Summary of the GCD on the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development" for children of the senior group "Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky - my small Motherland. Synopsis of GCD in the senior group “My small Motherland” Educational area “Music”

Julia Shepeleva
Abstract of a conversation on familiarization with the outside world in senior group"My small homeland"

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Center for Child Development d / s No. 2 "Fairy tale"

Synopsis of a conversation on getting to know the outside world in the senior group No. 7.

Subject: "My small motherland» .

Compiled by the educator:

Shepeleva Julia Vladimirovna

Target: to expand the knowledge of children about their hometown, about its streets, sights; introduce children with the flag and coat of arms of our city; instill interest in the history of the native land; cultivate love for your little one Motherland, a sense of pride in their country, cultivate love for their native places.

Conversation flow:

caregiver: Guys, tell me, what is the name of the country in which we live?

Children: Russia!

caregiver: Our country is amazing beautiful name- Russia. There are many wonderful countries on earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country because it is ours. motherland! We are proud of our great Motherland. Russia, folks, is the biggest country in the world. And we, today we will talk about our small homeland. Guys, everyone has homeland - place, where is he was born and lives. What is the name of the city where we live?

Children: Pushchino.

caregiver: And who will say the name of the beautiful area in which we live?

Children: Moscow region.

caregiver A: That's right, guys. Moscow region, Pushchino - this is our small motherland. (listen to the audio recording of the song, if available, if not, read the poem).

"Where does it begin motherland

V. Basner, M. Matusovsky - film "Shield and Sword"

Where does it start motherland?

From the picture in your primer

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

No one can take away from us.

Where does it start motherland?

From the treasured bench at the gate.

From the very birch that is in the field,

Leaning under the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it starts

From the spring singing of the starling.

And from this country road,

To which there is no end in sight.

Where does it start motherland?.

Small Motherland guys, this is the corner of the earth where we were born where is our native home.

Small Motherland - an island of land,

Under the window - currant, cherry blossoms.

The apple tree is curly, and under it is a bench.

Affectionate, sweetheart, my motherland!

caregiver: Guys, who do I say: motherland What is it first of all?

Children: This: native home, native street, this is the sun, this sky is blue, this is bread, these are friends, this is the place where we are were born.

caregiver: That's right guys! Motherland we call the city or village where the person was born, saw a wonderful world where he has many friends. Listen poem:

What we We call home?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

On which we are walking.

What we We call home?

The sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What we We call home?

The land where we live.

caregiver: Guys, do you love your little one motherland? be proud of your Motherland? Children: /answers/.

caregiver: Well, if you love your Motherland and be proud of it, you must know the history. Here, now I will tell you a little about the history of the emergence of our city of Pushchino.

"Once upon a time, when neither you nor your mothers, fathers and even grandparents were in the world in the XII-XVI centuries, the city of Teshilov was located on the site of our city, the earthen ramparts of which can be seen today. Our city received name from the village of Pushchino, after the name of the landowner who owned this village.The Pushchino Estate, founded in the second half of the 19th century by retired major Artsybashev Yakov Ivanovich, has survived to this day.During the existence of the estate, the guests of this house were the outstanding publicist Bolotov A.T., the great Russian composer Alyabiev A. A. Today, Pushchino Manor is one of the architectural monuments.In 1956 (April 13) government decree issued "On the construction of the scientific town of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR". A place was chosen for construction on the high bank of the Oka River in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region. Gradually our city grew. Every year it got better and better. Our city is located on the right bank of the river, which is called, what?

Children: Oka.

caregiver: Modern Pushchino is a small town in the Moscow region with the proud title of science city. The city is located on the right bank of the Oka. The city is decorated with numerous alleys, parks and flower beds. Like all cities, our city has its own flag and coat of arms.

White stars symbolize the radio astronomy observatory of the Physical Institute. P. N. Lebedev, located in the city.

The shamrock symbolizes the city's former status as a center for biological research.

Blue color - the nature of the Moscow region, the Oka River, honor, beauty and virtue.

Silver (white) color - simplicity, perfection, wisdom, nobility, peace, mutual cooperation.

Red is a life-affirming force, energy and beauty.

Guys! What sights of our city do you know?

Children: museum, library, park, sports palace, sports school, music school, monuments to the heroes who died for Motherland during the war Church of Michael the Archangel.

Guys! And how old are you? /children answer/

caregiver: You are 5, your mothers, fathers are 25, 28, 30 years old. All people different age. What do you think, do cities and villages have an age? Or are they all the same age? How old is our city? /explaining/

caregiver: Guys, in our city there are no large plants, factories, but there are other enterprises where people work. Professions are different for people. This is where and who your mothers work for, we will now find out by playing game: / the teacher throws the ball to the child, the child must say who the mother works and return the ball /.

Guys! There are kindergartens in our city and one of them is our kindergarten. And what is it called?

The teacher summarizes conversations.

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Summary of classes on familiarization with the outside world "My small Motherland" Topic: "My small Motherland" Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about their native city, about its streets, sights; introduce the children to the flag.

The project "My small homeland Ust-Uda" for older children preschool age.

Chapter 1. Civil-patriotic education of a preschooler.
Chapter 2. Pedagogical substantiation of the methods and forms of work on the project.
2.1 Implementation plan creative project"My small Motherland Ust-Uda"
2.2 Practical implementation of the project "My small Motherland Ust-Uda".


Formation of the concept of small - Motherland with children of preschool age:
“Like a small tree that has barely risen above the ground, a caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so the educator should take care of educating his children's feelings boundless love to the motherland." (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
Civil patriotic education today is one of the most important links in the system of educational work.
The formation of the personality of the child, his upbringing begins with the upbringing of feelings through the world of positive emotions, through the obligatory familiarization with culture, providing the spiritual and intellectual food that he needs so much.
It is necessary to start work on patriotic education by creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children. Every day a child kindergarten should be filled with joy, smiles, good friends, fun games, interesting activity. After all, with the upbringing of feelings of affection for the native kindergarten, native street, native family the formation of the foundation begins, on which a more complex education will grow ---- a feeling of love for one's Fatherland.
If patriotism is regarded as attachment, devotion, responsibility towards one's Motherland, then a child at preschool age must be taught to be attached to something, someone, to be responsible in any of his own, even a small matter.
Admiration for the vastness of the country, its beauty and wealth arises if you teach a child to see the beauty around him.
For more successful work on patriotic education, I took the project method. The project is a game in earnest; its results are significant for children and adults.
The project "My small Motherland Ust-Uda" contributes not only to intellectual, moral, patriotic education, but also develops communication skills.
The inclusion of parents in the work of our kindergarten group brings them closer to the children, improves the pedagogical culture, broadens their horizons. The joint work of children and parents is the key to a friendly family.

