Regional one-time allowance for pregnant women. On approval of the regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of a regional lump-sum allowance to pregnant women



On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of the regional lump sum pregnant women

In accordance with the Law of the Tula region of March 7, 2002 N 285-ZTO "On the implementation of state family and demographic policy in the Tula region", on the basis of Article 48 of the Charter (Basic Law) of the Tula region, the government of the Tula region decides:

(in ed.)

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of a regional one-time allowance for pregnant women (Appendix).

2. Recognize as invalid Decree of the Government of the Tula Region of 04/05/2012 N 133 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of a regional lump-sum allowance to pregnant women".

3. The Office of the Press Service of the Government of the Tula Region to publish the Decree in the media.

Deputy Prime Minister
Tula region - Minister of Economic
development and industry of the Tula region

Application. Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of a regional one-time allowance to pregnant women

to the Government Decree
Tula region
dated 19.03.2013 N 109

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for assigning and paying a regional one-time allowance to pregnant women who are registered with medical organizations located in the region, in early dates pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), who underwent prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy in medical organizations located in the Tula region (hereinafter referred to as the regional one-time allowance), from among citizens Russian Federation and stateless persons permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the Tula region (hereinafter referred to as the applicant).

(Clause 1 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated 05/20/2016 N 208)

2. Pregnant women have the right to receive a regional one-time allowance at a gestational age that entitles them to maternity leave. The regional one-time allowance is assigned if the application was followed no later than three months from the date of birth of the child.

3. The regional one-time allowance is assigned and paid by the state institution of the Tula region, performing functions in the field social protection population (hereinafter - the institution), at the place of residence of the applicant in the Tula region.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated 05.11.2014 N 570)

4. An application for the appointment of a regional lump-sum allowance is submitted to an institution or to a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services with the following documents attached:

copies of a passport or other identity document;

extracts from the house book obtained at the place of residence in the managing organization, other documents on registration at the place of residence or place of stay of the applicant and the child in the Tula region, issued no later than one month before the date of filing the application - for citizens of the Russian Federation;

residence permit on the territory of the Tula region - for stateless persons;

certificates from a medical organization (attachment);

copies of the child's birth certificate - when applying for a regional one-time allowance for pregnant women after the birth of a child;

insurance certificate of the applicant's state pension insurance;

consent of the applicant to the processing of his personal data and personal data of his minor children;

an extract on the number of a personal account opened in accordance with the established procedure with a credit institution.

Documents can be submitted both in originals and in duly certified copies. Documents are submitted in originals with their copies attached. When submitting documents, the originals and copies of the above documents are verified, after which the certified copies of the submitted documents are attached to the application and the original documents are returned to the applicant. In the case of submission of notarized copies of documents, the submission of originals is not required.

The documents specified in paragraphs 3, 7 of this paragraph, the applicant has the right to submit independently. In case of failure to submit the documents specified in paragraphs 3, 7 of this paragraph, they are requested by the institution at the place of residence of the applicant through interdepartmental interaction within 5 working days after the registration of the application.

The regional one-time allowance is assigned no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt (registration) of the application with all necessary documents.

(item 4 in the red.)

5. An application for the appointment of a regional lump-sum allowance and the necessary documents can be sent to the institution in the form of electronic documents using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including the "Single portal of state and municipal services (functions)" and Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the Tula region.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated May 20, 2016 N 208)

The application and documents required to receive a regional one-time allowance are signed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature".

6. When applying and required documents in electronic form, using information systems that ensure the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, the applicant is sent an electronic message about the acceptance of the application and documents no later than the first business day following the day of submission of the application and the necessary documents. The date of submission of the application and documents is the day of sending an electronic message to the applicant about the acceptance of the application and documents.

The applicant, within 15 working days from the date of filing the said application, must apply to the institution where the application was submitted electronically to submit the documents specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulation on paper.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated May 20, 2016 N 208)

7. The grounds for refusal to assign and pay a regional lump-sum allowance are the applicant's non-compliance with the requirements established by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Regulation, or the failure to submit the documents provided for by paragraph 4 of this Regulation.

8. The institution, before the 25th day of the month preceding the payment of the regional one-time allowance, submits to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Tula Region an application for the allocation Money necessary for the payment of the regional lump-sum allowance.

(Clause 8 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated August 15, 2018 N 315)

9. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Tula Region, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application from the institution, forms and sends to the Ministry of Finance of the Tula Region an application for financing the regional one-time allowance.

(Clause 9 as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated August 15, 2018 N 315)

10. The Ministry of Finance of the Tula Region allocates funds for the payment of a regional one-time allowance to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Tula Region no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of a consolidated application for financing a monthly cash payment.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Tula Region transfers funds to the account of the institution no later than 2 working days from the date of allocation of funding.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated August 15, 2018 N 315)

Upon receipt of funds, the institution pays a regional lump-sum allowance by transferring it to an account opened by the recipient in a credit institution within 5 working days.

