Ditties about girls. Fresh funny ditties: the best Ditties about names for women

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk girl!
But I took out the master key from my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban with what was at hand ...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" group.
There I noticed two young Tuvinian women
And all night he stayed with them between halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
Chuvash's chest I crumpled carefully in my hand.
We sat down on the mattress, rolled up the mash ...
And the dream came true (seven times) of a young Chuvash.

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The legs of the polka hung on my shoulders.
The stern of the long-legged polka was good!
By the morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I dug into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
A German woman defended her degree in about a year.

One night a barge was sailing on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just accustomed the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at a young Kazakh woman...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile spread wide downstream ...
There I persuaded a Bashkir to porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave! .. By the morning I am a Bashkir
Barely tore it off by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the river Limpopo, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
That stood in the way, leaning low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somewhere near a wasteland, somewhere on the Hudson,
I picked a Buryatka in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman ...
The next morning she could not go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I drove my cartridge into the chamber for an Uzbek.
An Uzbek woman rushed from me with all her might ...
But in vain - I could not allow misfires.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede swam naked, and even naked!
It's a pity, the mother of her children, that such a Swede
It can be extremely rare along the way!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang "Boston Waltz" in B-flat major.
Ah, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had ...
Since then, both my eardrums have been hurting.

A huge crocodile swam down the Elbe,
Where I conducted live shooting with a Czech ...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian kneaded her tonsils about me.

Once a Karelian came to me and brought a Karelian.
I warmed up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob somewhere closer to the night
I loved that karelka outside the box very much.

Once in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked a Nanai and her deer.
Oh, I'll leave in the spring in the wilds of the Amazon!
Finns and Estonians longed for me there.

School time ... Change ... Boys fly out of the classroom, build funny faces and pull the girls' pigtails. A lot of ditties are composed about schoolboys. Let's recall some of them.

(Performed by girls).

Silence in class
He has his own game.
If the number does not hear -
Dima will say: "Repeat!"
We have a silent Artemka:
Kind, affectionate, like a hamster,
But does not hide in reserve,
All the last will give.
Like a spinning top all day Danil,
It's like someone changed it.
He's so handsome at home
At school, he is similar to a rocket.
The third quarter is in full swing
The clock ticked.
And the boys are dreaming:
Vacation again
Our Vitalya is like a clown
Builds scary faces.
Looks like a lot
The creeps are terrible.
Who wound up and rushed
Like a fast plane?
This is Petya in our class.
Marathon running fails.
Don't see that I'm fragile
Skinny and small.
I'm not in vain standing at the gate,
Nimble and attentive.
Shurik, Shurik - laughter -
Everyone laughs out of place
Bursting with loud laughter,
At the lessons of all in a row.
Silence in class
Only Maxim always shouts:
"Wait, don't rush!
I haven't signed up yet!
Where to read, tell me!
I'm behind you again!"
And Andryusha is the most serious of all.
He is a good cavalier
Both educated and humble.
We must take an example from him.
Our Dima is good to everyone,
Just hit whoever you want.
It hits, without aiming, right in the eye.
The whole class runs away from him.
Our Alyosha is a master of words
write stories,
He told how he took Kazan,
History teacher.
What are you, Pasha - our grief,
Weak and frail?
Learn karate
You become the strongest.
Everyone wants change
And choke with laughter.
This is Vanya jokes
Poison without fatigue.
Maxim has everything on the shelves
Spread out in the head.
Everything will be told with feeling, really
Even about ice cream.
The bell rang again
The radio turns on.
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth does not close.
Fat Pasha on the couch
Lay sideways to the pit.
This is true. All day
He is feeling lazy.
Dima loves to play
Run fast and scream.
Energy from Dima beats,
Doesn't give him peace.
Radik wants to be "cool"
Carefully prepared:
How he starts waving his hands -
Will never stop!
Ready to be friends with Igor
He is a diligent student
Doesn't make noise at recess
Won't loose your tongue.
And Mishka has bullies
The mouth is extended to the ears.
Whatever you do, all with a smile,
At least sew on the ties.