Relevance of the project topic: we are burning with the desire to instill in the child love for the Motherland, but we are unable to instill in him love for the closest - to his home and kindergarten. But after all, this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important step. A preschooler must first realize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of the planet Earth. You have to go from near to far.
The family is currently experiencing better times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents pay less attention to children and their upbringing, and the number of incomplete, dysfunctional families is growing. It is becoming more and more difficult for a child to love his home, family, and kindergarten too.
Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home, kindergarten. Children should not only take, but also give: take care of loved ones, be attentive to each other, sympathize, help in word and deed. One of the promising methods that contribute to the tasks of civil and patriotic education of preschoolers is the method project activities. Based on a student-centered approach to education and upbringing, he develops a cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge, accessible to the child phenomena of social life, forms the skills of cooperation, brings up love, respect for the native land and a sense of pride in it.

The method of designing the activities of preschoolers allows you to improve the skills of goal-setting and problematization, which undoubtedly contributes to the entry of the child into the world around him. Ethnicity is of great importance on the child's ability to socialize favorably. Conducting an educational situation on the topic “My Neighbors” with organized educational activities on the topic “My Small Motherland”, revealed a lack of knowledge about the famous people of their village, about the sights and monuments that are located on the territory of the settlement, preschoolers had very poor knowledge, therefore, a project was developed “ My small homeland This project is significant for all project participants:
Children develop the skills of independence, activity,
initiative in finding answers to questions, and applying their skills
in games and practical activities. The stock of knowledge about their native village, about the minerals mined in the territory of the settlement, traditions and history of occurrence is expanding.
Teachers continue to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler, and attract parents to replenish
the subject-developing environment of the group and the knowledge of children.
Parents expand the possibilities of cooperation with their children, listen to their opinion; are involved not only in the educational process of their group, but also in the process of development preschool. In terms of solving educational problems, this project creates an objective prerequisite for the education of patriotism and tolerance of older preschoolers, respect for working people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Together with the children, we compiled the albums “Native Village - My Dear Land”, “The Road from Home to Kindergarten”, which included creative products of children, parents and teachers. An important role in the development of tolerance, the tolerance of one people for another, in cultivating respect for peers and adults is played by reading texts of works of art accessible to children of this age, telling them fairy tales and other works of oral creativity of peoples of different nationalities, since the group is visited by children of the Buryat and Russian nationality. Conversations were held with parents and children about the village of Ust-Uda.
It is advisable to use this project for the development of tolerance and patriotism of older preschoolers.
Involve children and adults in compiling the album "My Ust-Uda", make them active participants in the project.
The result of their activities within the framework of the project should be an album (drawings of houses, photographs or drawings of buildings where parents work).
Hypothesis: it is necessary to educate a child in love for his home, family, kindergarten from the first years of life. The kid should understand that having his own home is a great blessing. Everything good begins with a kindred home and mother-keeper of the hearth.
Objective of the project: Education of love for native places, for a small homeland, development of tolerance of older preschoolers.
Project objectives
To enrich knowledge about the sights of the native village.
Raise pride in your community.
Formation of love for the native village Involvement of parents to cooperate with DU.
Activation of the creative potential of parents.
Development of the cognitive interest of older preschoolers in the history and culture of their ethnic group.
Replenishment of the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age.
Ensuring a favorable, emotionally rich positive climate in the group and in the relationship between the family and employees of the preschool institution.
The development of aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness and creative abilities in children.
To enrich the gaming experience of older preschoolers with the means of national outdoor games.
Create the most favorable climate in children's team, to establish close contact and interaction between children, parents, teachers, between the family and the kindergarten.
Contribute to the unification of children and adults of different status.
Provide conditions for communication, dialogue and mutual understanding between project participants.
Activation of cognitive interest in the objects of the social world.
Formation of a system of local history knowledge: about the traditions of our village, landscape features, the development of the village "wooden houses", buildings that determine the architectural appearance of our village.
Respect the rights of the child to play, leisure, to their territory
To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

Estimated result

Children can know and name the place of residence: the village, some enterprises of their native village and their significance;
Children can name their home address, kindergarten address, feel love and affection for their home, family, kindergarten, go to kindergarten with pleasure;
Children can know and name the place of work of their parents, the significance of their work, feel pride and respect for the work of adults, show attention and respect to veterans and the elderly, and provide all possible assistance.
Increasing the level of patriotism of older preschoolers.
Getting the first experience of reflection (self-assessment)
Creative self-expression of pupils and their parents in the process of preparing and conducting a generalizing lesson. Replenishment of the developing environment of the group with an album about the village, historical places of the village.
As a result of the work on the project, the participants will create albums, images of houses - drawings of children and parents. Each house is the world of one family, a personal space in which they live and in which there is everything that is dear to them.
To tune in to the task, topics are offered that are understandable to everyone and important to everyone.
"My home is my castle"
"The most beautiful house"
"My dream house"
"Happy House"
"Fairy house"
"House on the most beautiful street."

