Patterns of memory. Patterns of memorization

Is it possible to improve your memory and learn to memorize well? Undoubtedly. A healthy person can develop his memory to such perfection that he can easily remember necessary material in a shorter amount of time and more firmly than he did before. To do this, you need to know the laws of memory and methods of rational memorization.

In order to develop certain methods of memorization, one should follow oneself and establish what type of memory do you have. The fact is that some people better remember what they read or see (visual type), others must listen to what they remember (auditory type), others must write it down or say it out loud (motor type).

Improving memory, it is better to train not that feature that is already sufficiently developed, but another. For example, people who remember what they read well need to simultaneously accustom themselves to perceive information by ear. In any material that you have to remember, you need to highlight the main and secondary. Increases the strength of memorization and volitional effort. Conscious Attitude to the process of memorization, the stress of memory during memorization is the most important condition for the stable imprinting of the information received.

Memory systems are as old as civilization itself. Even ancient Roman speakers, learning long speeches, compared the sequence of their presentation with the layout of their houses. At the same time, they associated the introductory part of speeches with the front door, the next one with the hallway, etc. This method was skillfully used by the Roman politician Cicero. He associated each section of his speech with a specific situation in the room, gave associations with various objects in it. Speaking in the Senate, he linked sections of his speech to the relevant subjects and could talk for hours without hesitation.

German scientist Hermann Ebbinghaus deduced the following memorization patterns found in studies where a series of nonsense words and syllables were used for memory.

1. Relatively simple events in life that make a particularly strong impression on a person are, as a rule, remembered firmly and for a long time.

2. More complex and less interesting events, even if they occur repeatedly, are not imprinted in the memory of a person for a long time.

3. With close attention to events, a single experience of it is enough to reproduce this event accurately and at the right moment in the future.

4. A person can objectively correctly reproduce events, but not be aware of this, and, conversely, make mistakes, but be sure that he reproduces them correctly. Between the accuracy of reproduction of events and confidence in this accuracy, there is not always an unambiguous relationship.

5. If you increase the number of members of the memorized series to a number exceeding the maximum volume short term memory, then the number of correctly perceived members of this series after its single presentation will decrease in comparison with the case when the number of units in the memorized series corresponded to the amount of short-term memory. At the same time, with an increase in such a series, the number of repetitions necessary for memorization also increases. For example, if after a single memorization, on average, a person reproduces 6 meaningless syllables, then in the case when the initial row consists of 12 such syllables, it is possible to reproduce 6 of them only after 14–16 repetitions. If the number of syllables in the original row is 26, it will take about 30 repetitions to obtain the same result.

6. Preliminary repetition of the material to be memorized saves time for its assimilation in the event that the number of such preliminary repetitions does not exceed their number required for complete memorization of the material.

7. When memorizing a long row, it is best to reproduce its beginning and end from memory (“edge effect”).

8. For the associative connection of impressions and their subsequent reproduction, it is especially important whether they are separate or represent logically connected parts of a single whole.

9. Repeating the material learned in a row is less productive for its memorization than the distribution of such repetitions in a certain period of time, for example, within several hours or days.

10. New repetition contributes to a better memorization of what was learned before.

11. With increased attention to the memorized material, the number of repetitions can be reduced.

12. What a person is especially interested in is remembered without any difficulty.

13. Rare, strange, unusual experiences are remembered better than the usual, often encountered.

14. Any new impression received by a person does not remain isolated in his memory. Remembering, it may change somewhat over time.

IN last years many new memorization systems (mnemonic devices) were created, as well as various inventions. All these memory systems are based on associations- on connecting what you are trying to keep in memory with what you already know. Psychologists talk about the need to use absurd associations. They believe that it is important to turn a verbal image into a visual one, and bizarre images are best remembered. The effectiveness of “initial perception”, which means comprehending the first impression of a person, is especially emphasized. For example, you can choose the most characteristic feature of the face (flattened nose, mole, cleft chin) and then beat it in the verbal image of the name of this person. As a result, the surname is firmly held in memory.

