Congratulations on the Amethyst wedding (48 years old). Amethyst wedding (48 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms Congratulate your parents on 48 years of marriage

What kind of wedding happens at 48 years of marriage? Surprisingly, the name of this anniversary is the Amethyst Wedding. The amethyst stone has long been considered the "stone of non-drinkers" - a talisman for those who wish not to expose themselves to dependence on the "green serpent". But this has absolutely nothing to do with the 48th wedding anniversary. On the contrary, in the Ancient World, amethyst was considered a “stone of blessing”, bringing peace and good luck in business, peace of mind and getting rid of quarrels. Apparently, over time, there is a reassessment of not only values, but also the value of stones :)

In addition, the amethyst continues the lilac-purple melody family life, leading the countdown from the most valuable are amethysts from the Ural deposits. Crystals of this origin only have the peculiarity of turning on artificial lighting to acquire a special purple-purple color. All other varieties of amethyst do not drastically change their color when the nature of light changes, but the main range of shades is also lilac-violet.

How to celebrate and what to give for the 48th wedding anniversary

The celebration for 48 years of marriage is usually modest - ahead golden wedding, and recently there was another anniversary - Sapphire. Therefore, a table is laid for the closest friends and relatives, family albums and videos are taken out and accepted warm congratulations from those closest to you.

To decorate the table and the room, you need to use the colors of the stone - purple-lilac shades. These can be napkins, bouquets of flowers and ribbons for slings on cutlery, envelopes with wishes for guests, etc.

Gifts for an Amethyst wedding can be very different, depending on the tastes of the spouses and the financial capabilities of the guests. But if possible, it is preferable to give jewelry with amethyst. The stone is beautiful and choosing beads, rings, earrings, barrettes, tie clips or cufflinks is easy. Provided that you purchase a real amethyst in a reputable jewelry store. For one simple reason - a lot of artificially grown amethyst crystals are now being produced and you can buy a relatively cheap analogue at the price of a real crystal grown by Nature itself.

Otherwise, 48 years of marriage or an Amethyst wedding is a cozy family celebration two loving people surrounded by children, grandchildren (possibly great-grandchildren) and friends that Life has given. Celebrate for sure!

Save so as not to lose!

In this article:

Almost 50 years passed together. Two more years, and the newly minted "young" will celebrate the golden jubilee. In the meantime, it's time to celebrate 48 years of marriage. Such dates are usually not celebrated at all or are celebrated in a narrow family circle. However, sometimes you can arrange an exception to the rules and throw a feast with a mountain.

Often already adult children, and sometimes grandchildren with great-grandchildren, ask: “What kind of wedding is 48 years of marriage? Maybe she has a name? And they will be absolutely right. This wedding really has a name. It's called Amethyst. In nature, there is such a luxurious mineral-stone - amethyst. This 48th anniversary was named after him.

After all, this stone called amethyst symbolizes the strength of relationships, says that a lot has been passed together, and nothing can destroy such a close-knit union of two hearts.

As usual, the 48th anniversary of the amethyst wedding is celebrated

Usually limited family gatherings. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren gather, close friends of a married couple or their relatives or cousins or sisters. In any case, you will have to work hard and set the festive table. And as a table decoration, if possible, it would be nice to purchase a stone-talisman of this date - an amethyst. It can be put at the head of the festive table as a reminder of a deep and lasting relationship. After all, only a 49-year-old is ahead cedar wedding, and there is just around the corner and the golden 50th anniversary, which, of course, should be celebrated on a grand scale.

If you don’t really want to sit at the table at home on this holiday, why not arrange a field trip. Having gathered all the guests, you can all get out into nature together and have a small picnic there. It can be a trip to the forest, and to the lake, and to the noisy river - everywhere you can triple the holiday if all close people have gathered nearby.

If a couple are big fans of some kind of cuisine, you can also book a table in a restaurant to sit modestly, but with taste. Of course, for 48 years of marriage, you should not triple the feast, but Italian or Chinese cuisine, for sure, will appeal to the heroes of the occasion.

