How to remember information quickly and for a long time? The best way to memorize in long-term memory Ways to memorize material.

It is quite possible to quickly and reliably capture educational and literary texts, lectures, names, faces, phone numbers, foreign words in memory. To this end, various techniques are used.

Basic tricks

One way to master the art of memorization is to learn special technological methods. They help a person to properly manage the storage in the brain structures of any data coming from outside.

Effective memorization is based on vivid impressions, the desire to intentionally clearly remember an event, establishing a connection between new material and existing experience, skills in timely concentration of attention, awareness of memorized information and understanding where they will be used.

The method of pictograms is aimed at teaching mediated memorization, which recommends turning words into drawings for the purpose of effective recall.

Checking your own photographic memory is possible using the Aivazovsky method. The great artist, if necessary, could transfer the landscape that remained in his memory to the canvas. The subject devotes several minutes to the study of some object, then closes his eyes and tries to reproduce it mentally.

Often, to keep a large amount of information in their heads, people resort to cramming, but mechanical methods of memorization are tedious and ineffective. For successful assimilation of words, experts recommend the following techniques:

  • rational techniques involve the use of logical thinking;
  • eidetics is based on keeping interesting images in memory;
  • the main mnemonic methods are based on artificial methods of effective memorization of information.

Mnemonics is aimed at development figurative thinking, creation of supporting associative rows and increased concentration of attention. It is used to capture difficult information. There are many interesting effective methods memorization.


Most of the mnemonic techniques are like children's games. All incoming information is encrypted. Then follow the process of memorization and repetition. The lexical base of any foreign language can be mastered in 2 weeks. Techniques are based on the creation of chains of individual associations associated with vivid images and certain emotions.

The sound of a foreign word is superimposed on a familiar concept. The English word "wall" (wall) is consonant with the Russian "ox", so you need to imagine a huge ox running fast and resting its mighty horns against the wall. One can even imagine the violent crack of a collapsing wall.


Facts are easy to remember through conditional abbreviation of phrases, the initial letters of the words of which are a code for deciphering the data needed for memorization. Astronomers, by the initial letters of the words of certain phrases, easily learn the names of the planets of the solar system. From an early age, in order to reproduce the entire chain of rainbow colors in strict sequence, people memorize the expression "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting."


This approach assumes application of certain principles or rules. In the process of memorizing a text, some resort to arranging information in alphabetical order, while others distribute it by color, size, age, or purpose.

Associative method

For more effective memorization, when creating associative series, it is advisable to use the following mnemonic techniques: hyperbolization, animation, modification and emphasis.

  • hyperbole implies deliberate exaggeration of images. A small object must be given a gigantic appearance in the imagination. It should appear in thoughts much larger than it is in the real world. For example, imagine a huge fly. Maybe it will have the parameters of an eagle or even an airplane.
  • revival object involves giving it movement. A table moving independently around the room will be remembered for a long time.
  • Modification occurs when the concept is transformed, but without violating the meaning of the word itself. For example, a motorcycle can be equipped with a propeller in the imagination.
  • accentuation is based on the mental enhancement of the image by highlighting important detail. You can use a cartoon or cartoon. Sometimes a memorable image is given light or sound. For example, while memorizing the words "scarf" imagine it buzzing and glowing from the inside.

You can use the "chain" technique and connect words that are not logically related to each other. For example, they create a chain of images to remember a shopping list.

The funnier and more absurd the story gets, the better it stays in your head.

Giordano memory system

For long-term storage in memory of various numbers, phone numbers, addresses, exact dates, toponymic names, surnames, names, patronymics, one of the most efficient technician the Giordano system is recognized. The main stages include encoding the details of the memorized material into visual images, the process of sequential memorization of information and its consolidation in memory.

Encoding into a visual image is not memorization itself. This is just preparation for it. For example, you urgently need to fix the phone number 8-914-240-53-03 in your memory. It can be encoded like this. The figure eight is an hourglass, which reflects an episode associated with the outbreak of the First World War.

The next 3 numbers are remembered, visually representing a hedgehog with two needles sticking out in different directions, one of which is attached to a tea bag, since the number "4" is similar to the letter "H". On the other needle, an egg is visible, because it is shaped like a zero.