Our Vasily karateka,
He is strong and brave
Change for him
To run crazy!
Many cats were hurt
From Valerkin's heel.
As they see, and into the cellars
All cats run away.
Our Nikita is the most
Loves the environment
But he won't turn
From this to the know!
Who, tell me, loves deuces,
Everything is buzzing in the classroom,
Without giving a little story
State your material.
Petya, Petya Samoletov,
The guy is what you need
The fact that he is in our class,
We are extremely happy!
Dima Karpov is a big man,
Like a bull in the field
He's a jerk in class
Like a slave in captivity.
Kolya studies for five,
Knows math
He will solve the problem at once,
On any topic.
We also have Barbara.
She is not more curious.
This is our Petya, like a woman,
Everywhere the nose pops.
And our Roman
There is a beloved friend.
That's right, strong friends
Our Romance with mobile!
Our Vitalya all advertisements
Knows inside and out.
"Viskos, Lotus, Calve ketchup..." -
Repeats throughout the year.

Answered by Andrey lesson
The teacher fainted.
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.
And Nikita is our calm,
Like a boa constrictor in Africa.
Everyone is pushing, fighting,
And he's all to hell.
Our Vityunya, though modest,
But with a beautiful soul
Why aren't you so brave?
Maybe we are to blame?
Our Alyosha is a master of words
write stories,
Even our ears swell
In the classroom.
Yarik shook his knapsack for a long time,
To find notebooks
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.
If Tima you then
Will you be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!!!
It's a pity, Sashenka Petrov,
That you are not a giraffe.
I could write off then
You are from the other side.
The school year has begun
The clock beeped.
Volodya has a question
- “Where are the holidays again ?!”

We don't know Misha yet.
Let's test? Let's test
Come on, Mishka, don't try,
Score your opponent a goal!

Dima, come on try
Surprise your friends!
Don't make faces in class
Get serious, get busy!
Yura pulls girls
For pigtails with ribbons.
Would treat us better
Candy box.
In our class you sometimes
Sasha is the most freaky.
Then you jump, then you cry
How can we be friends with you?
There is a story with Dunno
Boy Znayka is a smart dandy.
And we have a know too,
Our Cyril knows everything himself.
We have forgotten your face.
How do you look, Zhenek?
Show up at the tournament
You are one more time.
Vitalik is fine
And the figure, and notebooks.
The mood is just class
Loves school and all of us!

It is customary to celebrate February 23 today not only in the army, but also in kindergarten, school, university, large business offices and large enterprises. The introductory part of the holiday, as a rule, includes solemn congratulations for men and boys, and, of course, the kindest, most sincere and warm wishes that the beautiful half of the team says to the defenders of the Fatherland. Ladies ask the heroes of the occasion to always be fearless and courageous, brave and strong, kind, sympathetic and courageous, come to the aid of the weak and not leave friends in trouble. Serious and lyrical songs about men are sure to sound at the event, and to create a more cheerful, playful and joyful atmosphere, perky ditties are introduced into the program. This attribute of folk art leaves no one indifferent and makes the atmosphere more friendly, inviting and relaxed.

Ditties with names for February 23

Personalized ditties are a real find for a corporate evening, for office gatherings, and for a school holiday. Both boys and men will be pleased to hear from the stage or from the lips of friends, work colleagues or classmates universal congratulations, suitable for absolutely everyone, and funny mentions about yourself. In such mini-songs, in a light, humorous form, the distinctive features of a person are played out, and it will be pleasant for everyone, regardless of age, to look at oneself from the outside and have a good laugh.

All the boys in our class
Smart and visible.
All the girls were given nicknames
Doesn't seem to be offensive!

Dima walks alone
No friends and no girlfriends.
Because this guy
Everyone brings us around.

