Do-it-yourself sundress pattern for a girl: a master class on creating different models. Children's sundresses Sewing a summer sundress with your own hands for pregnant women

The cold has come and every little girl needs a beautiful, comfortable and warm sundress. Today we will sew a sundress on the straps. It can be worn over a sweater or turtleneck. By the way, there is still MK for tailoring and warm.

To sew a warm sarafan for a girl, we first need a pattern. Print all sheets, glue along the lines with scissors. Choose the size you want (marks with sizes from 62 to 98 correspond approximately to the height of the child)

Pattern of a warm sundress from 62 to 98 sizes:

You will also need:

  • fleece double-thread footer (warm jersey);
  • interlock (cotton jersey) to match for lining;
  • threads in tone;
  • narrow silicone band;
  • 2 buttons to match;
  • scissors, measuring tape;

Master class on sewing a children's warm sundress for a girl:

In order for the sarafan to fit on the existing piece of fabric, we will make a yoke. If your fabric allows, the front and back pieces can be cut as is. For the coquette, we retreat two centimeters from the edge of the armhole of each part, draw a line, cut it off. You will get two halves for the details of the front and back. We fold the main fabric (footer) with the right sides inward, pin the pattern of the top of the front to the fold. Cut out the detail with allowances.

We will also cut out the upper part of the back.

We do not make an allowance only along the fold, we cut out the lower part of the front.

In the same way, we cut out the last large detail - the lower part of the back.

From the fabric folded in half, we cut out a pocket with small allowances.

Now you need to duplicate the upper details of the sundress from a plain interlock. We fold it face to face, to the wrong side we pin the already cut out details from the footer.

We will also attach the back piece. You can trace on a paper pattern, but the allowances match perfectly on the head of the part.

So, we got two parts for the front and back from two types of fabric.

We fold plain parts with the front sides, we chop off the sides with pins.

Sew with a straight knit stitch.

In the same way, we sew the sides of the parts from the footer.

We fold the sewn parts with the right sides to each other.

According to the previously postponed allowances, we sweep away the details.

Sew along the basting with a knitted straight stitch.

We turn the sewn parts inside out and iron them.

Sew close to the edge with a straight line.

We attach a pattern to the cut out part of the front, mark the places for pockets with pins.

We will make basting seams in place of future pockets.

Now fold the front and back pieces face to face and sweep the side seams.

We sew according to the basting, we process the edge with a zigzag or any similar seam.

We turn the lower sections of the top of the sundress inward and sweep it.

Let's put the bottom part of the sundress between the two layers of the top fabric. We fasten the bottom with the top with pins.

The lower (monotone) layer of fabric is swept to the other two details.

Sew all three layers of fabric with a straight line. Thus, we will make a coquette on a sundress.

Cut out two rectangles from the plain fabric. The long side is the width of the pocket, the short side is 4 cm.

We apply the rectangles with the right side to the face of the pocket, sew with a straight line.

We fold inward and sew with a straight line.

Bend along the edge of the pocket and bast the allowance.

On the lines outlined earlier, we fasten the pockets to the sundress with the help of pins.

We sew pockets with a wide knitted line.

On the yoke we mark the width of the loop according to the size of the button.

We cut the loops at the marked points.

We sew buttonholes on a typewriter or manually.

Sew buttons to the straps.

So that the lower cut of the sundress is not too wavy, we sew the silicone tape with a wide knitted seam.

Thus, we overcast the entire lower edge of the sundress.

Then fold the edge inward and sew with a straight line.

Work on the sundress is over. It can be sewn from any warm fabrics, decorated with appliqués or embroidery. Such a sarafan will allow a little girl to dress beautifully even in the cold winter months.

Needlework has always been and will be in fashion, because it is, consider, the only available remedy emphasize your own individuality, arrange a comfortable life, in the end, just cheer yourself up or your family with some new, hand-made thing.

For hot summer days, you can easily sew without a pattern, with your own hands, a simple, but at the same time elegant sundress with an elastic band for your daughter. Or like this one.

