Whiten jeans interesting ways. What will be the effect if you lighten jeans with soda, whiteness or lemon juice? With a cleaning agent like Domestos

Maybe there is a way to fix it. You don't have to throw away your jacket. Today we can give our jacket new life.Why don't we bleach our denim jacket?

Denim jacket bleaching

It would seem that it is difficult to bleach a jacket? Added bleach and that's it. But not everything is so simple. 'Cause we can ruin denim, and then our favorite little thing will come to an end, and it will definitely have to be sent to the trash can. Therefore, we will gradually and carefully sort out the methods that can be used to bleach denim.

quality powder

Easiest but also less effective method- wash at high temperature. Just pour a large number of good and expensive powder and set the washing mode to 59 degrees. This will help to wash the jacket well and lighten it a little. Because at high temperatures, the paint is washed off the jeans. For this reason, jeans are usually washed at 30 degrees.


This is an alternative to hot washing. Not everyone has the opportunity to wash their jacket in washing machine. But everyone can boil it down. Only the procedure must be carried out using powder and bleach. We do not regret it, we throw more. Bleach will do the job well.

For the procedure, we boil a bucket of water or a large pot of 10 liters. When the water boils, put our jacket in a container of water and add bleach there. Now cook the jacket on low heat for 20 minutes. The denim will become much lighter.

Bleach with chlorine

Do not forget that almost all bleaches contain chlorine. But lightening a denim jacket with this tool is not difficult. After this procedure, the fabric will become very thinner and you will have to be more careful with the jacket. Because it can be easily torn by simply catching on the carnations.

So, we put our jacket in the bath and fill the bleach on the jacket. And it’s better if you put a jeans jacket in some kind of container for convenience or we put on gloves, take a sponge and begin to completely wipe the jacket with liquid. The longer we leave the jacket in bleach, the lighter it will become. After the procedure, we throw the jacket into the washing machine and wash it in cold water. It should wash well from bleach. If the color does not satisfy you, then the procedure should be repeated.

Wash with soda

If you regularly add soda to the powder when washing, then very soon it will be possible to bleach your jeans. Baking soda is great at softening water, so the powder does a good job of bleaching the jacket. Wash only with white powder with bleach. So the effect will be better. Soda is taken at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. If washing is done manually, then 3 tablespoons are added to the washing drum. soda.

Hydrogen peroxide

Probably many people already know about the wonderful property of peroxide. This substance perfectly whitens hair, fabric and even teeth. Therefore, it is not surprising that hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten a denim jacket. This miracle tool will easily help to make a great jacket color.

To do this, add 2 tbsp. peroxide solution in powder during washing. If washing is done in a washing machine, then you can add liquid to the main compartment. Peroxide will not harm your washing machine. Perhaps the first time it will brighten just a tone, in this case you will have to repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired effect.

"Domestos" to help

Many have already tried this excellent Domestos gel, which housewives use to wash toilets. As it turned out, it is useful not only for washing. It is based on hypochlorite, and it is a powerful bleach.

To bleach your denim jacket, you need to dilute Domestos in a bucket or basin. We take about ½ cup for 3 liters of water. put our jacket on and start dipping it. Do everything with rubber gloves so as not to damage your skin. You can even take a brush and carefully rub the jeans. Then rinse the jacket with water and hang to dry. If you do not like the result, then the procedure should be repeated.

Lemon juice

It turns out that you can bleach jeans with lemon juice. If there are no lemons on hand, you can always replace the juice with citric acid. The effect will be the same. Now the main thing is to deal with proportions.

If you take lemon juice, then you need 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water, but citric acid in powder, 1 tsp is taken. per litre. It is best to soak a jacket with powder and add citric acid to it. Let it lie down for a couple of hours.

manganese solution

Potassium permanganate is an excellent bleach for jeans. It copes with its task no worse than hydrogen peroxide. It's just that today it's not so easy to buy potassium permanganate. So whoever has leftovers can afford to bleach the jacket with potassium permanganate.