What is usually given for the 48th anniversary of an amethyst wedding

Gifts for such a date can be very different. The husband, if he observes and honors family traditions, should give his wife jewelry with an amethyst stone. Earrings, rings, amethyst necklace - everything will look great as such a generous gift for 48 years of marriage.

Children can donate appliances to the house. Not required to purchase expensive gifts, you can wait with them until the golden wedding. However, a new coffee maker or microwave oven will be to the taste of parents. A beautiful floor vase interspersed with amethyst will also delight parents. For the interior, all kinds of photo frames will be a good gift: parents can put photos of their children and grandchildren in them, because the presence of people close and dear to the heart at this age is so important.

Grandchildren can make gifts with their own hands. All kinds of crafts for the home, which can be useful on the farm, will certainly please grandparents. Whatever the gifts, for people who have been married for so many years, the most important gift will be the fact that all relatives will get together on this holiday, chat, remember the pleasant moments of their lives. But this is the most important thing when children and grandchildren remember their parents, love, respect and honor them.

Liana Raymanova

According to folk traditions, 48 years of marriage together is called an amethyst wedding anniversary. On this day, happy spouses remember their youth, look at old photographs and celebrate the holiday surrounded by relatives and friends. A couple who managed to carry love for each other through so many years deserves the respect of children and is a good example for modern society.

Amethyst Legend and Amethyst Anniversary Traditions

Spouses who celebrate an amethyst wedding can only be envied, because not every couple is capable of living for almost half a century in love and harmony. The age of the heroes of the occasion is on average 65-76 years old, and in the presence of good health, the husband and wife will celebrate many more anniversaries. Why is amethyst considered a symbol of celebration? The fact is that this mineral has incredible strength, which symbolizes strong marriage bonds. Amethyst is a gemstone characterized by transparency, purity and beauty of shades.

Amethyst - a symbol of the amethyst anniversary

The celebration of the amethyst anniversary does not imply the observance of special rites. In order to unusually celebrate the 48th wedding anniversary, you need to think over the design details and remember a few ancient customs:

  • In honor of the 48th anniversary, the husband gives his wife beads, consisting of 48 pebbles. A woman should wear jewelry and not take it off during the day. Such beads are not only a beautiful piece of jewelry, but also powerful amulet.
  • The design of the premises and the outfits of the spouses should contain symbolic elements of the amethyst anniversary. A man can wear a lilac tie, and a woman can choose a dress to match him.
  • On this day, it is customary to give each other jewelry with amethyst. A woman will like earrings and necklace and the groom will be happy to receive cufflinks.

An ancient legend is associated with amethyst about the love of the god of winemaking Dionysus for a beautiful nymph named Amethys. According to the myth, the girl rejected Dionysus, preferring him a simple shepherd. The immortal celestial decided to achieve the beauty at any cost, forgetting about decency, but Artemis protected the girl, turning her into a transparent stone. Heartbroken, Dionysus doused the statue of Amethys with magical wine, after which the stone turned purple and crumbled into small pieces.

How to celebrate an amethyst wedding

Usually a party for older parents organized by children and grandchildren of spouses.

An amethyst anniversary is not an anniversary, so the holiday is celebrated in a cozy home environment

All family members and close friends of the couple gather at a table filled with homemade dishes.

Before you start decorating a party, you need to decide on the venue for the celebration. Forty-eight years of married life may be celebrated in the following places:

  • House of spouses. Comfortable is ideal home furnishings. If the weather is warm outside, and the newlyweds live in a private house, you can move the celebration to the garden by installing an impromptu wedding arch there.
  • Restaurant order it makes sense when many guests are invited to the holiday, who will be cramped in a small room. The advantage of booking tables is that the restaurant staff for a fee will independently deal with the design of tables and the room as a whole.
  • The heroes of the occasion can go to the theater or cinema devoting the evening exclusively to each other.

The celebration dedicated to the celebration of the amethyst wedding, according to tradition, begins with eating the wedding cake, which the spouses try first. They gather at the hospitable table in order to remember past years and funny cases from family life. a good gift spouses will have an album containing photographs of the most significant events for them.