Sweat drips down the hedgehog. The first letter of the word encodes a five, and the last letter encodes a three. An ambulance with "03" written brightly on it takes away a sick hedgehog.

First, the basis of the future association is isolated. It is necessary to create 3 parts of its individual links, and then present it in its entirety. It usually takes 5-6 seconds to form one bond. It is necessary to remember all the connections formed between the elements of information created in the imagination.

Remembering the sequence of associations occurs in 2 ways. The first involves the creation of an associative series from the required number of stimulating images. The second method involves the formation of an information block using directly interconnected associations. Anchoring required material carried out through its conscious elaboration in the imagination.

Information is fixed when using the reception of active repetition. Mentally reproduce in memory all the events associated with memorizing a phone number.

The laws of memory in psychology

The law of vivid impressions affects memorization. Memory always reacts to strong impressions, so bright events are remembered quickly and easily. You can easily recall any very interesting episode that happened a long time ago. For a long time, a person who stood out with extravagant clothes or extraordinary behavior remains in the memory. If you need to memorize some information, you need to give it brightness and unusualness.

The law of significance of information distributes information according to their need. Everything that is necessary for survival, satisfaction of needs, does not cause any problems with memorization. Individual attachments, life values, hobbies, personal emotions and feelings are remembered without much effort.

The law of motivation operates in the presence of a motivating force, a great desire to master the material. An upcoming award in a contest or competition provides a strong motivation to learn a lot of different facts and information. It has been noticed that it is difficult for students to master precisely those subjects that they think will not be useful to them in life.

The law of activity presupposes to perform some action before strengthening the information in the memory. It can be calculations, comparisons, isolating the main ideas. You can artificially get involved in the work on information, work with it. Any actions taken improve the learning process.

Studying the settings and settings before starting to master any material is mandatory. For the rational use of memory resources, one must prepare for its perception. It is recommended to skim through all the information to be studied.

The law of prior knowledge presupposes reliance on accumulated experience. Connecting with familiar material makes it easier to learn new information. It is necessary to draw parallels, analyze and systematize the facts.

The law of mutual influence of traces of memory provides for the organization of work on memorization with alternating thought processes and short pauses, during which the data are fixed in the brain structures.

Other techniques

Many techniques can improve the efficiency of assimilation educational material. It is important to analyze the effectiveness of each technique used and subsequently use the most appropriate memorization techniques.

For quick recall of prepared speech, use edge effect, which helps reproduce the beginning and end long phrase. Location method involves linking to objects that are encountered daily on the way to study or work, necessary for memorizing a concept. You can lay the route in your apartment or room.

The OVOD method includes 4 main stages of memorizing the material: highlighting the main idea, careful reading, review and refinement. First, a meaningful reading of the necessary data is supposed, accompanied by a search for the main idea, which is written down on a piece of paper. At the next stage, they carefully read the whole speech again, fixing their attention on the smallest details and details that need to be tied to the main thoughts of the text.

This is followed by a review of the entire speech and drawing up an approximate plan in order to clarify the sequence of necessary facts. Fine-tuning involves repeating the text from memory. First, the main points are reproduced, then the details are mentally restored. After that, it is recommended to read the plan again and note the missing data.

Some experts offer rational methods for studying foreign vocabulary or difficult terms in a dream. The technology of the technique involves the use of the first hour after falling asleep and the last half hour before waking up. First, they read the words and listen to them in the audio recording, then the vocabulary is loudly repeated after the announcer, accompanied by soothing music. After 15 minutes, the student should go to bed. In the audio recording, the words are repeated three times, first in a loud voice, then it becomes quieter and quieter. In the morning, the vocabulary is read again with a growing sound.

golden list method provides for two-week intervals and repetition of entries. First, a bronze list of 25 words is prepared, recorded in a notebook. After 2 weeks, the learned words are excluded from the list, 17 words are written down and forgotten about again. The 3rd list will already include 12 words, the 4th time will write about 8 words. The golden list is formed by rewriting forgotten words from the silver list. Work is carried out according to the same scheme.

Scientists are sure that the ability to memorize information qualitatively has nothing to do with human intelligence. If he quickly forgets what he has read, this in no way characterizes his mental abilities. Here the matter is different: a person uses inefficient methods of memorization. But how do you choose the right method to remember everything? This is not so easy: we receive a lot of conflicting advice not only from friends and relatives, but also from teachers at school and university.