The idea of ​​educating patriotism and citizenship is gaining more and more social significance, becoming a task of national importance. It (the idea of ​​patriotism) is reflected, in particular, in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010 and in the Federal Program for the Development of Education - they reflect the social order of the state to educate a person modern, educated, moral, enterprising, ready to independently make decisions in a situation of choice capable of to cooperation, possessing a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. Before preschool educational institutions, the state sets among the most important tasks the formation of the basic culture of the individual from early childhood: the foundations of citizenship, love for the motherland, respect for its historical and cultural heritage; respect for elders and peers, culture and traditions of other nations.
Modern researchers single out the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the patriotic education of preschoolers. In many programs that modern preschool educational institutions work on, the tasks of educating a sense of love for the Motherland are formulated in one phrase, they do not talk about the means and methods for solving this problem.
The word "patriotism" is derived from the Greek "patris" - "homeland". Loyalty and love for one's Fatherland, people, readiness for any sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of one's Motherland.
The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content and cannot be defined in a few words. It is formed gradually in the process of accumulating knowledge of ideas about the environment, this is love for the places where one was born, and pride in one's people, and a sense of inseparability with the whole world around and the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the small Motherland. The feeling of love for one's home, land, nature is one of the components of patriotism. We must not forget that patriotism is formed in each child individually.
The concept of "Motherland" is more than abstract for children. The understanding of the Motherland among preschoolers is closely connected with specific ideas about what is close and dear to them. To love the Motherland means to know it.
In order for a child to show interest in the country, its history, it is necessary that the small Motherland - the immediate environment become the object of his knowledge.
It is important to awaken interest in the history of your family, kindergarten, native village. You should start with a concept that is closer to children - “small Motherland”, it is understandable and accessible to their understanding, because children have already formed feelings for loved ones (for their family). In instilling love for the Motherland, it is important to follow the sequence: from close to far, from small to great (my house - my street - my village - my country - my planet).
Having set myself this task, I ran into a serious problem - the lack of material for systematic work. We solved it with the teaching staff in a complex way:
for teachers, a common goal was set - to develop and systematize material available for assimilation by preschool children.
At the initial stage of work on the theme, we encountered the following problems:
-few methodological aids, especially for familiarization with specific regions;
-lack of benefits, methods for familiarizing with our small Motherland.
-lack of visual information (photos, illustrations, lack of didactic games,
-systematized artistic word.
We must think over what to tell the children about, emphasizing the characteristic features of our area, in an accessible way to show the connection of our native village with the whole country.
Implementing this direction, forming the patriotic feelings of children, our team is convinced that we should first of all focus on cultivating love for our home, nature, and culture of our small Motherland, and acquaint them with its history and sights. We want our children to be proud of their small Motherland.
Raising in children the love for the small Motherland, the most important thing is to bring them to the understanding that our village is a part of the big Motherland - Russia. It is important to show the uniqueness of the village, to help to see its originality and beauty. That here in Ust-Uda, as in other villages and cities of the country, people work - these are their relatives and relatives, they live together, cherish and protect nature, etc. It should be understood that the world of a child differs from the worldviews of an adult. The world of a child, first of all, is his home, family, street, the nearest territory: a yard, a playground, a forest, a river - everything that surrounds him and most directly affects his life.
Work on the formation of patriotism is more effective if a close relationship is established with the parents of children. Parents act not only as kindergarten assistants, but also as participants in the formation of the child's personality. We are teachers, and, of course, parents should help the child learn to see and understand the beauty and grandeur of their native places (native land, their small homeland - this makes it possible to feel belonging to the big and beautiful world, the Motherland-Russia.
Therefore, work in this area includes the solution of many tasks for the moral and patriotic education of children:
- to educate in children love and affection for the family, home, kindergarten, native street, village;
- to form an idea about your village, as a part of Russia, about the history of the origin of your native village, famous people, main sights, traditions. In addition to educational activities, a number of activities are provided. The project material is presented in blocks:
- educational and local history,
- environmental and local history
- artistic and aesthetic,
- physical culture and cognitive.
Results of work during the project implementation:
- literary material about the small Motherland was selected, an album was made with poems about the Motherland, about the region, about the native land, poems by local poets about the village of Ust-Uda, about our Angara River, proverbs and sayings about work, the Motherland.
- Acquired and produced illustrative material on the topic (Map Russian Federation, Symbols of Russia: this is the coat of arms, the image of the flag, the image of the President of the Russian Federation-Putin V.V. ;
- photos of sights of our village; map of Irkutsk oblast, coat of arms.
- made didactic games;
Various events were held with all project participants:
- discussion of the project with children, teachers, coordination with parents (parents recognized the topic as relevant and took an active part in the implementation of the project);
- are held cognitive activities with older preschoolers, conversations, excursions, targeted walks;
- organization gaming activity(didactic and word games);
- production and demonstration of products of children's activities (organization of exhibitions).
It is too early to talk about whether the children have developed a feeling of love for the Motherland, but grains of respect for working people, for the history of the village, and the culture of the small Motherland have appeared.
I believe that the patriotic education of preschoolers and the work of getting to know their native village, the region is not so much the transfer of knowledge as the formation of love for the small Motherland on their basis.

Times change, times change, people change. But the human desire for goodness, love, light, beauty, truth remains eternal.
The greatest happiness for parents is to raise healthy and highly moral children.
Preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles.
Preserving the human in our children, laying the moral foundations that will make them more resistant to unwanted influences, teaching them the rules of communication and the ability to live among people - this is the upbringing of moral patriotic feelings among preschoolers. The new normative document defines the basis of the educational program of the Russian kindergarten and puts forward as the main goal pedagogical work development of each child. Innovations define new methods, forms. means, technology. Used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.
Forms of work with children on the project:
1.Targeted walks to the monuments of military glory, streets, excursion to the museum.
2. Excursions to memorable places. Observation of ritual moments: laying flowers at the monument, a minute of silence, meeting with participants in the war.
3.Reading fiction-O defenders of the native land, Fatherland.
4. The use of audio and ICT for listening to musical works about the Motherland, showing children a film about the exploits of the Russian people.
5. Consideration of illustrations, paintings, various reproductions and newspaper clippings about historical facts and events of our village.
6. Meeting with participants of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans, participation in public holidays"Mother's Day", "Victory Day", "Dad's Day".
7. Preparation of thematic exhibitions dedicated to anniversaries, production of souvenirs, collages, albums, booklets.

Project type.

According to the activity dominating in the project: research, creative.
By the number of project participants: group (15-20, everyone)
Timing: long term.
By the nature of contacts: family, within the framework of the preschool educational institution, social library.
According to the profile of knowledge: the field of socialization.
By type of design object: social.

Project Implementation Plan.

Meeting and registration of participants.
Job explanation.
Image of your home.
Buildings where parents work.
Mounting drawings and photographs in an album.
Exhibition, discussion of the album, inventing the title.

Stages of work on the project.

Stage 1: Choosing a topic: posing a problem, entering a game situation.
Consider illustrations of the sights of the village of Ust-Uda.
Questions for children:
What is the name of our village?
What is the name of the street where you live?
What do you like most about the village?
What is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of our Irkutsk region?
Stage 2: Development of the project.
Purpose: to bring to the participants of the project the importance of this topic.
Joint preparation of the project implementation plan by children and teachers.
Using the Model three questions: What do we know? What do we want to know? How do we want to do it?
Select literature and illustrations on the topic.

