Warm footwear for adults. Warm winter shoes for women

There is something to admire!

How do you? I liked the third one. It looks like a pilot, only the parachute is missing.

But I want to warn you right away, if you want to buy really natural high fur boots, then they will not be cheap. And it’s better not to buy from a substitute or a fake, they will greatly disappoint you.

Real high boots, both inside and outside, are made from real fur. most often made of rubber. The price of such boots reaches $1000 for a pair.

There are high boots soles, which are made in the same way, from fur. Such shoes are very warm, but not for those places where suddenly puddles may appear on the road.

The question arises. What can you wear boots with?

High boots go quite well with all fur, knitted and leather goods.

They can also be worn with down jackets.

What conclusion can be drawn:

Good high boots very warm fashion footwear, but ... it will be a little expensive!

Let's take a look at Uggs.

These are boots, if you can call them that, made of sheepskin. Suede on the outside and wool on the inside. The sole is ordinary rubber, more often just a micropore.

These shoes are quite spacious and comfortable, naturally warm, but not quite fashionable in appearance.

Ugg boots are much cheaper than high boots, in the range of $ 130 - $ 150.

This is where all the benefits end.

These shoes are only suitable for dry snow. They cannot be worn when wet or muddy. Caring for them is the same as for suede shoes.

If you bought them, what can you wear them with?

Uggs are a casual style, which means simplicity.

From history - casual was the style of the villagers. Although, this style is becoming more and more popular every day, but until this fashion comes to our region, it is not for our women.

Here are some reviews of this shoe:

It is worth noting that uggs visually shorten the legs and are able to distort the silhouette of any legs. So, before you buy them, you will need to think, “Will I wear them later?”.

But, if you have already purchased them, then your clothes should be voluminous.

Suitable clothes for this shoe are short fur coats, down jackets or a loose coat.

I think ugg boots are great for walking pets during the cold season.

And now about the most interesting, about felt boots!

I already imagine what you imagine when you hear this word - felt boots.

You probably think that these are such bulky, clumsy, hard, ugly boots, gray-brown in color.

That's right, this is their standard look. These are exactly the boots that all the cadets of the flight school tried to grab while skydiving. I wrote about this before.

And why, you ask?

Yes, they are much warmer than any warm boots and several times lighter. And this is a big plus! Do you agree?

But I want to assure you, if you want to purchase this Super - the warmest shoes, then its appearance is not at all like those felt boots that the villagers wear with pleasure.

For urban women of fashion, felt boots have already been invented, which outwardly practically do not differ from ordinary winter boots. But their properties, to retain heat, have been preserved.

Take a look at the following photos for yourself:

Model boots can be worn with almost any clothing worn in winter.

True, cool!

Fashion boots from Slava Zaitsev

Most recently, they brought me boots, from which I myself was delighted.

I liked both the look and the simplicity. But most of all I was struck by their durability. I thought they were brand new, and as usual they fell apart after a couple of weeks, but when I found out that they were already three years old and looked like new, I rated these shoes for all 5 points with a plus!

If you live in a cold climate or spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter, then you need to approach the issue very responsibly. After all, hypothermia of the legs is fraught with very serious diseases.

What are the warmest winter shoes for women?

Oddly enough, the answer to this question was given a long time ago and tested not even for decades, but for hundreds of years and for many generations of women and girls. Because, no matter how beautiful modern boots made of leather or suede look, but a really very warm women's winter shoes- these are high fur boots, ugg boots and felt boots, that is, national versions of shoes that were invented by peoples living in a cold climate. Of course, now these models have received a new fashionable rethinking, but, at the same time, they have not lost their originality and excellent warming qualities.

Fur boots. Warm winter shoes for women with a top completely covered with fur. Sometimes the foot is also covered with fur - such high boots become even warmer. Modern high boots platforms are made of high quality materials, so they do not slip. This shoe model goes well with skirts and trousers or leggings tucked in, short and long sheepskin coats, fur coats and down jackets. Their only drawback can be called enough high price, since high-quality high boots from natural materials can cost $1,000 or more.

Uggs. Australian version of warm winter women's shoes. These are sheepskin boots that are sewn with fur inside. They fit very well in casual style sets, however, it is almost impossible to create a romantic look with them. Uggs are afraid of moisture, so you need to protect them from rain and dirt, and also clean them very carefully with a special brush.

