Ultrasonic face massage. Ultrasonic massage: features, benefits, contraindications

The use of ultrasound in cosmetology

To date, procedures in which ultrasounds are used are making a splash in the world of cosmetology. It turns out that low-power oscillations at a frequency of 1 MHz allow ultrasounds to penetrate skin tissues without any difficulties. Being under the influence of heat, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, which leads to the replenishment of cells in the blood and ensures the active flow of nutrients and oxygen into the blood. Plus, ultrasounds increase the level of cell membrane permeability, which ensures the unhindered entry into the skin of a variety of active substances (for example, coenzyme Q 10). These substances have a rejuvenating effect, and tea tree oil, used during ultrasonic facial massage, is great at fighting acne.

This massage provides the movement of fat molecules, which has a mechanical effect. All toxins and fat particles enter the lymphatic channels and exit the body. Cleansed of toxins, the skin begins to intensively produce the necessary collagen, gaining elasticity and a well-groomed appearance. Ultrasonic massage also relieves muscle tension and relaxes. This type of facial massage is used for both cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Trying ultrasonic massage

As a rule, such a facial massage is used to even out skin tone and rejuvenate it, as well as as a treatment for acne, dermatitis, sagging skin, and even such an enemy of female beauty as the “second chin”. This massage includes a whole series of procedures ranging from six to twelve. It is recommended to do these procedures two to three times a week. Each procedure takes 15-20 minutes. After the end of the course, you can see how all small wrinkles have smoothed out, the oval of the face has acquired a tightened contour, and the skin has become a healthy color. Enlarged pores are also tightened, black circles under the eyes disappear, scars, scars, freckles and dark spots. All this happens due to the stimulation of blood circulation, increasing the level of metabolism at the cellular level, cleansing the skin of toxins.

Thus, ultrasonic massage perfectly cleanses the surface of the skin, removes dirt and fat under the skin, opening its pores for the absorption of beneficial ingredients. That is why with such a massage it is recommended to use various creams, which have the property of increasing the patency of ultrasonic waves.

By the way, ultrasonic massage procedures can be easily done at home. To do this, you will need a special ultrasonic device, using which you must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations.

What is an ultrasonic massager?

Ultrasonic massage ep is a device that sends out ultrasonic waves that can penetrate to a depth of up to 7 centimeters. It is capable of generating ultrasonic vibrations up to 1 MHz or 1 million times per second.

Contraindications for the use of ultrasound waves

This type of massage is considered a completely safe procedure, because it is performed using a simple and harmless technology, but despite this, it is always worth remembering the precautions.

Special gels differ from other cosmetic products in that they retain their properties when exposed to ultrasound. Thus, they have a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the dermis. It is dangerous to replace original products with conventional creams, liquids - the effect of their use can be unpredictable (their properties may change). The use of ultrasonic gels is necessary to solve the following problems:

  • to be able to massage using ultrasound;
  • to enhance blood and lymph circulation;
  • to activate metabolic cellular processes;
  • to be able to deliver nutrients from cosmetics to the dermis.

How to use the gel?

It is necessary to use a conductive gel for ultrasound in combination with the device. The product should be applied in a thin layer to the skin immediately before therapy. It is important to repeat the massage 1-4 times a month. The manipulation is painless, suitable for both sexes from 25 years old, performed as follows:

  • clean the body and face from impurities, cosmetics;
  • apply the selected gel to the treated areas;
  • carry out processing by the device (about 20 minutes);
  • remove the remnants of the product from the skin;
  • carry out toning, nutrition (apply cream);
  • Wipe off residue from the device with a damp cloth.

The effect of using the remedy

The action of the gel for hardware cosmetology together with an ultrasonic massager activates the production of its own youth proteins (elastin, collagen). There is a delicate effect on the cells of the dermis. As a result, metabolic processes are intensified, the skin is filled with energy, receives intensive nutrition. All this is possible only with the correct use of the device and cosmetics. If you regularly carry out the procedure, you can achieve the following results:

  • skin regeneration, elimination of scars, spots, rashes;
  • lifting the oval of the face, improving the elasticity of the skin, turgor;
  • elimination of many wrinkles;
  • reduction of puffiness, fatty deposits;
  • giving the skin a healthy, radiant appearance.

