Pigment spots around the eyes how to get rid of. How to remove age spots under the eyes? Why does she appear

Pigmentation under the eyes, or banal "bruises", is a fairly common occurrence today. The modern rhythm of life does not allow a woman to rest properly. Hence the problem of excessive pigmentation. From the outside, it does not look very pleasant, so it is better to get rid of pigmentation as quickly as possible.

Pigmentation of the skin under the eyes

Why does she appear

The occurrence of this unpleasant problem depends on several reasons.

1. Hereditary predisposition to bruises under the eyes.

2. Lack of sleep and stress.

3. Bad habits.

4. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

5. Pregnancy and childbirth.

6. Age-related changes.

7. Dehydration and salinity of the body.

But no matter what it comes from, there is always a way out. You just need to be patient, because the pigmentation of the skin under the eyes will not go away quickly.

How to remove bruises under the eyes

First of all, you need to analyze the lifestyle. Is there a lot of stress? Do tears often flow because of them? Or maybe the skin is exposed to sunlight a lot? All these factors are the causes of pigmentation. You will have to radically change your lifestyle so that it disappears.

First, you need to sleep a lot. At least eight hours. Lack of sleep is the most common cause of excessive pigmentation under the eyes. If you get enough sleep every day, and not just on weekends, the result, as they say, will be evident. More precisely, on the face. If it does not help, you will have to limit stressful situations in life. Of course, this is not always possible. There is too much going on around: the children are getting on their nerves, the boss has come to bad mood And so on. But you can try to abstract.

Next is ultraviolet. Too much UV is harmful to the delicate skin around the eyes. Therefore, in sunny days, especially if you have to stay outside for a long time, it is best to wear sunglasses and smear your skin with sunscreen. Important: their SPF index must be at least 15. By the way, the cream also neutralizes the already collected melanin, so if spots appear, you can try to remove them.

Diet for spots

If the question of how to get rid of pigmentation under the eyes forever is too acute, you will have to change the menu. Of course, there is no need to starve. You just need to include a few foods in your diet.

1. Drink more water. This is important, water flushes out excess salt from the body. Calculate how many liters per day you need for your weight.

2. Eat oily fish, avocados, eggs. They contain substances that have a positive effect on the skin of the face.

3. Drink green tea instead of coffee in the morning. It is healthier and contains more vitamins.

4. Fresh fruits- your best friend. Additionally, you can drink vitamins C and K.

Cosmetic problems faced by girls and women become a source of considerable psychological discomfort. One of these conditions is age spots around the eyes. Why they appear and how to eliminate an unpleasant defect, many want to know. But for detailed explanations, it is still better to contact a specialist.

Causes and mechanisms

Pigmentation appears when melanin accumulates in the skin. It is synthesized under physiological conditions under the influence of solar (ultraviolet) radiation, so dark spots are a natural consequence of excessive insolation or frequent visits to the solarium (especially in fair-skinned and red-haired people). However, other factors that should not be forgotten also influence their appearance:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Hormonal changes (including during pregnancy).
  • Endocrinopathy (diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency).
  • Dysfunction of the kidneys and liver.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Consequences of injuries and burns.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Heredity.

Sometimes age spots under the eyes occur due to certain cosmetics and anti-aging techniques. But most often, the excessive accumulation of melanin is associated either with exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or with some problems in the body. And before you do the correction, you need to determine the origin of the problem.

The causes of pigmentation around the eyes are quite diverse, they include both external influences and internal changes in organism.


In most cases, everything becomes clear after the examination. Dark spots are usually small and multiple in nature. These are the "freckles" that many people have. However, to clarify the nature of the process, it may be necessary to consult related specialists and additional examination:

The reason for an extended diagnosis may be accompanying symptoms, which suggest the presence of other diseases or disorders underlying pigmentation on the face.


Only a specialist can advise the patient how to remove age spots around the eyes in specific case. There are many ways to correct such a defect:

  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Salon procedures.
  • Medicines and diet.
  • folk methods.

You may have to combine several of them, and someone will limit themselves to one. Everything is individual and depends on many factors: the cause of the defect, skin type, age, concomitant conditions, etc.

Cosmetical tools

Help to remove pigmentation cosmetical tools with whitening and exfoliating effects. Usually use various creams, which include light acids:

  • Glycolic.
  • Azelaic.
  • Dairy.
  • Lemon.
  • Salicylic.

