What to give for a copper anniversary (32 years of marriage). Copper wedding (32 years old) 32 years of married life what kind of wedding

Many are sure that 32 years of marriage is not a reason to celebrate. For some reason, for the first twenty years from the date of marriage, every year a married couple carefully prepares for each wedding anniversary, and after thirty years, you see, non-circular anniversaries are not celebrated. Why would it suddenly? After all, the spouses did not become strangers, on the contrary, their union is now stronger than ever! The more years a couple has lived in a happy marriage, the more seriously people should take each other, because what they have created over so many years may also gradually disappear. A wonderful way to remind each other of your love, devotion and gratitude for happy years, celebrate everything. Their names by year will tell you what you need to pay attention to next year so that relations become even better. It's time to find out which wedding is 32 years old life together what to give to your soulmate and how to spend this day.

History and traditions of the thirty-second wedding anniversary

If you open the calendar of weddings by year, the names of the 32nd wedding year can be found there only among the French and Americans, so we will consider the symbolism of this date based on their views.

Copper - that's what kind of wedding 32 years later, after the wedding day, is celebrated by married couples in France.

And, by the way, this name is used in the world by people who celebrate their wedding day for 32 years, observing traditions and symbols. So, copper is considered a very useful metal in all respects. In addition to the fact that copper is really valuable, it is also incredibly beautiful! No metal in the world has such a charming golden-pink hue! Copper is flexible, soft, malleable and malleable and is a real pleasure to work with. The same can be said about the relationship of the spouses at this stage of their joint life path. It seems that the family is already quite firmly on its feet, but everything can change at any moment due to the wrong actions of one of the spouses. And, despite the fact that marriage has already acquired maximum value in 32 years from the date of the wedding, the spouses still have room to grow and to create ideal relationship there is still work to be done, giving them the form that the husband and wife themselves consider ideal.

There are special traditions that are customary to observe on the wedding anniversary of 32 years:

  • The couple make two hearts out of copper wire and connect them together.
  • If there are copper things in the house - figurines, jewelry and other interior items, then they are put in order, rubbed to a shine and put on a conspicuous place that day.
  • Husband and wife exchange homemade rings made of copper wire, and put them on next to wedding rings. A good sign for the family is to keep these rings on all day long.

Americans, as always, have come up with their own attribute of the wedding anniversary. Automotive - that's the name of the wedding of 32 years of marriage in the United States of America. On a car wedding anniversary, it is customary to rent your favorite brand of car and spend the whole day in it - ride around the city, visit friends and relatives, visit memorable places. But most often, a married couple, along with children and friends, goes by car away from the city limits to have a picnic.

It is not so important under which symbol the anniversary of 32 years passes. A copper wedding or a car wedding, it is enough to remember that the main attribute of any anniversary is love. The number 32 represents maturity and at the same time renewal, it is also worth paying attention to the couple in the future.

What is customary to give on the thirty-second wedding anniversary

It is desirable that a gift for 32 years of marriage be made of copper. Husband and wife can present copper jewelry to each other. By the way, on the thirty-second wedding anniversary, you can give something that your soulmate has been dreaming of for a long time, and the symbol of this date - a present made of copper, will become an attachment to the gift. Guests also have a choice - to give a copper figurine to the family celebrating a copper wedding. Or prepare a useful household item for a gift that can be presented in a package fastened with copper wire, from which even a bow can be made.

How to celebrate your 32nd wedding anniversary

There are always a lot of ideas for celebrating a particular date. The main conditions for the event not only to take place, but also to be a success are excellent relations in the family and good mood. It is not necessary to lay out a lot of money to arrange a holiday for your soulmate. The wedding anniversary of 32 years does not require a magnificent celebration, and it is not relevant this time! A picnic, a joint trip to the cinema or theater, a family dinner - these are just a few of the options for spending this day appropriately.

Congratulations on your thirty-second wedding anniversary

Parents, friends, children and people who were witnesses at the wedding should congratulate the family on the next anniversary. Deficiency greeting cards today it is not observed, therefore, in the absence of your own imagination, you can use other people's ideas. In addition, the mass beautiful words for congratulations on the 32nd wedding anniversary in verse can be found on the world wide web. But spouses can not be limited congratulatory speech. A surprise for a loved one is an act that better than any words will tell about sincere feelings.

Most recently, the couple celebrated a beautiful and symbolic anniversary - pearl wedding having received many gifts and heard a billion touching wishes to your address. But the years fly by quickly, and on the nose is another, although not a round date. And if the spouses did not celebrate 31 years of marriage, then they should definitely pay attention to the copper anniversary and celebrate 32 years from the date of the wedding together or with their closest ones!