Make an action plan.
Working with parents: Designing an information corner, photo reports, individual consultations.
Stage 3: Project implementation.
cognitive development.
Purpose: To give scientifically - reliable knowledge about the history of the village, about the inhabitants, about the sights, about the enterprises, about the cultural centers. Learn to observe, analyze, compare with previously received.

Forms of work:

Viewing photos, videos about the city about the village of Ust-Uda.
Excursion to the children's library.
Acquaintance with different professions of the inhabitants of our village.
Visit to the local history museum.
Invite people of different professions to the group.
Speech development.
Purpose: To enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech, develop creativity and fantasy, imagination, speech activity.
Forms of work:
Learning poems and songs about the motherland, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about the motherland.
Finger games: Our village. How many people do we have.
Writing creative stories.
Reading poems and stories of the inhabitants of our village.
Compilation of descriptive stories about the sights of the village

Artistic Creativity:

Purpose: To contribute to the reflection of impressions of what is seen and heard in visual activity, develop Creative skills children.
Forms of work:
Drawing on the theme "My house", "My family", "Streets of my village".
Collective work "Our kindergarten".
Building material construction.
Production of the application "Village of the future".
Exhibition of crafts, drawings, photographs.
Game activity.
Purpose: To consolidate figurative turns of speech.

Forms of work:

Didactic and board games: "Find the flag."
plot role-playing games: "Library", "Barbershop", "Shop".
Musical and theatrical activities.
Purpose: To develop the creative abilities of children.
Forms of work:
Learning the song "About Friendship". "Ust-Uda"
Listening to author's songs about our village
Transfer of images of people of different professions.
Game - dramatization "We are all residents of the village"
Working with parents.
Purpose: To involve parents in activities held in the group.
Forms of work:
Introduce parents to the project "My small homeland"
Ask parents to visit the local history museum with their children.
Selection interesting information about the village
Ask to bring photos of children near their favorite places in the village.
Ask to bring photos of the parents of grandparents at the enterprises of our village. Doing homework.
Stage 4: Analysis
Processing and design of materials.
Evaluation of the results of the work of all project participants.
Stage 5: Presentation of the project.
The final event "My small homeland".
Exhibition of works on the theme "My small homeland"

Educational activities: cognition, socialization, communication: role-playing games: “Home”, “Kindergarten”, “Family”, “Who works in kindergarten?”, “Birthday”, “Professions of my parents”. Didactic games: “What is good, what is bad?”, “My good deeds”, “How we live in kindergarten”, “My name”, “My room”. Communication games: "I'm growing up", "Call me affectionately", "I have a head". Cognition, communication, socialization, speech and speech development: writing stories on the topic: “Who do I live with?”, “It’s good in our garden”, “My dad, mom, grandma, grandpa”, “My favorite pastime”, “ My best friend”, “What I like to do in kindergarten and at home” Co-creation of children and parents on the topic of the project. Reading fiction, literary speech, verbal art: reading stories: “My grandmother”, S. Kaputikyan; “My grandfather” R. Gazmatov, “Mother” Y. Yakovlev, “About boys and girls” S. Marshak, “Close together, but boring apart” K. Ushinsky. Memorizing poems: “If I were a girl” E. Uspensky, “Grandmother’s hands” L. Kvitko, “Don’t bother me working” E. Blaginina ..
Artistic creativity: drawing "Weekend in the family", " Family holidays”, “Who do I live with”, “Portraits of family members”. Design of exhibitions: "My family", "My kindergarten" "We love to work." Co-creation of children and parents: "meeting guests", "My home".
Organized educational activities: "Composition of the family", "The work of my parents"; conversations: “Favorite vacation of my family members”, “How I help at home”, “Names, patronymics, surnames and their meaning”, excursions in kindergarten.
Socialization, communication, artistic creation: issues of family newspapers; creating albums; creation of a library: books about the native land, Moscow, sets of postcards.
Health, physical education: conversations: “Rules of safe behavior”, “What am I made of?”, “Microbes and soap”, drawing up rules for safe behavior on the street, in a group and at home. Physical culture leisure "Winter fun"
Music: holding the holidays "Mother's Day", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Victory Day", learning songs about kindergarten, home, about mother.
Interaction with parents: creating an emotionally well-off atmosphere at home based on goodwill and interaction. Questionnaire "Do you know your child?". Co-creation of children and parents in the design of exhibitions of drawings, in compiling stories about the family. Observance of the rights of the child to play, leisure, work. Compilation of the album "My small homeland Ust-Uda".

You won't find it on the world map
The house you live in
And even the native streets
We won't find that one on the map.
But we will always find on it
Your country is our common home.

long term plan work on the project "My small homeland Ust-Uda".

