Romantic phrases for men. What to write to a guy to make him happy

No wonder wise women constantly think about what to write to the guy they like. And what to strike an unfamiliar man in order to arouse his interest in his person? How to hint to a loved one about your feelings?

There are many questions, but there are many options to say “I miss you”: short messages, cute poems, beautiful words. The main thing is to speak sincerely and from the heart.

Some girls find it difficult to pronounce or write nice words to a loved one. Reasons for this behavior could be:

  • difficult memories of childhood;
  • strict parenting practices;
  • experiences of failed relationships.

All this is fraught with the appearance of psychological complexes, which already require qualified assistance from specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to fight your unwillingness to speak beautiful words to your loved one. You will not only be liberated, but also please your soulmate.

Another common misconception concerns the notorious emotional coldness of the stronger sex. It is believed that a real man must be serious, not be distracted by various "nonsense" and not express his feelings in public.

However, often behind the seeming indifference lies an open guy who is extremely pleased when the chosen one says beautiful words to him.

Do not turn your messages into flattering praises. Your loved one will not like it if you start writing about his non-existent virtues.

Therefore, you can and should speak sincerely, telling a man about why you fell in love with him and continue to love him.

You can say nice words to both your loved one and the guy with whom you only recently started a warm correspondence. Moreover, communication on the Internet is more open, because you can express your most secret feelings.

It is unlikely that you will call your boyfriend a tiger cub in front of everyone, but in a message it is very easy to do this. So, what words does he expect from you, the best man in the world?

Option number 1. Compliment to external data

Yes, we often repeat that we value guys not for beauty, but for strength and reliability, but every man will be pleased if the chosen one considers him attractive. You can praise his appearance as a whole, but it’s better to admire some separate “detail” - long eyelashes, dimples on the cheeks or beautiful fingers.

Use the words and phrases from the following list:

  • "The dimples on your cheeks suit you";
  • "You have strong hands";
  • “You look like a pianist - the same long and beautiful fingers”;
  • "A new hairstyle suits you";
  • "You are very strong";
  • "You have such a muscular figure";
  • "What sweet lips you have ...".

Option number 2. A few words about talents

Every young person has some gift or talent. And your boyfriend is no exception.

Perhaps he sings beautifully, knows how to draw, drives a car superbly, or cooks scrambled eggs best of all. Demonstrate to your loved one that his abilities delight you. And even if he heard about it a thousand times from strangers, you just need to say that you are proud of him.

So, what phrases about talents can be written in SMS to a man:

  • "You hit me with this song";
  • “You have done the impossible! The roast was great”;
  • "Your poetry makes me cry."

Option number 3. Words of gratitude

It is always necessary to say “thank you” to your beloved, and it does not matter at all whether he gave you a huge bouquet of flowers or brought you to work.

There is a certain pattern: the more often a man is praised, the more he tries.

Hearing rave reviews about his signature dish, the guy will certainly want to repeat his culinary masterpiece. And all for a few nice words from the woman you love.

The same applies to the sexual side of relationships. For a great night spent, the man also needs to be thanked.

What to text a guy? We offer the following options:

  • “Darling, it was great! Thank you for a wonderful night. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me";
  • “Thank you for the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. You are very, very cute”;
  • “I miss your morning coffee. Thank you for a hot and delicious start to the day."

Option number 4. A few words about masculinity

You will never match your loved one in strength, so it is better to appear weak and defenseless than to demonstrate your independence. Emphasize his masculinity, courage and nobility. Men like messages with a hint of their exclusivity and indispensability.

Send the following nice sms to your loved one:

  • "I'm not afraid of anything with you";
  • “Next to you, I feel absolutely calm”;
  • "You are a real man".

Option number 5. "Amenities" for the night

Messages at night should take into account the degree of your relationship. If you've only dated a guy a couple of times, not the most best solution will write to him: “Lonely night… How I would like to be near you now…” Why? There is a high probability that the young man will take this as a signal for a certain relationship.