Many psychologists come to the conclusion that the absence of intellectual stimuli destroys memory to a greater extent than age. If some event made you happy or upset, gave you reason to think, it will be remembered for a long time. A film, a play, a book read already give food for thought. You just have to force yourself to go back to what you saw or read, trying to restore all possible details and details. Frequent reference to events and facts of the recent past, discussing them with relatives and friends will help to fix them in memory and facilitate their recovery in the future.


Memory processes are a single mnemonic system, and are practically inseparable. This memorization, storage, reproduction And forgetting. All of them can proceed voluntarily or involuntarily. Arbitrariness presupposes the relative independence of mental activity, which has its own mnemonic goals and uses special techniques to realize these goals. In the absence of a special mnemonic goal, we say that memory processes are involuntary. In addition, all memory processes can be mechanical or semantic. In this case, the basis for the division is the nature of the links with the subject of memory - associative or semantic. Only in specially designed experiments is it possible to reveal their own characteristics of each of them.

memorization. The first block is memorization ( or coding - in the terminology of cognitive psychology ). Represents the imprint and consolidation of any experience. The effectiveness and strategies of memorization are affected by the amount of material, the degree of its homogeneity and the sequence of memorization. This is recorded in the phenomena called "length effect", "habitual effect", "edge effect".

The process and productivity of memorization depends on the meaningfulness or lack of meaningfulness for the subject of the memorized material. In this case, one speaks of meaningful/mechanical memorization. In addition, the degree of arbitrariness of the course of the memorization process affects the success of memorization. So involuntary mechanical memory characteristic when memorizing (especially in childhood) poems, counting rhymes, teasers, names, surnames.

Involuntary semantic memory does not have mnemonic goals, relies on the establishment of semantic relationships between objects that are included in the activity, that is, with other tasks. For example, to understand some phenomenon.

An experimental study of the Kharkov psychological school, conducted under the guidance of P.V. Zinchenko, made it possible to draw the following conclusions. Involuntary semantic memorization is better for the material with which they operated, that is, the material was included in the purpose of the task; involuntary semantic memorization of the material included in the method of work is good only when a person only learns this method, i.e. it is not a skill.

Arbitrary rote memorization component of any mental work. You should always remember dates, names, exceptions to rules, formulas. This type of memorization relies on repetition. To facilitate this tedious process since ancient times, people have developed special techniques called mnemotechnical tricks.

Arbitrary semantic memorization the main way of remembering in the educational process of the student and in adult professional activity. Its productivity depends on many factors, not so much objective as subjective. Productivity is affected by:

v Ability to easily set any mnemonic tasks , which differ in content and time (for example, remember only the meaning or remember as close as possible to the original text; remember for a long time or only until the next lesson). The skill itself depends on the degree of awareness of mnemonic tasks, that is, on the degree of awareness with which a person regulates the work of his memory.

v Mnemic tricks that a person uses to complete a task. There are two groups of methods:

· first groupsimple mnemonics , more precisely, more general, used in the organization of all mental activity. They don't require additional work over the material to be memorized. These methods include:

- visibility . Memorization improves because many types of memory are involved in visualization (the same material is remembered in figurative language and in operational symbolic language);

- Consolidation of just understood and meaningful material. Return to the material in which the person understood. A conscious mindset is required. Following the thought process, arbitrary semantic memorization can fall under the illusion of fixation of the understood material, the result of which will be a strong forgetting (up to 25-75% of the studied material in the very first day);

- Repetition - a classic technique that ensures the consolidation of the material to be memorized. Its productivity, in turn, is determined by several conditions. One of them is activity. Repetition is based not on recognition, but on the reproduction of material, so that the illusion of material fixation does not arise. The repetition should also be distributed in time, and not be continuous;

- Proper organization of mental work. Memorization will be more productive if each other is followed by work of a different nature and type, since subsequent work can erase the results of the previous one. For example, if after in English next will be Russian, then there will be a so-called interference, which is the interaction of two or more numbers of processes, in which there is a violation or suppression of the activity of one of them.