For strong bleaching, you need 30 g per 1 kg of fabric. The jacket weighs approximately 0.8 kg. So we take about 24 g, maybe 20 g. We dissolve the potassium permanganate in the input, for a greater effect we add acid to it. Bleach fabric for about 30 minutes.

It must be remembered that if you regularly add oxygen bleach when washing, you will very soon see the result. So you can whiten your denim jacket in various ways, the main desire. If you really don’t want to mess with it at all, then you can take your denim jacket to the dry cleaners. Now they can do anything for money. So the very next day you will become the owner of a light jacket.

Analyzing trends modern fashion, it is impossible not to notice the stable positions of denim clothing. Jeans, although undergoing some changes, do not leave the catwalks. The last few spring-summer seasons, for example, are considered fashionable worn, torn, bleached completely or in places. jeans, breeches, shorts. Model items are not cheap, but if you know how to whiten jeans at home, any denim item can be turned into a vintage trendy new thing.

As bleaching agents for "discoloration" of denim, chlorine-containing bleaches, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, lemon juice are usually used. The method of digestion of jeans with Whiteness gives the maximum effect.

Read this article:

How to lighten jeans white?

For a procedure that is difficult at first glance, you will need ready-made chlorine-based bleach, water, a large enameled container (bucket, pan), long wooden tongs for boiling laundry.

To protect the skin of the hands from a caustic substance, you need to prepare latex gloves.

The volume of bleach is calculated depending on the original color of the product, the density of the fabric, as well as the desired degree of clarification. Usually 250 ml of whiteness is taken for 5 liters of water. If you need to bleach jeans at home to a pale blue color, the amount of bleach is doubled.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into a suitable container. Heat up on the stove to 75-80 degrees.
  2. Pour in White. Mix.
  3. Bring the solution to a boil.
  4. Immerse jeans in boiling chlorine liquid. Slightly stir, press down so that the trousers are completely wet.
  5. Leave the product in this form for 5-20 minutes, depending on how much you need to lighten the fabric.
  6. When the bleaching effect appears, remove the jeans from the boiling water with tongs.
  7. Rinse item under running water.
  8. Wash in normal mode. Dry.

If the fabric does not begin to change color after a few minutes in the hot white solution, you can add a little bleach. It is not necessary to boil the product for too long, since it is possible to whiten jeans with whiteness qualitatively, without damaging the fabric, only if time limits are observed.

Artistic bleaching of denim

If the task is to partially lighten jeans to get a trendy patterned print, you will need clothespins, clips and hair ties for the whitening procedure. The scheme of action is practically no different from the previous version. With the only difference - before immersing the trousers in a boiling chloride solution, it is necessary to slightly pinch, twist, pinch the fabric in certain places.

In order for the bleached stains to be clearly visible on jeans, it is better to choose a classic dark blue product for the procedure.

The shape of future drawings, patterns, stains depends on the method of twisting the material:

  • To get vertical light stains, jeans are simply folded and clamped with clothespins.
  • For horizontal patterns, trousers are fixed with elastic bands.
  • Flower and star patterns are obtained by pinching small sections of fabric with clothespins or hair ties.

Whitening denim with baking soda

For summer models jeans made of thin fabric Whiteness is not suitable as a bleach, as its careless use can irrevocably ruin the thing. In this case, to lighten jeans at home, it is recommended to use ordinary baking soda.

The essence of the method is to add a small amount of soda with each wash or pre-soak jeans. In the first case, it is enough to pour 1-3 teaspoons of soda into the powder container for a machine wash cycle.

In the second, 1 tsp is enough for 1 liter of warm water. gentle natural bleach. When soaking, in addition to soda, a little liquid dish detergent is added to the water. Immerse the thing in this solution for 2-4 hours, rinse, wash.

After the first procedure, a special lightening effect will not work, since bleaching jeans with soda for several tones is obtained only with repeated washing or soaking. But this method is completely safe for human health and is guaranteed not to spoil the texture of the fabric.

