Developing subject-spatial environment for organizing art activities in different age groups. Organization of the subject-spatial environment in the kindergarten group for the development of the visual activity of children Water and Sand Center

The creation of a subject-developing environment in a modern preschool educational institution today is given great attention. Teachers strive to use innovative approaches and principles for constructing a subject-play space, because group kindergarten for many children it is their second home, where they spend most of the day. In kindergarten, kids play, draw, sculpt, eat, sleep, communicate with peers and adults. It has been proven that the indicators of the child's intellectual and personal development, the level of his upbringing, readiness for school, and emotional state largely depend on how comfortable the subject-developing environment is organized in the group.

When forming a subject-spatial developing environment in a preschool organization (group room), it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the influence of the environment on the development of the child, from the color design of the premises to the selection of play equipment (toys). When designing a group room, it is necessary to remember the effect of color on the psychological and physical well-being of the child , therefore, it is necessary that the color design be determined in accordance with the laws of color perception, taking into account the purpose of the room, the conditions of its operation, the age of the children. In finishing children's interior what is needed is not variegation, but a tonal variety of color and texture with the predominance of one leading color scheme. It must be remembered that a change in color perception has either a stimulating or depressing effect. It is necessary that the color in the interior of the preschool educational institution perform a signaling role - it helps children find the necessary room or zone in the room. The most significant impact of the subject-spatial developing environment has on the health of pupils, both physical and psychological. Therefore, it is necessary to create such an object-spatial environment that contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils.

In a number of regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool organizations, requirements for the preservation and development of the health of pupils are spelled out. Thus, the Federal Law "On Education" states that an educational organization is obliged to create conditions that guarantee the protection and strengthening of the health of students, pupils, and in the Model Regulation on Preschool Education in paragraph 5 it is said that the main tasks of preschool institutions are to protect life and strengthen the physical and mental children's health.

One of the key conditions for creating a subject-spatial developing environment is to create a sense of security in pupils, during their stay in a preschool organization, both physical and psychological security. This improves the quality of life of pupils, ensures the integrity of social and personal development. The category of security is integrative in nature. Its scope includes psychological safety as an important component category (I.A. Baeva). The psychological safety of the educational process is considered as a component of the successful organization of educational activities.

Social relations as a component of the educational environment are built on the following ways of interaction: cooperation, recognition of the rights of the child and his freedoms, discussion and empathy. In the conditions of such a system of social relations, the child experiences feelings of psychological security, acceptance of his individuality, faith in a just world. In interaction with social adults, psychological comfort and emotional well-being are achieved in an educational environment characterized by:

Absence of unreasonable prohibitions;

Thoughtful, consistent system of requirements and rules of interaction;

Lack of psychological pressure from an adult;

Choice of activities.

Scientists single out the subject environment as a structural component of the educational environment. To designate the environment under consideration, which maximally stimulates the development of the personality, the term “developing environment” was introduced (N. A. Vetlugina, V. A. Petrovsky, O. A. Radionova, etc.). The latter affects all aspects of the child's personality - his emotions, feelings, will, and requires the work of thought and imagination from him, that is, it becomes for the child a developmental environment with which he enters into an effective connection.

The subject-developing environment is an integral part of the developing environment of preschool childhood. The modern philosophical view of the subject-developing environment involves understanding it as a set of objects, which is a visually perceived form of the existence of culture. The subject captures the experience, knowledge, tastes, abilities and needs of many generations. Through the object, a person cognizes himself, his individuality. The child finds his second life in cultural objects, in the image of people's relationships with each other (A. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov). The dynamics of its development, the formation of qualitatively new mental formations, depends on the relationship in which the child is with the environment, taking into account the changes taking place in him and in the environment. The educational potential of the environment is multifaceted: this-and conditions life of the child (V. S. Bibler), the formation of attitudes towards basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital necessary qualities(L. P. Bueva, N. V. Guseva); this is also a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of the personality (A. V. Mudrik), satisfying the needs of the subject, in particular the need for activity.

Thus, the environment is a field of social and cultural activity, a way of life, a sphere for the transfer and consolidation of social experience, culture and subculture, and the development of creativity. The environment is created only as a result of activity, and its development by the subject is carried out through aesthetic, cognitive, evaluative and other types of relationships and interactions.

The educational system of the kindergarten includes the development of a wide range of children's interests and forms of activity. These are elementary forms of domestic labor and self-service, and constructive activity with the inclusion of the simplest labor skills, and various forms of productive activity, and classes to familiarize the child with the phenomena of nature and society surrounding the child, and various forms of aesthetic activity, and elementary forms of educational activity to master reading, writing, the principles of mathematics and, finally, role-playing game.

Developing subject environment as a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development, presupposes the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the diverse activities of the child. This is an effective means of enriched development of specific children's activities in the preschool, which has enduring value, the period of a child's life.

