How to whiten white socks at home: traditional methods and original tips from bachelors. Effective ways to wash socks: white, colored, black How to wash white socks in a washing machine

White socks are an essential piece of clothing, as they fit perfectly into everyday and sport style. The problem is that most of the time they only look good when they are new. Often, after the first wash, they acquire an ugly gray tint, and spools appear on the fabric. How to wash white socks and maximize their life?

First you need to accurately determine the material of your socks. The easiest way to do this is by reading the label. If the tag is not preserved, a visual comparison will help you. Take one cotton, wool and synthetic item. Carefully examine the material and study it to the touch. Then do the same with your underwear.

The washing method will depend on the material.

Synthetic and woolen fabrics require more careful handling than cotton. Keep the soaking period as short as possible and wash them at a lower temperature (no more than 35°C).

Washing cotton socks is greatly simplified by boiling. This method was used by our grandmothers. Boil a large pot of water. Add a portion of the powder and a few slices of lemon there. Put your socks on white color into this solution and boil for 15 minutes. After boiling, rinse them in warm water. Never use this method on wool or synthetic socks. This will not help to wash them, but only ruin them.


Pre-soaking greatly simplifies washing. For soaking, you can use both regular powder and proven home remedies.

  1. Be sure to try the boric acid solution. It is prepared from the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. acids per 1 liter of warm water. This amount of liquid is enough for 2 pairs of socks. Soak them for 1-2 hours, then rinse well in cold water and put in the wash.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is also effective in combating the dullness of whites. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar in 1.5 liters of warm water. Soak clothes in this solution for 1 hour.
  3. You can also use your favorite remedy - laundry soap. For best results, choose a soap labeled "tough stain remover". Wash white socks with soap and soak in warm water overnight. If in the morning you see that the spots have not brightened, repeat this procedure. You can also use a laundry brush. Then you just have to wash the socks in any convenient way.
  4. Another proven remedy is ammonia. It softens water and destroys magnesium, which makes white things yellow or gray. Dilute 1-2 tsp. alcohol in water and soak the laundry in it for 2 hours. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly before washing.
  5. If the socks have already been repeatedly subjected to improper washing and have lost their attractive appearance, try resuscitating them with a long soak. Fill the tub halfway with warm water. Add to it 3 tbsp. l. washing powder and the same amount of turpentine. Leave your whites in this solution for 10-12 hours. After that, you can easily wash them off.

Washing and rinsing

How to wash white socks - by hand or in a typewriter? Most housewives are sure that only a thorough hand wash can remove all dirt from white. But, in fact, the washing machine copes with this task much better. For excellent results, set the special mode for cotton items (temperature 40-60 ° C). Be sure to turn all items inside out before putting them in the machine. This will facilitate the dissolution and removal of dirt.

You can use the popular method to wash cotton socks. In the drum, along with the laundry, put a few large tennis balls. They will provide additional friction of the material and deeply cleanse it of all contaminants. Please note that when using them, the amount of powder required is reduced by 1.5–2 times.

Wash white socks separately from colored items.

The rinsing process is as important to the whiteness of socks as the wash itself. At this stage, add a few tbsp to the machine. l. baking soda. It will provide an additional whitening effect without damaging the fabric.

Keep in mind that white socks require frequent washing. Try to do this after every wear. Wash off fresh spots much easier than the old ones.

Features of hand washing

How to wash white socks by hand? This wash is very delicate, but if done incorrectly, you run the risk of severely deforming clothes. Use the following tips.

  • Be sure to soak your socks. This will shorten the washing time, help to cope with color changes and reduce the risk of material deformation.
  • Do not overdo it. Too much friction can ruin the shape of the sock.
  • Do not try to pick out the dirt or scrape it off. Thus, you can make a hole and ruin the laundry.

Do you think that white socks can no longer be saved? Try one of these easy whitening recipes.

