Traumatic removal of the nail plate. Damage to the nail matrix: treatment without risk

The nail plate or how we say the nail is result of matrix cell division, the main organ of the nail apparatus.

The matrix is ​​the growth part of the nail, the nail cells mature in it, that is, in fact, this is its living part. The matrix is ​​located under the posterior nail fold and is closely associated with the root of the nail, which in turn is the primary nail.

Difference between nail root and matrix lies in the fact that the root corresponds to the stratum corneum, and the matrix corresponds to the germ layer of the epithelium, while there is no clear transition from one layer to another.

The matrix is ​​formed by epithelial papillae of a delicate structure, which are abundantly supplied with blood. Therefore, in case of disturbance of blood circulation in the matrix or in case of local disorders of nerve conduction (for example, injury), disturbances in the growth of the nail or its composition inevitably occur. The state of the matrix completely depends on the state nail plate. The matrix determines the shape of the nail, its thickness, growth rate, and its organic composition.

At disruption of the normal activity of the matrix the result is inevitably a change in the structure, and even the shape of the nail plate. Nail cells in the lunula round shape white color, very densely arranged, in the process of development they become flat and transparent. When damaged matrix the growth process slows down and simply stops.

Nail growth is 0.1 mm per day, its slowdown can be caused by metabolic disorders, local blood circulation, as well as the general condition of the body.

At the same time, the growth of the nail is affected by:

  • age - children grow faster than adults;
  • sex - in men faster than in women;
  • time of year - faster in summer than in winter;
  • Toenails grow more slowly than fingernails.

The structure of the nail - matrix

Complete nail replacement occurs in an average of 100 days.

X - Nail ingrowths.
a - Posterior nail fold.
b - Side rollers.
c-c Smile line.
d - Stress zone.

stress zone this is the zone of the most frequent nail fractures, located in the area of ​​​​the transition of the nail to the free edge.

The matrix is ​​not the only growth zone of the nail. It has its continuation under the nail plate, forming the nail bed, or hyponychium.

Human nails are a kind of indicator that reflects the state of health. By appearance nail plates an experienced dermatologist can detect the presence of a number of diseases that progress in the body. Unfortunately, people often do not notice dangerous symptoms, so they do not seek medical help. One of the common diseases is the emptiness under the nail. In fact, this phenomenon cannot be called a pathology: the problem does not cause pain, so most people simply ignore it, hoping that it will “go away on its own”. However, this is fundamentally the wrong approach, and we will explain why.

The problem, when a nail on a hand or foot has come off, is indicated by the medical term "onycholysis". The first sign of pathology is a change in the color of the nail plate, which acquires a white, yellowish or bluish tint. Men usually do not pay attention to this defect, women try to mask the phenomenon with rich colors of varnish.

However, onycholysis cannot be ignored - in some cases, a discolored nail plate indicates the development of a chronic disease in the body. In particular, disturbances in the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract.


Given the above factors, the treatment of onycholysis of the nails begins with the establishment of the causes. The most common of them include the following:

  1. Mechanical damage. A strong blow or squeezing can disrupt the blood circulation in the fingertips, as a result, the nail plate begins to flake off.
  2. Aggressive environment. Such an effect can be provoked by the use of low-quality varnishes, detergents, which include active chemical components.
  3. By-effect. Sometimes onycholysis can occur due to long-term use of drugs.
  4. Fungus. If the cause of the disease is pathogenic microflora, color changes will be noticeable not only on the nail plate, but also on adjacent tissues.


If you find that a void forms under the nail, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The only exception to this rule is mechanical grass. In this case, you need to wait until a healthy nail grows, periodically trimming the damaged plate. To eliminate the possibility of infection, the injured finger can be protected with a bactericidal adhesive plaster.

If the nail comes off for no apparent reason, a consultation with a dermatologist is a prerequisite for therapy.. Self-medication can lead to complications, and complete loss of the nail plate. However, therapy will in any case take place at home, so you can consider medications to help speed up the healing process:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. Universal in its composition means, including birch tar, xeroform, Castor oil. The ointment has a pronounced antiseptic effect, stimulates the process of overgrowth of the nail.
  2. "Clotrimazole". This is an antifungal topical ointment that is used to treat exfoliated toenails. The agent is applied twice a day to the damaged plate, the duration of the course is at least 2 months.
  3. "Exoderil". Therapeutic solution used in cases where the void was formed due to fungal diseases. The agent is applied to problem areas, having previously processed the exfoliated part with a nail file. The duration of treatment is 3-7 months, depending on the complexity of the pathology.

