Retirement in January of the year for ordinary pensioners. Latest pension indexation news

From January 1, 2020, an increase in the old-age insurance pension is planned. To whom and by what percentage will payments be increased? Read the latest news about the increase for working and non-working pensioners.

On this page, correspondents of the site 10Banks have collected the most recent indexation data to date different types pensions paid in Russia:

⋅ Deposits for pensioners in

All about the increase in pensions in 2020

There are many questions about the upcoming indexation among working and non-working pensioners today.

Indexation of the insurance pension from January 1, 2020

Since January 1, Russia has been increasing the old-age insurance pension. In past years, there was a simple and understandable rule for everyone: payments were indexed to the level of inflation over the past year. This was considered fair, because it was assumed that the pension increases exactly as much as the prices in stores rise. Of course, everyone understood that the increase in the cost of goods on the shelves constantly outstripped the increase in pensions. But this fork was not critical, pensioners, if poor, then slowly. That is why the existing state of affairs suited the officials.

But then, as you remember, leapfrog began. Inflation has skyrocketed like a real Olympic champion, and pensions are far behind her. The old people were promised additional indexation, then they were given 5,000 rubles each, but prices kept rising, and pensioners could hardly make ends meet.

Finally, justifying the rise retirement age, Putin said that pensions in Russia will now be indexed at a level greater than the rate of inflation. He even named a number: we will be able to annually increase the old-age pension for non-working pensioners by an average of 1 thousand rubles».

We will not comment on the president's words. How much the pension actually grew this year, each of its recipients knows for himself.

See deposits for pensioners in TOP-10 banks.

How many percent will increase the old-age pension in 2020

But that was just the necessary backstory. And now let's get back to the plans for indexing old-age insurance pensions from January 1, 2020. What to expect? But what.

Insurance pensions will be indexed in January 2020 by 6.6 percent. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova.

How to increase the insurance pension



At the same time, inflation at the end of 2019 is projected at 3.8%, that is, it is planned to increase pensions one and a half times higher than inflation. The price of a pension point in 2020 will increase from 87.24 rubles. up to 93 rubles. This is already information from the explanatory note to the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How much will the pension increase in rubles

How much will insurance pension from January 2020

Today, rub.

in 2020, rub.

Increase, rub.

state pensions pension provision, including social ones, traditionally increase from April 1. As we remember, social pensions were previously indexed as follows:

  • 2017 - by 1.5%,
  • 2018 - by 2.9%,
  • 2019 - by 2.0%.

How much will our government fork out this time?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. But apparently he did.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova, social pensions in 2020 will be indexed by 7 percent.

In ruble terms, the increase will look like this: If this year the average social pension in Russia is 9.3 thousand rubles, then in 2020 it should increase to 9.9 thousand.

Note again that these are only plans. How far they are destined to come true, we will find out in April 2020.

Increase in the pension of working pensioners in August 2020

As we remember, starting from 2016, the insurance pensions of working pensioners in Russia are not indexed. In January 2020, they also do not have to wait for an increase.

What do working pensioners need to do to index their pensions? The answer is known: stop working.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assures that after they stop working, the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it will be recalculated, taking into account all indexations that took place during their work.

Well, for those who do not want to quit yet, it remains to wait for August 2020. It is in the last month of summer that all working pensioners are waiting for the traditional unclaimed recalculation of pensions based on the results of last year.

The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2019. Traditionally, it is no more than 3 pension points, that is, no more than 262 rubles.

Who is entitled to a social supplement to a pension?

If non-working pensioners have a total amount of material support less than the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) in the region of residence, then they are given a social supplement. Thus, the pension is increased to the size of the subsistence minimum.

However, it should be borne in mind that when calculating the total amount of material security, not only pensions are taken into account, but also other measures of social support. This may be a benefit for utility bills, travel by public transport and others.

You can find out the size of the living wage for a pensioner in your region on the website of the Pension Fund -

In 2020 indexation will again be held under the new rules

By the way, in 2019, the procedure for indexing pensions for those who have it below the subsistence level has changed. As you remember, in the spring they even made a recalculation. Now, in 2020, indexing should immediately go through according to the new rules.

