How to clean a rubber watch strap. How to properly clean a watch? Leather belt care

The leather strap from the watch is erased over time - it loses its color and shine. From moisture, dark spots may appear on it, which will stand out against the main background.

By observing certain operating conditions, severe contamination of the strap can be prevented. However, to prolong its life, it is possible to clean the leather strap at home.

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In order for the strap to remain in good condition longer, you should follow the recommendations for use:

  • Remove watch before water procedures even if the watch is water resistant. So the skin will not be deformed from a set of water and subsequent drying;
  • Wear the watch with the strap fastened slightly loose so that it absorbs less sweat and does not stretch;
  • Take off your watch at night so that the strap is ventilated;
  • Keep the watch in a free state and in a horizontal position without crushing the strap;
  • Rub the leather of the strap with vegetable oil (olive or castor) or glycerin so that it does not lose its shine.

Cleaning the leather strap

Even with all the recommendations for use, over time, the strap loses its luster and acquires a specific smell. Therefore, from time to time it is advisable to clean it, after removing the clock mechanism. There are several ways to clean the strap:

  • Dilute liquid soap in warm water and add a few drops of ammonia. With a cotton swab dipped in this solution, wipe the strap on both sides, rinse in warm running water and allow to dry in a horizontal position;
  • You can clean the light strap with a mixture of milk and egg white. Dip a cotton swab into the liquid and rub it on the skin. This helps keep the color;
  • You can remove strong contaminants using gruel (paste) from soda with water. Apply the mixture evenly over the entire surface of the strap, leave for an hour, then rinse;
  • You can remove stains from the strap by special means for skin care. Such sprays are sold in shoe and car stores, as well as in furniture stores;

To refresh the color and neutralize the smell, the strap should be rinsed after cleaning in warm water with the addition of citric acid. So that the leather does not dry out and does not crack, a slightly damp strap should be rubbed with glycerin or a drop of vegetable oil. When the strap is dry, it remains to polish its surface with a soft, clean cloth.

A watch is a thing that is constantly with a person. They are fixed on the arm and are not removed for a minute during the day. Naturally, during operation, sweat, sebum and dust adhere abundantly to the surface of the bracelet, polluting it and creating an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to know how to clean the watch strap so that there are no health problems.

How to clean a watch strap?

What materials are watch bracelets made of?

The method of cleaning the strap from a watch depends entirely on what material was used to create it. It is impossible to clean, for example, leather and silver in the same way. These materials have completely different properties. Therefore, it is very important how and with what to clean watches of different types.

So, what are the straps made of:

· silver;

· gold.

All of them can have some kind of spraying or coloring, except for precious ones, or be without it. It practically does not depend on how to clean the watch. But you need to be careful and do not try to erase the belt during the powder cleaning process.

How to clean a watch or watch strap?

For each material, you should choose your own method and means for cleaning. This is very important, because otherwise there is a risk of damaging the belt forever, which does not contribute to economy and convenience at all. It is very important to remember to remove the watch from the strap, even if it is waterproof. What is useful for the bracelet is not always useful for the body.

To clean the skin, you will need ingredients such as liquid soap, a couple of drops of ammonia and water. It is necessary to make a strong soapy solution with the addition of ammonia. Then, with a piece of cotton wool or a lint-free cloth soaked in the solution, gently wipe both sides of the bracelet. After that, gently wash the composition with a slightly damp cloth with plain water, dip it in a towel and let it dry. If the skin is light, then you can clean your watch with one raw protein diluted in a glass of milk.

There are many varieties of watch straps: leather, eco-leather, silicone, metal. If you decide , then among the offers you will even find products made of high-quality plastic. But no matter how carefully the watch is used, sooner or later it gets dirty. However, not every model provides the possibility of replacing the bracelet. And you don't want to spend extra money. Therefore, the owners face the question of how to clean the watch bracelet.

Most often they are supplied with leather or stainless steel belts. They look respectable and are comfortable to wear. But from contact with the body, clothing, air and moisture, they lose their attractiveness, fade. Particles of dirt and dust clog into steel links, and leather belts become stained and lose their luster. What to do?

How to clean a watch braceletleather?

The easiest way to restore the original look of a leather strap is to buy a special cleaner in a household or shoe store. leather goods. If this option does not work, remove the strap from the watch face and try one of the following methods:

  • Make a solution: half a liter of water, a couple of drops of shampoo, one tablespoon of ammonia. Wipe the surface with a soft sponge dampened with this solution. Then dry with a clean cloth.
  • Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe the strap.

Sometimes, not knowing how to clean a watch bracelet with gentle methods, people use alcohol or gasoline. These are quite dangerous for the material, albeit effective substances. We do not recommend using them. Especially - if you are not sure that the leather is natural and not artificial.

You can make a leather strap shiny with glycerin. Just dampen a piece of cloth or sponge with glycerine and wipe the belt. It will become softer, smoother, radiant.

How to clean a watch braceletstainless steel?