In addition to medications, the treatment of a detached nail is widely used. folk remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes

As an alternative traditional methods treatment, you can try to solve the problem with folk remedies. Recipes usually include natural ingredients that a priori are not capable of provoking complications and allergic reactions. Consider the most effective compositions.


Warm cosmetic baths with the addition of various components help to quickly solve the problem of peeling the nail plate. In particular, the following recipes have proven themselves well:

  • Iodine. To prepare the bath, you will need ½ cup of vegetable oil heated to room temperature and 3 drops of iodine. Procedures are done daily for 15 minutes. The course ends after the expected result is achieved. Apple cider vinegar can be used as an alternative to iodine.
  • Sea salt. To cure a nail, you need pure sea salt without additives and flavorings. The bath is prepared according to the following recipe: a tablespoon of salt in two glasses of warm water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the sessions are repeated every week until complete recovery.
  • Beeswax. Due to the unique effect on the human body, bee products are often included in folk recipes. To prepare a bath for treating nails, you will need a shallow container where melted beeswax is poured. Session duration - 15-20 minutes, frequency: 2 times a week. If you do not interrupt the treatment, a positive result will be noticeable after 30 days.
  • Oil and honey. Such a bath is prepared from honey and olive oil. The initial components are taken in equal proportions (2 tablespoons), mixed, heated in a water bath. Then the composition is poured into a small container and the fingers are immersed in the liquid for 10-15 minutes. After completing the procedure, the hands must be thoroughly washed, treated with a healing cream.

Decoctions and tinctures

Such remedies are prepared from medicinal herbs and plants that have a pronounced healing effect. You can try the following recipes:

It should be noted that recipes traditional medicine are not a viable alternative to traditional treatment. This is an effective supplement that helps speed up the healing process. Considering that detachment of the nail can be formed for various reasons, only a specialist can choose the right treatment regimen.

Diseases of the nails, in which their shape and size change, always cause great discomfort in a person and significantly reduce the quality of his life. Nails are a mirror reflecting the state of human health, and are often the first to indicate serious diseases of the body. Half of all cases of diseases is. At different stages of the development of this disease, changes in the nails are expressed in one form or another and often have a great similarity with a number of other diseases. Nails are often affected in lichen planus, psoriasis, and eczema.

Diseases of the nails in some common diseases

Fungal infection (onychomycosis)

With onychomycosis, the color changes, shine is lost, stripes and spots appear, the thickness of the nail plates increases. Over time, the nails become deformed, crumble, break down, or break away from the nail bed.

Rice. 1. The photo shows onychomycosis.

Lichen planus

Thinning of the nail plates, discoloration, delamination at the free edge, separation from the nail bed and damage to the nail folds are the main signs of lichen planus. Nails are reduced in size. Often cracks and ribbing appear on their surface. The causes of lichen planus have not yet been established. Many factors influence the development of the pathological process.

Rice. 2. In the photo, lichen planus.


The causes of psoriasis have not yet been established. The disease is considered multifactorial. Undoubtedly, changes in the immune system play a large role in the development of the disease. Nail plates in psoriasis change long before the appearance of the main manifestations of the disease - psoriatic plaques on the skin. The more the matrix is ​​involved in the pathological process, the more pronounced.

The main manifestations of psoriatic lesions in primary psoriasis: punctate depressions and pitting, separation from the nail bed, the appearance of smoky lines, increasing dryness of the nails, their fragility, the development of subungual keratosis.
In the secondary form of the disease, the nail plates change shape, scales, deep furrows appear on their surface, color changes, delamination and peeling are often noted.

Rice. 3. In the photo, nails with psoriasis.


Eczema, like lichen planus and psoriasis, is a multifactorial disease. The nail plate during the disease changes its shape and exfoliates. Its surface is dull and rough, striated with transverse furrows. The degree of damage to the nail matrix affects the thickness of the nail itself. Frequent inflammation leads to the fact that the nail skin disappears, cracks and wounds appear.

Section Articles " fungal diseases(mycoses)"Most popular

The matrix or matrix of the nail is usually called the growth cells of the nail plate, the line of which begins immediately behind the nail root. Therefore, it is not surprising that trauma to the nail matrix can lead to such irreversible consequences as the cessation of nail growth or its deformation.

At the same time, it is enough a large number of people are faced with such a problem as damage to the nail matrix. The treatment of this phenomenon, meanwhile, is far from always effective, because the structure of this element is so complex that even the work of the most highly qualified specialists is not a guarantee of 100% success. As for the main causes of injury to this most important part of the nail, they, as a rule, come down to mechanical damage, as well as damage to a fungal infection or means household chemicals. Naturally, in each case, individual therapy is prescribed, taking into account all the features and severity of matrix damage.