Of course, if you want to turn him on and hint at a hotter meeting, this phrase is perfect.

If you are in a more serious relationship, but are now far away, do not forget to write nice guy at night and tell how you need him: "I miss you terribly and dream of falling asleep on your shoulder."

You can also send some unobtrusive cool poems that will serve as a kind of lullaby.

Option number 6. Cool poems

Do you want the young man to smile? Try texting the guy you like some joke.

Cool poems, an anecdote, a compliment with a hint - all this will help reduce the distance between you, provide good mood loved one and show your ability to communicate in a positive way.

A few important rules

If you want your registration to last as long as possible and end with a meeting and a serious relationship, follow a few simple, but at the same time effective rules.

  1. Write smartly. This is an extremely important condition in communication through instant messengers, social networks and SMS. Perhaps a young man will not say directly that your literacy is lame, but he may decide that you are not suitable for him. However, you should not point out spelling errors to the guy, he will not appreciate such frankness.
  2. Don't bother the man you love. Messages like "Where have you gone?" or "Don't you like me?" can only destroy the relationship. Firstly, a young man can be really busy, and your SMS will only infuriate him. Secondly, such obsession does not honor a decent girl.
  3. Write first if you like the guy. Some girls categorically do not want to write to the first man who hooked her in a photo in social network. But how will he know that you like him? Check out his page common interests and write first, and if he does not answer you, well, at least you will not suffer any more.
  4. Do not call an unfamiliar man by diminutive nicknames. Words like "bunny", "baby", "sun" are only suitable for communicating with a loved one. Agree that it is somewhat unexpected to receive such a phrase in the first SMS: “Hi, baby, I really like you.” It is better to say a few nice words about his hobbies.
  5. Be sincere. What to write to a guy so that he makes sure of your feelings? It doesn't really matter if it's poetry, gratitude in your own words, beautiful phrases from the Internet. The main thing is sincerity and moderation. Rude flattery is discarded immediately; praise for non-existent talents should not be praised either. Neutral options: “I am very glad that you are in my life”, “Thanks to you, I understood what love is”, “I miss you madly”.

A man is a rather romantic creature, although he wants to seem tough and even indifferent to us. Believe me, your loved one wants to hear from you words of approval, gratitude and

If the offense does not go away, you can try to hurt the person, and maybe return it.

It is very difficult to express everything that has boiled up in a personal meeting. Even on the phone, people often forget words, and then scroll through this moment millions of times in their heads and mentally correct it. It is much easier to pour out your feelings on paper, although it would be more accurate to say - in a message.

Is it worth writing?

We need to think carefully about whether we should even try to return the person who chose to break off the romantic relationship? Perhaps it is better to find a new one who will really appreciate the girl and accept her for who she is? However, sometimes the “accurate” phrase on the fence may interest the ex-chosen one and return the spark to the relationship.

On the verge of a break, there is a chance to save everything. Let's watch the video!

The undeniable fact is that women are much more emotional than men. Guys give meaning to actions, not words. You should not lament and put pressure on pity: this is unlikely to lead to the desired effect. The text of the intended messages should depend on what result needs to be achieved - to return the young man, or to make him really hurt.

Another appeared

If people have been together for a long time, lived together or spent every day with each other, then they know for sure about all the weaknesses of each other. you can thank for the time spent together, but also mention that support is not required, someone has already been found who will cope with this task. You can regard such a message as you like, because you can get consolation from a friend, mother, sister ... A violent fantasy will definitely not let a jealous ex sleep peacefully at night. He may even begin to think about what he has lost.

We continue the conversation

Someone prefers to respond with a message to a question that was often raised during violent quarrels. This theme exists for every couple. The answer may be a little reproachful, mysterious, or a little disappointing. Such a text will make a person feel guilty. And it is possible that the guy will try to somehow make amends for her. Is it necessary to take that much risk? Each word must be carefully thought out so that there are no unnecessary thoughts that can ruin everything irrevocably.


