About the hardworking and lazy. Abstract of the lesson on the spiritual and moral education of children of the preparatory group

Subject: Diligence and laziness.


Continue familiarity with the commandments of God;

Continue familiarity with the concept of sin;

Teach children to analyze their actions.

Equipment: icons, slides, cartoon film.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Teacher's word: Today we will talk about our qualities of the soul. Remember how your day starts? We know that we need to get up early, wash ourselves, do exercises, read the morning prayer, do not forget to say kind words. Is this how your day always starts?

3. Viewing the fairy tale "About laziness"

4. Conversation on the content of the tale:

Why was laziness sold for next to nothing? (everyone wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible);

Describe the behavior of the heroes who bought laziness? (did not want to do anything, houses became dirty, cold);

Describe the behavior of the heroes who sold laziness (they were glad that they got rid of laziness, returned to their former hardworking life);

Where was laziness at the end of the fairy tale?

- What needs to be done so that laziness does not get into your house and into your soul?

Teacher: let's meet a boy who let laziness into his house and this is what came of it.

    Reading a poem:

Kolya woke up in the morning.

Stretched, turned

Looked around, lay down again,

Too lazy to get up.

"You've been lying there for half a day, -

Sister tells him.-

If you're so lazy

How can you learn?

You can sleep through everything in life

And lose all friends.

You won't notice how it goes

Day, week, month, year!

    Conversation on the content of the poem:

- What should be the name of Kolya's state? (laziness);

What is the name of a person who is lazy all the time, does not want to do anything? (lazy, lazy);

Think about how a lazy person's day will go?

Are you always ready to help family and friends? How do you help them?

    Folk wisdom:

"Lazy and lazy laziness."

- Make up a story about this proverb.

8. Teacher's word: today we met the lazy boy Kolya, but there are guys who cope well with laziness.

Serezha is not too lazy to work in the country,

Work boils with him all day.

He helped dad to finish the birdhouse,

That with my mother rinsed underwear in the afternoon on the river,

That grandmother needs water for seedlings,

That grandfather - a rake, whitewash for the garden.

“The assistant is growing,” everyone around says,

Reliable comrade and devoted friend.

9. Conversation on the content of the poem:

By what signs can one understand that a person works in joy? (He has a cheerful look, his face is concentrated, but contented);

Can you call yourself a hardworking person? Tell us how you help your family.

    Think about what the proverb teaches?

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

    Practical work.

Look carefully at the pictures in your notebook. Tell what the hardworking boy managed to do in a day (compiling an oral story).

Think about how your day goes. How many useful things do you manage to do?

    It's interesting to know:

The robin is a small caring bird with a wonderful silvery voice. She feeds not only her chicks, but also strangers. If she meets a nest with orphaned chicks. The robin feeds them too. Will not leave a large adult bird in trouble. The robin gets up early to have time to do everything. For this, she received her middle name - the robin.

    Important words:

Diligence, joy, mood, desire, diligence.

    Lesson Summary: Today at the lesson we talked about human qualities - diligence and laziness. Both of these qualities are very strong. Laziness prevents a person from doing good deeds, and diligence helps to please God and neighbors. Don't let yourself be lazy. The Lord gives a person the opportunity to study, work, help people, take care of plants and animals. Before starting a business, turn to God: "God bless!".

Extracurricular activity on the topic: "Industriousness and laziness"

Educator: Zaripova D.Z. 6th grade

Target: To form in pupils the idea that diligence

is the foundation of human life.

Tasks: Develop moral incentives for work.

Cultivate diligence, purposefulness, desire

work hard and benefit others.

Correct speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, thinking.

Equipment: task cards, magnets, dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, cups with grain, flour, bread, ICT.

During the classes:

Org. moment.

The topic of our lesson is encrypted in the form of a table, by solving it you will find out the topic of our lesson.

Cross out the matching letters.


The meaning of the word Hardworking according to Ozhegov:Hardworking - loving to work.

According to Ozhegov:Laziness is a lack of desire to act, to work, a tendency to idleness.

Mini scene. folk tale"About Laziness and Diligence"

Once upon a time there were Laziness and Diligence. Once Diligence gathered grain in the field, brought it home and asked who would go to the mill to grind flour. Laziness replies that she won't go.

Diligence took the grain and carried it to the mill, and then Laziness also came running. Diligence asks who will carry the flour home, and Sloth replies that she will not. Diligence carried the flour home, kneaded the dough itself, fired up the oven itself, baked the bread itself and delicious pies.
Diligence laid the table and asks who will eat. Laziness was the first to sit down at the table, and even rumbles on the table with a spoon ...