So, an injury resulting from a bruise or pinching, which led to a split of the nail plate with the capture of the matrix area, needs urgent surgical intervention, because in this case, as a rule, there is a rupture of the soft tissues of the skin nail sinus. The skin is sutured, and the plate itself is temporarily fixed with a special metal staple or staples, which is important if a through crack or scar runs along its entire length. If this is not done, then you can get very serious problems, because a deep trauma to the matrix leads not only to the cessation of the growth of the cells of the nail plate, but also to the blocking of its nutrition, as a result of which it simply exfoliates.

In some situations, there is a deformation of the body of the nail itself, which begins to grow not in length, but in breadth, provoking ingrowths into the lateral skin folds. As a rule, this pathology can be corrected only by surgical intervention, which involves partial resection of the nail plate and matrix areas responsible for its abnormal development, however, such a measure is appropriate only in cases of lateral deformity. Quite different manipulations are recommended when a hematoma is formed under the hole, which is called a lupula among specialists, which is more likely to spread to the matrix zone, especially if the cuticle and nail sinus were damaged.

If the clot formed as a result of the hemorrhage is not removed, then the nutrition of the nail will be disrupted, as a result of which its complete or partial detachment will inevitably occur. That is why, at the slightest manifestations of this kind, a blood clot is pulled through the thinnest needle, after which a high-quality antiseptic treatment of the injured nail in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lupula and matrix is ​​performed. Often, this problem is aggravated by a fungal infection, because the cuticle, which acts as a sealant of the matrix zone, various pathogenic bacteria and microbes enter the nail sinus along with moisture.

Treatment of the base of the nail affected by the fungus comes down to complex antifungal therapy, which usually includes local baths and special ointments. At the same time, one cannot guarantee 100% success, because it is much more difficult to cure a fungal infection than it seems, and often the case ends with a complete detachment and / or dysplasia of the nail plate, as a result of damage to its matrix part.

The prognosis will be even less comforting if the matrix is ​​damaged by household chemicals, because tissue corrosion of the growth cell generator can have irreversible consequences. Therefore, in order to insure yourself against such an outcome, you should always use disposable gloves when in contact with products of this kind.

Ingrown toenail treatment Ingrown toenail laser treatment

Matrix damage is a rather serious pathology that can be triggered by mechanical trauma or various kinds of bacterial or fungal infections, so it is strongly not recommended to lose sight of it.

And most often, damage to the nail matrix is ​​provoked by various kinds of injuries, among which the wrong manicure is first of all distinguished. The fact is that too deep cutting of the cuticle with a special slingshot and any other manicure tools often leads to injury to the matrix hidden under the lower periungual roller (nail root, which is responsible for the growth of the plate, which is hidden under the skin), and how to restore the nail matrix later for most inept craftsmen remains unknown.

Meanwhile, the constant incorrect trimming of the cuticles, affecting the deep layers of the nail plate, often leads to the fact that the nails gradually become thinner, become bumpy, and in some cases completely stop their growth due to severe damage to their matrix part. And if you continue to act in the same spirit, you can get even more serious problems, because the restoration of the matrix is ​​a very long process, which, moreover, does not always give a positive result and at least some progress in this direction.

Therefore, the first thing to do on the way to recovery is to stop injuring the nail bed, and with it the root part of the nail plate, forgetting about manicure for a while or doing it in an extremely gentle mode. Naturally, these measures alone will not be enough, especially if the matrix has been severely injured, so experts strongly recommend using a vitamin-mineral complex in the form of an oil or ointment, which should be applied daily to the affected area. The same picture can also be observed if the nail plate was injured as a result of pinching, hitting a heavy object, or dissection. As for the recovery time, they directly depend on the degree of damage to the root of the nail, and if in one case everything can take several months, then in the other, the rehabilitation process drags on for years, despite the fact that the nail does not acquire its previous forms in all cases. cases.

Daily baths with iodine and sea salt or a trip to the sea for a long time will help to enhance the effect, because nothing promotes nail growth like pure salt water. In some cases, the patient is prescribed baths with the addition of essential oils, some of which stimulate blood circulation and significantly improve the nutrition of the nail plate, thereby contributing to its growth. The pepper mask, which is prepared from gruel of red hot pepper and moisturizing hand cream, has also proven itself well, however, it can only be used if there are no open wounds and cuts on the fingers. The fact is that chili peppers have a number of vitamins that stimulate nail growth and strengthen the new plate.

However, this, like many other methods, is absolutely ineffective if the nail matrix has been removed. So, partial or complete resection of this part of the plate is carried out with its pathological ingrowth into the periungual ridges or the defeat of a fungal infection that has spread over the entire surface of the nail, including its root part.
