In the family. The benefits of close communication


(Fetisov Pavel and Anastasia)

Very often, when getting to know each other, the parents of the bride and groom experience difficulty in organizing matchmaking. The hackneyed phrases “you have a product, we have a merchant ...” are tired of many, and modern brides don’t really want to be the so-called “commodity” for their future husband. Therefore, I propose a matchmaking option that pleased us and our new relatives.

Groom's Parents:

The gentlemen are calling us, we are from Tagil to you here,

With an unusual matter, with a very personal matter.

Are you welcome, gentlemen? Answer out loud...

Bride's Parents:" Yes!"

Groom's Parents:

We have a stately prince, all well-groomed, tidy,

Neat, kind, honest, and interesting face.

Only that week, apparently we did not finish watching,

He began to fade something, from Great love suffer.

He can neither eat, nor sleep, nor be in time at work,

And only one girl, he can kiss a photo.

So we decided then that it was time to get married,

If you agree with this, answer in unison ...

Bride's Parents:" Yes!"

Groom's Parents:

The matchmakers-gentlemen are calling us, we are from Tagil to you here,

They rushed without fail, hearing that the princess,

You have Anastasia that you can’t take your eyes off.

She is slender and majestic, that she walks like a pava,

And as the speech speaks, it’s like a river murmurs.

And our Pavel loses sleep, and only dreams about it.

Feel sorry for the guy, gentlemen? Do you agree with us...

Bride's Parents:" Yes!"

Groom's Parents:

They say among Muslims, from different eastern countries,

If three times "Yes!" said, so he gave permission,

Nastya and Pavel get married and you and I become related.

Let them live in love, in harmony. We wish the young...

Together: "Happiness."

Bride's Parents:

Well, you have a good groom, only something he quieted down.

Where are the gifts for the bride? Show us what we're interested in.

Groom's Parents:

The bridegroom prepared for three days, he collected kalym from his own,

Good in the household will be in place, we, the matchmakers, will give gifts to the bride.

Accept our gifts: wonderful flowers on the table,

A little vodka and wine, two buckets from the apple orchard,

Sweets are tighter, foam(for shaving) father-in-law,

And here's a gift for the bride -

This weekend is perfect for revealing your talents and abilities. Representatives of each zodiac sign will feel the need for respect and independence. To prepare for the upcoming week, the horoscope advises to relax with your family. On Saturday evening you can go to a meeting with friends.

The long-awaited weekend has come, which means that everyone will try to redo all the accumulated cases. The horoscope advises to allocate for this Sunday. On Saturday, you should not make important decisions and do serious things. On Sunday you can visit relatives or old acquaintances.

Horoscope for the weekend March 17-18: star predictions for Aries, Taurus and Gemini

Aries should devote the weekend to their favorite type of recreation, hobby or sports. On Sunday, it is worth doing a general cleaning, and in the evening invite friends to visit. Lonely Aries can go on a romantic date.

In order not to fall into a depressive state, Taurus should relax. The horoscope advises avoiding alcohol, diets and serious physical activity. On Sunday it is better not to visit beauty salons - the result will be unsatisfactory.

Gemini should dedicate the weekend to buying gifts for loved ones. Maybe friends, parents or close relatives need something, now is the time to get it. The horoscope advises you to choose a gift for your loved one.

Horoscope for the weekend March 17-18: star predictions for Cancer, Leo and Virgo

Cancers can finally get active this weekend. Their body and emotional mood require positive energy. And this means that cycling, walking in the park and skydiving are exactly what you need.

Lions should be careful with valuables and money. If they are kept at home, the horoscope advises to put them in a safe secret place, on weekends there is a high risk of robbery. Besides, now is not a very good time for shopping.

Virgos need to go out of town for the weekend to relax and gain strength. Those who stay at home can do the cleaning, and on Sunday prepare a nice gift for a loved one.

Horoscope for the weekend March 17-18: star predictions for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Libra on the weekend should remember all their skills of diplomacy and persuasion. Only in this case they will be able to achieve a result. On Sunday, you can go on a long trip or go to visit your parents.