The objective world, realized by the child, expands more and more for him. This world includes objects that make up the immediate environment of the child, objects with which the child himself can and does act, as well as other objects surrounding him. The subject-developing environment in each age group of the kindergarten should have distinctive features, namely: for the third year of life - this is a large enough space to meet the need for active movement; in the group of the fourth year of life is a rich center of role-playing games with guns and role attributes; for middle school children preschool age it is necessary to take into account their need to play with peers and the peculiarity of seclusion; V senior group it is extremely important to offer children games that develop perception, memory, attention, etc. As children grow up, the subject-developing environment is first determined by the teacher himself, taking into account the interests of children younger age, co middle group it is organized by the educator together with the children, the older children themselves create and change it from the point of view of their children's interests.

It should be noted that researchers have different approaches to the issue of the content of the developing environment. Some argue that the elements of the developing environment are the world of nature and people, the subject-spatial environment (N. A. Vetlugina, L. M. Klarina); others - that the components of the environment are not only toys, educational materials, sports equipment, but also everything that forms the content of the child's activity (V. T. Kudryavtsev).

Its main objects should be included in different types activities (cognitive, game, speech, communicative, motor, educational, etc.);

It should be organized in accordance with the basic principles of distance, position in interaction, activity, independence, individual comfort and emotional well-being, openness-closedness, stability-dynamics, integration and flexible zoning.

Takes into account individual social psychological features child, thereby providing an optimal balance of joint and independent activities of children and provides conditions for subgroup and individual activities preschoolers (the space of the group room is divided into zones delimited with furniture, low partitions, etc., individually designed, provided with a large amount of equipment and materials);

It takes into account the peculiarities of the emotional and personal development of the child and suggests "privacy zones" - special places in which the child keeps his personal property for his favorite type of activity, "recreation areas" (soft pillows, light transparent curtains, a tent-bus), information boards "My mood”, “I am the most, most, most”, “We are all unique and talented”, “Self-esteem”, “Good deeds”, didactic games, mirrors, etc.;

Takes into account the individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs of the child and thereby ensures his right to freedom of choice;

Takes into account the age and gender characteristics of children and assumes age and gender targeting of equipment and materials;

The subject-developing environment is necessary for children, first of all, because it performs an information function in relation to them, each object carries certain information about the world around it, becomes a means of transferring social experience.

So, game computers, electronic mechanical toys bring closer to modern science and technology, expand technical horizons; reproductions, prints, studies, sculpture provide artistic perception, which subsequently becomes the basis of aesthetic judgments; subjects of theatrical and musical activities open the way to the world of stage, song, music; intellectual development room (like a laboratory equipped with containers for the study of water, sand, clay, flour test), a variety of items for conducting experiments without instruments ( Balloons, combs, brushes, buttons, etc.), toys for fitting shapes, stringing provide knowledge of the world, its devices based on natural and created materials, i.e. provide the key to mastering reality, the laws of its organization. Finally, products of creative activity that satisfy human needs reveal to children the world of people, the social nature of the results of their labor.

Objects are a bright source of knowledge of an adult, his personal and business qualities. The stimulating function of the environment also matters. The environment develops the child only if it is of interest to him, moves him to action, research. A static, frozen environment cannot activate a child, make him want to act in it. Consequently, such an environment not only does not develop, but negatively affects the child.

The development environment must be mobile and dynamic. In its organization, the teacher must take into account the zone of proximal development, the age and individual characteristics of the child, his needs, aspirations and abilities. So, sports equipment, inventory is attached to physical, health-improving activities, during which the child develops a position in relation to his health, body hygiene, motor skills and abilities; various instruments (already from the first junior group) - crayons, paints, brushes, sanguine, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens, clay, a drawing wall of creativity, including a slate board, plexiglass, drawing paper, fabric - allow you to reflect your own artistic perception, vision of the world, its understanding in productive activities.

Unusual fairy tale characters living in a group encourage children in practical activities to realize an understanding of emotional categories, the emotional state of a person (joy, sadness, anger, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, kindness, etc.); crosswords, labyrinths, puzzles, substitute items, developing didactic and board-printed games introduce active cognitive activity. In order to properly organize a developing environment, it is necessary to have knowledge of the principles on the basis of which its organization is carried out. Science-intensive projects for organizing a developing environment were developed under the guidance of V. A. Petrovsky, S. L. Novoselova and others. In these projects, a psychological and pedagogical justification for the need to organize a developing environment is given, and its basic principles are considered.

The data of psychological and pedagogical research allow us to conclude that the organization of the subject-developing environment is an indispensable element in the implementation of the pedagogical process, which is of a developmental nature. Since, from the point of view of psychology, the environment is a condition, process and result of self-development of the individual; and from the point of view of pedagogy, the environment is a condition for the life of a child, the formation of an attitude to basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital personal qualities, a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of a personality, meeting the needs of the subject.

The subject-developing environment should serve the interests and needs of the child, enrich the development of specific activities, provide the zone of proximal development of the child, encourage them to make a conscious choice, put forward and implement their own initiatives, make independent decisions, develop creative abilities, and also form the personal qualities of preschoolers and their life experience.