(As amended by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated August 15, 2018 N 315)

11. Disputes over the appointment and payment of a regional lump-sum allowance are resolved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Application. Reference

to the Regulations on the order of appointment and
payment of the regional lump sum
benefits for pregnant women

Medical Stamp In Social Management

public protection organizations


(issued to a pregnant woman in her arms at the term

pregnancy, giving the right to maternity leave)

The year of birth,

(last name, first name, patronymic) (day, month, year)

is registered in connection with pregnancy in _______________________________

(name of medical organization)


With _____________________.

(day month Year)

The gestational age at registration was ______ weeks, in

currently is _______ weeks.

FIRST STAGE of prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child

completed on time:

Ultrasound _________________ in __________________________________________________,

biochemical analysis ______________ V ____________________________________.

(date) (name of medical organization)

SECOND STAGE of prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child

completed on time:

Ultrasound _______________ at ________________________________________________________.

(date) (name of medical organization)

Doctor ____________________ __________________________________

Chairman of the VC ____________________ __________________________________

(signature) (surname, name, patronymic)

Place of seal of the medical organization

Note: All help fields are mandatory.

Pregnant women have the right to receive a regional one-time allowance

women at a gestational age that entitles them to maternity leave and

childbirth. The regional lump-sum allowance is assigned if the application for it

followed no later than three months from the date of birth of the child.

In demographic terms, the Tula region is one of the least prosperous in Russia. The region is characterized by a very low birth rate, an outflow of the young population to the nearby Moscow agglomeration, as well as a depressed economy.

In this regard, the region treats family support with great responsibility. The list of child allowances in the Tula region is probably one of the longest of all regions of Russia. To encourage families to have children, the regional authorities have introduced many types of social assistance for parents with children.

All payments for children can be conditionally divided into:

  • one-time allowances;
  • monthly;
  • annual (for this moment are not used in the area).

The system of child allowances is very ramified, it is constantly supplemented and improved. For example, from January 2017 introduced the new kind assistance for special categories of families. When paying regional benefits, priority is given to the poor, incomplete, large families, foster families, parents with disabled children and adopted children.

There are about 15 regional children's payments to families with children in the Tula region alone, not counting other types of social support. And then there are federal benefits and maternity capital, relevant throughout the Russian Federation.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Tula

The list of federal benefits in Tula and the region is completely the same as in any other region of Russia. It is regulated by Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. State child benefits are assigned by categoricalprinciple- for example, pregnant women, mothers of babies, regardless of the financial situation of the family.

  • All federal benefits, except for maternity capital, can be issued either parent. The advantage is given to the worker. In this case, he applies employer. In some cases, you can also apply for benefits directly from social insurance(FSS).
  • All child payments must be processed in a declarative manner. That is, until one of the parents writes an application and collects documents, no money will be given to the family.
  • Funds for the payment of benefits are allocated from the state budget.
  • By analogy with last year, federal child benefits throughout the Russian Federation, including the Tula region, were indexed not from January 1, but from February 1, 2019 by a coefficient 1,043 (Government Decree No. 32 of January 24, 2019).

The Tula region is located in the central part of Russia, therefore, in the region do not work increasing regional coefficients to wages and benefits. All of them are paid in fixed size established by federal law.

Name of federal benefit The amount of the allowance in the city of Tula and the Tula region from February 1, 2019, rub.
For pregnancy and childbirth
  • 11280 - minimum wage for each full month of the decree;
  • 51919 - minimum for the entire period
When registering for pregnancy in the early stages 655,49
At the birth of a child, his adoption 17479,73
The pregnant wife of a conscript 27680,97
Child care (up to 1.5 years old)
  • 3277.45 - minimum for the first child for the unemployed;
  • 4512.00 - minimum for employees
  • 6554.89 - for the second and subsequent children
Monthly payment for the birth of 1 and 2 children up to 1.5 years 9776,00
For a child of a military conscript (up to 3 years old) 11863,27

To apply for local benefits, you need permanent registration in the Tula region. Any of the parents or substitutes can submit an application and documents. General rules registration and receipt of child benefits:

  • The application is submitted to the authority social security at the place of residence.
  • The responsible body is given up to 15 days to make a decision.
  • Benefits apply to Russian citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise indicated in the description of a particular type of assistance.
  • Payment of allowances is financed from the regional budget.
  • Most monthly and one-time benefits are subject to annual indexation to the inflation rate.
  • Applications for benefits are considered within 10 days.


Regional benefits are issued in accordance with the principles of targeting and need. Families qualify for these payments subject to certain conditions: for example, low income per family member, having three children, and so on.

