Curly strand of hair from the word. Cosmas

Every Woman is a Goddess. My bereginya - the husband calls his beloved wife. How does she protect her man and the whole family?

In the hair of a married woman lies great strength, wisdom, knowledge and skills. Hair connects us to the universe and to each other. A woman is able to accumulate and retain a large amount of information and strength with her hair. When marrying, a woman accepts the power of her husband's clan, receives his surname. The social status is changing, the shape and type of hairstyle is changing, which plays an important role in creating happy family. Our ancestors, knowing about magical power hair, they were very kind to them. Hair married woman braided in two braids and laid with a crown around the head. That's how my grandmother used to go. A scarf, warrior or kokoshnik was put on the head. The headdress hid the hair from prying eyes.
The girl has not had her hair cut since birth. Mom carefully looked after her daughter's hair. She braided braids, decorated with ribbons. “And that the girl is up, then the braid is down; grow a braid to toe, the suitors are in a hurry, ”the mother used to say. The girl put on a headband, walked with her head uncovered (at least in summer), thereby drawing knowledge, strength and skills.
Our hair is the strings that connect us with the universe. Power and knowledge come to us along these threads. Properly caring for our hair, we cultivate beauty, health, gain strength and wisdom, and support the traditions of our births.

The beard and mustache have a great influence on the health and fate of a man. The beard is the wealth of the Family. It's no secret that a man with a beard and hair is a wise, mature husband who can be responsible for his actions. And shaving a beard, men deprive themselves of connection with their Family, their Ancestors. The boyars under Peter I said: "a beardless person becomes woman-faced." Hair helps to receive strength and knowledge from the outside. “A beard is more valuable than a head” - they used to say in Old Rus'.

ABOUT beautiful hair have long composed songs and tales.
What force is required to pull a bowstring from a hair, or to weave a rope. Fairy tales tell how the hero rises from the dungeon along the girl's braid. The dwarf, entangled in a beard by a stump, cuts it off and loses his magical power. The hero rises to heaven along the "nine-sazhen scythe of the heavenly maiden."
Wedding ritual very beautifully characterizes the beauty, strength and power of the bride's hair.

"the red maiden got confused in her fair-haired braid"

“that (name) has a bowed head,
she has a blond braid, a braid untwisted,
the braid is laid out on the white shoulders "

"about a blond braid, about a good maiden beauty"

The hair was looked after, they were treated very reverently. Hair has never been thrown into the wind - the head will hurt. The ancestors knew that if the hair fell into the hands of another person, they could say something bad about him. The hair was burned or taken to the river. Along with the hair, the comb also has the corresponding meaning. In archaeological finds, there are combs crowned with images of a bird as a feminine principle, and rings. Combing your braids is better with a comb from natural material eg: tree. When the hair was combed, they sentenced to add health, strength and beauty. Dyeing hair is also not recommended, since the color and shape of the hair determines what information will come to a person from the universe. Receiving "alien" information, a person cannot decide in this world, find his destiny. Gray hair that appears, regardless of the age of a person, helps to gain wisdom. In modern big cities, it is better not to let your hair down, but to pin it up carefully. Our threads very easily pull on themselves not only positive energy, but also negative. In other words, any.
In nature, in the forest, it is good to let down your hair, to connect with the living force of nature. She will cleanse and caress, fill with strength and health. By cutting the ends of your hair on the new moon to grow better, you can cut off the negative energy that has accumulated.
We all know that the thicker the hair, the better the health. How to strengthen and how to look after our wealth in the modern world? Let's go back to the recipes of our ancestors.

Instead of shampoo:
- Use beaten egg yolks. It is good to add wheat or seeds passed through a coffee grinder.
- rye crackers are soaked in boiled water, gruel is applied in a thick layer to the hair. Wash off with warm water after 10-20 minutes. Bread yeast has a beneficial effect on the structure and growth of hair.
- pour raw yeast with yogurt (kefir), heat in a water bath. Apply the resulting jelly-like mixture to the hair, wrap it with a hat and keep it for an hour, then rinse.
- can be washed with dry mustard powder.