How to celebrate a copper wedding and what gifts you can prepare for your beloved partner or relatives celebrating 32 years of marriage, the Wedding.ws portal will help you figure it out.

Symbolism of the copper anniversary (32 years from the date of the wedding)

The symbol of the 32nd wedding anniversary is copper - a metal that is valuable and beautiful, like the relationship of spouses, but at the same time soft and pliable, so the husband and wife should not forget that they should work on relationships, making them better, because there is still marriage can take any form: from happy and strong family before the collapse of the union. And only spouses with their love and patience will be able to direct their relationship in the right direction!

How to celebrate a copper wedding?

If a pearl wedding is worth celebrating on a grand scale, then a copper wedding can be celebrated together or in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. If you like the first option - go to your favorite restaurant, visit the places where you meet and date, arrange a romantic candlelit evening at home and look through your family photos, plunging into pleasant memories. Lots of options here!

If you would like to arrange small holiday with your family, then just set a small table with treats and spend this evening sweetly and sincerely, receiving many gifts and hearing a lot of pleasant and kind words addressed to you.

When organizing a holiday in honor of 32 years since the wedding, do not forget about the symbolism of the anniversary - things with a copper tint (dishes, figurines, vases, etc.) will be especially appropriate in the decor. And the textile itself (tablecloth, napkin, napkins) can have a copper tint.

Like on the golden wedding anniversary, for 32 years family life it is customary to exchange copper rings, which the spouses then must carefully store. Alternative option- exchange of registered coins made of copper.

What to wear for 32 years from the wedding?

There is no specific dress code for celebrating the 32nd wedding anniversary, so spouses and guests can choose any outfits. It’s great if they have jewelry or accessories with copper or a characteristic shade, for example, jewelry for the spouse and a belt with a copper buckle for the spouse. Guests in the same way can emphasize the symbolism of the holiday.

What to give for the 32nd wedding anniversary?

It is customary to give gifts on any anniversary. And 32 years from the date of the wedding is no exception! If it seems to you that it is difficult to find something useful and interesting for such a holiday, we will now try to convince you of this by telling you what things would be especially appropriate as gifts for a copper wedding.

Gifts for spouse

On the day of the anniversary, it is the spouses who should be the first to congratulate each other, handing in the morning to their soulmate memorable gifts for the wedding anniversary. It could be things like:

  • For wife: jewelry (ring, bracelet, chain with pendant), symbolic figurine, jewelry box.
  • For husband: cufflinks, a pen holder, an expensive belt with a copper buckle, wrist watch with copper elements.

It is believed that copper is a healing metal that improves metabolic processes and the general condition of the body. Therefore, by giving your soulmate copper jewelry and accessories, you will not only make a beautiful, but also healthy gift.

A husband must give his wife a bouquet of 32 roses (or 33, if you believe in omens) for a copper wedding, thus emphasizing how many years they have been together!

Presents for relatives and friends

If your relatives, colleagues or friends invited you to celebrate a copper wedding, then you should think in advance what you will give them. After all, a gift should be chosen not only on the basis of its usefulness, but also symbolism. For example, it could be:

  • Photo or portrait of spouses in a copper frame.
  • Copper utensils and kitchen utensils (a set of pots or cutlery, goblets, a champagne bucket with a bottle of expensive sparkling drink, a fashionable set for fondue or making coffee on the sand).
  • Decor items: bedside lamps, figurine, jewelry box, candlesticks, vase.

What to gift:

The anniversary of the formation of the family is a definite reason to get together for sincere congratulations spouses with another milestone in building a joint life and warm, trusting relationships. Date at 32 years from the date of the wedding, what is it? The anniversary is not a jubilee, but, according to traditions, it has its own name "copper" and is accompanied by certain ritual rules, gifts.

Copper as a symbol of healthy and strong relationships

Our ancestors copper, despite the numerous generous deposits, as a metal was valued on a par with gold and above silver. It's all about the healing abilities endowed with it. It was considered:

Nomadic peoples wore copper hoops on their heads: it was believed that this eliminates infection with infectious diseases, including incurable plague and cholera. Scientists subsequently confirmed the antibacterial properties of copper: in the last century, in most hospitals, door handles were made from copper alloys.

Therefore, copper jewelry, copper products can be not only a wonderful gift from an aesthetic point of view for a wedding anniversary at 32, but also good for health.