Documents for registration of regional benefits

The application is accompanied by documents according to the standard list, as well as additional documents depending on the type of benefit. They can be submitted in person or through a representative to social security, sent by mail or electronically, through the public services portal.

standard list documents:

  • passport and SNILS of the applicant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of family composition and cohabitation with the child;
  • certificate from the place of residence of the second parent about the non-receipt of benefits by him (if he lives separately);
  • if the applicant and the child have different surnames - documents confirming kinship (marriage/divorce certificate, change of surname);
  • bank account details.

Regional one-time allowance for pregnant women when registering in the early stages

Pregnant women registered at the antenatal clinic on time up to 12 weeks can apply for a special regional allowance. It will only be issued if the prenatal diagnosis developmental disorders of the child in the 1st and 2nd trimesters in one of the medical institutions of the region.

  • The allowance is due only to Russian citizens or stateless persons.
  • Can issue only woman, but not her husband (in person, through a representative by a notarized power of attorney or send documents by mail).
  • No. 285-ZTO dated March 7, 2002 "On the implementation of stateimpact family and demographic policy in the Tula region";
  • Decree No. 109 dated March 19, 2013 "Aboutapproval of the regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of the regional lump-sum allowance to pregnant women"
Size RUB 11,077.50
Required documents
  • application, passport;
  • information about citizenship;
  • a certificate from a antenatal clinic or other medical institution on registration and indicating data on the passage of prenatal diagnostics;
  • bank account details
Term of circulation After the 25th week of pregnancy, but no later than 3 months from the date of birth of the child

The living wage is the minimum amount of money you need to “live for a month”. It is established by the regional government on a quarterly basis for the past three months for different social and age categories: per capita, for the able-bodied, pensioners and children.

Value living wage per capita in the Tula region for the 4th quarter of 2016 amounted to 9,035 rubles.

Regional one-time allowance at the birth of a child

A number of families permanently residing in the Tula region can also count on an additional lump sum payment when the baby is born. It is in addition to a similar federal allowance. It can be issued if:

  • One of the parents full-time student in higher or secondary special educational institution on the territory of the region.
  • In a low-income family (with an average per capita income below the subsistence minimum for the last 3 months) is born first child.
  • Parents have a 2nd or next child (for each of the children, regardless of parental income).
  • In a family with any income is born two or more children at the same time. Money is paid for each of the kids.

One-time allowance for the adoption of a child

Parents who adopted after 01.01.2013 an orphan or a child left without parental care are entitled to a lump sum payment from the regional budget. Its size depends on the number of adopted children and the state of their health.

  • You can apply for benefits regardless of the design of the federal counterpart and the material security of the family.
  • The payment is made for each child.
What law establishes
  • Law No. 1336-ZTO of 07.10.2009 "On the protection of the rights of the child";
  • Decree No. 441 dated September 18, 2006 . "On approval of the procedure for the appointment and payment of one-time and monthly benefits to citizens who have adopted (adopted) children"
  • RUB 13,755.92 - for the first adopted orphan child;
  • RUB 47,633.25 - on the second and each following;
  • 50 000 rub. - for everyone with disabilities of physical or mental development
Required documents
Term of circulation Within 12 months after the entry into force of the court decision on adoption


Residents of the Tula region who have adopted three or more children at the same time can apply for additional lump sum payment for construction housing.

At the same time, this means that the period between the entry into force of court decisions on the first and third (next) child should not exceed 180 calendar days (about six months).

One-time allowance for the placement of a disabled child in a family

Guardians, foster parents and adoptive parents children with special health needs, disabilities or mental disorders are entitled to a one-time allowance. It is paid regardless of the degree of wealth of the parents, provided that the child was registered in the family no earlier than 01/01/2014. The purpose of this type of payment is the purchase of equipment and furniture.

  • Payment is only available for an orphan or deprived of parental care.
  • The allowance is assigned only upon the initial transfer of the child to the family. If the foster parents decide to adopt a ward, they are no longer entitled to the payment.

The law does not specify whether this type of social assistance is paid at the same time as the one-time adoption allowance specified above. If there are no clear instructions, then it should be paid. But it is better to clarify this issue with the social security authorities.

What law establishes No. 1336-ZTO of 07.10.2009
Size 40 000 rub.
Required documents
Term of circulation Not later than 12 months. from the date of the transfer of the child to the family


Guardians who adopted a child with a disability or with disabilities after 01/01/2014 are entitled to an additional monthly allowance in the amount of 6,000 rubles. Adoptive parents and adoptive parents do not receive benefits.

A substitute parent can apply for him at any time. This must be done within 12 months. after the placement of the child under guardianship.

Monthly child allowance

If the average per capita income per person in the family is lower than established in the region PM per capita, the family is entitled to the regional allowance for the needy. It is paid monthly for every child who has not reached the age of 16 (or 18 if he has not yet graduated from high school).

