Old New Year: the history of the holiday. What is the old New Year and why is it celebrated? What numbers mark the old new year

Old New Year- a holiday that is incomprehensible to foreigners. And not every modern Russian is able to explain how this celebration actually differs from the traditional one celebrated on the first day of January. Despite the fact that the difference between the holidays is only in the divergence of dates, we continue to celebrate the Old New Year, which gives a lot of pleasant emotions. Now it is perceived as a continuation of the usual, when everyone can afford to continue celebrating their favorite holiday on the night of January 14th.

history of the holiday

Previously, the New Year in Rus' was celebrated on March 22, which had a direct connection with agriculture. When they adopted Christianity, the Byzantine calendar began to gradually crowd out the old one, and the holiday moved to the first day of September. Peter I decided to eliminate the confusion by moving the celebration to January 1, according to the old style. In this form, it existed until the Bolsheviks came to power, who decided to change the system of chronology. In 1918, the Soviet government decided to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. New Year according to the old style moved to January 14, which led to the emergence of a new holiday.

One of the reasons why they did not quickly forget about the celebration is related to the stubbornness of the Russian Orthodox Church, which continues to celebrate all such events according to the Julian calendar. However, this insistence is not really justified, precisely because even churchmen should keep up with the times.

Now the clergy say that they do not intend to change their traditions, and calendar differences should not be given much importance. They refer to statements by astronomers who claim that the current calendar is also not ideal, and people will repeatedly make changes to the chronology system.

Published on 01/13/18 00:08

Old New Year 2018: what date is celebrated, customs and traditions, congratulations in verse, and much more, read in the TopNews material.

Old New Year: what date is celebrated?

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year 2018 begins. As a rule, in Russia this holiday is celebrated in large companies of friends and close people with a rich feast and wild fun.

The people called the holiday Basil's Day in part of St. Basil the Great, whose memory the Church honors the next day - January 14th.

Old New Year 2018: the history of the holiday

The Old New Year is celebrated mainly in the CIS countries. The holiday appeared after the change of chronology in 1918, when intcbatch the new government decided to switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. The difference between the calendars was 13 days, and the New Year according to the old style falls exactly on the night of January 13-14 according to the new style. This was the reason for the celebration.

Old New Year: traditions and rituals

On the eve of the Old New Year, the housewives clean the houses and prepare treats for the festive dinner. Celebrating the Old New Year begins on the evening of January 13th. Everyone gathers at a rich table, on which there are pies, pancakes, dumplings, cabbage rolls, sausages, aspic, cutlets, salads and other dishes. For dessert, gingerbread, cookies, cakes and rolls with cream fillings are served, while wines and champagne are popular among alcoholic drinks.

At midnight, people light sparklers, fireworks and make a wish.

In a number of regions, after sunset and until midnight, it is customary to carol. Schedrovalniks go around the houses and sing ritual songs with wishes of happiness to the owners. For this they are presented with sweets and money.

Divination for the Old New Year

It is believed that on the night of January 13-14, higher forces descend to Earth, so fortune-telling during this period is especially accurate. On this night, it is customary to guess the future, the fulfillment of a wish, the betrothed, the date of the wedding. people spend magical rituals in which they turn to higher powers for help. It is believed that all the predictions of this night will come true in the near future.

Old New Year: signs and beliefs

  • It is believed that if it snows or is foggy on the Old New Year, then the year will be fruitful.
  • On the eve of the Old New Year, you should ask forgiveness for offenses from all relatives and friends and forgive your own.
  • According to legend, if a man enters the house first on the morning of the Old New Year, then this is considered a good omen, and if a woman, then it will be a misfortune.
  • If there are large banknotes in the house for the holiday, then the coming year will pass in wealth.
  • On the eve of the Old New Year, it is necessary to put on new clean clothes so that good luck and prosperity accompany the year.

Congratulations on the Old New Year short and in verse

Here is the Old New Year -

Holiday, but vice versa!

And still we say:

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

We wish you many blessings:

Live richly, do not get sick,

And goodness, and peace in the world,

And more smiles, wider.

