The woman made a rubber woman out of herself. Perfect women made of plastic

They seem to be ordinary people, but live with silicone dolls - perfect, Barbie-like and outrageously expensive ($7,000 each). These men are called "iDollators", they are about forty, and they are terribly modest and shy, which is why they prefer "ideal" dolls to real women. In a society where the image of a family man with a wife and two children is still a social norm, they are ashamed of their hobby. Blame it on their inability to communicate, or call them freaks. But once you listen to them, you will understand that their silent girlfriends, whom they call "Real Dolls" for their reality and anatomical accuracy, play in their lives much more than just a doll from a sex shop. The emotional attachment to silicone women is so strong that some dare to call it love.

1. "Abyss Creations" - a company located in the wealthy town of San Marcos in southern California - produces "the world's best love dolls." These expensive life size silicone dolls (approximately $7,000 each) are handmade. Since the beginning of the production of dolls in 1996, the company has sold 4,000 pieces. Clients can choose one of the seven suggested body types. From the point of view of anatomy, the dolls are made correctly. The smallest figure is the most popular, as it weighs the least (36 kg). Made of silicone, these dolls weigh like real women. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

2. Use small sharp scissors to cut off any excess silicone. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

3. Nipples are hand painted. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

4. Silicone is applied to the hinge frame. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

5. A fiberglass cast is used for the face. It takes almost a week to create a face. Pigments and powder are used to change the color of the doll's skin. Then real makeup is applied to the face, which is strengthened on it. Teeth and gums are made of silicone. Customers can choose from five skin tones, 11 eye colors and 7 lip shades. Most Popular Blue eyes and apricot lips. The company also provides a choice of four eyeliner colors and 8 eye shadows. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

6. Stylist Derek Trank, who has been with the company for two years, paints the doll's eyes. He says it takes about a week to create a face. Teeth and gums are also made from silicone. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

7. Abyss Creations stylist Derek Trank applies lipstick to the doll's lips. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

8. Derek Trunk in the process of applying cosmetics to the doll's face. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

9. Showroom of the company "Abyss Creations". The dolls are dressed in lingerie and high-heeled shoes. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

10. Abyss Creations customers can choose from 16 different faces and five skin tones. Smiling faces and faces with closed eyes are also available. The faces are interchangeable and the wig can also be changed. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

11. Davecat, 36, has been living with Sidora Bridget Kuroneko for 9 years, a real doll he bought in 2000. They live together in a small apartment in a suburb of Detroit. When asked about his relationship with Sidora, Davecat replied: "She's my rock, but at the end of the day, she's just a puppet." (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

12. Davecat Sidora gives all the advantages of a mistress, without spoiling the relationship with problems. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

13. Dressing and undressing a doll is not so easy. This process requires patience. "We have sex, but not the way you think," says Davekat. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

14. Davecat and his "real doll" Sidora Bridget Kuroneko. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

15. The real doll of Davecat Sidor Bridget Kuroneko close up. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

16. 36-year-old Davecat in bed with Sidora Bridget Kuroneko - a real doll with whom he has been living for nine years. In this photo, he is reading the book "Love + Sex with Robots", which says that over time, robots will become objects of love for people. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

17. 45-year-old Matek lives in a neat house in the suburbs of Detroit. On a winter evening, he comes home after a busy day to his two "girls" - Phoebe and Penelope. “I only forget about my problems when I see girls,” he admits. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

18. Matek washes dishes while Phoebe - one of his silicone girlfriends - is resting. He bought Phoebe in 2004 to fill a void in his life. “She's not one of those things that you can buy and throw in a closet. Living with a doll is like taking care of a disabled person. You have to do everything for her." Anatomically, she meets all the standards of a normal woman, but they have sex infrequently, Matek admits. "She's like a teddy bear." He likes to make Phoebe look like a Bond girl. “She is chic and quite careful. I only wear it for photo shoots because it makes a great model.” (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

19. Sometimes 45-year-old Matek likes to dance with Phoebe. Most of the day the doll stays in bed under an electric blanket to keep warm. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