As it was before

Previously, the indexation value (I) was added to the pension (P), and then the Social Surcharge (SD) was raised to the Pensioner's Living Minimum (PMP).

The following formula worked: P+I+SD=PMP.

Sometimes it turned out that real size payments did not increase, and remained at a minimum level.

As it is now

Now, first determine the amount of social surcharge (SD). Then the pension is indexed (P + I). Therefore, they add a surcharge (SD), the amount of which remains unchanged.


Let's say the pension (P) is 7800 rubles.

The cost of living for a pensioner (PMP) in the region is 8,846 rubles.

Let's calculate what the Social Surcharge (SD) should be in order to raise the pension (P) to the subsistence level (PMP): SD = PMP - P = 8,846 rubles. - 7800 rubles. =1046 rub.

Now we will index the pension, for example, by 6.6%, as it will be from January 2020. We get P x 1.066 = 7800 x 1.066 = 8314.8 rubles.

And now let's add to the indexed SD pension in the amount of 1046 rubles. We get 8314.8 rubles. + 1046 rub. = 9360.8 rubles.

It turns out that after the January indexation, the pensioner will already receive 9,360.8 rubles.

Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment for a pension

A fixed payment is a certain amount that is paid to all pensioners, except for the military. Its size is almost the same for everyone, regardless of length of service, salary and everything that is taken into account when calculating pensions. This is a kind of analogue of the basic part of the pension.

Many probably don't even know that a Fixed Benefit is part of their retirement benefit. But in fact, they receive in their hands an amount that consists of an insurance pension + a fixed payment. All the same, everyone together calls it an insurance pension.

The amount of the fixed payment is set by the state and indexed annually along with the pension. For example, from January 1, 2020, it will also be increased by 6.6%, as a result, its size will increase from 5334.19 rubles. up to 5,686.25 rubles.

A fixed payment to an insurance pension will become interesting only when you have the opportunity to receive it in an increased amount. And this:

  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80, or disabled people of group I;
  • Citizens who are dependent on disabled family members;
  • Citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, etc.

Since January 2019, a 25% increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension is also provided for 30 years of work experience in agriculture. In addition to seniority, there are a number of conditions, so check with your Pension Fund branch for more details.

What amount of pension is considered "worthy"

Correspondents of Rossiyskaya Gazeta calculated that in 2020 the average insurance pension in Russia will reach the level of 15.4 thousand rubles, and for non-working pensioners - 16.4 thousand. Is it a lot or a little? Of course not. And what size of pension can be considered "worthy"? This question was addressed to the residents of the country by employees of the job search service Superjob.

They conducted a small survey and found out that the majority of respondents consider a pension of 40,000 rubles to be “worthy”. At the same time, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg called a pension of 43.9 thousand rubles “worthy”. and 42.2 thousand rubles, respectively. And the lowest pension expectations are among survey participants from Kirov, Naberezhnye Chelny and Yaroslavl (34.9 thousand rubles, 34.7 thousand rubles and 34.5 thousand rubles).

And what amount of pension do you consider "worthy"?


Correspondents of the site site have compiled a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2020.

Pension indexation calendar for 2020

  • From January 1, 2020 - indexation of the insurance old-age pension for NON-working pensioners by 6.6%.
  • From April 1, 2020 - increase in social pension by 7.0%.
  • In August 2020, the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, depending on their salary for 2019.

Follow the latest news about raising pensions in 2020 with the site site!

Starting this year, a number of increases in pension payments are envisaged. Only 2 famous news excited the whole country:

  • from 2017, frozen provisions in the law on indexation of pension payments will come into effect;
  • also military pensioners pension indexation in 2017;
  • January 1, 2017 increased retirement age for officials. Now women leave at 63, and men at 65. But due to the large budget deficit, they started talking about raising the retirement age for all citizens.

What has changed since 2017?

Among all the innovations, the most important ones can be distinguished:
  1. Old-age pension will now require more seniority and the sum of pension coefficients.
Recall that since 2015, the calculation of pensions has changed dramatically and all contributions to the insurance pension take into account individual coefficients that reach people are simply “converted into rubles and the requirement for work experience has also increased.