Gifts from relatives and friends

The anniversary, testifying to a life together in happiness and sorrow, lasting 32 years, is worthy of admiration. For some reason, the date is not considered significant, so gifts may not be luxurious, but certainly sincere.

If we maintain the theme of the name, then it is quite reasonable not to go in cycles in the search for copper products, utensils, interior, but to focus on preserving the health of our beloved “newlyweds”.

Vouchers to a sanatorium or a spa vacation, gift certificates for various healing spa treatments (for example, massage, cedar barrel) would be appropriate.

gifts for spouses

The anniversary of 32 years from the date of the wedding, a third of a century long, is significant for both spouses. But since it is not customary to celebrate it according to ancient Slavic customs, you can simply exchange copper coins, accompanying this iconic ritual with kind words.

A husband has a clear advantage in choosing a suitable gift for a 32-year wedding: copper jewelry has a discreet noble design and is quite unusual and exclusive. A warm, attractive glow of metal, similar to fiery foliage, an evening sunset, will appeal to any woman. Often the proposed decorations are complemented semi-precious stones. The spouse will be doubly pleased with the attention if they correspond to the sign of the horoscope:

  • ram - amethyst and aquamarine;
  • calf - turquoise, opal, jade, agate;
  • twins - agate, jasper, pomegranate, beryl;
  • raku - moonstone;
  • lion - amber, chrysolite;
  • deve - jade, carnelian;
  • scales - coral, lapis lazuli, opal;
  • scorpion - coral, aquamarine;
  • Sagittarius - amethyst, chrysolite, opal, turquoise;
  • Capricorn - lapis lazuli, pomegranate, onyx;
  • Aquarius - amethyst, lapis lazuli, garnet, opal;
  • fish - amethyst, pearls.

A spouse can express concern for health and well-being in the future: present a copper bracelet - a pressure normalizer. Or go the other way. Weight men's accessories decorated with copper corners: diaries, business sets, cigarette cases, belts. The collector's wedding anniversary can be celebrated great gift in the form of a minted rare coin.

Where to celebrate

What a wedding after 32 years from a significant day - such a holiday. Its purpose is not to arouse admiration for the years lived and the strength of family ties, but to show, demonstrate the warmth and comfort of the hearth, the reigning harmony and mutual understanding. It would be more appropriate to celebrate with close friends, relatives or alone. But if the heroes of the occasion decide that the anniversary requires a larger scale, then, of course, there are no obstacles, there are no obstacles to this desire.

The name itself, given by the ancestors, evokes thoughts of generous hospitality, simple and wholesome food, some rustic decor, when the table is covered with a snow-white crispy embroidered tablecloth, and a handsome samovar is set up in the center. It's time to try to reproduce the atmosphere of a primordially Russian holiday, such theme party will appeal not only to the older generation, but also to young people, will be remembered for a long time.

How else to please each other.

32 years of marriage is not a round date, but still an impressive period for marriage. And this anniversary has its own name - a copper wedding.

What wedding

IN different traditions and sources, the 32nd anniversary is celebrated in its own way. Some say that nothing needs to be celebrated, others associate this anniversary with certain symbols. But one thing is certain: 32 years of marriage is a serious period. And since the spouses themselves reach old age by this date, each passing year is special for them. This means that you should rejoice at all the holidays spent together and celebrate every anniversary, regardless of what tradition is attributed to.

The 32nd anniversary has an unofficial name - a copper wedding. This pink metal was held in high esteem by our ancestors and was valued along with bronze and brass.

Precious dishes, tools, weapons, musical instruments, mirrors, jewelry and talismans were made from copper.

Copper is a malleable, soft and malleable metal. Probably, this is how spouses who have lived together for 32 years should be in relation to each other. By the time of the copper wedding, they are well aware of the character traits of both and have learned to accept them. People who have spent so many years together rub against each other like copper coins.

How to celebrate

32 years is an unofficial anniversary. Traditions do not say what to wear on this day, how to decorate your house, what to put on the table and how to behave. For 32 years of marriage, the couple have already celebrated many anniversaries, both large and small. Therefore, now you are free to celebrate the solemn date as you want or as finances allow. The main thing is that the anniversary day brings the most pleasant impressions for each of the spouses.

The best way to celebrate your wedding anniversary is gather your closest friends, children, grandchildren. There are no restrictions. You can celebrate the date in a restaurant, a small cafe, in the country or just in your own apartment.

If on the day of the 32nd wedding anniversary the spouses wake up and stand together, this can be considered a good omen. After all, an anniversary is a kind of birthday for a couple. Another great sign - not be separated from each other all day.