Fortunately, a reputable psychology publication recently published a list of the five most common mistakes people make when trying to remember this or that information. Also, scientists have been given and effective advice which will help to effectively train memory.

Mistake #1: Overreading

What do we do in order to remember, for example, a definition from a dictionary? That's right, we re-read several times, memorize the information. You read one text over and over again until you can repeat it as it is written in the textbook. Interesting, but at the same time it is even possible not to fully understand the meaning of the statement.

Therefore, psychologists consider this technique ineffective. You didn't get the point of the phrase. So, it will not stay in your memory for long.

Systematic rereading

How to improve memory, remember correctly? Scholars advise referring to the same rereading! But in a completely different way:

  • If you understand that you cannot exactly reproduce the required information, then it is still worth turning to re-reading, but to a systematic one.
  • Read the text. Get distracted by other things. Reread it again after an equal amount of time. A few such sessions are enough to keep the information in your head.
  • In this way, you can improve your memory well. Periodically reread the data that is important to you after a week, a month, etc.
  • Try not only to memorize, but also to understand the text, highlight its essence. This will help you remember it for a long time.

Mistake #2: Underlining

In schools and universities, teachers teach pupils and students from the first lessons to highlight the main concept, the main idea of ​​each paragraph, paragraph, paragraph. And this seems to be effective for many: you do not just reread the text, but analyze it for the main idea, the keyword. And with subsequent repetition, underlined words help to concentrate immediately on the main thing.

Very effective for memorization, isn't it? But many students at the same time note that the technique does not work! The fact is that most students just mindlessly underline almost every paragraph. How can this method be made more efficient?

Pause and repeat

The method does not work because from the first reading it is sometimes difficult to understand the meaning of the text, and even more so to highlight its main idea. Therefore, psychologists advise to read the passage thoughtfully, pause, "digest" the information. And already when you read it again, highlight in the text what seemed to you the most important.

So your brain processes information more actively. Which ultimately contributes to better memorization.

Mistake #3: Notes

In student libraries, the picture is quite standard: a young man reads a book and makes appropriate notes in his notebook. Someone writes the main idea, someone writes key phrases, someone sketches out a plan of what they have read, someone writes a summary with questions reflecting the essence of the text. In some ways, this method is similar to the previous one. The teachers also adhere to it - probably in the lessons you were given the task of compiling a summary of the paragraph.

But, alas, sometimes such a common method is unsuccessful! What's the matter? In most cases, in excess. Students put in their notes a lot of secondary information that distracts from remembering the main ideas of the text.

Be concise!

Modern scientists are also sure that note-taking helps to remember important information. But only short and concise. The less the student left words in his notes, the greater the chance that the information will linger in his head for a long time.

What is it connected with? Psychologists explain it this way: the brevity of what is written makes the brain supplement, rephrase the text to make it coherent, logical. And this additionally makes you think about the main idea, stimulates more active work brain.

Because of all of the above, experts also advise abandoning a laptop or tablet. If you want to remember information, then be sure to write it with a pen or pencil on paper. The fact is that in this way you enter data more slowly, which allows them to linger more firmly in your memory. Lightning-fast entry of information does not contribute to this.

Mistake #4: Generalizing

Many teachers conduct a generalizing lesson at the end of the study of a large section of the topic. Here, students are invited to look at all the previously studied material from a "bird's eye view", highlight key points passed, to structure their knowledge, to build logical connections between them. And experts agree that such classes really allow you to consolidate what you have learned in your memory.

But if the teacher does not conduct such lessons, then rare students do them on their own. And they are lazy here absolutely in vain.

"Skeleton" themes

Modern psychologists are sure that the systematization of existing knowledge is one of the main keys for high-quality memorization. If there is scattered, unrelated information in your head, a kind of chaos, then it is very easy to lose sight of, to forget the important. Whether the matter is when knowledge is "sorted out", you clearly trace in your head their connection, mutual flow.

Therefore, after going through a large section in a lesson or on your own at home, it is very important to allocate time to systematize the knowledge gained, to compose their "skeleton".

Some teachers advise to follow a slightly different strategy. Needed from the beginning of the study new topic make up its "skeleton": the main thoughts, formulas, key expressions that you learned in the lesson. Thus, by the end of the course, you will only have to repeat the complete but concise outline of the topic drawn up in advance.