Conclusion : "Where they work - it's dense, and in a lazy house - it's empty"

And now we have a club called" Time to work"

We divide into three teams.

Exercise. “Who will name more proverbs and sayings about work and laziness”

(Children name proverbs)

Patience and hard work will grind everything.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Without difficulty - do not take the fish out of the pond.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove, etc.

What will we conclude?
To be hardworking and achieve success in any business, you need to be persistent and patient. Don't be lazy and finish what you started! Without labor it is impossible to achieve high results, achieve respect and material wealth.

As A.P. Chekhov said, “There can be no pure and joyful life without labor”

Everything in this world depends on work. All types labor activity interconnected.

For example, teachers didn't come to work? What will happen? (children's answers)

Even in one day you can teach a person a lot, but a teacher teaches people of all professions. What occupations? What do you think? (seamstresses, doctors, drivers, builders, electricians, etc.)

Didn't the baker come to work?

Everyone will be without bread.

And if all the grain growers, milkmaids, cattlemen do not go to work?

We will be without food.

Conclusion: "Life is work" And it is necessary in a person's life.

(Slide #2)

Guys, what kind of socially useful work do you do here in our boarding school? (Children's answers) Duty in the school, residential building, in the canteen, caring for the school yard, etc.

But do not forget that studying and good knowledge is your main work, in the process of which the foundation of knowledge necessary for a future specialist is laid. And yet you are simply obliged to do your best work both at school and in the house where you live.

“Study and work go hand in hand”

And now I want to check you: do you really understand the professions. To do this, we will play games. Our club "Time to work" continues its labor activity.

The game "I know who? Write job titles.

Fabric, sewing machine………………..clothes.

Flour, dough, oven ………………….......bread.

Brick, mortar ……………………….house.

Brushes, paints, canvas ………………….painting.

Boards, tools …………………….furniture

The game "Third extra" Cross out the extra word.

    masseur, hairdresser, scissors

    agronomist, seeds, builder

    postman, writer, telegram

    crane, machine, crane operator

    veterinarian, kitten, grandfather

    teacher, salesperson, educator

Game "Where have I been?" Answer the questions.

- I saw a harvester. Where was I?

- I saw the machine. Where was I?

- I saw the syringe. Where was I?

- I have seen many books. Where was I?

-I saw the play. Where was I?

-I saw a bear. Where was I?

Competition “Who is doing what?

Each team prepares two pantomimes depicting people engaged in some kind of business.

Exercise. By the movement of the arms, legs, body, guess what kind of business a person is doing. (For example: sawing, playing the violin, chopping, digging, sewing, injecting.)

And now, to consolidate our knowledge of the professions, we will spend a physical minute.


Let's take a break and dance the Master's dance. (To the music, the teacher imitates work with various instruments, and the children repeat the movements after him).

"Hatchets" - Children put their palms together, alternately touching their shoulders and knees.

"Hammers" - Perform fist-to-fist strikes.

"Planer" - Hands - at the level of the belt, palms, imitating the movements of a planer, parallel to the floor, move either to the right or to the left.

"Saw" - right hand bent at the elbow, the palm is clenched into a fist, imitating the movement of the saw. Then the same is repeated with the left hand.

"Malyar" - We turn the right (left) hand into a brush. The fingers are the hair of the hand, they are soft and elastic. We dip the brush into the paint and with smooth, wide movements paint from top to bottom, from left to right, obliquely, trying not to miss a single section of the wall.

Guys, you read a lot of poems, fairy tales about work and idleness. Let's take a look at these works now.

1. What girl was rewarded with a trip to the ball for her diligence?(Cinderella)

2. Mrs. Blizzard rewarded the Needlewoman for her work as follows: when she passed through the gate, she was doused with gold, but how did Blizzard “reward” Lazy?(Resin was poured over her).

3. Who and in what fable I.A. Krylova "did you sing red all summer?"(Dragonfly and ant)

4. In which poem S.Ya. Marshak ran away books. (book about books)

5. From which poem by K. I. Chukovsky the words: “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away ....”(Fedorino grief)

Table (on the board)

So, if a person is hardworking, what is his character? If lazy?

What is the mood of a hardworking person? And the lazy?

Which of them will be able to buy everything you need, food, clothes?

And now we will go to the country of puzzles. (Slides)


You are great with me today, you did a good job, you know a lot about diligence and laziness, about professions. I think it will be useful to you in the future. Everyone actively participated.

