Beautiful words to my own older sister. Sister to tears - long

My angel, my sister
The embodiment of goodness!
My dear sister
You chirp like a bird
Smiling in the morning.

I love you with all my heart
And I trust myself!
I wish you happy surprises
In a wonderful, sunny fate!
So that all your dreams come true
And life has been good to you!
I want to smile more often
My favourite sister!

Beautiful and tender
Responsive you,
And there is nothing more beautiful in the world
More wonderful sister.

rich in good soul,
Not an ambulance for evil
You are nice to people
It's light with you even in the rain.

You always smile
Don't cry over fate
And I'll tell everyone sincerely
That I'm proud of you.

My sister is the best
trusting you,
Your soul is open
Great beauty.

I wish you well
Only bright in fate
precious sister,
You are the joy of my life.

I send congratulations to my sister
Will I hand it over, from hand to hand, personally ...
"Eighth of March" on the sheet -
Your (our) holiday, gentle sister!
I watch magazines, the Internet,
I often hang out around the country:
You are not more beautiful in the world
Luckier, smarter, slimmer.
You save your mother's peace,
Protecting from sad thoughts! ..
You be, sister, always like that -
I won't need another!

My life is full of worries
But God helped me a lot
Rewarding me with you
We are bound by fate

I'll tell you dear!
You are an unearthly queen
Your look is like that punished
Helped many people in life

You saved me so many times..
thank you, my darling
That you are always there, always
With you we will conquer
Yes, there are mountains
We can Rome!

The connection between us is not subject to years,
Keeping together with you is not in vain -
From the first minute we are connected by blood;
Relationship grows with love every day!

Cells of one we are halves,
We know each other to every tear!
We feel each other's breath in our hearts -
We hear each other through the distance!

Our love shines like a beacon in life,
Your hands will only warmly welcome me.
Maybe in life any time
I know what will happen to me sister!

Read my verse, and subscribe Under each of its lines! Sister, dear, all life is just leaves, That one day they will fall down, And crumble, falling ... But as long as you can, hold on, On a branch of a garden tree! I will not stop begging Rains to water us, To make the tree stand for a long time, In green foliage every time! And on your birthday, let the sun smile! Though we do not return to Spring - Let Summer not end!

My baby, you're already big
And you know, I do not have a soul in you,
I won't pat you on the cheeks anymore
I won't put on your socks

Like it used to be, darling
I remember this time with love
I shared toys with you
You rejoiced very much, had fun!

Now you're really, really big
I wish you great luck
Don't forget your own sister -
I hug and kiss you!

We are connected with you
For two one fate
You flow in my blood
You call yourself a sister
I'll come and open the door
This winter time
I'm waiting for you, the days are flowing
Again with rain water
Feeling with my soul
Everything you have lived
Your thoughts, your dreams
There is no you, but you are with me.

My sister,
My native person
My sister,
Favorite for a century.
My sister,
Growing up before our eyes
And milk for a long time
Dry on lips.
My sister,
You are older and smarter
And look in the mirror
Even more beautiful.

Statuses about sister with meaning - good way tell the world about the happiness of having a best friend in your life. A selection of such expressions will help highlight exactly those words that are so important to say to a dear person.

Statuses about sister with meaning

  • "If there is someone to whom you can tell your secret with the same confidence as your mother, then only your sister."
  • "I have friends. But I can't find someone as loyal and dear as my sister."
  • "The ability to find with a sister is a school of how to become a friend to other people."
  • "When you have a sister, you don't have to worry about your problems alone."
  • "Sisters of teaching - this is not an accusation or moralizing. Multiplied by indifference to you."
  • "Sister is your reflection and opposite at the same time."
  • "Friendship between sisters is like good wine - it grows stronger with age. And like spring - the longer the cold, the more pleasant its arrival."
  • "None of your peers cares as much about your happiness as your own sister."
  • "People who have siblings appear more whole and happy."

Statuses about a sister with meaning do not have to be used only for social networks. It could be nice sms or a note that is sure to cheer you up native person.

Funny statuses about sisters

Statuses about a sister with meaning can be funny and ironic, like the relationship between relatives themselves.

