Beautiful bodies without clothes. Girl without clothes walking around the store

Our magical internal clock is the pineal gland, or pineal gland, the only endocrine gland located deep in the brain. It regulates our daily rhythm - 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours of wakefulness. But such a rhythm is a habit acquired under the influence of civilization. A more natural and, therefore, more useful rhythm for humans is the alternation of 3-4 hours of sleep (2-3 complete cycles) and the same period of wakefulness as in infants and animals (it is no coincidence that we usually experience drowsiness in the middle of the day ).

Think about it, dear readers. Maybe it's better to be yourself!?

Information for reflection

“His [Jesus] disciples said: On what day will you appear to us and on what day will we see you?
Jesus said: When you are naked and not ashamed and take your clothes, lay them at your feet like little children, trample them, then you will see the son of the one who is alive, and you will not be afraid.

“Put off your shoes and clothes, and let the angel of air embrace your body. Throw off your shoes and clothes and let the angel of water embrace your whole body. Throw off your shoes and clothes and let the angel of sunshine embrace your whole body.” Evang. from Esseev, book 1.


Some people prefer pajamas or nightgowns/shirts. Other people do not recognize them, preferring to sleep naked. And, as it turns out, for good reason - scientists say that sleeping without clothes is useful in many ways:

Relieves pain

Clothing can impede the free flow of blood, so it is necessary to get rid of your favorite pajamas at least for the duration of sleep. This will relieve the discomfort and tension that forms in the nerve plexuses of the abdominal cavity and even eliminate pain in the abdomen. Also, doctors recommend that those who suffer from insomnia try to sleep naked.

Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands

If you sleep it - does not mean a complete lack of activity. The internal organs work and in order to improve the productivity of this work, you need to relieve them of unnecessary pressure. There are a number of benefits to sleeping naked. The access of air to the skin is simplified, and the processes of its regeneration are accelerated. The sebaceous glands begin to work better, releasing sebum and renewing the skin. And this affects the speed of metabolism.

Rejuvenation process

Sleeping naked is good for both the physical and psychological state of a person. Overheating of the body due to clothing disrupts the action of growth hormone and melatonin, which are the principal hormones in the rejuvenation process. At natural body temperature, the skin is better restored, and growth hormone is also better released. Another positive effect was found: sleeping without clothes helps to lose weight.

This is due to a more restful sleep of a person without clothes, which leads to a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol. At the same time, the energy of the body is preserved and the feeling of hunger is controlled. With disturbed sleep, the level of cortisol rises, and, waking up in the morning, a person will experience a strong feeling of hunger, which can only be quenched. a large number of food.

Protects the genitals

For women, moisture in underwear can cause discomfort and increase the chance of infection. Sleeping naked, when air is not obstructed, can reduce this likelihood and thus help to avoid fungal diseases. Therefore, it is useful for women to sleep naked. According to doctors, for men, sleeping naked helps maintain the optimal temperature of the testicles and, as a result, improves fertility and sperm quality.
And also, men. The body, depending on the ambient temperature, itself pulls the “testicles” higher or lowers. When in swimming trunks everything is pressed close to the body, then from high temperature spermatozoa begin to die, and the processes of their restoration are delayed for six months. For more information about the hygiene of the male genital organs, and the recommendations of yogis, see:

Improved quality of life

Can't get rid of anxiety and tiredness? If there was a busy day at work, it can be difficult to fall into a serene deep sleep. As a result, the whole next day you feel lethargic, you don’t want anything, just sleep.

American psychologist Amy Gordon claims that sleeping naked improves the relationship of spouses. After all, statistics show! that due to lack of sleep (clothing worsens the quality of sleep), a husband and wife quarrel more often, their conflicts become more serious, which, in the end, can lead to divorce.

Take off your favorite clothes for the night (panties, shirt, .. Men are not allowed at all, not only to sleep in tight shorts, but it is not advisable for them to wear such things during the day, see above). Together with clothes, you will relieve the stress of an intense day and fall asleep like a baby. And such a dream will energize you for the whole next day.

Finland (Suomi)

There is a Finnish proverb: "First build a sauna, then a house."
Christmas Eve is the time to visit the sauna, which is visited by the whole family. How do the Finns themselves talk about it?

