Magical rituals and conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness. Spell for the beauty of the body Conspiracy for cream beauty and love

Beauty, like youth, passes. But stay young and beautiful longer with the help of different ways. Of course, women are more worried about their beauty. Because they have it directly related to self-esteem. Today, there are many technologies that allow you to maintain a blooming appearance. And earlier, magical conspiracies were actively used for this. But after all, no one forbids even today to use a high-quality beauty spell.

How does the spell work?

Spells for greater attractiveness work as follows. When we read a conspiracy for youth and attractiveness, we nourish ourselves with energy. Magicians say where attention is, there is energy. At the moment of conspiracy, a person is completely focused on the topic of attractiveness, on his body. By the way, it is very important to pronounce a conspiracy with positive feelings. That is, it makes no sense to be angry with yourself for not beauty and at the same time speak a magical text. Because at this moment you will radiate anger, the body will feel it and will not respond to positive changes.

Therefore, if you have negative attitude to yourself, then you first have to accept your appearance, accept and love yourself for who you are. When the body feels that you accept it, it will respond much more willingly to an attempt to change its even better side.

It is very effective to cast beauty spells on a feeling of gratitude, love, joy. These are all high energies, they saturate your body, personality, as a result, a person really glows with happiness and beauty. After all, it is not for nothing that there is an opinion that beautiful person when he is happy. Because at the moment of happiness he is in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Rules for casting a spell for attractiveness

If you want conspiracies and spells to natural beauty brought maximum efficiency, then they must be performed according to certain rules:

  • A woman must perform the necessary magical ritual when the moon grows. The moon is basically the ruler female energies. By doing a ritual for the beauty of the face and figure during this period, you enlist the support of lunar energy.
  • The spell to become beautiful is effectively pronounced not by itself, but in parallel with the facial procedure. You can wash your face, make a mask, clean your face. Thus, there is work on beauty at different levels, both on the physical and on the energy.
  • Spells for beauty must be cast in good mood. This is an act of self-care, in this moment you communicate with your body, negotiate with it to look and feel great. In no case should you pronounce conspiracies on youth and attractiveness in a demanding tone. The most powerful spell will be the one that is pronounced with love and gratitude. Therefore, watch your feelings during the conspiracy.

Conspiracy for cream

It is very useful to pronounce conspiracies on a face cream. So you bought yourself a new face cream and so that it is energetically tuned to you, say the following spell in the evening with the growing moon:

“Youth walked and beauty walked across the field. The sun was shining and they were walking. The restless were walking, thinking about a girl whom they could serve, with whom they could make friends. The sun whispered to those friends the name of God's servant (her own name). Go to her, she says, take care of her, she wanted to be beautiful, she invited you to her place, she spoke a spell on the moon, on a cream. Go there, live there, serve her. Amen".

It is also useful every time you apply a cream on your face to think and imagine that right now, thanks to this cream, you become a real beauty. In general, it is very important to get a lot of pleasure from these procedures, then they will have a much greater effect.

Conspiracies for slim figure

It would be strange if there was no spell for harmony. After all, it is so important to feel the beauty of your forms, enjoy it, catch admiring glances on yourself. If you want your forms to be even more attractive and sexy, then you need to do the following ritual on the full moon. You will need a piece of lard. Wait until midnight comes. Come out directly into the moonlight, you need to be naked at this moment. Take a piece of bacon with you. Salom spend on those places on the body where you want to get rid of extra pounds. Usually these are the hips, abdomen, buttocks, waistline. At the same time, look at the moon and say such a conspiracy to become beautiful:

“Fat on fat the moon draws. The whole internal strives for the external. Leaves and does not return. Don't be here anymore, go outside, stay there. And I want to be beautiful, slim. Become my new, I am beautiful and happy. Fat goes to fat, everything draws out. Take the moon to the piglet, take it away from me as soon as possible. My strong word, my strong word, will not stand behind the moon and will not stand behind me. Behind me is magic, behind me is the moon, to them my low bow of gratitude. Forward. Get it."