The developing subject environment of childhood is a system of conditions that ensures the full development of the child's activities and his personality.

After analyzing the first chapter, we can draw the following conclusions:

- “Object developing environment” is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the content of his spiritual and physical development, this is the unity of social and objective means.

Object-spatial developing environment is the basis for the implementation of the educational program of a preschool organization;

Educational environment - a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the full education and development of children;

The developing object-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented in a specially organized space by materials, equipment and inventory, for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting the shortcomings of their development.

The developing subject-spatial environment, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, must have the following qualities:

Saturation of the environment - a variety of materials, equipment and inventory - in the building and on the site), should correspond to:

Age capabilities of children;

The transformability of space provides the possibility of changing the object-spatial environment depending on:

From the educational situation;

From the changing interests of children.

The multifunctionality of materials implies the possibility of a variety of use of various components of the subject environment.

The presence of those who do not have a rigidly fixed method of use. (including the use of natural materials, substitute items.)

The variability of the environment implies:

The presence of various spaces for play, construction, solitude;

A variety of games, materials, toys, equipment providing free choice of children;

Periodic replacement of game materials, the emergence of new items to stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

The availability of the environment implies:

Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out;

Free access for children to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities.

The security of the environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

Studying the issue of the organization of the developing environment and its influence on the development of the mental, psychic and personal qualities of preschoolers, it is necessary to accurately determine the functions of the developing environment.

The subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution should contribute to the timely and high-quality development of not only all mental processes, but also the physical development of the child.

The development environment must be mobile and dynamic. In its organization, the teacher must take into account the zone of proximal development, the age and individual characteristics of the child, his needs, aspirations and abilities.

The developing subject environment of childhood is a system of conditions that ensures the full development of the child's activity and his personality.

Evgenia Druzhinina

One of the important conditions for educational work in preschool- the correct organization of the subject-developing subject environment.

Developing object-spatial environment preschool educational organization(RPPS ECE) is a part of the educational environment, represented by specially organized space, materials, equipment and inventory, for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting the shortcomings of their development.

Creating a subject - developing environment, we took into account that the environment should perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.

When designing a developing subject-spatial environment in our group, we relied on 6 groups of requirements:

2. Transformable

3. Multifunctional

4. Variable

5. Affordable

6. Safe (safety is not only physical, but also psychological)

When organizing a developing subject-spatial environment, it is necessary to take into account the principles of organizing space:

1. The principle of activity, independence, creativity

2. The principle of stability and dynamism of the developing environment

3. The principle of integration and flexible zoning

4. Organization of the environment, taking into account the gender differences of children

5. The principle of distance, positions of interaction between adults and children

6. The principle of openness - closeness

7. The principle of emotionality of the environment

8. The principle of stages and taking into account the age characteristics of children

The space of the group is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developing materials. In our group, three zones can be distinguished: active, calm and working zone. In the active zone there is a sports and recreation center, a center for role-playing games and a theater studio. In a quiet zone there is a library and a center for didactic games. In the working area there is a center of creativity, a center for building and constructive games, a sensory center, a traffic rules center, a sand and water center.

The boundaries between the zones in our group are: screens, furniture, floor chalk - marker board, rugs. In our group, there is no such thing that all the furniture is placed around the perimeter. All items and materials are available to children.

The possibility of changing the developing object-spatial environment in our group is ensured by the presence of screens, soft modules, a mobile podium, low light furniture.

In order for children to feel at home, the interior of the group should have a resemblance to home furnishings. For this purpose, we use carpets, indoor flowers, upholstered furniture, a floor lamp made by ourselves.

In total, we got 10 centers:

1. Health and fitness center "Zdoroveyka"

2. Studio of the theater "In the world of fairy tales"

3. Center for role-playing games "Igralovka"

4. Center for traffic rules;

5. Center for building and constructive games "Collect-ka"

6. Sensory Center "Uznavayka"

7. Creative workshop "Kalyaka-Malyaka"

8. Water and sand center;

9. Book Center "Knizhkin House"

10. Center of didactic games

Sports and recreation center "Zdoroveyka"

This center is aimed at optimizing the motor activity of children, the development of motor qualities and abilities. He is popular with children.

Theater Studio "In the world of fairy tales"

In the theater, preschoolers reveal themselves, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. Children are great artists, so they are happy to participate in productions and are happy to act as spectators.

If desired, children can remove the screen and this will be a stage for performances.

Nearby is a dressing room with a set of costumes with masks for playing the most common scenes involving a fox, a wolf, a bear and others.

Theatrical Center transforms into Solitude Center. There is a time when you want to be alone, with your thoughts, mood, experiences. Small child also has the right to do so. In a kindergarten, this can be solved through the creation of privacy centers.

Center for role-playing games "Igrolochka"

In the life of a preschool child, the game occupies one of the leading places. The role-playing game is a genuine social practice of the child, his real life in the community of peers. For the development of gaming activities, it is necessary to create a subject-developing environment appropriate for the age of children and the topics of the planned role-playing games.