  • "Sharing all the news with your sister is pointless. After all, she already knows everything."
  • "If a girl watches football, plays computer games and knows how to make a slingshot, then this is your little sister."
  • "As a child, my sister and I constantly fought. But then we grew up, grew wiser and understood - it's better to let them fight because of us."
  • "When she calls me stupid, I answer:" All in you!
  • "Why do you need if you have a younger sister?".
  • "To avoid having to do all the housework alone, steal your sister's personal diary."
  • “My little sister, when she found out that I would have a child, exclaimed: “Who will be - a boy or a girl? I need to know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt?"

Beautiful statuses about sister

Statuses about a sister with meaning, beautiful and funny - this is also great way congratulate. A postcard with an original statement from a loved one will be a nice addition to the gift.

  • "I am grateful to fate that I have such a treasure. Thank you for being in my life, sister."
  • "You and I are already happier than many people on Earth. Because we have each other."
  • "To be more beautiful than me, I can only allow you."
  • "This birthday is not only your holiday. It is also my celebration, another favorite day of the year."
  • "Blood kinship is what unites despite thousands of kilometers. Despite quarrels and omissions. Despite all the troubles and hardships."
  • "Happy are those who, with trepidation and anticipation, are waiting to meet their brother or sister."
  • "Unfortunately, all life is not a holiday. But as long as you are in it, I am able to overcome everything."

The best statuses and aphorisms about a sister are those that come from the heart. These are the words that can awaken and express feelings. And share it more often.

If the sisters were free to say what they really think, parents would hear from them: "Give me all your attention and all the toys, and let Rebecca live with her grandmother."

How great it is when there are sisters with whom you are connected not by family ties, but by friends who have become your sisters in life ...

If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone.

An older sister is such a special punishment from God. She always turns out to be right.

A sister is an indispensable support and support for life, which will only help you move forward ...

I adore you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not exchange you for any other sister in the world.

My sister's modesty is my greatest wealth!

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

Older sisters wipe, of course, younger brothers noses, but crying in a vest run to someone else.

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often.

If your terribly hurry Native sister, then she will definitely wear your favorite sweater.

Quotes about a sister with meaning - Sisters hardly forgive each other the insults experienced at the age of five.

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, and a sister without a brother is like a body without a soul...

You don't have to have the same parents to be sisters...

You are obliged to understand and forgive her all your life, your sister.

A sister does not always bring joy to a sister, sometimes grief. - Alexandra Deville.

There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.

Can a grown man treat an attractive woman like a brother treats a sister?

Do not treat your sister by faith in a way that you would not like to be treated by your sister by blood.

My sister is my true friend and companion in life ...

Sister is best friend from which it is impossible to get rid of.

You can fool the whole world, but not your sister.

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful in happiness and in trouble ...

I can fool everyone, but my sister can't.

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness. - Honore de Balzac.

When you are alone in this world, will anyone care for you better and with the same love as your sister?

My sister sometimes not only constantly asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

Everything I really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was a sixth grader.

A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don't have to go through it alone...

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

The younger sister is the only woman that can be brought up.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often ...

It’s just that a sister is such an infection that you seem to love the most, but for some reason she rages terribly!

A sister is capable of being best friend which is not easy to get rid of.

It's good that a person lives at the address I know, whom you can call at any time and answer the question "Do you love me?" hear "Of course, sister!".

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

The conflict between sisters can be compared to a disease. To be cured, you need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the disease itself.

With age, a sister becomes like a mother who has long been gone. She is like a reminder of her strong love to me.

How often in childhood we underestimate our sisters, no matter if they are younger or older. We are angry that the elders are constantly set as an example to us, and the younger ones follow the elders everywhere.; we swear over trifles, not realizing that the day will come when only two kindred souls - sisters - will remain in the whole wide world. That's probably why children poems about sister are relaxed and even comic in nature, while works on this topic written by adults are saturated with sadness and longing for a loved one, to whom you can open the most hidden and innermost corners of the soul, while the sister will not condemn, but will always understand, regret and give practical advice.