A targeted walk along the nearby streets: there are many streets in the village, each street has its own name, many houses, the houses have their own numbers.
My hometown.
Conversation about home addresses.
Learning home addresses with individual children.
Didactic games: "Where do I live?", "Where do you live?".
Conversations: "On the names of streets", reading poems about his native village.
To select material for the creation of the album "My small homeland of Ust-Uda".
To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis native village, his district; to bring up pride that you are a resident of your native village, the desire to help adults in the improvement of the village.
Target walk along the nearby street. Remember the name of the street where the kindergarten is located.
Target walk along the nearby street. Pay attention to the work of the janitor, the cleanliness of the territory of the kindergarten.
Give the task on the way home to note the name of the streets, which enterprises are located, which stores.
A conversation about what people have done useful. Remind that everything is made by human hands and everything must be protected.
Didactic games: "Who works where?", "Where people live?»,
Conversations: “About home addresses”, about professions (where and by whom parents work)
Continue collecting material to create an album.
To form children's ideas about the village in which they live, to clarify knowledge about their street, to cultivate love for their village.
Occupation "City-village".
Examining illustrations in a book corner on the topic: "City-settlement."
Excursion to the monuments of our village.
Recall with the children their home address, remind them that there are many streets with different names in the village. Replenishment of the album with material.
Didactic games: "Guess where and who I work for?"
Examination of illustrations, photographs, about the buildings of our village.
Conversation: constructing an educational situation “Where cities, towns, villages are built” (in a fertile area where there is a lot of water; at water sources; at the intersection of roads; near the forest, since wood can be used to heat houses, cook food; on hills, for protection from enemies; next to mines, ports - working cities and towns; where people prefer to relax, resort towns and villages; where the country's government is located, the capital of our Motherland is Moscow).
To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe native village, about its sights, its cozy corners, to consolidate the skills of behavior on the streets of the native village, to cultivate love for the native village.
Talk with the children, who was where in their native village, what they saw, what they liked, look at the photos.
Problem situations on why you need to know your home address: street name, house number, last name.
Remember the name of the street where the kindergarten is located and the names of the streets where the children live.
Invite parents to go to the museum with their children and see the material on how our village appeared.
Didactic games: "Guess who I work for?", "What the subject will tell about itself."
Conversation: "Who cares about us in kindergarten", "On helping adults."
Album replenishment.
To form the idea that our village is a small part of our great Motherland-Russia, to acquaint with the historical past of our village.
Examination in the corner of illustrations, photographs, paintings about our nature.
Show beautiful buildings.
Conversation with children about the rules of movement on the streets of the village, tell what these or those traffic signs mean.
Reading poems about our village will introduce you to the writers who wrote these poems.
Children's stories about the streets where they live.
Didactic games: "Where is the monument?", "Who to be?".
Conversations: “Me and adults”, “Me and my family”, “Life and main activities of Russian people”. Cognitive message "Nature and cities of Russia".
Work with the scheme "How to get to the kindergarten and along which streets."
To give an idea of ​​the Motherland-Russia, to develop the ability to navigate on a map, to find one's country, one's village, to cultivate love for one's Motherland, a sense of pride in one's country.
A targeted walk along the street where the kindergarten is located, examining the building of the kindergarten, what material the kindergarten is made of.
Examination of the monument to the heroes who fell defending the Motherland, photographs and illustrations.
Invite parents to visit with their children a monument to those who died defending their homeland.
A conversation with the children who were with their parents at the monument to the heroes who died defending their fatherland, invite them to tell what they saw.
Didactic game: "Where I live", "Find out by description".
Conversation “Kindergarten is my second family”, Traditions of our village”.
Working with parents: tell children about serving in the army, in which units, in which city they served.
To form an idea about the Great Patriotic War, about military operations, to cultivate love, a sense of gratitude for war veterans, love for their native village.
A conversation with children about their native village, what is it called, that children like where they were.
A conversation about the work of those who build houses.
A conversation with children about how the inhabitants of their native village are called. What do its inhabitants do to make their native village more beautiful, what can children do.
Examination of illustrations about the city and the village. Consolidation of knowledge. Reading a chapter from L. Voronkova's book "Sunny Day".
Didactic games: “Who works where”, “What is made of what”.
Conversations: “Our names and surnames”, “Me and my family”, “How many mothers are in your family?”.
Examination of photographs of modern buildings of our village.
Work with the map of the Irkutsk region.
To cultivate love for the native Fatherland, a sense of pride, for their country Russia, continue to acquaint with the symbols: the Russian coat of arms, flag, anthem, develop interest in the historical past of Russia, our village.
Clarification of children's home addresses; remind that there are many streets in the village, and each has its own name.
Consider illustrative material about your native village in the book corner.
Targeted walk through nearby streets. Observation of the work of adults on the improvement of the village.
Conversation with parents about the upcoming Victory Day holiday. Advise to visit with children a holiday dedicated to Victory Day.
Didactic games: "Who to be?" "Do you know your village?"
Conversations: "There is no happiness without a family", "On helping the elders", "A man without a Motherland is like a nightingale without a song."
Creating a layout: "Past dwelling". Drawing competition on the topic: "The village in which I live."
To continue to acquaint children with our vast country, to cultivate love for our small Motherland, where we were born, where we live.
Lesson "Our small Motherland Ust-Uda"
A conversation with children about how the villagers try to make the village beautiful in the spring.
Consolidation of knowledge about our village, about our small Motherland, consider illustrations, photographs.
Summing up the work on the project "My small homeland Ust-Uda"
Didactic games: "Where do I live", "Who needs what for work", "Name your address"
Conversations: "My home is my fortress"
Looking at an album about my native village.
Contest of experts of the native village. Listening to songs about home, games.
Exhibition of children's works on the theme: "My holiday village"
To consolidate the knowledge of children about their small homeland. To instill in children love for their Motherland, to arouse admiration for the beauty of Russian nature. To evoke in children a sense of admiration for the talent of the Russian people and pride in their people.

Poems about our wonderful village were written by Tatyana Fedorovna Makagon. A resident of our beautiful, amazing village.

You are a particle of Russia.

Playing with the bright sun
Water in the waves of the sea.
WITH Good morning, native,
You, my Ust - Uda!

You are a particle of Russia,
My native village.
We'll be forever proud
We are your beauty.

How many bright talents
inspiration, work,
Craftswomen, musicians
You gave Ust-Uda!

Seagulls hover over the sea
They praise you with a song.
Blossom year by year
You, my Ust-Uda!
September 2007

And these lines were written by Ekaterina Gamayunova about our small Motherland, about our countrymen, about beautiful places.

The edge of the taiga, the edge of fields and rivers.

Ust - Udin native land,
The edge of the taiga, the edge of fields and rivers,
He knows the breadth of your expanses,
Every person living here.

You are a particle of the Irkutsk region,
And she is a Russian region.
In the Angara - Baikal water,
There are no lakes like it in the world.
We are proud of the work of generations,
We remember those who did not return from the war.
We erected the Church of the Epiphany -
Big things are visible from afar.

The land is beautiful both in winter and in summer,
My dear homeland
There is no sweeter you in the whole world,
Harsh Siberian land.

The main wealth is people!
Ust - Uda land was glorified by many wonderful people, natives of the region, as well as those whose work the countrymen are proud of, one of them is the writer Rasputin V.G. World famous writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, twice winner of the State Prize of the USSR and many other awards, a native of our region.
He wrote these lines:
“What are we most proud of from our past? Yes, by the fact that, despite all the hardships, they have retained and still retained their spirit, their face, in a word, their individuality, which gives us the right to be called by our own name. Every nation is alive as long as it retains harmony and independence. if this is not in the language, culture, way of life and way of thinking --- the name will also die out. The name will die out --- there will be no people. Let us understand and help those who are trying to prevent this from happening.”