Mistake #5: Fast Memorization

Many students ignore all of the above, leaving the study of the material to the last night before the exam. To some, this may seem like a very dangerous self-confidence, but nevertheless the fact remains: students who memorize the material in one night do, in some cases, pass the exam very successfully!

So, preliminary preparation and all of the above is a myth? Why waste time in libraries and over your notes?

Beware of overconfidence

Psychologists answer this way: indeed, for a certain category of people, the most effective is a quick method of memorization. A person’s mood also plays a lot here: if he is sure that he knows the topic, that his knowledge is enough for a good assessment, reality will not disappoint him.

But at the same time, you can easily overestimate your knowledge and memory capabilities. Here one "I will hand over everything!" few. Psychologists have long known the fact that "quick" knowledge lives only until the exam. After you have answered the examiner, they disappear from your head.

If you study not because of good grades, but want to qualitatively remember everything important that you are given in the classroom, then you should refuse to quickly memorize. And to prefer him a systematic study of the material throughout the course.

Successful methods of remembering information are already known to you. But not everyone uses them correctly. The article showed how to fix common mistakes.

What means " memorize in long-term memory»?

This is firstly - to remember, and secondly - to repeat! This is why we will dance 🙂

This article is of an overview nature and shows the main ways of remembering and repeating that exist. Each of these methods will be given a separate article.

Memorization and repetition

In my trainings and seminars, I regularly repeat that the process of memorization and repetition are different. Most often, they try to memorize information by memorizing, and repeat it by reading, viewing, listening to it again.

This is the most affordable and inefficient way.

In this article I want to highlight the main strategies for storing in long-term memory and their effectiveness.

If you do NOT use memorization techniques, then it is quite difficult to somehow distinguish between the processes of memorization and repetition.

For example, I remember how school years taught various verses, definitions in physics, chemistry - it looked something like this:

  1. take a textbook you read the definition, try to understand what, in general, is written.
  2. you try to repeat the first phrase of the definition, saying it many times to yourself (sometimes, out loud) You repeat until it seems that you remember it.
  3. then you move on to the next phrase and repeat it out loud many times. Then you try to repeat many times both phrases together. Steps 3-4 are repeated until the entire definition is memorized.
  4. try to remember the next day. As a rule, some piece of the definition was forgotten. Then - open the textbook, read the definition several times, simultaneously pronouncing the entire definition to yourself. Sometimes you even get the feeling - “That's it! Now I definitely remember! But then it turns out (usually at the most crucial moment) that that piece still did not repeat itself properly.

The processes of memorization and repetition looked something like this, which I designated by cramming and reading, respectively.

For most people, it's exactly the same.

We weren't taught to remember differently, were we?

When you memorize information consciously, encoding it into visual images, there is a clear difference between the processes of repetition and memorization.

Let me define these processes:

  • cramming- repetition of information
  • Reading- the process of perception of information from text, audio, video media.
  • memorization— creation of links between elements of perceived information
  • Remembrance- the process of activating from the memory of connections created earlier (WITHOUT peeping into the source of information: book, video, audio recording)
  • - the same as remembering, but is performed at certain intervals.

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Memorization efficiency table

Now that you understand how the above processes differ, I present to you my table of the effectiveness of storing information in long-term memory.

It consists of a set of ways of remembering and repeating information.

The combination of methods is arranged in order of increasing efficiency of memorization into long-term memory.

All these stages have been tested on my own experience, as well as by students of my courses.

  1. Cramming + reading
  2. Cramming + remembering
  3. Cramming + spaced repetition
  4. Mnemonics + reading
  5. Mnemonics + recall
  6. Mnemonics + spaced repetition

Table of the effectiveness of methods of memorization in long-term memory

red- memorization
blue- repetition
Ascending numbers- the effectiveness of a set of techniques

I will comment on why such a table is and why the leader in it is the “mnemonics” + “interval repetition” combination.

Reading information gives you almost zero memorization utility. If you want to repeat and remember for a long time, then repeat only from memory (the “remembering” process)! Turn away from the piece of paper, computer, book and try to extract the data that you are trying to remember on your own.