In poetry, as in life, older sister is always an example for the younger, and this is not surprising, because you really want to put on high-heeled shoes or make up your lips with fragrant lipstick, not to mention the beautiful dress that is just waiting for the older one to leave the younger one alone with him. And what a younger sister is an assistant - she will wash the dishes, and vacuum, and read a book to dolls, well, just like an older sister. The elder, in turn, although sometimes angry at the younger, loves her immensely, as evidenced by great amount poems about a sister, in which they speak with tenderness and love of a little fidget who does not sit still for a minute.

But perhaps brothers write the most touching poems about sisters who, with childlike spontaneity, consider and call the elders “nannies”, and cherish the younger ones, cherish and protect them from all adversity, rightfully considering themselves real men, under whose guardianship and patronage there are little beautiful princesses. Such poems about a sister are pure, naive, full of tenderness, warmth and love, while reading them, you just dream of a strong and courageous one who would not only protect you, but also dedicate beautiful lines. Or about a direct and funny little brother, for whom one would need an eye and an eye, but these chores would be so pleasant.

In the meantime, you write poems to your sister, I would like to say the following: do not waste your life on squabbles, quarrels and insults, appreciate life in all its manifestations, take care of your loved ones and excellent relationships with them, love and protect your brothers and sisters, closer which you don't have and never will. After all, who, if not them, in difficult times will be the first to give you a reliable helping hand and substitute their strong shoulder, relying on which you can endure a lot. Well, getting a brother or sister a poem written especially for her or him will undoubtedly be very pleasant. Don't forget about it!

I love my own sister
Such exactly naughty
I'm so lucky to have you
I'll say it's not bad

We grew up together with you
Walked in summer and winter
As a child, they warmed themselves by the fire
Even though it was summer time

You know that I love you
And thank you for everything
Thank you dear sister
Let a new page open in life!

The connection between us is not subject to years,
Keeping together with you is not in vain -
From the first minute we are connected by blood;
Relationship grows with love every day!

Cells of one we are halves,
We know each other to every tear!
We feel each other's breath in our hearts -
We hear each other through the distance!

Our love shines like a beacon in life,
Your hands will only warmly welcome me.
Maybe in life any time
I know what will happen to me sister!

My little sister...
As always plays with us.
I still love Alyonka
Although he complains to his mother ...
Because I understand
She's bored without us
I will captivate her with poems
I'll tell you myself...
On the floor and in the corridor
Together we will draw zebras
And let's not argue anymore
Who we love and who we pamper ...
Let it get together
From mom to us on Sunday ...
Mom rarely succeeds
Leaving for a birthday...

My lovely sister, Beloved, wonderful, Be happy, healthy And ready for joy! May wishes come true Almost to the ground, And you flutter like a butterfly, Beautiful and mysterious!

You are smart, beautiful
Welcoming, kind,
I really, really like
That you are my sister!
And I will not hide from you:
I love you the most!

Wow! Oh you! Look
- Yeah. Seeing this is wild!
Maybe we're all dreaming?
- No! We are seeing double!

And you have doubles too:
We don't look alike!
And so are the twins!
Well, similar shirts,

Eyebrows, ears and smile...
There's some mistake here!
The look is similar, the hairstyle, the nose…
How did it happen? Here is the question!

How nice to have a sister!
I every time
Thank you fate for this!
Over the years, I understand more -
We are inextricably linked with you
After all, life goes on, friends change,
A sister will always be a sister!

It's hard to be a big sister
But you did it with me!
Collected in the garden in the morning,
Later she accompanied me to school
Chased my suitors,
And she gave me advice.
I thank you
For love, sister, yours!
And I wish you many years
Joyful life, without troubles! ©

Elder sister, my dear,
I believe we will always be close
You understand me perfectly
Without each other we wither away from melancholy!
We always help each other
In a joyful or difficult hour of life,
On your birthday, I wish you
So that the fire in your soul does not go out!

But here I am with you
And dumb in joy
Your friend blossomed in soul
Like a clear spring day.
Forgotten days of separation
Days of sorrow and boredom
The shadow of sadness has disappeared.