The technology of this project made it possible to obtain results different from traditional ones. The use of this technology develops the internal activity of the child, the ability to set goals, gain knowledge using different ways, get results. As a result of using the cultural and historical heritage of the family, children have established partnerships with their parents. Children have mastered positive patterns of behavior in nature and society; positive and responsible attitude towards oneself and others, towards nature. Children and adults have awakened an active interest in knowing themselves, they got the opportunity to exercise their right to self-development.
Having analyzed the stages of the implementation of this project, I would like to note the positive results of which have been achieved.
1. The level of knowledge on cognitive development in the section "My family" "My home" has increased.
2. The need for children to express themselves in creative activities.
3. Creative self-expression of pupils and their parents in the process of preparing and conducting a generalizing lesson.
4. Replenishment of the group's developing environment with albums about our village, the "Small Motherland of Ust-Uda".
5. The significance and necessity of the implementation of the pedagogical project for the educational institution as a whole, and educational - educational process in particular.

6. The significance of the project for other educational institutions, the possibility of implementing the results of the project in the activities of colleagues.


1.N.V.Miklyaeva, Yu.V.Miklyaeva, A.G.Akhtyan "Social and moral education of children from 2-5 years old" 2009 ( preschool education and development).
2.M.P. Kostyuchenko " The world» integrated classes with children 4-7 years old. 2010
3.G.M.Blinova "Cognitive development of children aged 5-7 years" methodological manual 2006.
4.O.V.Sakavichene " Patriotic education preschoolers” magazine “Child in Kindergarten” No. 2, 2006.
5.T.N.Tebeneva "Project culture as part of the professionalism of teachers of the preschool educational institution" magazine "Management of the preschool educational institution" No. 1, 2007.
6.V.Stepanov "Textbooks for kids" My Motherland-Russia "
7. Internet resources.
8. E.V. Mikheeva "Modern technologies for teaching preschoolers." 2013.


Questionnaire for parents.
(what skills does the child have)
Knows and names the address.
Knows his phone number
Names street and house number.
Gives the name of the village.
Can give his name, patronymic, surname.
Can name the name, patronymic of mom and dad.
He knows his grandparents.
Where do parents work?
They know and call our beautiful Angara.
Show on the map the Irkutsk region, Russia.
They call the cities Irkutsk, Moscow, Bratsk, Angarsk, Usolie-Sibirskoe.
Name the monuments and memorial plaques of our village.
They call the name of our kindergarten "Bell".

Questionnaire for children:
What is the name of our country?
What is the name of the town where you live?
How old is the village? Project in the senior group on the topic "Trees and shrubs in spring" The use of Soviet cartoons in preparing children of senior preschool age for school

NOD on patriotic education.

Theme: "Our small Motherland."

Purpose: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about their native city - Ryazan, about its history, customs, traditions.


1. . Formation of interest in their native city, consolidation of children's knowledge about the streets, squares, monuments of the city.

2. Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the history, sights of Ryazan, about people who glorified their native city;

3. Enrich vocabulary, activate speech, cultivate a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in their small homeland, arouse interest and love for their native land.

preliminary work : Conducting classes "Ryazan Kremlin", "Name the streets of our city", "Name your home address", "Introduction to the symbols of the country and the city", viewing presentations: "Streets that are next to the kindergarten", "Native land, forever Darling". Examination of photo albums and postcards with views of the city, sights, reading poems about the motherland.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard (slides), split puzzles, ball, bell, tape recorder.

GCD progress.

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, form a round dance. Show your palms. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Heat) This is the warmth of good hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Let's look at each other

Let's talk about ourselves:

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

( Children take turns calling each other affectionate words.)

Educator. I am very pleased that you are such affectionate, kind, smart guys. It is interesting to talk with such children.

You know that every person has a Motherland. Guys, what does the word “Motherland” mean to you? "(Children's answers). Listen to the poem

V. Stepanova “What do we call Motherland? '( Image slide. rivers and sky

What do we call motherland?

The house where we live

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call motherland?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under the sky blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

caregiver : Guys, you know that our country is the largest, there are many different cities in it, tell me, what is the name of our country? (Russia). What about the capital of our country? (Moscow).

We all live in a huge beautiful country - Russia. And we must love her with all our hearts, because, as the great writer and teacher K. D. Ushinsky said, “a man has one mother, he has one motherland.” But love for one's native country begins with love for one's city, village, native forest and river. This is what I wanted to talk to you about.

Guys, what is a "small Motherland"? (This is: home, native street, this is the sun, this sky is blue, these are friends, this is the place where we were born.)caregiver : That's right guys! We call our city homeland, the house where a person was born, where he has many friends. You know that our country is the largest, there are many different cities in it, tell me, what is the name of our country? (Russia). What about the capital of our country? (Moscow). Guys, today we will talk about our city, our city is big, so we will talk about our favorite places where all the inhabitants of our city, and you and your parents like to walk.

To the music, the child reads a poem: (music of nature) (Slide with the image of the river in the glow)

Small Motherland-Island of the Earth,

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench,

My dear, dear Motherland!

Our small homeland is the place where we were born and live, we go to kindergarten, where our mothers, fathers, friends live.

And what is the name of our small Motherland? (children's answers)

We love our home, we feel very good among friends. It is not for nothing that the sayings say “Everywhere is good, but at home it is better”, “Everyone has his own side”.

Do you love our city and your homeland? (Children's answers)

caregiver : What do you like about Ryazan expanses? (Answers children)

To the music, the child reads a poem: (music of nature) (Slide autumn)

I love Ryazan open spaces,

Where in the river is the azure sky,

Splashing like a blue sea

Quietly and solemnly floats.

At dawn I will go into a wide field,(Slide. Field)

I'll get drunk on air in my native forest, (Slide. Forest)

I'll get lost in the crimson expanse,

I'll take a look at the Russian beauty.

Loose braids on birches (Slide. birches )

And on the bunches of ripened rowans,

Where dew is silver in the grasses,

I stand thoughtfully alone.

Maybe there are more beautiful lands, so what?

Maybe the air is sweeter? Well, let!

I'm dearer and dearer

Dear land, my holy Rus'!

Physical education minute.

They raised their hands and shook them - these are birches in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.

Hands to the sides, gently wave - these are birds flying towards us.

We will also show how they sit down - their arms are bent back.

caregiver : That's how beautiful the nature of our Motherland is, but you and I live in the city,

and now we will find out how well you know him. Conducted didactic game"The fourth extra "(slide-3 photos with views of our city, and 1 photo with a view of Moscow, children must find an extra photo). Well done guys, you got the job done.