All furniture is mobile, therefore, at the request of the children, everything moves and is arranged according to their desire.

traffic center

Center for building and constructive games "Collect-ka"

This place is mostly for boys. There are a lot of different building materials here (constructor different kind, wooden and large plastic constructor, soft modules, etc.). There is a mobile podium, rugs - twists and schemes of buildings. Here the boys embody their ideas. The constructor can be moved to any place in the group and organize activities both with a subgroup and individually.

Sensory Center "Uznavayka"

Creative workshop "Kalyaka-Malyaka"

At the disposal of children are watercolors, pencils, gouache, brushes, paper different sizes, coloring books, didactic games and everything you need for creativity. Here, children can design posters for their performances, make hats. This center has free access.

For the exhibition of works from plasticine (located in the reception).

For an exhibition of children's drawings, applications.

Water and Sand Center

A variety of natural materials are placed on the shelves for children's research: chalk, sand, clay, stones, shells, feathers, coal, etc. Microscopes, laboratory equipment, measuring utensils - all this is of particular interest to children.

Book Center "Knizhkin House"

Here the child can immerse himself in the magical world of books. Children are happy to look at the colorful illustrations of their favorite books, retell their favorite fairy tales. And also in the literary center you can organize an exhibition of works by a particular author.

Didactic Games Center

It is located opposite the center of the book. Children of interest find any games for themselves, go to the tables or on the carpet and spend time with pleasure.

There is a parent's corner in the reception area, where we post the necessary information.

A properly organized developmental environment helps each child find something to their liking, learn their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, which underlies the development of the baby.

1. Compliance:

pedagogical expediency,

tasks of aesthetic , artistic development.

2. Aesthetic principles of the interior:

· modern style,

simplicity of form

Comfort and convenience

Lots of light and air.

3. Children should feel calm, comfortable, free.

4. The interior of the kindergarten should be dynamic. From time to time, the arrangement of furniture changes, new details are introduced. Under this condition, children react positively to the environment.

5. It is necessary to actively involve children in the creation of an aesthetically developing environment. Together with the children, discuss its organization and options for its transformation, jointly implementing these ideas. Involve children in the design of the room, consult with older preschoolers (where it would be more convenient for them to play, look at books, take care of indoor plants, draw, etc.). Offer to think about how you can decorate a group room, a dressing room - children develop independence, creative initiative.

interior decoration of rooms with calm coloring of walls, ceilings, floors, with practical and comfortable furniture;

Books with illustrations corresponding to the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children, figurative toys, objects and materials for various games and artistic activities (should be accessible to children, please them not only with their content, but also appearance);

Works (reproductions) of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts should be available for contemplation (albums, folders with reproductions should lie on low shelves, it is not necessary to discuss the plots of paintings and sculptures with children, it is enough just to look at the details independently );

Items of children's creativity (drawings, crafts, toys made by children and photographs of children engaged in the creative process);

natural content: plants, an aquarium with fish, birds and animals that delight the eye, create comfort and beauty.

Creating a subject-developing environment involves organization of common space where there is a place for creativity, the opportunity to independently engage in your favorite type of visual activity and contemplate the results of this activity:

· corner for self artistic activity with visual materials (shelf, table, easel) and a place for designing (from large or desktop material);

various visual materials, which should be arranged by type (materials for drawing with paints, performing graphic drawings, modeling, appliqué, design, etc. are distinguished);

podium for work; "Shelf of beauty", bookcase, rack, etc.;

a permanent exhibition creative works(updated at least once a month);

· an art gallery, where exhibitions of creative works are presented (every child has the right to personal exhibitions).

A necessary component of the design of a kindergarten - children's work: drawings, applications, and also works of fine and decorative art(ceramic, wooden products, carpets, curtains). Group rooms are decorated with prints, printed reproductions of drawings, watercolors, engravings (under glass, in a simple frame, on the wall without tilt). Sculpture of small forms - good decoration interior. The teacher uses the environment of the kindergarten for the comprehensive education of children, teaches them to clean the room, maintain order in it, and decorate. In older groups, respect for the work of craftsmen and artists is brought up. This is how artistic taste gradually develops in children, the ability to notice and enjoy beautiful furnishings.

Decor children's institution includes coloring walls: it is the color that creates the background for everything else, including furniture, paintings, toys, etc., which helps to create a calm, non-irritating atmosphere. Of great importance in creating the harmony of the interior are color combinations - large surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) are painted in soft colors, smaller areas - in bright colors. The ratio of the colors of the walls and the floor is especially important - rooms lit by the sun are painted cold. color scheme, northern or darkened rooms, on the contrary, with contrasting relationships of warm tones. The walls of the kindergarten premises are painted in light, soft colors (light beige, light green, blue, etc.), the floors are covered with light-colored linoleum, in harmony with the walls. Each group room can be solved in its own color scheme.

Furniture is the main decorative element that determines the artistic solution of the entire room. One of the conditions for the correct physical development of a preschooler is furniture, selected in accordance with the proportions of his body.