If the guy is not alien to romance, you should come up with a message with a little sad overtones. Rhetorical questions are fine too. Fortunately, there are a lot of them in modern pop songs: any line can be torn out and beaten if the imagination is tight. Most importantly, no accusations. The whole point is to evoke nostalgia. The person will remember good times and begin to regret the past.

After all, karma always returns debts, you can pay in full for rash acts, if, of course, you believe in fatalism. Otherwise, only conscience will be the judge. It is much easier to wish happiness, to thank for all the good things and… to let go.

Ask questions about his hobbies. Think of things you know he's interested in and steer the conversation in that direction. This way, he will have a chance to show you who he really is, and this will allow you to build communication on a deeper level. Remember to keep the tone of the conversation light and playful so you don't feel too serious.

  • If, for example, you know that he likes sports, you can ask him what are his favorite teams, what are their successes this year. Ask how long and why he likes these teams so much.
  • You can start asking him about pets, favorite TV shows, about lessons and activities, about where he happened to be.
  • Show where you agree by saying something like: "Yes, I feel the same!" When you disagree, playfully tease him, for example, you can say: "I think you are wrong here, but I forgive you for that;)"
  • To keep a guy on his toes, tease him a little. A lot of guys love the idea of ​​a "challenge," so teasing will make him want your approval even more. Be witty and funny to get the guy interested and get him excited about what you'll say next.

    • For example, if he is going to play basketball with his friends, you can say something like: "Try to hit the basket this time! :P"
    • If you are sitting next to each other at lunch, you can write to him a little later: "I saw that today you brought a cooked lunch with you! This time it looked edible..;)"
    • Make fun of him only in minor things. Don't tease him about his family, appearance, political views, or other personal topics, especially if you're just getting to know each other.
  • Talk about what you do in your free time. You want to show that you are interested in his life, but do not focus only on him! Mention yourself as well to interest him and get him to ask you questions.

    • Show the guy that you have your own life - this will make you even more interesting and mysterious in his eyes.
    • For example, if a guy is telling you about a pet, you could say, "I've never had a dog, and I feel like I'm a 100% cat person... Though maybe I could change my mind ;)"
  • Don't get carried away with emoticons and exclamation marks. Sending a guy too many emojis and exclamation marks makes you seem too expressive and maybe even aggressive. It's okay to insert different emoji into messages from time to time, but try not to send more than one emoji and exclamation mark in the same message.

    • Once you understand what style this guy is used to communicating in, you can send him a little more emoji and behave more emotionally. But at the beginning of communication, behave with restraint.
    • If you feel like you're overdoing it a little, you probably are. Even if you're not sure about it, it's best to be a little calmer so you don't overdo it.
    • You can also occasionally send the guy funny pictures or Gifs, but again, don't overdo it! These cute additions are great fun, but in small amounts!
  • Do not analyze his short messages for too long. Even if you get a very restrained response like "ok" - don't panic! There can be many reasons why a guy couldn't send you a longer message (or couldn't reply at all), so stay calm! Put your phone away for a while and do something else to distract yourself.

    • Some guys take longer to respond to messages, so try to control your emotions and expectations until you realize how quickly he is used to responding to messages.
    • When he finally answers you, don't ask him why he didn't answer for so long or you'll look like you need a relationship. Show him that you are not embarrassed, that you are relaxed and feel great; continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.
    • Guys are attracted to confident girls, so the best thing you can do is be yourself!
    • Remember, no matter how perfect the conversation is, nothing will work out between you if you are different.
  • Adalind Koss

    Today's communication is becoming easier and more natural than before. This makes the problem of starting and maintaining communication easier. Today, one does not have to wait weeks or months for a response to a letter. Communication is accelerated, as well as the decision-making process in relationships. In other words, now in just a couple of minutes there is a chance to get a response from an interesting person, as well as certain actions. For this reason, be bold, which one you like first. Today, this does not surprise anyone, it is not considered reprehensible, since today's girls are in most cases bolder.