Everyone decides what to do on a holiday. But since family members and a close circle of friends gather at the table, an evening of memories will be a great addition to the celebration. Open family albums, talk about what you have experienced over the years, think aloud about how rich your life has been, imagine how many impressions await you.

The more solid your age, the more memories. Take a walk around memorable places . Perhaps you will visit the place where you met, the cafe where you celebrated your wedding, the church where you got married. Take your children with you and tell about the pleasant moments of your youth.

The 32nd wedding anniversary can be celebrated in a narrow circle of the closest people.

gift for husband

On the day of a copper wedding, traditions prescribe to give a gift that contains this metal or reminds of it. But since the anniversary is unofficial, it is not necessary to follow the rules. The main thing is that your gift should be created with love.

On the day of the 32nd wedding anniversary, you can give your husband any accessories made using metal:

  • elite cigarette case;
  • cufflinks;
  • purse;
  • belt with copper buckle.

But you will not lose if you give your spouse any household appliance, TV, monitor, computer, electric razor: they also contain a symbolic amount of copper. Such a present will bring much more benefit than a souvenir.

When choosing a gift, it is still better to focus on the tastes and hobbies of your spouse, and it will not be difficult to beat them in the theme of a copper wedding.

Gift for wife

Copper is a traditional material for making jewelry and accessories. And in this regard, men are much easier. You can bring to your wife:

  • ring;
  • earrings;
  • bracelet;
  • a ring adorned with precious stones;
  • necklace or pendant.

Made from copper expensive dishes and household items: Turks, coffee pots, sets, trays and more. Kitchen utensils are a feminine theme that should not be neglected.

You can donate a hair dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher and any other household appliance that will facilitate household chores. But we must not forget about things that are given regardless of tradition: favorite flowers, sweets, tickets to the theater or cinema. All this can be a nice addition to the gift.

What guests give

If you were invited to a copper anniversary, give something that will bring comfort, well-being and health to the house. If you want to give a gift in accordance with tradition, give:

  • copper samovar;
  • dish;
  • tray;
  • service.

Dishes can be filled with sweets, and high-quality tea can be added to tea accessories. From interior items, choose candlesticks, sconces, interior decorations.

A good gift for the 32nd wedding anniversary will be any Appliances. And if the present is presented by children who have grown up and already provide for themselves, then it can be a ticket for two, tickets to a concert - everything that will prolong the atmosphere of the holiday.


If you have to congratulate a married couple on their 32nd wedding anniversary, do it in verse. Ready-made texts of congratulations will help.

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The thirty-second wedding anniversary is an important event for loving friend friend of people. A copper wedding contains meaning in its own name, almost directly echoes the date of marriage and, of course, it is worth understanding this.

What is the meaning of the name - why a copper wedding anniversary

Copper is considered one of the noble metals. It has a fairly low melting point and excellent ductility, which is why it is used to make various decorations and dishes for masters in a pleasure. In addition, unlike tin (which is a symbol of the 10th wedding anniversary), copper is a durable material that will last for many years.
This metal contains various medicinal properties.

Even in the old days, Russian scientists noticed many interesting things - for example, workers who mined or transported copper were healthier than other peasants. Also, these people most often did not become infected with various epidemics and were very resistant to diseases and cholera. In addition, even great scientists treated this noble metal with reverence and often treated it themselves, showing their healing properties by example.

Copper wedding traditions

Husband and wife never forget their own wedding day. He will forever remain in the memory of the heroes of the occasion as something bright, because this finally changes their course of life in a different direction. And naturally, they will want to somehow refresh their memory on such a big date, remembering the day that became fateful for them. But many are wondering how such a big date was celebrated before.

In Rus', a man and a woman brought each other symbolic gifts - copper coins, which they themselves forged for each other. This gesture was considered a symbol of material wealth and well-being in their family.

A copper horseshoe was always hung over the door that day, which was specially turned over. This meant that the spouses had a full cup in the house and an abundance of love and fidelity to each other.

However, another people - the French - had very different preferences. During their pink and gold wedding anniversary, they wove each other out of copper wires heart, gradually twisting, and then distorting the spiral.

This decoration looked very cute and elegant, emphasized that love still glimmers and burns in the hearts of each of them.
For Americans, the thirty-second wedding anniversary has always passed with a breeze; it is not for nothing that they consider it a car wedding. Both spouses spent the whole day on the road in the company of each other, joking and laughing, nostalgic, and in the evening a romantic picnic by candlelight awaited them.

