Touching poems to the sister to tears. Sister to tears Beautiful words for sisters

Best statuses and aphorisms about sister

A real sister would never let you do something stupid... Alone!


The most popular phrase when you walk with your sister:
- Well, everything is quiet, otherwise people are coming!


A sister can be snarky, grumpy and prickly, importunate as a fly, and harmful as a snake. And maybe wonderful, funny and charming, as well as very kind and cool, like mine!

A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we can understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other ... A sister is a friend forever!


Some of them got good sisters, and I got the BEST!!!

There are normal adequate people ... but there is me and my sister ...


sister can be best friend which is not easy to get rid of.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister! we live soul to soul, fist to eye, heel to ear!


A sister is a person who will tell you in your eyes everything that infuriates her in you, but will prove to others that you are her best!


A favorite sister is one with whom I can be sincere. In her presence, I can think out loud.


If your sister tells you "You're a fool!" - she loves you.


Setryunya is a person who knows your secrets, loves, worries .... you can always laugh with her, only she sincerely loves ... She is mother number 2.


Sister - six letters, kilometers of understanding and just a lifelong friendship ...


The phrases of the sisters: - "Wait for me" - "Stop laughing, you got it" - "Come after me" - "Hold the bag" - "You get ready and I'll get in contact while I come in" - "I'll tell you this now" - Did you take the textbook? - No, I thought you'd take it-blin" - "Just don't post it on VKontakte" - "Wait I'm in high heels" - "Come to the toilet with me" - "Give me one earpiece" - "Let's wear heels tomorrow" - Take a fotik tomorrow " - I love you sister


A sister is one who rejoices in your victories. The one who puts aside everything for you. The one that will tell you absolutely everything.
The one who can afford to tell your boyfriend what you can't tell him. Appreciate sisters!


A sister is the person who will read the pain in your eyes without any extra words.


At first I thought it was time to lose weight, but then I found out that my younger sister weighs more and calmed down.


A sister cannot always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.


When you quarrel with your sister, there will definitely be a reason to make peace, in five minutes

A sister is the one who says several times a day: "You are a fool ...", and then adds: "all in me!"


You go with your sister to the playground to play: you drag a bicycle, a doll, molds from the floor. And she will find an interesting wand and shuffle it along the asphalt all evening.


I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then she listens to all this and laughs even more!



One day a little sister asked her older brother, "What is love?"
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day ... And I continue to put it in the same place ...


The sisters hardly forgive each other the grievances experienced at the age of five.


Only sister, on "give gum" gives the whole bag!


I have Beautiful sister. To save this world - it is enough for us to come together!


Didn't they call you by your sister's name at school, just because she once studied there?


A sister is someone with whom conversations do not bother.
This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry...


My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: half an hour with a cursing wing - she never repeated ...


We had twins at school, brother and sister. By the 10th grade, Seryoga already had an ambal under two meters, and Marinka was a trifle - a meter with a cap, and then in a jump. So we called them: brevity is the sister of talent.


Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a body part.


Many people know me, but only my sister knows what I really am...


A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don't have to go through it alone...


Do you have a favorite actress?
-Yes, I have.
-My beloved sister, because she plays an important role in my life.


Only with a sister can you understand what you really are!


A sister is small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved for her brother ...


And no matter how much you have to be disappointed in people, life will still make sense as long as there is a sister in it.


Add greens to your sister's shampoo - make your parents happy!


My sister is my blood.
My support and love.


I have a younger sister - Katyushenka. She has a sweet tooth. So, when you offer her to drink tea, she will certainly be interested in: And for tea ... WHAT?)) In general, the cup after it always remains full ...


Sisters are two idiots who simply categorically cannot live without each other.


I can fool everyone, but my sister can't.
Charlotte Gray


Happiness is when on a cold evening with your sister you remember the best summer moments.


A sister is like your mirror and your opposite.


Little sisters are only attracted to those who don't have them.

I communicate with sister, I describe my chest pains, it turns out that she is now experiencing the same. Her husband sits next to him and says:
- The whole batch is defective!
The pain stopped right away...

I want to say thank you so much just for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally lacked air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

I would like to say a few words of gratitude! Thank you for always being there. For support and care, for the ability to listen and help in difficult times. For the fact that just by your presence in my life, you make it better. With all my heart - thank you!