How do you think we achieved our goal?

Now answer the questions one by one:

    Today I found out...

    It was interesting…

    I realized that...

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all. Well done boys.

A conversation about industriousness
  1. Definition of "labor" and "industriousness" by counselors. Introductory talk with children's answers (2-8 minutes)
  2. Mini-lecture "Bible about industriousness" (8-10 min)
  3. Conversation "How to cultivate industriousness?" (4-6min)
  4. Work with proverbs. (3-6min)
  5. Creative work. (3-6) min
  6. Reflection.

Conversation flow:

  1. Work serves as a means of subsistence and material support, almsgiving, the creative realization of human abilities, a cure for laziness and despondency, an educator in virtues.

diligence - virtue , love of work, desire to work diligently and conscientiously.

“Love labor: it, in conjunction with fasting, prayer and vigil, will free you from all defilements. Bodily labor brings purity to the heart; purity of heart causes the soul to bear fruit.” Rev.Anthony the Great .

St. Theophan the Recluse wrote that every deed should be taken as given by God, then fussiness, carelessness and carelessness about household and public affairs will go away.

I. Opening talk

Listen to E. Moshkovskaya's poem "Slacker".

Bitterly lives Lyzheboka -

Bed Lazyback High.

The floors are far from the bed.

Get down Sluggish - Moroka! ..

Here lies Lezheboka.

Sleeping couch potato No time limit.

Already lay Both sides ...

Sleeping and sighing deeply:

If only there were two sides! ..

What kind of person is called a couch potato?

Why do you think people are lazy?

What is the opposite word for "lazy"?

Who lives better in the world - a lazy person or a hardworking person? Why? (Children answer.)

Indeed, a hardworking person gets joy from the very process of work and from its results. His life cannot be called boring and monotonous - he will always find an interesting occupation for himself. A hardworking person sooner or later achieves success in any business, enjoys the respect of colleagues and comrades. While the lazy one wastes his time, spends his days in fruitless daydreaming.

2. "Bible about industriousness"The counselor tells.

Having settled the first people in paradise, the Lord God instructed them to cultivate paradise, in other words, to work. Care and care for the Garden of Eden were then given to people not as a punishment, because at that time the first parents, Adam and Eve, were still sinless, but as a necessary opportunity to achieve happiness through work.“And the Lord God took the man [whom he had made] and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it” (Gen. 2:15 ). Thus, from the foregoing, a logically justified conclusion follows that a hardworking person is pleasing to God, and a lazy person and a loafer violates God's command about work in the form of cultivation and care by the forefathers of the Garden of Eden.

This episode can be considered allegorically. The Garden of Eden acts in this example as a symbol happy life. And labor in the form of cultivating the Garden of Eden appears as a necessary condition for the prosperity of the Garden of Eden. Thus, work, in the form of cultivating paradise, is the path to heavenly life, happiness.

Labor, obligatory for all people, was confirmed by God when the sinful forefathers were expelled from paradise.“In the sweat of your face you will eat bread” (Gen. 3:19 ). Coming into the world of people and bringing the Good News to people, Jesus Christ did not abolish the obligation to work, given to a person God in the Old Testament, and confirmed this by the fact that He Himself constantly worked, earning His livelihood by the craft of a carpenter.

Along with this, in His teaching, Jesus Christ commanded not only to work obligatorily for each person individually, but also to help other people through his work. That is, Jesus Christ advised to work not only for ourselves, but also for our neighbors (that is, the people around us). Even if they are hostile towards you.“If your enemy is hungry, feed him with bread; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink” (Prov. 25:21).

True Christians should do as the Apostle Paul said:“For we strive for good, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men” (2 Cor. 8:21 ) . When sending His Apostles to preach, Jesus Christ said that"the worker is worthy of his livelihood" (Matt. 10:10 ) . Sending out seventy of His disciples to preach, the Savior of the world said these words:“The worker is worthy of his reward for his labors” (Onion. 10:7 ) .

Providence, diligence and planning of affairs are not prohibited anywhere in the teachings of Christ. On the contrary, Jesus Christ Himself with His disciples had a box of money that allowed them to buy their own food. That is, the fact that they take care of their food suggests that Jesus Christ and His Apostles showed foresight, purposeful actions and efforts to buy their food. After miraculously saturating the people with bread and fish, Jesus Christ ordered to collect the remaining pieces, apparently in order to save them for a future meal.“And when they were satisfied, he said to his disciples, Gather up the remaining pieces, so that nothing is lost” (John. 6:12 ). This episode from the life of Jesus Christ also speaks of the Savior's display of frugality, foresight, and care, as well as planning for the further use of leftover food.