· second groupcomplex mnemonic tricks . In them, the specificity of arbitrary semantic memorization is revealed to the greatest extent. These techniques involve a certain structuring of the material that you want to remember. There are the following tricks:

- semantic grouping (or analytic-synthetic analysis). It is based on the mental operations of analysis and synthesis. When working with an educational text, the semantic grouping algorithm will be as follows: indicative reading in order to familiarize yourself with the volume, etc.; breaking down the material into semantically complete groups, while not forgetting the law of short-term memory (the Miller-Spelling law: we divide information into 7 ± 2 blocks (establishing the main idea in each block, establishing semantic logical connections between parts)). Semantic grouping becomes a mnemonic device only if it has become a mental habit;

- Meaningful relationships. The basis of this technique is the mental operation of comparison. Its essence lies in the fact that the material already memorized and memorized is compared. Like the previous technique, it helps memorization if it has become a thinking skill;

- Isolation of semantic and visual supports. In this case, memorization works are carried out in two languages: in a verbal structure and in a visual image.

So, increasing the productivity of memorization when using complex mnemonic processes is due to the fact that they all reduce the amount of memorized material, while the material becomes organized into a certain structure.

If after the thought processes aimed at understanding the material, especially complex, there is no arbitrary semantic memorization, the student is forced to turn to trivial cramming.

Storage. The storage block, like the first storage block, has its own patterns and determinants. It is known from everyday experience that not everything that is successfully memorized is well stored. At the same time, something that is not so important when memorizing suddenly pops up in the actual memory, or unconsciously affects other cognitive processes (the sense of a language on memorizing the words of a given language). This feature is called storage productivity. Another feature is called storage duration. And here it can be attributed interference(retrograde and anterograde), due to which one information prevents (makes it difficult) the storage of another. Accordingly, at retrograde interference Difficulty storing previous information anterograde– follow-up information.

Playback. The playback unit is responsible for retrieving information from the storage unit. Its activity is carried out through "recognition", "reproduction", "remembering".

Recognition genetically earlier manifestation of memory. This is a reproduction of the image of an object, phenomenon in the conditions of its repeated perception. To know is to recognize, that is, recognition is an act of knowing.

Its elementary primary form is more or less automatic recognition in action - involuntary recognition. Occurs with a significant coincidence of new impressions with previous impressions and sufficient strength of preservation of these previous impressions. Involuntary recognition is manifested in the form of an adequate response to a familiar stimulus.

Recognition becomes arbitrary and turns into a process remembrance with insufficient coincidence of new impressions with previous impressions, as well as with insufficient strength of preservation of these former impressions. In remembrance, first there is a feeling familiarity object, which, however, does not yet allow us to identify it with anything known. And only in the future, finding common features with previous impressions, do we recognize the subject. It has been shown that the volume of recall is less than the volume of recognition. Based on the feeling of familiarity arises false recognition.

The opposite of false recognition is the phenomenon of loss of the familiar. If there is a persistent nature of the loss of familiarity, this agnosia (violation of objects of recognition, phenomena in clear consciousness due to damage to the cerebral cortex).

Playback differs from recognition in that it is carried out without repeated perception of the object that is reproduced.

Playback can be involuntarily, i.e. usually caused by the content of the activity that a person carries out in this moment, although this activity is not aimed at reproduction. In this case, it is determined mainly by the associative mechanism. The impetus can be an object, a person, a thought. Due to the fact that the impetus comes from the activity, then the involuntary reproduction will be more directed if the activity that causes it is more logical. There will be less randomness of those associations that were formed in our past experience, that is, the logic of the material that is being reproduced will be based.

Random Play occurs on the basis of a conscious attitude to reproduction, turning in this case into a process memories or in difficulty reminiscences.

Material reconstruction. It happens for many reasons. Main:

the formation of new systems of temporary connections under the influence of new experience acquired after memorizing this material;

Dominance of certain stimuli depending on the interests, emotions and other personality traits, as well as under the influence of various tasks of activity.