If you are unable to do this entirely, then look at the source of information. But! After that, be sure to repeat from memory, without relying on the source.

When you remember information instead of reading it, the connections created during memorization are activated in the brain. The more often they are activated, the stronger they become and the information is remembered better. With a simple read, the links are activated to a minimum.

Recall is many times more effective and in fact the only correct repetition. Spaced repetition (more on that later) just saves you even more time when memorizing into long-term memory, but the basics are the same - repetition from memory.

Understood with repetition. Now about memory.

In general, I have a whole site about memorization - this one)) Where you are now. And this whole site is dedicated to how to memorize effectively. The set of methods and techniques for effective memorization is called "mnemonics". Mostly these are memorization techniques based on presenting information in the form of vivid visual images and creating a connection between them.

Mnemonics and ANKI program

As for spaced repetition, there will be a separate detailed article about it, I will briefly describe why it is better.

Imagine you memorized the periodic table. To remember after 1 year you need to repeat it periodically. But when exactly? The first thing that comes to mind is, for example, once a week. This is 52 times a year.

Working scheme? Working.

But the nuance is that in practice you do not have to repeat it so often. After a few repetitions, for example 12-15, you will realize that you already know it by heart.

Question « Why then do you keep repeating it so often?»

This question just closes the "spaced repetition". It allows you to repeat the necessary information only at those intervals when it can be forgotten and with such a minimum number of repetitions that in 1-3-5 years the information remains in your memory.

On this moment The best program that allows you to repeat information to you on the principle of spaced repetition is ANKI. In it, in the form of cards, you upload the data you are interested in and periodically (the program itself issues information at the right time) repeat.

Mnemonics combined with spaced repetition (ANKI program) is a killer thing!

Of course, "killer" in terms of effective learning 🙂

By themselves, they are the best among similar techniques (mnemonics is better than cramming, and spaced repetition is better than daily random recall)

Mnemonics is the best in memorization!
ANKI (spaced repetition) is the best in repetition!

Therefore, the combination of "mnemonics + spaced repetition" gives the greatest efficiency when storing in long-term memory.

If you have alternatives on how to make the memorization process over long time distances even more efficient or if you have any questions, then write in the comments.

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often people try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this is enough for a few days, say, to pass an exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those same chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers words connected associatively. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have difficulty learning. A strange-sounding word does not evoke native and understandable pictures to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first parse and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and associate it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

The presence of fantasy is one of the most powerful tools for remembering information. Mnemonics greatly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including those in foreign languages, due to artificial associations.

Take the word "Monday". What frames are running on your internal screen? It could be the morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought pulsing in my head, a day on the calendar, a page in my childhood diary, or a buzzing office anthill. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positive
Average "About yourself beloved." Feel free to associate the object of memorization with yourself
Nameless "Feel". Connect the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster in dynamics

Thus, necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at once at all levels of feelings, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Fool the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overload reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

However, there is an easy way to cheat the laws short term memory: the use of the method of stories, which involves the logical linking of disparate objects of memorization into one chain. You can get a funny, incredible and completely impossible in real life story. The main thing is that with it you can remember more than 15 elements at a time.

As conceived by the director in the next scene, you should swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina. Yes, just imagine the madness in bright colors. Feel with your skin how semolina sticks to your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. As in the air it smells of milk, butter and childhood.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brain can be programmed - it's a scientific fact. It requires awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you have firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then the brain has already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use certain time intervals for the best memorization: repeat the material immediately after learning, then after 15-20 minutes, after 6-8 hours (preferably before bedtime) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative terms: “I will never cope with this”, “It is impossible for me to remember this”, “I will not be able to learn such a difficult report”. Use only positive affirmations when programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I will remember”, “I will remember and easily retell in my own words in two hours”. Customize yourself. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize really complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways for a person to train memory and consolidate the necessary memory objects, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and have a great memory!

In the modern world, every day a person is faced with various amounts of information, plans, tasks. Many people perform in front of other people, during which they must express their thoughts beautifully and correctly, guide or lead people, engage in training and at the same time arouse interest. Alas, not each of us is able to instantly and efficiently enter the necessary data into memory. But fortunately, there are techniques for memorizing any amount and complexity of information. These methods are called mnemonics, which in ancient Greek means the art of remembering.