And now we'll play. (Ball game).

In our city, the streets have their own name-name. Let's playgame "Streets of our city" (The teacher starts the game first, passing the ball)

Educator: That's how many different street names we know and we won't get lost in our city.

What is the name of the street where our kindergarten is located?The children answer Who is the street named after? ( Zubkov's slide ) Did you recognize who is pictured? (Answers) Right. Antonina Leontievna Zubkova was born and raised in the city of Ryazan. When the Second World War began, she voluntarily went to war with the Nazis and became a military navigator. She bravely fought for her Motherland and by the end of the war made 68 sorties on a dive bomber, blew up 3 enemy ammunition depots, dropped 50,000 kg. bombs. In 1945, Zubkova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


caregiver : Our city has not always been modern. In the distant past, he had a completely different look.

Now we will go back in time and find out how our city arose. Let's close our eyes. (ring the bell).

Sounds music to the story about Ryazan.

caregiver :

The city of Ryazan is the center of the Ryazan region, located on the right bank of the river. Okie. (Slide of ancient Ryazan on the banks of the Oka ) Initially, the city was called Pereyaslavl. He grew up in the center of an ancient agricultural region on the river. Ok. The lands around were fertile, the meadows were plentiful, the forests were full of animals, and the waters were full of fish. The city was surrounded by ancient settlements. (Slide Ryazan, around the settlement) In the territories of ancient settlements, archaeologists have discovered numerous items of agriculture, hunting, fishing, weaving, iron and bronze crafts. During the war with the Mongol-Tatars, the city was taken and burned to the ground. But under Prince Oleg, the city flourished and gained power. (Prince Oleg's slide ) Later, by decree of Empress CatherineIIPereyaslavl gets the short name Ryazan.

We close our eyes and return from the past to our time.

Guys, tell me, please, what are the names of the inhabitants of our city of Ryazan?

Children. (Ryazans).

Our city was glorified by many people. Name someone you know. (Sergey Yesenin)(Yesenin's slide ) - Or maybe someone knows Yesenin's poem?

The one who has seen at least once

This edge and this surface,

The one almost every birch

I'm glad to kiss the leg.

Every city, every town or village has its sights - places that deserve special attention. And what is our Ryazan famous for? A lot of tourists visit this place. (Children's answers). (Ryazan Kremlin slide ) And the Ryazan Kremlin is the pride of our city, there is nothing like it anywhere.

Educator: Guys, our city is one of the greenest in Russia.

And all because the residents not only plant shrubs and trees, but also preserve those that already exist.

Now let's talk about how we take care of our city. (Slide with the girls on the site).

( We plant trees, bushes, flowers, clean up the territory, etc.)

Educator: Well done guys, you also contribute to the improvement of your native city.

caregiver : Guys, now I suggest you play, collect puzzles, and at the end, when you collect the picture, you will recognize some sight of the city of Ryazan.

HeldD / games "Collect the picture." (Puzzles).

Well done! Everyone did their job. What interesting things did you learn in class today? (Children's answers).

Guys, where does our small Motherland begin. (Children's answers). And I believe that the Motherland begins with the family in which you were born and where you are loved. I want to show you a film about Saints Peter and Fevronia. They represent family, love and loyalty. (We are watching a movie ).

caregiver : I wish you to love and not forget your family. And in conclusion, I want to give you memorable gifts.

Goncharova Tatyana Alekseevna

Educator, MBDOU d / s No. 66, Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region

Goncharova T.A. Entertainment in the kindergarten "My small Motherland" for senior preschool age// Owl. 2017. N1(7)..02.2020).

Target: education of a citizen and patriot of their country, the formation of moral values.

Tasks: To expand children's understanding of the small Motherland. To acquaint with the sights of the city, workers, nature.

To develop the horizons of children, to instill love for their native city.

To cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in the native land, city, respect for it.

Equipment: multimedia, music, sports equipment for an obstacle course, 2 baskets, bumps.

Entertainment progress:

Leading: Good afternoon guys. How many of you know the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia). Yes, Russia is our common great Motherland

Educator: What do we call home?

1st child:

The house where we live

And the birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

Educator: What do we call motherland?

2nd child:

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

Everything we keep in our hearts

That's what we call Motherland.

In a large country, each person has his own little corner - where he was born. This is a small home.

Do you know the name of our small Motherland, the place where we live, where we were born?

(slide stella) music

3 child:

Lost in the depths of Russia

Beyond the Urals in distant Siberia,

Among the taiga and deep swamps,

Kiselevsk is a small town.

I love with all my heart

Kiselevsk is my native city.

He is famous for his unobtrusive beauty,

Quiet and modest in appearance.

Yet you are famous.

Worker city, mining city

4 child:

Let about you, my native land,

Rumor goes, makes noise around the world,

In your rich pantry

There are no treasures.

Kiselevsk is a city-worker,

mining town,

Happy holiday to you, Kiselevsk!

Leading: Guys, why is our city called a mining town?

The floor is given to the miner - the guest.

Mine slides.

Leading: A real miner must be strong, healthy, courageous ... Courageous, purposeful, be a reliable friend and faithful comrade! And today we will try to learn all this!

The "Competition of the brave, dexterous, strong" is held obstacle course

Leading: guess the riddle

It burns, but not the sun.

Black, but not the night,

Solid but not stone

Glorious to the whole world! (Coal.)


Hello dear friends

Yes, yes, it's about me.

I am a wonderful Coal.

I have a black barrel.

Leading: Coal, what's so wonderful about you?

Coal: And you ask the guys, they will tell you everything.

Children's answers

Coal: Well done guys, that's right.

I burn brightly in the oven

I give warmth to all people!

Slides about the use of coal.

Leading: Kiselevsk is famous not only for its coal, mines, but also for its nature. There are many beautiful places in our city.

slide nature, music

5 child:

Native spaces

I love since childhood

I'm proud to grow among you

Siberia is golden, Motherland,

Native Kiselevsk and Kuzbass!

In the early morning we don't know the picture of a mile,

Than a strip above the roofs of the dawn.

Round dances of birches and rows of poplars

In full view of Kiselevsk!

Kiselevsk, Kiselevsk - the city of the heart of the native

And in the snowstorm, and in the flowering of May,

He lives overshadowed by the fate of one

With the cities of the Kuznetsk Territory!

Leading: All these words are about the beauty of our native nature. But many years ago, when there was no city yet, everything was completely different.