According to Art. 8 "On insurance payments" for the appointment of a pension upon reaching retirement age, 15 years are needed insurance experience and 30 points. Recently, such requirements will be adopted gradually. The amount of points will be increased every year. So already from 2017, you will need for a pension: 8 years of insurance experience and 11 points.

  1. is increasing retirement age and seniority for civil servants.

From 01/01/2017, the requirement for the retirement age and the length of service of civil servants (20 years) is being tightened for assigning payments to federal civil servants. Since 2017, he has been a civil servant. So, from 2017, those civil servants who have reached a certain age (for women - 55.5 years, for men - 60.5) and have 15.5 years of public service can apply for a pension.

  1. Increased insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for the self-employed.
As you know, compulsory pension education contributions have a fixed payment based on the minimum wage. Since the second half of 2016, the minimum wage has increased to 7,500 rubles. That is why entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers and other categories of self-employed persons will pay in Pension Fund annually 23,400 rubles, not to mention pension indexation in 2017.
  1. The size of the subsistence minimum for pensioners is changing, so they are entitled to a social supplement (if insurance pension).
For several years in a row, the consumer basket in the country has been decreasing, which leads to a decrease in the living wage of citizens. Of course, all this will hit the most vulnerable layers - pensioners. That is why social supplements to pensions were established so that the pension would correspond to the subsistence level of the population.

One-time payment for pensioners of 5 thousand rubles.

Last year, due to a lack of budgetary funds, the government suspended a legislative act that relates to the indexation of pensions. The 4% indexation was not effective due to high inflation. But pension increase in 2017 year to the required level is not yet possible, but it was decided to make compensation in the form of a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. in January 2017.

Such a payment will be received by all citizens who, as of December 31, 2016, are pensioners.

In order to receive such assistance, you do not need to write to the pension fund or somewhere else a corresponding application. 5 thousand rubles will be received by all pensioners from January 13 to January 28, 2017. The money will be transferred to a non-pension account or when the pensioner receives money at the post office, then lump sum payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles will be issued at the post office or delivered to your home.

Features of the delivery of payments made by mail:

  • those citizens in whom the pension payment period is from January 13 will receive a supplement along with the pension;
  • those to whom the payment is delivered before January 12 will receive 5 thousand rubles. January 13-28;
  • if the pensioner is out at this moment at home, then the postman will leave a notice in mailbox. Donations must be received by January 28th. If for some reason the pensioner did not receive assistance, then he will receive it from the February pension. It doesn't cancel indexation of pensions in 2017.
  • it is forbidden to collect taxes from this sum, deductions by a court decision.

On the latest news of pension indexation

Of course, in our must every year increase And indexing pensions V 2017 year country social benefits. First, purchasing power is reduced. Secondly, the country has a high level of inflation. The legislator has established the types of pension payments, depending on which the following terms and principles of indexation are established:

  • from February 1, insurance pensions are indexed to the inflation rate of the previous year;
  • Happy April, 1 indexation of pensions in 2017 depending on the increase in the living wage over the past year.
Now there is a lot of talk around the country about what. This is evidenced by the budget for this year.

Pension increase in 2017 for pensioners by age

Of course, promises are promises, but many are wondering how much pensions will actually increase this 2017.

insurance pension increases through the value of the pension coefficient and the fixed payment, which are the components of the pension after the 2015 reform. Also, after the next increase, the components increased to:

  • RUB 74.24 is the value of the pension ball;
  • RUB 4559.93 - the amount of the fixed payment.
The government has predicted current inflation this year at 5.8, then, according to calculations, the indicative coefficient would be 1.058. But sources indicate inflation for 2016 at 5.4. That's why pension indexation in 2017 from February will be 1,054

Table of indexation of insurance pensions

Year Previous year's inflation rate Indexing percentage Indexing coefficient
2011 8,8% 8,8% 1,088
2012 6,1% 10,65% 1,1065
2013 6,6% 10,12% 1,1012
2014 6,5% 8,31% 1,0831
2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
2016 12,9% 4% 1,04
2017 5,4% 5,4% 1,054
  • SIPK2017 = 74.27 × 1.054 = 78.28 rubles (pension coefficient);
  • FV2017 = 4558.93 × 1.054 = 4805.11 rubles. (fixed payout).
Also from April of this year, the second indexation of insurance pensions should take place.