And in the hearts - love and happiness,

Despite all the bad weather.

Let miracles happen

So that life is a fairy tale.

Celebrates all the people

Holiday - Old New Year!

I wish you joy, fun,

And a groovy mood

So that all dreams come true

Reach heights in your career

Health, money, a lot of strength,

To give happiness every moment!

May the Old New Year

Will bring you happiness

A little peace.

Shows the right path

Fulfill all dreams

Add beauty,

Shed love in the hearts

Health will drip into the blood.

And every moment and hour

Tries for you!

Olivier, feast, toast,

Mummers go to visit.

Deja vu? Or maybe not?

New Year and Christmas holidays always cause spiritual awe and pleasant emotions not only in children, but also in adults. Many people can celebrate the old New Year in 2018, knowing what date the long-awaited holiday will come. Rituals and traditions associated with it new year holiday are still alive.

History of the Old New Year

Old New Year always falls on the night of January 13th to 14th. In 2018, the holiday falls on a weekend - on Saturday, Sunday. The dates of the celebration are largely related to the peculiarities of history.

Old New Year is determined by the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The holiday has existed since 1918. It should be noted that the Orthodox Church celebrates the most important holiday of the year according to the old calendar style. Many traditions are alive in 2018 as they contribute to understanding the festive atmosphere.

The researchers note that the difference between the two calendars is gradually growing due to the features of the moon and the movement of the planets. In 2100, the difference should be exactly 2 weeks, namely: 14 days. For this reason, descendants will celebrate the holiday on the night of January 14th to 15th.

However, when wondering what date the Old New Year will come in 2018, you still need to focus only on the night of January 13th to 14th, when the special atmosphere of the holiday and magic intensifies and inspires many people for a special pastime.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

Despite the serious influence of time, many people can still observe interesting and original traditions and rituals.

Since ancient times, girls have been actively engaged in fortune telling. It is believed that wishes made can come true. For this reason, the fair sex, interested in the fulfillment of desires, guessed at the betrothed-mummers, the near future. old tradition is alive in 2018, so many girls are carefully studying New Year's holiday fortune-telling.

Thanks to Russian village traditions, many people began to observe the rite of oatmeal. The tradition is losing its relevance, although it allows you to feel the atmosphere of a truly Russian holiday. At 2 am, you need to get cereals (for example, oats, wheat or barley) and take water. Vessels with cereals and water are placed on the table and the stove is turned on. Then the cereal is poured into a cast iron, poured with water and cooked. The whole family must wait at the table for the moment the porridge is cooked. If the dish is cooked well, you can count on a successful 12-month cycle.

However, porridge that comes out means misfortune and rainy moments in life, a cracked pot portends family poverty.

The color of the porridge also played an important role:

  • red - happiness and prosperity;
  • white - bad weather and a difficult period of life.

As you might guess, many holiday traditions are directly related to cooking and feasting, so connoisseurs of Russian traditions can perform the corresponding rituals.

Many Orthodox try to go home on Vasily's Day, which falls on the old New Year, in the form of mummers. It is believed that you need to sing carols and generosity, sow. Such cheerful songs and jokes praise the owners. This tradition is still alive in the villages, but it is gradually becoming a thing of the past in big cities.

Traditional dishes for the New Year's feast

It is believed that a large amount of festive food should be prepared for the old New Year. At the same time, it was believed that one should not put a chicken or a bird on the table, as it could steal wealth.

  • sochivo, which always starts a festive meal;
  • balabushka buns;
  • vareniki;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • dumplings;
  • pancakes;
  • jelly (jelly);
  • piglet cooked with spices, onions and stuffing;
  • uzvar, which is a compote of dried fruits.

Rich festive table was supposed to attract wealth and prosperity. An additional tradition was the addition of a bead or a coin, indicating that a certain person from the family would be the happiest in the new cycle.

The Old New Year is traditionally celebrated in close family circle. Cooking classic dishes, observance of rituals, carols and carols are the main elements of the long-awaited holiday that complements the New Year in the last century.