For example, the Finnish forum: “Me koko perhe (sisko, veli, äiti, isä) saunomme yhdessä.” (We wash together as a family (sister, brother, mother, father). “Kyllä me saunotaan yhdessä koko perhe, lapset 16 ja 17 – vuotiaita.” (Yes, we bathe together as a family, and children aged 16 and 17).
That's what the younger generation says. What do their grandfathers say?

Old Finn Heikkinen: “By washing with the whole family on Christmas Eve, we not only cleanse our bodies and souls, but confirm and strengthen the fortress of our family, which no trouble will break. Entering the bath together, and leaving it together (as from the womb), we, having cleansed ourselves of the old, will enter together into New Year pure and spiritual, preserving the inviolability of his family. Jesus Christ said: be like children in order to prolong your years of life.

The sauna is part of the traditional Finnish culture and affects the daily life of the Finnish family. Children are brought to the sauna at the age of ≈ 4.5 months; 12% of them even earlier, at the age of one month. So say Ilkka Välimäki, MD, and medical researcher MD Eero Jokinen.

Nudity affects brain activity

Researchers from the Finnish Universities of Tampere and Aalto have shown that the perception of a naked body is enhanced at an early stage of visual information processing.

Most people like to look at photographs of naked or scantily clad human bodies. Looking at sexually arousing naked bodies is a classic theme in art. Advertisements also use scantily clad models to evoke positive images about the advertised product. Imaging studies in the brain have local zones that specialize in identifying human bodies in the environment, but until now it was not known whether the brain would process naked and clothed bodies differently.

Researchers have already shown that nudity perception is enhanced early in visual processing. During the study, participants were shown photographs of men and women in which the models were wearing either normal casual clothes, swimwear, or were nude. At the same time, the visual responses of the brain were recorded. This method allows researchers to study the early stages of visual information processing.

The results showed that in less than 0.2 seconds, the brain processes nude photos more efficiently than clothed photos. In fact, the less clothes the models wore, the more perfect the information processing was. The brain response was strong when the participants looked at photographs of naked bodies. The second strongest brain reaction was for models in swimsuits, and weaker for fully clothed people. In male participants, brain responses were stronger to naked female bodies than to male ones, whereas in females, brain responses did not affect gender.

It is better for a man and a woman not to sleep together, in the same bed, because. sleeping together negatively affects the male mind.

What do psychologists think?

Psychologists from different countries came to an interesting conclusion. It turns out that the family bed can adversely affect the mental abilities of a person. And above all, this applies to men.

If a man sleeps in the same bed with a woman, then in the morning his brain works worse than if a man sleeps alone. This conclusion was reached by scientists as a result of the study.

Husband and wife sleep separately and be happy

On this issue, opinions are categorically poles. Someone with both hands for separate matrimonial bedrooms - so romantic, piquant, but simply more convenient. Someone can’t imagine life when, after 23:00, they scattered around the rooms and “ Good night dear .., although maybe I’ll drop in if you invite me. ”

Let's be detailed and step by step. The topic “to sleep or not to sleep together for a wife and husband” is exciting in every sense. Or maybe there really is a reason to go to each other's "visit"? Or sniff together in unison until diamond wedding? It would be nice, but...

People often behave strangely in a dream - they scream and call for help, kick, throw their sometimes gigantic limbs on the sleeping person next to them, snore like Bengal tigers, actively engage in " sports competitions"- pulling a blanket, who will occupy a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed, dropping a nearby body lying on the floor ...

In general, the second half does not just have to freeze and hang over the "chasm".

After, during the day, the unfortunate suffers from lack of sleep. No, he (she), of course, loves his partner very much, but subconsciously accumulates ... irritation and discontent. After all, if you can’t relax normally, the person becomes angry and irritable, or is different as the shadow of the father of a famous character.

It is curious that the studies of American scientists come down to almost unanimous opinion: separate bedrooms save the family! As it turned out, a quarter, and to be precise 23% of Americans who are legally or civilly married, sleep in different beds. This is because the other half is frankly unbearably behaving in a dream.

Interestingly, the number does not include those who do not try to sleep separately, in the hope of rekindling their former passion. Therefore, the real number of spouses sleeping "in different corners" is much larger.

The local neurologists approve of all this, explaining that otherwise, the second half, not getting enough sleep, will soon begin to “revenge” the first: it will become picky and dissatisfied, it will stop bringing home a good salary (what kind of labor exploits after a sleepless night?). Marital debt? They owe you a long time in such a situation ...