Scorpios should put aside all unfinished business and devote the weekend to a good rest. On Saturday, you should avoid quarrels and showdown, and on Sunday - decisions financial matters. The horoscope advises dedicating one of the evenings to children.

Sagittarius can start planning things for the near future. On Sunday, the horoscope advises you to inspect household appliances - perhaps something needs to be repaired. Now good time to buy a new gadget.

Horoscope for the weekend March 17-18: star predictions for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

If Capricorns want to spend the weekend positively and energized, they should be dedicated to their children. On Saturday, you should not make important decisions, especially if they relate to a career or family. On Sunday you should meet with friends.

The best vacation for Aquarius will be a weekend spent alone. Family representatives of the sign should agree in advance with the family about the “time off” and go for a massage and other cosmetic procedures.

Pisces did a good job this week, which means that the weekend should be devoted to a good rest. The horoscope advises spending time with the family, perhaps inviting close friends to visit. Sunday is a good time to change your image, you should go to the hairdresser.

Once the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was asked what qualities a girl needs to create a normal and happy family. Russo replied:

“Beauty - 0, thriftiness - 0, education - 0, mind - 0, position in society - 0, cash- 0, kindness of heart - 1.

And he immediately deciphered his mathematical calculations as follows: he set one to heart kindness - a positive quality. All other qualities, marked 0, are set next to one, respectively, increasing it tenfold with each new positive quality. Kindness and intelligence will give 10, if money is added to them, it will be 100, etc. According to Rousseau, any of the qualities does not mean anything in itself, and only kindness carries value.

If you think about it, it's hard to argue with that. An unkind person cannot be respected in the family, in society. Human kindness is the fundamental principle of relationships between people, the main component of the etiquette of a well-mannered person.

They say that if you want to be treated well, then you yourself must treat people the way you want to be treated. A simple thought in itself, but very accurate. You can demand from another only what you are able to give him and give yourself. This simple truth should not be forgotten anywhere and never. Unfortunately, she is forgotten. Especially at home, in relationships with close relatives, family relationships.

The family is the seven selves.

For these reasons, people get divorced no less than because of adultery and drinking.

How to learn to control yourself?

There is an opinion that your family will understand and forgive you. And therefore, production failures often end in rudeness at home, the habit of taking out evil on loved ones. This is a deep delusion. A rude word spoken by a loved one hurts not less, but more. Another thing is that they try to treat the rudeness of a loved one with understanding, somehow justify it. But this cannot continue indefinitely. Sooner or later, non-compliance with the rules of good manners in the family becomes unbearable, family life cracks. That is why it is important to understand for yourself that the observance of etiquette at home is no less necessary than among acquaintances or strangers.

Remember that from observing the rules of good manners at home, a person only wins, gradually acquires good habits, forming a highly educated personality.

In essence, home etiquette requires compliance with the same rules as in relations with strangers - at the table, on a walk, in conversation, when choosing clothes. So, it is unacceptable to leave the bedroom uncombed, untidy dressed. However, even during the period of the most intimate relationship, one should not forget about good manners.

How to build relationships with parents?

In relations with parents, it is important to remember: how you treat them now, so, years later, your children will treat you, because they see everything, remember everything. Although, of course, preference is given to parents in all situations, regardless of whether you have children or not. At the celebration at the festive table, they are given the most honorable place, in the car, the father and mother sit in the back. Although there may be an exception here, when a still old father gives way to a married daughter in the back.

What should a family conversation look like?

We have already said that a conversation in raised tones between spouses is unacceptable. Nothing good comes out of this, as a rule. Any conversation should be conducted with maximum goodwill, using the appropriate intonation for this. The elementary phrase “turn on the TV” without “please” sounds like an order and can offend, setting off a quarrel. And if you add “darling” to these words, putting kindness and tenderness into it, then, we are sure, in return you will receive a grateful smile.

What to do if a quarrel could not be avoided?