Amethyst wedding decor

The design of the room plays an important role in creating a festive atmosphere. The main requirement for the design of the premises for an amethyst wedding is the obligatory presence of purple in the table setting, room decoration and appearance spouses.

Fortunately, on the shelves of modern souvenir shops there is a wide range of holiday decorations. We offer the following ideas for decorating a satin anniversary:

  • Use Balloons. It is better to take helium balloons that can soar up to the ceiling, hanging serpentine ribbons down. Violet gamut will successfully dilute the white color.

Decoration of the room with balloons for the celebration of the amethyst anniversary

  • Pay due attention table setting. If you don't have a lavender tablecloth, put purple ones on the table. tissue napkins, which will look stylish on a light background. Fill the juice glasses with lilac tubes.
  • fill the room flowers. Fragrant lavender, delicate crocuses, tulips and hyacinths, collected in small bouquets, will decorate the room and fill the room with a pleasant aroma. It is enough to put two compact bouquets on the festive table.

Lilac flowers for decoration banquet hall for the amethyst anniversary

The theme of the anniversary can be reflected even in treats. The decoration of the feast will be pancakes covered with gentle cream lavender colors, and a custom-made cake will make a splash. It would also be appropriate to look at figurines of the bride and groom made of mastic. A confectioner can make caricature figures of elderly spouses that will appeal to people with good feeling humor.

What to give for an amethyst wedding

In anticipation of a significant date, the children of the spouses are puzzled over what gift to present to their parents on the 48th wedding anniversary. The same question worries close friends of the couple who want to pleasantly surprise the heroes of the occasion. Spouses celebrating an amethyst wedding will be delighted to receive one of the following gifts:

  • Jewelry. Particularly relevant with interspersed with amethyst.

  • Bed linen, tablecloth, a set of towels in lavender tones.
  • Book. In the bookstore you can buy special gift editions that will decorate the couple's home library. If you plan to give gifts to friends for 48 years of marriage separately, it is worth remembering the preferences of the husband and wife. A woman will surely like a cookbook, and a man will like a twisted detective story.
  • Interior items.
  • Pair of clothes. For example, a cape for the wife and a jumper for the husband.
  • A ticket to the theater, a concert or a ticket to warmer climes.
  • A set of dishes inlaid with amethyst.
  • One of the best themed gifts for an amethyst wedding is a violet flower in an original pot. It is better to choose a variety whose petals have a lilac color scheme.
  • Elderly spouses will appreciate a gift that is useful in the household. Modern Appliances makes life much easier. Present the couple with a slow cooker, multifunctional microwave or coffee machine.

Now you know what kind of wedding is called amethyst, and you can celebrate a significant event according to ancient traditions.

When choosing a gift for the newlyweds celebrating the wedding for the 48th time, you need to pay attention to the symbol of the celebration

It is not necessary to give expensive thing, decorated precious stones. It is enough to complement the present with a bouquet of delicate flowers, consisting of lilacs, hyacinths or tulips.

March 22, 2018, 00:32

As you know, time flies very quickly. It seemed as if only yesterday they had sworn vows of love to each other in sorrow and in joy. And after 48 years from the date of the wedding, they keep their word. Despite the fact that this date is not an anniversary, the anniversary of marriage is always an occasion to be happy for parents or friends. In addition, this date has its own traditions and special meaning, which you will learn about by reading this article.

What is the name of the anniversary?

Today, there is an extremely unpleasant trend - all more couples who entered into a legal union diverges even before the start of the first anniversary date. These are the realities of the modern world. Own individuality is a priority for most young people, rather than the desire to maintain the union and try to understand your partner. In this regard, forty-eight years, lived together, cause admiration and respect from others. However, it is worth noting that the wedding is still an important stage in people's lives, which has been taken seriously.

Anniversary on the occasion of the forty-eighth anniversary is called amethyst. Before proceeding to the story of traditions and options celebrations, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the symbols of this anniversary in more detail. Amethyst is one of the most expensive varieties of the mineral, consisting of silica crystals, more commonly known as quartz. Visually, amethyst is incredibly beautiful. Its shade is a combination of pink, bluish, red and lilac. It is very rare to meet this mineral in nature, in connection with which amethyst is considered to be a group of collection minerals.

