The pensioner earns: additional income. Home work for pensioners, which option to choose? Retiree Testimonials for Making Money in Retirement

If you have retired or been laid off because of your advanced age, this does not mean that there are no more chances to earn money and you will have to live on one pension. Money loves the active, not just the young. How can a woman earn a pension, let's look at a few examples.

So, in order to find a part-time job in old age it is necessary either to have specific skills and abilities that are in demand in the current realities, or to fill the knowledge gap. In particular, we are talking about computer courses.

But this information may be of interest: now so-called third-generation institutes have begun to open in many cities of Russia, where pensioners, in the role of students, receive relevant knowledge. There they are taught the basics of working on a computer: typing, saving files, copying, creating folders. In general, everything that is necessary for the basic work of a non-advanced user. In addition, lecturers give lectures on consumer rights, which is very important for an elderly person to know in order not to become a victim of scammers. What you need to pay for in the housing and communal services sector, what to do if a range of services has not been provided, and so on.

Such institutes are free, that is, pensioners do not pay for their studies, but only acquire knowledge, new friends, interesting opportunities and spend their leisure time usefully.

You can occupy yourself with something useful and active, generating income at any age. As one coach told during a training on opening a financial flow, money lies on the ground, we just don’t see it and pass by. And also, only if you move, take actions, get out of bed, in the end, the only way you can start earning and no matter how old a person is. A vivid example of this is friends who made a trip around the Caucasus in off-road vehicles and said that they met a blogger grandmother in Karachay-Cherkessia. She filmed Russian travelers on her phone and interviewed the guys. She has her own blog on the web and she, for a moment, is 90 years old!

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova

Is retirement in Russia a sentence, or is there still a way out so as not to live on handouts from the state? What can a person who has been placed in a social dump do? This question is relevant for all pensioners, because pension payments negligible. Now not all young and active people have jobs, let alone a part-time job for pensioners - most of the doors are closed for them.

But our magazine was created in order to solve people's problems, offer them ways out of any situation, find and show examples of how to live and fight. Today Reconomica introduce the reader real story a pensioner who could… I was able to overcome all my fears and doubts and start my own business. How he did it, read on.

Greetings to all readers. My name is Igor Andreevich, I live in Stavropol. I am retired, retired three years ago. He succeeded, as they say. Now I am engaged in giving, fishing and grandchildren. The pension, as you understand, is small in our country and pensioners have to literally survive on that kind of money. It is very difficult, you have to look for additional income, but they don’t take a job anywhere. If they take it, they pay 10-12 thousand. In the future, the pensioner only has a job as a watchman or a janitor.

Past life left no skills for survival

I have worked in public utilities all my life. I did my job well, but the skills that I received cannot be applied now. It remains only to drag your retirement existence.

But retirement life does not please me: there is little money, all classes quickly get bored, and besides, from the moment of retirement, they immediately began to consider me a grandfather. And what can a pensioner with a salary of 11 thousand afford? Dacha - sat for a week and nearly died of anguish, damn it! Fishing pleases if you can run away from everyone and relax with friends, but now they try to go with me, then they don’t let me go at all. As a result, I got bored and decided to go into business.

In the fields you can buy vegetables three times cheaper.

There is a way out, it cannot be

I have a car Lada Kalina, station wagon, reinforced trailer and still have some health left. I wondered what could be done with these resources. Naturally, something to transport and resell. But what?

I found the answer to this question from my friends. My friend's nephew is a farmer. He has fields where he grows almost everything that grows. Namely: carrots, cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes, beets, watermelons and melons.

His fields are located in the Izobilnensky district, which is a hundred kilometers from my house. He suggested that I buy vegetables at wholesale prices in the fields and sell them in my town. For this, only a car and scales were needed. I liked the idea, especially since the difference in prices in the fields and in my area was significant.

After some thought, I started to implement the idea. To do this, I removed the interior from my car to prepare it for transportation, and bought scales. All this cost me 35 thousand. Gas equipment turned out to be very expensive, and besides, registration for it was also problematic.

But still, I did what I planned and went on the first flight. It was July 2016. I decided to bring tomatoes for testing. In the market of our town, they cost at least 40 rubles per kilogram. Although we have the Kuban and Astrakhan nearby, and we ourselves are not poor in the fields, the prices for everything are expensive.