And many years ago

A huge forest once stood.

Mighty oaks grew

Limes rustled in three girths.

Glades instead of squares,

And instead of streets - fallows.

And flocks of wild swans

And the roar of the bear in the lair.

And at dawn to the watering place

Moose walked along a narrow path,

Hitting branches with horns,

The river flowed in the meadows, forests

They called it Tugai.

Villages were seen here and there:

This is how Kiselevsk began.

Many years ago, where our city sprawled, there was an impenetrable taiga and swamps. Many years passed, the city grew and was built. Residents of Kiselyov always cared about the beauty of the city, tried to preserve the beauty of the surrounding nature. And now our region is rich in mushrooms, berries, and plants. Have you gone to the forest for mushrooms, berries?

Game: To the swamp for cranberries relay game

Leading: Guys, do you like to travel? I suggest you take a walk around the city. Ready?

Now look at the screen and try to recognize and name the sights of our city.

(slide) quiz

Leading: Like every state, every city has its own anthem, flag, coat of arms. Our city of Kiselevsk also has its own symbols. Look at the screen.

5 child:

My city is ungilded

Looks like an ordinary

But the soul of my love

Your dear image is dear.

Don't glance over you

And do not count your deeds -

So great in the hearts of the miners

Layer of courage and love.

Sincere and discreet

He gives strength to everyone

That's why in Kiselevsk

Amazing people!

Ozarichi - my small homeland

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in educational areas

“Child and Society”, “Art. Drawing"

for pupils of the senior group

Shikun Ludmila Mikhailovna

preschool teacher

First qualifying category

Program tasks:

Find out the knowledge of children about the village, interest him in the historical past and present; introduce the origin of the name and the history of the village of Ozarichi; to form an understanding that a lot of people work to make the village beautiful and clean, so every resident must maintain cleanliness and order.

To develop interest in the historical past of the village, in distant ancestors, countrymen.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your village, love for it.

Methods and techniques: creating a game situation, teacher's story, conversation, looking at photographs, didactic game.

Material and equipment: photographs depicting the village, photographs, photo album "Ozarichi - my native village", books of poems by S. Shah

Preliminary work:

Excursions to the memorable places of the village.

Conversations: "Where did the name of our village come from."

Examination of the photo album "Ozarichi - our native village."

Reading of S. Shah's poems "Azarycham", Ratse Vishy".

Memorizing V. Stepanov's poem "What do we call the Motherland?".

Lesson progress:

Children stand in a circle, the teacher says:

You have a small heart in your chest - good-kind, hot-hot. Let's join hands and give each other a piece of our warmth. And now we will collect it in our hands and give it to people! (Children blow on their folded hands and sit down at the tables).

V .: - Today we will go on a trip to our native places.

I am very pleased, children, that you wanted to know the past and present of our village.

Do you know what a motherland is? (Answers of children).

So, Motherland is our native land. This is the place where we were born, where we live, where our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers live. A place we all love very much. Let's talk about our small homeland.

What is the name of our village? (Ozarichi).

What is the name of the inhabitants of our village? (Ozarichans).

What area is it in? (Kalinkovichsky).

In what field? (Gomel).

What republic do we live in? (Belarus)

So, who are we by nationality? (Belarusians).

Q: - Children, I'll tell you now why the village is called Ozarichi?

There are two legends: the first is that the name of the village Ozarichi appeared by the name of the first owner and founder of the town, some Pan Azar; the second - the name of the village came from the lake area, I think that the latter is closer to reality, since traces of lakes have remained around the village to this day, and the tract is called "Lake".

Q: Now we are going to play a game. "Great bag." You will take turns to get one chip and will call familiar proverbs about your native land.

Your hut is like a native uterus.

The skin birdie loves the nest.

Dze naradzіsya, there i zgadziўsya.

Whoever loves Radzim, take care of Radzim.

Someone else's fire is not warmer.

Nyama is tastier than vadzitsa, like a native krynitsy.

Radzima is a mother, a stranger is a stepmother.

(I draw the attention of children to photographs with monuments to soldiers who liberated our village of Ozarichi during the Great Patriotic War) .

V.:- Ozarichi were under fascist occupation from August 1941 to January 1944. During the liberation of the village on January 19, 1944, many soldiers and officers died. In memory of the fallen soldiers, there are two mass graves: one of them is located at the entrance to the village, and the second is in the town of Kholma, where Hero of the Soviet Union Zinaida Aleksandrovna Samsonova is buried.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis organized the Ozarichi death camp. The camp was a place in an open-air swamp behind barbed wire, where 50 thousand old people, women and children were rounded up, they were not fed, they were not given water and they were infected with typhus, from which people died. The camp existed for 10 days, and during this time 20 thousand people died from hunger and cold and disease. In memory of the victims of the death camp, a museum was created in memory of the victims of the Ozarich death camp. These horrors must never be forgotten.

(Children are looking at photographs of mass graves, the memorial complex "Ozarichi Death Camp", the Museum of Memory of the Victims of the Ozarichi Death Camp).

Q: After the liberation, the residents began to revive the village: they built new houses, institutions: a secondary school, an auxiliary boarding school, a cultural center, a nursery school, 2 libraries, a hospital, a pharmacy, a post office, shops and others.

(children looking at pictures)

I spend the game " Be careful".

If we get sick, where do we go? (In hospital).

Where do we go if we need medicine? (To pharmacy).

Where do we go if we need food and clothes? (To the store).

If we need to send a letter or subscribe to newspapers, children's magazines, where will we go? (by mail).

If we want to relax and watch a concert? (House of Culture)

Where do children go to get knowledge? (To school).

Despite the fact that we live in a small village, the graduates of our school have become famous people. One of them is the poetess Sophia Shah. She writes poems about the Ozarichs, paintings in which she depicts the beauty of her native places. Now she lives and works in the city of Svetlogorsk.

At present, new modern organizations and institutions have been built in the village: a post office, a city village hospital, a nursery - garden, high school, pharmacy, the building of the village council.

(Consider photographs of new buildings and institutions)

Drawing on the theme "The house in which I live."

V .:- Ozarichi is our little homeland. You were born here, grew up, go to a nursery - a garden, go to school. Each person should know and be interested in the history of the place where he lives, because this place is his homeland, and he will tell his children, grandchildren and people from other cities, and maybe even countries about it. Always love your small Motherland.