How will it happen pension indexation in 2017 working pensioners?

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there are more and more working pensioners every year. In 2016 alone, the share of working pensioners was 36% of the total number of pensioners. According to the position of the state, non-working pensioners have more income. Therefore, the government has made changes to increase in pensions in 2017.

Recall that at the end of 2015, the indexation of pensions of working pensioners was canceled.

But there is a lot of good news. Pensions of this category will not be indexed until 2019. So from the beginning of the year there will be no indexation of pensions. Although there is good news that such a restriction will not affect public security pensions.

What about social pensions?

Social pension are by no means calculated according to a formula, but are approved in a fixed amount. Of course, the size of such pensions is simply obliged to increase annually, taking into account the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum. Of course, indexation fluctuates both up and down.

Year Indexing level
2010 12,51%
2011 10,27%
2012 14,1%
2013 1,81%
2014 17,1%
2015 10,3%
2016 4%
In 2017 social pension will be indexed by 2.6%
Recipient categories

with pension indexation in 2017

Until April 1, 2017, rub. After April 1, 2017, rub.
women and men under 60 and 65 respectively;

persons from among small peoples Severa, ages 50 and 55 (women and men);

Disabled people of the 2nd group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood);

children left without one parent who have not reached the age of 18, and for full-time students - 23 years

4959,85 5088,81
Disabled people of the 1st group;

Disabled children of the 2nd group;

children under 18 years of age or in full-time education - up to 23 years old, left without both parents, and children of a deceased single mother

11903,51 12213,00
· disabled children;

disabled children of the 1st group

9919,73 10177,64
disabled people of the 3rd group4215,90 4325,51

What about the pensions of military pensioners?

IN Lately on the sidelines of the authorities say what will happen pension increase in 2017 military pensioners.

The increase in military personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service is due to an increase in salaries for employees, a decreasing indexation coefficient for the second pension.

According to Art. 43 of Law No. 4468-1 fixes the coefficient to the monetary allowance (DD), which is used to calculate pensions at 54% (coefficient). Such an indicator should increase by 2 percent or more until it reaches 100%. Yes, for last years The DDs were:

  • from 1.01.2015 - 62.12%;
  • from 1.10.2015 - 66.78%;
  • from February 1, 2016 - 69.45.
Many experts say that due to the difficult situation in the economy, the state will not pull a cardinal increase in pensions. Although the government assures that there will still be an increase in salaries for military personnel based on an increase in DD.

Are military pensioners entitled to a payment of 5 thousand rubles?

From the very beginning, the draft law stated that a one-time payment would be accrued only to those pensioners to whom the pension is accrued by the pension fund. But at the personal request of V. Putin, all pensioners will receive one-time assistance.

Increasing the retirement age

For many years now, there has been discussion of raising the retirement age and

Every year, pensions in Russia are reviewed for compliance with the level of comfortable living. Applied procedures:

  1. Indexation of material payments to the level of current inflation.
  2. Recalculation of the fixed part of the benefit.
  3. Organization of additional payments to recipients in case of non-compliance.

In 2016, despite high inflation, size benefits for pensioners increased by only 4%. At the same time, on the basis of legislation, executive authorities must provide recipients with payments corresponding to the actual increase in prices for the consumer basket. This concept means the totality of the minimum number of goods and services necessary for the existence of the settlement period (month).

In order to compensate for civil law, the state paid through the pension fund. Its magnitude is 5 000 rub. Period of execution - January 2017

In February 2017, citizens expect another promotion benefits received. will affect recipients. That is, applicants for insurance, disability pension and survivor's pension can count on the additional payment.

How much will the pension increase in February 2017?

According to the statement of Medvedev D.I. material payments in the coming year will be revised taking into account actual inflation. At the end of 2016, it amounted to 5,4%.