  • It is laid on relatives, adopted, guarded children.
  • Provided only working parents or those who are registered with the employment service.
  • Not paid to guardians who receive a monthly child support allowance.
  • Paid including for the previous 6 months. before the application is submitted, if the applicant had grounds for applying for this benefit during this period.
  • The allowance is renewed once a year. Documents must be re-submitted one month before the expiration of the payment period.
What law establishes
  • No. 492-ZTO of December 28, 2004 "On the monthly allowance for a child in the Tula region";
  • Decree No. 95 of February 8, 2005 "On approval of the regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment monthly allowance per child in the Tula region"
  • RUB 350.61 - in general;
  • RUB 525.91 - if the parent evades the payment of alimony or is doing military service;
  • RUB 701.21 - if the child is raised by a single mother
Required documents
Term of circulation At any convenient time, preferably within 6 months. after the foundation

Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years old for the poor and students

Families living in areas Not contaminated after the Chernobyl accident, and not receiving monthly Chernobyl payments for children, are entitled to receive a special cash payment. It is paid to low-income families in which parents are officially employed. The payment must be renewed once a year.

An additional measure of social support is paid:

  • low-income families (average per capita income below the PM per capita) for a second child aged 1.5 to 3 years;
  • low-income parents who are full-time students for a child from birth to 3 years(if the educational institution is located on the territory of the Tula region).
What law establishes Decree No. 298 dated June 26, 2014 "On additional measures of social support for families of citizens of the Russian Federation with children registered at the place of residence on the territory of the Tula region, which was not exposed to radioactive contamination due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (...)"
  • 2 000 rub. - for the poor;
  • 4 000 rub. - for student families
Required documents
Term of circulation Preferably within 6 months. after the birth of a child or reaching the age of 1.5 years


The allowance is only given Russian citizens who managed to apply before 10/01/2016 for a child with Russian citizenship. That is, in 2017 it is no longer possible to apply for benefits.

In the Tula region, there are areas affected by radiation pollution after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Their residents receive special benefits. The regional authorities decided to appoint similar support measures for families that do not live in the contaminated areas. The grant is not subject to indexation.

Monthly cash payment (MCH) for the third or next child

At the birth of the third and / or next child in the family after 01/01/2013 a family with limited income can apply for a third child allowance. It is paid from the birth of the baby until the moment he turns 3 years old.

  • To apply, one of the parents must be Russian citizen.
  • Limited income - in which the average per capita income per person in the family for the last 3 months does not exceed three times the PM per capita. Most large families in the region will fall under this rule.
  • When assigning a payment, all previous children are taken into account, regardless of their age (even those who have reached the age of majority).
  • Payout provided one per family.


The Tula region is one of 50 regions in which, due to low birth rates, the state provides co-financing for EDV in 2017. That is, this is the only payment that is paid partly from the regional budget, and partly from the federal one.

Previously, it was paid up to the age of 7 years of the child, but since mid-2014, the age has been changed.

Monthly payment for the maintenance of a child with many children

A low-income large family is given the right to apply for a monthly allowance for the maintenance and upbringing of a child. It is issued regardless of the income of the parents.

  • The amount is for each of their children.
  • It is paid from the month of application and for the previous 6 months, if there were grounds.

A family with many children in the region is considered with three or more children under 18, and if the child has not yet graduated or is undergoing military service - up to 23 years. The number of children included relatives, adopted children, stepchildren and stepdaughters. A large family, in order to obtain the status and use it, must issue a certificate.

What law establishes
  • No. 1154-ZTO dated 04.12.2008 "On measures of social support for large families in TUl region";
  • Decree No. 22 dated 20.01.2012 "Aboutapproval of the regulation on the procedure and terms for the provision of a monthly cash payment for the maintenance and upbringing of a child in a large family in the Tula region"
Size RUB 1,753.02
Required documents
Term of circulation Preferably within 6 months. from the moment the family is recognized as having many children

Other types of assistance to large families in the region:

  • Lump sum payment to buy or build a home:
    • At the birth of three or more children at the same time in the family. The amount varies based on the social norm of the total area of ​​​​housing and the cost of 1 sq. m. meters in the region.
    • A low-income family, if one of the parents is in line for improvement living conditions.
  • Providing children under 6 years of age with free prescription drugs.
  • Admission of children to kindergartens in the first place.
  • Providing students with free lunches at school.
  • Provision of a lump sum payment RUB 69,196.27 and monthly 1,753.02 rubles. when awarding the honorary badge of the Tula region "Mother's Glory" (law No. 956-ZTO of December 27, 2007).
  • Provision of land plots for individual construction and farming (Law No. 1708-ZTO of December 21, 2011).

Attention! Annual payments to large families to reimburse travel, purchase school uniform and partial cost of products are canceled from January 1, 2012.

Monthly compensation for food for pregnant, lactating, children under 3 years old

Pregnant women on term after 28 weeks, breastfeeding mothers within six months after childbirth and mothers raising children of age up to 3 years, are entitled to monthly compensation for good nutrition . It can only be issued the poor and only if the doctor writes a conclusion about the need for improved nutrition.