  1. Lemon juice can be used as an alternative to chemical bleaches. Just soak your socks in warm water and add 1 tbsp. l. juice. After 2 hours of soaking, all you have to do is rinse and wash them.
  2. If the soiling on white socks is too strong and the soaking procedure did not cope with them, try another method. Dampen the cloth and apply the juice directly onto the spots. Sprinkle powder on top and rub. Now you can send socks to the wash with other light-colored things. Lemon juice will react with the powder and enhance its effect. Citrus juice is great for stains on white socks, but it can be used on any light-colored cotton. He will return them to their original colors without damaging the delicate fibers.
  3. If it seems to you that your socks are completely ruined and you can no longer wash them off, use a mixture of washing powder and dishwashing detergent. In 1 st. l. powder, drop a little liquid and lather. Spot on stains and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing. Be careful with this tool! It is very strong and can corrode tissue. Use it only in extreme cases.
  4. The use of modern stain removers is very effective and safe. Always carefully follow the instructions on the package. If you plan to wash things by hand, be sure to wear gloves.

White result.

After using bleach, never hang your clothes out to dry in the sun. Bright rays can leave ugly yellow stains on the fabric, which are almost impossible to cope with.

Now you know how to effectively wash socks and keep them white for a long time. Now you can indulge in wearing beautiful underwear, for the sake of neatness.

- This is a mandatory attribute of both men's and women's wardrobe. They allow you to look stylish and aesthetically pleasing.

However, this piece of clothing gets dirty very quickly and loses its presentable appearance. But if you know how to properly wash white socks, then wearing them again will give you pleasure.

Before proceeding directly to washing, it is necessary to mechanically clean your garment of dust, sand or other visible contaminants. This will greatly simplify subsequent work and allow you to wash the material with high quality.

  • It is necessary to wear a pair of socks for no more than one day, since the dirt has not yet had time to eat into the fabric and is much easier to get rid of.
  • White socks should be washed separately from the rest of the linen, especially from colored ones.
  • Before throwing socks into the washing machine drum or washing by hand, it is recommended to rub them thoroughly with soap and leave them for several hours in water.
  • Heavily soiled laundry should not be washed in very hot water, because in this case the dirt eats into the fabric even more.
  • Turn your socks inside out before putting them in the washing machine.

What means to use

To clean white socks, stockings or tights, you can use it as special means, and improvised materials that are present in the arsenal of every hostess.

The former include bleaches such as the budget Bos plus Maximum or the more expensive Astonish OXY PLUS. Laundry soap with a whitening effect perfectly copes with stubborn stains.

If you don’t have a branded stain remover at hand, you can make your own at home. To do this, you will need substances such as:

  • lemon juice;
  • boric acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia.

However, before choosing the right composition, you will need to determine what material your product is made of. The method of washing will directly depend on this.

How to wash white socks at home from different types of fabric


To whiten cotton socks at home, it is allowed to resort to boiling, which is strictly forbidden to do with things made of synthetics or wool.

Soaking cotton products can be done using the following components:

  • Table vinegar. Take 1 teaspoon of vinegar and dilute in 1 liter of plain water. Soak in the resulting liquid for 30 minutes, then wash with your hands or in washing machine. To enhance the effect, the liquid can be heated to 40 degrees, and you can also add a small spoonful of citric acid or a drop of detergent to it.
  • Boric acid. This medicine well known for its bleaching properties. For correct application it is necessary to stir 1 tablespoon of acid in 1 liter of warm water. After 2 hours, the clothes must be washed by hand or machine.
  • Ammonia. Pour two tablespoons of ammonia into a container containing 1 liter of water. Soak a piece of clothing in it for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly and wash in a typewriter or by hand.


Synthetics require more delicate handling. It is recommended to remove stains with the following substances:

  • Laundry soap. Thoroughly rub the soiled areas with soap using a small amount of water. Products may be left in a soapy solution from half an hour to a day, depending on the degree of contamination. After soaking, rinse and wash them.
  • Lemon juice. To prepare a cleansing mixture, squeeze one tablespoon of juice from a ripe fruit, add it to warm water and place the laundry there for 30-60 minutes. After that, you need to rinse them and wash them in any convenient way. If this procedure did not help to completely clean the laundry, it is necessary to apply lemon juice pointwise, sprinkle the powder on the contaminated areas and rub them. After that, you need to wash the clothes again.