I thank you for everything you do for me and really appreciate your attention and responsiveness. Thank you for your time, pleasant emotions and for your big kind heart, which always responds to help and support. I want to wish you only the best of everything good and beautiful, a lot of happiness in your eyes and immense love and respect for your great personality.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being you, for the fact that you are just such a person - kind, sincere, sensitive, open, caring. Together with words of gratitude, I want to leave for you the wishes of well-being, peace, health and great happiness in your life.

I, with all my sincerity, want to thank you for all that you do for me. You teach me to see goodness where it a priori cannot be. You give me faith when I start to doubt myself, and support when I need it most. Thank you for you. Thank you for enduring any of my emotional outbursts, for trying to make me laugh when I'm sad, and for always teaching me something new, thereby opening up new facets of the world. Thank you for not giving up and fighting for me, emphasizing my significance and uniqueness.

Thank you very much for everything. There are few such kind and sympathetic, sincere and sensitive people like you in the world, which is a pity. After all, such people give others hope and selfless help, such people make others stronger and kinder. Thank you again, God bless you with strong strength and health, fulfillment of all your dreams and well-being in life.

I want to thank you for everything you've done. For every advice, parting words and support. For understanding, hope and faith. Thank you for being with me at the right time. Your help is invaluable and very important to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the best!

I want to thank you for everything! You are the person who always helps not only in word, but also in deed! I really appreciate it, because there are only a few people like you! Thank you so much for your sincerity, kindness and support!

I really want to express the words of incredible gratitude, to say a simple, honest and sincere thank you! It is very important to remember the good done to each of us, this is how we strengthen social ties!

Thank you so much for everything. I really appreciate your attention and your support. I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, peace and kindness for your sensitivity, for your responsiveness, for your understanding. May God grant you health, sincere and mutual love in life, light of joy and good luck.

My beloved sister
My dear soul
You are the birthday girl today
I congratulate you.

Happy birthday darling
You are the best in the world
There is no better girl
You will not find on the planet.

And know that you are dear to me
We have our own blood
We grew up with you
And we continue again.

Good health to you
smiles, prosperity,
And let it come true today
All your desires

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My dear sister,
I sincerely congratulate you
happy birthday i say
That I admire you!

You shine with beauty, intelligence,
You are kind, you have charisma,
From cleanliness your house shines,
You will achieve everything in this life!

So far, no luck in something
Satisfied with a little happiness
I wish this year
Became the happiest for you!

And this year is just the beginning
Your rise and rise!
Then you go - smooth, but quiet,
Then it will be fine at home,

At work and everywhere
You will meet the most faithful friends,
And I will advise you
Just take care of your nerves.

From them sickness and blues,
Smiles make our life longer
I wish, dear sister,
May all your troubles melt away

Under the bright gaze of your eyes
In a wonderful mood
Let there be no tear rhinestones
And if they do, then from happiness!

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My sister dear
I love so much! And send hello!
And happy birthday!
And I'm crying that I'm not with me!

Let the distance be great
What separates us from you
Connect suddenly path
One so that we are together with you

They always walked along it, hands
Holding each other every time
When you suddenly fell out of boredom,
When fear suddenly tormented them ...

Together it's easier, that's for sure
We are two bloodlines, after all, with you,
And we need you urgently
Walk the path alone!

Sister to tears
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Sister, dear, dear,
How much I love you
You are the only one for me...
You go through life, loving everyone!

And, here, the most sad
From anger, meanness, betrayal
Friends whose hearts are empty
Their greed took over.

You have always been my sun
With a pure soul and, moreover,
Wide open like a window
When they ventilate the house,

I understand you very much
But now do not be sad, my light,
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you happiness and victories!

You are very strong sister
And you got up
Like that bird burned to dust,
She is called Phoenix.

You have achieved a lot in life
Beautiful, bright this world!
Do you have a family, a circle of loved ones,
For them, sister, you are an idol!

And the bad - zero attention,
It's not worth your strength
Let wishes come true
Remember this good verse!

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Sister, dear, congratulations
I'm happy for you today!
I want to leave it in the past
What hurts your soul.

Let all the hardships be forgotten
Clearing a place in my heart
Love, success in freedom!
Only in the best life roles

Let you have to perform
May there be peace in your family
May the sun always shine in it
As in this hour in my soul!