After that, take a shower and go to bed. It is very good to make such conspiracies for harmony before starting a diet. In this case overweight will go away faster than usual and the diet itself will be easier for you. Throw a piece of bacon out the window that evening to be eaten by stray animals.

For the beauty of the face

Conspiracies for attractiveness that are superimposed on water work well. We wash every day. And if every time you wash your face, you say little conspiracies to perfect your face, then this will give its result. So when you wash yourself, say such a conspiracy to yourself or in a whisper:

“Vodichka, some water, wash my personal, take off the pendulum and give lightness. To be beautiful to me."

You need to say this magical text three times in one wash. This great way bring youth to your face.

Conspiracy for a glass of water

It's no secret that the appearance directly depends on the state of our internal organs. How healthy they are is manifested in external characteristics. There is such a healthy habit - to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. This helps to wash away toxins from the walls of the stomach that have formed there overnight and start the bowels. This in itself is an act of caring for your healthy and flourishing appearance. And if you put conspiracies on top of such a glass of water, then the effect of such a useful habit will be even greater. Speak the following magic words on the water:

Divine skin rejuvenation appearance body (for women). Subconscious programming

Conspiracies for procedures with water

When you shower or bathe, you are also taking care of yourself. You can do it mechanically, or you can devote attention to it. So, when you take a shower, imagine yourself as a golden figurine, from which a layer of dust is washed off under running water. In parallel with this, pronounce the following magic words:

“I wash away the pain, wash off the dirt, wash off the excess, leave beauty and health with me. I am it. Forward. Get it."

Such a magical procedure will help to get from acceptance water procedures even more relaxation.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to help yourself with witchcraft conspiracies to improve your appearance? Such rituals in real magic, of course, exist. I will present some of them for you in this article. Girls will be interested in independent conspiracies on the chest - to increase and rejuvenate. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will also supplement this material with strong conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness, which will suit both women and men. Good rituals for rejuvenation will also come in handy, they should also be in the piggy bank of a real sorcerer.

A strong conspiracy for girls to increase their breasts

You can not take a break, the main thing is to start with the growing moon. You need to start the ceremony, as you yourself understand, on the growing moon. Skip the days of the dark phase of the moon. But, as soon as a young month appears, start the ritual with an effective home conspiracy for breast growth. To conduct an independent ritual you will need:

  • Bell pepper
  • knotweed grass

Knotweed grass, also called mountaineer bird, grass-ant, goose, buckwheat, chicken eater, has long been known as an assistant in various women's issues and ailments. Sporysh found a wide, healer and healing practices.

You need to eat pepper every day, and drink tea brewed on knotweed grass, after reading on pepper and drink free conspiracy big breasts - big, fit and young:

“Pepper is round and dense, grass is fragrant and tender, so my breasts would be dense, fragrant and tender. The word is spoken, the deed is done, the pepper is eaten, the tea is drunk. Cursed. Lock".

You need to do this for 3 months in a row, without missing a single day, i.e. on the waning moon, continue to do the same. The main thing is to start the ceremony in the growth phase. The breast will increase, but not immediately, but gradually.

You don't have to eat the whole pepper. Enough and a small spoken piece. And a small cup of weak knotweed tea in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening. And yet, in addition to this technique, I advise you to drink a glass of milk a day.

A simple and also free conspiracy for big breasts

The magic of mirrors at home - read a conspiracy for youth and charm

Perform the ceremony yourself at midnight, on the full moon. In the phase of the growing moon, you can also conjure for beauty. After a bath or shower. What you need for an independent ritual:

  • mirror
  • 2 wax candles
  • new comb

Place a mirror on the table, place candles on both sides of it and light them. Sit in front of a mirror and, combing your hair, read the witchcraft plot for charm and sexual attractiveness - a good, effective plot for rejuvenation for a growing moon or a full one. Witchcraft is done on a conspiracy to the personal power of the magician - the performer.