For cotton items, bleach containing chlorine is perfect. For these purposes, you can safely use Domestos or any other similar special tool containing chlorine.

Dilute domestos with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to problem areas.

It is worth remembering that chlorine is a potent substance, and therefore it is forbidden to leave it on things for a long time.

After soaking, it must be thoroughly rinsed and washed.

For woolen and synthetic products, pure lemon juice can be used. It is enough to squeeze a few drops onto the contaminated material and wait 10-15 minutes, then wash it.

If the result is not satisfactory, you can use peroxide.

To qualitatively wash white socks from a black sole, it is allowed to double the concentration of peroxide.

Thus, it will be necessary to dilute 2 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of water and hold things in it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in warm water.

A combination of sodium percarbonate and dishwashing detergent can be used to remove stubborn dirt from the soleplate.

After mixing these compounds in equal proportions, add a little water and apply the resulting mixture to areas that cannot be washed off. After about an hour, wash the socks with your hands. This method, as a rule, perfectly helps to return the clothes to their previous appearance.

Remove gray spots and yellowness

As a result of frequent washing, light-colored things tend to darken and lose their former appearance. In this case, do not rush to throw out the socks.

There are several miraculous ways to help restore the snow-white appearance:

  • Pretty gray things can be bleached with turpentine. Take 3 tablespoons of liquid with a pungent odor and dilute it in a 10-liter bucket of water, adding a few tablespoons of ordinary washing powder there. After mixing thoroughly, leave things in the resulting composition for the night, then wash as usual.
  • Chlorine-containing products also do an excellent job with gray spots and yellowness. However, they are only allowed to be used on wardrobe items consisting of cotton. Pour 2 tablespoons of liquid into 2 liters of water and add 100 grams of washing powder to it. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, leave the clothes in it for one night, then wash it.
  • You can prepare a stain remover at home using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To do this, mix the compositions in proportions of 1 to 2 and apply the mixture to problem areas.
  • Another bleaching method is to use a mixture of laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent. To prepare it, you need to squeeze a few drops of washing liquid into one tablespoon of the powder and lather. Spot the solution on stubborn stains and wash with your hands after 10-15 minutes.
  • An equally effective way to return a presentable look to things is to use special stain removers. A wide range of store products offers many different components for whitening things. Using stain removers, it is recommended to follow the instructions exactly in order to avoid unforeseen situations.

Please note that it is advisable to dry things away from sunlight. Otherwise, the yellowness may return and it will no longer be possible to remove it.

The best option would be to dry it outside in the shade, which will also help rid things of a specific smell.

Important. When using chemical special means, it is recommended to limit the time of their stay on the fabric to a minimum. Otherwise, the fiber structure may be damaged.


Once boiling was almost the only way for housewives to clean light things from stubborn dirt.

Nowadays it is one of the methods, which is resorted to in the most extreme cases. For boiling to give desired result, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. It is allowed to boil only cotton items of clothing.
  2. It is recommended to boil in enameled containers or stainless steel vessels.
  3. For every kilogram of things you need about 10 liters of liquid.
  4. The detergent component must be thoroughly dissolved.
  5. The container should be heated only after loading the laundry.
  6. Before boiling, it is desirable to soak in a similar solution in order to enhance the effect.

How to hand wash white socks

To wash light-colored socks at home, many housewives prefer hand washing. This method is often effective and helps to get rid of contaminants.

Soap products and washing powders can be used to clean cotton and wool fabrics. Synthetics are best washed with BIO-powders with enzymes and special gels.

How to machine wash white socks

Often, a washing machine cannot guarantee a 100% result in cleaning clothes from stubborn dirt.

Even the special “for white” mode does not always help with high-quality washing. But do not be upset ahead of time, because in this situation there are several secrets that will make the task easier.