From the ancient Greek language, the mineral is translated as “sober”, which, if you think about it, is very symbolic. Having lived together for forty-eight years, the union is distinguished by a sober and sensible outlook on life and relationships, which saves partners from situations associated with excessive passion, rage and even jealousy.

Most likely, the anniversary got its name due to the physical properties of this mineral stone. Amethyst is famous for its unique strength and hardness, like a couple who managed to save their relationship. For such a long period of time together, the partners are so integrated with each other that nothing seems to be able to influence this. In addition, amethyst is a symbol of fidelity, a clear conscience and honesty. Which again brings us to the idea of ​​the correct choice of the symbolism of this celebration.


Traditions are the main part of almost any holiday. Amethyst anniversary is no exception. Many of the traditions, by the way, have been observed for several centuries. However, more and more often one can notice that any tradition changes over time and is regularly supplemented with something. Much of what you will encounter as you study the traditions of the 48th wedding anniversary may seem strange or old-fashioned to you. It is worth noting that strict adherence to traditions is completely optional. Today they are part of history, and therefore serve as a source for inspiration and explanation of certain events. The Amethyst Anniversary is based on a long tradition.

  • The presence on the table of a large Easter cake. According to tradition, the menu of the table set for guests should resemble the table set for Easter. Best Option it is considered to treat guests with homemade Easter cake, made independently at home. However, you can always buy it in any of the supermarkets. The opportunity to bite off the cake first goes to the head of the family, that is, the spouse, then the wife bites off. And only after that, sweet and rich bread is cut into small pieces and served at the table.
  • It is no secret that most unions are concluded on the territory of the registry office. Not everyone dares to the wedding procedure, only a few. However, the belief that all unions are made in heaven still exists. Therefore, there is no better opportunity to go to church and light candles in honor of family well-being and long life.

As mentioned earlier, amethyst is a mineral stone that has an incredibly beautiful and unique hue. Its lilac-bluish palette on this day should be manifested in everything - in the attributes of the celebration, dishes, food, clothes, and, of course, in flowers.

  • The most symbolic flower of the forty-eight anniversary is the lilac branch. The shade of the flower and its fresh aroma will be a real decoration of your holiday. Flowers amaze with their beauty, and therefore they are placed in the middle of the laid table. It is believed that a branch of lilac, given to a wife on an amethyst anniversary, is able to “refresh” the relationship between spouses, “breathing” a new wave of love into them.
  • Rings are considered the main symbol of marriage, and amethyst is part of many jewelry. On this day, it is customary not only to re-swear to each other, but also to repeat the procedure for putting on rings. The rings may be the same, but it is advisable to purchase those that will contain the mineral amethyst. It is worth noting that it is recommended to pass on amethyst rings to your children or grandchildren. Since there is a belief that this mineral stone is able to preserve the energy of its previous owner and protect from the evil eye. Passing on by inheritance jewelry with amethyst, you seem to convey a piece of yourself and your energy. For the one to whom the ring was presented, the amethyst in this case will act as a talisman or talisman.

How to mark?

It is difficult to imagine what the “newlyweds” went through for a long forty-eight years of marriage. They shared sad and joyful events. Overcome difficult times together, hand in hand. Every day, working on relationships, they began to feel supported in close person. In such a relationship, there is no place for “I” – there is only “we”. When deciding to arrange a holiday, it is recommended to take as a basis the symbol of this date - amethyst. Of the most successful options for celebrating the amethyst anniversary, the following four can be noted:

  • visiting special places associated with memories or any bright events;
  • a modest celebration with relatives in a restaurant;
  • a trip to another city, country or resort;
  • house party in the circle of all family members at home.

If you attach great importance to symbolism when celebrating anniversaries, then in the case of an amethyst date, it is recommended to have a family dinner with only your children and grandchildren. Amethyst symbolizes the hearth, and therefore does not require excessive turmoil and a crowded atmosphere.