In the fields, these tomatoes cost 15-20 rubles. In the fields in the Astrakhan region at the same time, tomatoes cost 7-15 rubles per kilo. The difference is significant. For tomatoes, I bought 40 trays, since I was going to carry vegetables all the time. The purchase cost 2,400 rubles.

The first flight made a profit

On the field, I chose the goods, outweighed them, sorted out the excess, paid off and moved home. I got it all done in half a day.

I managed to take out 480 kilograms of tomatoes on the first flight. I bought them for 17 rubles per kilogram. The total purchase price was 8,600 rubles. For fuel in both directions, I spent 35 liters of gas for 700 rubles. The total purchase came out at 9,300.

I arrived in my town in the evening. Tomatoes unloaded into the cellar. I deliberately took hard and slightly unripe tomatoes so that the goods arrived intact and could be stored for a week.

The next day I went to the local market. Got up, opened the trunk and began to trade. I set the price at 30 rubles per kilogram. He brought 100 kilograms with him to the market. The crowd quickly ran up and snapped up my product. I went for the second batch. The queue around the car gathered again. Local merchants began to approach me and take a closer look, but I did not attach any importance to this. I sold the goods in the evening and went home.

You should be careful when trading “out of the car”

The business could have ended like this same fast as it started

The next day I went to the market again to sell the remaining tomatoes. It was at seven in the morning, there were few people, only local merchants were laying out. One of them came up to me and asked where the tomatoes came from, and I took the fool and said that from the fields. An hour later, a district police officer came running and drew up a protocol against me. They drove me out of the market and hinted that if I showed up again, the goods would be taken away and the case would be opened.

But I had almost 300 kilograms of tomatoes left. I decided to sell them near the house. The sales were not going well, and one customer suggested that I go and stand at the high-rise buildings. There are always people there and sometimes people trade there. I decided to try, I even found a place that is allocated for trade. The place was in a vacant lot, and there was a hypermarket nearby.

People passed by this place, stopped and bought. There I sold out the goods in a few days. True, the last 100 kilograms had to be sold for 25 rubles. My revenue for the flight was 14,000. The profit came out not bad. I made almost five thousand. All this took me 8 days. I was pleased with the result.

There were many doubts, but I did not quit

Immediately there were thoughts to put such trade on stream. Or until you get caught again for illegal trading. I decided not to delay and immediately go for the next batch.

The result was not long in coming

In the next purchase, I took 200 kg. tomatoes and eggplants and 70 kg. bell pepper. I paid a little more for them, because pepper and eggplant were more expensive. The entire purchase came to 20,000 rubles, including the road.

I brought the goods and also unloaded. I arrived in the evening. There was time until morning, and I decided to develop trading tactics. I knew how to trade: the price is cheaper, weigh and pack. That's all trading. I thought more about how not to get caught by the police. I didn’t want to register as an entrepreneur, because I don’t understand anything about it. You have to pay taxes, but who will count them if I don’t understand myself? Why pay an accountant? With these unfortunate five thousand? But there is nowhere to retreat, because I have a family and grandchildren.

I decided to bring the goods in small batches and say that this is all from my garden. I have a large dacha, and in which case - let them prove that they are not from the dacha!

The next day I went to trade at the same place where I sold the goods from the first batch. There I decomposed, and things slowly went. No one pestered me, and in a few days I sold all the vegetables.

Trade is a delicate matter, you need to know the language

Everything was going well, but it was a shame to lie to people that all the goods were grown in my dacha. Well, nothing, merchants have deceived me all my life and weighed me down. In retirement, I also decided to become a huckster, and once I have become, then use their methods - lie and overweight. Of course, I didn't put on weight, but I spoke beautifully. He gave advice to everyone on how to water, when to plant and how to fertilize. Lied from three boxes!

But be that as it may, I successfully sold the second batch. I earned 5,000 from it again, after which I went for the third batch of vegetables. This time I bought more watermelons and melons for the product.