Lenya is not at all quiet,
Even though it looks like it.
That will hurt someone
That he naughty with a vengeance!

But Pasha - our grief,
Weak and frail.
I need to eat more porridge
Grow up to be strong.

Misha walks with his nose up, Like an important general!
I completely forgot about my friends
He got five!

We sit on the desks
A mouse ran into the classroom.
Just showed up in class
New boy!

Kolya and Vasya were in such a hurry,
Play football in the yard.
Forgotten about school
Cunning, neither give nor take.

Igor sends me SMS,
In chemistry class:
“Urgently sent me a task,
Or else I'll die!"

Petya is standing at the blackboard,
Looks at the task.
He has sadness in his heart
On the face of suffering.

And Sergey is at recess,
His forehead drove right into the wall. At the same moment, everything he taught
Of course he forgot!

We tried in chemistry
Make full use of everything!
Almost left without school,
Here are the things!

Here is Andrey for physical education
Doesn't want to bring a uniform.
We play, we have fun
He sits on the side.

Who is pushing in the buffet?
Sneaking forward?
Skip Kostya, children,
And then die of hunger!

Our teacher explains
A new topic for us.
And Maxim is sitting, dreaming:
Where is the change?

Our Seryozha is a talker,
He interrupts everyone.
If they kill him,
He is worried.

Every day goes into battle
Kolya's classmate.
Fights with knowledge
No man is an island.

Lesha loves to play
Scream loud and jump.
Energy from Lesha beats,
When will he join the army?

All ditties quailed,
We tried our best!
Give us a clap,
After all, ditties are good!

Yura sings songs
Loudest of all in the choir
And then he gets sick
What a grief!

Every day goes into battle
My friend Kolya.
And the work is not going
The reason for this is Olya!

Dima and Sasha gentlemen
Simply splendid!
There will be defenders of the Motherland
Of these, first class!

Congratulations to the strong sex,
Happy Defender's Day
At the end of the evening under the table
You won't fall!

We have good men
Kolya, Sasha, Valentina,
Brave heroes,
You, colleague, look!

And our Sergei
Many achievements
He is good in everything
Road to bosses!

We sang ditties to you
For a corporate day
Happy holiday to you all, men,
Congratulations now!

Congratulations Konstantin,
Since February 23!
He is a prominent man
We love him for a reason!

He will fix the photocopier for us,
And fill the printer
And take you home
Just ask.

Happy Defender's Day
We congratulate now!
We wish them good health
So that their fuse does not go out!

Stepa studies on "5"
Wants to know a lot.
So that the bosses in the army
Conquer with intellect.

If Dima is ours once
Becomes an MP
That diary is his unfortunate
It will be compromising!

Vanya wants to be a tanker
Sasha is just a pilot.
Igor will become a sailor
And Vitya is a machine gunner!

All ditties quailed,
Yes, that's how good we are!
You clap more friendly
We tried our best!

Ditties about boys on February 23

Funny, perky, humorous ditties about schoolchildren can be included in the program as a separate number. Particularly impressive will be the performance of comic short quatrains small group of 6-7 girls. If they are in the same elegant costumes they will sing mini-songs in two or even three voices, and they use such instruments as musical accompaniment, for example, a tambourine, maracas or castanets, the performance will acquire a special charm and will be remembered for a long time not only by the boys, but also by invited guests.

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
Don't look at us like that -
We can be embarrassed!

All boys in our class
They love to stand out.
Who draws, who sings
Someone is having fun!

Every boy in our class
Very smart and handsome
Because so glad, of course,
Our entire women's team!

Don't yawn in class
Everyone be careful
And good grades
Will definitely!

Wake up the boys at night
In the very middle
They will tell the alphabet
Without one hitch!

The third quarter is in full swing
The clock ticked
And the boys are dreaming:
Vacation again!

late all boys
Explain simply:
- A study in the classroom
It's never too late!

