have with Tom back then.
-That's not the part.
-The same one. Saved life for saved life. It sounds very ... pretentious or something, - Bill grinned, - and I have no right to say that we will succeed and we will cure her. But this is the best research center in the country, and one of the best in the world. If she can be helped, then only here, and believe me, I will make sure that every effort is made.

It is very expensive….
-Stop! Money is... believe me, the events of my life show that money is not something to hold on to. I paid too much for what I have. In addition, there are enough patients in this place who are able to pay their maintenance to the extent that they deserve. Well, - Bill hesitated a little.
- We have not disclosed all the left accounts of my uncle. I appropriated a certain part of the money for myself. And, you know? He did so many terrible things for them…. Nothing can be corrected, but I can send them to good deeds. Some of it went to founding a charitable foundation that will sponsor research into rare diseases like your sister's. My mom is in charge of all this, so don't worry about being scammed or anything. She has a talent for this.
"Thanks," the boy whispered, wiping his cheeks. His sister must not see him cry.
Nichel spent almost the whole day with his sister, and only when it got dark outside, and the girl fell asleep, did he leave the ward. He still had nowhere to go and no money for food. In the afternoon, he ate the cake that his sister gave him, saying with all responsibility that she was not allowed, and the cake would be lost. But for a man who had not eaten for two days, this was very little.
The guy buttoned up his tattered jacket, because it was raining outside, and goosebumps were already running on his skin, and he hadn’t even left the warm room yet.
"Goodbye," he said to the girl he had been arguing with in the morning.
Where are you going in this weather? I understand you have nowhere to go.
- I can't stay here.
The girl frowned slightly, as if considering something.
- There are rumors that you talked with CEO all this. This is true? - the girl blushed slightly, embarrassed, - With William Kauffman .. and you called him Bill?
-Something like that…
-Don't get me wrong, it's not like it's…. If you have nowhere to go, then… you could… stay with me for a while. No, no, no, this is not at all because you are familiar with our director .... Lord, - she covered her face with her hands, - what am I talking about?! It's just, I….. don't make a habit of inviting home every homeless person I meet.
- That's... probably right, - said the guy, not yet fully aware of what exactly the girl was trying to tell him.
- Yes, but I thought that if Mr. Kauffman .... He stood up for you, then you can be trusted .... And I….
-I don't understand what you're trying to say.
-Lord, I invite you to spend the night at my house, and not on the street, where it's raining!!! the girl exploded.
-ABOUT…. - only the guy could squeeze out of himself a little dumbfounded by such a proposal.
-ABOUT? Is that all you can say?! ABOUT? - the girl got up from her seat and took her purse, - I was counting on thanks, not on O, - she took off her robe, under which it turned out turquoise dress made of fine wool, which suited her extremely well.
Nihel was also surprised because this type of girl is usually characterized by excessive self-love. She was one of those to whom men do not approach to get acquainted on the street, knowing in advance that they will not be pulled.
"Won't your boyfriend kill me?" Nichel smiled. He is not a fool to refuse to spend the night in warmth and in company. beautiful girl who also called him.
-Ha! My last boyfriend was a complete idiot, but my cat may well be, - she approached the young man and held out her hand, - I, by the way, Marley.
- Nichel, - he answered the handshake.
-Do you like pizza? I'm dying to want pizza with sausage.
The guy followed the girl with his eyes to the hanger, where she took her coat, opened the door in front of her, and held an open umbrella over her head on the way to the car, and to himself he thought that he knew when he would now celebrate Christmas.

After a while, learn what to drive in the past. See LEARNING SCIENCE ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

Adverb, number of synonyms: 23 and there (18) in the future (27) at another time (3) ... Synonym dictionary

Time and Family Conway ... Wikipedia

LATER, an excuse with wine. After something has passed, after something, after (some time) has passed. An hour later we moved on. A year later, events unfolded. “After the summer, they don’t go to the forest for raspberries.” (last) Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

A concept that allows you to establish when an event occurred in relation to other events, i.e. determine how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years or centuries one of them happened earlier or later than the other. Measurement… … Geographic Encyclopedia

After the summer, yes to the forest for raspberries (inosk.) When the time has passed. Wed All on horseback and in pursuit; Too late: no trace! After the summer, they never go through the raspberries in the forest. M. N. Zagoskin. Ballad (Askold's grave). Wed Adieu, paniers, vendanges… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Adventure Time with Finn Jake ... Wikipedia