Masks replace shampooing, but it is better to use them once a week.
- Clay masks are good, it contains a lot of minerals.
- Mask of oatmeal with honey and aloe juice.
- In equal proportions, brew chamomile, linden, nettle with boiling water. After 30 minutes, strain, crumble crusts of rye bread. After 15 minutes, apply the mass to the hair and leave under the film for an hour and a half. Rinse with herbal decoction.

Decoctions improve the structure of the hair and scalp, give shine, strength and health to the hair.
- Decoction for oily hair: nettle, marigold flowers, oak bark. Pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain.
- Rinse your hair with a decoction of equal proportions of herbs calamus, chamomile, nettle.
- a decoction of burdock rhizomes.
- A decoction of hops for dark hair: pour a handful of hops and a handful of tatarnik with a liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, cool.
- Nettle is used as a decoction.
- Lime decoction stops hair loss.

Oily seborrhea (dandruff)
One part calendula infusion to 20 parts warm water.
Juice squeezed from lemon is also used (one part to 20 parts of warm water). Used for rinsing hair after shampooing.

Dry seborrhea (dandruff)
With dry seborrhea, hair must be fed before washing. 30 minutes before washing, apply yogurt or kefir to your head. A good effect is given by regular - twice a week - rubbing sea buckthorn oil into the scalp. Honey is also useful - in half a liter of vodka, dilute st. l. honey and rub into the scalp 20-25 minutes before washing.

Useful for dry skin and dandruff masks from burdock, olive, sesame oil, wheat germ. Rub the oil into the scalp and put on a plastic cap. Rinse and rinse thoroughly after an hour.

Hair loss
Salt masks help with hair loss. On the washed head, apply coarse table salt along the partings and leave under the film for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. Do this every time after washing your hair. After 6-10 times hair loss will stop.

AIR is used as a remedy for dandruff and hair loss in the form of a decoction: 4 tbsp. l. calamus root should be poured 1 liter. water and boil for 15 minutes. If hair falls out badly, healers advise using onions. Grate 2-3 medium-sized onions on a fine grater. Distribute the resulting mass between two pieces of chintz, and tie it on your head like a hat. Wrap canvas on top so that the onion juice does not flow into the eyes. Put a plastic bag over your head. Do not remove the compress for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week. Within 2-3 weeks after applying this remedy, it will not hold very well. nice smell hair onion.

From horseradish or even ordinary mustard plasters, compresses are made equivalent to onions. Mix Art. l. honey with the same amount of aloe and tsp. garlic juice. The mixture can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator. Before washing your hair to one tbsp. l. add the yolk to the mixture, stir and, dividing the hair into strands, apply to the scalp. Put on a plastic bag, tie with a scarf. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair well, rub another yolk and rinse with water. For the last rinse, a decoction of horsetail, chamomile or nettle is prepared. Apply the product 5 times in a row. From abundant hair loss, as a growth stimulator, lotion is used: grind 50 g of dried nettle rhizomes, pour 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth, add 100 ml of 40% alcohol. Rub the lotion into the scalp weekly for 10 days. Washing your hair at this time is not recommended.

The first two weeks, the hair will get used to new ways of washing, the main thing is to be patient and wait. Accustomed to chemical shampoos and rinses, they can be naughty. There may be a feeling of unwashed hair, but I assure you, this passes. Hair gain strength, health and shine. The beauty of your hair is external shine and internal health. By devoting more time to ourselves, we acquire it in the future, living in beauty, health and good mood. Fill the water with which you rinse your hair with the brightest images, desires, love, health, the Light of the Kind of the Most High. Remember the state of goodness, call on the Goddess of Water - Mother Dana, turn to her with wishes and gratitude, read a prayer. You will get colossal results, a charge of love, affection and health. Thank the World for helping.

Glory to the Mother Gods!

A; pl. hair, hair, -am; m.

1. One of the many horny filamentous formations that grow on the skin of a person or animal; hair.

Hair follicle. V. got into his mouth.

// collected. Razg. Vegetation on the human body.

My hair is black and thick. * A woman has long hair, but her mind is short (Last).

2. only pl.: hair, hair. Vegetation from such formations on the head of a person.

straight, curly, Wavy hair. Light brown, brown, blond, gray hair. To comb, stab, cut, wind (on curlers) hair. Rip your hair (about a state of extreme annoyance). * Having removed their heads, they do not cry for their hair (Last).