A man (as, indeed, a woman) evaluates the home environment primarily from the point of view of what kind of atmosphere reigns in the family: harmony and peace or endless conflicts and quarrels. Finding out the relationship is more tiring than the hardest physical work. Therefore, before starting a quarrel, decide for yourself how expedient it is, although there are no expedient quarrels. Starting a showdown, think about the consequences. Surely they are not worth it to aggravate the conflict that has arisen.

In this case, one of the two must yield. It is rightly said that the one who is wiser yields. As a rule, the husband is the first to “surrender”, giving in to the onslaught of his wife. But here it is important to remember: the step towards reconciliation must be accompanied by gentle and affectionate words like "I'm sorry, my dear, I was absolutely wrong."

Such a request for forgiveness does not humiliate a man, but exalts him, because he does not show weakness, but wisdom and generosity.

This is important to remember, especially when you consider that most unhappy marriages are based on trifles, petty quarrels and resentments. Yielding in small things, you save the main thing - peace in the family.

If you want to be happy, be it. What is needed for happiness?

Very often, quarrels arise at the initiative of a woman who is trying to re-educate, remake her husband in her own image. This should not be done, especially in the presence of strangers. Your husband is an adult with his own habits, and you need to perceive him as he is, with his advantages and disadvantages, highlighting the former in every possible way and condescendingly treating the latter.

Dale Carnegie once wisely remarked: “If you want to save family life happy, do not criticize your partner. It is always easier to criticize than to notice and emphasize features worthy of praise in a person.

Departure from this simple but wise rule is fraught with serious complications in family life.

The same Carnegie, a recognized specialist in the field of human relations, in his book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” cites the following fact:

“Mrs. Carnegie and I once dined with a friend of ours in Chicago. When cutting the meat, he did something wrong. I didn't notice it. And if he noticed, he would not attach importance.

This is either not forgiven at all, or it is forgiven with great difficulty, because even the most tactful remark is also a blow to the partner's pride.

At the same time, it is useless to try to suppress irritation, not to pay attention to certain manifestations of bad taste. Negative attitude from this it will only accumulate until it overflows the cup of patience, putting the family itself on the verge of collapse.

What to do?

Try this: make a list of your partner's bad habits that annoy you and that you find unacceptable for a well-mannered person, and ask him to make exactly the same list for himself.

Thus, without humiliating him, you will offer to do both self-education and self-improvement. We are sure that the result will be positive – who doesn’t want to become better in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. After that, by the way, a tactful remark will be perceived quite differently.

Such a step, in addition, will contribute to the strengthening of the family itself - in your life together there was an additional goal, noble and lofty.

You can do it differently. When you hear, for example, an incorrectly pronounced word, choose a convenient moment and pronounce it correctly. Do it casually, in the context of the conversation. The spouse bites his nails - offer him scissors, justifying this by the fact that with their help he will cut them more evenly.

In each specific situation, you can find specific ways to deal with bad habits. It is important to do this with tact. Otherwise, your own etiquette is lame, there are significant gaps in your upbringing.

How should one behave with relatives and loved ones?

We have already mentioned in passing the importance of respecting etiquette in the choice of clothes and when speaking. And this applies equally to both the street and the house. Negligence is simply unacceptable here, it indicates a lack of upbringing or education.

Naturally, no one wants to be considered ill-bred, and even more so, no one wants to be subjected to ridicule, just a disapproving look.

The ability to behave with loved ones in a narrow family circle is a kind of measure of a well-bred person. After all, it is quite clear if a man or a woman in home environment follow the rules of good manners, they are almost immune to oversights surrounded by strangers. This is understandable: they watch themselves, their behavior. To this we can add that a person is well-mannered, gallant and enjoys much greater respect in the family circle, is the pride of his loved ones.

What are the features of behavior if there are two mistresses in the house - the newlywed and the mother-in-law or mother-in-law?

This situation occurs quite often.

It is far from always that newlyweds immediately after the wedding get the opportunity to live in their own separate apartment. Living together with the parents of a husband or wife often gives rise to many conflicts, quarrels and petty insults.

In most cases, women are the cause. This is explained very simply: under one roof are two mistresses. Mother and daughter or mother-in-law and daughter-in-law - often it does not matter. In any case, the old mistress does not want to give up her leading role in the house, but the new one also has her own view on the way of life, she wants to change, redo, improve something.