  • Payment is made from the month of application.
  • When applying for compensation for a child, income statements must be re-submitted every six months.

Monthly allowance for an adopted child

A family that adopted a child left without parental care after 01/01/2011 (the day the court decision on adoption comes into force) can receive monthly financial assistance for him.

  • The ability to receive benefits does not depend on the material well-being of the family.
  • It is necessary to reissue assistance for an adopted disabled child once a year (provide new medical certificates).

Monthly allowance for a disabled child

Since the beginning of 2017 in the Tula region began to operate a new type of social assistance- monthly allowance for a child with a disability. Single mothers and disabled parents with an average per capita income can count on it below double PM.

  • The applicant must have Russian citizenship.
  • The specified amount relies on each child.
  • The payment is assigned from the month of circulation and is reissued at intervals of a year.
What law establishes
  • Law No. 63-ZTO of July 15, 2016 "On an additional measure of social support for families with disabled children in TUl region";
  • Decree No. 631 dated December 26, 2016 "Aboutapproval of the regulation on the procedure and terms for the appointment and payment of a monthly cash payment to families with children with disabilities”
  • 1 200 rub. - single mothers;
  • 2 000 rub. - disabled parents
Required documents
  • family income data for the last 3 months;
  • ITU certificate on the child's disability;
  • certificate of disability of parents (or form 25 of birth from the registry office)
Term of circulation At any time after the occurrence of grounds

Monthly allowance for the maintenance of orphans transferred to the family

When an orphan child or one left without parental care is transferred to a family, his adoptive parents or guardians are entitled to a monthly allowance. The payment is intended to pay for the maintenance of the child. The use of money will have to be reported to the guardian.

  • Maintenance money is not paid at the same time as the monthly child allowance (regional).
  • This payment does not apply to children placed under guardianship at the parent's request.


In addition to payments for the child, foster parents are entitled to a monthly remuneration (payment under the contract) for the upbringing of children. Guardians are not entitled to it, since guardianship is a non-remunerated form of a foster family.

  • a document on the transfer to substitute parents (decision of the guardianship authority, agreement on the creation of a guardian family);
  • certificate of non-receipt of monthly child allowance for low-income people
  • Term of circulation At any convenient moment

    Other types of social support for orphans who are brought up in a family:

    • Monthly compensation payment for utilities in the amount of 783.68 rubles.
    • Priority admission to kindergarten.
    • Persons from among orphans who continue to receive secondary education after the age of 18 are assigned a monthly payment in the amount of 12,359.09 rubles.

    Regional maternity capital

    Woman, gave birth oradopted a third or the next child after 01/01/2012, can issue the regional maternity capital. For this, both she and the child must have Russian citizenship. And the family must live in the region at least a year until the birth of the baby.

    • The father receives the right to mother capital only if the mother of the children has died or has lost legal capacity. And also a man, if he is the only adoptive parent.
    • First you need to get certificate about the right to mother capital, and only after that it will be possible to dispose of the money.

    Money can be used in full or in parts. It is allowed to dispose of mother capital in the following areas:

    • Improvement of living conditions (buying an apartment - including on credit, building a house, carrying out housing reconstruction).
    • Payment for children's education.
    • Compensation for sanatorium treatment of a child under 18 years old (or up to 23 years old if he studies full-time in any educational institution of the Russian Federation).
    • Payment for repairs, gasification, electricity or water supply to the house.
    • No. 495-ZTO dated December 28, 2004).
    • Compensation in the amount of 383.99 rubles. and 149.32 rubles. for food respectively in a kindergarten and a school for children from families living in areas contaminated after the Chernobyl accident.


    Bryansk, Ulyanova street, house 4, office 414

    The regional one-time allowance for pregnant women is provided for citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons.

    1. Make sure you qualify for this service.

      The following circle of applicants can receive the service:

      Applicants are pregnant women who are registered with medical organizations in the region in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), who have undergone prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy in medical organizations located in the territory of the region, who have citizenship of the Russian Federation or stateless, permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the Tula region.

    2. Log in to the portal

      To receive the service, you need to: Login or Register

    3. Enter the application form

    4. Fill out the form with the following information:

      Select from the list the Center for Social Protection of the Population you need.

      Check personal data, information on an identity document and address.

      Specify how to receive payments.

      Attach required copies of documents.

      Click Done.

      You will see your application number. Click "Go to your personal account" to see the status of your application.

    5. Visit the Center for Social Protection of the Population, which you indicated in the application.

      Bring the original documents that you indicated in the application.

    6. Where can I get more information?

      Free hotline phone: 8-800-450-00-71.
      E-mail address:

    In the Tula region, there is low level birth rate and the outflow of young people to neighboring Moscow. In addition, the economy of Tula can be described as depressed. That is why child benefits in the Tula region are so diverse - no other subject of the Russian Federation has so many support measures.

