Applications on the theme of vegetables and fruits: we are engaged with children of the senior and preparatory groups. Abstract of the lesson on the application "Vegetables" in the senior group Lesson on the topic of vegetables on the application

Natalia Rybakova

Abstract of the integrated lesson for fine arts

Integration: getting to know the environment

visual activity

Target: We expand children's ideas about the world around us,

develop curiosity, the desire for knowledge.

Tasks: 1. We continue to develop ideas about autumn as a season.

2. Fix the concept « Vegetables»

3. Develop RAM

4. Development of creativity in children

Material and equipment:

basket with vegetables

Paper (color)

Sheets of white paper

Scissors, glue

I stage. Organizational

caregiver: Guys, autumn time has come. The season is autumn.

caregiver: What gifts has autumn brought us?

Children: children's expected responses (vegetables and fruits)

caregiver: What is « Vegetables» Guys?

Children: children's answers are expected (tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers)

caregiver: Well done! How many vegetables you know!

Stage I. Motivational

surprise moment

IN group includes Autumn

Autumn: I welcome you friends! I'm glad to see you all again!

My time has come to come and bring you gifts!

In the basket vegetables lie! The fruits of the earth, water and sun!

And those who vegetables eat health will save for a long time!

caregiver: Thank you Autumn for the gifts! We all want to grow up healthy, so I can honestly say that we all eat vegetables!

Autumn: I give a basket to you friends! I went to the other guys! But I will come to visit you again, I will bring a basket of fruits!

III stage. Basic

caregiver (referring to children): That's the beauty of Autumn! How much did you bring!

(the teacher takes one from the basket vegetable and asks the children)

caregiver: Red, ripe, round, and I'm called ....

Children: Tomato

caregiver: Sweet, crispy, I sit deep in the ground, I will save your teeth, I grow up for you guys, eat boldly, you are very useful to me.

Children: Carrot

(teacher shows vegetables for children)

caregiver: Friends, where do they grow up vegetables?

Children: In the garden

caregiver: Right in the garden! vegetables fruits of the earth, water and sun!

caregiver: Guys, what shape is the tomato?

Children: children's expected response (round)

caregiver: What color is the tomato?

Children: (expected response of children) red

caregiver: Guys, what shape are carrots?

Children: (expected response) looks like a triangle

caregiver Q: What color are carrots?

Children: (expected response of children) orange

caregiver (picks up a piece of paper) Here the task arose suddenly, how to make a circle from a square?

Children: (expected response of children) Trim the corners

caregiver: That's right guys! Trim all four corners carefully.

caregiver (in the hands of paper rectangular shape) Guys, how do you cut a carrot?

Children (expected response of children) also cut off the corners of the rectangle

caregiver: Well done! Let's work together in the garden!

Children start carving vegetables and for application.

At the end classes review the work of children and give each child a positive assessment.

Feedback: Ask each child what was difficult and what was easy (for further individual work).

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Objectives: To stage the search for figurative and expressive means to create a simple plot in paper applications, to support creativity.

Subject: Application "Vegetables on a plate".

A set of exercises "Vegetables in the garden."

Integration educational areas: "Knowledge"

(constructive activity), " Artistic creativity »

(application), "Physical culture", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative.

Goals: learn to arrange objects according to the pattern, cut with scissors, jump in place on two legs, on one leg with advancement through 4-5 lines, through 3 objects (alternately through each).

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view; expresses positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration) when staging the fairy tale "Turnip"; actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.

Materials and equipment: colored paper red, orange, green, sheets of white paper, scissors, glue.

Content organized activities children

Organizing time. Pronunciation of a poem.

Harvest on a plate

Whatever you want, choose.

For borscht and salad.

Mom will be very happy!

Application «Vegetables on a plate».

Children, following the instructions of the teacher, cut out a tomato, cucumber, carrot from paper and stick it on a sheet in the form of a plate.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" in movements.

Educator. Grandfather planted a turnip (children sit down). The turnip began to grow (they jump, rising higher and higher). She grew very large (stand on toes, stretched, arms through the sides up). It became huge (hands on the belt, turns left - right, 3 times). The grandfather came, began to pull the turnip (tilts forward - backward). Nothing happens, he ran to call the grandmother (running in place). They began to pull together (hands forward, down, 3 times). We ran after the granddaughter (running in a circle). And the granddaughter with her girlfriends jumps over the jump rope (jumping on two legs). The granddaughter with a jump rope and jumped to the turnip (jumping on one or the other leg). They pull - they pull (hands in front of the chest, jerky turns with their hands to the sides), but they cannot pull it out. They called the dog. The dog is in a hurry, jumps over objects (arrange objects over which children take turns jumping on two legs). They began to pull the turnip again (they lean forward a little, hands forward; then they lean back, hands pull back over the head, 3 times). They began to call the cat. (In a circle, draw 4-5 lines (you can use jump ropes or sticks) through which children jump.) Again, nothing happens (hands on the belt, tilts left - right). The mouse runs (running in place, raising its knees high), grabbed cat. They began to swing the turnip (tilts to the left, the left hand goes down; then tilts to the right, the right hand stretches down; tilts forward, arms stretch forward; tilts back, arms pull back, 3 times). And pulled out a turnip.