Toys an integral part of the children's interior. They are best stored in closets, all groups of toys are placed in a specific system in accordance with the purpose. For this, sectional cabinets with drawers of various sizes, with folding boards, and doors are suitable. It is convenient to store toys in special boxes on wheels.

Indoor plants are an element of interior design: do not overload rooms with plants and flowers, take into account their color, texture, shape and structure.

Organization of the common space of the "workshop", "studio" for the work of a group of children requires more space. A separate room would be ideal. The surroundings and spirit of such a room will allow the child to plunge into the atmosphere of art: works of various types of fine art, a variety of fine materials and equipment. This naturally sets children up for artistic creativity, contributes to the development of the emotional and sensory world of the child, the emergence of a sense of security and freedom in their judgments.

Special studio world is determined by the presence of everything necessary for interaction with children:

Walls with a special coating that allows you to attach children's work with tape;

Strings stretched under the ceiling and along window openings to demonstrate children's work;

1-2 draped walls for mounting works during exhibitions;

Warm covering (carpet) for working on the floor;

Dynamically moving tables and chairs;

Technical teaching aids (computer, projector for demonstrating images, music center, whiteboard, music library with records);

Materials for art and psychotherapeutic work (basins large and small, desk lamp, candles, incense sticks, a set of bubbles with smells, plates with different surfaces, containers with flour, clay, sand, etc.);

A box with stones, boxes with natural materials (dry twigs, acorns, chestnuts, shells, etc.);

A variety of artistic and constructive materials and tools: brushes, paints, gel pens, markers, felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons, charcoal, sanguine, cardboard, white and colored paper various formats, glue, tablets, fabric different color and textures, collage materials, stretchers, frames for decorating works. Materials in the required quantity should be available to children.

You can make easels yourself from thick cardboard (packaging from a TV, refrigerator). To do this, the bottom is cut off, and the opposite side of the box is folded into a triangular-shaped house, a sheet is attached with clothespins (it is possible on both sides). Such an easel can be put on a table, chairs.

It is good to cover the desktop with a large and dense piece of oilcloth. It is also convenient to have aprons or bathrobes for children nearby.

4. List the types of classes for teaching fine arts to preschoolers. Expand the relationship between the type of lesson and the methods used in the learning process. Classify the types of activities: by the content of the image, by the method of image, by the nature of the choice of topic, by the source of the topics and ideas. Suggest 3 (three) topics for each type of lesson with an indication of the age group.

Solve the pedagogical problem:

You are poorly versed in the methodology of teaching older preschoolers to draw from nature. You are hesitant to apply this technique in conducting this type of lesson.

Adjust your actions to improve the methodology for teaching preschoolers images from nature.

Modeling of a subject-spatial developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education in the senior group

Author: Efimova Anastasia Borisovna, teacher
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 4 p.g.t. Bezenchuk JV "Kindergarten" Topolek"

Modeling of the subject-spatial developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO in the senior group.

I. Introduction
“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. This world should surround the child ... "V. Sukhomlinsky
The developing environment contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence, enables the preschooler to test and use his abilities, stimulate the manifestation of his independence, initiative, and creativity.
The subject environment provides different types of activities for a preschooler and becomes the basis for his independent activity. At the same time, the dominant type of activity in a preschool institution is play activity. Games prepare children at school; lay the foundation of personal qualities necessary for every person. Subject-developing environment contributes to the development creative imagination children when creating a game plan; building a culture of relationships. Its content influences the theme of games, the choice and use of roles.