  • Before throwing socks into the drum washing machine, soak them for a certain time in any way described above. If your machine has a prewash or soak option, use them.
  • Turn socks inside out. This will help to quickly remove dirt from the fabric structure.
  • To enhance the effect, put machines in the drum that will knock out the stubborn dirt.
  • When washing cotton and synthetic linen, you can use conventional automatic powders. For wool, it is recommended to choose special powders that do not break wool fibers.
  • Pour the pre-prepared soda solution into the rinse aid compartment. You can prepare it by stirring 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Thus, you can return the white color to tarnished things.

How to keep your socks white

To keep them always white, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Before putting on, make sure the feet are clean. A dirty foot can stain the fabric no less than external influences in the form of dirt or sand.
  • Avoid wearing socks with dark shoe insoles. Under the influence of moisture, it stains the fibers, and the paint firmly settles inside.
  • Try not to wear underwear for more than one day, and wash it immediately afterwards.
  • Soak laundry before washing using one of the above tips. Pre-soaking often eliminates further manipulations.
  • Pay attention to the label and the composition of the material. Wool, synthetics, cotton require different ways care.
  • Wash light-colored fabrics separately from colored ones. Even faded colors can leave pigment on light fabrics.
  • Follow the washing routine. Cotton and synthetic fabrics washable at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees.
  • Products that have been treated with acid for bleaching must be dried in the fresh air, avoiding exposure to ultraviolet light. The sun's rays leave bright spots yellow color which are next to impossible to get rid of.

Think you can wash white socks the same way you wash other things? Then do not be surprised that they are gray, stretched or not washed out. If you want to keep them white, then I am ready to tell you how to wash white socks at home.

Caring for white socks: 5 rules

Image Recommendations

Rule 1: Don't wear socks for more than one day.

Dealing with light dirt (which cannot be avoided) is much easier than washing the absorbed dirt.

Rule 2. Don't forget to pre-soak.

Before washing, be sure to soak your socks by rubbing them laundry soap and wait an hour or two.

Rule 3. Do not use hot water .

From them, the dirt seems to be “baked” on the fabric, which makes it much more difficult to remove it.

Rule 4. Do not rub the fabric hard.

If you wash socks with your own hands, be extremely careful. Excessive friction is very likely to break the shape of things (especially when it comes to products with a high content of cotton threads).

Rule 5: Wash Separately.

Always sort laundry, separating colored and black from white.

Washing tools and tricks

Adult and children's socks can be washed with equal efficiency both in the washing machine and by hand. But in order for them to remain snow-white, you need to know about some bleaching agents.

Machine wash: 7 recipes

Before washing white socks in the machine, soak them well in a bleach solution. There are many options for him, I will only talk about proven ones from personal experience.

Image Instruction

Method 1. Boric acid

Dilute a tablespoon of acid (it is sold at any pharmacy, and its price is affordable) in a liter of water.

Leave the socks in the liquid for a few hours and then machine wash as usual.

Method 2. Lemon juice

Pour water into the basin, mix it with lemon juice, and leave the socks to sour for a couple of hours.

Due to citric acid, the snow-white color of the product will remain for a long time.

Method 3. Table vinegar

In not too hot water (no more than 40 degrees), dilute a teaspoon of vinegar.

Keep socks in this solution for up to half an hour.

Method 4: Baking soda

Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Pour the resulting liquid into the rinse aid compartment.

The interaction of soda and washing powder will not only save you from dirt, but also preserve the snow-white appearance of clothes.

Method 5. Laundry soap

Soak your socks in warm water and rub them well with laundry soap on both sides.

Wrap the products in a bag and leave them overnight. Machine wash the next day on a quick wash.

Method 6. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Mix the components in a ratio of 1 to 2. Soak things in the resulting composition for half an hour and wash as usual.

To get rid of the unpleasant ammonia smell, hang your socks out to air dry.

Method 7. Turpentine

This option will help restore the original color of socks that have long lost their snow-white appearance.

In 10 liters of water, dilute 3 tablespoons of the powder and the same amount of turpentine. Soak the socks in the composition for a day, then rinse them well.

Hang items to air dry to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Features of washing by hand

It would seem that hand washing does not contain any special secrets and is performed elementarily. But even in this process there are some secrets that will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

To simplify your hand washing process, resort to pre-soaking, the recipes for which I have already given. Do not rub the fabric too much, as it will wear out faster. And to keep the snow-white appearance of socks, resort to digestion.