In his epistle to the Thessalonians, encouraging labor, the Apostle Paul wrote:“If anyone does not want to work, then do not eat” (2 Thess. 3:10 ) . The encouragement of labor is expressed by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Epistle to Timothy:“The working farmer must be the first to taste the fruits” (2 Tim. 2:6 ) .

Thus, from all of the above, it becomes obvious that both the Old and the New Testaments encourage industriousness, condemn idleness and laziness, and do not prohibit foresight and concern for the good deeds of a person.

(it would be best for the leader to say this in his own words, but sometimes inserting phrases from the Bible, so I give the full text, but it is not necessary to reproduce it all, but choose the most important thing for yourself)

3. Conversation "How to cultivate industriousness"

Why do you need to work at all? Some lazy people are not at all bored with life, perhaps they do not even know that they are lazy. Listen to the statement of the famous Russian scientist, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev:“Idleness does not at all consist in the fact that a person sits idle, with folded arms in the literal sense. No, the slacker is always busy, talks on the phone, sometimes visits for hours, sits at the TV and watches everything, sleeps for a long time, thinks up different things for himself. In general, a slacker is always very busy.”

Is this pastime useful?

Will such a person be appreciated? give someone an example?

What does such an aimless life lead to?

What is the significance of labor in the life of mankind? Scientists, philosophers, writers pondered this question different countries. I will read to you a statement by the Russian writer Vitaly Zakrutkin.

Labor made a man a man. Labor lifted man to his feet, strengthened his arms, perfected his unique brain. Everything that has been created on earth for thousands of years - from a stone ax to a microscope, from the first plowshare to the Eiffel Tower - has been created by labor. Only labor brings happiness to a person, lengthens it. short life, gives confidence that the descendants of the departed, using what he created during his lifetime, will remember him with a kind word.

Counselor: Some people are lazy, others are hardworking - why is that? Hard work and laziness are innate qualities? (Children answer.)

Does the development of industriousness depend on education? What role do parents and teachers play in this? (Children speak up.)

Describe the labor process in which you participated (harvesting, repairing an apartment, hiking, fishing, etc.). Did everything work out for you?

What qualities are required to carry out the intended work? (Will, purposefulness, responsibility, desire to learn, self-discipline.)

Interestingly, the labor process itself helps a person to develop these qualities.

And if everything is given to a person without difficulty? He gets whatever he wants without any effort. Will it affect his character?

What traits will dominate? (Children speak up.)

4. Work with proverbs

(The leader divides the squad into 2 groups. Each group receives a card with a proverb, explains its meaning.)

Belly and head - lazy people always have an excuse.

Lazyback and the sun does not rise at the right time.

A lazybones and a slacker - two siblings.

The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.

Patience and a little effort.

You can't pull a fish out of a pond without effort.

Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

Laziness is the mother of all vices.

5. Creative work

Counselor: Is it possible to get rid of laziness? How? Find a cure for laziness. Submit your recipes. Or Imagine a store for lazy people. What products can be sold in it?

(Work in groups or individually. Any real or fantasy recipes are welcome.)

6. Reflection.

What new did you learn today? What conclusions did you draw for yourself? What is the value of labor?

Conversation with children on the topic “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils” (middle group)

Listen carefully to the poem and say what it is about?

The table you are sitting at

The bed you sleep in

Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,

Plate, fork, knife.

And every nail, and every house,

And every slice of bread

All this is created labor,

It didn't fall from the sky.

For everything that is created for us,

We are grateful to people.

The time will come, the time will come

And we we will work.

What is the poem about? (O labor)

Who guessed what we're talking about now? (O labor)

There is a proverb " Man's labor feeds, A laziness spoils"

How do you understand this proverb? ( Human, which labors, will make money while lazy man does nothing)

In our conversation today will often sound words:

Labor - type of activity, the result of which is fixed in material and spiritual values.

Industriousness - love for work, moral quality, manifested in the desire to labor.

hardworking - loving to work.

Laziness- lack of will to act work, prone to idleness.

I want to start our conversation with short story K. D. Ushinsky,

which is called "Two Plows".

Listen carefully and then answer the questions.

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work; while the other spent a long time and completely uselessly lying around in the merchant's shop. It so happened that after a while, both fellow countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver, and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which had lain idle in the shop, darkened and covered with rust.

Tell me, please, why are you so shiny? the rusty plow asked his old acquaintance.