And our boys are very
They love to run and play. And they promise to learn
Four and five!

Happy Defender's Day, we
Congratulations everyone now.
We wish you all good health,
So that the fire of love does not go out.

If you want to be strong
You have to serve in the army.
Service experience will tell you
How to live life the right way.

February 23?
This holiday is not in vain
We congratulate all men
From the outskirts to the Kremlin.

Today we wish
Treasure friendship from childhood
Protect our borders
Honestly serve the motherland!

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult hour
You, like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

We congratulate the boys
From February 23
Let's tell all our guys
Only kind words.

Boys will grow up soon
Medical examination will pass
Not wasting a minute
Go straight to the army.

To be strong and smart
And the girls love it
Every boy in our class
He does sports.

All the boys in the classroom
Even very good
And change comes
You do not seek mercy.

We sing for you today
And we have one motive
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really want to!

Oh girls, look
Vanya made a plane
So he becomes a pilot.
And take off!
High above the clouds
The plane will circle
Vanya will be like all the guys
Honestly serve the motherland!

Hee hee hee yeah ha ha ha
Vasya is not shy
Sleeps peacefully in all classes,
He smiles in his sleep.
Hey Vasily, wake up!
Why are you sleeping so soundly?
They will laugh at you
If you oversleep the army!

Chastushki from February 23 to colleagues

At work in holidays there is always a bright, relaxed and slightly frivolous atmosphere. Even strict bosses and serious heads of departments become more calm and relaxed, they gladly accept small nice gifts and listen to congratulations from their beautiful colleagues. On solemn event, timed to coincide with a significant date, not only funny, but also slightly spicy ditties will sound quite appropriate. This will help the team to become more closer friend to a friend and give the celebration an informal touch.

All defenders of the Fatherland,
And the men are good.
Dear, honored,
You are loved by the whole country.

Holiday of the brave, strong in spirit,
Just brave guys
Came just today
Open the door wider.

Fortune visited you
And patience came
And health is not forgotten
Most importantly, it didn't disappoint!

You smiles, peace, sun,
And love, it is important!
Happy holiday, blessings to you
Since February 23!

Congratulations to all men!
Happy holiday of goodness and strength!
Reach all the peaks
After all, they are surmountable!

You are always a support for us,
Success awaits with you
There is no such agreement
To make us laugh!

Be kind to your family
And give them smiles
To vanish like smoke
All the troubles and mistakes!

On the day of today, men
They walk importantly - like peacocks!
Congratulations are not expected in vain -
Since February 23!

Happy Defender's Day
Today we are all colleagues.
We love them all, respect
And we kiss everyone at once.

Colleagues are excited
Today is a special day -
Defender's Day is not a whim,
A gift from the Motherland!!!

Colleagues are excited
I remembered the army, He was the guardian of the Fatherland -
The heart was filled with happiness.

Colleagues are excited
Cheerful mood!
Give me the sea, give me the beach
Knee-deep - Black!!!

Colleagues are excited
The manager is an unimportant guardian:
Who served, who did not serve,
I still poured myself!!!

Chastushki on February 23 for men

You can sing such ditties to your beloved young man, husband, brother, father or grandfather. They have a lot of sincerity, tenderness, sublime, kind words and simple worldly humor. It will be a pleasure for close and dear people on a holiday to hear such an unusual, sincere and cheerful congratulations from mother, grandmother, girlfriend or wife.

I will break dear
Down today heels.
I congratulate you relatives
Golden men!

Today they ate all the potatoes
Colorado beetles.
We need a little...
Only there would be men!

So not happy with the salary,
And the costs are high.
What for we live richly -
Only there would be men!

I read on the internet
That the beets will dry up.
On the shoulder of these problems -
Only there would be men!

I would sing and dance
She kicked her heels.
But as if tired
Sorry guys!

Happy Defender's Day!
Pull up your pants
Smile wider
For the world to be at peace!