Because in last years more and more Americans, even those with average incomes, prefer house designs with separate bedrooms for husband and wife.

04/05/2011 | Natalia Tolstaya, ist:

Women of Brazil: if you marry without panties, you will be happy!

Guardians of morality want to ban old tradition- do not wear underwear Wedding Dress. Priests strongly disagree!

The representative of the administration of the Brazilian city of Vila Velha proposed a bill obliging brides to be married in the church without fail to wear panties under the dress.

The fact is that in Brazil there is a sign that if a bride has nothing under her dress at a church wedding ceremony, then living together the new married couple will be happy and last a long time.

Explaining the need to comply with the proposed rules, Osias Sisi emphasizes that this will allow priests not to find themselves in a difficult situation in the performance of pastoral duties. According to him, being in the temple and approaching the altar, you should still show some respect for the place where you are.

However, the local priest Enosh de Castro, who most often performs the wedding ceremony in the city, called the bill "ridiculous."
"It is absurd to introduce police measures to check whether the bride is wearing panties or not," Orange News quoted the religious figure as saying.

In the United States, for example, the city council of Alexandria (Louisiana) banned the wearing of dangling pants, from which underwear is visible. The law applies to both women and men.

The best character in women who like to sleep naked.

When the actress was asked what she puts on when she goes to bed, she replied: "Only Chanel number five."

If even after the wedding, you are not sure that you have had time to study your life partner well, pay attention to the clothes in which she goes to bed. Nightdress or pajamas will tell you more than your favorite lips.

* If a woman puts on a lace combination or some other elegant underwear for bed, no doubt she is very feminine. She likes to be pampered, looked after, nursed and caressed.
Such a woman likes romantic dinners with champagne by candlelight.

* A fondness for starched sleeved nightgowns means that you are dealing with a delicate, sensual and romantic woman who is always looking for something exciting and mysterious.
But it also says that she loves order and carefully monitors her appearance.

* If she likes to sleep in pajamas, then it means that she prefers a strong, stable relationship. Such women, as a rule, are reliable both in work and in family life.

* A shirt as a nightwear means that she is generous, warm-hearted, easy to make friends. She is cheerful and playful, but people trust her, knowing that they can rely on her.

* What can be said about a woman on whom there is nothing but a sweet sleepy smile? Those who sleep without clothes at all never give in to the challenge of fate. They are distinguished by sensuality, impulsiveness and independence. In addition, they are very trusting and open.

What do they say in the West? Very interesting.

Very kind girls with a soft and pliable character, who are always ready to help others, sleep in thick warm pajamas. They love companies, parties and travel.

And here is what they write about lovers of long nightgowns: "A very romantic person, highly impressed, sensitive. She is very interested in what other people think of her, and she always tries to look good."

Women who love compliments, love affection and tenderness sleep in translucent short lace nightgowns. This is the epitome of femininity. A frequent guest at chic receptions and parties. She will never miss the opportunity to show her beauty in order for men to admire her.

In children's multi-colored pajamas - homebodies who love comfort. Avoid inconsistency. They are sure that the husband is a real protector, and they appreciate it. Very reliable, never let you down in work and in family life.

And about those who sleep naked, the following is said: A very unpredictable lady, self-confident and independent. Does not stop at obstacles on the path of life. She is used to trusting people, but does not forgive hypocrisy and duplicity. She does not communicate with intriguers and does not weave intrigues herself. He also doesn't like to flirt.


Those who prefer order love to sleep in shorts. He treats close people well, likes to take care of others. He always remembers the dates of important holidays.

In dressing gowns (and what - are there such?): Monogamous. Practical and hardworking. Goal-oriented person. He goes in for sports, loves new experiences and travel.

In pajama pants: a man who knows his own worth. Doesn't follow fashion. Don't quit what you started once. Likes persistence. Somewhat conservative.

Without clothes: this person has a very developed imagination, a fairly creative person. His inner world is very rich and varied. He always achieves his goals through self-confidence. At work, he is known as an enthusiast, a person who quickly makes decisions, quickly understands the essence of the problem.

Love the woman who is next to you, do not look for the best.
And remember, a woman is always a reflection of her man's love!