The relevance of the final work
Developing subject-spatial environment - a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (premises, plot, etc., materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the peculiarities and correction of shortcomings in their development.
The question of modeling developing subject-spatial preschool environment is of particular relevance today. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program should be built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas and in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils. The solution of program educational tasks is provided not only in the joint activities of an adult and children, but also in the independent activities of children, as well as during regime moments.
When modeling the developing object-spatial environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution, and the psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this environment.
2. Purpose and objectives of the IR
The purpose of the project: Modeling a subject-spatial developing environment that promotes the harmonious development and self-development of children with its subsequent formation and bringing compliance with those close to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
To study and put into practice new approaches to the organization of a developing and subject-playing environment that ensure the full development of preschoolers in the framework of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;
to model a developing environment conducive to the emotional well-being of children, taking into account their needs and interests;
create conditions for ensuring different types of activities of preschoolers (playing, motor, intellectual, cognitive, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical), taking into account the gender characteristics of pupils;
to promote cooperation between children and adults to create a comfortable developing object-spatial environment;
to involve preschoolers in active subject-transformative activities in the interior.
3. Expected results
Teachers have studied new approaches to organizing a developing subject-spatial environment that ensures the full development of preschoolers; a developing object-spatial environment was modeled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which contributes to the full development of children, taking into account their age-related needs and interests; the developing object-spatial environment is created taking into account the gender characteristics of the pupils; parents contribute to the creation of a comfortable developing subject-spatial environment in the preschool educational institution.
II. Main part
The direction of the activity and development of the child depends on us adults - on how the subject-spatial organization of their life is arranged, what toys and didactic aids it consists of, what their developmental potential is, and even on how they are located. Everything that surrounds the child, forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social experience. Therefore, it is we, adults, who take the responsibility to create conditions that contribute to the full realization of the development of children, their capabilities, abilities in all psychophysiological parameters, i.e., the organization of an object-spatial developing environment. We, teachers, sought to create conditions in the group for joint activities of children and adults, for independent activities of pupils, taking into account the developmental characteristics of each child.
The developing object-spatial environment should be:
1. Content-rich
2. Multifunctional
3. Transformable
4. Variable
5. Affordable
6. Safe
The saturation of the environment implies:
1. Variety of materials, equipment, inventory in the group
2. Must match age characteristics and program content
When modeling a subject-spatial developmental environment for children in a group, several options for its construction were used:
1. Space zoning is carried out by mobile means - the arrangement of furniture and equipment.
2. Use of bedroom space.
3. One of the main factors determining the possibility of implementing the principle of activity is the creation of a play environment that provides the child with the opportunity to move.
The subject-spatial developing environment is organized taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, where all five educational areas are clearly traced:
1. social and communicative development
2. cognitive development
3. speech development
4. artistic and aesthetic development
5. physical development.
When modeling a subject-spatial developing environment, the following principles were taken into account:
1. The principle of distance, position in the interaction;
2. The principle of activity, independence, creativity;
3. The principle of stability, dynamism;
4. The principle of integration and flexible zoning;
5. The principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult;
6. The principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment;
7. The principle of openness - closeness;
8. The principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children.
Activity Centers are organized on the basis of integrating content and activities in the following areas.
Direction: Artistic and aesthetic development.
In the center " skillful hands» for the development of children, various pictures, drawings depicting crafts, product design options, diagrams depicting the sequence of work for manufacturing various crafts etc. This gives children new ideas for their productive activities, and also involves mastering the ability to work according to the model. In this center there is material and equipment for artistic and creative activities: drawing, modeling and applications (paper, cardboard, stencils, paints, brushes, glue, pencils, napkins, scissors, coloring books, clay, plasticine, didactic games, etc. ). Most of the listed materials are placed in a specially designated cabinet. If desired, the child can find and use the necessary, to embody their creative ideas, designs, fantasies. This center has free access.
Direction: Speech development.
Center "Knizhkin House" includes a book corner. The content of the book corner corresponds to the age characteristics of children of this age, the educational program implemented in the preschool institution. It contains books with works of art by children's writers, fairy tales and other literary forms on the theme of the week. The main principle of the selection of book publishing products is a minimum of text - a maximum of illustrations. A photograph of the writer is placed in the book corner, whose work the children get acquainted with in this moment and his literary works.
In the Gramoteika Center there are various didactic games for the development of speech, a series of paintings and illustrations to establish the sequence of events, sets of paired pictures for correlation, split plot pictures, etc. The speech development environment is, in a special way an organized environment that most effectively influences the development of different aspects of the speech of each child.
Direction: Cognitive development.
The centers are modeled and presented taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their sensory experience, informational baggage, i.e. theoretical and conceptual awareness of the child. Picked up visually didactic material gives children an idea of ​​a holistic picture of the world, of the close relationships and interaction of all objects.
Center "Young ecologist" includes environmental activities. This center contains various types of indoor plants, on which it is convenient to demonstrate modifications of plant parts, tools for caring for these plants: aprons and sleeves, loosening sticks, metal children's rakes and shovels, a spray bottle, watering cans, etc. Passports are issued for all plants With symbols. In the cold period of the year, my children and I place a room mini-garden here. In addition to indoor plants, in this center there are various didactic games of an ecological orientation, a series of paintings such as "The Seasons", "Animals and Plants", collections natural material, models of vegetables and fruits, insects, etc. An important component of the corner of nature is the calendar of nature and weather. Designed layouts (desert, north pole, tropics, prehistoric life (dinosaurs) and landscape layout). All components of the layout are mobile, i.e. in storage mode, it is a panel and a box with materials. Children, at will, fill the layout with various plant elements and small architectural forms. Working with layouts contributes to the development of creative thinking and the development of the makings of landscape design.
Our little "why-why" will turn into inquisitive testers, conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural materials.
The "Magic Laboratory" center for experimental activities is represented by collections (stones, seeds, cereals, fabrics, various types of paper, etc.). It contains the material for the implementation experimental activity: magnifiers, compasses, measuring cups, watering cans, watches, etc. In the process of experimental plant growing activities, observation diaries are kept in which the teacher records the conclusions made by the children based on the results of daily observation. Our little "why-why" will turn into inquisitive testers, conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural materials.