In 2018, there are still significant the following signs, based on the characteristics of the weather and confirmed by the experience of ancestors:

  • heavy snowfall portends a good harvest of bread and a warm summer;
  • frosty and snowless January portends a hot and dry summer;
  • a foggy morning testifies to a good and tasty harvest;
  • a blizzard portends a large number of nuts.

Old New Year in 2018, knowing what date will come, you can celebrate in a special way and feel the amazing atmosphere of the holiday.

When the Old New Year is in 2019, almost all people living in the former USSR know. However, many of them do not even suspect what kind of holiday it is, what its history and traditions are.

About 50% of Russians celebrate the celebration and consider it an excellent occasion to gather the family at a common table, have fun, chat, and, of course, appreciate the dishes prepared by the hostess.

About 50% of Russians celebrate the celebration

For believers who observe the Great Christmas Fast, the Old New Year is also by the way. After all, all food restrictions are removed on January 6. Therefore, you can celebrate in a big way.

About when the Old New Year is celebrated in 2019, and who invented this holiday, further.

In 2019, the Old New Year, as well as in all previous years, is celebrated on January 14th. The most "daring" can meet him at 12 at night from 13 to 14 January. However, few will be able to do this, because new year holidays have long since ended. Yes, and the time falls on the period from Sunday to Monday, when a good half of the population of Russia will need to get up in the morning for work.

history of the holiday

When the Old New Year will be in 2019, we have already found out - this is January 14, and where the holiday came from. The celebration came to us from ancient times and appeared due to a change in the chronology in 1918.

The decision to switch from the Julian calendar, according to which Tsarist Russia lived, to the Gregorian one was made by the Bolsheviks. The authorities considered that the first one was not accurate enough, since it was created in ancient Egypt on the basis of astronomical calculations of those times. And the Gregorian was developed using latest knowledge taking into account all the features of the origin and structure of the universe. Because of this, there was a 13-day difference.

Of course, it is not celebrated on such a grand scale as the current New Year.

This is how the holiday loved by all Russians appeared. Of course, it is not celebrated on such a grand scale as the current New Year, which falls on the night of December 31 to January 1, but most of the entire post-Soviet space continues to remember it.

Customs and traditions

Associated with the Old New Year great amount traditions and customs. This day means a lot for Orthodox Christians. After all, it is on January 14 that the Church celebrates a holiday called "Vasil's Day", or "St. Basil's Day."

In Rus', the celebration is associated with a rich harvest. Therefore, many still adhere to the tradition, which consists in performing the rite of sowing. On this day, grain was thrown on the floor, mainly wheat, rye. At the same time, you need to pronounce the words: “Ugly, Lord, every living thing according to the bin, that according to the bin to the great, and it would become living for the whole baptized world.”

After that, in the evening, the scattered grains were collected and stored until the day of sowing.

On this day, grain was thrown on the floor, mainly wheat, rye

Another tradition that many Russians still adhere to is cooking porridge. People believe that if it turns out to be lush and crumbly, then wealth and prosperity should be expected in the new year.

In Rus', this custom was somewhat different. The porridge was cooked in the oven, and while stirring it was necessary to pronounce ritual words. Before the furnace is heated, it was forbidden to touch the grains with your hands. If during cooking the porridge came out or the container in which it was cooked cracked, this meant that a good harvest should not be expected in the New Year. The spoiled dish was given to the pigs to eat.

Porridge cooked in the oven

Many girls believe that it is on the night of January 13-14 that you can tell fortunes about your betrothed. To do this, going to bed, you need to place a comb under the pillow and say: "Betrothed, come to me."

It was believed that on Vasily's Day it was necessary to treat everyone with pork. The pig's head must be at the head of the table. People believed that in this way it is possible to attract good luck and wealth to the house. However, you need to remember that 2019 is the year of the Fire Pig, so you should be careful with the corresponding dishes.

What are the signs to follow

In no case on the old New Year was it possible to lend money or borrow money yourself. It was believed that by doing so, one could invite poverty upon oneself.