Happy married sleep soundly

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, presented a paper at the 22nd annual conference of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), taking place in Baltimore (Baltimore). The report claims that women in successful marriages experience significantly fewer problems with sleep and falling asleep, according to the Telegraph.
The study involved 1,938 married women, average age who was 46 years old. They were asked to answer questions regarding their family life, quality of sleep, and ability to fall asleep. Those women whose family life was not very successful noted difficulties with falling asleep and a lower quality of night sleep compared to those who declared harmonious relationships in marriage. In addition, unhappiness in family life makes women wake up too early, when their body still needs rest.

The scientists who conducted the survey had previously studied the relationship between sleep and divorce. “Divorced women experience more sleep problems than married women. However, until now, we did not know how relationships within the family affect the nature of sleep,” says Dr. Wendy Troxel (Wendy Troxel). The study shows that the attending physician should first of all examine the family history of the patient who came with complaints of sleep.

Interestingly, according to scientists from the University of Vienna (University of Vienna), Austria, sleeping in a shared bed has a negative effect on the male brain. In addition, it is especially useful for men to take a nap after dinner. A recent study by Androniki Naska and colleagues at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Athens, Greece, showed that short afternoon naps are good for the heart: those who take at least three afternoon naps a week experience 37 % lower mortality from heart disease. Men are known to be more prone to heart disease than women.

Sleep disturbances in teenagers may be linked to too much mobile phone conversations, according to Sahlgren's Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

What do you need to do to ensure your sleep is sound and healthy? To establish a stable sleep pattern, following simple tips will help:

Don't eat at night. Eat a light meal like a salad three hours before bed. Falling asleep with a full stomach or when you are hungry will be more difficult, as it will take much longer. Dr. Hiromi Shinja, born in 1935, will tell you more about nutrition. For 40 years of his medical practice and cooperation with leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA and Europe, he has not issued a single death certificate. Among his patients are singer Sting, fashion designer Kevin Klein, designer Vera Wang, hero-lover and superman Rock Hudson, and others.

Before going to bed, it will be very useful to take a short walk, get some fresh air, and also take a bath or shower, this will help you relax.

One of the important conditions for sound sleep is a mattress and pillows that properly support the body, you should also pay attention to bedding, preferably from natural fabrics.
Ventilate the room. Fresh air and temperature within 20°C is the best way to ensure good conditions for sound sleep. Also, soothing herbal tea and pleasant quiet / calm music will not be superfluous.

Provide yourself with silence. Turn off the TV, computer, and other equipment that makes noise. Follow the schedule. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time.

As shown by the results of studies by British scientists, people who sleep the same number of hours at night live longer than those whose sleep duration is constantly changing. Therefore, doctors recommend that in order to always have a healthy sleep, you need to set a sleep time for yourself and strictly adhere to it. Also, British scientists came to the conclusion that people who constantly suffer from a lack of sleep increase the risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Contributes to the development of diabetes and depression, alcoholism, obesity, poor concentration.

If you feel tired already at three o'clock in the afternoon, you need to give your body a rest. This will increase your productivity. As a result of a NASA study, it was found that a 26-minute sleep increases the performance of pilots by 34 percent.

Sufficient night's rest affects the mental activity of the next day. Good sleep means good thinking. Proper sleep is a necessary condition for mental and physical health. The accumulation of sleepless nights breaks down the strongest organisms and leads to mental breakdown.
If you want to live long and work efficiently, you need to get enough sleep. The normal duration of sleep in the city is 6-8 hours a day.

However. Margaret Thatcher wrote: "I never slept more than four or five hours a night." Julius Caesar needed 4 hours of sleep. Thomas Edison slept 5 hours a day, Winston Churchill - from 4 to 6 hours.

The human body is designed in such a way that at the end of each day he must rest or sleep. Sleep is necessary for every person, just like air or food. If a person does not comply with the sleep regimen or suffers from insomnia, then his body wears out faster, various deviations occur, leading to diseases.

Many people think that the ideal option for health is to go to bed at 10 o'clock and get up at 5-6 o'clock. A more realistic option is to go to bed at 11 o'clock and get up at 7 o'clock. This is a natural and healthy mode for a person. Therefore, try to choose a sleep mode for yourself, because. You know yourself best.



Sleeping on your stomach is easier. Therefore, this position is considered the most comfortable, but by no means the most useful.
Doctors believe that it is worth sleeping in this position if you experience discomfort in the digestive organs. Sleeping on your stomach helps reduce discomfort.

Unfortunately, this is where the benefits of sleeping on your stomach end and the disadvantages begin.

If we lie on our stomach, we turn our heads to the side. At this moment, one of the vertebral arteries is bent and compressed. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.