The people at the point began to get used to me. We started making small orders. Who asked for a bag of potatoes, who asked for onions. My supplier did not have potatoes, so after I sold the next batch, I went in search of potatoes. Bought a couple bags in the nearby fields. True, he did not earn anything from her, but he kept his promise.

This is how I became a professional

So I got into trading. This point stuck with me. People already knew when I was coming and bought from me. I take good care of the product. I always choose better vegetables, and my prices are lower than in the local market.

With the law, I also solved the problem. The head of the local patrol service lived in a house nearby. I began to bring him goods on order. I took money from him without cheating, and in return he promised that I had nothing and no one to be afraid of. Corruption? No, this is friendship. We to you, and you to us!

Summer has passed. Autumn came and I began to carry onions, beets, potatoes, pumpkins and other delights of the autumn season. I had to wander around all the surrounding fields. Over time, I found new suppliers who were also closer. I earned about 15-25 thousand a month on vegetables.

In addition to vegetables, I also sold homemade milk and cheese. Milk for sale was given to me by a neighbor. She had a household. Before I went to the point, she supplied me with milk and cheese, which I sold with my wrap.

I didn't stop there

But the season is over and for me came the rest. During the winter, I didn't do much. Looking forward to next season. Sometimes he went fishing, but mostly he was bored at home. Most of the time I thought about my new occupation.

During that year, I turned into a real huckster and tried to earn money whenever possible. My new hobby paid off, and I came up with another scheme for making money.

Salo - fish, fish - money

It was in April. The fields were just being sown, there was no work. Friends invited me to Astrakhan for fishing. I went. On the road, I grabbed a couple of kilograms of lard of my own salting.

Homemade lard is also a currency!

We arrived in Astrakhan, settled in a tent camp on the river bank and went fishing. One evening local fishermen swam up to us. We started talking, offered to come with us to the table and have dinner. When the locals tried my fat, they almost swallowed their tongues. They liked the salo very much and asked about its price. In the Stavropol Territory, you can take lard for 130 rubles per kilogram. We are talking about unsalted, of course. In Astrakhan, the cost of salted bacon reaches 400 rubles. I took note of this.

Local fishermen asked to sell them a piece of lard. But I did not sell it, but exchanged it for 2 kilograms of dried roach. Vobla I tried and compared the quality with the one that is sold on the market. It was heaven and earth. The retail price of roach in Stavropol reached 600 rubles. This prompted me to think - to change the fat for fish and sell the fish on the spot. I came up with a plan and started implementing it.

I called my new acquaintances in Astrakhan and asked if they would like to exchange roach for lard in a one-to-one ratio: 300 kilograms of bacon for 300 kilograms of fish. They agreed. I found bacon for 120 rubles. The cost price with the cost of the ambassador turned out to be 150 rubles.

When the time came, we phoned and agreed to meet. I brought lard, and in return I took 300 kilograms of selected fish. Then, within a week, I sold the fish at 270 rubles per kilogram. My expenses amounted to 55 thousand, taking into account the road, and I got 81 thousand for the fish. I earned 26,000 rubles on this deal.

I learned a lot in my first year in retirement. Now in spring and late autumn I go after fish, and in summer and until the end of the vegetable season I trade at the point that has been assigned to me. Now I plan to buy a cargo Gazelle to bring more goods and continue to please my customers!

Cut off once and for all your uncertainty in raising the question of how to make money on the Internet for a pensioner. Just like everyone else - simple and easy! Young, old - in in social networks enough space for everyone! You need to be guided by the main life principle: the more interesting the time allotted for remote work passes, the more pleasant it is to receive money, at least for an electronic, but still, wallet!

Online wallet

The pension cannot be transferred to an electronic wallet, in our case it is a place to store income received in social networks from remote work. The most common electronic wallets: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Payeer, Perfect Money.

If you plan to make money on Russian services, it's good to have a WebMoney wallet. If you want to receive money in dollars, in this case it is better to work with Paypal and Payza payment systems. In both cases, when withdrawing money in cash, the commission fee is less.

Email (for those who don't have one)

Everyone needs an email address. For what? The time has come, without it, nowhere, and this issue is not even discussed. Open Yandex or Google and write "Google mail", the "Enter" key in the search bar.