So, as a result of the development of memory, we have the opportunity not only to present information smoothly and in detail, i.e. have the skills of oratory, but also have the art of memorizing it professionally, while the volume and complexity of the data can be any.

Perhaps this is hard to believe. But we know one main secret for a successful one, it is changing any data into pictures (images), and then reproducing it in memory.

There are many techniques, but in this article we will look at the memorization technique from Cicero, and also give a few simple, but effective methods memory from mnemonics.

Causes of bad memory

Before moving on to the practical side, it is necessary to understand what lies at the root of a poorly developed memory.

Note that the memory of each person is different, and it is selective, i.e. for someone it will be easy to remember the multiplication table by reading it once, but at the same time the same person forgets the name of a friend almost immediately. Other people use visual memory effectively, but simple rules Russian language is remembered with a creak. Why is this happening?

There are 5 causes of memory impairment:

  1. Reduced or absent interest. This is the most popular reason. It is difficult to remember something that is not interesting and does not cause a desire to develop in this area. In order to remember some information, you need to spend time and effort. If a person does not like poetry, then the exercise of memorizing poetry will be tantamount to a feat.
  2. Low concentration, inattention, lack of attention management skills. Today, a huge flow of information is pouring every day on a person. In view of this, we delve into the data superficially, without understanding the essence and, at times, without trying to put the information received into practice. And it becomes a habit. By the way, the simultaneous execution of several tasks also affects our productivity.
  3. Lack of memorization skills. Good memory is not given to us from birth, it is a skill that needs to be developed. Below are the techniques that will allow you to develop this ability.
  4. Low oxygen levels, beriberi, malnutrition. The conclusion suggests itself - take only healthy food, systematically exercise physical activity and outdoor walks.
  5. Depressive state. It became a scourge modern man. And with such a state of health, it is unlikely that it will be possible not only to remember new information, but also to reproduce the old one. Therefore, we recommend that you join an active life position and be able to experience such states.

Now you can go directly to the exercises for better memorization of information. Of course, we will present only some of the techniques that have gained popularity due to their effectiveness. However, we emphasize once again that each person is individual, so you need to consciously and carefully answer the questions of the tests and select a set of exercises. Only with this approach the result will be effective.

A walk through the "Roman room", or the technique of Cicero

Cicero's fame spread throughout ancient Rome and the world at the speed of light. His talent for oratory is still held up as an example to his contemporaries. He had a unique talent - he spoke to a huge audience without using half a fairy tale, recordings and other materials. However, was it a gift or painstaking work on the development of memorization skills?

It is his methodology that we will consider in the following sections, because. it is the most ancient method to remember any information. If you master it, you can easily hold dates, numbers, words, phrases, and other information. However, it is worth remembering that the main condition for achieving results is systematic work, i.e. need to practice every day.

The meaning of the technique

Memorization methods from Cicero have a specific meaning, which consists in creating a matrix of images that help to remember large amounts of data, and not just one fragment. The first thing to do is to form a system in which images will be built.

Presentation on the topic: "Fundamentals of the method of associations"

This system can be anything:

  • room;
  • plot;
  • path;
  • familiar surroundings, etc.

If work is happening with the room, then you should mentally remember all the objects that are in it. Preferably in an orderly manner. For example, clockwise or from one wall to another. Do not complicate the task when creating a system for associations, choose the room that you have studied well, then the next levels will not cause difficulties.

Some authors propose the creation of a radically new premises, i.e. a person mentally creates a new home, makes a layout and arranges furniture. This will be the fruit of your imagination, which means it will be easier for you to cope with the task.

Working with the "path" system of images, you can create many images, because this path has no end. In this case, as you move through the system, you need to sort through the objects that will be encountered: huts, stones, people, flowers, shops, animals, etc.

As a system, you can choose absolutely any convenient place, an important condition is to correctly split into separate images.

Before starting the practice, you need to clearly define the scheme by which you will bypass the selected system. Movements should not be chaotic - you should streamline your walk around the rooms so as not to spoil everything that has been “collecting” for so long.

An important point: select a certain sequence of movement and assign to those objects that are in the system the key fragments of the speech of the speech or presentation.