“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tower of strong black stone, a stone of icy, indestructible. In that tower, the dungeon is cold, hopeless. Sitting in that dungeon is a maiden of unprecedented beauty. Three dogs guard the dungeon, three fierce, gray beasts with burning eyes. They don't let the maiden go out, say. You, the first dog, calm down, cool down! You, the second dog, sleep like a dead sleep! You, third dog, get out! Come out, maiden-beauty, from the dungeon into the light through the night-midnight, through the sea-ocean, through the dope fire, through the spelled mirror. Get down on your hair (name), give me youth-beauty, give me the power of slander, so that everyone is loved and good, and especially the beloved (name). So that he marveled at my unprecedented beauty, so that she was sweet, desirable to him and to everyone else now and forever. Amen".

If the text is amended with an appeal to the Christian egregor, you get a good white conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, read on the full moon or on the growing phase of the moon. Read the text of the witch spell at least 3 times. Then turn the mirror upside down and do not touch it for 3 days. Extinguish the left candle first, then the right. Put the comb under your pillow and sleep with it for 7 nights. This comb is charmed with beauty and attractiveness, and therefore you can’t give it to anyone for use and show it.

Home conspiracy for beauty and rejuvenation on the growing moon

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give another, mirror conspiracy to the attractiveness and sympathy of people. Place a mirror in front of you and light a candle next to it. Place the candle so that the flame is reflected in the mirror. Look at your reflection and read the magic words:

“In a wide field there is a combustible stone Alatyr, not a toad sits on it, not a rooster cries, not a snake hisses, but the Firebird burns with fire, fluffs its golden tail, dazzles with beauty. As the Firebird is the most beautiful and brightest of all, so I will be the most beautiful and brightest of all to shine with gold, narrowed to welcome. Forever and ever. Amen".

in a whisper read textconspiracy for facial rejuvenation, you need to get up, turn around yourself counterclockwise and again say witchcraft words. So from beginning to end, do 3 times, then the ceremony will be complete.

Home conspiracy for a woman for rejuvenation and beauty

An independent conspiracy increases the sexual attractiveness of a woman, gives her originality and charm. Take any item that you will then constantly carry with you, and read the text of the spell on it for yourself for beauty, youth and to seduce men:

“You are my treasure, treasure, love pledge, I don’t put you in a dungeon-land, I speak to you as a girl. In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel, pull the suitors to me, God's servant (name). I would be, like the dawn, blush, like spicy grass, perfume, to any male. They would grieve for me, yearn for not seeing me, grieve, in the world, in a feast, on earth and in water - everywhere. Be me, like the sun, like a clear moon, like a warm wave. Among all her friends, there is only one such pava. Do not forget my words, do not whisper, do not reprimand with a strong word. How people bow to the mother church, so that people love me, respect me, meet me with a smile, see me off with their eyes. My word is true, my work is strong. Amen".

The magical ritual is neutral, without calling on the Forces, without harm to other people, and therefore there can be no negative consequences of the conspiracy on beauty and youth.

A strong conspiracy for the beauty and attractiveness of the marsh cudweed grass

And then in pursuit of another interesting and simple ritual for rejuvenation. A strong conspiracy to sexual attractiveness, beauty and rejuvenation can be read by women different ages It is also suitable for men. You can apply this rite if wrinkles appear on the face, or there are visible imperfections on the face and body - acne, abscesses, ulcers.

To rejuvenate the face and body, to make it clean, without wrinkles and imperfections, you need to go to the bank of a river or a swamp and find marsh cudweed. This is a strong herb, long noted by sorcerers. Having noticed the cudweed, you need to approach her and say this:

“The swamp, but with life, and not with death, but on the face is white, and not on the back of the cross, which is beaten off with a bow, but picked up for beauty. Amen".

Uproot the plant, scoop up river water, and take everything home. At home, prepare a decoction, cool, and wash your face with that decoction. Take only healthy leaves, not dry, not dented or torn. Grass with its power will reduce all acne, and preserve youth.

Running white ritual for the attractiveness and sexuality of a woman, precisely as a ritual for beauty. Removes imperfections. Yes, and a person looks completely different, the magical ritual also acts as a wraith on beauty, on the increased attention of others.