As a matter of fact, an isolated apartment becomes a communal one, where two families live and where both housewives have equal rights, with the only difference being that close people live under the same roof.

From this, however, the number of conflicts does not decrease, but increases. Mother or mother-in-law loved one consider it necessary to give advice to the young mistress where an outsider would not notice a mistake.

As a rule, even the fact that the young wife is studying (working) or the mother-in-law (mother) is sick does not save the situation. There is always time for criticism or dissatisfaction. Moreover, this is done out of the best of intentions, out of a desire to prompt, advise how to do it better and more correctly.

By doing so, elderly woman wants to feel his usefulness to young people, wants to help them at first in creating a friendly and strong family. And every rejected advice is a reason for resentment and quarrel.

Life convinces us that all misunderstandings cannot be avoided, but it is not only possible, but necessary, to reduce the number of conflicts. First of all, in accordance with the norms of etiquette, a young couple should in every possible way emphasize their respect for the mother-in-law (mother-in-law), taking care of her. Any advice, even if you are not going to follow it, is accepted with gratitude. If there is a threat of conflict, it is up to the young to nip it in the bud. Such behavior does not humiliate - elevates a person as a person.

A lot, of course, in living together with a young couple depends on the mother-in-law (mother-in-law).

  • It should minimize interference in the lives of the young.
  • We must remember that it is not time this advice causes a backlash.
  • Restrain yourself, do not show your dissatisfaction for any reason.
  • Don't ask your son-in-law or daughter-in-law to call you mom. It is quite acceptable (and even more acceptable - the mother is still alone) to address by name and patronymic. Etiquette allows it.
  • Do not discuss the actions of a son-in-law in the presence of a daughter and a daughter-in-law in the presence of a son. Thus, you not only show tactlessness, but also set them against you. It is better to make a critical remark tactfully and without witnesses. Better yet, keep quiet.
  • Do not set yourself as an example, your youth. It won't do any good.
  • Do not give unsolicited advice, and even more so - instructions. Phrases like “your room is dirty” or “you need to wash the dishes after yourself immediately” are interference in someone else’s life. Young though close to you, but they have their own family and their own lives.
  • Remember your own youth more often, how you lived under the same roof with your mother or mother-in-law, how many insults you had to endure. This will help you avoid their mistakes, and peace and tranquility will reign in the house.
  • What should be the etiquette in dealing with other relatives?

    The reader may find this chapter redundant. “What it says has not been observed for a long time,” he will say. Perhaps he will be wrong. To observe is one thing, but to know is quite another. We assure you: there will definitely be a moment in life when this knowledge will be useful to you.

    visiting a husband in the presence of other ladies give preference to his wife. To do this, he has a lot of other opportunities.

    And Mikhail Gorbachev's promise to provide each family with a separate apartment by the year 2000 has not been fulfilled. Therefore, many of us still do not have an apartment that meets the optimal standard: everyone has a room plus one common one. Most often, several people are constantly in the same room, and so day after day, year after year. How not to get angry here?

    It's hard, but... and simple at the same time. It is only necessary to make efforts to maintain even and truly related relations in the family. Some believe that politeness in the family circle is excessive aristocracy. Why strain? After all, I work, I feed you, I'm tired, everyone is silent and rejoices that you have Me. Such is the set of arguments for a person for whom courtesy is something like a full dress, designed to "go out to people."

    But the family differs from the labor collective in that it is based on family relations, and not on official ones. Politeness in the family is needed in order to ... not go wild. Give a coat to a mother or wife, even a teenage daughter, say hello, returning to the house, wish good morning or Good night- it's so simple and easy! In short, courtesy in the family is not an end in itself, but a military cunning of an intelligent person.

    Often representatives of two or even three generations live in the same apartment. Each of them, as a rule, is economically independent, but living under one roof imposes certain responsibilities on all. In a close-knit family, problems of fathers and children usually do not arise. The former do not abuse educational conversations with the leitmotif "When we were young...”, and the latter do not try to introduce their parents to the values ​​of the “Pepsi generation”.