According to information provided by the Pension Fund (PFR), in February 2017, due to indexation, the monetary allowance will rise on 5.4%. The corresponding Resolution was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on January 23, 2017. As a result, the average pension will be 13 620 rubles.

The increase will not affect all citizens, indexation has been canceled. The stated reason: lack of material resources in the budget. Despite this, the benefit will be indexed to the working citizen after the termination of his employment.

Pensions for military pensioners

According to the law, recipients of the old-age insurance pension are assigned a fixed payment in the amount of 3 935 rubles per month. The same payment for and for the loss of the breadwinner is equal to - 1 968 rubles.

Indexation of pensions in February 2017 also applies to fixed payments. By law, it must be indexed to the established calculation index. At the beginning of 2017, it was determined at the level 5.4%. After such an increase, the amount in question will reach for recipients of the insurance old-age pension - 4,805.11 rubles. Estimated score will reach the value 78.58 rubles.

Indexation of social payments and UDV

- an integral part of state security payments. It is assigned to citizens classified as small nationalities and ethnic groups of Russia, as well as to persons who do not have work experience and do not have other conditions for obtaining another benefit.

UDV is a monthly cash payment assigned to the so-called privileged categories of citizens. If a person has the right to issue a UDV for several reasons, it is assigned only for one of them. Exception, Chernobyl victims, heroes of the USSR and Russia have the right to receive payment for several reasons.

increase in February 2017 will affect EDV recipients. The payment will increase by the set inflation rate (5.4%). Social pension will be indexed in April by 2.6%. At the same time, the increase in social payments will affect both working and non-working citizens.

Thanks to the planned indexation, the average social pension will be 8 803 rubles, payment for a disabled child 13 349 rubles.

The size of the EVD will increase by the same percentage:

  • for war veterans they will be - 5054.11 rubles;
  • for persons with disabilities of the 1st group - 3538.52 rubles, 2 groups - 2527.06 rubles, 3 groups – 2022.94 rubles;
  • the size of the package of social services amounted to 1048.97 rubles monthly.

The most popular questions and answers to them on the indexation of pensions

Question: Hello. My name is Nikolai Sergeevich Kobzan. I am a working pensioner. What can I do to have my pension indexed in February 2017?

Answer: Hello, Nikolai Sergeevich. According to the current legislation, indexation of payments to working pensioners is temporarily not carried out. To be eligible, you must terminate your labor activity. In order to be in time for the "February" indexation of 2017, you had to quit no later than October 2016. Such a period is provided for by the current rules for organizing office work in the pension system, which requires at least 3 months to include an unemployed citizen in the list of applicants for an increase in benefits.

If the dismissal occurs later, the increase, according to the law, is set for the fourth month after the occurrence of this fact, but taking into account all the past indexations that did not affect you. Thus, having quit, you will receive a pension, including, taking into account the February indexation


In the coming year 2017, the following recalculations of pension payments to various categories of persons are expected:

  1. Since January, the pension of the former military should increase. In fact, the changes come into force from February.
  2. In February, indexation will take place for recipients of the insurance pension for 5.4% .
  3. In April, social payments will be increased by 2.6% .
  4. The fixed payment will increase in February at the level of actual inflation.
  5. The CFD will also be revised in February, taking into account the set consumer price growth parameter of 5.4%.
  6. The monthly payment is assigned only on one basis, with the exception of persons indicated in and, as well as those who have the title of heroes of the USSR and / or Russia.

In the Russian pension system in 2017, a number of events and changes will occur that will affect all participants in the mandatory pension insurance system: both current and future pensioners, as well as employers.

Increasing pensions and social benefits

In 2017, the indexation of pensions will return to the previous order, when insurance pensions are increased by the level of actual inflation, and state pensions, including social ones, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

Therefore, from February 1, the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will increase by the inflation rate for 2016. From April 1, pensions for state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased for both working and non-working pensioners, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

Starting February 1, monthly payments will also be indexed. cash payment(EDV), which is received by federal beneficiaries.

Pensioners who worked in 2016 will have insurance pensions increased in August 2017. The maximum increase is the cash equivalent of three pension points.