White conspiracy to appeal to melt water from seven icicles

They do this home ritual of white magic, and read a conspiracy on female attractiveness into the water only for the waning phase of the moon. They can help themselves get rid of skin imperfections and teenage acne, and become attractive to others. A rite with an appeal to the essence of the Christian egregore, which means white magic.

Take 7 icicles, bring them into the house and wait until they melt. Then water, and wash yourself with it.

Read a white conspiracy to attract water 7 times:

“Saint Panteleimon the Healer, Saint George the Conqueror, and you, Saint Michael the Liberator, defeat my illness and free my body from all abscesses and pimples. As water descends from God's sky, turns into icicles at God's command, so pimples would descend from my face to nowhere and never return to my body. Amen".

White conspiracy in the meadows for beauty and rejuvenation on the growing moon

The white ritual for attractiveness and beauty in the eyes of other people is universal. This conspiracy to sexual attractiveness to men is wonderful, so that representatives of the strong half of humanity can apply it with confidence. The work goes on on their own magical resources with an appeal to the life-giving force of nature.

Leave at dawn in the meadows. Take a piece of bread, salt and some water with you.

Go towards the sun, and in a whisper or aloud read a conspiracy to sexual attractiveness:

“The red sun woke up, it was accessible to me (name), it was reflected on my face. Light enters my body, awakens my zealous heart, illuminates it with light, removes the bad, fills it with strength. Gives me a ruddy face, hot blood, clear eyes, red lips.

Walk through the meadow at sunrise and recite as many times as your soul asks. When you understand that enough is enough, sit down on the grass, get bread, water and salt, talk and eat.

“Just as people cannot live without mother salt, without father bread, without dove water, without morning dawn, without white light, without red sun, so they could not live without me (name). I will be sweeter than the white light, I will become lighter than the red sun. Let it be so".

Can there be negative the consequences of a conspiracy on beauty and youth, and should a person who read such conspiracies expect something bad in the future? I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, noticed that, unfortunately, a negative stereotype about the terrible retribution for white magic, which certainly awaits everyone who turns to its power. Indeed, the concept of retribution and undesirable consequences exists, but you need to understand when and under what conditions this is possible.

During energy attacks, magical attacks, non-compliance with the rules of work, etc., that is, with very powerful rituals performed by an ordinary person who has no idea about the laws of witchcraft that violates the rules, an uncontrollable force caused by a person can hit him himself. However, with regard to these rites, here the work is positive and only on the strength of one's own impulse, and therefore the consequences of the rejuvenation conspiracy will be extremely positive.

A woman at any age wants to be beautiful and charming, to arouse admiration in the eyes of the men around her and envy in the eyes of other representatives of her sex. What tricks do the daughters of Eve resort to in pursuit of this goal of theirs: all kinds of cosmetical tools, expensive beauty salons, enhanced workouts and fitness, debilitating diets, and even surgical intervention. Conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness are another effective way on the way to female beauty.

Features and principle of work of conspiracies for attractiveness

Conspiracy to Attractivenessis a magical verbal formula designed to in a special way influence the external data of the performer and enhance her attractiveness. After applying the conspiracy, any woman, even with the most ordinary appearance (the so-called “gray mouse”), can become an object of attraction, attract attention and numerous admiring glances. The magic of beauty endows the representative of the weaker sex with charisma, which will cover her natural imperfections and put forward personal virtues in the first place.

What is the secret of the work of a magical conspiracy on beauty and attractiveness? Under his influence:

  • the inner (spiritual) beauty of the performer enters into a harmonious tandem with her outer shell, which allows all her feminine charm to break out;
  • a number of new opportunities open up for the performer. She gains happiness, luck and success. She easily overcomes obstacles that, before the use of magical influence, could seem simply unattainable;
  • an inner confidence appears in a woman, which does not leave anyone indifferent.

The key subject of the conspiracy to sexuality is, of course, the external appearance of a woman, but nevertheless, its influence primarily affects the inner content of the performer. This is due to the fact that the external attractiveness of the fairer sex largely depends on what is happening inside her, on a psychological and emotional level.