When sleeping on the stomach, the lungs are not able to fully expand, rib cage squeezed. This makes breathing difficult.

Sleeping on your stomach can lead to sexual problems. And both in women and in men. This is due to the fact that the body's own weight presses on internal organs. This disrupts blood circulation in the lower abdomen. And blood circulation directly affects sexual health.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended not only by sexologists, but also by cosmetologists! Because of this position in a dream, wrinkles appear on the face earlier (more often in the nasolabial region). Women also run the risk of acquiring unwanted folds and wrinkles on the chest, which are difficult to get rid of. Those who like to sleep on their stomachs are more likely to experience puffiness of the face in the morning.


The pose on the side is considered the most natural. It is not for nothing that it is called the pose of the "embryo" or "embryo" in a different way. Tibetan experts claim that sleeping on the left side helps prolong life. And yogis believe that sleeping on the left side has a warming effect, and on the right - cooling.


This pose is suitable for those who have lower back pain. When we lie on our side, our spine takes on natural curves and the back rests.

Embryo pose helps reduce the discomfort of indigestion and heartburn.
This pose also helps with snoring.


After sleeping on your side, pain in the cervical spine may appear.
People suffering from hypertension should not sleep on their left side. This position puts extra stress on the heart.

When we sleep on our side, we run the risk of getting wrinkles on the side of the face that we touch the pillow during sleep.


This posture is considered the most auspicious. Here are its main advantages.

Sleeping in this position is recommended for people suffering from scoliosis.
With back injuries, sleeping in this position is most comfortable - all muscles relax and tension is relieved.
The most beneficial posture for the skin. Lying on our back, we do not touch the pillow with our face.
Sleeping on your back the best option for hypertensive patients. In this position, there is a uniform load on the heart.

This position is contraindicated for those who snore and suffer from sleep apnea.

The main thing: when choosing a sleeping position, pay special attention to the position of the neck. It is necessary that the blood flow freely to the brain. This is the key to a restful and healthy sleep.

Salamiya Bukreeva


Some time ago, scientists found that during sleep, the human brain is cleared of toxins accumulated during the day, thanks to special regulatory mechanisms. A recent study by scientists from Stone Brook University and the University of Rochester found that sleeping on your side is best for your brain.

It is in the side position that the brain is most effectively cleansed of toxic substances accumulated during the day - beta-amyloids and tau proteins, which increase the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The complex glymphatic system is responsible for clearing the brain of “garbage”, and scientists have found that when a person sleeps on his side, this system works 10 times more actively.

The researchers conducted an experiment on rats, using MRI to study the effectiveness of removing toxins in different positions during sleep. It turned out that sleeping on the side turned out to be more beneficial for the brain in all respects - it allows not only to quickly remove toxic substances, but also to give a proper rest to the brain, after which a person wakes up vigorous and full of energy.

By the way, earlier scientists found that sleep helps to remember the forgotten. To verify this, the researchers asked subjects to learn a few foreign words a day. Other scientists added that memory develops healthy sleep.


If the alternation of 3-4 hours of sleep (2-3 full cycles) and the same period of wakefulness as in infants and animals does not suit you at all, then compare and choose the best sleep for yourself:

in different age groups time for healthy sleep is different. A person from 20 to 50 years old needs to sleep at least 8 hours, and after 50 it can be only 4-5 hours. Moreover, many people mistakenly think that the more time they spend on sleep, the better and more useful it will be for them. Also, many believe that the time of day or night does not affect the quality of sleep at all. It will be appropriate to recall the folk wisdom: "He who gets up early, God gives to him."

A small comparison of people by the time they wake up:

4-5 hours. A person who has mastered such an early awakening is very sensitive, full of energy and emotions. Despite early time He feels quite cheerful and confident. Such an awakening is characteristic of creative and purposeful people.

5-7 hours. Anyone who wakes up at this time is always full of energy and feels "in the spirit." This is the best time for mental activity.

After 9 o'clock. A person awakening at this time sharply decreases resistance to all kinds of ailments. It can easily be attacked by hypotension, dysfunctional stomach, migraine, nervousness and other sores.

10-11 hours. Such sleepyheads already have a very serious chance of earning not a simple, but a chronic sore, and maybe more than one. Such people lose their vitality, concentration, attentiveness and are quite little protected from stress. Also, such a person is unlikely to be able to correctly assess the situation, and choose the right and profitable solution his problems. Such a person, over time, becomes passive in all his affairs.