To do this, you need to take the following materials:

  • fabric: chintz for dress 2 m;
  • oblique trim matching the color of the fabric at least 5 m;
  • threads for sewing to match the fabric and inlay;
  • needle for hand sewing;
  • thin elastic band at least 5 m;
  • scissors;
  • tape meter;
  • sewing machine.

Sundress with an elastic band for a girl of 5-6 years old with your own hands - how to sew without a pattern:

1. For a children's summer sundress with an elastic band, it is better to use chintz fabric. Chintz is a fairly thin and delicate fabric that is made from cotton, which indicates its naturalness and environmental friendliness. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch, quite light and airy, in view of which the body in things made of calico will be able to "breathe".

From the chintz selected for sewing the sundress, we cut out and cut out a rectangle measuring 50 cm by 200 cm.

2. We sew the long sides of the part cut out of the fabric with a sewing machine with an oblique trim - this will be the top and bottom of the sundress.

3. In the upper part of the future sundress, we mark up: 7 rows every 2 cm.

4. According to this markup, we sew the rows on sewing machine stitches of medium, closer to large size.

5. Now the most painstaking work that we have to do is stretch the elastic in rows. We manually stretch 50 cm of elastic on the needle into each stitch along the wrong side through the row (i.e., only four rows, starting from the very first).

6. We sew the sides of the sundress.

7. Four strips of oblique inlay 25 cm long are folded in half lengthwise and stitched. The straps obtained in this way are sewn in a typical place.

8. So, with your own hands, without a pattern and special skills, you can sew a modern sundress with an elastic band for your child. By the same principle, you can sew a sundress for yourself, your beloved.

There is simply a huge assortment of various summer children's clothing, but a sundress is considered the most comfortable outfit for a girl. A sundress is an important part of the wardrobe, and all thanks to its practicality, because such a model can be worn by representatives different ages. A pattern of a sundress for a girl will allow you to create an outfit with your own hands, which is ideal for a little fashionista.

Choosing a model based on age

A silhouette called a trapezoid is suitable for the smallest. Very often, such models of sundresses are equipped with straps, and you do not need to have special skills to sew them.

Patterns of trapezoidal outfits in front and behind are not much different from each other, so they are very easy to make. The sundress flares out a little at the bottom, and to build the pattern, you need to take measurements of the chest girth to determine the top, as well as choose the length of the outfit. In addition, you need to measure the width of the arms to draw the armhole.

Outfits for older girls are more sophisticated and sophisticated. To make a sundress pattern for a 7-year-old girl special, combine a variety of fabric colors. No need to limit your imagination, because you can create several different sundresses of the same style. A very popular option among little fashionistas is the sun skirt.

Sundresses with a skirt consisting of several panels also look beautiful. This outfit has a festive look. The set of a sundress with Figaro looks interesting. A cape-jacket will make the outfit fashionable and more versatile. The main thing is to use a similar fabric for figaro. For a pattern of a shelf with a back, take any jacket or blouse. Look great short sleeves"lanterns".

Necessary materials:

  • fabric (its width and length are calculated taking into account the size of the child);
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • chalk or dry soap.

Sundress pattern for a girl 10 years old and older:

  1. We transfer the pattern to paper, calculating the length of the lines, taking into account the size of the girl, as well as the product.
  2. Having drawn a pattern, it must be cut out and then attached to the fabric.
  3. All details should be carefully outlined with chalk or a bar of soap (it is better not to use a pen or felt-tip pen for this, because there will be traces that will be very difficult to remove).
  4. It remains to cut out the details and sew them.

  1. We cut out a large rectangle, leaving allowances vertically to hem the bottom edge (although it is better to sheathe the bottom with some kind of lace or ribbon).
  2. Leave an allowance for the drawstring. Its dimensions are affected by the width of the rope or ribbon - if the braid or ribbon is rather thin, you need to add only 5 cm; when it is wide or a twisted cord is used, then 10 cm must be left.
  3. At the same time, we choose the width of the product, taking into account that if it is wide, then there will be a lot of assemblies. Pleats look great if the fabric is thin, so they can be used in in large numbers. Whereas hard material must be dosed, otherwise the sundress will look like a bell.
  4. We leave allowances for all seams.
  5. We cut out two main details - one will be used for the front, the second - for the back. We mow a few centimeters on the armhole, given the fullness of the baby.
  6. It remains to sew a sundress for the girl with your own hands: transfer the patterns to the fabric, and if everything is fine, sew on a typewriter.