  • In a pot of cold water, add the juice of ¼ lemon and grated laundry soap.
  • Dip the socks in the solution and put the pan on the fire.
  • After boiling the water, cook the socks for another 20 minutes.
  • Rinse items well.

Please note that woolen socks will not withstand digestion, they can be washed in slightly warm water with the addition of regular shampoo.


As you may have noticed, there are a lot of recipes for washing white socks, you just have to try it out in practice and enjoy the result. And the video in this article will give visual instructions on how to wash white clothes. Be sure to share yours in the comments. personal experience or ask me your questions.

White things always look elegant. The only negative of such clothes is excessive soiling. In particular, this statement applies to socks. At the same time, white fabrics are easy to wash and bleach. How to wash white socks at home? Let's figure it out.

Washing rules

  • Carefully read the composition of the product and the manufacturer's instructions on the label. Choose a washing method based on the material from which the socks are sewn.
  • Do not tighten with washing - ingrained dirt is worse removed from white things.
  • In aggressive detergents soak your socks only as a last resort. For regular washing, such actions are not suitable.
  • Washing textiles too intensively is not recommended. Powder crystals and excessive friction can damage fabric fibers. It also distorts the shape of the socks, especially if they are made from natural cotton threads.
  • In the presence of openwork elements and decorative stones Do not use strong bleaches.
  • Before washing, turn the products inside out and place in a special bag. So they will rub less against the drum of the machine and retain their whiteness longer.
  • Try not to use hot water as most protein contaminants (such as sweat or blood) coagulate from high temperature. This will greatly complicate their removal from the tissue.

Washing white socks necessarily begins with pre-soaking. Put them on your hands like mittens and lather thoroughly with laundry soap. In this case, the amount of water should be minimal. Leave them in the soapy water for several hours or even overnight, depending on how dirty they are.

Detergents for washing different fabrics

If you want to do without a special household chemicals, use the following tools at hand.

table vinegar. Dilute 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm water. vinegar and soak your socks. You can enhance the effect of such a remedy by adding 1 tsp. gentle detergent or a pinch of citric acid. To fix the result, wash the socks in the machine or by hand.

To avoid yellowing of white items, add ammonia solution to the rinse water.

Baking soda. Place white socks in the washing machine. Add 150-200 ml of soda to the rinse aid compartment. Set the fast wash mode. The maximum water temperature is 40 °C.

Boric acid. Mix 1-1.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. substances. Place the product in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours. For stubborn dirt, increase the duration of the composition up to 5 hours. Followed by hand or machine wash. Remember that boric acid is a toxic drug, so protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Detergent. If you need to remove old scuffs on socks and stains from street dirt or grass, then prepare the following remedy. Mix oxygen (whitening) washing powder and dishwashing gel in a ratio of 1:1. Add some water and lather well. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas and leave for an hour. After that, wash the item by hand. This approach is used for synthetics and cotton. The only drawback is that with frequent use, chemistry can damage the structure of the fabric.

mustard powder. To get rid of old stains, wash clothes with bleaching soap. Soak it on the fabric for 30 minutes. Load white socks into the washing machine along with other clothes (but not colored ones). Pour into the drum 2-3 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Select a quick or delicate wash cycle with a water temperature of 40°C.

Laundry soap. Use it like this: wet dirty places with warm water and lather with laundry soap. Tie your socks in a plastic bag or just put them in an empty container. Leave overnight, and in the morning wash in the machine in the express wash mode.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice. To prepare the composition, you will need the juice of one fruit. Add it to a bowl of warm water and soak the products. The duration of action of the remedy is 2-3 hours. If at the end of this time the clothes have not been washed, then treat the most contaminated areas with lemon juice. To improve the effect, apply washing powder on top. Gently rub this area. Wait 15 minutes and wash your socks in the machine.

Ammonia solution. This substance softens water well and prevents the appearance of yellowness. Use the following recipe: add 2-3 tsp to 1 liter of water. ammonia solution. Soak things in the resulting solution for 2 hours and wash the products.