If it is not possible to separate the bracelet from the case, the best option will be cleaning with soda-vinegar paste:

  1. Mix baking soda and vinegar in equal parts.
  2. Apply the mixture to soft tissue or a brush.
  3. Neat in a circular motion wipe the surface, being careful not to touch the glass and the case.
  4. Wipe away any remaining paste and wipe the surface thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth.

If the bracelet is easily detached from the case, separate it and use the "baths":

  • Dilute some shampoo or dishwashing gel in water. Dip the bracelet in the solution for half an hour. After that, with a toothbrush or cotton buds clean the link joints. Rinse with running water and dry with a soft towel.
  • Take or make a container out of aluminum foil. Put a bracelet in it and sprinkle with soda. Pour hot water. Wait 20 minutes. Wash and dry the strap.
  • A stainless bracelet can be soaked in vodka or a mixture of ammonia and water. And then rinse and wipe, as in previous recipes.

If it’s not important for you to know how to clean a watch bracelet at home, use the services of a workshop. Masters will carry out the procedure carefully and safely, using an ultrasonic cleaner.

A steel bracelet gets dirty much less than a leather or braid bracelet. But sooner or later, it still loses its presentation, and requires minimal maintenance. Paint can get on the bracelet, or the “hollows” of the bracelet simply darken due to the accumulation of grease and dirt. Little things like that ruin the look. expensive watches prestigious brand, and fixing the matter is very simple!

How to clean a steel watch bracelet?

It all depends on the type of pollution. If the watch accidentally hit dye - use solvent or kerosene: wipe the stain with a cloth soaked in solvent until it disappears, and then wipe with a damp cloth to remove the smell of kerosene.

For removing grease and dirt tools are used:

  • dish detergent, laundry soap or shampoo. Remove the bracelet from the watch and leave for 20 minutes in the solution. Soaked and softened dirt can now be easily removed with a soft cloth or toothbrush. After rubbing, the watch should also be wiped with a damp cloth and polished dry.
  • A good way to soak dried greasy dirt from the small holes in a braided bracelet is to soak it in a solution of baking soda and water for 20 minutes. Soda will dissolve grease, and dirty stains can be washed under running water. After the procedure, the watch should be wiped dry.
  • A 1 to 1 mixture of baking soda and vinegar is strong enough to work on all metals, including stainless steel, silver and gold. In the tool, moisten the toothbrush and clean the contamination of the bracelet. No need to soak.
  • Another working solution is a mixture of ammonia and vodka in half. The bracelet is soaked for 5 minutes, or rubbed with a toothbrush.

What to remember

You can not soak the bracelet for a long time: not every coating will happily respond to this. It may change color or fade.

Also, do not clean the bracelet with abrasive products: undissolved soda, sand, etc. this can scratch or wear off the protective coating of the bracelet.

If the watch is expensive and you are afraid to take risks, then it is better to take the watch to the service: the dirt will be treated with an ultrasonic cleaner, and the stains will be safely removed. In addition, it can be difficult to remove the bracelet from the watch yourself, and it is absolutely impossible to soak the bracelet together with the watch.

Wristwatches these days are more fashion accessory than a device showing the exact time. And even for smart watches, this fact applies to the full. Therefore, manufacturers pay no less (and sometimes more) attention (and money) to their appearance than to functionality, reliability and other equally practical parameters. The Apple Watch is one of the most illustrative examples of this.

I must say that the majority of users themselves also prefer their smart watches to look beautiful and / or at least neat for as long as possible.

Therefore, the user constantly wipes the case and screen of his Apple Watch, sometimes gives the watch for polishing if there are a lot of scratches on them, rarely changes the protective glass if it is covered with completely “terrible” scratches or cracks.

In fact, Apple Watch, like any other mobile device that is actively used every day, and like any wrist watch, which are worn daily, very quickly become a real magnet for various unpleasant substances, colloquially referred to as dirt. And if their case and screen can be put in order, as a rule, simply with a damp cloth, then in most cases the situation with cleaning the strap is somewhat more complicated.

But dirty spots on the Apple Watch strap are great spoil appearance smart watch. And light straps, especially white and green sport straps, get dirty, unfortunately, quickly. On whites, sometimes even stains and blue scuffs just remain from jeans. And not all of them then turn out to be wiped off with ordinary water and soap.

In this regard, we will tell you how you can clean the Apple Watch strap . So:

  • cleaning the Apple Watch band - basic level : water and soap

Yes, just ordinary warm water and the most ordinary soap. The method, to put it mildly, is not quite high-tech, but it is still effective for cleaning straps made of polymer materials. And to improve manufacturability, soap can be replaced with dishwashing detergent. Warm soapy solution of moderate concentration (with detergent be careful, it’s better not to use the concentrate) pour it into any container of suitable size, immerse the Apple Watch strap into it, leave it for half an hour or an hour, then wash it with your hands or some clean rag, rinse it under the tap and let it dry.