Click on one of the site names. A red “Create an account” button appeared in the upper right corner, move the cursor and click the left mouse button.

Next, a plate appears, all the lines in which you need to fill in, come up with an address and a password. The easiest option is to indicate your last name in Latin letters in the address, you can add initials. But in the password, write whatever you want!

Copy the address and password separately, open a word document and save your data mailbox.

How to open

Earnings for pensioners on the Internet, as well as for all other categories of citizens, are accrued and transferred to a personal account, which is very simple to open:

  1. copy the word WebMoney and enter Google or Yandex in the search box, or type this word in the search box, press the "Enter" key;
  2. choose one of the names and click on it, logging in opens the word "Registration", click on it;
  3. meet 4 requirements:
  • indicate the number mobile phone and click on the green "Continue" button;
  • fill in personal data (money loves an account and reporting, so indicate true data so that the system does not fail when withdrawing funds), confidentiality is ensured here;
  • a message with code numbers is sent to your phone confirming that the phone has passed the test, enter the code numbers and go to the last position;
  • come up with a password, you can use the password from the mailbox by changing one or two characters at the beginning or at the end (do not rely on your memory, copy and send for storage in the same word - a document with the appropriate mark).

The account for the ruble zone is opened without investments and problems, ready to receive deductions in the form of earnings, you can start earning.

How to make money as a pensioner on the Internet without investment

Investments are your own investments that act as a source of financing for something. By investing money in something, you thereby expect a return corresponding to the contribution.

Remember, investing is not the answer to the question of how a pensioner can make money on the Internet. To earn money on the Internet there are many opportunities that do not require investments.

The easiest way to make money on the Internet without investment, which is suitable for people of any age, is. To start earning, you need to have a desire, the Internet and a computer, as well as invest a certain amount of diligence.

For many, earning on clicks seems like a waste of time, for those who have a lot of knowledge, skill and ability to work at a computer.

Those for whom making money on the Internet is a new stage in life should remember a simple truth: you need to move from simple to complex, gaining experience, accepting the help of those who want and can help.

How can a retiree make money online?

First you need to find a site with the required specifics: simple, with a good interface or pleasant appearance. We don’t take big earnings into account yet, in fact, this is not the main thing. Any job (especially remote work) at any place and at any age needs to be loved, and for this, everything in it should be understandable and accessible.

SEOS print (SeoSprint)

  • Move the cursor to the name of the SEO Sprint site (now and in this place), make a click with the left mouse button.
  • You find yourself in the registration area, make a click on the word " Registration».

  • Fill out the new user registration form. When asked what your name is, it is not necessary to answer with your first and last name. Come up with a romantic nickname for yourself, and if necessary, the administrator of this system will address you through the word that is pleasing to your eye.

  • But the E-mail address of your e-mail and mobile phone number must be 100% true - but. It is there that you will receive the messages necessary for work.
  • The referrer ID is filled in automatically when you connect your friends and partners to work on the site.
  • Move the cursor to the frame below and click. The task is written above the frame: enter the characters shown above on the captcha. If these are foreign letters, you need to change the computer language and the letters of the top row of the keyboard and repeat them. Then click on the green "Continue" button.

  • opens new form for filling. Nothing complicated. How to fill in the lines the system prompts itself, the main thing is to carefully read and follow. Do not forget to copy the password and save it in a word document with the appropriate marking. "I'm not a robot" confirm with a tick in the appropriate box.

WMID is a 12-digit number that you automatically received when you opened a ruble account on the WebMoney electronic wallet.

WMZwallet - numbers of a currency dollar account.

Password, login andPIN code -character sets designed to protect accounts are used to enter the site from your personal account.

How to work onSEOSprint pensioner

Installing the program is easy if you follow step by step instructions dictated by the system. You will get more detailed information.

We love you

We had a good time together and got to the last chords of our lesson. There is still a lot of interesting and informative ahead. Follow our publications on the Internet. In the meantime ... look at the clock: is it time for lunch or dinner, or maybe it's time for a walk? You can't earn all the money! Remember this and take care of yourself!

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


It is unusual for representatives of the older generation to sit idle. Having gone on a well-deserved rest, they immediately begin the search new job, mostly at home - it is difficult for current pensioners to boast big size pensions. What are the options for earning money for the elderly? What is the best job for retirees from home? We are looking for a real job for pensioners at home - a variety of remote earnings.