    If your mother runs the household and looks after your child, this should not be perceived as her sacred duty, but as a great service. You should not think that a grandmother is a housekeeper or a free nanny, it is more beneficial to emphasize her gratitude for her help with her attitude towards her. Respect for elders is the basis of every friendly family. Care and attention are loved and appreciated by all family members, and not just your cat.

    Sometimes we have difficulty addressing the parents of a wife or husband. Perhaps it would be more natural to call them by their first and last names. “Mom” or “dad” in such a situation will sound somewhat strained, although such an appeal successfully exists in many families. In any case, you should not insist on turning to “you” or “mother” from a son-in-law or daughter-in-law if such a form does not impress them.

    It is sometimes very difficult for young families at the beginning of their life together. The trouble is that young spouses do not start with trying to understand and accept each other in a new capacity in a life together, but with re-educating each other. Fitting to your standard, to your habits and to your ideas about halves e families. This is what lies main reason escalation of conflicts and inevitable collapse. The desire to remake a partner is sometimes so great that the slightest notion of tact and politeness is forgotten. And psychologists, by the way, have proved that such grievances tend to accumulate, they oppress a person, silently gnaw at his soul, interfere with normal relations. Bring to a critical point and explode divorce. That's what the art of love is - in the ability to make mutual concessions, and not in the knowledge of the Kama Sutra.

    But even in the most friendly families and between the most sensible people, quarrels arise, more often over trifles. And such that even sparks fly! And after a short time, both spouses are already ashamed of their intemperance, but the childish stubbornness, in fact, keeps them from taking the first step towards reconciliation. While it does not matter at all who is right and who is wrong, much more important is the small crack that has appeared in the relationship, which must be eliminated as quickly as possible, before it has time to resound into an insurmountable abyss. Therefore, one should not assume that the one who first went to reconciliation pleads guilty. No, rather, he has a great sense of tact, great worldly experience or wisdom.

    Do not forget in the heat of battles that the microclimate in the family greatly affects children. If a child grows up in an atmosphere of rudeness and an endless showdown between mom and dad, then, as an adult, he will most likely repeat these mistakes of his parents. How can he know that it is possible (and necessary!) to live in a family differently? You have such a future own child necessary?!

    Another example that demonstrates our attitude towards relatives. We often do not attach importance to how we look at home, what we are wearing. And in vain! Although we are not going to go anywhere on the day off, this does not relieve us of the need to shave, comb our hair, put on decent homemade trousers instead of our favorite sweatpants with drawn-down knees.

    And in conclusion, a few words about "litter from the hut." There are married couples who lack the intelligence and tact not to bring their disagreements to the court of the public, yard or labor. Believe me, it is not at all necessary to make all family joys and misunderstandings the property of neighbors and acquaintances. Nobody here will help you. Except yourself.

    Tasks: create a warm, relaxed atmosphere that will help both children and their loved ones to feel the joy of communication; contribute to the festive mood of joint creativity.

    Motto: Mother is the greenhouse of love. The father is the discoverer of possibilities.

    Preparation for the holiday.

    1. Each student writes and arranges invitation cards.

    Sample invitation card:

    Very soon ___________ in our class

    there will be a big event. We are preparing for it.

    This is a meeting between children and parents. And I want to show

    you, how I love you and how I try to justify

    your hopes. I'm waiting for you, come to our favorite class!

    With love, your (a) son (daughter) __________.

    2. Classroom teacher prepared on the topic "Pedagogical assessment of the role of the family in the development of the child."

    3. Each student of the class writes an essay “The house where I live…” (during the Russian language lesson).

    4. Pupils prepare drawings "Windows of my house" (at the lesson of fine arts).

    5. Each student prepares for his mother a gift “Pincushion - a hat” (at a technology lesson).

    6. Prepare a scene about the relationship of children to their mother. Yukagir fairy tale "The boy - Root".

    7. Children write an essay on the topic “What do I think about mom?”.


    The hall is festively decorated. In the foreground of the hall there is a poster “About relatives and friends with love”, children's drawings “Windows of my house”, compositions “The house in which I live ...” are hung out.