I will give my sweetie
on the day of the militarist
shorts like scarlet banners, -
let yourself be proud!

Oh, today is a day off, -
militarist day.
Let me be captured
darling - frolic!

We will sing ditties to you
And congratulations on February
For you to get more
And everyone was treated to friends!

Frivolous and funny ditties on February 23 for a very friendly company of adults

For adults who have known each other for a long time, spicy and frivolous ditties are suitable for performance. Very often they are sung while sitting at the table between meals. For the sake of interest and to give the holiday originality, you can break into teams (for example, male and female) and arrange a competition for the best performance. The winners will receive an extra piece of cake, an extra glass of martini, or any other prize at the discretion of the organizers of the holiday.

What is a ditty, my friends? In simple words- a rhyme for which the people invented a special dynamic melody. Such a song is performed emotionally, lively, incendiary. And since rhymes for ditties are flavored with satire, irony, humor, comic moments, the purpose of their performance is to cause a smile, laughter, and attract attention. In the ditty, a challenge often sounds, there is an unexpected denouement. Initially, ditties arose in the last century, or even earlier. They often reflected experiences to which one must respond optimistically and cheerfully. Today ditty as a genre is also popular. Chastushki with male names interesting to our visitors. That's why we publish them!

Ditties by names for men

Once upon a time, one Bogdan
Eat a banana under a tree
But it worked flawlessly.
Suddenly there is a trap under the tree.

Stas ate at lunchtime
Ripe sweet pineapple
Communists ran through
and Stas lost his food.

And once Grisha Leps
Drank three bottles of Schwebs
And was dissatisfied
Against vodka is the plebs.

Borya ate an orange,
Corky laid on the harpsichord
Borya was glad that he robbed
A music shop.

Hera snorted cocaine
Listened to the songs of the Queen
And smoked a hookah with star anise
And grunted like a pig

Roma with girl walking,
He rubbed something into her brain,
And when they got to the point,
Got scared and ran away.

Igor got into the car
clocked up hundreds of miles,
Lost my spare on the way
I drove into the point "grilled chicken"

Tolya chewed an apple,
Carefully counting cash
The mower did not count,
Spit an apple for a long time.

Pasha was cleaning a down jacket,
Became big as a snowman
The girls saw him
They made a wild cry.

Gena wants to become a cop
Everything carries from the site to the house,
Slides, stairs, swings
Rakes like a phantom.

Jean dived in the Black Sea,

A large coral floated by.

Turned out past Jean

Sailed "Nakhimov Admiral"

Seva is now a rock climber,

He climbed onto the KAMAZ,

But fell from Kamaz Seva

Having damaged a little pelvis.

Dima bought a trombone,
But why does Dima need him?
Dima is very musical
blowing into the tube is his law.

If Sasha sees virgins,
That is brave like a lion,
and at the sight of a bully

Frightened, sitting in a puddle.

Zhenya dived in the Arctic,
A large coral floated by.
It turned out, past Zhenya
a large deer swam.

Yan swam in the Black Sea,
I ordered a big banana.
and instead of a banana

We brought a catamaran

Seva is a smart climber,
somehow conquered KAMAZ,
But fell from Kamaz Seva
and bruised the pelvis on the ground.

Lenya went across the field,
Lenya found the money
And bought for this amount
He is OMON and Interpol.

Robert was walking with a girl
And he pressed her to himself,
turned out to be a judoka -
I was in the clinic for a long time.

Yura grilled kebabs,
From trout and cod,

Tied up the guy together
From " Grinpisa » men.

Vlad dressed in a down jacket,
and puffed up in breadth like a bull,
There is no end to cows.
The guy is used to it.

Vitya fastened the player,
"Where is the sound?" - voiced
It turned out that Vityukha
I didn't buy batteries.

Andryukha got on his skates,
He glided along the river
The echo in the hole screamed:
"Help, guys!"