    Federal child benefits in the Tula region

    Federal benefits are paid to families living throughout Russia and do not affect the possibility of obtaining regional payments.

    Benefit name Sum
    Maternity allowance Officially employed -100% average salaryfor the previous 24 months (or in the amount1 minimum wage (7800 rubles)if the income was below the minimum wage, or the insurance period was less than 6 months).

    Officially unemployed (registered with the Employment Center, dismissed during the previous 12 months due to the liquidation of the enterprise, the termination of the activity of the individual entrepreneur or the bankruptcy of the company) -613 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

    Students - in the amount of a scholarship.

    The unemployed are not paid.

    One-time allowance for registration at the district clinic or antenatal clinic no later than 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy 613 rubles 14 kopecks(paid to the same categories of women who receive maternity benefits).
    One-time allowance at the birth of a child 16350 rubles 33 kopecks(paid for each child separately to all categories of citizens)
    Monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of one and a half years Officially employed and dismissed due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the company -40% of the average salaryfor the previous 24 months, but not less minimum size and not higher maximum amount (23 089 rubles 4 kopecks).

    Non-working, unemployed, students - in the minimum amount:3065 rubles 69 kopecksfor 1 child6131 ruble 37 kopecksfor the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

    Monthly compensation for unemployed mothers laid off while on parental leave up to three years due to company liquidation 50 rubles(in some regions - in the amount1 minimum wageif the child is the third and subsequent).

    Regional maternity capital in the Tula region

    In the Tula region, families in which a third child appeared (was born or adopted) are paid maternity capital under certain conditions.

    It is allowed to spend maternity capital in TO in parts or in whole on:

    • purchase of a domestic car;
    • repair, supply of gas, electricity, water supply;
    • reimbursement of expenses for paying for the treatment of children in a sanatorium (children under 18 or 23 years old, if they study full-time);
    • paying for children's education;
    • improvement of living conditions (acquisition of housing, payment of a mortgage, construction, reconstruction).

    Monthly allowance for the maintenance of orphans transferred to the family

    Upon receipt of this payment, you will have to submit reports on the expenditure of money to the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

    Other measures of social support for orphans transferred to families:

    • a monthly allowance of 12,359.09 rubles for adult orphans who continue to receive secondary education;
    • monthly reimbursement of the cost of housing and communal services (783.68 rubles).

    Monthly payment for the maintenance of a disabled child in the Tula region

    Since the winter of 2017, single mothers and parents with disabilities have been able to apply for benefits for the maintenance of a disabled child, provided that the average per capita income of the family is less than 2 sizes of the local subsistence minimum.

    Monthly allowances for a child in the Tula region upon adoption

    When adopting orphans and children without parental care later than January 1, 2011, the family can issue a monthly payment for their maintenance.

    Monthly compensation for food expenses for pregnant, lactating, children under 3 years old in the Tula region

    The poor can be assisted with the purchase of good nutrition if they have a certificate from the attending physician about the need for enhanced nutrition.

    UDV for the maintenance of a child for large families of the Tula region

    For each child from a large (three or more children under 18 years old or 23 years old in the case of training and military service) low-income families, you can receive an additional monthly allowance. When counting children, natural children, adopted children, stepchildren and stepdaughters will be taken into account.

    Other support measures for parents with many children in the region:

    • a plot of land for private household plots and individual housing construction;
    • a one-time remuneration (69,196.27 rubles) and a monthly allowance (1,753.02 rubles) for holders of the Mother's Glory award;
    • lunches during school hours;
    • enrollment in preschool in the first place;
    • free medicines for children under 6 years of age;
    • one-time assistance for the purchase of an apartment or house (for the poor when registering as in need of housing, parents of triplets).

    EDV for the third child and subsequent children in the Tula region

    monthly cash payment will be assigned to parents who have a third child later than January 1, 2013.

    Monthly allowance for a child under 3 years old for low-income families and students in the Tula region

    It was possible to apply for this allowance until October 1, 2016 - in 2017, such payments are not made.

    Regional monthly allowances for a child in the Tula region

    Low-income families, in addition to the federal allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years old, can receive a regional monthly allowance.

    One-time allowances for disabled children when they are placed in a family in the Tula region

    If a family adopted a child with a disability later than January 1, 2014, they can receive a lump sum allowance intended for the purchase household appliances and pieces of furniture.

    One-time allowances for a child in the Tula region upon adoption

    Residents of the Tula region, who took a child into the family later than January 1, 2013, are entitled to one-time assistance.

    Regional one-time allowance for the birth of a child in the Tula region

    A regional benefit does not prevent you from receiving a similar federal benefit.

    Recipients Size (rub.) Terms of receipt Processing time
    Parents of any child 10,933.98 - standard allowance

    17,767.78 - with the appearance of triplets and more children

    Mother or father is a full-time student

    Low-income families with first child

    The appearance in the family of the second in a row and each subsequent child

    There were twins, triplets, etc.