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Happy Birthday Sister,
Smile my bunny
My sun and bird
My joy and peace

When you laugh out loud
It's easy on my soul
Be a fun girl
Drink not hops, but milk,

I can't imagine without you
My life I never
And I wish you
Always be happy!

Blow out the candles, sister
All dreams will come true
Let melancholy burn like a match
Be beautiful all your life!

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In a difficult moment of life
I will come to you sister
And I know I'll be needed
I'm for you then too!

You can always understand
And you can give advice!
In all the land of such a sister,
And in the universe - no!

Today is the birthday
To you my love
Came without feeling
Your sister again!

But you did it, honey
I have to lift it!
My beloved sister
Oh let me hug you!

Sister to tears
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You and I, sister, will not
To be bored on this day
Let all the people around be sad
If that's what they want!

We will forget about the problems
And we'll close the doors,
Of which the topics are
We don't need it at all!

And tears from the eyes do not pour
Nothing tonight!
We can have fun
Even if it's not funny!

Happy Birthday dear,
I congratulate you!
And I beg and I beg
Don't be sad today, right?!

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My little sister,
Do you remember, in childhood we are with you
Sometimes they quarreled while playing
In the sandbox or in a sea battle.

The years flew by so quickly
Adults are with you...
Let your head blizzard
Do not silver, and let in the shower

Joy from childhood will remain
And our faith in miracles
May old age not touch you
The sparkle in your eyes does not go out!

May your birthday be
Magic feast, you laugh!
Live without disappointment
Follow the paths of gold!

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You, sister, are the best in the world!
We've been friends for a long time!
And sometimes we behave like children, -
We're just getting old anyway!

And you're sad about it - I know for sure -
And tears fall from my eyes...
I will wipe them today, and urgently
I'll tell you once again

About a cute, funny girl,
The one that he wore on his shoulders,
The one that I love the most,
The one that I protect with all my might,

The one that has changed only outwardly,
The one that remains for me
That girl sincere, cordial ...
Without which you can not live a day!

And today is my birthday, I know
You're sad about age again!
And hopefully you beg fate:
"Don't rush, wait, stop!"

Look into my eyes darling
Everything is fine, the years are nonsense, -
I love and adore you
And I want you to be near!

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If you have an older or younger sister, there are probably a lot of emotions and different memories associated with her. It can be fun walks and funny adventures, joint pranks and crazy ideas. There were sometimes small quarrels, but even in them some special relationship is felt, which is impossible to imagine with any other person. Such a variety of feelings could not but manifest itself in the poetic work of authors around the world. Lyricists dedicate beautiful lines to their beloved sisters, which may well move especially sensitive representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to tears.

The image of a sister in literature

Poems about a sister are not necessarily a personal dedication. Poets often use this image for their works, using it as an example to show many scenes from life, family relationships, friendship and enmity between loved ones, and also simulate a huge variety of instructive situations. We know enough fairy tales and stories about three or two sisters, relatives or cousins, an older brother and younger sister, older sister And younger brother etc. Some of these works have a deep meaning, while others are more entertaining. Nevertheless, the image of a sister is familiar to everyone, even if he himself has no sisters.

Touching poems about sisters

It often happens that sisters become the closest people to each other. They are both friends and relatives at the same time, which obliges them to a certain level of relationship. Moreover, such a relationship lasts throughout life, even if the sisters cease to live under the same roof and see each other quite rarely. Having gone through many joint situations and experiences together, supporting each other at any moment, helping with advice and providing friendly support, the sisters become truly one whole, which neither time nor distance can separate. All the feelings and emotions that arise at the same time sometimes just want to be embodied in a poem and dedicate them to your dearest person.

Beautiful words in honor of the sister, it is not necessary to invent it yourself. With the help of a large library of works, you can find suitable lines that were written by talented authors of the past. At the same time, the assortment of such poems is constantly updated, because modern poets do not sit idle and gladly dedicate cool poems to their beloved sisters. In such a work, your feelings, joint memories can be said, words of love and gratitude can be said. In addition, it is quite possible to pick up a verse with wise advice or parting words, words of support, if they are in this moment your sister needs.

To please your sister or cousin with a few poetic lines, you should not reinvent the wheel or wait for a special occasion. Short touching quatrains will do a good job of conveying your sincere feelings your next of kin. With their help, you can mourn together, laugh, think about the eternal, or simply confess to each other in boundless sisterly love.