Later 11. These are the most vulnerable of all people. With their awakening, they stimulate in themselves apathy, depression, unwillingness to live, nervousness and crushing. Therefore, if you observe these signs, you should seriously consider and reconsider your sleep schedule.

Note: Of course, if you slept for 3-4 hours, this does not mean that you woke up earlier and ensured a favorable wakefulness. First of all, pay close attention to the time at which you go to bed.

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    Jackie Hickey, 46, hairdresser, single

    “I have always had a tummy, but this has nothing to do with my lifestyle, I blame my mother’s genes for everything, because she and all my sisters also have a tummy.

    When I was 20 years old, my client asked me what month of pregnancy I was, since then I decided to dress in a way that hides my belly as much as possible.

    I wear wide-waisted dresses, and I wear high-waisted underpants to hide my protruding belly a little bit.

    I don't suffer from excess weight, and no matter how hard I try to lose weight, my stomach still does not want to leave.

    Because I'm good at hiding my flaw, people don't believe that I have a big belly until I undress. After which they are usually very surprised "

    Abby Rendell, 33, married, mother of two

    "You can look at me and think that I have big breasts and a chiseled waist, but the reality is that this is not at all the case.

    If I undress, then you will have a completely different woman in front of you.

    During my two pregnancies, I didn’t gain a lot of weight, but I still became the owner of a bulging belly. "
    Abby wears skinny jeans With high waist, which hide her bulging belly and visually make her hips slimmer.

    She also wears dresses with inserts that make the figure slimmer and dresses with a peplum, the so-called wide frill, sewn on the waistline to the dress.

    Also, her secret trick is to wear clothes. bright colors with drawings to divert attention from the figure.

    "I remember how slim I was before two pregnancies, and I would really like to have the same shape, but then I look at my two sons and understand that they are much more important than my figure."

    Andrea Gould, 37, graphic design student, single

    "When I see how my body has changed since the age of 20, I immediately feel depressed. Since I am a student graphic design, then I am surrounded by girls who are 20 years younger than me, who, on the contrary, wear things that emphasize the figure. And I also stand next to them and I look pretty good, but I wonder what they would think of me if they saw me naked.

    When I was young, I could eat whatever I wanted without thinking and still not gain weight, but my metabolism has seriously slowed down since my 30s. I have put on a lot of extra weight and have no children to blame for the loss. beautiful figure but I learned how to present it correctly.

    I wear high-waisted skinny jeans that hide my belly and slim my hips and butt. I like to wear sleeveless clothes because my arms don't look fat.

    I prefer to wear red bodycon dresses, these are fitted dresses that fit snugly to the body.

    My lower body is bigger than my upper body and also this cellulite.. I suffer a lot from losing my figure, I hate to undress in front of a mirror, and even more so when someone sees. For me, the real test is to go to the pool, where I try not to look at other swimmers. When I was young, I never thought that this could happen to my figure. I'm turning 40 soon and I'm worried that the situation will only get worse."

    Jacqueline Lloyd, 57, administrator, divorced 13 years ago, has four adult children and five grandchildren

    “I am very sad to look at my body, despite the fact that I lost 12 kg in 3 years after my nutritionist advised me to take care of my health more because I ate a lot of sweets.

    Now I walk 6.5 km every day, and I can only afford to eat sweets or drink alcohol on weekends.

    Unfortunately, my body doesn't reflect my weight loss or my lifestyle change. I can give the impression of slimness, but things take a completely different turn when I undress. After giving birth, when I was 27 years old, my stomach did not return to the opposite state, it became loose and sagging. During childbirth, when I gave birth to 4 children, they made me C-section, and it kind of took the muscles off my stomach altogether."

    “Now my clothes are like camouflage and no one should guess what is hidden under it.

    My arms have become flabby after 40, so I always wear long sleeves. No plunging dresses, as my chest has already sunk quite low.

    I don't wear pants that would accentuate the fat around my belly and thighs, instead I prefer skirts with a belt to flatten my belly.

    And these tricks actually work, recently a stranger told me that I am very slim. God knows what he would say if he saw me naked.

    I had a relationship after marriage, but it was very difficult for me to undress and show everything that I hide under carefully chosen clothes.

    I just need to try to understand that the figure is not the most important thing in a relationship."