Studio album by Dima Bilan Release date ... Wikipedia

Studio album by Dima Bilan Release date June 21 ... Wikipedia


  • Time to embrace life in all its fullness, Karen Kingsbury. After twenty one years life together, in which there were ups and downs, John and Abby Reynolds are happy as if they were newlyweds. They believe they can solve old problems, answer...
  • Time for the Wild Orchid, Fosseler Nicole. 1840, Singapore. After her mother's death, little Georgina and her father move to a house by the sea with a beautiful orchid garden. One day, wandering in the garden, Georgina discovers in a hidden corner ...

You just started smiling in the morning and before bed. Suddenly…

You have been together for a while. Perhaps a few months, perhaps many years. You were infatuated with each other, or even loved. Then it happened that you broke up.

You were sad, angry, sobbing, lost a couple of kilograms. I consoled myself with my girlfriends, visited a psychologist, went in for sports, traveled the world, started a dozen new hobbies, realized that life was just beginning, began to look great, go to concerts, theaters, dates. I began to smile in the morning and before going to bed. Suddenly…

Rising from the ashes, he is born. As in the old joke: "All in white!".

Where he was? Why did you return? What does he want? How should I react to it? These and other questions instantly pop up in a woman's head, enter her into confusion.

A colleague of mine once gave a great example from the life of porcupines: “At night, when it gets cool, the porcupines roll together to keep warm. But as soon as they get close, they hurt each other with their long needles. Animals move away from pain. It gets cold again, they get close again, hurt each other, roll back ... So the night of porcupines passes.

When I heard this story, I immediately had an association with former men. There is no such "porcupine" that would never "roll" back. Why are they doing that?

Why they are coming back: three reasons

The first reason: evaluate the correctness of the choice

Men are pragmatic, and for the most part have an analytical mindset. Once having made a choice, a man with a certain frequency checks its relevance and correctness. Whether it's marriage to a woman, or a break with her. At the same time, it should be understood that a man remembers his ex at the moment when something went wrong with the real one. Therefore, by the frequency of appearances, you can track the dynamics of his personal life, without even asking him about it.

Second reason: check ownership

If the initiative of the break came from a man, and especially if there was no break as such, but he simply moved away, he still retains a sense of the right to possess this woman for a long time. And then the man appears to make sure that her thoughts and feelings still belong to him.

Your emotional reaction will help him make sure of this. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative. If a woman loves and waits, she belongs to him. If a woman hates or suffers, she belongs to him. This is why an ex so often triggers an emotional reaction in us. Cold-blooded, benevolent indifference is the worst thing a man can find. So he understands that the woman is no longer his.

Third reason: you started to live

A happy woman has a magnet - a man is drawn to her. Starting a relationship in a fulfilled state, a woman focuses on a man, forgets about life in all its diversity. And devastated.

Then for a long time, suffering for a man after a breakup, a woman does not really live, remaining empty. Naturally, he does not remember her. But when she begins to live, do what she loves, communicate, enjoy, go on dates, create career success, a man feels this energy. The energy of life, positive, success, pleasure, and immediately appears. A filled, charged woman again becomes interesting to him.

If an ex appears in your life, and you are not going to renew a relationship with him, then remember these three tips.

The appearance of former men in a woman's life can be safely taken as a compliment to her energy fullness.

Tip 2: Be friends if such relationships create value for you

I don't recommend making friends with ex-man within a year or two after the breakup. This is the period of loss. At this moment, friendship cannot be sincere, most likely, it is accompanied by suffering and hopes of one of the parties. But after the separation process has been completed, we can maintain friendly relations with former partners if it is beneficial and pleasant for both.

Being friends with an ex is all about getting/creating help and support, collaborating, cheer up, and much more that people who are sympathetic to each other in many ways can do.

Tip 3: Be amazed at the wisdom of the universe and thank it

It's amazing, but through the prism of time, people begin to understand that the breakup was not a drama, not a tragedy, but a gift. Almost no one, ten years after a divorce or separation, thinks about resuming a relationship. The more time passes, the more obvious is the grand design of the universe.

Good for you past, present and future female happiness, my dear!