The Mathematics Center (game library) “Lyuboznayki” has important developmental functions. In this center, normative and symbolic material is located: a magnetic board, sets of cards for comparing numbers and quantities, sets of cubes with numbers and numerical figures, both various types of mosaics and modern puzzles are presented. A fairly wide selection of development games fine motor skills hands. Play equipment creates a rich, cohesive environment with enough space for games.
In the moral and patriotic center "Young Patriots" the state symbols are placed hometown, Samara region and Russia. It contains manuals reflecting the multinationality of our Motherland, illustrative material to familiarize children with the climatic zones of Russia, samples of folk arts and crafts, etc. A corner of the native land has been designed in which children can get acquainted with the traditions, culture and life of the inhabitants of the Samara province . Enters the corner of the native land fiction on local history, the album “My city”, “My family”, “History of the village of Bezenchuk”, etc.
The constructive center of "Self-made", although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. Its practicality lies in the fact that with the content of the building corner (constructor of various types, large and small wooden constructor), you can move to any place in the group and organize this activity both with a subgroup of children and individually. In the group there is a center of building and constructive games, in which various types and forms of constructors are presented in a wide variety. Our students independently use schemes and models of buildings to implement their ideas. The center is supplemented with small toys for playing around. The mobility of this center allows children to unfold the plot of the game outside of it. This allows our children to feel comfortable in any corner of the group.
The musical and theatrical center "Merry Notes" is an important object of the developing environment, since it is theatrical activity that helps to unite the group, unite children interesting idea. In the theater, preschoolers reveal themselves, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. There is a screen, various types of theaters. It is represented by various types of theaters (puppet, shadow, table, bibabo, finger). There are masks, attributes for acting out fairy tales, costume elements for characters, and children make their own decorations. The musical development of the child is reduced not only to classes with a teacher, but also the opportunity to play independently, improvise, play music freely. Also in the center there are children's musical instruments (spoons, rattles, tambourines, drums, etc.), which are used by children in free activities.
The ICT center houses a TV, laptop, tape recorder, microphone, a collection of CDs and records with music and fairy tales. The laptop is used to play videos, illustrations and presentations on the TV, as well as an interactive simulator for individual lessons with children.
Direction: Social and communicative development.
There is a formation in children of the foundations of a culture of communication, consolidation of knowledge about the surrounding reality and life in society, through solving problem situations through playing, theatrical activities, life safety.
In the center of "Plot - role-playing games" equipment and manuals are placed in such a way that children can easily pick up toys, combine them "according to their game creative ideas." Due to the fact that the play ideas of older preschoolers are very diverse, all stationary play furniture is used multifunctionally for various role-playing games. The game material is placed in boxes with symbols, the children choose the plot of the future game at will, and transfer the game material to a place convenient for them, for the free construction of the play space. Universal game layouts are located in places easily accessible to children. Portable layouts (to play on the table, on the floor, in any place convenient for the child). Thematic sets of small figurines-characters are placed in boxes, close to the layouts (so that the universal layout can be easily and quickly "inhabited", at the request of the players).
The "Safety" Center reflects the safety of the house, on the street (SDA) and fire safety. It is equipped with the necessary attributes, toys, didactic games. good didactic guide serves as a specially equipped table with street and road markings, and an additional set of small building materials and road signs. I think that the creation of a safety center in a group helps children to get acquainted with the rules and norms of safe behavior, and the formation of values healthy lifestyle life.
Direction: Physical development.
The “Sportsmen” Center contains both traditional physical culture equipment and non-traditional (non-standard) equipment made by teachers and parents. This equipment aimed at developing the physical qualities of children - dexterity, accuracy, eye, reaction speed, strength qualities. On present stage development, it became necessary to place games and manuals in this center to introduce older preschoolers to the skills of a healthy lifestyle. This Center is popular with children because it fulfills their need for motor activity. An increase in physical activity has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development and health of children.
In the noisy space of the game room, there must be an island of silence and tranquility "Relaxation Corner". If the child is tired of the noise and wants to be in silence, he can go to the relaxation corner. This is a nice quiet place. Soft pillows with various animals to which the child can tell his secrets, experiences. Musical recordings with birds singing, the murmur of the river, the noise of the forest - all this has a positive effect on the emotional state of children.
III. Conclusion
The English writer Oscar Wilde said that " The best way to make children good is to make them happy…”. And all our children are good! And creating a favorable development environment for our children, we want to see them like this: mastered the main cultural methods of activity, having a positive attitude towards the world, developed imagination, able to express their thoughts, inquisitive, hardy and physically developed, and most importantly, happy! The advantage of the created environment is that it became possible to involve all children in active independent activities. Each child chooses an interest class in any center, which is ensured by a variety of subject content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. It was noted that pupils conflict less with each other: they rarely quarrel over games, play space or materials, as they are passionate about interesting activities. The positive emotional mood of my children testifies to their cheerfulness, openness, desire to attend kindergarten.
The search for innovative approaches to modeling the subject-developing environment continues, the main criteria for this are creativity, talent and fantasy.
IV. Information sources (sources used, recommended sources: regulatory, basic, additional)
Information support of training
1. Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality: cultural and historical understanding of human development. - M., 2007.
2. Baeva I.A. Psychological safety in education. St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2002, 271 p.
3. N. A. Vinogradova and N. V. Miklyaeva. Interactive subject-developing and game environment of the kindergarten. - UC Perspektiva, 2011-207p.
4. Granichina O.A. Statistical Methods of Psychological and Pedagogical Research (Tutorial) - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2002
5. Journal "Handbook of the senior educator" No. 12, December 2014.
6. Magazine "Handbook of the senior educator" No. 8, August 2014.
7. Law of the Russian Federation on education
8. Kireeva L.G. Organization of a subject-developing environment.-Teacher, 2013.
9. Constitution Russian Federation. M., 1996. - 80 p.
10. The concept of federal state educational standards general education: project / Ros. acad. education; ed. A. M. Kondakova, A. A. Kuznetsova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.
11. Lapshin V. M. Social partnership as one of the aspects of modernization of regional and municipal education // Education and society. - 2003. - No. 6 (23). - S. 17-19.
12. Nishcheva N.V. Object-spatial developing environment in kindergarten. - Detstvo-Press, 2010.
13. On the approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education. (Order No. 2151 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011. Registered with the Ministry of Justice: Registration No. 22303 of November 14, 2011)
14. Action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015: approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1507-r.
15. Collection of materials "On the implementation of additional pre-professional programs". Author-compiler: A.O. Arakelova - M., 2012 (for children's art schools).
16. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions": approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189
17. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN RESOLUTION No. 91 of July 22, 2010
18. SanPiN (2.4.1. Hygiene of children and adolescents, Children's preschool institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device. Maintenance and organization of the working hours of preschool educational institutions).
19. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"
20. Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students, pupils: approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 28, 2010 No. 2106.
21. Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 28, 2010 No. 2106)
22. T.A. Tskvitaria “To help the senior educator”, Book No. 2, “Diagnostics. Object-spatial environment". Publishing house "TC Sphere", 2014