Felt boots. Well known Russian folk shoes received a rethinking from modern designers, becoming a model of fashionable and, at the same time, original and extremely warm footwear. In stores, you can now buy felt boots of various colors, with heels and a special waterproof polyurethane sole.

How to choose warm winter shoes?

When choosing warm winter shoes, you need to pay attention to the following factors. First of all, the warmest models are made from natural materials. This applies to high fur boots, and ugg boots, and boots. Just buying a pair of shoes from genuine leather, wool and fur, you can be sure that they will reliably warm you in very coldy. Secondly, you should choose the right size. Let it be slightly larger than yours, because this will create an air gap in the shoe that will retain heat reliably. Thirdly, carefully read the instructions for using the product. When they are done, you will enjoy your warm winter shoes for a long time.

Hello dear readers!

I confess honestly! I'm a creepy creep. In winter, my feet get cold in any shoes. In addition, I am a mother of a small child, and we are supposed to walk for at least an hour every day. Oh yes! I also only wear skirts and dresses. So I set out to find the warmest, but feminine shoes for the winter!

I needed: very warm, at the same time inexpensive and feminine!

Here's what I "gathered".

No matter how beautiful and feminine leather and suede boots are, you don’t walk in them for a long time. Therefore, heavier artillery is needed.

Having searched for the opinions of women on websites and forums, I determined that the warmest are felt boots. Let's take a closer look at them.

Fur boots

High boots are the warmest type of footwear. True, not the cheapest. It will be really warm only in good high fur boots made of natural fur, wool and leather. Such untiks cost up to $1,000 per pair.

There are high boots, in which the foot is also covered with fur, and these are much warmer:

By the way, the owners of high fur boots claim that the reagents used by the road services do not “touch” them. Also, that in severe frost it is warm in high fur boots, and in milder weather - it is not hot in them!

I had high fur boots, though completely unnatural. I will say that the fur boot is really very warm. But the feet were very cold under the leatherette.

What to wear with high boots

Fur boots belong to the ethnic style and can look very feminine with skirts:

Fur boots go well with everything knitted, fur and leather. Especially with accessories. But you can wear them with a down jacket:

My conclusion: Good high fur boots are very warm, beautiful, but ... a little expensive!


Uggs are boots that are made of sheepskin with wool on the inside and suede on the outside. The sole is synthetic. Good warm ugg boots can be bought for 5,000 rubles.

Ugg care

Of course, these shoes are only suitable for dry snow. Moisture and dirt are contraindicated for them. But you need to clean them carefully. If already dirty, then do not wet, do not dry near a heat source. Just let them dry at normal air temperature and then, slightly wetting, clean with a toothbrush. Caring for them is the same as for suede boots. It would be useful to purchase special tools for this: a brush, a cleaning spray, a water-repellent agent.

What to wear with ugg boots

Uggs are a casual style, so there is no question of femininity. Also, these boots shorten the legs, so the little ones will need to think before buying them.

It is also worth noting that these boots are only suitable for women with very straight legs, because. visually able to distort the silhouette of any legs.

These shoes look best with jeans and leggings:

But many wear them with short skirts:

In any case, the top of the image should be voluminous:

Suitable outerwear for such shoes - these are down jackets, short fur coats, ponchos, loose coats:

My conclusion: uggs are very warm (if natural), affordable, but not a bit graceful) And besides, my legs are not very even, plus I grew one and a half meters).

So here's what worked for me the most:

Felt boots

This is the most traditional footwear for Russians. felted felt boots) Price from 1500 rubles. Boots made by hand are more expensive. But they are also much warmer.

But at first glance it seems - what? Felt boots? I won't wear anything. Although, now there is such a variety of boots that the most demanding lady will find her pair.

Just look at the photos:

Felt care

Felt boots should not be dried near a heat source. Only at room temperature. After use, be sure to shake off the snow from them. Moths like to eat felt boots, so keep them away from it - keep them clean in a bag with lavender or wormwood, or with special means from the moth.

Dry felt boots should be cleaned with a pumice stone or a stiff brush. But if the dirt has eaten in, then you need to clean them with a carpet cleaner: apply foam, wipe it off with a dry cloth after 5 minutes. Dry the boots and you're done!

By the way, white boots are easy to clean with semolina: rub it into the felt and knock out the boots well. Or lather laundry soap, rinse and dry gently.