After you have created the system, filled it with objects and set the keys, you should go around the system several times (room, road ...) and reproduce the specified criteria. The same must be done immediately before the presentation. Cicero, before each performance, also went around the rooms and reproduced the images.

After a certain time, everyone who has used this technique will be able to activate their memory at the right time, resorting to a convenient matrix of images.

Usage example

Let's look at an illustrative example of how to use the Cicero technique for memorizing information.

  1. Let's take ten words necessary for memorization (numbers, events, speech theses, foreign words). For example, these will be the following words: curtain, postcard, bird, sour cream, packaging, mouth, hairdryer, tambourine, book, speaker. You need to ask them for specific items of the selected system (for example, a room). Now, let's move on to the next level.
  2. Take a sheet, a pencil and write down all the objects in the room. It doesn't matter how many there are. The main thing is that they create "niches" for our matrix. In addition, you should remember their location and in what order they are. An approximate list of items in the room: a window, a sofa, a wardrobe, a TV, a pouffe, a floor lamp, an armchair, a bookcase, a shelf, a piano, an oven, a carpet, and more.
  3. The third of this is the combination of words from paragraph 2 with places with a list of theses for memorization.

Mnemonics for quick memorization

Memorization methods according to Cicero are good, but there are other methods of mnemonics:

  1. Rhyme data. Creating a poetic form makes it easier to perceive information and, accordingly, reproduce it.
  2. Create phrases from the initial letters of the information.
  3. Bundle. This technique involves establishing a connection between the received data and in a spectacular way. For example, you need to remember the names of those present at the meeting - imagine that each of them is the hero of a fairy tale. For a more detailed connection, give the characters some kind of adjective. For example, "puss in boots" is a huge cat in sneakers.
  4. Leads. The essence of the method is to replace digital values ​​with objects. Let's say 0 is a pen, 2 is a cat, 3 is a ram, and so on.

Which method is right for you, you won't know until you try it. Choose the best option and train every day.

Regardless of the technique you choose, it is important to get to the bottom of the technique and apply it as often as possible. Professionals in the field of mnemonics shared the secrets of working according to the method of Cicero:

  • It is necessary to use only interesting connections, saturated with emotions. Remember that the ordinary and uninteresting are quickly forgotten. Use paradoxes, satire and humor to create your own matrix.
  • Use erotic images. It is no secret that it is precisely such images that enter our brain in the form of signals especially brightly. By the way, marketers assure that advertising posters with a beautiful sexy girl perceived and remembered better.
  • Change the characteristics of objects on the path/indoor/terrain. For example, let the window be airy, and the chair be prickly.
  • Paradox the characteristics of objects. Don't put your pajamas in the closet, put the closet in your pajamas.
  • All guidelines for yourself: carry a notebook in your pocket, tie the TV to your arm.
  • Change the shape and size of objects. As in the example with the closet and pajamas.

As a result, you should get the following mental path (story), as an example:

Opening the window, I noticed a CURTAIN stuck in the window sash. Further, I noticed scattered POSTCARDS on the sofa, they were wet. There was an apricot SOUR CREAM on the cabinet, a BIRD was sitting in it. There was a PACKAGING on the TV, and a puppy was sitting in it, which was opening its MOUTH. A FEN was tied to his paw, standing on a tambourine. On the pouffe was a small BOOK depicting a half-naked erotic brunette with a DYNAMIC at her feet.

For successful reproduction by the method of Cicero, one should once again bypass the selected system and remove the above-mentioned objects. Just? Certainly. However, this requires a thoughtful study of those words that you have already memorized. Then, do it yourself without using hints. We believe that you will succeed!

Benefits of working with memory

The main advantages of the above methods are the simplicity and efficiency of the acquired information.

After a few practices, a person will be able to fully use the chosen scheme and improve his memory. Among other things, these techniques allow you to memorize information of any type in preparation for a presentation, lecture, training, seminar, and even during an international speech.

If you already know the audience you need to speak to, then it can be a great matrix for creating images. At the same time, the ease is due to the fact that there is no need to remember a large amount of associations, which can collapse due to the absence of some detail. For example, if you need to remember a specific phrase, a person can easily reproduce it, remembering what he tied the hair dryer to, and, therefore, finish the thought.

Of course, there are other methods of memorizing verse, numbers and dates, but we will talk about them in other sections of our cognitive and developing portal.
