Short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about sister. The best statuses and aphorisms about sister

Quotes about a brother - When two brothers fight, it's better not to interfere - you will get it from both. - Anna Darkness.

Parents give us life and sincere Love... instill values ​​and upbringing... share warmth and experience... But one of the most wonderful gifts from Them - this is brother and sister ... - Serge Goodman.

When you have an older brother, it's terrible, because you always know how you will be dressed in six months. - Dmitry Romanov.

Why are you so nasty?! - I'm your older brother, being nasty and heartless is part of my job. - Night of the Living Dead.

My brother always told me that I was kind. And I became kind. He told me that I was naive and I became naive. He told me that I was capable of much, and one day I saved the whole world. - Geordie Rivers.

I can feel that you are my brother, even if there is no blood relationship between us. - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.

Quotes about brother and sister - Nothing changes with age, she thought. A younger brother may live to be a hundred years old, but he will always be a younger brother. — George Martin.

I will never leave you! I will always be by your side! I won't leave you in trouble, I swear!!! You are my brother and I am proud of it!

Do not doubt that retribution will come, When you go to war against your brother. Kinship is a great gift from God, It should be sacred to a person!

A brother is a person who, without demanding anything in return, will love and protect you, because you are his Sister!

If you know what your brother needs, don't wait for him to ask you for it.

A brother in an apartment is when you first sniff, and only then drink water in a cup.

Whoever is what he is, concludes about his brother. - Abba Stefat.

Brotherhood - where? Or are not all people already brothers? No, not all. Moreover: not even all brothers. - Boris Strugatsky.

Be your brother to your friend and you will be your best friend. Be your brother's friend and you'll be a better brother. - Muhammad Okar.

Brother is a protector. A brother is a friend. Brother is a support. Brother is an adviser. Brother is an accomplice. Brother is brother. native person. We have the same blood. We are connected by family ties forever, for which I thank fate.

The best thing about brothers is that despite our mistakes, they still love us. - Dr. House.

When they want to give the highest rating to human relationships, they say "fraternal". There are sister cities, there are unions called "brotherhoods". That is, above our relationship with you - only the sky.

Miracles are beautiful, but to comfort a brother, to help a friend rise from the depths of suffering, to forgive an enemy for his errors - these are the greatest miracles in the world. - Voltaire.

All people are brothers, but not all brothers are people. - Jerzy Leszczynski.

When our argument ended in a fight as a child - it was the conquest of territory, when my parents punished me because of you - it was retribution, when it gave me a reason to be upset - it made me stronger. In a word, you adequately prepared me for adulthood, brother ... and I don't know what would happen to me if you weren't there!

Best statuses and aphorisms about sister

A real sister would never let you do something stupid... Alone!


The most popular phrase when you walk with your sister:
- Well, everything is quiet, otherwise people are coming!


A sister can be snarky, grumpy and prickly, importunate as a fly, and harmful as a snake. And maybe wonderful, funny and charming, as well as very kind and cool, like mine!

A sister is a timeless connection. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we can understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other ... A sister is a friend forever!


Here are some who got good sisters, and to me - THE BEST!!!

There are normal adequate people ... but there is me and my sister ...


A sister is capable of being best friend which is not easy to get rid of.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister! we live soul to soul, fist to eye, heel to ear!


A sister is a person who will tell you in your eyes everything that infuriates her in you, but will prove to others that you are her best!


A favorite sister is one with whom I can be sincere. In her presence, I can think out loud.


If your sister tells you "You're a fool!" - she loves you.


Setryunya is a person who knows your secrets, loves, worries .... you can always laugh with her, only she sincerely loves ... She is mother number 2.


Sister - six letters, kilometers of understanding and just a lifelong friendship ...


The phrases of the sisters: - "Wait for me" - "Stop laughing, you got it" - "Come after me" - "Hold the bag" - "You get ready and I'll get in contact while I come in" - "I'll tell you this now" - Did you take the textbook? - No, I thought you'd take it-blin" - "Just don't post it on VKontakte" - "Wait I'm in high heels" - "Come to the toilet with me" - "Give me one earpiece" - "Let's wear heels tomorrow" - Take a fotik tomorrow " - I love you sister


A sister is one who rejoices in your victories. The one who puts aside everything for you. The one that will tell you absolutely everything.
The one who can afford to tell your boyfriend what you can't tell him. Appreciate sisters!