Whitening jeans with hydrogen peroxide

Before bleaching jeans with hydrogen peroxide by hand washing or soaking, you need to put on rubber gloves on your hands.

In the first option, you can simply add hydrogen peroxide while washing the product. For one cycle, 2 tablespoons of the solution + washing powder with an optical whitening effect are enough.

In the second option, hand wash is performed by adding 3 tbsp to a container with warm soapy water. l. peroxides. With this method, it is more convenient to control the degree of clarification, plus, it allows you to quickly get rid of the yellowness of the fabric.

The third option is to soak the jeans in a warm soapy solution with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water), followed by hand or machine washing.

Lightening denim with lemon juice

Everyone knows that the juice of sour citrus has a slight effect of lightening dyes of organic and inorganic origin. Therefore, lemons can also be used to bleach fabrics.

To lighten your jeans, do the following:

Dissolve citric acid in warm water or dilute fresh lemon juice. Proportions per liter of water - 1 teaspoon and 1 tbsp. spoon, respectively.

  • Immerse the pre-washed product in an acidic solution for several hours.
  • Take out after the prescribed time, rinse in several waters.
  • Dry.

If you want to be creative in creating a fashionable thing with your own hands, using citric acid diluted with water, you can paint any patterns on denim with a brush. And so that you can’t take your eyes off jeans, according to the standards of today’s fashion, you can create areas of scuffs on them (use fine-grained sandpaper) and disheveled “artistic” holes.


Clothing made of denim is relevant in any situation; over time, only the cut and color variations change. Today, the trend is worn, brightened shades of denim. You can give your favorite jeans a second life by lightening them with household chemicals or simple food ingredients.

How to make jeans lighter - TOP 5 ways

A distinctive feature of denim is a special dyeing system: only its main (longitudinal) fibers are filled with color, so the inside of the product is always lighter. You can discolor such clothes by several tones at home, this is especially true in summer, when the period of light colors in the wardrobe begins. This is done for a number of reasons:

  • to bring to life a color fantasy regarding your favorite trousers;
  • hide an unsightly stain that cannot be removed in another way;
  • update the dusty part of the wardrobe, brightening or whitening it.

This must be done very delicately, otherwise the thing may be irreparably damaged. Chemical bleaching solutions must be prepared strictly following the methodology. There are several ways to self-lighten fabric:

Clarifier name


How it works



Hydrogen peroxide

  • It is most often used when stains appear on light-colored jeans.
  • Pre-washing will increase the effectiveness of the solution.
  • Does not destroy fabric.
  • Does not harm the washing machine.
  • Concentrated solutions corrode the skin.
  • Not suitable for all types of fabrics.
  • Doesn't lighten dark colors well.

Effective on cotton and some synthetic fabrics.

Contains sodium hypochlorite, which is a strong oxidizing agent and is 95% chlorine.

  • Easily accessible.
  • Lightens fabrics by several tones and even bleaches.
  • Low price.
  • Too much product can ruin jeans.
  • Not suitable for fine fabrics.
  • Aggressively acts on the skin of the hands.
  • It has a pungent odor, especially in a hot solution.

Only suitable for thin cotton fabrics

Soda (sodium bicarbonate), when interacting with water, forms an alkali solution, which brightens natural tissues well.

  • Available in every home.
  • Easy to use.
  • Not harmful to health.
  • Removes stains from grease and oil dyes.
  • When used in an automatic machine, it increases the deposition of scale on the heating element, which damages its mechanism.
  • There may be a need for multiple applications.

Lemon juice

Used for natural fabrics

The whitening effect is provided by the presence of citric acid.

  • Lightening is harmless to the fabric.
  • Can be used in a washing machine.

Prolonged contact with skin may cause burns.

Household chemicals("Domestos", "Toilet Duck")

Use with caution on fine denim and synthetic fibres.

The composition contains sodium hypochlorite in combination with detergents and acid.