    The children and their parents enter and sit down at the "family tables".

    The course of the holiday

    Dear parents! We begin our sincere conversation about our loved ones and relatives.

    From an early age, those bright feelings, those best traditions, thoughts, character traits that are initially needed in the upbringing of a child's personality are laid in the family from an early age. The girl who early mastered numerous female species household chores - needlework, creating beauty in everything, ways of delicious cooking - isn't this a good future housewife? And that boy, who from childhood has a respectful attitude towards his parents, a willingness to come to the aid of the weak, the ability to overcome difficulties - isn't he the future owner of the house? A child from an early age should inherit everything from his parents best qualities: courage, diligence, purposefulness.

    Every family needs such family pedagogy. The family is the creator of its own destiny, since it is the main institution for educating a growing person.

    Music sounds.

    First host:

    Thunder louder than the trumpet

    Ring the bells louder

    At our meeting today

    All my family!

    All those whom I love with heart and soul,

    Today in this hall on a holiday with me!

    Teacher: The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. You, of course, do not remember the first meeting with your mother. How happy she was when she saw you! How her eyes shone with happiness!

    First host: The first word the child said: MOM!

    Second host: Increased. A soldier came to the station: MOM!

    Third host: Here he fell on the smoky earth in an attack. MOTHER!

    Fourth host: I got up and went. And hot lips fell to life. MOTHER!

    Teacher: Mommy, mommy! How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. She teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life. It is no coincidence that people put the word "mother" next to another, no less great - "Motherland".

    The works of many poets and writers are dedicated to women. Now the children will read some of them.


    How it happens - I myself do not understand,

    That the sun is in the sky - that mother is in the house.

    The sun disappears behind a cloud

    Everything will become empty and sad around,

    My mother will leave for a while,

    I will become so unhappy

    The sun will come out of the cloud again

    And everything starts to shine wonderfully.

    My dear will return home

    And I'll be merry again.

    I play, I laugh. I tumble, I sing...

    I love my own dove!

    (E. Blaginina)


    I sing of what is eternally new,

    And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,

    But in the soul the word born

    Gets his own music.

    This word is a call and a spell,

    In this word - the existing soul.

    This is the spark of the first consciousness,

    Baby's first smile.

    This word will never deceive,

    There is a life being hidden in it.

    It is the sum total of everything. It has no end.

    Get up! I pronounce it: MOM.

    (R. Gamzatov)


    MAMA ... There are no more words in the world!

    Whichever path you take,

    Mom's love shines over her,

    To in difficult hour help you.

    Mom illuminates with a tender heart

    Days, roads and your deeds

    Justify your mother's hopes -

    Do good every day!

    (A. Kostecki)

    The boys perform a song about their mother "Iye5e mahtal".

    Teacher: We open the section "Declaration of love." Dear mothers! Your children love you very much and would like to confess their love to you today.

    “Mom is the joy of all children. Her strongest love is a child. Even if the mother is not in the world, the child will always remember her.

    “Mom is the most beautiful in the universe. She loves you, no doubt. When you are sick, she does not leave your bed. For me, my mother is everything.”

    “Mom, you were created to raise your children. Maybe someone doesn't like you, but for me - the most beloved, good, beautiful mommy!

    “My mother is kind and gentle. I love my mother very much."

    “Mom raised me from the cradle and continues to educate me. My most cherished desire is for our family to live for a long time surrounded by my mother.

    And Sasha Aleksandrov composed poems:

    "Mom dear, dear, dear

    I will hug you tightly and kiss you on the cheek.

    Congratulations on the holiday, I will give a gift.

    And I will tell her affectionately - I love you!

    Mom smiles, laughs softly.

    There is no kinder mother in the world."

    Teacher: Reading these declarations of love, I could not hide my excitement. And tears of joy shone in the eyes of many mothers for the warmth of the hearts of their children. I would like to wish you that there are as many such declarations of love as possible in your life.