Work with the application of knowledge and skills is well paid. These are the basic conditions for work that does not require financial investments.

Based on this, we will consider the best opportunities for obtaining additional income to an existing pension. 7 the best options work for pensioners at home.

Work in a call center as a dispatcher

What is the job of a dispatcher in a call center? Mainly in handling incoming and outgoing calls. In our country, the development of the service sector is proceeding rapidly. There are many such vacancies on the relevant sites. Naturally, a pensioner will not be taken to the call center of a large company, where there is a fast pace of work and knowledge of specific issues is needed.

It is quite possible for an elderly person to work as a dispatcher at home, and the scope of work is huge:

  • Taxi service.
  • Goods delivery.
  • Providing all kinds of services.

It is only necessary to receive a call from the client and transfer the order to the contractor. There is one drawback - binding to the phone. Although there is an advantage - parallel execution of household chores or other work is allowed.

Work on the collection of goods from parts

The assembly of goods from parts is suitable for those who know how to work with their hands. There are also a lot of vacancies. Internet sites and newspapers are full of such proposals.

Assemblers of various goods are required:

  1. Handles.
  2. packing boxes and so on.

Income from such an occupation is stable. Although, when choosing an employer, attentiveness does not hurt. If a deposit is required for the material (no matter how much), then this is a banal deception.

Needlework: knitting and sewing

Needlework is mastered mainly by women. All ladies in one way or another know how to sew or knit. In the beginning, you should evaluate your personal professional qualities in this area - do something for your loved ones. Then you can advertise your readiness to take home work. If the skill spreads in several directions, then this fact is indicated in different sections.

Hello, dear pensioners, I am ashamed that at your age you need to look for an opportunity to earn money, and not enjoy your life at this time!

Watch the world, take care of your grandchildren, relax in the country, take care of your health, visit a sanatorium twice a year and many other things that you do not do due to the lack of the necessary amount of money. What is very unfortunate, but such are the realities of life of pensioners in most countries of the world.

Hope things change sometime! And in whatever country we live, people who have worked their ALL LIFE will be treated with great respect and they will form a system for them that will provide a decent standard of living and a quiet life without “leaps” after retirement.

With this article I want to help all pensioners who are looking for money on the Internet and answer the most frequently asked question on my blog - how can a pensioner make money on the Internet, where to start, how to really earn money in reality ...

Because pensioners are a tasty morsel for all swindlers, they are always trying to swindle them, not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life, because people are aged, I don’t know why, but it’s a fact, the older they become, they become more gullible!

And also people of the age, taught by life, have learned and are able to save, not to spend too much and save for a rainy day, therefore they always have some kind of savings and savings, which attracts unscrupulous people like a magnet.

Therefore, I am writing this article now, because I do not want to be deceived, because I despise such people and do not accept their actions in society.

Where to begin!

To begin with, dear pensioners and readers of the article, you need to understand that without hard work, money cannot be obtained and earned in any legitimate industry of any country - not on the Internet and not in any other fabulous place! Remember MMM...

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Therefore, in reality, there are no auto earnings, auto systems that will bring you money, there are no companies and services in which you can invest money as an investment tool for sure and more profitable than in a commercial accredited bank.

There are no miracle courses that will teach you how to earn RIGHT NOW, because studying is a long process of theory and practice, which may ultimately end sadly for you, because YOU chose the direction not according to your personal qualities and abilities, but according to the possibilities of this niches (a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoney like oilmen)!

If I now take accounting courses or graduate in accounting or programming from this, I will not become a good accountant or programmer in any case, because I get sick of this job, and as a result, naturally, I will not earn much money! Although many of my acquaintances as chief accountants and programmers earn from 100,000+ rubles a month!

There is no simple job for which you will be paid a lot of money, because why should you pay a lot if any “Tajik” can do this work cheaper, I apologize in advance to all Tajiks, but this is a fact! Same simple work, which can be performed by everyone WITHOUT experience, knowledge and skills? Why pay so much for this kind of work?