Classification of conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness

There are countless witchcraft conspiracies for charm and beauty. Each of them has its own pursued goal, each of them acts on a specific component of the female appearance. Conventionally, conspiracies for beauty are usually divided into 3 large groups according to the following parameters:

  • the purpose of the ritual;
  • the subject of the conspiracy;
  • ritual performer.

In its own way goalsattractiveness conspiracies are divided into:

  • rituals to eliminate any external shortcomings;
  • rituals for the prolongation of youth;
  • spells to keep attractive.

Depending on theperformer, the following types of rituals for attraction are distinguished:

  • conspiracies for young and unmarried girls;
  • rituals for married women;
  • rituals for unmarried and married ladies of age.

If we take into accountsubject of conspiracy, then magic rituals are most often aimed at:

  • beauty and sexuality of the female figure;
  • facial beauty;
  • health and beauty of teeth;
  • the beauty of the hands, feet and other parts of the female body.

From an impressive list of conspiracies for beauty, any woman can choose a ritual suitable for herself, focusing on her wishes, needs, weaknesses of her appearance.

Simple and effective conspiracies for sexuality and attractiveness

A strong conspiracy for attractiveness, youth and health

The ritual to prepare forglass of crystal clear water And a pinch of coarse salt , held strictly on the full moon, at midnight.

Exactly at 12 at night, you need to take a glass of water in your left hand, salt in your right, in complete darkness, with the curtains closed, stand in the middle of the room and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Transparent water, moon water, I swallow you, I beg you: make me, the servant of God, (own name), every day I was good and fresh, every day people looked at me the way they look at Mother Moon. So that every day they give a word and say about me: “How good the Moon is, so is God's servant (own name)good, white and chubby, young and cheerful.

After saying the text of the spell, salt should be poured into the water, the glass should be left until morning on the windowsill. In the morning, getting out of bed, you need to take a small sip from the glass, while saying:

“Water is in me, beauty is on me! Amen amenu pereaminoe!”

The charmed water should be drunk all a little bit during the week, accompanied by the ritual described above after waking up.

Conspiracy for milk for beauty and freshness of the face

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced on a glass of fresh cow's milk, 3 times:

“Milk-milk steam! Make me beautiful, ruddy and fresh. So that everyone who watched, admired and looked at!

Having spoken milk, you need to take 3 sips from a glass, and wash your face with the rest of it. It is advisable to repeat the rite once a week - this will consolidate and prolong the result.

Two more strong conspiracy beauty on water and milk, see the video:

Conspiracy for the beauty of hair

The conspiracy is pronounced on Monday in the growing month. The performer should at the same time sit in the middle of the room with a comb (comb) in her hands and look out the window at the night star. Spell text:

“The field - to the grain, the light - to the sun, the crown - to the comb, and the hair - to the hair. Amen".

With a charmed comb, you need to comb your hair in the future.

A conspiracy for the new moon, suggestive of attractiveness and beauty

The conspiracy is pronounced in the first minutes (determine the exact time by lunar calendar). The text is as follows:

“A new moon was born, she shared her beauty with me. My face is now white, my skin is fresh, my hair is long, my belt is thin. The lips are like the sun at sunset, the cheeks are like the dawn at sunrise. There is no sweeter me in the world.”

This is a completely safe conspiracy. You can use it every lunar month.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation and beauty

Pretty basic but effective conspiracy. The casting of the spell must begin on the day of your birth. The words are spoken at sunrise:

“Lord, I wash myself with spring water, I wipe myself with the heavenly sun, I hide myself in the bright sky, I smile at the earth and the sky, with you, God, I am blessed for a healthy and long life. My body, hold on! Amen!"

A conspiracy is pronounced for 10 days, then a break is made for 7 days, and the ritual is resumed (it is carried out again 10 days in a row).On the days of using the conspiracy, meat products must be completely excluded from your menu..