    Charged for each child separately

    Within six months from the date of birth of the baby

    Regional lump-sum allowance for pregnant women when registering in a antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy in the Tula region

    If the prenatal examination of the mother and fetus showed a violation of the development of the fetus in the I and II trimester, the woman has the right to receive one-time assistance from the local budget.

    Other measures to support families with children in the Tula region

    Families with children have the right to apply to the USZN for registration:

    • reimbursement of expenses for paying for meals for children at school (149.32 rubles) and preschool educational institutions (383.99 rubles), if the families live in the territory contaminated after the Chernobyl accident;
    • social contract;
    • 50% of the cost of a ticket for intercity transport once a year (for the poor, if it was necessary to get to the place of treatment);
    • free medicines for children under 3 years of age (by prescription);
    • partial reimbursement of parental fees for preschool education (20% - for the 1st child, 50% - for the 2nd, 70% - for the 3rd).

    What documents are needed to apply for a regional child benefit in the Tula region

    In order to receive regional payments for a child, you must contact the local branch of the social protection authorities, having prepared the following set of documents in advance:

    Document Where to get
    In free form
    Passport of the Russian Federation (residence permit, RVP - for foreigners and refugees) GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
    Certificate of registration in the region of application Passport Office
    Birth (adoption) certificate of the child for whom the allowance is issued Registry Offices
    Birth (adoption) certificates of other children Registry Offices
    Birth certificate of a child without records of the father or certificate of making records of the father according to the mother (for single mothers) Registry Offices
    Certificate of marriage or divorce (if any) Registry Offices
    Information about the composition of the family Passport Office
    Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (for registration of benefits for BiR) District polyclinic or antenatal clinic
    Certificate of early registration in the antenatal clinic (for processing a one-time payment for early registration) At the gynecologist observing the pregnancy
    Information about the amount of average earnings for the last 2 years Accounting department at the place of work, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
    Employment record with or without employment record From last job
    Certificate of non-registration at the Employment Center (for the unemployed, dismissed due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the company) Employment center
    Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits cannot be received at the same time as child benefits) Employment center
    Certificate stating that the other parent did not receive benefits USZN, from the place of work
    Certificate of a large family (for parents with many children) USZN
    Certificates of monthly income of all family members (for low-income families) At the place of work, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the CZN, at the place of study
    Certificate of completion of studies at a school or university (for schoolchildren and students) By place of study
    The conclusion of the medical and social examination on the establishment of disability (for children with disabilities) ITU Bureau
    Certificate of absence of a place in the preschool educational institution (to receive compensation for the lack of places) Kindergarten at the place of residence
    Information about enrollment in kindergarten and the amount of the parental fee (to receive compensation for part of the parental fee) DOW
    Agreement on the adoption of a child for upbringing in foster family(for adoptive parents) Guardianship authorities
    Death certificate or court decision declaring the person missing (for children who have lost a parent) Registry Offices, court clerk
    Photocopy of bank account or savings book
    Order legal representation in arbitration and district courts Order

    This article is devoted to payments for pregnancy and childbirth in the Tula region. The structure of the article consists of a description of various payments related to pregnancy and childbirth in the Tula region, with a detailed indication of the following characteristics: categories of persons entitled to benefits, determination of the amount of a specific benefit, procedure for calculating some benefits, procedure for receiving benefits, documents required to receive benefits etc.

    Benefit for temporary disability related to pregnancy and childbirth

    Who is entitled to receive this type of benefit? All officially working women are entitled to receive benefits for temporary disability associated with pregnancy and childbirth (Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, in the event of pregnancy, a working woman has the right to untimely leave, the term of which is regulated by the provisions of the law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”. On the basis of Article 7 of this law, the following periods of maternity leave are established. The total period is 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth. The law also provides for exceptions. For example, if the pregnancy is multiple, the period before delivery increases to 84 calendar days. In addition, for example, in case of complicated childbirth, the period after childbirth increases to 86 calendar days, with the birth of two or more children, the period after childbirth increases to 110 calendar days. Thus, the minimum period of maternity leave is 140 calendar days, and the maximum is 194 calendar days. There is another exception, women exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster are entitled to leave before delivery in 90 calendar days.

    It is important that the specified allowance is assigned by the employer on the basis of the application of the insured woman, with a certificate of incapacity for work attached to it in the approved form. The specified sheet is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist, and in his absence, a general practitioner, and in the absence of a doctor, by a paramedic. In addition, an important circumstance is that this allowance is not subject to income tax (Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Based on Art. 11 of the Law "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance", a pregnancy benefit is paid to a woman in the amount of 100% of average earnings. This rule is valid in the case of official employment at one place of work for at least 6 months, otherwise the allowance is paid not by the employer, but by the competent state body based on the current minimum wage. From January 1, 2016, the minimum wage has increased and amounts to 6 204 rubles.