    Simple ways to get a guy interested

    So let's consider simple ways to interest a representative of the opposite sex:

    most easy option- Tell him that you want to get to know him. All representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous, so even if a guy has already found that one, he will definitely answer a message with a proposal for an acquaintance from a beautiful lady. At first it will be, but further communication is completely dependent on you;

    if you mean a specifically unfamiliar man (with whom you want to get acquainted), then the main path is cunning. It is she who is not able to unravel even the most intelligent representatives of the stronger sex. Ask if he has a sister who went to some school. Or say that he looks too much like the brother of a friend you can't find. A man will certainly fall for such a reception. Of course, he will say that you were mistaken, but he has no sister. But this is not important, the main thing is that the conversation has begun. Then write about your own inattention, and also repent of a stupid mistake. Further correspondence will go by itself;

    there is another effective method. Of course, it is not suitable for Vkontakte, but if you know the man's email address, then use this chance. Propose a meeting, specify the time and place. The man will definitely be shocked. When he passes the stupor from such a message, he will certainly answer. The next step is to act according to the situation. If he asks who wrote it, answer. If he says that this is unknown to him, say that he is pretending. After being surprised, he will understand that you mixed up the address, and will report this fact. But here again it is important to imagine the "unfortunate" girl who mixed up the address.

    The girls are sure that the phrase “Hello. How are you?" unoriginal and banal that the current guys do not peck at this. But it's not right. This is about the same if you write that you want to make an acquaintance. And all men, as already mentioned, are polygamous, and a simple “Hello” is not ignored. Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps to amuse himself. They are all selfish.

    Such simple ways will help to get acquainted with a guy in correspondence. Then everything depends on you. But remember that in no situation is it worth remembering tact, not becoming intrusive. Don't make stupid spelling mistakes. While guys aren't usually the epitome of literacy, it's not worth the risk.

    What to write to a man in SMS so that he answers

    It is also important to know what to write to a man in SMS in order to encourage him to respond. But it is worth noting right away that it is too difficult to interest a stranger with one message. Many girls want to know the answer to just such a question. But there is only one way to get a man to respond to the first message. And this method is not the most decent, so we do not take it into account.

    So, you got your lover's number (it doesn't matter how you got it). How to properly use this opportunity? Calling, of course, is scary. But this is not surprising, because you need to think about what to write in the message in order to encourage him to respond. The best option- Wrong number. It’s easier to do this with a phone, because just one wrong number - and the SMS will come just in time to the right addressee. There are many ways to adjust the dialogue:

    propose a meeting, ask if he is going to a lecture on higher mathematics, whether he will share notes from the lecture, whether he will pick you up before work, etc. Turn on your fantasy, just ahead of time come up with a conversation plan, your own and his answers;
    inform that the number was given to you by a friend that you want to chat with him. Only immediately, after his answer, take the conversation in a different direction, so that suddenly he is not interested in that “girlfriend”, and not your conversation;

    another option is to send a smiley. This is an efficient and uncomplicated way. If a man is not a bore, he will certainly send a smiley in response. And you send him a new one, in accordance with what he answered. After a couple of such messages, he himself will ask something.

    But limit yourself to neutral faces, do not send a variety of kisses or hugs. For initial communication, ordinary emoticons with a smile will suffice.

    Acquaintance Vkontakte. What to text a guy

    In the modern world, social networks are gaining great popularity. Getting to know Vkontakte makes you think about what to write to a guy in order to become interesting to him, to get an answer. Write the usual "Hi". He will most likely answer the same, because he will become curious about what you will do next.

    Keep in mind that before writing to a stranger for the first time, it is important to clean up your own page. Delete all photos with ex-boyfriends, all unsuccessful shots and pretty girls. A potential boyfriend will first go to examine your personal information on the page in detail.