Read also:

Pattern of a school sundress:

  1. By measured standards prepare the main pattern by drawing the main lines on it.
  2. When making the back, divide the tuck located at the back into two parts. Continue the middle lines to the very bottom until they intersect with the bottom of the dress. The lines of the bottom and waist must be continued by 5 cm. Connect the resulting points with a line, leaving an allowance for assembling the product.
  3. In the middle of the front part, you need to set aside 2 cm from the neck itself. Then draw a line from the obtained point to the neck. Set aside 2 cm from the middle of the front along the waist to the right so that the bodice fastens.
  4. Mark several loops: one is 2 cm lower from the neck, the distance between the rest should be 6 cm.
  5. Continue the darts until they intersect with the bottom of the product.
  6. On the bottom of the skirt itself, you need to set aside 5 cm for allowances.
  7. The sleeve pattern remains unchanged. The length of the cuff should be the circumference of the girl's wrist, to which 2 cm is added.
  8. It turns out a school sundress for a girl: the pattern must be numbered before transferring it to the fabric. Otherwise, the details may be confused.

Variety of options

Childhood is an amazing and unique time. It is at this time that children look especially cute and touching, wearing outfits sewn by caring mother's hands. Sewing a sundress for a girl at the age of 1 year is not difficult at all.

You will need a small piece of fabric (about 60 cm long and 150 cm wide) or even an old mother's dress, a sewing machine and 1 free evening. It is not at all necessary to build a sundress pattern - all the details are cut out immediately on the fabric. The dimensions of all details of the dress cut are given for a girl with a chest circumference of 47 cm and a hip circumference of 48 cm. Seam allowances are already included in the indicated sizes.

How to cut a sundress without a pattern for a girl of 1 year

From the pre-ironed fabric, cut out the following details:

1. Skirt panel size 22*140 cm, 1 piece;

2. A frill of a sundress with a size of 6.5 * 210 cm, 1 piece;

3.Sundress straps size 34*8 cm, 2nd detail;

4. Ruffle for straps size 54*6 cm, 2 parts;

5.Sashafan belt size 58*8 cm, 1 piece.

In addition, from the fabric-based adhesive pad, cut out the details of the belt and straps.

After all the details are cut out, you can start assembling the sundress.

The sequence of sewing a sundress

First of all, you need to hem the bottom of the frill. The width of the seam should be 5-7 mm.

Then it, previously laid in small folds, should be sewn to the cloth. The stitching seam allowance must be overcast, ironed in the direction of the panel. On the front side, you need to give a finishing machine line with a width of 2 mm.

After that, the cross sections of the panel must be overcast and then stitched together with a 1 cm seam, leaving a 7 cm long cut at the top. The seam allowances should be ironed out.

The belt should be glued, folded in half along the length and ironed, and then overcast in one long section.

Next, with a raw cut, the belt must be sewn to the skirt panel previously laid with tucks with a seam of 1 cm. The end ends of the belt must be turned. On the right, the end of the finished belt should be a kind of continuation of the cut of the skirt (a loop will be sewn here), and on the left, protrude 3 cm beyond it (a button will be sewn on here).

The ends of the belt must be turned out, straightened, the belt should be unscrewed with a swept edge to the wrong side of the product, fixed, if necessary, in this position with a hand stitch or pins.

On the front side of the belt, a line 2 mm wide should be given. The auxiliary hand stitch or pins must be removed, the belt should be ironed.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a ruffle for the straps, namely, overcast its outer cut, and then iron it to the wrong side by 7 mm. Along the edge, it is necessary to lay a machine line 2-3 mm wide to secure the allowance.

Details of the straps must be duplicated and ironed in half along the length.

With the help of pins or a manual auxiliary stitch, you need to attach the ruffle laid in small folds to the longitudinal section of the straps. It is important that the ends of the frill do not reach the ends of the straps by the width of the belt (3 cm).

