Tanya Tereshina named the reason for parting with her “psychopathic” husband. Tanya Tereshina named the reason for parting with a "psychopathic" husband Who is Tatyana Tereshina's future husband

It seemed that only recently, 39-year-old Tanya Tereshina stopped hiding her relationship with her new lover and began to publish joint photos with Oleg Kurbatov. The singer did not get tired of confessing her feelings to the chosen one, and later it turned out that she was expecting a baby.

Today, September 15, the ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group officially got married for the first time. The painting took place at the Wedding Palace No. 2 in the VEGAS Crocus City shopping mall. The couple did not plan to invite extra witnesses, wanting to be left alone. But it didn't quite work out that way...

“We didn’t want to waste time and energy on turmoil, after all, the first the wedding night... - Tereshina told StarHit. - But, my parents said: “Tanya, it’s not even discussed! As you wish, we will come." And how do you respond?"

With an outfit for the celebration, the bride could not decide until the last minute. In order not to be late for the registry office, the groom had to make a decision. “The choice was between three dresses. She measured them in turn - over and over again, spun at the mirror, but neither I nor my daughter understood which one was better. As a result, Aris offered a brilliant option! “Mom,” said the 4-year-old child, “let the man choose. Put on all three, and he will point his finger at the best. So they did! Now we'll sit in a restaurant for a bit, and then we'll go home to enjoy our new status. But tomorrow... we will celebrate this happy event on a grand scale with relatives and friends at the Rose Bar restaurant.”

Recall that the longtime friend, businessman Oleg Kurbatov, became the chosen one of the singer. The man made a marriage proposal right on her birthday.

“I was very surprised when my beloved got down on one knee. I immediately said yes, because from the first day I met Oleg completely captivated me, ”the singer admitted.

Four-year-old Aris, Tereshina's daughter from ex-lover, presenter Slava Nikitin, accepted her mother's chosen one with open arms, they immediately found a common language. The artist herself feels incredibly happy next to her chosen one. A decent age difference does not bother her at all, because at the age of 23 Oleg has achieved a lot in life. In addition, Tatyana's chosen one has a strong character, and is able to take responsibility not only for the star herself, but also for their future baby.

Pregnant 39-year-old Tanya Tereshina and her fiancé, a businessman Oleg Kurbatov are planning to get married this month. Last week, the happy bride hosted a Barbie themed bachelorette party where she had a great time with close friends. As the ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group promised the groom, there were no strippers at the celebration. Everything went smoothly and decently. But Oleg at the bachelor party allowed himself too much. This was not slow to take advantage of the haters who sent the singer in a personal photo and video in which her future husband openly flirts with an unknown blonde.

The future husband of the singer allowed himself to hug and stroke his "girlfriend" on the leg. Moreover, Oleg pulled up the girl's T-shirt.

Tereshina did not remain silent and directly addressed those who decided to disrupt her wedding. To prove that she didn’t have any thoughts of canceling the celebration, Tanya posted a photo on Instagram in which she poses in a white dress and stated that she didn’t see anything terrifying in the pictures. “Lord, we still do something wrong with each other. We have a passionate, not quite standard relationship. Oh, well, he got drunk, or rather he ate it, and what is there, touched his leg? It's so scary, is it real? Sucked from the finger. You couldn't shoot anything else, because there was nothing. Some drunken men even forget themselves in front of their women. Everything is idiocy, but this is not a disaster, ”Tereshina wrote in her microblog (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given hereinafter unchanged. - Note. ed.).

Tanya Tereshina adequately answered the haters who accused her fiancé of treason

The star said that the girl with whom her fiancé flirted is called Rita, and she is a dentist. “About this shaggy, I know that she cried when she learned that Oleg had a wedding, in the same Druzhba. I know everything, because we don't have such direct secrets. The chick just fussed and thought that now she would pull off her stupid scam. A ha ha ha))). Rita, where you studied, I taught! Go do your own thing better, pick your rotten mouths, you probably do it better than break relationships)). And yes, I wrote that Oleg loves well-groomed women, not sloppy ones. 16 we have a wedding!” - said the star.

Oleg Kurbatov, by the way, is also not jealous. Tanya mentioned this when she wrote that she follows the wives of her former partners on Instagram. One of the subscribers asked if the star had many men, and she did not hide it, writing: “3”. The artist also said that her future husband is aware of her entire personal life before meeting him, and complete harmony and trust reign in their relationship: “Yes, my husband and I tell each other everything. We have no secrets at all. He is without complexes, like me. Sex for us is just a part of life. God, this is a joke, don't take it seriously. I confessed to him yesterday that I was not a virgin before him, so everything is fine. By the way, I seriously admire these girls. One of them is generally indescribable beauty. And I wish them only happiness!!!”

Tanya Tereshina at a bachelorette party

Recall that before Oleg Kurbatov, Tanya Tereshina met with Slava Nikitin, but they did not officially legalize their relationship, although in 2013 the couple had a daughter Aris. Two years after the birth common child lovers parted with scandal. True, today they have forgotten all the grievances and together they are raising their daughter. Recently, the singer admitted that two children would be enough for her and told fans that she would not take her husband's surname in order to avoid paperwork.

The singer and her beloved man are preparing to celebrate an important date. The vocalist made a confession in the microblog. Tanya Tereshina told how she once again fell in love for real.