Thanks to these substances, the superficial stratum corneum is removed along with the melanocytes located in it, which have accumulated an excess amount of pigment. Additionally, the composition of cosmetics may include hydroquinone, retinol, melanozyme. The latter is a natural enzyme that breaks down skin pigment.

The area where the cream will be applied must be clean and dry. Age spots are smeared with a thin layer of cosmetic, as indicated in the instructions. Before the first use, it is recommended to do a test for individual sensitivity by applying a little cream to the elbow area and observing the reaction. In the absence of allergies, you can safely use it on the face.

Cosmetics are usually used for superficial pigmentation with a slight degree of severity.

Salon procedures

Salon procedures are resorted to in cases where melanocytes lie deep, and the defect is quite pronounced. You can get rid of age spots under the eyes using the following methods:

  • Chemical peeling.
  • Laser resurfacing.
  • Microdermabrasion.
  • Meso- and phototherapy.

During chemical peeling the surface layer of the epidermis is removed, which triggers regenerative processes in it. This leads to skin cleansing and improvement of its properties. With laser resurfacing or microdermabrasion, the essence is the same, but there is a deeper effect. As a result, other defects can be eliminated (uneven relief, the effects of acne, small scars and wrinkles).

Mesotherapy consists in the introduction of medicinal substances into the skin that have a whitening effect and destroy excessively formed melanin. And with phototherapy, this is achieved by flashes of broadband light, which is absorbed by the dark pigment. This allows you to remove darker areas on the face.

During the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to sunbathe, visit a solarium, sauna or bath. It is necessary to give up peeling, drinking alcohol and smoking. All this is necessary for effective healing of the epidermis and prevention of the return of pigmentation under the eyes.

There are salon procedures and contraindications. Most of them are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, in people with a tendency to scarring and bleeding, with dermatosis, infectious diseases, oncology. But under all conditions, the effect of such a correction is incomparably higher than when using whitening creams.

By attending sessions of salon procedures to remove age spots, you can simultaneously get rid of other cosmetic problems.

Medications and diet

There is no doubt that in case of systemic disorders and pathology of internal organs, appropriate treatment is necessary, which cannot be carried out without medication. However, there are also topical preparations that are prescribed by cosmetologists for pigmentation on the face, for example, salicylic alcohol or zinc ointment.

Question about proper nutrition also very relevant. Dieting will not only help maintain overall health, but will also help eliminate an unpleasant cosmetic defect. To this end, it is recommended to include fatty fish, eggs, herbs, avocados, berries in the diet.

Folk ways

In the question of how to get rid of pigmented spots on the face, you can not do without folk remedies. There are many recipes containing natural ingredients with brightening properties:

  • Chopped parsley.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt.
  • The pulp of a fresh cucumber.
  • Lemon juice, grapefruit, sauerkraut.

These ingredients can be used alone or in combination with each other and other substances. For example, masks are widely used:

  • based on cosmetic clay (with the addition of parsley, lemon and cucumber juices);
  • sour cream with cottage cheese;
  • from honey, egg yolk and parsley broth.

Rubbings and lotions are also prepared (for example, from lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide). But each remedy must be used in accordance with the recipe and recommendations of a specialist.


Prevention of age spots is much easier to get rid of them. Therefore, close attention should be paid to preventive recommendations:

  • Use sunscreen.
  • Take proper care of your skin.
  • News healthy lifestyle life.
  • Contact a doctor promptly.

Despite the fact that age spots on the face are present in many, for some people they become a significant problem. Then cosmetologists will come to the rescue, offering various options resolving the issue. Under the guidance of a specialist, it will be possible to choose the most optimal method of correction, after which it will be possible to successfully forget about pigmentation.

When do age spots appear under the eyes simultaneously with changes in other parts of the body, and under what factors do they occur in only one place, and also how to get rid of this aesthetic defect at home and with a beautician?

The skin in the eye area has practically no sebaceous and sweat glands, so they remove toxins worse. The physiological thinness of the dermis also turns this area of ​​the face into a kind of Achilles' heel, which often changes its shade and causes inconvenience to a person.

Emergence factors

If the "marks" are on the body from birth, then skin changes are birthmarks which doctors do not advise to eliminate.

However, most of the phenomena associated with the appearance of a dark rash on the face occurs after a change in lifestyle and the influence of adverse factors.