    An image of flowers appears on the multimedia screen, children give them to their mothers with warm words love and joy.

    Teacher: In each essay, the children confessed how tasty their mother cooks - better than any cook.


    How much work does mom have in the kitchen

    She cooks borscht and compotes,

    Here the carrot grater scratches the nose,

    The kettle would have rushed away, but there are no wheels.


    Ringing spoons dance tirelessly,

    A knife takes off clothes from potatoes!

    And the sieve is spinning, and the colander is jumping

    Water just doesn't stay in it!


    A meat grinder roars over the meat - a tigress,

    The crush on the shelf does not sit in any way;

    Ready to pound and pound all the time!

    One mother is with them, she needs help!

    When I'm in the kitchen messing around with her,

    Dinner tastes twice as good!

    Teacher: Oh, how dad likes it when the delicious smell of mom's dishes envelops the whole neighborhood.


    My dad is the best

    He knows everything in the world:

    Where does the cloud go to sleep?

    And where will the wind be born?

    And why not freeze

    Is there a white bear on the ice?

    And what, besides bananas,

    Does a monkey eat for lunch?


    He was on expeditions

    I flew on airplanes

    And cranberries by tradition

    They brought us from the swamp.

    But I'm angry with dad

    He offended me

    What is ball lightning

    He still hasn't seen it!


    The son came from school and his father asked:

    “Dad, give me a pen full of ink.

    I learned a lot of words at school today

    For one word - I'm ready to give my life.

    For him, the soldiers fell in battle,

    They defended their Russian land.

    The teacher told us about him for a long time ...

    And now I know how dear the WORLD is to us!


    I woke up very early, looked with one eye,

    I see: grandfather is correcting the planer with a whetstone.

    Smells from the kitchen, hissing appetizing.

    Eh! Today is Sunday! Mom will treat you delicious!

    But involuntarily sighed - it seems to be necessary to deserve it.

    But we were told at school: put your hands to work.


    And work is not a toy: it is difficult, to be sure.

    We need to make a winter feeder for titmouse.

    How nice it is to listen to mom, crushing pies:

    “What to work, what to eat, you can immediately see - men!”

    Teacher: Dear dads! With your attitude towards your wife, respect and love for her, you bring up your children. Be sensitive and do not get tired of giving her signs of attention. Take on most of the household chores with your children.

    Children give dads the song "Dad can ...".

    Dad is at home - the iron is fixed, the gas burns and the light does not go out.

    Dad is at home, of course, the main one, if mom is not by chance.

    Dad can, dad can do anything

    And with the most difficult task, dad will cope - give it time!

    We will correct the decision with mom that dad could not solve!

    Dad can, dad can do anything!

    Swim breaststroke, argue bass, chop wood!

    Dad can, dad can, anything

    Only a mother, only a mother can not be!

    Teacher: Today we want to say thanks to grandmothers. Grandmothers - participants in our evening - managed to preserve the youth of the soul, the sharpness of the mind, despite the difficulties of life, ailments that are often overcome at this age. Grandmother deserves respect and gratitude for her selfless work, love for you, her grandchildren, and care for you. Thank them for this: love and appreciate tenderly, do not hurt with your words and deeds, be kind, sensitive to them. I am a grandmother myself, so I know very well what it means to be a real grandmother.


    Our grandmother has a lot of troubles:

    Grandma cooks sweet compote for us,

    Crochet each hat

    He always tells a story before going to bed.

    All children love good grandmothers!

    Good grandmothers - our greetings!

    Teacher: And now we'll see what our grandmothers are needlewomen, hostesses. To do this, we invite two grandmothers to take part in the contest "Mary the Artisan". Each participant receives a ball. It is necessary to rewind the threads into another ball, inside your balls there is a leaflet with the name of the products from which you can cook some kind of dish. Our grandmothers need to wind up a ball as quickly as possible and name the dish. (For example: borsch - meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper).

    Today, honoring our loved ones, we also talk about the house, the nest where our children grow and are brought up. Children's drawings and writings tell about it.

    “Our house is old, but warm and cozy. I always hurry home after school.