The essence of ultrasonic massage lies in the ultrasonic effect on problem areas of the skin. Ultrasound waves have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis. Cosmetologists advise at least 6 sessions to achieve maximum effect. But ideally, 12 procedures are required. The recommended number of sessions per week is 2-3 times.


A distinctive feature of this massage is its absolute painlessness. And suitable for women with any skin type.

Ultrasonic facial massage has a positive effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blood circulation, and lymph. In addition, the skin becomes more elastic, scars become noticeably smaller, swelling and bruising under the eyes decrease. Cosmetologists note that due to the fact that under the influence of ultrasound the amount of collagen increases intensely, wrinkles are significantly reduced.

Facial massage with ultrasound helps to remove inflammatory processes skin, disinfects it.
This procedure is carried out by a specialized apparatus that sends ultrasonic waves 7 cm under the skin.

It has the following positive effects:

  • Lifting - skin tightening
  • Lymphatic drainage - removal of toxins and slags
  • Superficial peeling - removes dead cells
  • Evens out the surface of the skin.


The first sign that a massage is needed is wrinkles. Most often, wrinkles are especially noticeable in women after 35 years. Therefore, to combat them, this type of massage is especially recommended.

The next indication for massage is the presence of acne, scars, and increased pigmentation on the face. These skin problems are perfectly eliminated under the influence of ultrasonic waves.


  • Pregnancy
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin - wounds, scratches.
  • Eczema and dermatitis.
  • subcutaneous implants.

It is important to know that the procedure with an ultrasonic device is contraindicated over the thyroid gland, in the area of ​​​​the eyeballs and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair growth. Conducting excessive sessions can exacerbate existing diseases. And also lead to the following reactions of the body - dizziness, fatigue.


The ultrasound massage procedure can be carried out both in a specialized beauty salon and at home. To do this, you must have an ultrasound machine, as well as know the technique of the procedure. But experts advise nevertheless to contact a professional for this session. He will determine the condition of the skin and select the required amount of time for the session.

Before any cosmetic procedure, the first step is a perfect cleansing. Ultrasonic facial massage is no exception. An ideally prepared face is a face after a bath, when the skin is steamed and the pores are open. It is also correct to massage after peeling. Then you need to apply a cream or oil on your face. This is necessary so that the device slides easily over the surface of the skin. Movement during the procedure should be smooth, progressive and continuous.
The massage ends with the application of a cream or moisturizing mask on the face. The cosmetic should be suitable for the individual skin type.

After completing the initial indications, you should proceed to the execution technique itself:

  • The device is placed in central part chin and slides to the earlobe.
  • Then the starting position - the center of the chin - the movement occurs to the central part of the auricle.
  • From the corners of the lips with gentle movements to the upper part of the ear.
  • Starting position - the wings of the nose to the outer edge of the eyebrow.
  • From the corner of the lips in semicircular movements to the nose.
  • From the wing of the nose to the temporal lobe.



With a regular massage procedure, in conjunction with the necessary cosmetics, it allows you to open the pores in order to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals, brighten the skin, eliminate wrinkles, double chin, and tighten the oval of the face. Disappear dark circles under the eyes and bags. The benefit of the procedure is to improve blood circulation, muscle tightening. In addition, massage has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Beauty salons offer their clients a wide range of services aimed at combating facial and body imperfections. Among them are traditional and exotic types of manual massage, anti-aging injections, as well as high-tech hardware treatments.

Ultrasound is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. This is due to the fact that with its help it is possible to direct a point effect on tissues, including at the cell level. It is used for diagnostics (ultrasound), treatment, body shaping, cosmetic procedures. The essence of the technique is to influence the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles or joints with the help of a device that produces waves of a certain length and intensity.

Ultrasonic massage activates lymph and blood flow, accelerates metabolic processes and promotes tissue regeneration. Cells are saturated with oxygen, nutrients are fully delivered to them (including from medicinal products applied to the skin), toxins (decay products) are removed. Impact on the deep layers improves the natural production of collagen, which gives tone to flabby skin, smoothes wrinkles, and promotes a lifting effect. Ultrasound also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the waves contribute to soft peeling and cleanse the surface of the skin from dead cells.