Other causes of local pigmentation:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • response to exposure to solar radiation;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the hormonal system;
  • avitaminosis;
  • nervous tension;
  • long course of antibiotics;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics or creams.

Doctors - when detecting rashes due to exposure to the above factors - often diagnose symmetrical pigment spots under the eyes in individuals with dark hair.

This dependence is easy to explain: the skin of brunettes and brunettes belongs to the 4th phototype, which tends to accumulate melanin in “foci” on the body. The result is the appearance of aesthetically unattractive "circles" in owners of dark skin, sometimes even under the age of 20 years.

Freckles are ephelids (a scientific term) that cover not only the covers under the eyes, but also part of the cheeks, as well as the nose. Such changes are related to the natural features of the organism. In children, freckles often appear before the age of 6, and then disappear without a trace.

Dangerous conditions and diseases requiring vigilance

If a brown spot suddenly appears under the eye, then its occurrence often becomes a “signal” of the body about a developing disease.

Factors in the appearance of pigmentation due to disorders in the body:

  1. Hepatic chloasma. Organ dysfunction leads to the appearance of dark rashes, often burdened by a network of capillary stars.
  2. Broca's pigmented dermatosis. When yellow-brown dermal changes appear on the face, equidistant from each other, doctors often find dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or ovaries. Signs appear mainly in the cheeks and nasolabial folds, but changes are also visible under the eyes.
  3. Diabetes. The appearance of spots in the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyelids is a sign early development illness.
  4. secondary pigmentation. Injuries, secondary syphilis, burns and create defects on the skin, changing its color. If they are not eliminated in time, then the flaw can remain for life.

When a person has impaired liver function, the causes of the appearance are often associated with this important organ, which cleanses the body of toxins. In this case, hepatic pigmentation is diagnosed. The photo, which shows the skin of patients, shows the manifestations of pathology in various diseases.

The acquisition of the skin is a clear sign of liver problems (sometimes even cirrhosis, jaundice or hepatitis).

childbearing factor

Hormonal jumps in estrogen levels during pregnancy disrupt the usual rhythm of melanin formation. Failures of the body lead to a temporary accumulation of the substance in the skin cells, especially in the area under the eyes. The process is enhanced if future mother diagnosed with folic acid deficiency.

Normalization appearance a person after childbirth is observed within a year (until the end of the lactation period), but more often after 4–6 months. After this period, such changes also disappear, which are called the mask of a pregnant woman. The symptom is a complete but temporary covering of the face with bright dark rashes.

Men and women: who suffers more often

Women's skin ages faster than men's. The processes of melanin accumulation are also going on more intensively, therefore, after 40 years, most women observe dramatic changes on their faces.

The covers around the eyes in men can remain unpigmented until old age. However, most retirees experience this problem, because after the age of 60, melanin production is disrupted, regardless of age.

Having found dark spots on the face, a person is able to easily eliminate the defect with creams and cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to start treatment if there is a suspicion of the development of diseases of the pancreas, liver and other internal organs. In other clinical cases, the prognosis remains as favorable as possible.

Skin color depends on many factors: the thickness of the epidermis, the location of the network of blood vessels, the amount of melanin produced. Under the eyes, age spots often appear, because the skin in this place is thin and less protected from the harmful effects of the environment.

The formation of increased pigmentation

In most cases, age spots under the eyes are not dangerous to health. Melanin, which is produced by the body, protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Most melanin is produced during the hot season.

For a number of reasons, melanin can be produced more or less than normal. Therefore, dark spots of various shapes and sizes appear on this pigmented place. Uneven production of melanin can occur for the following reasons:

Dark spots under the eyes often occur in people with an excitable psyche, prone to nervousness.

The cause of the spots is, no matter how trite, severe stress and constant emotional outbursts. In women over 40, the main cause of age spots is skin aging. At this age, more melanin is produced in a woman's body, so the appearance of dark spots is only a matter of time.

Except physiological reasons, pigmentation of the skin under the eyes can be a symptom of a serious illness:

Heavy smokers have a much higher risk of developing skin hyperpigmentation than non-smokers. Spots under the eyes often appear as a result of chronic lack of sleep, in people who, on duty, have to work at night. Age spots can appear and disappear depending on the season: in winter and autumn, as a rule, dark spots fade and compare with normal skin color.