This usually happens:

Restructuring the sequence of the memorized material;

Generalization and schematization, or, conversely, concretization and detailing;

· Sometimes distortion of the original. Most often, there are two phenomena of reproduction errors: contamination And confabulation. When contamination occurs, confusion occurs, for example, mixing two or more events in their description. Confabulation is conjecture when there are gaps in the reproduced material. With persistent memory impairment (becomes a type of paramnesia), a person fills in the gaps with fantastic inventions. The learning process is replete with examples of both phenomena.

Reminiscence. Reminiscence- the fact of improved delayed recall, that is, the recall of originally forgotten material.

We very often encounter reminiscence in children if the material to be remembered is different in emotional impact (at the first playback, they describe only what was emotionally strong for them), if the material to be remembered was complex, and if the child is offered a free presentation of the material. According to S.Ya. Rubinshtein, up to 65% of information in children's memory is subject to reminiscence. The occurrence of reminiscence is influenced by the attitude of the learner to the material and the degree of mastery of the content of the material.

What is the mechanism of reminiscence?

During the direct reproduction of the learned material, there is mainly an attempt to restore this material, using mainly external associative links. With delayed reproduction, a person relies mainly on semantic connections. Therefore, reminiscence is characterized by greater flexibility. During direct reproduction, forgetting leads to the cessation of reproduction; during reproduction with the help of semantic connections, we bypass weaknesses.

Forgetting. The forget block is also defined as being relatively independent. Until now, at the level of discussions, there is an explanation of the mechanism and causes of forgetting. German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus , the first among modern psychologists who addressed this problem, defined forgetting as a function of time.

It is assumed that the accuracy of forgetting depends, first of all, on the strategies that were used in the previous stages, especially when remembering. The dynamics of forgetting is determined by the emotional and general physical state of the rememberer. Of course, memorization is influenced by meaningfulness, familiarity of the memorized material. To a lesser extent, forgetting is associated with the qualitative characteristics of this material: it is verbal, figurative, etc.

Clarification: from forgetting in the proper sense of the word, it is necessary to distinguish the loss of material during reproduction, due to the selection of material, which is determined by the logic of the semantic content of the mental task being performed.

memory classification. Considering the variations of memory, they usually talk about the types, forms and types of memory. Types of memory are associated with modality (the quality of the memorized material). Forms are associated with the volitional component in the structure of the memory process. It is the "intentional" forms of memory that interest practitioners. Methods of improvement are called mnemonics. The term "type" is used when describing the timing characteristics of memory.

Memory processes are a single mnemonic system, and are practically inseparable. This memorization, storage, reproduction And forgetting. All of them can proceed voluntarily or involuntarily. Arbitrariness presupposes the relative independence of mental activity, which has its own mnemonic goals and uses special techniques to realize these goals. In the absence of a special mnemonic goal, we say that memory processes are involuntary. In addition, all memory processes can be mechanical or semantic. In this case, the basis for the division is the nature of the links with the subject of memory - associative or semantic. Only in specially designed experiments is it possible to reveal their own characteristics of each of them.

memorization. The first block is memorization (or coding - in the terminology of cognitive psychology). Represents the imprint and consolidation of any experience. The effectiveness and strategies of memorization are affected by the amount of material, the degree of its homogeneity and the sequence of memorization. This is recorded in the phenomena called "length effect", "habitual effect", "edge effect".

The process and productivity of memorization depends on the meaningfulness or lack of meaningfulness for the subject of the memorized material. In this case, one speaks of meaningful/mechanical memorization. In addition, the degree of arbitrariness of the course of the memorization process affects the success of memorization. So involuntary mechanical memory characteristic when memorizing (especially in childhood) poems, counting rhymes, teasers, names, surnames.

Involuntary semantic memory does not have mnemonic goals, relies on the establishment of semantic relationships between objects that are included in the activity, that is, with other tasks. For example, to understand some phenomenon.

An experimental study of the Kharkov psychological school, conducted under the guidance of P.V. Zinchenko, made it possible to draw the following conclusions. Involuntary semantic memorization is better for the material with which they operated, that is, the material was included in the purpose of the task; involuntary semantic memorization of the material included in the method of work is good only when a person only learns this method, that is, it is not a skill.