    Another point, by all means, the avatar should have your photo, and not a picture from the Web. The man's interest immediately disappears. They certainly love the mystery, but not to that extent. He will wonder why you hide your face. And here there will be doubts about your attractiveness.

    If you send a picture with meaning to a man on the Vkontakte wall, then most likely he will ask what you meant, ask you to help solve it. Do not send too original or intricate pictures, otherwise, the guy will be scared. Men do not like "misunderstandings", which is why they consider the female gender to be inhabitants of another planet. What is a subtle and understandable hint for women, for a man is a complex rebus.

    What to text a guy after a fight

    Then the question arises of what to write to a guy after a quarrel in order to make peace and get an answer. So let's look at some options:

    write him nice words. For smoothing, it is worth writing ordinary messages like: “I think about you all the time”, “I miss you very much”, “Let's meet”. But this will not help if the man is offended by you strongly;
    option with the message "Let's meet. We need to talk” is suitable if it is difficult to forget the problem that has arisen. In other words, when passions have passed, but the problem needs to be clarified;
    if you are not concentrating on the question of who is to blame and who is right, then write like this: “Stupid situation. You are very dear to me. Can we reconcile?" or “I miss you so much. Let's meet and take a walk." These options are the best. They will show that it is important for you to maintain a relationship with a man, and not to sort it out.

    If you write to a man after a quarrel, then both of you must be in a sober mind. Do not conduct such conversations on the negative, with the heat of emotions. It will be possible to make peace only when you finally calm down, therefore it is worth having patience.

    What to write to an ex boyfriend to get an answer

    Question what to write ex boyfriend, quite complex. Here the main problem is to understand whether he should write at all. First of all, it is worth remembering your breakup, who took the initiative, why it happened. Maybe you should not write anything to him at all, because a broken vase cannot be glued together. But if you decide to take this step, stepping over your own principles and pride, then listen to these tips:

    Don't text right after a breakup. Let him think. Even if you want to return it again, then this is done unobtrusively and carefully. It’s better to write the usual after a few weeks/months: “Hi. What's up? We haven't corresponded for a long time." By this you will demonstrate that you do not remember grievances (even if the situation is exactly the opposite), you will not beg him to return;
    in addition, if in the past you are both, and the guy is not the worst person, then he will certainly answer you. After that, write that everything is fine with you, tell the news about mutual acquaintances. In other words, defuse the situation from the very beginning. It turns out that you will not go on the offensive right away.

    If you feel that a man only unsubscribes with on-duty offers, is not interested in you, does not ask about anything, then there is no place for you in his fate, another one has taken him. Do not threaten him or be intrusive, as do too "smart" girls. This is not the way. In fact, he is not the last guy on the planet, if you broke up, then it was necessary. Lucky someone else. Stay proud, appreciate yourself, your own dignity.

    Typical female mistakes. What not to write

    There are typical mistakes of women in correspondence with men:


    If he is not interested in your message, do not be annoying, do not write the same thing 150 times, do not beat the guy. Behave like a woman, pretend that it doesn't matter to you at all. A man will not be interested if you pursue him. The next letter should be written only if he answers. Don't send a bunch of emails at once.

    Messages like: "Why aren't you answering?", "Where are you??", "Why are you missing again?" forget at all. Men are not interested in them.


    Write messages correctly. A person cannot see you, he will appreciate your writing style, accuracy.


    You should not immediately call a man gentle words like “Kolenka”, “bunny”, “sun”. This creates the wrong impression right away. Also, don't come up with joking nicknames. What seems funny and cute to you can easily offend a person.

    Do not lisp, do not write snotty messages to him. You are not his mother, such excessive care repels guys. Take an interest in his affairs without excessive aspiration, but with interest.

    Do not create false opinions about yourself from the first message, they will disappear at the first meeting. Stay sincere. This suitable choice in every situation.

    Focus on one's own person.

    Do not talk only about yourself and do not write long messages. In each letter, ask him a few questions, and also comment on the answers. Men need a sincere interest in them. Constant “But I ...” will not lead to constructive and fruitful communication.