Bring back whiteness to socks

White socks washed off from dirt, but their color is not as saturated as before? There are several ways to restore their whiteness.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To make bleach at home, mix the ingredients in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the resulting composition to the socks and soak for 30 minutes. At the end of this period, wash things by hand. To remove the smell of ammonia, dry the products outside.

Turpentine. This composition will restore freshness even to washed socks. Dilute in 10 liters of water 3 tbsp. l. turpentine and the same amount of washing powder. Thoroughly stir the composition and place things in it. Leave them for a day, then wash.

Chlorine. Chlorine-containing products will help to remove yellow or gray plaque - liquid for treating toilets, whiteness. Dissolve in 2 liters of water 2 tsp. one of the products, add 0.1 kg of washing powder. Leave the clothes in the solution overnight and wash in the morning. Remember that chlorine is only used on 100% cotton. It is also important not to violate the dosage of the drug so that it does not corrode the tissue.

Digestion. You can remove dirt from white socks using the old method - digestion. Take water in a suitable container, add a quarter of a lemon and washing powder or laundry soap shavings. Immerse the socks in the liquid, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash things by hand or in a typewriter. It is better not to expose wool socks to such an impact.

4.50 out of 5 (8 Votes)

Washing white socks from dirt is not an easy task.

They get dirty quickly, so many people prefer to buy products in dark colors so that there is no noticeable pollution. But what about lovers of white socks.

They look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, so you should be more demanding about their cleanliness. To not be ashamed to take off your shoes at a party.

Boric acid

Boric acid will easily and quickly give white things their former shine. This product is used after machine or hand washing. Boric acid soak great way with black sole socks.

Wash things will help the powder or liquid version of the acid.

How to whiten white socks at home:

  1. Socks are washed with laundry soap.
  2. Next, pour 1 liter of water into a container, add 1 tbsp. l. boric acid.
  3. When the powder dissolves, dirty things are placed in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours.
  4. If they are very dirty, they are left in the product for 5 hours.
  5. At the end of the soak, you will need to wash the white socks by hand or in a typewriter.


Aqueous ammonium hydroxide softens water and removes yellow stains from clothes.

To remove dirt from white socks, one of the following means will help:

  • in a small container, mix 1 part of ammonia, 2 parts of hydrogen peroxide and 10 parts of water;
  • perhydrol in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. mixed with the same amount of ammonium hydroxide, add 5 liters of water;
  • you will need 6 tbsp. l. soda or salt, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 5 liters of hot liquid;
  • 1 st. l. an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is mixed with 2 liters of water.

How to whiten socks at home without much effort? White socks are soaked in one of the proposed solutions, then washed by hand without much friction.

If used automatic machine, white things turn inside out.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to wash white socks at home? You can try to restore whiteness to socks with perhydrol (3% hydrogen peroxide solution) - this is an excellent tool to help wash light-colored socks.

The following recipes will help bring out the unsightly:

  1. If the socks are not completely white, but partially colored, then the product cannot be completely washed in perhydrol, the pollution itself should be affected. To do this, mix in a small container toothpaste and 1 tsp. perhydrol to make a thick paste. The composition is applied to contaminated areas and allowed to stand for several minutes. After such manipulation, the stain is well washed off. Laundered items are hung out in the fresh air to dry.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide combines well with baking soda. This tool can remove old stains on light products. It will take 2 liters of water (70 degrees) and 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and laundry soda. Keep things in this solution for about 10 minutes. Washed clothes are turned inside out before drying.

Woolen products before shake to remove dust. They should not be twisted before drying, washing should be done by hand.

Lemon juice and acid

Whitening white socks is not an easy procedure. Send them to the wash should be after pre-treatment with bleaching agents.

An excellent remedy is lemon juice or acid. Such bleaches are mild, they can be used for lace products and stocking.