Arbitrary rote memorization - component of any mental work. You should always remember dates, names, exceptions to rules, formulas. This type of memorization relies on repetition. To facilitate this tedious process since ancient times, people have developed special techniques called mnemotechnical tricks.

Arbitrary semantic memorization - main way of remembering educational process student and in adult professional activity. Its productivity depends on many factors, not so much objective as subjective. Productivity is affected by:

  • v Ability to easily set any mnemonic tasks , which differ in content and time (for example, remember only the meaning or remember as close as possible to the original text; remember for a long time or only until the next lesson). The skill itself depends on the degree of awareness of mnemonic tasks, that is, on the degree of awareness with which a person regulates the work of his memory.
  • v Mnemic tricks that a person uses to complete a task. There are two groups of methods:
    • · first group - simple mnemonics , more precisely, more general, used in the organization of all mental activity. They do not require additional work on the material to be memorized. These methods include:
  • - visibility . Memorization improves because many types of memory are involved in visualization (the same material is remembered in figurative language and in operational symbolic language);
  • - Consolidation of just understood and meaningful material. Return to the material in which the person understood. A conscious mindset is required. Following the thought process, arbitrary semantic memorization can fall under the illusion of fixation of the understood material, the result of which will be a strong forgetting (up to 25-75% of the studied material in the very first day);
  • - Repetition - a classic technique that ensures the consolidation of the material to be memorized. Its productivity, in turn, is determined by several conditions. One of them is activity. Repetition is based not on recognition, but on the reproduction of material, so that the illusion of material fixation does not arise. The repetition should also be distributed in time, and not be continuous;
  • - Proper organization of mental work. Memorization will be more productive if each other is followed by work of a different nature and type, since subsequent work can erase the results of the previous one. For example, if after English the next language is Russian, then there will be a so-called interference, which is the interaction of two or more numbers of processes, in which there is a violation or suppression of the activity of one of them.
  • · second group - complex mnemonic tricks . In them, the specificity of arbitrary semantic memorization is revealed to the greatest extent. These techniques involve a certain structuring of the material that you want to remember. There are the following tricks:
  • - semantic grouping (or analytic-synthetic analysis). It is based on the mental operations of analysis and synthesis. When working with an educational text, the semantic grouping algorithm will be as follows: indicative reading in order to familiarize yourself with the volume, etc.; breaking down the material into semantically complete groups, while not forgetting about the law of short-term memory (the Miller-Spelling law: we divide information into 72 blocks (establishing the main idea in each block, establishing semantic logical connections between parts)). Semantic grouping becomes a mnemonic device only if it has become a mental habit;
  • - Meaningful relationships. The basis of this technique is the mental operation of comparison. Its essence lies in the fact that the material already memorized and memorized is compared. Like the previous technique, it helps memorization if it has become a thinking skill;
  • - Isolation of semantic and visual supports. In this case, memorization works are carried out in two languages: in a verbal structure and in a visual image.

So, increasing the productivity of memorization when using complex mnemonic processes is due to the fact that they all reduce the amount of memorized material, while the material becomes organized into a certain structure.

If after the thought processes aimed at understanding the material, especially complex, there is no arbitrary semantic memorization, the student is forced to turn to trivial cramming.

Storage. The storage block, like the first storage block, has its own patterns and determinants. It is known from everyday experience that not everything that is successfully memorized is well stored. At the same time, something that is not so important when memorizing suddenly pops up in the actual memory, or unconsciously affects other cognitive processes (the sense of a language on memorizing the words of a given language). This feature is called storage productivity. Another feature is called storage duration. And here it can be attributed interference(retrograde and anterograde), due to which one information prevents (makes it difficult) the storage of another. Accordingly, at retrograde interference Difficulty storing previous information anterograde- further information.

Playback. The playback unit is responsible for retrieving information from the storage unit. Its activity is carried out through "recognition", "reproduction", "remembering".