The role of the developing object-spatial environment in supporting children's creative initiative.

The development of a preschooler child takes place in the process of education and training, that is, in active, with activities organized by the teacher in various forms of his communication with adults and peers. To do this, a special environment is created around the child in which he lives and learns independently. In this environment, a preschooler develops and forms sensory skills, accumulates life experience, learns to organize and compare different objects and phenomena, gains experience in emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers, acquires knowledge from his own experience.
Developing object-spatial environment - a part of the educational environment, represented by specially organized space, materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting the shortcomings of their development.
When creating a developing object-spatial environment for any age group of a kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account the fundamentals of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution, and the psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this environment.
To cognitive activity children acquired meaningfulness and developmental effect, the conditions necessary for the development of cognitive and intellectual activity of children should be created, taking into account the following factors:
- the playing and educational environment should stimulate the development of the search and cognitive activity of children;
- subject-developing environment in its content should be diverse;

The individual characteristics and interests of children in a particular group should take into account the content of the developmental environment;
As you know, the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity is the game. That is why teachers have an increased interest in updating the subject-developing environment.
The environment in groups is created in such a way as to allow the child to independently make a choice of what he will do. The room of each group is divided into several centers, each of which contains a sufficient amount of materials for research, productive activity and play.
The main goal of creating the Centers of Creativity is to activate children's artistic and aesthetic creativity, enrich the experience of creative activity, and develop aesthetic abilities. This center combines different types of artistic and aesthetic activities of preschoolers. Materials for the development of visual activity are located next to toys, costumes, games, since it is gaming activity that largely activates the appearance of an image in drawing, modeling, and design.
The created drawing or work is often played out by children. In the corner there should be enough free space for organizing independent children's activities. Here, the teacher in his spare time, together with the children, can draw, sculpt, create applications and various crafts.
The developing object-spatial environment is directly dependent on the content of education, the age and level of development of children and their activities. The developing environment in groups should be appropriate, informed, create an image of a particular process, set it up emotionally, ensure a harmonious relationship between the child and the outside world, provide him with freedom of choice, influence the worldview, well-being, and health.
Center artistic creativity interacts with other centers:
-A center for applied arts, where preschoolers are introduced to the originality of the national culture of the Russian people. Here are placed methodical and visual materials on folk and applied arts, dolls in national costumes and so on.;
- The center of the book. Drawing from works, creating a handwritten book, publishing a literary magazine - effective methods development of artistic and literary - creativity;
- Drama Center. Theater affects the child's imagination various means, including through the fine arts. Children, together with an adult, come up with scenery, costumes for performances;
- Music Center. Children draw the mood that they felt after listening to a piece of music, a song.
The content of the subject - developing environment should correspond to the interests of boys and girls, periodically change, vary, constantly enriched with material that is interesting for children, focused on the individual capabilities of preschoolers.
A purposefully organized subject-developing environment in a preschool institution plays an important role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child. The created environment evokes a feeling of joy in children, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, and encourages active creative activity.