Naturally, any conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness must be made with faith in the result, otherwise there will be zero sense from it.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The material of this article presents data that will simplify the choice of a conspiracy, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly achieve the desired goal and realize all one's capabilities with the help of not black, but white magic.

Full moon conspiracy for beauty for girls and women and its consequences

A beauty conspiracy for girls and women should be carried out on the full moon, since it is in this phase of the moon that the energy force of the month is the most powerful. To perform the ritual, it is necessary to collect clean water in an iron container, wait until midnight and, standing near the window, so that the full moon is reflected in the water, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As you, the moon, are round and white, so I will have pretty face and delicate skin. Share your light with me, give mother-of-pearl to the chela. I’ll go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, soak up the foam, warm the bones, get cold from the heat. Douse me with spring water." At the end of the conspiracy, the water should be left on the windowsill so that the moonlight feeds it with its energy, and in the morning after all the bath procedures, wash yourself with the charmed water.

This ritual belongs to white magic, so there can be no consequences. It is important that it be held on the new moon, but not on the waning moon. Improper performance of the ritual can reverse the effect of the conspiracy, so you should be very careful.

Read a conspiracy for youth at home

For a conspiracy for youth, it is best to use milk, since it is a symbol of rejuvenation and youth. To carry out such a conspiracy, you need to take a glass of fresh fresh milk and speak it three times with these words:

“Fresh milk is milk.
Make me beautiful, fresh and ruddy.
So that whoever does not look - looks and admires "

After that, you should drink three sips and wash your face with the remaining milk. The action of the conspiracy will not take long if the ritual is carried out once a week.

A conspiracy to attract to read before going to bed for men is white magic

To conduct a conspiracy to male attractiveness, it will be necessary to boil oak leaves to such a state that it can be consumed. Before going to bed, you should read the words three times over the decoction:

“The oak grew, absorbed strength, became powerful, beautiful, and an enviable groom. Share, oak, with me your masculine strength, beauty, so that I would be a prominent groom, like hot cakes for girls. So he said, so be it!

After reading, it is necessary to take three sips of the charmed decoction, wash and rinse the body lightly with it. Do not wipe off drops of decoction, but wait a little while until it dries, and go to bed.

A conspiracy to attract men from Larisa Renard

Based on her magical practice, Larisa Renard recommends conducting a special ritual to attract men. To do this, you need a net opposite the window so that the moon is visible in full. It should be deep night outside the window, and the full moon in the sky.

You should concentrate your attention and thoughts on your lover, if you have one, or imagine the man of your dreams. Thus, the energy flows will be sent to the person about whom all dreams and desires are. As soon as the image develops before your eyes, you need to say the following words:

“I am a woman created from the four elements and creating the world around me. I am fully aware of my true virtues, and whoever I meet will also see them. I know that somewhere there is someone who needs me and wants to meet me as much as I want him. He needs me to achieve the absolute fullness of life. He longs to meet a woman with my character and appearance.

Our connection will be happiness for both, because each loves the other exactly as he is, the infinite mind knows where each of us is, and immediately sets everything in motion for our connection. I completely rely on the divine and I know that in these moments the invisible streams of its activity produce actions leading to the desired result. I send these words to the Divine that connects those who are made for each other. It knows all ways and means.” Such words must be spoken every night of the entire cycle of the full moon.

How to get rid of loneliness conspiracy

To conduct a conspiracy from loneliness, you need to prepare yourself outwardly: put on a long shirt white color, loosen your hair and be sure to remove all available jewelry. Next, you need to stand near the window that faces east and, as soon as dawn appears, read the spell:

“You are a morning dawn, a scarlet dawn, a bright dawn, I ask you honestly, but fervently, bring me a good fellow, with a pure soul, with male strength, with a beautiful face. Put me, the servant of God (name), with that young man, yes, under the image, lead him to my soul, to my bright eyes. Let that fellow love me, let him not do dashing deeds against me, let him not bring sadness to me. I will close my words with a strong lock, I will tightly squeeze the key in my mouth so that my wishes come true. Now and Forever. Let it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy for harmony

To perform a ritual for harmony, you need to take a glass of water and during the phase of the waning moon, looking at this water, read the plot seven times:

“Damn brothers, I call you, I invite everyone. Walk beside me, take my zhor, carry it three miles away, to the red uplands, to the demonic courtyard, take everything away, block the paths to me. The power of demons, remove from me the hungry power, the one that beckons to food, and that pulls to food. When the water spills, it dries up, and so my hunger dries up, completely melts and does not shake my soul anymore. After reading the plot, you should immediately pour water either into the sink or into the river.