    “I was born in Zyryanka - this is my home. Wherever I am, I miss and think about Zyryanka.

    “I have an ordinary two-story house. The apartment is bright and beautiful. Our black cat guards our house when we are not at home. My house still shines from afar.”

    “My mother and I always renovate our house and then he seems to be happy.”

    "I love coming home and living with the whole family in our house."

    “Our house is old, but warm (all winter hot water in batteries). I have my own little room. We live together and have fun."

    Teacher: And now we begin competitive program. 4 teams, 4 large families participate in the competition.

    The teams greet each other warmly.

    Quiz "Do you know?"

    Who will win the quiz?

    Of course, the best erudite!

    We have no doubts about it -

    He will answer the fastest!

    1. What is the most common in the world female name. (Maria)

    2. What locality in Yakutia bears a female name that has a common root with the spring month? (Maya)

    3. Who was the first woman to take to the skies? (Baba Yaga)

    4. What were the names of the three sisters from A. Chekhov's play "Three Sisters"?

    5. What flowers are named after women? (Rose, Ivan da Marya, Pansies)

    One family from each team takes part in the next "Friendly Family" competition. First, the child and dad answer in writing the questions: “Do you know mom’s favorite color and flower?”, “Name the size of her shoes.” Mom answers them orally, then family members read out their answers. Similarly, the knowledge of the mother and child about the father is checked: “What is his favorite dish, singer, TV show?”. Then parents are answered questions about the child: “Favorite fairy-tale hero. What does the child dream about?

    Competition "Reading family":

    1. Whose lines are these and to whom are they dedicated:

    “You are my only help and joy.

    You are my only inexpressible light. (S. Yesenin - mothers)

    1. In one minute, remember as many fabulous girls as possible.
    2. What was the name of the family of bears from L. Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"?


    Ripe new game

    Not an easy task

    It's time for you to get down to business

    And show diligence.

    Participants of the "Skillful Hands" competition receive a task: dads must sew a vest (it is cut in advance), mothers and a child from corrugated paper cook carnival costume, which must then be demonstrated.

    While they are busy with their work, the contest "In your opinion" is held. Teams have to solve pedagogical situations:

    First team: Your son came from school with two friends to finish the wall newspaper. But after a few minutes, your apartment was shaking from their running around. How will you do it?

    Second team: The son came home from school upset, his nose was broken.

    What's happened?

    Vovka mocked the baby, and I interceded.

    Your actions?

    Third team: Once a little son sat down with his father and asked the baby:

    Dad, why are you smoking? Smoking is harmful!

    The father promised that he would quit smoking, but did not keep his word. The son, seeing that his father was smoking, asked: “Dad, you promised!”

    How can a father get out of a difficult situation?

    Fourth team: Vasya decided to wash his clothes before the arrival of his parents. Taking out the laundry from the machine, he noticed that the water in it had become dark, and the white T-shirts and shirts were blue. Vasya did not know that sports blue suit sheds. And then the parents returned.

    How would you react in their place?

    In the competition "Savvy family" tasks were offered:

    1. The son of my father, but not my brother. Who is this? (me myself)

    2. One proverb says: "A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion." Replace it with a Russian proverb. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).

    3. The letters were given to you for a reason,

    Their secret is not complicated.

    Make up of them, you friends,

    The answer to our question.

    ELECTRICITY - from this word in one minute to make as many words as possible.

    1. Riddle: "There is a barrel, on the barrel - a bump, on a bump - a forest" (Human).

    Children show a dramatization of the Yukagir fairy tale "The Root Boy".

    Teacher: Dear parents! Each of us has the dearest person on earth - MOTHER. Remember the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky and pass them on to your son, daughter: “Know that the human duty of children is to pay their parents for their care of you, for their boundless love and devotion, to pay the same: care, love, devotion. The debt of children to their parents cannot be measured by any measure, cannot be counted by any account. Create an atmosphere of trust and understanding in the family. Remember that your relationship is reflected in the education in children of love and respect for father and mother.

    Nina Yavlovskaya, teacher primary school Zyryansk Primary School No. 1 of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