It is customary to celebrate this anniversary in a quiet, cozy and calm atmosphere. The highlight of the evening should be the memories told by the spouses about their youth and some bright events in their lives. As a rule, it is not customary to throw a chic dinner on an amethyst anniversary. The atmosphere is more like a tea party in a circle of close and dear people. Therefore, stock up on cake and delicious fragrant tea as a treat. Before dinner, it is advisable for spouses to spend time together, indulging in pleasant and warm memories.

Visit your favorite cafe, pamper yourself and your soul mate with a mug of hot drink. Walk through the beautiful memorable places your city. It would be a great idea to go to the theater for one of the performances or visit the cinema.

What to give?

Since in most cases the celebration is based on the symbolism of a specific date, it is recommended to present as a gift everything that, one way or another, will resemble the mineral - amethyst. Fortunately, there are many variations of amethyst anniversary gifts. Below are a few examples.

  • Spouses in honor of this joyful event can please each other with jewelry with an incredibly beautiful amethyst stone. It can be elegant earrings, a ring, a necklace, a bracelet, accessories for ties or shirts (for example, cufflinks).
  • Amethyst stone can be presented not only as a decoration, but also in its raw form. In other words, a mineral stone that has not been inlaid in jewelry can be presented as an amulet or a talisman that brings good luck.
  • Since amethyst has a characteristic lilac and bluish hue, things and objects aged in this color palette, will be a wonderful and symbolic gift. These can be household items, such as rugs, bedding, blankets, towels, tablecloths and other textiles.

  • the perfect gift for 48 years of the wedding will be art. For example, a picture in which the predominant colors is purple or lilac, will inevitably suggest the symbol of the forty-eight anniversary.
  • Since the amethyst stone is also a symbol of the hearth, any items that can make your living space cozy are ideal as a gift. Whether it will be furniture, a figurine, a vase or candles, it is not so important - everything that evokes associations with a warm home will be an appropriate gift.
  • An interesting present will be a pre-ordered photo print on a piece of clothing, a blanket or dishes. Well, a truly memorable gift will be a portrait of the “newlyweds” painted by the artist.

Instead of ordinary flowers, give your spouse a home plant in a purple palette, which will remind you of the symbol of celebration. Such a gift will not wither after a couple of days, but will continue to delight for several years. Pay attention to such house plants as abutilon, still found under the name - indoor maple, and azalea, sometimes called rhododendron.

  • If one of the partners prefers to while away the evening with a nice book in hand, be sure to take a closer look at some collectible item. It is also recommended to pay attention to the e-book, in which you can put incredibly a large number of all kinds of books in electronic format. It is worth noting that this device does not bring any harm to the eyes and saves space in the bag.
  • Forty-eight years of the anniversary implies that the spouses are no longer young, which means that gifts that help restore or improve their health will come in handy as they once did. It can be a device that helps measure blood pressure, pulse or blood sugar. useful gift there will be orthopedic insoles, an ultrasonic massager and a mattress.
  • An expensive gift, but extremely useful will be household and kitchen appliances, again made in the color palette of amethyst. If your budget allows for expensive purchases, then take a closer look at a washing machine or dishwasher. This will greatly facilitate the household life of the spouses.

How best to celebrate an amethyst wedding and what to buy for a married couple as a gift, see the video below.

Greetings, my dear friends! We continue to talk with you about gifts. But not simple presents, but gifts for the wedding day. Today I will share with you the secrets of what to give for the 48th wedding anniversary.

Since ancient times, 48 ​​years of marriage has been called an amethyst wedding. This day has its own characteristics and traditions. And the name of the wedding will help us with the choice of presents.

Amethyst is a variety of one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, quartz. "Quartz", translated from German, means "solid".

The color of this stone can be from pink, pale lilac to deep purple. Often this mineral is used to decorate churches and icons. It is believed that the owners of such a stone are spiritual, humble people, tuned in to good deeds.

Our spouses, having lived in happy marriage 48 years old, created a family as solid as quartz. And since amethyst is able to transform negative energy into positive energy, our spouses are also able to smooth out sharp corners, creating only a positive atmosphere in their home. No wonder they went through other weddings.