A conspiracy to beauty treasure you are my treasure, consequences, reviews, when to read

This conspiracy to attract is carried out during the growing moon. To perform it, you need to take any important little thing that will always be in the bag, and read the words of the spell on it:

“Treasure you are my treasure, love pledge.
I put you not in the ground - a dungeon,
I'm talking about you girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel.
Pull the suitors to me, the servant of God (name).
I would be like the dawn, blush,
Like a spicy herb, dukhmyana.
Any man's heart is desirable.
Would be sad for me, yearn,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in the feast, on earth and in water - everywhere!
Be me, like the sun, like a clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all her friends, pav is the only one.
My words do not score, do not whisper,
Do not reprimand with a strong word.
How people bow to the mother church,
So that people can love and respect me,
Meet with a smile, see off with your eyes.
My first word, my strong deed.
What I didn't say, what I didn't say
What I didn’t think in my mind.
All my conspiracy will bring. Amen".

In no case should the charmed thing be given into the hands of anyone, but it is better not to show it at all. No one can talk about the ritual performed either.

Reviews: " Good conspiracy helped me win the attention of the opposite sex. I did it on a mirror and before speaking it, I soaked it in salt water to clean it from the aura. In short, in a word, I was satisfied”

“I did it on a comb, it’s very inconvenient, because it didn’t fit into all my bags. Decided to change it to something else lipstick. It seems to have worked out. It’s only inconvenient to refuse when a girlfriend asks to put on make-up”

This conspiracy has no consequences. The only thing you need to pay attention to is complete confidentiality - no one should know about the ceremony. And if suddenly someone outsider takes the charmed thing in his hands, then the spell will lose its power. In the most extreme case, it will create a little trouble on the personal front. But this can only happen if the thing falls into the hands of an energetically negative person. In other cases, the conspiracy is simply cancelled.

A conspiracy from wrinkles and black dots read on cream, water

To get rid of wrinkles and blackheads, there is an effective plot for a cream that the person performing the ritual uses systematically. To do this, you need to choose a women's day and a growing moon phase. Open the cream, focusing all your attention on it, say the words of the spell:

“Let the deep pits stretch and smooth out, wide ruts on my face. My face will become pure and my eyes will be bright. As the surface of the lake is smooth, so the skin on my face will become even and ugly. My face will become beautiful and young. My words are true, my faith is strong, my deed is good. May it be as it is said!

After that, close the cream with a lid and leave it until morning to absorb the necessary energy. You can start using it in the morning.

To carry out the ritual to eliminate wrinkles and black spots on the water, you need to go outside on Thursday at midnight and start pouring yourself three times in a row from head to toe, completely immersed in water, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother cheese water, you washed Jesus Christ,
He washed his wounds, removed his pains.
Drain, remove white from my body,
From all bones, from all relics,
From all veins, veins, from the top and from the inside.
Rinse, rinse, from the skin of the opposite and transverse,
From every piece of mine, from every hair,
From the elbows, from the eyebrows, mustache, belly, chest.
Lord save, Lord save.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

After this procedure, it is necessary to dry the entire body with a new white towel. As soon as the body is dry, the towel should be taken to the forest, find an aspen and tie it to it. Immediately after that, you need to leave from there, without looking back.

Acne conspiracy at home

To carry out the ritual to rid the appearance of acne, you need to take a potato, peel it and cut it into two parts. Then, with two parts, you need to rub your face at the same time, saying 7 times:

“Rub my face, take away all the evil spirits!
Burn all pimples, cleanse my face!