Recognition genetically earlier manifestation of memory. This is a reproduction of the image of an object, phenomenon in the conditions of its repeated perception. To know is to recognize, that is, recognition is an act of knowing.

Its elementary primary form is more or less automatic recognition in action - involuntary recognition. Occurs with a significant coincidence of new impressions with previous impressions and sufficient strength of preservation of these previous impressions. Involuntary recognition is manifested in the form of an adequate response to a familiar stimulus.

Recognition becomes arbitrary and turns into a process remembrance with insufficient coincidence of new impressions with previous impressions, as well as with insufficient strength of preservation of these former impressions. In remembrance, first there is a feeling familiarity object, which, however, does not yet allow us to identify it with anything known. And only in the future, finding common features with previous impressions, do we recognize the subject. It has been shown that the volume of recall is less than the volume of recognition. Based on the feeling of familiarity arises false recognition.

The opposite of false recognition is the phenomenon of loss of the familiar. If there is a persistent character of the loss of familiarity, this is agnosia(violation of objects of recognition, phenomena in clear consciousness due to damage to the cerebral cortex).

Playback differs from recognition in that it is carried out without repeated perception of the object that is reproduced.

Playback can be involuntarily, i.e. It is usually caused by the content of the activity that a person is performing at the moment, although this activity is not aimed at reproduction. In this case, it is determined mainly by the associative mechanism. The impetus can be an object, a person, a thought. Due to the fact that the impetus comes from the activity, then the involuntary reproduction will be more directed if the activity that causes it is more logical. There will be less randomness of those associations that were formed in our past experience, that is, the logic of the material that is being reproduced will be based.

Random Play occurs on the basis of a conscious attitude to reproduction, turning in this case into a process memories or in difficulty reminiscences.

Material reconstruction. It happens for many reasons. Main:

  • the formation of new systems of temporary connections under the influence of new experience acquired after memorizing this material;
  • Dominance of certain stimuli depending on the interests, emotions and other personality traits, as well as under the influence of various tasks of activity.

This usually happens:

  • Restructuring the sequence of the memorized material;
  • Generalization and schematization, or, conversely, concretization and detailing;
  • · Sometimes distortion of the original. Most often, there are two phenomena of reproduction errors: contamination And confabulation. When contamination occurs, confusion occurs, for example, mixing two or more events in their description. Confabulation is conjecture when there are gaps in the reproduced material. With persistent memory impairment (becomes a type of paramnesia), a person fills in the gaps with fantastic inventions. The learning process is replete with examples of both phenomena.

Reminiscence. Reminiscence- the fact of improved delayed recall, that is, the recall of originally forgotten material.

We very often encounter reminiscence in children if the material to be remembered is different in emotional impact (at the first playback, they describe only what was emotionally strong for them), if the material to be remembered was complex, and if the child is offered a free presentation of the material. According to S.Ya. Rubinshtein, up to 65% of information in children's memory is subject to reminiscence. The occurrence of reminiscence is influenced by the attitude of the learner to the material and the degree of mastery of the content of the material.

What is the mechanism of reminiscence?

During the direct reproduction of the learned material, there is mainly an attempt to restore this material, using mainly external associative links. With delayed reproduction, a person relies mainly on semantic connections. Therefore, reminiscence is characterized by greater flexibility. During direct reproduction, forgetting leads to the cessation of reproduction; during reproduction with the help of semantic connections, we bypass weaknesses.

Forgetting. The forget block is also defined as being relatively independent. Until now, at the level of discussions, there is an explanation of the mechanism and causes of forgetting. German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus , the first among modern psychologists who addressed this problem, defined forgetting as a function of time.

It is assumed that the accuracy of forgetting depends, first of all, on the strategies that were used in the previous stages, especially when remembering. The dynamics of forgetting is determined by the emotional and general physical state of the rememberer. Of course, memorization is influenced by meaningfulness, familiarity of the memorized material. To a lesser extent, forgetting is associated with the qualitative characteristics of this material: it is verbal, figurative, etc.