    There are many options to interest a guy and start communication. The main thing is to properly take advantage of the chance and not goof off. All in your hands. Follow simple tips, and you will certainly meet the man you like, become interesting to him.

    March 3, 2014, 10:45 am

    Did you like some guy? Try to find him on Vkontakte or other social networks or find a mobile number. Your ideal is in front of your eyes, and what to write to him so that he does not ignore the message and, moreover, does not blacklist it? We tried to consider this issue in as much detail as possible, and gave all the necessary answers. You will find out with what content you can send a message to a man you like, taking into account different nuances. Our advice will help you get news from him. We will also tell you what absolutely should not be sent and what can put an end to the relationship.

    • Use a variety of emojis to make your message casual, but don't use them every time and everywhere. A young man may think that you are not serious.
    • Be sure to write without errors: check punctuation, follow the style of presentation, grammar. This will be appreciated even by a not very literate person.
    • Do not rush to reply to the message, wait 1-3 minutes. That way he won't think you're very interested in him.
    • Do not send long messages, it is better to divide them into 1-2 and send them one by one.
    • When it comes to SMS, it will be very intriguing to send 1-3 messages in a row. Here is an example: in the first one you can say hello, in the second, without waiting for an answer, say that you are his secret admirer, and in the third - invite him on a date.
    • Your SMS or message should be slightly shorter than it.

    Stick to all these rules and communication will go like clockwork.

    What to send to a young man: examples

    If you are going to correspond with a guy, you need to proceed from the situation: is he familiar, does he like you, are you in a good relationship or have you quarreled.

    First of all, look at the user's page for information about his interests and hobbies. After reviewing your favorite music, movies, and communities, write to him, for example, "I also like this book, I wonder what you think about the ending."

    The winning move is to share music, photos, funny posts and videos. Appreciation of posts and photos is welcome.

    Phrase options for a stranger

    You can send an SMS to a stranger, which will indicate the place and time of the meeting. If he answers, he will ask who is writing to him, it is enough to refer to an error when dialing the number and smoothly continue the conversation.

    The second option for starting correspondence in VK is a regular emoticon (no kisses or hugs). If the guy answers, then he is ready for new acquaintances and communication.

    Third example: "Hello! My friend said that she has a handsome guy who would like to chat.” In this case, you need to immediately change the topic of conversation so that the guy does not start asking what kind of girlfriend this is. Such a message can be sent both on Vkontakte and on mobile.

    You can use the technique with a compliment: “I want to prove that nice guys are interesting interlocutors. Can you help? :)

    Nobody canceled the classic: “Hi! How are you?". Simple, but not always effective.

    Would you like to receive detailed step by step instructions how to meet men online We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the network, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real plane.

    The book is free. To download, click here on this link, leave your e-mail and an email will be sent to the mail with a link to the pdf-file.

    Looking for words for someone we don't like

    In this case, you need to act delicately. One of the most effective ways is to find out what his hobbies are and write a message with an offer to go together to an exhibition of his favorite artist, a football game of his favorite team, a horror movie night, a cool party. You can say, for example, that you already have tickets, and a friend (brother, sister) has last moment unable to go.

    Another example is to ask for help with something, for example, if the guy is a video game fan: “Hi! They gave me (name of the game), but I just can’t get past level 8: (Are you a cool gamer? Help me out!

    Well, if there is an opportunity to find out what exactly the guy does not like. If he considers the girl too rude, then he should write in a soft, feminine manner. If the MCH is sure that the girl is boring, you should choose a more playful manner of communication, joke more often.

    Before you radically change your character, habits, lifestyle and behavior, it is advisable to think carefully about whether it is worth it.

    If in a quarrel with him

    A guy who likes, but you are in a quarrel with him, it is advisable to write on some holiday. Congratulations, combined with the offer to “live together and consolidate reconciliation in a cafe over a cup of coffee (at the cinema, walking the dogs, etc.)” in most cases guarantees success.