In addition to ultrasonic facial massage, there are similar procedures for different parts of the body. For example, anti-cellulite effects are performed on the surface of the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Ultrasonic waves work with subcutaneous fatty tissue, breaking the seals of improperly formed tissue, and also improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Such procedures contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which allows them to be included in comprehensive program weight loss.

By launching active processes in the skin, ultrasound promotes tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used to get rid of scars and scars.

As a result of a course of therapeutic massage, muscles and skin are tightened, spasms and swelling go away, the waves have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Indications for the appointment of procedures

The properties of ultrasound make it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, as well as for figure modeling and skin care.

Indications for facial massage, in particular, are:

  • age-related skin changes (flabbiness, wrinkles);
  • seborrheic oily skin;
  • acne;
  • scars
  • rosacea;
  • violation of the tone of facial muscles;
  • swelling.

Body treatments are performed for:

  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • the presence of scars and scars;
  • skin recovery after surgery.

Ultrasound is used in the treatment of diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis) and internal organs.

So, to eliminate congestion in lactostasis, ultrasound breast massage is used. Hardware massage of the prostate is also popular - this procedure does not cause physical and psychological discomfort, it can be carried out independently at home. In different cases, waves of a certain length, range, intensity are used. The exposure time may also vary.


There are not so many contraindications to ultrasound massage, among them:

  • installed pacemaker;
  • the presence of neoplasms, including oncological;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to general cases, there are local restrictions depending on the impact area:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • moles;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • installed implants;
  • and others.

Cases of individual intolerance to ultrasound are rare, but they do occur. Therefore, in case of any ailment that appears during the procedure, it is necessary to interrupt the session, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

You can not massage the heart area, affect the spinous processes of the vertebrae, knees.

Massage technique

As mentioned above, the technique depends on the type of procedure, but in general it looks like this.

First, a gel or other contact substance is applied to the skin. Then the emitter is installed on the surface of the body and moved along it with light, not too fast movements. The massager can work both in pulsed (most often) and in continuous mode. Sometimes the specialist's hand lingers in an area that needs a more intense impact.

The duration of the session is determined by the doctor. It is from 5 to 30 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily or 2-3 times a week, in the course of about 10 sessions.

During the massage, there should be no unpleasant and pain, but you may feel warm or slightly vibrate.

The use of ultrasound at home

In a professional environment, special devices are used, which are distinguished by an extended set of functions. Such equipment has high price, requires special conditions for placement and operation, in particular, due to its size, training to work on it. At the same time, household (including portable) devices for ultrasonic massage are also produced, which can be used at home and taken with you on trips.

In an apartment, it is easy to master the implementation of facial procedures. They are done using small devices that are battery operated, have 2-3 modes of gentle exposure and usually combine ultrasound and light therapy. Instructions are attached to the massagers, which show the lines along which the movement occurs, as well as the recommended duration and frequency of procedures. Video tutorials are helpful.

Before the session, the skin is cleansed with cosmetic milk, massage gel is applied. Field use tonic and suitable type nourishing cream.

Remember that ultrasound enhances the effect of any medical cosmetics.

Regular performance of the procedures will allow you to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, eliminate minor defects, maintain the clarity of the face oval, the tone of facial muscles.

Feature articles

Ultrasonic body massage is one of the most popular procedures in beauty clinics. He is painless, has no side effects, there are not so many contraindications for use, while the effectiveness of the procedure is quite high.

That is why home appliances for ultrasonic massage are gaining more and more popularity. In terms of their effectiveness, they are sometimes not inferior to professional devices. In order for the effect of the manipulation carried out at home to be as high as possible, you should know some features of the ultrasonic effect on the skin, what problems such a massage can solve, and also familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Ultrasound massage can be done not only by a cosmetologist, but also independently at home

Features of ultrasonic body massager

For example, when not only the splitting of adipose tissue occurs, but also a simultaneous tightening of the muscles and an increase in skin elasticity are performed. Thanks to this effect, the results become noticeable after a short period of time, and the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time.