  • Can be used in an automatic washing machine.
  • Radical lightening to white.
  • All funds are not cheap.
  • Aggressive to hands and things (in case of prolonged exposure).

Using hydrogen peroxide

The use of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide is suitable for lightening the fabric by several tones. Before starting to lighten things, you need to conduct a test on its inconspicuous area. This will avoid further unpleasant surprises and choose the appropriate concentration of the solution and the duration of exposure. There are several methods of clarification using perhydrol:

  • way 1:
  1. It is necessary to take 5 tablespoons of peroxide and mix with 10 liters of water.
  2. Soak jeans in the solution for half an hour, use rubber gloves to protect your hands for work;
  3. Every 3-5 minutes it is necessary to slightly move the jeans (stir), pressing, preventing them from floating;
  4. After soaking, wash the item with detergent and rinse thoroughly.
  • method 2 (in an automatic washing machine):
  1. For 25 ml liquid agent 10-15 ml of liquid peroxide is added for washing, or 3 crushed tablets of hydroperite (dry peroxide tablets) are poured.
  2. The washing mode on the washing machine is set at a temperature of 70-80ºС.
  3. The "extra rinse" function must be turned on.

bleaching jeans white

The most popular home whitening product is bleach. This reagent in combination with boiling gives the maximum clarification effect. To do this, you will need bleach, a metal pan, tongs, rubber gloves to protect your hands. The amount of whiteness is determined by the properties of the fabric and the desired shade. It is advisable to add 250 ml of the agent to 5 liters of water, if it is necessary to clarify to white, then the amount of the reagent is doubled.

After using this solution, clothes should be dried outdoors out of direct sunlight. Illumination is done like this:

  • method 1 (with heating):
  1. The pan should be filled with water, add whiteness and mix.
  2. Put your clothes in the solution.
  3. Put the container on the stove, bring to a boil, cook over low heat.
  4. It is important not to forget to mix with tongs, controlling the color.
  5. Rinse thoroughly after bleaching.
  • method 2 (without heating):
  1. Repeat steps 1.2 of the method with heating.
  2. Leave the jeans in the solution (the exposure time depends on the concentration of the active substance).
  3. Stirring every 5 minutes, control the degree of clarification.
  4. Upon reaching desired shade, take out the clothes and rinse.

How to whiten jeans with baking soda

To lighten jeans with baking soda can be used washing machine. Most housewives, not wanting to damage the automatic machine, resort to hand washing. For one such procedure, soda is taken at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter of water, per 1 automatic washing consumes about 10 liters of water (excluding rinsing).

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • way 1:
  1. Mix soda with washing powder(machine).
  2. Pour the baking soda mixture into the detergent drawer.
  3. Place the product in the drum, start the process.
  4. Upon reaching the desired result, you need to additionally rinse the thing.
  • way 2:
  1. Place baking soda in a plastic wash basin.
  2. Pour in the powder.
  3. Soak jeans in warm water.
  4. This is followed by washing by hand for at least 15-20 minutes.
  5. Leave the product filled with the solution for 2-4 hours, adding 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and control the color.
  6. If the desired shade has not been achieved, then prepare a fresh solution and wash again.
  7. Rinse thoroughly when finished.

Delicate way with lemon juice

Whitening jeans with lemon juice is the safest, practically does not spoil the material and has little effect on the skin of the hands. There is an option to replace it with citric acid. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Lemon juice is added to the water at the rate of 1 tablespoon / 1 teaspoon of citric acid for each liter of water.
  2. Jeans are lowered into the solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. The result is evaluated after this period of time. If he does not satisfy the hostess, then the procedure is repeated.
  4. At the end of clarification, the jeans are rinsed 2-3 times.

Household chemicals

Some synthetic cleaners and disinfectants can be used to lighten jeans, such as Toilet Duck, Domestos. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Dilute 100 ml of detergent in 3 liters of water.
  2. Soak jeans in solution.
  3. Follow the intensity of lightening and remove the item after reaching the desired color.
  4. Mandatory subsequent washing at 50−60ºС with intensive rinsing.
  5. Air dry.