One-time pension payment at 5,000 rubles

In addition to pension and regular social payments in January 2017 Russian pensioners will receive lump sum payment at 5,000 rubles. It will be received by everyone who permanently resides in the territory of the Russian Federation and receives a pension as of December 31, 2016.

Delivery of the lump-sum payment will be carried out on the basis of documents from the payment cases, so there is no need to additionally apply to the FIU or submit an application.

If a pensioner receives two pensions (for example, a “military” pensioner), one of which is paid through the Pension Fund, the PFR will make a lump sum payment.

Once again, we remind you of the delivery time for this payment: from January 13 to January 28, 2017. Postmen will deliver the payment together with the pension for January to recipients whose pension delivery date at home is from the 13th day until the end of the payment period.

Pensioners who, according to the schedule, receive a pension from the 3rd to the 12th day of the month, the payment will be made from January 13 to January 28, 2017, also with home delivery. For such pensioners, information about the additional delivery date of the lump sum payment in January will be communicated when the pension for December 2016 is delivered.

For pensioners who receive a pension not through the Russian Post, but through credit or other delivery organizations, the same payment terms of 5,000 rubles apply - from January 13 to January 28.

All the necessary funds for a one-time payment - 221.7 billion rubles - are included in the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017.

Appointment of pensions and the number of pensioners

According to the pension formula, which has been in force in Russia since 2015, in order to qualify for an insurance pension in 2017, you must have at least 8 years of service and 11.4 pension points.

The maximum number of pension points that can be earned in 2017 is 8.26.

The expected period of payment of the pension when calculating the funded pension in 2017 is 240 months. This parameter is used only to determine the amount of the funded pension, while the payment of the pension itself is for life.

Each citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home - citizens can apply for a pension through the Citizen's Personal Account on the PFR website, where you can also change the pension provider.

It is predicted that during 2017 the number of pensioners through the Pension Fund will increase from 43.3 million to 43.9 million people. The increase compared to 2016 is due to the natural growth in the number of pensioners in the country.

The main type of pension in Russia in 2017 will continue to be the insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2017 is more than 40 million people. Nearly 4 million more people are recipients of state pensions.

Formation of pension savings

The moratorium on the formation of pension savings has been legally extended to 2017 as well. Once again, let us remind you that this is not a “freeze of pensions” and, moreover, not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that those 6% of insurance premiums that could be used for a funded pension are directed to the formation of an insurance pension. Thus, in any case, all insurance premiums paid by the employer for a citizen will participate in the formation of a pension in full.

The moratorium does not in any way affect the possibility of transferring pension savings to management companies or from one pension fund to another at the request of a citizen. But every citizen must remember that it is unprofitable to transfer pension savings from one insurer to another more than once every five years, since this step reduces the accumulated investment income.

The results of the transition campaign for 2016 for the transfer of pension savings will traditionally be summed up by the end of the first quarter of 2017. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask the press service FIU questions about the results of the transitional campaign immediately after the January holidays.

Maternal capital

The amount of maternity capital in 2017 will not change and will amount to 453 thousand rubles.

Russians have two more years to enter the maternity capital program - in order to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who entitles the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2018. At the same time, as before, the very receipt of a certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The directions for using maternity capital remain the same, there are four of them: living conditions, payment for educational services for children, formation future pension mothers and payment for goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities.

PFR electronic services

The client services of the Pension Fund are always ready to receive everyone, but the PFR has made it so that today most of its services can be obtained via the Internet - without leaving home. The goal of the FIU is to make it so that people do not have to come to client services at all to apply for the FIU public service.

All the services that the Pension Fund provides today in electronic form are combined into one portal on the website of the Pension Fund - To receive PFR services in electronic form, you need to be registered on the single portal of public services Additional registration on the PFR website is not required.

In 2017, the Pension Fund will continue to expand services in electronic form, so before going to the Pension Fund, go to the Fund's website - with a high degree of probability you will be able to resolve your issue without leaving your home.

If a citizen is not yet registered on the single portal of public services, then the PFR client service will also help him with registration. In almost all PFR client offices, you can confirm your account on the public services portal.