    The formula for calculating the amount of temporary disability benefits in 2016 remained the same as it was used before. The amount of this benefit will be determined by dividing the amount of accrued earnings by two calendar years(at the same time, if you, for example, went on vacation on December 31, 2015, then 2013 and 2014 will be considered for you, 2015 will not be included in the calculation), preceding the year of maternity leave by the number of calendar days , which excludes calendar days of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, additional paid days off to care for a disabled child, etc. The income taken into account for each year cannot exceed the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the FSS. Income accounted for 2015 is capped at the top of 670,000 rubles, and accounted income for 2014 is capped at the top of 624,000 rubles. Thus, for women going on maternity leave in 2016, the amount of maternity benefit for 140 days cannot be more than 248,164 rubles, for 156 days with complicated childbirth - no more than 276,526 rubles and for 194 days of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth at the birth of twins or triplets - no more than 343,885 rubles.

    Let's give an example, a woman in January 2016 draws up maternity leave. Hence, the billing period for calculating benefits will be 2014 and 2015. For the specified time, the woman was paid a salary in 2014 - 350,000 rubles, in 2015 - 420,000 rubles, as well as vacation pay in the amount of 50,000 rubles. The total amount of accrued earnings is: 350,000 + 420,000 + 80,000 = 850,000 rubles. When calculating the average daily earnings, it must be taken into account that the woman was on sick leave for 20 days during the specified period. Hence, the average daily earnings are: 850,000 rubles / (366 days + 365 days - 20 days) = 1,131 rubles 82 kopecks. The amount of the pregnancy benefit for children will be: 1,131 rubles 82 kopecks * 100% * 140 \u003d 158; 454 rubles 08 kopecks.

    Monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of 1.5 years

    The specified allowance is entitled to receive both officially working women and women who are not working at the time of pregnancy and childbirth or have never worked at all. Working women apply for this allowance to their employers, non-working women apply to the relevant social protection authority . In addition, the father of the child, his relative, guardian, directly caring for the child, is entitled to this allowance, even if he continues to work on a part-time basis.

    The basis for issuing this benefit is the submission of the following documents to the employer:

    1. Application for parental leave and allowance;
    2. Birth certificate of the child (extract from the decision to establish guardianship over the child);
    3. Certificate that such allowance was not assigned to the second parent (guardian or both parents): - if he works - from his place of work; - if he does not work - from the social protection authorities at his place of residence.
    4. Birth certificates of previous children when assigning benefits for the care of the second and subsequent children. In addition, if the spouse is a student, then a certificate is also submitted by the social protection authority that this allowance is not accrued to the spouse.

    The formula for calculating this benefit has also changed. Let's take the sums from the previous section as an example. The same woman, after maternity leave in March 2016, decides to take parental leave. The monthly allowance that the employer will have to pay to her will be: 1,131 rubles 82 kopecks * 30.4 * 40% = 13,762 rubles 93 kopecks.

    Monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of 3 years

    In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Rules for the payment of a monthly allowance for child care in a double amount until the child reaches the age of three years to citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster", a person living in the respective territories is entitled to receive child care allowance in double the amount (40% * 2) until the child reaches the age of three years.

    One-time allowance at the birth of a child

    In addition, parents and guardians, if this is the main place of work for them, can count on receiving a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child, which is paid by the competent state authority. This allowance is paid at the place of work. To obtain it, you must submit the following documents:

    1. Application for the grant;
    2. Certificate of the registry office on the birth of a child (extract from the decision to establish guardianship);
    3. If the employee is married - a certificate stating that the second parent (guardian) was not assigned such benefits: - if he works - from his place of work; - if he does not work - from the social protection authorities at his place of residence. The amount of the allowance for the birth of a child from February 1, 2016 (after indexation by a factor of 1.07) will be RUB 15,512.65.

    Additional lump-sum allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy

    Together with the lump-sum allowance, it is possible to receive an additional lump-sum allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). To receive this amount, you must submit a certificate from a medical organization on registration in the early stages of pregnancy. Now this amount, taking into account indexation, is 581 ruble 73 kopecks. The application is submitted at the destination of the maternity benefit.

    Monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1110 of May 30, 1994 “On the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens” establishes monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. For the implementation of the said Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation, by Decree No. 1206 dated 03.11.1994, approved the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens. An application for the appointment of monthly compensation payments is submitted at the place of work.

    Regional one-time allowance for pregnant women (established only in the Tula region)

    This benefit is available to pregnant women who are registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), who have undergone prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy in public institutions health care area after January 1, 2013. The amount of this allowance is 11 077 rubles 50 kopecks.

    One-time allowance for the birth of a child in the city of Tula (established only in the city of Tula)

    Also, if both parents are registered in the city of Tula, the local budget pays an additional 2,000 rubles to the federal amount. A one-time allowance is also paid at the place of work.

    Author of the article: S.V. Samokhin, lawyer of the Tribune Legal Bureau.