3. collected Vegetation on the body of an animal, used as material.

Horse in. The mattress is stuffed with hair.

4. \u003d Hairy (2 characters).

Not on (one, single) hair.

Not at all, not at all.

The hair stood on end.

About a feeling of intense fear, horror.

(To live) to gray hair.

Until old age.

Blush (blush) to the roots of the hair.

Blush very much.

Pull by the hair

What. Use something. without good reason.

Rip your hair.

To be in despair, to be very annoyed with oneself.

Grab your hair.

About expressing great surprise, despair, horror, etc.

Aya, oh.

V. cover. V mesh. B. mattress.


A; pl. hairs, -sich; m.

Remember, did in the old days women cut their curls at random, calling this disgrace a creative hairstyle? A braid grew for itself, even to the waist, even lower. Beauty and pride, but also a terrible power...

From time immemorial, people have valued long and Thick hair. Historians explain: in a primitive economy, a woman wrapped them (in addition to warm skins) to a baby, protecting him from winds and colds. But even then, the hairstyle had another function. According to bioenergetics, the mother thus created an "energy veil" that protected the child from the misfortunes of the non-material world: evil eye and corruption.

In the Middle Ages, the custom arose to cut curls as a keepsake and put them in medallions. Lovers were especially fond of it. They were convinced that such a gift to a loved one would be one that would protect him from any troubles. And how was it not to believe, if even the Holy Scriptures confirmed the idea that hair has magical powers...

The Old Testament hero Samson, still in his mother's womb, was chosen to serve God. He took a Nazarite vow, which, in addition to asceticism, required not to cut his hair. It was in them that Samson's unprecedented strength lay, which he directed to fight against the hated Philistines. When the enemies found out his secret, they sent the beautiful Delilah to him. The insidious woman cut the sleeping hero's hair, and he turned into an ordinary helpless individual of the opposite sex. Only when the hair grew up, Samson was able to escape from the captivity of the Philistines. The question is, why didn’t they shave the hero regularly? After all, they knew: the whole secret is in his curls!

And no matter what country you take, hair is everywhere - active participants in magical rituals. Voodoo sorcerers used human hair to turn them into zombies. An Indian who killed an enemy was charged with a sacred duty to scalp him in order to destroy not only his body, but also his soul. The Supreme Inca had a special maid in the staff list, whose duties included picking up and ... swallowing the sovereign's hair that fell out. It was believed that this would help keep him healthy and live a long, long time... I wonder how long the poor maid lived?!

In ancient Greece, cutting off a strand of hair from the dead, as if letting go of his soul to the afterlife. According to Islamic custom, a bunch on the head of the deceased was left in order for the faithful to be lifted into paradise for them. In China, hair cutting and castration were considered equivalent in meaning ...

And the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks - stern people who believe in the power of weapons, and not witchcraft - do you know why they left a long forelock on their shaved head? Bioenergetics claim that the famous forelock was located directly above the point that the ancient Chinese sages called "bai hui", and Indian yogis - the highest chakra. Whatever you call it, it is responsible for communication with the Cosmos. And the Cossacks, thus, were in direct contact with him ...

"I swear on my beard!"

Let's go to our native land. The sorcerer Chernomor from Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" also lost his magical power when his hair was cut off, in this case, his beard. In the fairy tale about Pinocchio, Karabas-Barabas, just a little, swore by his own. He hinted, you see, at her magical abilities. And the old man Hottabych in Lagin's story showed the reader how this attribute of male prowess works: know yourself, pull out a hair and make wishes ...

Fiction, you say? Then let's turn to the facts. Among the ancient Slavs, a shorn head was a sign of slavery. The Charter of Judgment of Prince Yaroslav the Wise even provided for execution for anyone who dared to forcibly shave a free man's head or cut his beard. It seems that the memory of this was still alive in the time of Peter the Great. Can you imagine the horror of the boyars, to whom the tsar-father himself chopped off their beards?

The spiritual life of those who decided to leave worldly life for a monastery begins with tonsure. The transition of a convict to the status of a prisoner is also accompanied by shaving his head, and this procedure is typical not only for our country...