    If there is no desire to wait for the next major holiday, it is better to use the tactics of simplicity and tenderness. In a calm form, without sarcasm and irony, you can write: “Hi! I miss you. Let's make up?)". Despite the simplicity of the phrase, it is one of the most effective.

    Men are quite straightforward creatures, in most cases they do not understand hints, and if they are offended, they do not perceive high-flown speeches and ornate verbal turns.

    What if a man has a girlfriend

    Before writing to a guy who you like, but he is busy, it is advisable to think carefully about whether this is necessary. Attempts to upset other people's relationships can end in failure. As a result - wasted time and damaged nerves of several people at once.

    It is desirable to start communication with a not free young man with a standard phrase: “Hello! How are you?" or from a smiley. If the guy answers, you can ask what he is interested in.

    If the correspondence continues and communication will increase, you need to ask if the guy is free and draw conclusions based on his answer. Some men may lie that they are completely free, others may begin to sway like a marquis boat, telling stories about freedom in a relationship. But there are those who speak the truth.

    If the guy who has serious relationship with another girl, agrees to continue communication and meet, it is advisable to think about whether you need such a windy specimen.

    Tips on how to charm the interlocutor will help you. You will be able to tidy up your page on the social network, learn how to behave and what to write.

    After all the preparations, check out the list of questions that you can. They will help you get to know him better.

    For everything to work out, it is important to competently start a correspondence in VK or another social network. Here .

    Communication has been going on for so long that there are not enough topics for conversation? Here's another .

    And this. You will need them if there is a desire to seduce and fall in love with a guy.

    What absolutely should not be written

    Psychologists advise to refrain from messaging with:

    • complaints;
    • aggression;
    • vulgarity;
    • manifestation of jealousy;
    • denial of sympathy.

    It is advisable to act on the principle - one message from you, one - from him. If a person reads a message, but does not respond for a long time, do not bombard him with questions. If he wants to continue communication, the girl can put herself in an awkward position.

    No need to write:

    • I miss;
    • how I miss you;
    • you are so beautiful;
    • when will we meet?;
    • where did you disappear to?;
    • I want to see you;
    • I can't stop thinking about you for a day;
    • are you bored?;
    • Do you miss me too?
    • I constantly think about you;
    • I'm going crazy at the thought that I won't see you again;
    • how I would like to hug you now;
    • I kiss you and hug you tightly;
    • please don't forget about me.

    Vulgarity repels most guys, and if it attracts some of them, then with such a girl they will not risk starting a serious relationship. Therefore, obscene jokes and eloquent allusions must be excluded. Do not write:

    • I miss warmth
    • I terribly want you to touch me;
    • I dream of hugging you tightly, tightly;
    • how I want you to kiss me now;
    • I melt at the mere thought of you, etc.

    Men do not like manifestations of jealousy even from those girls with whom they have known for a long time. The need to report on every step to an unfamiliar person will definitely not contribute to rapprochement. Refuse messages with detailed questions about where, with whom and why he met. Let your communication be easy and relaxed.

    To say that the guy is absolutely indifferent to you is wrong. This may cause him to stop thinking about a romantic relationship with you. At the same time, do not bombard MCH messages with declarations of love. Such speeches at the correspondence stage will scare most guys away. Do not write:

    • I know that fate brought us together;
    • it had to happen;
    • we are together for a reason;
    • I fall in love with you every day more and more;
    • you are the best.

    The golden mean is to periodically unobtrusively demonstrate your sympathy in the process of communication, but not write directly about the desire to grow old together. Here are examples: you know how to make compliments, it's nice to know that you understand me, you talk interestingly, it's somehow easy for me to communicate with you, there is no discomfort.

    This is how a typical girl looks like, wanting to write to a guy she likes, the video is very funny:

    Our simple phrases and rules of correspondence will help you find a common language with anyone! You just need to know who to send them to.