What to give for a copper wedding

Of course, many think in advance about the gift. Most people want to give something individual, original, but practical, so that this item reminds them of their big date.

sticking to ancient traditions of the Russian people, you can please your loved one with a copper ring, and to add your own individuality, order an engraving with a symbolic phrase or your names.

You can please your interior with various dishes, fortunately, in our time there is a whole abundance of it for every taste. Decorate your home with new copper plates or a jug to delight the eyes of yourself and your guests.

Plants are considered a symbol of prosperity, which, by their very appearance, win the hearts of many impressionable people. They intertwine various colors, patterns and, at the same time, their beauty can serve as their protection, like the thorns of a delicate and immaculate rose. Therefore, in order to enjoy the beauty that Mother Nature has created more often, bring into your home something that will make you fill the house with plants from the most beautiful species and countries. The copper vase will perfectly fit into any interior.

For the wife, you can stop at the option of individual decoration. It can be ordered from one of the many talented craftsmen, asking, for example, to insert your favorite gem wife, pleased with the originality of her gift.

For her beloved husband, a woman can also choose a rather interesting and practical surprise. Of course, gifts are not the main thing in the date, but attention from the spouses, but a pleasant reminder of this day can have a positive effect on further relationships.

So what can make a man of any age more stately, fashionable and give his appearance greater significance among friends and numerous acquaintances?

A copper cigarette case will always be considered a gift for a mature and wealthy man who knows a lot about such things. Therefore, if a person appreciates such expensive things that automatically raise self-esteem and, in fact, change the state of things around, you should pay attention to this option.

If your husband is a very busy person and constantly keeps track of time, then it is possible to give him a watch, the composition of which will contain copper. It will complement their color, give iridescence and new colors to the texture. In addition, as mentioned above, copper has a positive effect on a person and has healing properties, so long-term wearing of your gift on your wrist can improve blood circulation. This has been repeatedly stated by various doctors and scientists who have studied this issue.

Do not deprive attention of the option of alcoholic beverages. For a bottle of expensive whiskey or cognac, you can choose an excellent copper frame by adding various patterns into a stand or by making pink-gold "lianas" wrap around the structure of the gift, thus "painting" it.

If both spouses are determined to improve the interior in their home, then you should pay attention to the option with soft toy. Buy copper buttons for a small teddy bear and sew them on so that they shine slightly in the light, reflecting on the walls or ceiling.
Hang a copper-framed lantern over your front porch. In the evening, when you light it and stand on the porch under their glow, your "copper" years will light your way. Such a decorative solution can be considered very creative and resourceful.

Congratulations on a copper wedding

It is an integral part of this day. Nevertheless, a wedding is a day when two people weave their own lives together, swear love and fidelity to each other, and their relationship finally becomes official. The anniversary is a reminder of the very day when changes came, when everything around acquired different colors and many things began to be perceived from a completely different point of view.

You can start congratulations with a completely ordinary thing. Recall the various stories that have happened to you and your spouse over the years, laugh heartily and feel a warm sense of nostalgia. Confess your feelings to each other, as for the first time, feel again, as once upon a time, you felt a thrill in your heart from the words of a person close to you. Wishing each other long life together will strengthen your belief that you want to continue to be with this person and have not lost interest in him for so many years. With the words-desires of happiness, health and prosperity, you will be able to “call” to your marriage all these qualities that will help you stay in your family forever happy and loved.

The longer the marriage, the deeper the feelings
The people speak the truth.
But being one family is an art,
So that thirty-two years in a row!
And you are capable of much more
Spend time with each other!
With experience, everything is easier.
There is a reason to be proud of yourself!


Why do you need to get married?
Well, everyone would live together
One big family
Like bees in a swarm.
No, give people a spouse!
And you found each other!
thirty two years together
In one bake dough!


Why do you need to get married?
Well, everyone would live together
One big family
Like bees in a swarm.
No, give people a spouse!
And you found each other!
thirty two years together
In one bake dough!


Why do you need to get married?
Well, everyone would live together
One big family
Like bees in a swarm.
No, give people a spouse!
And you found each other!
thirty two years together
In one bake dough!


Why do you need to get married?
Well, everyone would live together
One big family
Like bees in a swarm.
No, give people a spouse!
And you found each other!
thirty two years together
In one bake dough!


Why do you need to get married?
Well, everyone would live together
One big family
Like bees in a swarm.
No, give people a spouse!
And you found each other!
thirty two years together
In one bake dough!


“All relationships are work in which each of the partners must invest. Without labor it is impossible to create a strong and loving family.

“Happiness does not go away with age. It grows stronger and becomes more visible.