Clarification: from forgetting in the proper sense of the word, it is necessary to distinguish the loss of material during reproduction, due to the selection of material, which is determined by the logic of the semantic content of the mental task being performed.

memory classification. Considering the variations of memory, they usually talk about the types, forms and types of memory. Types of memory are associated with modality (the quality of the memorized material). Forms are associated with the volitional component in the structure of the memory process. It is the "intentional" forms of memory that interest practitioners. Methods of improvement are called mnemonics. The term "type" is used when describing the timing characteristics of memory.

Memory - a form of mental reflection, which consists in the accumulation, consolidation, preservation and subsequent reproduction of knowledge and skills, making it possible to reuse them in activities.

Memory processes:

1.memorization- the process of memory, through which the imprinting of traces occurs, the introduction of new elements of sensations, perception, thinking or experience into the system of associative links. Memorization can be arbitrary and involuntary, the basis of arbitrary memorization is the establishment of semantic connections - the result of the work of thinking on the content of the memorized material. According to the nature of the connections (associations) underlying memory, memorization is divided into mechanical And meaningful . mechanical memorization is based on fixing external connections through repeated repetition (memorization). Meaningful memorization is based on the establishment of semantic connections between the new material and already known material and between parts of this material.

2.Storage- the process of accumulation of material in the structure of memory, including its processing and assimilation. The preservation of experience makes it possible for a person to learn, develop his perceptual (internal assessments, perception of the world) processes, thinking and speech.

3.Reproduction and recognition- the process of updating the elements of past experience (images, thoughts, feelings, movements). A simple form of reproduction is recognition - the recognition of a perceived object or phenomenon as already known from past experience, the establishment of similarities between the object and its image in memory. Reproduction is voluntary and involuntary. With an involuntary image pops up in the mind without the efforts of a person.

4.Forgetting- loss of the ability to reproduce, and sometimes even recognize previously memorized. What is forgotten most often is that which is insignificant. Forgetting can be partial (reproduction is incomplete or with an error) and complete (impossibility of reproduction and recognition). Distinguish between temporary and long-term forgetting.

Types of memory:

1. according to sensory modality - visual (visual), motor (kinesthetic), sound (auditory), taste, pain;

3. according to the organization of memorization - episodic and semantic, at their junction autobiographical, includes features of both; procedural;

4. according to temporal characteristics - long-term, short-term, ultra-short-term, operational (during the performance and maintenance of certain activities), intermediate (ensures the preservation of information for several hours);

5. according to physiological principles - determined by the structure of the connections of nerve cells (it is also long-term) and determined by the current flow of electrical activity of the nerve pathways (it is also short-term)

6. by the presence of a goal - arbitrary and involuntary;

7. according to the availability of funds - indirect and non-mediated;

8. according to the level of development - motor, emotional, figurative, verbal-logical.

Memory properties:

1. Accuracy 2. Volume 3. Speed ​​of memorization processes

4.Speed ​​of reproduction processes 5.Speed ​​of forgetting processes

Patterns of memory:

1) Law of interest - interesting things are easier to remember.

2) Law of comprehension- the deeper you understand the memorized information, the better it will be remembered.

3) Installation law- if the person gave himself the installation to remember the information, then memorization will happen easier.

4) The law of action - the information involved in the activity (i.e. if the knowledge is put into practice) is remembered better.

5) Law of context- with the associative linking of information with already familiar concepts, the new is absorbed better.

6) The law of inhibition- when studying similar concepts, the effect of "overlapping" the old information with the new one is observed.

7) The law of optimal row length- the length of the memorized row for better memory should not be much larger than short-term memory.

8) The Law of the Territory- information presented at the beginning and at the end is best remembered.

9) The Law of Repetition- information that is repeated several times is best remembered.

10) The Law of Incompleteness- incomplete actions, tasks, unsaid phrases, etc. are best remembered.

Basic patterns of memorization

The German scientist G. Ebbinghaus deduced a number of memorization patterns, guided by studies that used material that was difficult in its semantic composition and meaningless syllables were offered for memorization.