Tanya Tereshina
Photo: Instagram

The ex-soloist of the HI-FI group Tanya Tereshina, who will turn 39 on May 3, again admits that she is in love. This time, it seems, finally and irrevocably. Recently, the singer has been publishing joint pictures in the company of a very pleasant-looking man. And Tereshina's subscribers couldn't help but notice how Lately The style of her posts has changed.

The man who is now next to the vocalist is so important to her that Tereshina notes all the important dates that concern only the two of them. In the microblog, she revealed the details of her acquaintance with her current chosen one, since very soon the lovers will celebrate five months of dating.

“Lovers have so many dates. We are approaching 5, not years, of course, but not days. Dates are different: they met, began to meet (often this is more than one date), slept together (sometimes these are also different dates), got married. Further dates associated with children and grandchildren. But we met on December 9, and we consider this date to be our date, ”said Tanya Tereshina.

With her inherent sincerity and openness, the star admitted that she did not immediately consider her potential chosen one in a new acquaintance. And if not for his perseverance, then it is likely that a completely different woman would be engaged in cutting this diamond now.

“From this day on my mr. Greychik sent text messages to me, and I broke down and didn’t even want to go on a date with him. And when I met, I gave the phone out of desperation, as he demanded, and I was tired of his importunity and I decided that it was easier to give the number and then block it if I got it.

Once he persuaded me to meet. Probably, it was about ten days after they met. When I saw him, I realized that I didn’t even quite see him during the meeting, or rather, it seems, I didn’t see at all what a nice guy he was, and then quite quickly I realized what he was good man", - continued Tatyana Tereshina.

Since that day, the lovers have not parted. The singer made it clear that this relationship should develop into something more. “Now it’s up to the next date,” the star concluded the post pointedly.

Tereshina's fans are happy for her. Tanya's previous chosen one did not inspire them very much. They did not approve of an affair with a guy who was much younger than the singer, and in every possible way hinted to Tereshina that she needed a completely different man. Finally, he appeared in her life.

Famous singer Tanya Tereshina and Oleg Kurbatov finally got married. This long-awaited event took place on September 15, 2018 at the registry office of Crocus City.

Initially, the newlyweds did not intend to gather a noisy company, but all plans were brought down by the singer's parents. They told their daughter that they would come no matter what.

Beginning of the novel

Young people met at a concert in one of the Moscow restaurants. At first, the girl was wary of the courtship of a guy who was 16 years younger than her, but soon decided on a date. The romance of lovers proceeded very rapidly and after a while, the former Hi-Fi soloist announced her pregnancy.

The age difference does not shock the singer at all, besides, at 23, Oleg has achieved a lot in life, the man has a strong-willed character and he is able to take care of his wife and unborn child.

For Tatyana, this is the first official marriage, previously the girl met with TV presenter Slava Nikitin. The young people never got married, despite the fact that in 2013 their daughter Aris was born. When the baby was 2 years old, the singer broke up with her lover, she called the aggressiveness and imbalance of the man the reason for the breakup.

The girl even wrote that she feared for her life. Now celebrities have forgotten the old feuds and are raising their daughter.

Not without scandal

Before the wedding, the singer arranged a bachelorette party, where she calmly, without excesses, took a walk with her friends, even the strippers were not called. What can not be said about the groom's bachelor party, after which unknown people sent photos and videos to Tatyana's personal mail, showing how Oleg flirts with some girl.

The singer did not hush up this fact, and openly stated that she did not see anything terrible in these pictures, well, just think, a drunken man touched his leg. Others, they say, do it without embarrassment right in front of their women.

She also said that she knew this girl, a dentist named Rita, and she figured out her plans to disrupt future wedding. On her Instagram page, the girl wrote that Oleg is also not jealous and they have no secrets from each other.


Like many girls, the bride for a long time could not give preference to one of the three proposed outfits for the celebration, the dilemma was decided by the singer's daughter, saying that let the man choose. You can see Tatyana Tereshina in in social networks. By the way, Aris's mother also dressed up in a bride's costume.

The wedding took place in two stages, on September 15, Tanya Tereshina and Oleg Kurbatov signed, and on September 16 a festive party took place, which took place at the Rose Bar.

Among the guests there were many celebrities, of course, Mitya Fomin, Tereshina's best friend, Anfisa Chekhova and many others.

    This dress -

The event took place on the terrace near the pool, the girl was walking towards the groom in a magnificent dress and suddenly fell into the water, the guests gasped, but it was just a prank. The bride was a professional synchronized swimmer who, having taken off her dress, danced in the water to the tune of Celine Dion for the film Titanic.

A real bride, and now his wife, impressed the guests with a bold outfit, a pale pink dress turned out to be without a top, and a lush ruffle barely covered her chest.

P after the exchange of rings, God himself addressed them, as the voice on the audio recording called himself, he wished the newlyweds happy life, and ordered Oleg not to go to the dentists without Tatiana. Many guests liked the joke very much, so applause broke out.

Before that, the girl admitted that she wanted to take her husband's surname, but not in full, but add it to her own, but it turned out that this was impossible. Therefore, in order to avoid paperwork, Tatyana decided to remain Tereshina. In addition, Aris bears her last name, Nikitin never adopted the girl.

After all the ceremonies, a chic dinner awaited the guests, during which Mitya Fomin, Sasha Project and Tatyana herself sang.