How to lighten ombre jeans at home

For self-creation Ombre effect on jeans is best suited for plain white. To do this, you will need the chlorine bleach itself, water, a plastic container or a spray bottle. The safety of the skin of the hands when working with the product will provide rubber gloves. There are several ways to carry out this procedure:

  • way 1:
  1. Pour 1 part of whiteness and 2 parts of water into a container.
  2. Immerse in the solution the part of the jeans that you would like to lighten (for example, to the knees or to the level of the crotch).
  3. Leave for 1-1.5 hours and rinse at least 2 times.
  4. After bleaching, it is important to wash the item at a temperature not lower than 60ºС.
  • way 2:
  1. Place the jeans vertically, hanging on a rope.
  2. Fill the spray bottle with whiteness with water (1:2) and evenly spray the lightened part of the product.
  3. Assess the resulting color when rinsing.
  4. To create a double ombre, spray undiluted white on the desired part of the jeans.
  5. Treat seams and buttons soaked in active liquid cotton swab for the effect of "aging"
  6. At the end, washing at 60ºС and intensive rinsing is mandatory.


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With the help of "Whiteness" or bleach, jeans can be bleached by soaking or boiling. For a more gentle bleaching of denim, peroxide, lemon juice, Domestos, ammonia or potassium permanganate are used. To obtain interesting design, use different techniques: for a gradient - a decrease in the concentration of a bleaching agent, for abrasions - whitening of individual areas, for an interesting pattern - twisting, clips, stencils or sprays.

Fashionistas are well aware of how changeable trends are. And to keep up with fashion, unfortunately, not everyone has enough money. Even yesterday, the always in demand denim was worn in the form of classic models, and today with scuffs or military. And there is no guarantee that tomorrow stains on jeans or “varenki” will not return to the trend. You can create an interesting design on jeans yourself by giving a second life to old trousers, breeches or shorts. And this will help complete, partial or designer whitening. The bleaching method is applicable in housekeeping not only to remove dullness, stains or yellowness from white things, but also to create an interesting decor. How to whiten jeans at home using classic bleach or improvised means, let's take a closer look.

Instructions for bleaching jeans "Whiteness"

Lemon juice or acid

Dissolve lemon juice or fresh lemon juice in water.

Proportions: for 1 liter of water you need 1 teaspoon of acid or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of juice. Soak the product for a period of 60 minutes. After an hour, periodically pull out and inspect the thing. If the result is unsatisfactory, extend the exposure time.

Please note that after drying, the item will be lighter than when wet.


The active ingredients contained in are quite capable of lightening denim.

What to do:

  1. Dilute 200 ml of the composition in 6 liters of water.
  2. Leave the product in the solution for exposure.
  3. When the desired result is achieved, to get rid of the pungent odor, rinse the jeans thoroughly using fabric softener.
  4. Dry outdoors.

sodium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is also able to whiten a thing.

Prepare a solution: dissolve manganese in water, based on the proportions of 30 g per 1 kg of things, and add a couple of pinches of citric acid.

Soak the trousers in the prepared liquid for about half an hour, then remove, rinse, and dry.


The process is similar to digestion in "White".

The process of bleaching with bleach is similar to the application of Whiteness

What to do:

  1. Prepare an enamel container.
  2. Fill it up with water.
  3. Dissolve bleach tablets. The more tablets, the better the result, but try not to overdo it with their number.
  4. Dissolve the drug, thoroughly stirring the liquid, immerse the thing in it.
  5. Put the pot or bucket on the fire, bring to a boil.
  6. Boil for about a quarter of an hour, stirring the contents of the container occasionally.
  7. Take out your pants and rinse.


Prepare a solution: water + turpentine + ammonia. Leave things in it to act for several hours. Upon reaching desired result take them out and rinse.