What to wear boots with

Now there are a lot of model boots on sale, they can be worn with everything with which we wear ordinary boots. Traditional felt boots look better with something equally traditional, ethnic, Russian:

And now I will tell you about my acquisition. Test drive so to speak)

I bought inexpensive but feminine felt boots through the wildberries.ru store. The company is Cooper.

What can I say. I chose a feminine model with heels and a flower:

Well, firstly, I bought them for walking with my son, and mainly for warmth. warm they are very strong! Especially due to the fact that I took a size larger than my own (not 36, but 37). The leg in two thin socks "rides" on the felt boots and gets very hot. But! You won’t stay in them for a long time - you must definitely move.

Sole thick, non-slip, comfortable, one-piece with a heel.

Appearance. Of course, these are budget boots. They cost 2300 rubles. The felt is not the thinnest, but not coarse either. You can’t go to the Oscars in them, but walking around is just the thing! I am very satisfied with my purchase! Thanks to my husband All my requirements were taken into account here: inexpensive, warm and feminine! I advise everyone)

I hope this article has sufficiently shown what kind of warm winter shoes the heat-loving women of our country prefer)

Do you freeze as much as I do? How do you save yourself?) Do you wear felt boots, ugg boots, high fur boots?

Let's talk in the comments?)

If you still need ordinary leather boots for the winter, then find out which model is considered the most basic and stylish at the Anna Arsenyeva Academy of Fashion and Style.

With love, .

I time my review to coincide with the onset of winter, which will be the fourth for my shoes. She served me faithfully for three years, so I decided to publish my observations.

For most of my life in the cold season, I wore boots or high boots made of natural leather / suede / nubuck with natural fur. Warm, beautiful, looks presentable. But a few years ago I realized that it was time to look for something new. Because in the first year such shoes are very warm, on the second year the natural fur is slightly crushed and the level of warmth drops a little, and on the third year the difference is already obvious. Also, the obvious disadvantages for me are the need for constant care so that natural materials do not lose their appearance and the shoes do not get wet, as well as a relatively high price.

Seriously concerned about the issue which women's shoes the warmest, I shoveled the entire Internet and interviewed all my friends. The result is this rating:

  • 3RD PLACEUggs great and terrible. The love of many girls and the nightmare of men. I well understand the aversion of the stronger sex to this type of footwear - ugg boots break the proportions very much, even the smallest leg in them pulls 40 or even 45 sizes. But warm, this is a fact (naturally, I'm talking about those made from natural sheepskin)! They did not fit me - uncomfortable from the first step, not my cut, not my sole.
  • 2ND PLACEFur boots. They are famous for their warmth, while being a specific and frankly expensive thing. More common in the northern regions of the country, in other places it is difficult to buy them. Ordering shoes online is not for me, so not an option.
  • 1 PLACEDutik boots(pictured are mine). They warm just due to their bloat, that is, the presence of an air gap. They are made from modern synthetic materials, so they weigh relatively little and are easy to care for. The good ones don't get wet at all.
  • SEPARATE PLACE occupies the winter sport shoes from ultra-modern materials, as a rule, these are boots. They are insanely warm, light and durable, but few women choose these for everyday wear, because they are "unfeminine". I have no prejudice on this topic, and in the store I chose between such boots and duts, but the duts were 50% off, so they won.

My dutiks: Warm boots for women Outventure Median.

Shop: Sportmaster.

Price: I didn't have points, but there was a sale going on and I bought the boots at half price. Full price - 4999 rubles.

"Mileage": 3 years, and I wore them in the cold season from autumn to spring, and not just in winter.

Colors: black, red, blue, white.

First, I’ll go over the merits of the product indicated on the Sportmaster website:


Waterproof membrane Waterproof Outventure reliably protects shoes from snow and slush.

For three years, the boots have never gotten wet, and this is a real salvation in the middle lane, where, as you know, the weather can throw out any trick with the exception of a tsunami. Winter is frosty and snowy, just like on postcards, then suddenly slush and the road is a complete mess. In any weather, these boots proved to be excellent.


The ribbed outsole is suitable for slippery and snowy roads.

The first year the boots did not slip at all. Starting from the second, the sole rolled out a little. I won’t say that they glide very strongly, but there is no perfect grip in obvious icy conditions.


Faux fur keeps you warm during long winter walks.

In all that time, my feet never got cold. At the same time, even at a temperature of -27 °, I wore only ordinary thin cotton socks.

