Learning to weave a simple star from beads. Pendant "Star" from beads A small star from beads with your own hands

Friends, today we will tell you how to make a very beautiful beaded star. This will help us step by step master class with photo and weaving pattern.

Tools and materials Time: 20 minutes Difficulty: 1/10

  • large beads;
  • beaded needle;
  • fishing line for beading;
  • scissors.

Step by step master class

This is a very simple version of the asterisk, the manufacture of which does not take much time.

For work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

Step 1: make a beaded ring

We string 10 beads on our needle with fishing line (you can also use monofilament). We close it all in a circle.

The easiest way to do this is by passing the needle several times in a circle, then the product will definitely not fall apart.

Step 2: make rays

After our base of the star is ready, you can take on the rays. To do this, we string 5 more beads on the needle, and send the needle to our circle, bypassing one bead.

We have formed the first ray of the star.

Thus, we form all five rays of the asterisk. If you make the central circle bigger, you can form an asterisk with big amount rays. The principle of weaving remains exactly the same.

Step 3: fix the line

At the end, it remains only to make a neat knot, and hide the remnants of fishing line or monofilament. At the same time, as always, we do not cut the thread to the very root, as the product may unravel. It is better to hide the remaining ponytails than to collect everything again later.


There are many ways to use these stars. For example, if you make three things, you can connect them together using special wire rings. We connect in a row, and we get the original long pendant.

By connecting in the same way, and adding a chain, you can form a bracelet.

Or you can just turn one star into a pendant or earring.

There are really many options for using such a beaded star; it can become an element of any decoration. Don't be afraid to use simple shapes and options for your handicrafts. Their production does not take much time, and the combination of several options will allow you to create amazing jewelry.

The basis of any creation, even the most complex, always includes simple technique, the mastery of which does not take much time, so do not be too lazy to carefully study our master class and scheme.

New Year's crafts from beads look elegant and become bright christmas decoration. With this decor, any green beauty will sparkle with new colors. In addition to traditional balls that can be made from plastic eggs from Kinder Surprises by pasting them with beads, snowflakes, beaded angels and other figurines will look beautiful on the Christmas tree.

The easiest way is to make an asterisk with a base in the form of a wire. To do this, you need to cut a piece of wire of the desired length, string large beads on it and fix the ends.

After that, you can begin to form a star. A string is attached to the top of the star, on which the toy will hang on the Christmas tree. To make the beaded star look more festive, you can decorate the rope with a bow made of thin tape tone on tone or any other color. In addition to such an asterisk, you can make a frame Christmas tree, a heart and other New Year's crafts from beads.

Snowflakes from beads

Weaving a snowflake from beads is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The first step is to imagine what you would like to see her. Visualization of a future beaded snowflake will help develop an accurate weaving pattern. Any snowflake consists of divergent rays and beads strung on them in the form of a figured pattern. The minimum number of rays is 5. The more of them, the fluffier the snowflake will be.

Before weaving a snowflake from beads, it is convenient to first draw it on a piece of paper. Such a drawing will become a scheme of work. For weaving, a wire with a thickness of 0.2-0.4 mm is taken. For a denser pattern, you can take a fishing line. In the pattern, you can use beads of various shapes and sizes.

Rays are most conveniently made from long glass beads. They don't have to be straight. The rhombus option looks spectacular. To do this, 4 glass beads are strung on the wire, and its ends are twisted together. Further, 2 more beads are put on from each end. To create "tails", the wire is fixed in front of the last bead on each side. After that, 1 bugle is put on on both sides and the wire is twisted again. So it turns out another rhombus. By alternating between glass beads of various sizes, you can make a more attractive snowflake.

Snowflake schemes:

beaded angel

The beaded angel is made of wire and beads of various colors and sizes. The beaded angel figurine consists of several parts:

  • dresses,
  • wings,
  • head,
  • halo.

For the head it is better to choose a separate large bead, for a halo - small beads, for other details - the size may vary. The weaving pattern is as follows. First you need to make a halo of several beads, tying it to your head, then wings and arms. After the beaded angel has taken on a general outline, you can proceed to the dress, which is made in the shape of a triangle. In order for the beaded angel to fit on the Christmas tree, you need to tie a ribbon to the halo. Beaded angels can also be made in three dimensions.

Beaded snowman

New Year's beaded crafts can also be placed under the Christmas tree. For example, you can make a round snowman from large snow-white beads. The beaded snowman needs filler as the round shapes need to be fixed. For these purposes, you can use cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.

To work, you will need a long fishing line threaded through a needle and beads of the same type. The pattern of weaving a snowman is circular. The first two beads are the first row. Second row - 2 more beads are added, and the fishing line is passed through the second bead of the first row. Third row - 2 more beads, the fishing line passes through the first bead of the first row.

Subsequent rows are performed in the same way with the passage of fishing line through the beads of the previous row. In order for the beaded snowman to take shape, from rows 9 to 12, 1 bead is added to each circle. In rows 13-17, it is necessary to make a decrease in the number of beads. To do this, the weaving pattern changes: adding one bead at a time, you need to pass the fishing line through 2 beads of the previous row (in 4 places that are convenient to mark with a felt-tip pen).

After completing the head, the beaded snowman is stuffed with filler. To make the body, you need to add 6 beads in the 18th row. Addition is carried out in six places, 1 bead each. By adding 2 beads in five rows, we get rows from 18 to 22. Further, beads are not added (rows 23-27). From the 28th row, the decrease begins similarly to the head. After weaving is completed, a beaded snowman can be decorated with decorative elements.

In a similar way, the Snow Maiden from beads, Santa Claus and other New Year's characters can be made.

In this article, we suggest you learn how to weave a star from beads. Beads are a material from which you can weave various interesting crafts, products and even jewelry. The hands of craftswomen are capable of much, the main thing is to have imagination and creative thinking. If you still consider yourself a beginner in beading, then it is better to start creating your masterpieces with something simple. It may be different geometric figures, flowers and chains.

To weave a star, you will need the following list of materials:

  • blue and blue beads;
  • blue glass beads;
  • wire with scissors and a piece of fishing line.

After you have prepared all the materials, you can proceed to the master class itself. Cut the wire one and a half meters long. Then string 7 blue beads and arrange them, leaving a few centimeters from the edge, as shown in the photo.

Pull the wire through the first bead to form a loop. Next, string 1 bugle and again a blue bead. Return the edge of the main material back by pulling it through the elongated element, as shown in the photo.

We stretch the wire with a loop through the adjacent bead. Again, dial the glass beads and the sky-colored glass. Repeat 5 more times the previous manipulations described above. After that, you should get a figure in the shape of a sun, from which seven rays depart.

Then pull the main material through the near bugle and blue bead. String a round element and make sure that the glass located in the center remains of blue color. The number of glass pieces should be in the amount of five pieces. Next, pull the wire through the top bead of the adjacent beam. Repeat these similar steps 6 more times so that an outer ring forms on the future asterisk.

The master class will soon come to an end, as it remains for us to complete the weaving of the last row of the beadwork. Dial the beads in the following order: glass beads, then a blue element, and again what was typed first. Pull the section with beads through the top of the adjacent ray of the star, as shown in the photo.

As a result, you should have a new element that has a triangular shape. You need to repeat these steps six more times so that the craft gets more new do-it-yourself rays.

The wire must be secured with a knot and pulled through a couple of beads. Thus, you hide a completely unnecessary element. That's all, the beaded star is completely ready and can now be applied anywhere. Take the fishing line and pass it through the rounded glass that is in one of the outer rays of the star, and then you should tie the edges of the fishing line. Such an asterisk can become an original pendant around your neck or earrings, or maybe you want to decorate something with it, for example, a Christmas tree.

This charming star can be made one of the elements of a festive garland, bright bracelet, beads or turn into an independent decoration in the form of a pendant or earrings. An asterisk made of beads, the weaving pattern of which is described in this master class, does not require much time to complete and special beading skills.

Tools and materials Time: 15 minutes Difficulty: 1/10

  • beads of different diameters and colors;
  • fishing line for work;
  • appropriate size needle.

Step-by-step scheme of weaving an asterisk

You can diversify the weaving of an asterisk from beads using multi-colored beads in the course of work. There are also no specific requirements for their sizes. You can use arbitrary materials of any form, thanks to which the created element will differ from the proposed version and become almost author's.

Here is a small amount of materials. as in the photo below, you will need to create an asterisk from beads with your own hands.

Step 1: make the base of the star bead

We string small beads on a small piece of fishing line first - only 5 pieces. Since weaving will go in one thread, we move these five pieces closer to the end of the segment. We form the inner circle of the element from these beads. This can be done in several ways. The simplest and most effective is to simply tie two tails of fishing line together. Then send the working tail to one of the beads of the inner circle.

The second way is to cross the tails of the fishing line in the last strung bead. You can choose the method that you like, or which you consider the fastest and most effective.

Step 2: form the rays

For the second step, we string one large bead on the working tail of the fishing line, and another small one. At the same time, the fishing line should come out of it from the beads of the inner circle. Next, we send the fishing line back through a large bead (we do not touch the small one), and pass through the next bead of the inner circle along the way. All this is now tightened gently so that the first ray of the element is formed. All other rays are formed only in the same way.

Step 3: finish weaving the product

The finished element can be fixed on a fastener, or a loop of several beads can be formed on one of the rays. Thanks to this loop, the product can be easily turned into both a pendant and a keychain.

And if you want to make a bracelet using several of these stars from beads, then first make the necessary elements, guided by the same weaving pattern, and then connect them together by the rays, inserting several beads between them.

Christmas stars made from natural wood beads will bring the spirit of the holiday into your home already at the stage of their creation.

Tools and materials Time: 30 minutes Difficulty: 2/10

  • 30 wooden beads;
  • copper wire;
  • decorative cord or twine;
  • sewing thread or ribbon;
  • wire cutters.

For their manufacture, the basic principles and techniques of beading are used, but instead of beads, large beads act as a material for work.

Tools and materials:

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start work, you need to paint a few beads in white and red. Suitable for this purpose acrylic paint. To fix the paint, the beads after drying can be coated with a matte varnish.

Step 1

Cut a piece of wire about 80 cm long with wire cutters.

Step 2

Thread 12 wooden beads onto one end of the wire. Form a ring and thread the wire through the beads again in the opposite direction. Try to make sure that both ends of the wire are the same length.

Step 3

Moving clockwise, begin to form the second row of weaving. To do this, put two white beads on one end of the wire and, skipping one bead of the first row, pull the wire through the hole in the second. Then repeat the procedure: put on two balls and, skipping one bead, pull the wire through the next one. Repeat to the end of the row, returning to the starting point.

Step 4

Take the second (long) end of the wire and bring it out in the middle of the first pair of white balls. Put on the red bead and fix by passing through the holes of the white bead and the unpainted beads of the bottom row, as shown in the photo. Continue working in a circle until you have six red beads - one on each top of the star.

Step 5

The row with red beads is the last one. Now you need to fix both ends of the wire well. To do this, twist them tightly, making the turns as close to the beads as possible, cut off the excess with wire cutters and hide the ends in the beads. Pass a ribbon or decorative cord through one of the beads to hang jewelry.

If you have not recently become interested in beading and you have any questions about this, you can find the answers to them in our section.