1. Relatively simple events that happened only once in a lifetime, but left especially strong impressions in the memory. Many, many times after the event, they can appear in the memory clearly and vividly.

2. Less interesting events, but more complex ones that a person can experience dozens of times, are not recorded in memory. After a relatively short time, they disappear.

3. A person can make mistakes when reproducing events, but at the same time be sure of their correct and correct reproduction. It may be quite the opposite, purely intuitively a person can reproduce events correctly, but not be aware of it.

4. It is enough to experience the event that you pay close attention to once, and it will remain in your memory for a long time. In the future, you can accurately and in the correct order reproduce the main elements of the event from memory.

5. Preliminary repetition of the material to be memorized saves time if the number of repetitions does not exceed the amount required to completely memorize the material.

6. If you increase the number of members of the memorized series to an amount exceeding the amount of short-term memory, then the number of memorized and reproduced members of this series will decrease in comparison with the number of reproduced members of the series, the volume of which does not exceed the maximum amount of short-term memory, with a single presentation of this series.

7. With an increase in the terms of the series exceeding the amount of maximum short-term memory, the number of repetitions that are necessary for its memorization and reproduction increases. For example, if a row consists of six meaningless syllables, with a single viewing, a person can repeat six syllables out of six. If a row consists of 12 syllables, then a person will need fourteen or sixteen repetitions of this row to produce six syllables from memory. If the row consists of more syllables, it will take even more repetitions to get the same result. A series of thirty-six nonsense syllables would require fifty-five repetitions to produce six syllables.

8. For the associative connection of impressions, it is important whether these were separate disparate impressions or logically connected into one whole.

9. Impressions that struck you are remembered much better and more reliably than usual.

10. To better remember the material learned in advance, you need to repeat it again.

11. When memorizing a long row, the beginning of the row and the end are best reproduced in memory.

12. Any new impression received by a person remains in memory, but over time it enters into an associative relationship with other impressions and changes somewhat. The new impression changes under the influence of those in memory, and they, in turn, change slightly under the influence of this impression.

13. Repeated repetition of memorized material in a row is less effective than repetition at certain intervals.

14. If the material is interesting and the person is interested in it, then memorization occurs without much difficulty. This is especially noticeable in adulthood.

15. Human memory is closely related to a person's personality - pathological disorders and changes in personality always lead to memory impairment.

16. Increasing attention to the material being memorized, reduces the number of repetitions necessary to memorize the material. An increased number of repetitions of the material, in the absence of attention and interest in the material being memorized, does not contribute to faster memorization.

17. A person's memory is lost and restored according to the same principle: with memory loss, first of all, recently received impressions and more complex impressions suffer. When memory is restored, the reverse process occurs, first simpler and older impressions and memories are restored, and then newer and more complex ones.

The study of these and many other facts allowed scientists to derive a number of laws of memory. When restoring, saving and reproducing the material, various functions of the brain are involved and various data processing and recoding operations take place, as well as information analysis, synthesis, generalization, and others. All these functions and operations provide the semantic content of the material, which determines its memorization and reproduction.

When playing a text for the purpose of memorizing it, it is not the words and sentences that make up the text that are remembered. Its semantic content, the thoughts contained in the text, are remembered. They are the first and come to our minds when it becomes necessary to reproduce this material.

If a person gives himself a mental attitude, a certain mnemonic task for memorization, then memorization is easier. The installation is designed to read and store information for a certain time.

Repetition plays an important role in memorizing and reproducing material, but at the same time, special attention should be paid to understanding and understanding the material.

For good memorization and assimilation of the material, it is not advisable to immediately learn it by heart. It is necessary to distribute the number of repetitions so that most of the repetitions occur at the beginning and end of memorization, and less in the middle. According to the data obtained by the scientist A. Pieron, such a distribution of repetitions during the day saves time by more than two times, compared with when the material is memorized immediately.

Any of the parts into which the memorized material is divided should represent a goal that is complete in meaning. In this case, the material will be better deposited in memory, easier to remember and reproduce.

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