The strap must be folded in half (the face should be inside) and stitched with a seam of 1 cm along the longitudinal side. The pins must be removed.

Then the strap must be turned out and ironed. Along the turning seam, it is necessary to lay a finishing line with a width of 2 mm.

The end ends of the straps need to be overcast, and the ends of the threads should be carefully fastened.

The straps should be sewn to the belt of the sundress, placing them 4-5 cm from the middle of the front and back.

On the back of the belt, a loop should be overcast and a button sewn on.

The baby sarafan is ready!

Size (height) Bust Waist Hip girth age appropriate
size 122 58-62 55-58 63-67 7 years

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size 134 64-68 58-61 69-73 9 years

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size 146 70-74 62-64 75-80 11 years

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size 152 74-76 64-65 79-83 12 years

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size 158 76-82 65-66 82-84 13 years

Payment for goods


size 164 82-86 66-67 84-85 14 years

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Test payment before buying a pattern *

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* As a result of payment, a file with a pattern is automatically sent to the email address you specified. If the file has not arrived, then you need to check whether you entered the correct postal address when paying. If the mailing address is correct, but the file has not arrived, you must immediately contact the address [email protected]

**You can offer your payment option in the website feedback

Patterns are given without seam allowances.

Recommendations for choosing fabric: keeping the shape of the jacket, thin costume fabrics, fabrics made of linen, cotton or mixed fibres.
A sophisticated model of a sundress for a girl will be a great replacement school uniform. A fitted silhouette with soft embossed lines and a neat skirt make the model delicate and feminine. The deep cut of the model will look great in combination with blouses, turtlenecks and thin half-overs. A classic thin belt will gracefully emphasize the waistline. If desired, it can be lowered to the line of the hips and a contrasting color can be used.
Difficulty level is above average.
Cutting from the main fabric:
. the central part of the back - 2 children;
. the central part of the shelf - 1 child. with a fold;
. a barrel of a shelf - 2 children;
. barrel back - 2 children;
. skirt - 2 children;

. one-piece back facing - 2 children.
Non-woven details:
. one-piece facing of the shelf - 1 child. with a fold;
. one-piece facing of the back - 2 det..
When cutting parts, it is necessary to leave allowances for the seams and cuts - 1.5 cm, for the hem of the bottom - 4 cm. And you also need to make notches on the parts for proper alignment.

Processing of the neck and armholes with one-piece facing:

Stages of work:
1. Iron the interlining to the details of the facing of the shelf and back.
2. Fold the details of the central part of the back with the right sides inward and sew the middle seam. Slices iron and process.
3. Fold the front barrel with the right side to the front side of the central part of the front and make relief seams, aligning the notches.
4. Iron the sections to the middle of the shelf part and process on the overlock.
5. Run relief seams on the back of the back by folding the side of the back and central part backs facing inwards. Iron the seams on the back and process on an overlock.
6. Pin the front facing to the front, the back facing to the back, face to face.
7. Stitch along armholes and neckline. Cut the seam allowances close to the seam and notch in several places on the fillets.
8. Turn the facings to the wrong side and iron the edges.
9. Stitch the shoulder sections on the sundress, iron the allowances and hide them under the facings. Sew the shoulder edges of the facings by hand.
10. The neck of the front and back can be stitched if desired.
11. Turn up again along the armholes of the facing.
12. Stitch the side seams on the facings and on the sundress, while leaving a free area for the zipper on the left side.
13. Along the left side cuts processed into an iron, between the cut marks for the zipper, sew a hidden zipper using the special foot of the sewing machine.
14. Turn the facings along the armholes down again and sew to the seams.
15. Fold the details of the skirt with the right sides inward and stitch along the seam, process the seam allowances.
16. Pin the top section of the skirt with the right side to the front side to the bottom section of the front and back, aligning the seam line. Stitch and process the sections, while ironing them on a sundress.
17. Iron the bottom of the skirt to the wrong side and topstitch or sew by hand with blind stitches, depending on the material or as desired.