To figure out how to remove dark spots under the eyes, you need to visit a beautician's office. First you need to establish the cause of pigmentation. Perhaps, after treatment of the underlying disease, age spots will disappear on their own.

Cosmetic procedures

Salon procedures are considered the fastest way to get rid of skin defects. Cosmetic methods for removing age spots include:

All salon procedures it is allowed to carry out if the pigmentation is not too close to the eyeball. Any cosmetic procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist in a clinic with a good reputation.

Within 3 months after removal of the pigment spot under the eye, it is necessary to avoid visiting the solarium, sunbathing.

During the period of cell renewal, you should not massage your face, go to a bath or sauna, or clean your face. For small defects under the eyes, you can try brightening creams or folk recipes.

Removal of a skin defect at home

There are many whitening creams available to remove age spots. But keep in mind that the skin under the eyes is sensitive and thin. Before using the cream at home, you need to do an allergy test: lubricate the elbow bend with the product.

It is impossible to use bleaching creams with mercury and hydroquinone: a strong reaction will occur, the skin will turn red, and swelling will appear. For the area around the eyes, products with arbutin and retinol are suitable. The line of cosmetics from the Elure company is popular. The gel for washing, cream and lotion contains glycol protein.

In combination with sunscreens, Elure cosmetics can destroy dark spots. Whitening agents are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Whitening cosmetics are not recommended for patients with kidney and liver diseases.

Safely help to remove pigmentation under the eyes and folk remedies. Some foods and herbs have natural bleaching properties:

Featured Recipes:

  1. Clay mask. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of white clay, cucumber juice, lemon juice and parsley. Next, add 4 drops essential oil lemon, a little water, so that the mass is thick. Apply the mask on the pigmentation under the eyes for 10 minutes.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide with lemon. Combine the components in a 1:1 ratio, moisten a cloth and apply to the stains for 15 minutes.
  3. Radish. Juice from a freshly squeezed root crop can be applied to pigmentation for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Sauerkraut. A cotton swab dipped in sauerkraut juice should be applied under the eyes for 15 minutes.
  5. Parsley with curdled milk. Finely chop the greens, mix with yogurt, wipe age spots several times a day.
  6. Honey mask. You need to mix liquid honey, parsley broth and egg yolk. Apply the paste to the stains and leave for 20 minutes.

To eliminate a cosmetic defect under the eyes, ready-made Sulfuric and Zinc ointments are also used, but before using such products, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

After successfully getting rid of spots, it is also important to remember that to protect the skin under the eyes from the recurrence of age spots, you should wear sunglasses, apply a cream with an UV protection of at least 30, and monitor the course of chronic diseases.

Pigmentation can appear around the eyes, and the Underglazami.ru website does not recommend rushing to look for methods on how to get rid of this problem faster. First you need to find out the reasons why age spots appeared under the eyes. This will help you choose the right way, because the skin of the eyelids is delicate, and any experiments with it may not lead to the most rosy consequences.

Causes of age spots

A spot on the skin under the eyes can appear due to various factors.

  1. amount of melanin. Sometimes in some areas, skin cells produce too much of this substance, and then pigmented circles appear. Usually, people over 40 years old are susceptible to photoaging, since at this age there is an increase in the concentration of melanin in the body, which leads to increased skin pigmentation, including the appearance of age spots under the eyes.
  2. Sunbathing. If you spend a lot of time under the scorching sun or get too carried away with a tanning bed, then a spot under each eye is more of a natural phenomenon than a surprise.
  3. Hormonal changes. They contribute to changes in appearance, reflected in the skin surrounding the eyes. So, the appearance of age spots on the skin under the eyes and other areas is possible during pregnancy, menopause, taking contraceptives based on hormones, and other similar drugs.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system. Also one of the frequent reasons why pigmented areas appear.
  5. Nervous lifestyle full of stressful situations. Constant sleep deprivation. Wrong habits during sleep: for example, sleeping only on one side or on your stomach, turning your head to one side of your face. Then the spot on one side can be more distinct.
  6. A rare case is when a spot under the eyelid (or under both, around them) occurs as a result of an allergy to one or another irritant. Then it will not work to remove it with some procedures, you will need to take antihistamines and, of course, you need to identify the allergen so that the pigmentation does not “please” you again.