Chastushki on March 8 for girls from boys, as well as funny ditties with the names of girls will help make your holiday at school and kindergarten fun and memorable.

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we ditties to you
Let's sing very loudly!

We promise you today
Compliments to speak
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

Clockwork we guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations girls
WITH Women's holiday Spring!

March 8 is coming soon
The boys are going to be hot.
They need to keep their word.
You can't hurt girls!

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

You are always beautiful
"Ponytails", pigtails
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

Chastushki on March 8 with the names of girls

Chastushkas with the names of girls are merrily performed, when a funny quatrain sounds about each student of the class, emphasizing the character or behavior of someone.

Katya is a kind soul
Everyone is nice, good.
Loves school, loves work.
And a true friend to everyone in the class.

As soon as I see Nastya,
I don't care about others
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Nastya.

Our Lena is not quiet,
Even though it looks like it.
If necessary, boldly vmazhet,
Doesn't even blink an eye.

Am I a gentleman or what?
Karina helped take off her coat.
Her briefcase brought to the desk,
It's March 8th today!

Did not answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And in her diary they placed
Ugly duckling!

Katya flew to school so
I didn't wear a uniform to school.
The whole lesson was counted by Katya
I'm polka dots on a bathrobe.

Polina is very exotic,
But sometimes self-critical.
And the unfortunate men
They love Paul for no reason.

They say there is nothing more beautiful
And wiser than Angelina,
Everyone will agree with this
Our lovely men

Diligent in everything
Darina decorates the house.
Only companion is pride,
Oh, it interferes with everything.

Look at Natasha -
She's got thorns all around
She looks so arrogant
And in her soul - flowers!

If you are looking for a long time
You are the leader
You choose Alina -
your savior!

Do not judge strictly Anya
For her great looks.
Inadvertently our Anya
Make all men fall in love with you.

Galya loves books since childhood,
I read "Moydodyr",
And now she's dreaming
Read it to holes.

Tanya with Lena, like magpies
On the edge of the forest
Discuss who has
More beautiful freckles.

Somehow Olya got
Sasha's note
lend me a dictation
Self-writing pen.

If you need order
Choose Julia as your wife
Just give her gifts
Never forget.

If you are looking for peace
That is more modest not to find,
The name is rare -
Ksyusha, how can I find you?

Our Tanya in the classroom
Writes messages to everyone.
Who will receive the telegram
Takes punishment.

Why, tell me, children,
Are there books?
To beat our Zhenya
All the boys with them.

Like our Verochka
Head is spinning,
Can't see anyone around
It spins with might and main.

I want to tell Lera
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and little about anything.

Olesya is - the soul will perk up,
Olesya is gone - a dull look,
I am drawn to Olesya
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

Who has a lot of fives
And mind chamber.
Yana knows everything in the world,
Even about the shovel.

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.
There is a magazine on the table
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

All day I tried so hard
I didn't look at the girls.
Barely survived -
I wanted to pull the braid.

We won't hide from girls
Let's tell them straight out:
Before your beauty
We melt like a snowman!

Everything around makes noise, sings,
The Women's Day is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give girls.

March is a good day
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our babies,
We will not offend you!

On a bright day March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not be you,
Tease, pull and push!

Our girls offended
We won't give today
Not even a stranger
Let's not get close to them.

It's a holiday in our school
Women's Day! Flowers and laughter!
To all teachers at once
Let's say: you are the most beautiful of all!

On Women's Day March 8
Dad cooked dinner himself
And I'll tell you a secret
Made a lot of trouble.

Burnt soup and porridge
He poured salt into the compote,
When our mother returned
She had a lot of trouble.

We envy girls
They love to play
And for this, guys,
Need to buy dolls.

On Women's Day March 8
Petya cooked dinner himself,
Crumbled sweets into the salad,
Made a lot of trouble!

We finish singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow good
To behave.

We dressed up for the holiday
We will show you a master class.
Sing and dance non-stop
We can give you an hour.