A sister is the person who will read the pain in your eyes without any extra words.


At first I thought it was time to lose weight, but then I found out that younger sister weighs more, and calmed down.


A sister cannot always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.


When you quarrel with your sister, there will definitely be a reason to make peace, in five minutes

A sister is the one who says several times a day: "You are a fool ...", and then adds: "all in me!"


You go with your sister to the playground to play: you drag a bicycle, a doll, molds from the floor. And she will find an interesting wand and shuffle it along the asphalt all evening.


I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then she listens to all this and laughs even more!



One day a little sister asked her older brother, "What is love?"
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day ... And I continue to put it in the same place ...


The sisters hardly forgive each other the grievances experienced at the age of five.


Only sister, on "give gum" gives the whole bag!


I have Beautiful sister. To save this world - it is enough for us to come together!


Didn't they call you by your sister's name at school, just because she once studied there?


A sister is someone with whom conversations do not bother.
This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry...


My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: half an hour with a cursing wing - she never repeated ...


We had twins at school, brother and sister. By the 10th grade, Seryoga already had an ambal under two meters, and Marinka was a trifle - a meter with a cap, and then in a jump. So we called them: brevity is the sister of talent.


Rejecting your own sister is like depriving yourself of a body part.


Many people know me, but only my sister knows what I really am...


A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don't have to go through it alone...


Do you have a favorite actress?
-Yes, I have.
-My beloved sister, because she plays an important role in my life.


Only with a sister can you understand what you really are!


A sister is small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved for her brother ...


And no matter how much you have to be disappointed in people, life will still make sense as long as there is a sister in it.


Add greens to your sister's shampoo - make your parents happy!


My sister is my blood.
My support and love.


I have a younger sister - Katyushenka. She has a sweet tooth. So, when you offer her to drink tea, she will certainly be interested in: And for tea ... WHAT?)) In general, the cup after it always remains full ...


Sisters are two idiots who simply categorically cannot live without each other.


I can fool everyone, but my sister can't.
Charlotte Gray


Happiness is when on a cold evening with your sister you remember the best summer moments.


A sister is like your mirror and your opposite.


Little sisters are only attracted to those who don't have them.

I communicate with my sister, describe my chest pains, then it turns out that she is now experiencing the same. Her husband sits next to him and says:
- The whole batch is defective!
The pain stopped right away...

If the sisters were free to say what they really think, parents would hear from them: "Give me all your attention and all the toys, and let Rebecca live with her grandmother."

How great it is when there are sisters with whom you are connected not by family ties, but by friends who have become your sisters in life ...

If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone.

An older sister is such a special punishment from God. She always turns out to be right.

A sister is an indispensable support and support for life, which will only help you move forward ...

I adore you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not exchange you for any other sister in the world.

My sister's modesty is my greatest wealth!

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

Older sisters wipe, of course, younger brothers noses, but crying in a vest run to someone else.

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often.

If your terribly hurry Native sister, then she will definitely wear your favorite sweater.

Quotes about a sister with meaning - Sisters hardly forgive each other the insults experienced at the age of five.

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, and a sister without a brother is like a body without a soul...

You don't have to have the same parents to be sisters...

You are obliged to understand and forgive her all your life, your sister.

A sister does not always bring joy to a sister, sometimes grief. - Alexandra Deville.

There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.

Can a grown man treat an attractive woman like a brother treats a sister?

Do not treat your sister by faith in a way that you would not like to be treated by your sister by blood.

My sister is my true friend and companion in life ...

Sister is best friend from which it is impossible to get rid of.

You can fool the whole world, but not your sister.

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful in happiness and in trouble ...

I can fool everyone, but my sister can't.

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness. - Honore de Balzac.

When you are alone in this world, will anyone care for you better and with the same love as your sister?

My sister sometimes not only constantly asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

Everything I really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was a sixth grader.

A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don't have to go through it alone...

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

The younger sister is the only woman that can be brought up.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often ...

It’s just that a sister is such an infection that you seem to love the most, but for some reason she rages terribly!

A sister is able to be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

It's good that a person lives at the address I know, whom you can call at any time and answer the question "Do you love me?" hear "Of course, sister!".

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

The conflict between sisters can be compared to a disease. To be cured, you need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the disease itself.

With age, a sister becomes like a mother who has long been gone. She is like a reminder of her strong love to me.