It happens that pigmentation occurs around the eyes, not only due to internal factors, for example, a lack of vitamins in the body (vitamin C, folic acid), diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Sometimes external factors - such as poorly selected, poor-quality cosmetics, illiterately carried out cosmetic procedures and interventions - can lead to the fact that a spot appears under one eye or - under both and around pigmented areas.

How to get rid of pigmentation?

In accordance with what are the causes, pigmentation around the eyes is eliminated in one way or another.

So, if the whole point is that the eyes are constantly exposed to the sun, then one should not neglect simple recommendations: wear sunglasses, apply under the eyes, around them good cream with UV filter.

The site also notes that pigmentation itself is also a seasonal phenomenon. The spot under each eyelid usually becomes less obvious with the advent of autumn.

Sometimes people use cosmetics, for example, peeling or eye cream containing retinol, arbutin, from age spots. But it is also worth warning that often creams with a whitening effect contain mercury. Such funds can not be applied constantly, and even more so under the eyes, since the drugs are toxic. Before applying, be sure to check the skin reaction, and also consider contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys,
  • gum disease.

Such remedies for age spots should also not be applied to steamed, damp skin.

In some cases, it is advisable to nourish your body from the inside in order to resist external manifestations, due to which the eyes and skin look tired and painful. For example, with improper and irrational nutrition, this situation must be corrected. Include avocados, eggs, fatty fish in your diet, choose green instead of black tea or coffee, and flower drinks are better.

What are the treatments for pigmentation?

To remove a pigmented spot under one or both eyelids is sometimes recommended using the following methods:

  • phototherapy - action on pigmented areas with the help of high-frequency infrared radiation pulses, which leads to the destruction of melanin in certain places,
  • laser exposure - pigmented areas are removed layer by layer with a laser, this will require several sessions,
  • mesotherapy - the introduction of microdoses of drugs under the eyes, into the middle skin layer, which should help improve blood flow, a regenerative process, usually suitable when the causes of the defect are age-related,
  • microdermabrasion - resurfacing using aluminum oxide crystals.

Getting rid of at home

Despite the fact that the eyes and the area around them, under them, require careful and careful handling, many are not afraid to use various folk methods, believing that masks from vegetables, fruits, and some pharmaceutical products will not harm at all and will help in each case. Well, if you decide to act on pigmented areas using formulations based on people's councils, test first on the crook of your elbow or wrist, the skin behind your ear, to make sure there is no irritation, redness, or itching. Only then, when you are convinced that there is no reaction from your body, can you apply it under the eyes.

Parsley + curdled milk

In order to get rid of age spots, such a mixture is sometimes prepared.

Parsley is chopped, stirred in a glass of curdled milk and insisted for several hours. The product is used to wipe the skin of the face, special attention to areas where there is pigmentation.


Sometimes they use such a very simple way. In the juice of sauerkraut, a cotton swab, cotton pad or napkin is moistened and applied to the pigmented areas.

Ingredients with whitening effect

  • Mask of honey, parsley decoction, yolk. Can be applied to the area with pigmentation and left to act for 20 minutes.
  • Grated radish. Applied for a quarter of an hour. And vegetable juice is used to make compresses or wipe problem areas.

Methods with cosmetic clay

Sometimes pigmentation is not under the very eyes, but slightly lower, does not affect the eyelid area, but more on the cheekbones. Then you can try a brightening clay mask.

If the skin is sensitive, dry, then give preference to white. Oily, combined - blue.

In a ceramic or plastic bowl, you need to pour a large spoonful of clay, with a slide. We also add a little warm water there, just a little bit, so that the mass comes out thick. Then the composition must be enriched with a tablespoon of a mixture of parsley, cucumber and lemon juices.

Everything needs to be mixed properly, and then drip 4 times with lemon phytoessence.

We repeat once again - it is impossible to try to remove pigmentation from areas close to the eyes themselves. And on the cheekbones, you can apply for 7-10 minutes. Then you have to rinse. Attention: do not wait until the mixture begins to solidify. Delicate skin should be handled with the utmost care. And removing the dried crust, even by soaking it with water, can cause microdamage to the skin, redness.

All. We will not give all the recipes here. traditional medicine from age spots, as well as give direct recommendations on how and what to do with spots under the eyes. After all, the causes of pigmentation can be different, and you need to choose the right method so that no new defects arise.