The effectiveness of the ultrasound massager for cellulite

Another feature is the use of this type of device. The course of procedures consists of 10-15 sessions, each of which lasts from two to 15 minutes. The exposure time of the device is increased gradually, with the appearance of unpleasant sensations, the intensity and duration of exposure are reduced.

A huge advantage of these devices is the combination of price and efficiency. Consumers who have the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of home and salon care speak of their complete identity. Thus, the use of such a portable device will help not only to find a toned figure, but also save a considerable amount of money in the family budget.

The principle of influence on the body. Rules for use at home

During the manipulation, there is an impulse effect on the cells of the body, as a result of which the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, metabolic processes are improved, blood flow and lymph flow are stimulated. Oxygen begins to flow faster to the cells. Cosmetics used in conjunction with the unit saturate the deep layers of the skin with useful substances and enhance the effect of ultrasound massage. There is a soft peeling and cleansing of the skin surface, toxins are removed. The skin becomes more elastic and toned, imperfections such as scars and stretch marks disappear.

The effect of ultrasound massage on the skin

In order for the procedure to bring as much benefit as possible, you should prepare for it. Before using the instrument, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Take a relaxing bath or shower.
  2. Use a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells and get a better effect of ultrasonic massage.
  3. Apply a special gel to the treated area to facilitate the procedure and achieve a pronounced effect.

When massaging any parts of the body, a simple rule should be remembered: the manipulation is carried out from the periphery to the center, when treating the arms and legs, the effect goes from bottom to top. The area of ​​the heart should not be affected. The pace should be comfortable, and therefore selected individually. It is desirable that no one distracts during the massage, this will contribute to better relaxation of the muscles, and, as a result, more efficient operation of the device.

The main thing in self-ultrasound massage is a comfortable pace and compliance with simple rules

Precautions and contraindications

Although all devices are designed to fit the human anatomy and manufacturers try to make them as safe as possible, some precautions must be taken.

Before using the massager, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.

First of all, each specific device must be used strictly according to the instructions and in combination with cosmetics recommended by the manufacturer. It should not be forgotten that this procedure has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin lesions - wounds, scratches;
  • oncology and autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • dermatitis and other skin pathologies;
  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of implants - fillers or threads for lifting.

If during the procedure there are strange or unpleasant sensations, it is better to refuse to carry it out.

Popular models of ultrasonic massagers

The following massagers are popular in their niche and receive numerous positive reviews from consumers:

1.US-Medica Velvet Skin

Universal device, used for both body and face. Helps fight sagging skin, removes fatty deposits, cleanses and tightens the skin. Thanks to its compact size, it won't take up much space on a bathroom shelf or a traveler's suitcase. Available in soft pink. Price 7500 rub.

US Medica Velvet Skin

2. Gezatone Bio-Sonic 1130

A massager that combines the advantages of ultrasonic massage, RF lifting and chromotherapy. Thanks to the complex, it is indispensable for the fight against even pronounced cellulite. Removes fat, makes the skin of the body smooth and toned. The effect is visible after several applications. Price from 6900 rubles.

Gezatone Bio Sculptor 1130

3. Gezatone M115 Ultrasound and myostimulation

A device for complex rejuvenation of not only the body, but also the face. Effectively combats the visible signs of aging and imperfections of the skin, making it more elastic and toned. Thanks to the complex effect, the muscles of the body and face are strengthened, stretch marks and scars disappear, the manifestations of cellulite decrease, and the production of own collagen and elastin is activated. Price from 4500 rubles.

4. Gezatone SuperSonic M350

Designed for imperfections such as cellulite and loose skin. A distinctive feature of this device is that used with it cosmetical tools into the deep layers of the skin. This enhances the positive impact of ultrasound massage. Price from 2000 rubles.

Gezatone SuperSonic M350

5. Gezatone M380 Cellusage

A multifunctional massager that combines the advantages of ultrasonic massage, infrared heating and electrical stimulation. Designed to eliminate fat deposits on the body, as well as to improve appearance skin. Price from 5600 rubles.

Gezatone M380 Cellusage

Ultrasonic massage is an excellent procedure for maintaining the tone and elasticity of the skin of the body. Due to its effectiveness and safety, this type of massage is one of the most comfortable and effective in the fight against body imperfections.