Leyla Ibragimova

Abstract of the application lesson in middle group on the topic« Vegetables»

Subject: « Vegetables»

Target: Consolidate knowledge about vegetables where they grow vegetables for humans.


1) Develop Creative skills children;

2) To form a sense of form, proportions;

3) Cultivate a love of literature.

materials: disposable plates, colored paper, glue, a sheet of white paper, a pencil, napkins.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys, let's remember what we know vegetables.

(children's answers).

caregiver: Why do we need vegetables?

Children: To eat them.

caregiver: Vegetables useful to humans?

Children: Yes, they have a lot of vitamins.

caregiver: where they grow vegetables?

Children: In the garden.

caregiver: Well done, children, I see you already know a lot about vegetables.

Now, I will read you a poem about them.


Together in the grandmother's field

Beds in the garden.

Well, in the evening I will pour

All of them in order.

To curl the mustache with peas,

To come out big

So as not to dry

Cucumber is lush.

And bad cabbage I

I'll drive from the cabbage

To crunch November

Tasty stump.

educator: Guys, now, let's do it together with you colored paper application.

(The teacher distributes pictures to the children vegetables and shows the children ready applications. The kids get to work. The teacher monitors their work and helps in completing this task).

caregiver: Guys, how beautiful applications you made. Let's put them on display.

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Topic: "Vegetables - Fruits". Formation of adjectives with diminutive suffixes. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - Clarify.

Program content: development fine motor skills hands, to teach children rhythmic strokes, fostering a sense of collectivism; upbringing.

Program content: To form the ability of children to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions; Consolidate knowledge about vegetables; Pin.

Going to perform application "Vegetables" First, let's think about what our main goal will be. For me, the development of the hands and the eye of children, it means that it’s not a matter of chanting poems about vegetables or explaining the features of their cultivation to children. I will focus on . Most vegetables are rounded - use this to practice hatching in arcs and circles. And then also cut out the painted vegetables - skills along the contour.

But then what? Why do we need a bunch of cut vegetables?

But why - we'll cook cabbage soup. Or even more beautiful - borscht! Let's make an applique soup. Great plan, there is something to fight for.

Applique vegetables in soup

This year I conducted classes on the topic “coloring vegetables for soup” with both preschoolers and first graders - everyone really liked it. The guys directly with enthusiasm replenished stocks of vegetables.

We start with . I understand that peas are put in the soup peeled, and potatoes too, but in the conventional dimension of our coloring pages, we will not peel and cut paper vegetables, but cook them as they are. So, we painted and cut out peas, kneaded our hand and remembered how it was stroke around. Now - a tomato. That is, I do not give all the vegetables at once, namely in turn - I completed one task correctly - get the next one. While hatching the tomato, the hand got tired of the circular hatching - the next will be the carrot - we paint it along.

Then a couple of potatoes - hatching along an uneven oval:

I draw potato coloring pages on brownish wrapping paper, you need to finish it up quite a bit - and that's what's difficult.

And the apotheosis-cabbage!

Cabbage coloring page I invented it only this year and I’ll say it straight - the children are all eager to get a big fruitful head of cabbage.

While they are coloring and cutting, I go over and draw the outline of a pot for each in the album. Now you can think about the composition - first, just fold the vegetables without sticking. I suggest starting in layers - first along the bottom, then higher, and not haphazardly - randomly.

Let's color the bay leaf

Some students even manage to beautifully combine the color of vegetables - so that there are different ones nearby, not merging in color. If there is a lot of space left - perhaps a bay leaf (remember the correct shading by), add mushrooms - I, as a staunch vegetarian, propose to give satiety to the soup not with meat, but with mushrooms.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution " Kindergarten No. 89"

NOD in the middle group.

Application "Vegetables and fruits"

(collaboration technology)

Compiled by:

Educator of the first qualification category

Pukhova Antonina Alexandrovna

Berezniki, March 2015

Occupation in the middle group.

Application "Vegetables and Fruits" (cooperation technology).


* teach children to cut vegetables and fruits according to a given contour, optimally arrange them on a sheet of paper

* encourage children to distribute actions, material

* support the desire to act together, develop the habit of waiting

Lesson progress:

For joint activities in pairs, it is necessary to organize spatial environment(arrange tables in a semicircle), create a problem situation.

Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)

What ripens in autumn in gardens and orchards? (vegetables and fruits)

What vegetables do you know? (potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, beets, carrots, cabbage…)

We have a rich harvest on the site. We will collect this harvest on a tray. To do this, we will run an application with you. Vegetables and fruits must be carefully cut out and glued on a plate so that each vegetable is visible, not glued one on top of the other. This work is labor intensive and we have little time, so we work in pairs. Each child chooses a partner. And now you have to distribute responsibilities: one will cut out the details, and the other will stick. Guys, if one of you does not have time, you need to wait for the other. You also need to switch roles: if one of you cut out two figures, then you need to switch roles.

Guys, you are great. Everything worked out for you, because you did the work together, did not quarrel, agreed. Your beautiful work we'll put them on display for your parents to admire.

Guys, did you like working in pairs? We will cooperate with you in the future.