Dissolve 3 hydroperite tablets in a small container, soak trousers in it for a short time, then wash them in the same water, rinse thoroughly.

Special cases

When you're craving something new and full bleach isn't the way to go, there are some tricks and tricks you can use to give your old jeans a new, unique look.

Extraordinary design

The gradient looks spectacular and unusual on jeans, i.e. smooth transition colors from dark to light from top to bottom or vice versa.

To do this, you need to use solutions of bleach of different concentrations. Apply them with a dampened sponge as intended.

Important! Work with gloves so as not to damage the skin.


To lighten denim and give it a worn effect, you can use sandpaper, pumice, or a piece of brick.

Just rub one of the suggested materials on the jeans in the desired areas. But use this method only on dense fabric.

Original divorces and drawings

Little tricks will help you create a custom design on your own:


To get them, leave the clips on the fabric before boiling, using wooden clothespins. Colored plastics when exposed high temperature may shed and leave streaks on the product.


Thick stripes will be obtained with strong twisting of the thing, thin ones with weak twisting. Secure your folded jeans with a white or beige rope.

Pattern drawing

Simple but interesting drawings can be made using citric acid. Having picked up a stencil, attach it to the fabric and paint with a brush dipped in lemon solution.

Note! Place a thick fabric or cardboard in the pant leg so that the pattern is not printed on the reverse side.

An interesting result can be obtained using a sprayer. Pour the solution into the spray bottle and treat the desired areas.

You can lighten the thing in parts. For example, highlight the belt and top of one leg and the bottom of the other, or just one half.

To do this, boil only the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, the rest of the surface must be outside the container and remain dry throughout the process.

The best result can be achieved by boiling jeans in the classic color of light blue, light blue. Only from blue pants you can get white jeans. In other cases, only an approximate result can be achieved.

Stretch and too thin products are not suitable for digestion.

Do not bleach colored jeans. It is not known how the pigments and dyes contained in the fabric will react to processing. But if the desire is irresistible, try to process a small inconspicuous area first and evaluate the result.

Another interesting way to whiten jeans with the creation of an original pattern in the video:

Larisa, October 28, 2018.

Regardless fashion trends Jeans are a must have in anyone's wardrobe. However, after a while, your favorite denim jacket loses its original appearance. You can try to give her a new life by bleaching at home. Many will consider this a simple matter - just bathing the jacket in bleach is enough, but not everything is so simple. Bleach can permanently ruin the fabric and then your denim jacket will definitely go to the trash can. Bleaching methods must be used with caution.

Powder for white

In this way, you can lighten the jacket a little by washing it in a washing machine at a temperature of 60 ° C. You can hardly make jeans white, but you can reduce the color saturation.


This will require a large pot or metal bucket. Dissolve powder and bleach in hot water. After that, a denim jacket goes there. Boil clothes on low heat for 20 minutes.

soda wash

Denim can be bleached this way, but not all at once. With each streak, you need to add soda to the water, which softens it, so that the white powder more effectively washes the paint from the fabric structure. When washing by hand in a liter of water, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda, but if washing is carried out in a typewriter, 3 tablespoons of soda are poured into the cuvette.

Hydrogen peroxide

This substance effectively whitens hair, removes stains from fabrics, peroxide is even used to give dazzling whiteness to teeth. So hydrogen peroxide will cope with a denim jacket quite effectively. When you wash your denim jacket, add 2 tablespoons of peroxide to the water. If the result seems weak from the first wash, the clarification is repeated.

Lemon juice

The high concentration of acid in lemon also bleaches the denim of the jacket. Since lemon is not always at hand, you can use citric acid. In this case, it is important to maintain proportions. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice or a teaspoon of citric acid powder per liter of water. To enhance the whitening effect, a denim jacket must be soaked for several hours.

A denim jacket can always be bleached using any of the above methods. If you do not want to risk, you can take the clothes to the dry cleaners and the next day you can walk around in new clothes.