Traditionally, the first hairs of the baby are also cut off, supposedly so that they continue to grow thicker. In fact, the meaning of this rite was simply forgotten, because it originated in distant pagan times. His original goal was to take the child under the invisible protection of the whole family. The cut strands were buried under a tree: from a boy's head under a pear, so that he grew curly and strong, and girls - under a willow, so that the braid grew long, and obedient herself ...

Spit - girlish beauty

Separately, it is worth talking about women's "hair" rituals among the Slavic peoples. Before marriage, it was still possible to put on public display. And the husband's wife has become, if you please, hide your hair under a scarf and dissolve it only in front of your lawful spouse. In Ukraine, in the old days, there was a custom: if a guy put a cape on a girl’s head (such a headdress), she was automatically supposed to become his wife. An echo of this custom is still preserved in wedding dress. Modern brides put on a veil not at all for beauty, otherwise the girls would wear it every day, but as a sign of their marriage.

In some areas, in order to accentuate the girl's transition to a new status, her hair was also cut off. Moreover, the newly-made spouse, apparently saving on the services of a barber, did this with my own hands. In Podolia, for example, the groom put the bride on his knees and cut off the braid with scissors. In Transcarpathia, he cut it off during a wedding dance with one blow of an axe. The main thing is that the blow should be well-aimed... For what? After all, it is traditionally believed that men prefer long-haired ladies. Yes, and it’s more convenient to carry a wife by a scythe, to teach mind-reason ... Everything becomes clear if we accept the version that these rituals are magical. Their goal is to strengthen the husband's power over his other half.

The braids of the girl were forcibly cut off in another case - for immoral
behavior. This act of real black magic was allowed in Slavic villages even in Christian times. He condemned to lifelong retribution and loneliness not only the delinquent herself, but also her child born in sin ...

"What am I, redhead?"

Of particular interest in Rus' were people with fiery. From ancient times to the present day, it has been believed that red-haired people have a special energy. It was this hair color, along with the jet-black color of the raven wing, that was considered the mark of a sorcerer or witch:
“Don’t make friends with a redhead, don’t go into the forest with a black one!”

And here is another folk wisdom - “Red and red is a dangerous person!” Even the oil of the “red beast” in life cannot be beaten tasty, it will definitely turn out rancid. And the dough at the red-haired hostess will not rise. Even dreaming of this shade of hair is not good, and a beard of the same color scheme is a deception. And if, God forbid, you see a nightmare in which your beloved man's hair suddenly turned red, then you can not even dream of a wedding ...

Take care of your hair from a young age

This is what experts in bioenergetics advise you. After all, as you already understood, a person's hair is a continuation of his aura, a kind of bridge between the subtle (astral) and our (physical) worlds. Change something in the hairstyle - the circumstances around you will also change. Is that why we are so drawn to the beauty salon every time fate throws us on a bump? In doing so, you must comply basic rule: in no case should you cut your hair on a full moon. You will lose your life force. It is best to shorten the braid during the waxing moon.

If you are sick, then here you are second recommendation: slightly trim your hair. Together with the cut ends, it will go away and negative energy illness. Your body will recover more easily.

Want to forget someone or something, preventing you from living on, cut your curls even shorter. It is believed that along with hair you remove memory - but not the information itself (why do you need sclerosis in such early years!), but feelings connected with the past.

Another tip: try not to leave your cut strands anywhere (this also applies to nails). Not that your ill-wishers can use them for magical purposes (although this is possible). You are just throwing away pieces of yourself. And they will absorb the "dirty" from the environment and pass it on to you through the astral world. The ideal option is to burn cut hair. They also recommend burying it in the ground, but in no case should it be thrown into yard tanks along with other garbage: the wind will pick up your curls, and life will go downhill ...

Be careful when choosing a hairdresser. Not without reason before the barber was also a doctor. It was believed that an oath to help his neighbor would stop him if he was tempted to harm the one he was cutting...

well and if you set out to seduce a man, then there is no better magical way than to dissolve a mane of hair over your shoulders. Adjust your curls from time to time, shake them, so you will enhance their energy effect. And by twisting the curl around your finger, you will establish an invisible contact with the energy of the opposite sex, tie it to your energy field, and that's what you need ... Have you successfully done all this with a mysterious smile on your lips? Well, who would doubt that each of us is a little witch ...