From labor my dear, he replied. – And if you have rusted and become worse than you were, it is because you have been lying on your side all this time, doing nothing.

Guys, I think everyone understood well what this story has to do with our conversation.

Why did the plow that came to the farmer shine like silver? (Because he labored)

What happened to the plow that lay idle? (It has darkened and rusted)

Who do you think this story is about? Who does Ushinsky mean when he talks about plows? (Worker and lazy)

What conclusion can be drawn from listening to the story? (The work of man paints, and idleness disfigures him.) Only in labor you can show all your best qualities. Without labor man get sick and sick

Guys, you all read stories, fairy tales. Name me the works that tell about hardworking and lazy heroes? (Tales “Frost”, “Cinderella”, “Two frosts)

How are lazy people treated? (They are not loved)

Why? (Lazy people want to drink, eat, dress, but do not like to make it their own labor. So others are working for him.)

What work gives a person? (Work brings joy, well-being, health. If you are you work well then you will be treated well

In our time Human valued in society labor. Work is a source of joy, enjoyment. From labor well-being depends human. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing.

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– We continue to review books at our exhibition (children approach the second rack).

What books do you see here? ( children read the titles of books: "Cinderella", "Vovka in the Thirtieth Kingdom", "By Pike", "Dragonfly and Ant", "Morozko", "Moroz Ivanovich").

What do you think all these books have in common? (Answer: there are hard-working and lazy heroes in these books).

What fabulous sloths do you know? (Answers of children).

Is it good to be lazy? How do you think? (Answers of children).

Children, listen to what St. Joasaph said in his poem about laziness, he called it laziness.

Child reads a poem

Laziness is a cursed sin

Went with an unwashed face

kudlat hair,

Unbelted, carried

Dusty book pages

Where the moth did not devour,

Mold is having fun.

Educator: What do you understand from this poem? (Answers of children).

What expressions did St. Joasaph use when describing laziness? (Answers of children).

Take a seat in the creative field (music plays).

Imagine laziness, what is it like?

What does she smell like?

What does she feel like?

What do you think, which people are more hardworking or lazy? (Answers of children).

Is it okay to be lazy and mess around? Why? ( You won’t learn anything, you won’t know and be able to do anything, it will be boring, uninteresting to live, you can even get sick).

Children, drive away laziness from yourself! (Children move their hands).

6. Task "Find opposite pairs."

Children make up complex sentences with the union "a" according to the pictures. (This boy is hardworking, and this one is lazy. This girl is hardworking, and this one is lazy.)

The teacher suggests thinking about what types of work exist:

Soul work- this is a prayer appeal to God, the Mother of God, saints, Angels, and also - these are works of mercy, good deeds.

physical labor- when a person uses the abilities of his body, muscle strength.

Intellectual labor- when a person uses the abilities of the mind.

The most important work for a person is work for the soul.

7. Etude "Save the chick."

Educator: There are many situations in life when someone needs help, support, sympathy.

Many animals need our help.

Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands.

Stretch your arms palms up. Now warm it up, slowly, one finger at a time, fold your palms, hide the chick in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breathing, put your palms on your chest, give the chick the warmth of your heart and breath. Now open your palms and you will see that the chick has taken off joyfully, smile at him and do not be sad, he will still fly to you!

8. The story of the educator.

Every year on May 8, the world celebrates the day of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. (Slide 6).

The Red Cross has become a symbol of a society that provides assistance to victims of accidents, natural disasters, epidemics and wars.

This is a sign of sincere and selfless service to people.

Child reads a poem:

red cross holiday

Not without reason.

Somewhere suddenly there will be a tsunami,


The Red Cross is coming

Because of the mountains and the ocean.

9. Bottom line.

Educator: During the week in the group we carried out the action "Do good - give joy."

Tell me how it was?

(Children say that they all took part in this action together with their parents, collecting things and toys for the orphanage).

The teacher shows the parcel and says that after the lesson he will send the parcel to Orphanage.

Children read the poem "Pity":

1. Feed the puppy on the sidelines-

He suffered from hunger

Got a kitten from a tree

Someone evil drove him.

2. Weak, sick old woman

Bring milk and bread

and favorite toys

I took it to the orphanage with my mother.

3. Let it live in your heart

Pity for those who are alone

A word awaits consolation, -

This is what God teaches us!


Educator: I would like to hope that you grow up kind and merciful people.

Takshina S. V., educator

MBDOU kindergarten


species No. 86 of Belgorod

Topic of the lesson