Where, for example, in Russia, Russians do not want to work, where they pay little, Tajiks and other visitors work, in principle, as in any other country, for example, Ukrainians and Balts go to European countries and work the same way as Tajiks, cheaper than indigenous people...

Therefore, think about what a fright for the fact that you learn to press two buttons on the Internet, you will be paid exorbitant money, how much they pay professionals with great skills and qualifications ONLY for difficult work! Notice! For HARD WORK! And that's not for everyone!

Those who study for this purpose for a long time, work in different companies, perform tasks of varying complexity, specially gain many years of experience in order to realize themselves, and you came here to you, bam, who knows nothing for pressing two buttons on some magical site, service, immeasurable money flowed in a stream, which is enough for you, of course, not only for you and the solution of all your problems, but also for your entire family ... Well, that's nonsense!!! Wake up!

Every day I come across this nonsense, with deceived and elderly and not elderly people, so you need to start, dear readers, that you need to stop believing in fairy tales and take a sober look at any job and income that you are offered! It is rational to evaluate the possibilities of the proposed labor market or business niche!

Yes, you can earn, you can without investment ...

You can make money online! It was not in vain that I wrote that it is impossible to earn only a lot of fabulous money, but no one canceled earnings according to abilities!

And the Internet is the largest platform for the labor market and business niches, in which any person can realize himself according to his abilities and opportunities!

Moreover, no one says that you can’t earn a lot! A lot is possible, only for this you need to grow up and not think that it will not be associated with difficulties and a short period of time, personally I have been in development for 10 years, and it has never been easy and simple for me, everything is accompanied by eternal nerves, loans and amplitudes : up, down, up, down, down, down, up… ?

But you need to understand exactly what to earn right today, right tomorrow, even in a month or six months, you definitely won’t be able to make big money!

Even if you are good at something.

Moreover, you don’t need to go far for examples, take a look at ordinary life and you will see a lot of professionals earning little money, although they have tremendous experience, seniority and merits behind them, because it is not always possible to realize one’s abilities in that place and time on the scale on which You want!

Because maybe the business niche is not right, again, it’s not the right time and place, it’s just that circumstances develop that you can’t get through to large employers, or maybe you just overestimate your skills and abilities, professionalism and qualifications, we are all selfish people, we tend to evaluate ourselves higher than it really is ...

Therefore, there is a simple way out for the dilemma of how to make money for a pensioner or a newcomer to the Internet, and even without investments - you need to try everything, starting small!

That is, forget that there is free money, do not stuff your hard-earned money anywhere else and start working !!!

Jobs for beginners on the exchanges of simple work are many! Simple in the literal sense of the word. You can actually start earning money on such work (on bookmarks, social networks, applications, freelancing, all the various work aggregators, as they are not called) right today! Earn a little, but the most important thing is to earn, and not to flush your money, dreams and fantasies down the toilet.

What do you need to do to get started?

To start working right today and not wait for the weather by the sea, you need to start registering in remote work services, study them and perform simple tasks, improve your skills through the experience gained, which formed the need for what you need to catch up, study the information already required on profile.

Information can be obtained free of charge from blogs and video blogs on the profile you are interested in, from forums and professional communities in social networks.

You can also purchase structural career-oriented information - books, instructions, magazines, help and advice, technical video courses.

It is also good to raise your competence - participation in specific competitions and marathons, which are held mainly in the simple work services themselves, in which you, in principle, can be interested in the information you need and receive it for free!

But one way or another, you need to remember that getting free information is hard work! This needs to be done systematically and regularly in order to achieve results.

With all this, you need to be able to understand the information received and filter it, otherwise you risk being misinformed and doing the wrong thing and the wrong way, while wasting time and getting more and more mired in information noise!

Therefore, if you are capable and will look for direct moves, then I advise you not to buy everything, because you will get stuck in the information.

Better yet, first decide what you need, select information on a support profile so that you can ask questions and go for it!

We, in turn, consider the training center for the simple work of Delovary.RF to be very useful! About which there are a number of articles on the blog with all the conclusions.

Good luck to you! Do not feed scammers, ask questions in the “Question-Answer” section, check sites in our “Check site” service. And stay tuned for emails! I hope you found this article useful!