What to give your wife on a happy day

You should always please your loved ones. And even more so on the day of the 48th anniversary of marriage.

Jewelry with amethyst. Think banality - by no means. For a long time, "newlyweds" who managed to live up to such an anniversary exchanged amethyst jewelry.

Today, there are many products on the jewelry market using this beautiful stone. You can choose from gold or silver jewelry. It all depends on the taste of your wife and your capabilities. Fancy shapes of earrings, rings, pendants, brooches and all kinds of necklaces will not leave your beautiful wife indifferent.

Stylish accessory. A new handbag or clutch, purse or cosmetic bag, case for mobile phone or a case for glasses, a sash or strap - this is something that is never superfluous for a woman. Just remember that on this holiday, you must choose the color of such an accessory in accordance with the name of the wedding.

Wardrobe novelty. A woman, regardless of social status, age or marital status, is a fashionista. A lavender scarf or shawl, a magenta dress, a plum jacket, a heliotrope blouse and more. The palette of purple is very large, and your imagination is certainly limitless!

What to give your husband on his wedding anniversary

As mentioned above, the spouses should exchange products from this mineral on the day of the amethyst wedding. Your husband knows this and, just like you, will look forward to the gift.

Jewel. For men, it is better to choose products from amethyst with a deep, rich purple color. An excellent gift would be a ring, cufflinks, a hexagonal pendant, a rubber pendant.

Amethyst has the ability to relieve stress, headache, restore endocrine and nervous system. So with such a gift you will not only please your husband, but also be able, if necessary, to improve his health.

office. A notebook, a business card holder, a diary, a stylish pen, a cover for documents in a purple tone, will become an actual present for your spouse on this day.

What to give parents on the day of the amethyst wedding

  1. Violet. On this day, give your parents a flower that brings peace and harmony to the family, wealth and prosperity. There are violets different colors- white, pink, blue, yellow, etc. A purple flower will be a symbolic present on this day, but you can choose any color to your taste or the taste of your parents. The main thing from the heart!
  2. Leisure kits. Choose bed linen, pillows, blankets, soft, pastel-colored blankets made from natural materials. A calm and comfortable sleep of relatives is a guarantee of their well-being.
  3. Appliances. On this day, you can give something that will make life easier for your parents. Mixer, meat grinder, vegetable cutter, blender, juicer, air purifier, etc.

A unique amethyst deposit is Cape Ship on the Kola Peninsula. Therefore, grandchildren can please almost anniversaries with their drawings of boats and homemade postcards. And poems and songs donated for beloved grandparents will become the best gifts At this holiday))

What to give friends on their wedding anniversary

On the day of the 48th wedding anniversary of friends, you can present any gift that will cause them positive emotions.

But in order to keep the traditions of this day, you will need to add a small touch of purple. It can be a bow, a festive ribbon on a gift box, or wrapping paper.

It is not necessary to give large gifts on this day. But small, but useful little things for the house will surely please the spouses. Breakfast table, anti-stress headrest, glasses holder, funny pockets for the remote control, etc.

Congratulations to spouses on the day of the anniversary

According to tradition, on the day of marriage, it is customary for a married couple to serve a wedding loaf.

If you have the skills of baking a loaf, take on this business. If not, order from professionals. Give a cake with salt! Bread at all times was identified with wealth, salt - protection from any evil spirits. Thus, presenting a gift with the words “Bread and salt to your home!”, You wish the couple happiness, prosperity and spiritual purity.

Spouses should break off pieces from the loaf without haste, salt and feed each other with them. For 48 years of marriage, the spouses, as they say, ate more than one pood of salt, but were able to save the family and that wonderful feeling, whose name is Love

Devote a gala evening to the secrets of family longevity and pleasant memories of the spouses about what kind of wedding they had 48 years ago.

I wish the “young” couple (and you, I think, too) to live until the golden wedding. But this anniversary will come in two years.”

Subscribe to my blog and you will always be aware of what to give for the holiday to a married couple and not only. Invite your friends to join us on in social networks. Leave your comments and wishes. And that's all I have, see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva
