The teacher beats the adopted daughter. Bad upbringing: a school teacher beat a child

Lyubov Schwarzkop said that. She repented and asked for forgiveness for her intemperance. The woman hopes that little Veronica will be returned to her.

Recently, horrific footage shows geography teacher Lyubov Shvartskop from Pervouralsk beating a seven-year-old adopted daughter Veronica. A 38-year-old woman hit the child with a belt and pulled on the ears. As it turned out, everything that happened in the apartment was filmed by the common-law husband of the teacher, but did not seek to save the baby from the wrath of her mother. Now the girl was taken away by the guardianship authorities, and Lyubov herself was put under house arrest and fired from school.

In the “Let them talk” program, Schwarzkop got in touch with the Channel One studio. She spoke about what caused such cruel treatment of her daughter.

“It is very difficult to say in one word. I just couldn't take it. I understand that I hurt her, but it hurts me too, ”the woman admitted through tears. “I put all my time into this child. Raised her from such a hole, we started with the sound "a", now the general program. It has risen to this level in five years.”

The guests in the studio were outraged by this attitude of Love towards Veronica. She tried to prove to the experts that she was not a bad person and a worthy teacher. “I already repented a long time ago for hurting a child. When you get in response, it’s unknown what, I don’t want to see, ”Schwarzkop admitted.

The former civil husband of the geography teacher Pavel Rodionov came to the shooting of the program. He said that he filmed the video in order to protect himself from accusations of beating a child. The man said that some thought that Veronica's bruises appeared because of him. However, Love did not begin to talk about whether her lover raised his hand to the girl. The experts were outraged that the man did not intervene in the family drama and did not protect the seven-year-old baby. According to Pavel, he stood up for the child - otherwise the recording would have lasted longer.

The former common-law spouse of Lyubov decided to put an end to child abuse and published a video

“I wanted to ask her forgiveness and thank those who are on my side. I apologize to Vika, because it’s very bad to live without her, ”said Lyubov Schwartskop.

Recently, the whole country was shocked by horrifying footage in which geography teacher Lyubov Shvartskop from Pervouralsk beats her seven-year-old adopted daughter Veronica. A 38-year-old woman hit the child with a belt and pulled on the ears. As it turned out, everything that happened in the apartment was filmed by the common-law husband of the teacher, but did not seek to save the baby from the wrath of her mother. Now the girl was taken away by the guardianship authorities, and Lyubov herself was put under house arrest and fired from school.

In the “Let them talk” program, Schwarzkop got in touch with the Channel One studio. She spoke about what caused such cruel treatment of her daughter.

“It is very difficult to say in one word. I just couldn't take it. I understand that I hurt her, but it hurts me too, ”the woman admitted through tears. - I invested all my time in this child. Raised her from such a hole, we started with the sound "a", now the general program. It has risen to this level in five years.”

The guests in the studio were outraged by this attitude of Love towards Veronica. She tried to prove to the experts that she was not a bad person and a worthy teacher. “I already repented a long time ago for hurting a child. When you get in response, it’s unknown what, I don’t want to see, ”Schwarzkop admitted.

The former civil husband of the geography teacher Pavel Rodionov came to the shooting of the program. He said that he filmed the video in order to protect himself from accusations of beating a child. The man said that some thought that Veronica's bruises appeared because of him. However, Love did not begin to talk about whether her lover raised his hand to the girl. The experts were outraged that the man did not intervene in the family drama and did not protect the seven-year-old baby. According to Pavel, he stood up for the child - otherwise the recording would have lasted longer.

Over the past few days, the whole country has watched these shocking footage shown at the beginning of the release: in the video, 38-year-old resident of Pervouralsk, geography teacher Lyubov Shvartskop beats her 7-year-old adopted daughter Vika. Moreover, the video is filmed by her husband instead of protecting the girl. All participants in this story will gather today in the talk show studio. Watch the release of the program Let them talk - Bad upbringing(a school teacher beat a child) 09/18/2017

Now Lyubov faces a prison sentence. The woman begs to return her adopted daughter. The common-law husband of 38-year-old Schwarzkop Pavel Rodionov came to the program, who filmed the moment of beating on camera mobile phone. Why didn't he try to intervene? You will learn all the details of this story, which has become resonant on the Internet, in this episode of the Let Them Talk program.

Let them say - Bad upbringing

- The fact is that the neighbors thought that I was beating my daughter. And with this video, I wanted to prove that this is not at all the case. Kindergarten teachers also looked askance at me when they saw her bruises. And if I hadn't intervened, this recording would have been much longer, like your program, for example.

- Once, 2.5 years ago, our whole family had an accident. The wife was driving. After the accident, I began to notice that she often began to scream at Vika. But that's how cruelly she began to treat her about a year ago.

Is Rodionov really telling the truth? The film crew of “Let them talk” visited the house where this family lives and this is what the neighbors said:

We never heard the girl scream. Her mother behaves adequately and we did not notice that she treated her badly.

Pavel Rodionov:

- I posted the video only because I wrote a statement to the police, but the district police officer did not react to this statement in any way.

Pavel Fitsev, a friend and colleague of Pavel, also came to the program to support him:

“No one believed him. Everyone thought he was beating his daughter. I can't blame him for this video, because he needed to show everything as it is.

Geography teacher Lyubov Shvartskop. Discussion in Let them talk

Today, a geography teacher from Pervouralsk faces a prison term of 3 to 7 years. On the program Let They Speak (issue "Bad Education"), the experts will discuss what kind of punishment Lyubov Schwarzkop deserves.

The 38-year-old teacher agreed to get in touch with the talk show studio. Why is Luba so cruel to her adopted daughter?

- It was only once, I could not stand it ... I understand that I hurt her and it hurts me a lot too. At one time, I put all of myself into her ... I raised her from such a hole, from which she could not get out. For 5 years, the child has risen to a very good level and I had to give a lot of effort.

Yes, I do not deny it: I treated her like that for a long time, but you are not a judge. Only the court will judge me. I've done terrible things, but I'm not that bad a person, a bad teacher, a bad mother... I've already repented for hurting her. But I don't think I raised her like a dictator. I really hope she is now good hands, and I'm very worried that she now, most likely, has not been treated for hyperactivity.

Among the experts on the program (Let them talk - Bad education) journalist and writer Alexander Nikonov:

“I want to bring a little sobriety to this sugary expert compote. Have you never received cuffs from your parents or your children from you? Against the backdrop of this story and others like it, it is important for us now not to slip into the direction of juvenile justice, which has long been operating in the West. There, for one slap, children are taken away. And half of the country lives with us, like the family of Lyubov!

- The great teacher Makarenko gave faces to his wards. And you have to understand that even a bad mother is better than a bed in orphanage. And when children are taken away from their mother, they punish, first of all, the children themselves, and not the parent.

Guests and experts on the program: public figure Roman Khudyakov, journalist Alexander Nikonov, psychologist Tatyana Popova, mother of many children Irina Volynets, President of the Association large families Moscow Region Elena Fominykh, family psychologist Irina Obukhova, blogger Oksana Mitrofanova and others. Watch online for free issue Let them talk - Bad education, aired on September 18, 2017 (09/18/2017).

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A video with footage of bullying was posted on the Internet by her common-law spouse, after which the police became interested in the case. The unfortunate mother has been charged. However, there may be questions to the guardianship authorities, and to the author of the video himself.

The foster mother punishes a seven-year-old girl for simple stubbornness - she lifts the child several times by the ears, holds it in the air and shakes it, despite the heart-rending cries of children. But this cruel session of education does not end there. In the course are slaps and headbutts on the cabinet. The woman, no longer able to calm her aggression, picks up a belt.

On the video - a geography teacher from Pervouralsk Lyubov Shvartskop. The girl is her only daughter. Reception. Love adopted her six years ago. What happened in the family in previous years is now unknown. But recently, the common-law spouse filmed one of the inhuman lessons on the phone. The man, as he claims, recorded this video after another beating. On the body - old traces of blows.

The record appeared on the Web after suspicious abrasions on the body were noticed by educators in kindergarten. They turned to the authorities. The girl was taken away from the unfortunate mother.

At the school, where the woman managed to work as a geography teacher for only three months, she was asked to quit. The Department of Education refused to meet with journalists, limiting itself to a written comment by e-mail: “We note that she was allowed to work with children because she has a specialized higher pedagogical education. During the work of the teacher, not a single emergency with her participation was recorded. Also, neither the school management nor the Department of Education of the Pervouralsky City District received any complaints from the parents of the schoolchildren with whom this employee worked.

The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Lyubov Shvartskop and issued her a written undertaking not to leave the country.

“She is suspected under the article “Torment against a person who is known to be in a helpless state, or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator,” said Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee for Sverdlovsk region.

Lyubov Schwarzkop herself assures that she lost her temper the only time. This is exactly what was on the video. True, there are several more episodes in the case, when traces of beatings were found on the child's body. For each such case, the foster mother seems to have an explanation. The girl either slipped on the washed floor, or stumbled on the threshold in the bath. And now the former cohabitant allegedly slanders her.

“It was done out of spite, because I kicked him out of our lives. For his drinking, for his mockery. Brought to such a state that she did not hear anyone. He taught her a lot of bad things, taught her to lie, taught her to hide, ”says the woman.

Psychologists note that after such bullying, it will most likely be difficult for a girl to return to a normal life.

“The girl has already lived through a traumatic situation once, having lost her parents, but the time has come, she has found new mom, and this situation again indicates the presence of a psychotrauma in a child. The consequences can be completely different - we cannot predict them - from elementary distrust to people to aggressive states, ”says psychologist Elena Konnova.

Those who have already watched the video are also outraged by the behavior of the man who filmed it. People don't understand why he didn't intervene.

There is also the question of where the guardianship authorities have been looking for all these years, because such foster families should be checked regularly.

“When guardianship officers came to the family, the girl smiled. Therefore, it was difficult to understand from communication that something was happening there. This is such a delicate matter,” says Igor Morokov, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region.

However, the investigators opened another criminal case - under the article "Negligence" and now they are checking whether they have done everything social workers to protect children from bullying.

The investigation is ongoing. The woman is awaiting a psychiatric examination. If Lyubov Shvartskop is recognized as sane, she faces three to seven years in prison. The article under which the case was initiated does not provide for a suspended sentence.