Insurance premiums and reporting

Rate insurance premium for compulsory pension insurance in 2017 remains at the level of 22%, while the function of administering insurance premiums from 2017 is transferred from the Pension Fund to the Federal Tax Service.

This does not mean that the Pension Fund stops interacting with employers - a number of functions remain for the PFR in terms of administration. Everything related to the periods up to 2017 remains with the Fund: acceptance and processing of settlements, office and on-site inspections, return of overpaid insurance premiums, write-off of arrears that cannot be collected - all this remains with the PFR for a three-year transitional period.

Plus, the PFR continues to administer voluntary contributions to insurance and funded pension. Also, the Pension Fund retains all functions related to personalized accounting pension rights citizens, including monthly reporting on working citizens.

Life has become a little easier for pensioners in Russia - their pensions have been raised. However, they did not raise much and not all. What is the reason for this, who and what increase will receive, explains Federal news agency.

What will be the increase in pension

Who will get this bonus

The increase will be received by officially working pensioners.

From what time will the increased pension be accrued?

Working pensioners will begin to receive a pension with the indicated increase from August 1, 2017.

What is the amount of the increase

In this case, we are talking about an increase in the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated according to the so-called point system. In 2016, all working pensioners (about 14 million Russians) were awarded three points each, which amounted to these same 222 rubles.

You don't need to do anything for this. As told Federal news agency in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), in this case, there is a so-called unclaimed recalculation, which takes place automatically every year for working pensioners (receiving an old-age or disability insurance pension). We are talking about pensioners who work legally, whose employers paid insurance premiums for them in 2016.

The increase depends on the salary of a working pensioner in 2016, to which the insurance payments made by the employer are linked, the accrual of pension points depends on this. The maximum increase in 2016 corresponds to three pension points in monetary terms. The cost of a pension point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles, when this amount is multiplied by three, approximately 222 rubles are obtained.

What is a point system for calculating pensions

The point system for calculating insurance pensions has been in force in Russia since January 1, 2015. Now, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen needs to have a certain minimum seniority and the required number of pension points.

The point system provides for an individual calculation of pensions, taking into account accumulated points for seniority, length of service, "northern" allowances, etc. The cash equivalent of the pension point changes annually. The purpose of the point system is to make the calculation of pensions more transparent and understandable, as well as to force employers to take the payment of insurance contributions to the pension fund more seriously. According to the FIU, the average old-age insurance pension in Russia in 2016 amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles.

Why did the PFR make this increase

According to many experts, and even the working pensioners themselves, the allowance of 222 rubles is insignificant, however, in this case, the PFR fulfills the law adopted earlier, and money, as you know, is never superfluous.

Does this mean that the pension of working pensioners will not be indexed?

No, this increase has nothing to do with the annual indexation of pensions, the Pension Fund explained. With indexation, pensions increase by a certain percentage.

When is the increase for non-working pensioners expected

For non-working pensioners, this year's pension has already been indexed since February 1, 2017, increasing it by 5.6%. Next promotion pensions and social benefits, as the Ministry of Labor said, is coming on February 1, 2018 and will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017. In addition, it is likely that pensioners are also waiting for one-time payments, perhaps timed to coincide with the elections.

How to increase pensions for all Russians

Pensions in the Russian Federation are low, this is a well-known fact. Recall that recently international experts recognized Russia as one of the least favorable countries for pensioners. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the Global Retirement Index, which is compiled annually by the French financial corporation Natixis. In this ranking, which considered the situation in 43 countries, Russia took 40th place, being one of the least comfortable countries for pensioners.

According to the head of the direction "Finance and Economics" of the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR) Nikita Maslennikov, the current situation depends on many factors, including due to the fact that the authorities, for various reasons, do not dare to take a long overdue measure - raising the retirement age.

“With an increase in the number of pensioners, the burden on each worker will increase, and, of course, raising the retirement age is necessary,” Maslennikov said in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “The question is when to do this, and what additional measures will be taken, including in terms of guarantees for working pensioners.”

Read more with an opinion Nikita Maslennikov about what hinders the development of the Russian pension system, read Federal News Agency.