And now my own observations:

WEAR. For several years, these dutik spouts have not changed a bit, they have not become worse to warm, they still do not let water through, the sole is intact and has not moved away. At the same time, I walk quite a lot, and not only on sidewalks, I like to run through snowdrifts, climb in nature.

SALT RESISTANCE. A bonus that I fully feel when I visit cities such as Moscow or Yaroslavl (we use sand in the old fashioned way). Salt is everywhere, tons of salt that crunches underfoot and literally devours shoes. In the case of dutik, the consequences are limited to nasty white stains.

EASY CARE. Only salt stains are not immediately washed off, otherwise plain water is enough. And you can wash it safely, because the boots do not get wet. It is not required to use care products (creams, foams, waterproof impregnations, etc.), and time and money are saved.

CONVENIENCE. They are really ideal for walking: they are lighter than boots made of natural fur and leather, the drawstring on the top does not allow snow to get inside, the sole is thick, embossed, without a heel - you can walk a lot in these. For even more comfort, after a while I began to use these inexpensive Aptonia insoles from Decathlon (I see no reason to write a separate review). I want to emphasize that it is not for warmth, but for greater convenience (I am a kinesthetic, I value tactile sensations most of all) and hygiene.

In Russia, with its cold climate, winter shoes are one of the most important purchases. As the saying goes: "Keep your feet warm and your head cold." Feet are warm! After all, they are closest to the icy or snowy surface. And frost and wind affect them in the same way as the rest of the body.

REFERENCE. The most optimal footwear is considered to be made from natural materials. For example, high boots. These "rescuers" from colds are made from deer skins. Reputable manufacturers, designers, except for insulation sheep wool, turn off invented styles for beauty with expensive furs: arctic fox, hare, fox. In the places of residence of the northern peoples, shoes are not sheathed with branded labels. But the material is the most, that neither is, high-quality.

The tops are good high, to the knees. If you wear tight pants, knitted leggings or warm skirts. But with quilted waterproof pants or jeans on thick fleece, short boots are more convenient. Uggs, for example. Both fashionable and practical.

REFERENCE. Demand more for leather uppers with natural fur. The warmest choice. REFERENCE. Natural pile tingles slightly. So you distinguish it from a fake. How today's shoemakers have learned to cheat with the dressing of a sheepskin! Few people will see that the reverse side of the skin is glued faux fur. Even dividing it into furrows no longer helps. The gauze-like adhesive layer may not be noticed.

Eco-leather dutiks are also quite warm. When they are sewn by real professionals. They are also made of leather. In addition, it is possible to combine different types materials. Implement ideas fashion designers. In a futuristic, ethnic, oriental and youth style, when bright acid colors of fabrics are taken, they look equally good.

Choice of interior finishes

Better than the fur inside out, nothing has yet been invented. Warm air between long villi warms like a stove. If the weather is not so frosty, a felt-like finish will do. Thick felt insoles will protect your feet from the cold. But fur is still preferable.


Here opinions are unlikely to be divided.

ATTENTION! In favor are flat and non-slip. No one wants to break his head by slipping on the ice. Thick rubber saves from this.

Don't forget about deep snow.

REFERENCE. Protectors will prevent slipping, allow you to pave the way in the snow. This way, your feet won't get wet. In addition, due to the height of the curly soles, the distance between the foot and the frozen soil increases.


When it comes to everyday wear, comfort is key. Velor and suede styles with flat soles and zippers are the best option for every day. It happens to be very beautiful! For example, Norwegian-style trim (when the top edge is decorated with a strip of machine-knitted yarn with an ethnic pattern). Suede is a durable but soft material. It is convenient to decorate. Embroider on it with beads. Decorate with sequins, rhinestones, buttons, tassels from the same cut as the boots themselves.

IMPORTANT! If spring stocking boots made of thin lacquer can do without a zipper, then winter models must be either with a wide short shaft or with a zipper. IN in large numbers clothes bending to the floor is not very convenient. Heels for winter are preferred low and stable. Not a thin long "hairpin".

A common option is a leather (can be varnished) bottom in the form of galoshes, and above - suede with a zipper.

REFERENCE. At expensive brands genuine leather sole.

Particularly zealous housewives “prepare sleighs in the summer” - they buy models for the winter during the spring sales for a penny. If it is running, then it will not go out of fashion until next winter.