In no case was it possible to lend money on the old New Year

People believed that if on the night of January 13-14 you dress richly and put many different dishes on the table, then St. Basil will bring good luck to the house, prosperity and wealth.

Be sure to have fun on this day. And the louder and more smiling people celebrate this holiday, the more successful the new year will be.

Must have fun on this day

On this day, you also need to look at the sky. If it is clean and starry, then an abundance of berries is expected in 2019. A snowstorm on the Old New Year foreshadowed the appearance a large number nuts. Thick fog and a snowy morning on January 14 meant that the year would be prolific.

Until now, people believe that if you walk around the garden or garden on the night of January 13-14 and say ritual words to yourself, then the harvest will be very rich and no pests will interfere with this. It must be said: “As I (name) shake off the white-fluffy snow, so let Saint Basil shake off the worm and every reptile in the spring.”

It was also believed that on January 14, a man was supposed to enter the house first. If it happened otherwise, and a woman appeared on the threshold, then be misfortune and grief.

On the night of January 13-14, many countries celebrate everyone's favorite holiday - the Old New Year. From year to year, many generations arrange feasts on this day. The most interesting thing is that few people think about the history of the holiday. Believers who fast on the Old New Year can celebrate the holiday with all their heart, enjoy delicious dishes.

The Old New Year appeared after the change of chronology - this tradition is based on the divergence of two calendars: the Gregorian and the Julian.

Previously, in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, namely, on March 22. After Christianity was adopted, the Byzantine calendar began to replace the old one, after which the New Year was celebrated on September 1.

It is worth saying that until the 15th century a single date for the holiday was not established. Some celebrated it in the fall, while others celebrated it in the spring. In 1492, the date of the New Year was set in Rus' - September 1.

In December 1699, Peter the Great moved the holiday to January 1, after which the next year 1700 began four months later.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the New Year, Christmas and other holidays according to the Julian calendar. As a result of this discrepancy, the inhabitants of Russia celebrate the New Year twice - in the old and new style.

Many customs and traditions are associated with this holiday. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the day of St. Basil the Great. The people also call the holiday as St. Basil's Day, for the year this day was very decisive.

On this day, children scattered wheat, rye and oats around the house, and also sentenced:

"Ugly, O God, every living thing according to the bin, that according to the bin and great, and it would become living for the whole baptized world."

After that, the mistress of the house collected all the grains from the floor and stored them until sowing.

Another peculiar rite is the boiling of porridge. On the night of the New Year, a woman brought cereals into the house, and a man brought water from a well. Until the stove is heated, it was not allowed to touch the cereal and water. Then the older woman stirred the porridge in the pot.

When stirring the porridge, she spoke special words. Then the hostess put the porridge in the oven with a bow. If the porridge turned out to be rich, and the pot was full, then they ate it and waited for a happy year and a big harvest.

In the event that the pot cracked or the porridge went beyond its limits, it was thrown away.

The girls performed various fortune-telling for the Old New Year. These fortune-tellings were considered the most truthful, because you could see your betrothed.

To do this, the girls combed their hair before going to bed, put the comb under their pillow and uttered the magic words: “betrothed-mummer, come comb my head.”

No less interesting was the rite of going from house to house, people treated the guests to pork dishes. According to tradition, guests had to be fed pies and other dishes with pork.

Saint Basil was the patron saint of pig breeders, as well as any pork products. Everyone believed that the abundance of pork dishes that night would be the key to abundance and profit.

There is also a tradition - to sculpt dumplings with a surprise. Everyone is interested in who and what kind of surprise will get.

It is not customary to lend on a holiday, because then there will be no prosperity. At the same time, getting money on this day was considered a good omen - this is for profit.

On Vasilyev evening everyone put on new clothes so that they could dress well all year later. The year will be happy if it is spent cheerfully.

If the sky is starry and clear on Vasily's Day, then we can expect a rich harvest of berries and nuts. Fluffy snow also testified to a bountiful harvest.