How to wash white socks with these products:

  1. Resourceful housewives remove stains with lemon juice. One fruit is enough. The juice is squeezed into a container for soaking things, where warm water is already poured, clothes are kept in this solution for 2-3 hours. If it didn’t work out at once, you can moisten them with lemon juice and sprinkle bleaching powder on top. After 5 minutes, things are sent to the machine.
  2. Citric acid will help clean dirty socks. Dissolve 15 g of acid in 100 ml of water. The resulting mixture is heated, but not brought to a boil. Contaminated items are placed in this composition for 8-10 minutes. This method is great if things were dried on a rusty wire or battery and rust spots appeared.

White things with a color pattern cannot be completely processed by these means. Their appearance will inevitably be spoiled.

For products with a color pattern, the following method is used: before using a bleaching agent, they are washed with laundry soap, then lemon juice is applied pointwise only to contaminated areas and sprinkled with powder.

It is necessary to rub a little and leave for a couple of minutes for the lemon juice and powder to work. After this manipulation, things are sent to the machine or washed by hand.

How to whiten socks so that they stay white and shiny for a long time? It is best to wash such things after the first putting on, but sometimes even in 1 day they become so dirty that ordinary powder does not help restore them to their previous appearance.

So, how do you wash white socks? Turpentine - universal remedy to help remove stains quickly.

How to use:

  1. First, they wash it with their hands, then they take a deep container and pour 5 liters of water into it with the addition of 5 tbsp. l. turpentine. The socks are soaked in the solution for 3 hours. After this manipulation, things are washed and rinsed in the usual way.
  2. This method will help to quickly wash dirty things: powder is added to hot water, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and turpentine. In the resulting product, things are soaked for 12 hours. Those who washed things in this way know what an amazing result awaits at the end of the procedure.

Things after treatment with turpentine do not lose their original purity for a long time.

Boiling water and digestion

Some things can only be cleaned of contaminants when they are digested. This method is used for products made from natural fabrics.

How to wash socks with boiling water and boiling water:

  1. Add to boiled water citric acid washing powder and let them dissolve. Dirty laundry is placed in this composition and boiled for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, not a single spot will remain on the washable items.
  2. Grandma's method. This method has become less commonly used, since various bleaches began to be produced, but it is more effective than purchased products. How to hand wash socks to make them shine? So, socks are well lathered with soap and poured with boiled water, in which potassium permanganate is already dissolved (2-3 granules are enough). In this solution, the laundry is soaked for 2-3 hours. Don't be alarmed, the mixture turns out dirty brown, but the laws of chemistry will do their job. Then the socks are rinsed in clean water. After this procedure, they will be perfectly white.

To digest things, you can use hydrogen peroxide, soda or turpentine.

The main rule is to inspect the container for rust. Otherwise, digestion will only spoil all things, and they can be safely thrown away.

Unusual ways to remove pollution for men

It will not be difficult for men to remove pollution from white things. Especially for them came up with a very unusual way.

How to wash socks from dirt and how to bleach:

  1. A plastic bottle (5–6 l) with a wide neck is filled with soapy water.
  2. White socks are pushed through the neck and the lid is tightly closed.
  3. The container is placed in the trunk and sent on business.

Now men also know how to wash socks easily and without much effort. A day in such a solution and they will shine with purity.

Hand wash or machine wash?

When you buy another pair of socks, don't throw away the label. It tells you how to wash your socks. By following these recommendations, things will last longer.

For example, woolen products are best washed by hand. In an automatic machine, they stretch a lot. Wool is easily deformed by careless handling.

How to wash socks in a washing machine? In an automatic washing device, white items are turned inside out before the procedure, this will facilitate the dissolution and removal of dirt.

Do not put nylon products together with clothing that has buttons or rivets. Also, it is not recommended to wash colored and white socks together.

Several large tennis balls can be placed in the drum. They provide additional friction of the material and deeply cleanse the fabric of all contaminants.

It is also important to know at what temperature to wash socks. The temperature regime of cotton, nylon and synthetic products is 60°C. When washing by hand, the water is heated to 40 ° C.

Anyone can wash white things at home. Having cheap tools at hand makes the process easier. No need to rub things hard, just soak and rinse after a while.

However, main secret preservation of the snow-whiteness of socks - washing after the first putting on and the cleanliness of their owner.