At the end of the ceremony, you need to bury the potatoes in the ground away from home.

In this article:

Hard to find these days modern woman, who would not care about her external attractiveness.

In the struggle for beauty, a person is ready to use everything available funds: cosmetics, diet, fitness centers, beauty salons and more. Recently, women have begun to turn to the most ancient ways to increase attractiveness, which are various spells and magic rituals for beauty.

What are spells for health and beauty

Depending on the desired result, spells of various directions can be used as a conspiracy for beauty. The main differences in such magical means are what is the immediate goal of the ritual, who is the performer, etc.

Depending on the performer, all existing magical conspiracies can be divided into three main categories:

  • Young girls - most often use spells to preserve natural attractiveness and eliminate acne.
  • Married women use charm spells to keep their husband sexually attractive and youthful.
  • Women aged - to get rid of wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, eliminate all aging processes of the body.

There are very few universal conspiracies for beauty, for greater efficiency it is customary to use magical rites with a clear purpose, for example, conspiracies on beautiful hair, on the beauty of the face, on an attractive figure, on Beautiful legs etc. In addition, spells that are used to restore former beauty, to eliminate obvious shortcomings, can be distinguished into the same category.

Daily spell to become beautiful

Carry out this procedure during the entire phase of the growing moon

First of all, the performer needs to concentrate on desired result. Think about what effect you want to achieve with the help of magic and try to imagine that you already got what you wanted. Such thoughts will help you tune in to the right wave, as well as believe in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual.
Every morning, before washing, take a little water in your palms and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Angel of Water, give me, the servant of God (name), beauty, remove my wrinkles and acne, cleanse my skin with water. Let it be so. Amen".

Now wash your face with this water, but do not dry your face with a towel.
In some cases, even such a simple conspiracy will be enough for serious positive changes in appearance, however, to enhance the effect, you can use another method.

It is best to prepare a small amount of cream yourself

In the second part of the daily ritual, you need to speak the skin cream. Any decorative cream (preferably from natural ingredients) will do. In the evening, hold the selected cream in your hands, bring it to your lips and whisper the words:

“12 sisters, 12 beauties, 12 young women, 12 earthly queens walked across the sky. From each of those girls, from each beauty, from each young woman, from each queen, beauty lies in this jar. I, the servant of God (name), will rub my face with this cream, so that I get beauty. Let it be so".

Applying the cream on the face, pronounce the words:

“As from the first sister to me beauty, as from the second love, as from the third sonorous voice, as from the fourth thick hair, as from the fifth my teeth are snow-white, as from the sixth voice is tender, as from the seventh black eyelashes, as from the eighth the eyebrow is thin, and from the ninth clear eyes, and from the tenth nose is sharp, from the eleventh mouth is scarlet, and as the twelfth I will be all. May it come true what is said. Amen".

When you close the jar of cream, say:

“I close the 12 sisters in the tent, but I leave their beauty to myself.”

Conspiracy of youth and beauty

This is one of the few universal conspiracies that enhances the overall attractiveness of a woman. You need to read the words of the spell early in the morning:

“The scarlet dawn rises in the sky, the red poppy blooms in the meadow, so my beauty sparkles all over the earth. My beauty, like stars in the night sky, sparkles, people and me, the servant of God (name), pleases. As it is said, so it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong attraction spell

Use a stable item

This spell has great power. With it, you can increase your attractiveness and sexuality. It also improves the aura of a person, gives him a certain charm and attractiveness. At the same time, it is important to remember that black magic necessarily harms some person, and a beauty spell has only a positive result. Therefore, do not believe that something bad can happen because of such a simple ceremony, and you will sacrifice vital energy for the sake of beauty.

“I put you, my treasure, in the earth-dungeon, I speak to you like a girl with all the names of angels and archangels. Pull suitors to me, to God's servant (name). So that I was blush, like the dawn. Fragrant like grass. It is desirable for a man's heart that they yearn for me and mourn, so that they grieve without seeing me. Amen".