20. One of Mateka's silicone dolls is Phoebe. “Sometimes I dress her in different outfits and take pictures because she is a great model.” (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

21. “Penelope is a real socialite, loves to party,” says 45-year-old Matek about his second silicone “real” doll. Sex doll owners often come up with personalities for their "favorites", just like children. - "Dolls are just a hobby. All the doll owners I've met are normal people. We're kind of a community of doll lovers. We love our dolls, but we don't fool ourselves." (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

22. 38-year-old Yuhre from Detroit recently divorced. He says he loves watching LCD TV with Samantha, his "real life doll." His ex-wife, who did not like life with him, herself offered to buy a doll for him after seeing an advertisement on TV. Yuhre bought it for $3,000 since it's used. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

23. C.D.J. and his wife C. are living proof that a silicone doll and family life quite compatible. C is a sweet woman in her 30s who met her husband online and they got married on a cruise ship on their way to the Bahamas. She is not jealous of her husband for Sandy, a sexy doll with perfect figure, unless the doll lies down on their matrimonial bed. At home, Sandy has her own bedroom. She also has a huge closet full of clothes and sexy shoes where she spends her time when she's not lying on the bed in the position shown in this photo. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

24. C.D.J. and his wife spend roughly $400 a month on doll clothes and accessories. “I wish I could wear her clothes. I would like to wear everything,” admits Xi, whose clothes are several sizes larger. Sandy spends most of her time in the closet, so she doesn't bother me. But if I have to save her, I will save her face, because I know how much she is dear to him. Xi says that she couldn't save the whole doll because it's too heavy. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

25. At Slade Fiero, also known as " puppet doctor”, there are many doll faces, but only one doll that he does not use for sex. This doll, named "Blue", is painted in this color from head to toe. Slade is a tattoo artist by trade and enjoys painting dolls. (Stephan Gladieu/Getty Images)

It happens that people are simply embarrassed to cross the threshold of a sex shop, and even more so - to buy at least something there. It is for this reason that I will tell you how you can make toys for sex with your own hands, with the help of which you can fulfill your wildest fantasies.


In general, a penny simulator of female reproductive organs from kitchen sponges can also be classified as elementary, but it would be a sin not to mention it in this list. In addition, unlike a number of more complex models, this one has the option of temperature control.

WHAT YOU NEED: two large sponges, a glass or a Pringles can, lubricant, a condom

We take sponges, moisten them in warm water (if we expect reciprocity from the partner, of course), wring out. Between them, as a kind of sandwich filling, we put a condom in such a way that the open end sticks out entirely. We put the sandwich in a glass (preferably still plastic, we are for safe sex) with the open end of the condom outward and pull the edges of the rubber product over the edges of the glass. Pour lubricant into the resulting cozy hole.

Popcorn with a surprise

Not so much a sex toy as a starter. You should be careful and clearly understand the situation: not every girl will be happy to start a close acquaintance in this way. The charm of a young Mickey Rourke does not hurt here.

WHAT YOU NEED: popcorn bucket, frame from toilet paper, rubber glove, scissors or utility knife

You already understood everything yourself. We make a round hole in the bottom of the bucket, insert a frame from toilet paper or a toilet towel there. For greater convenience, it is still better to wrap the tube from the inside with a rubber glove. We mask the trap with popcorn and call on the sofa to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street.

glove of love

The rubber glove is not only one of the main ingredients in the masturbator's cookbook, but can serve practically in pure form. This is no longer the easiest device to perform, but with due skill it will reward home master decent amount.

WHAT YOU NEED: 2-3 rubber gloves, rubber band, scissors, lubricant

Honestly, it's better to follow the video instructions here, the sequence of twisting the rubber base requires extreme concentration. But first you need to put on your hand rubber glove, and on it - one more and preferably one more on top, carefully tucking one into the other fingers. In the end, we tightly fix the open ends of the glove with rubber bands, and make an incision for the treasured hole literally on one of the fingers. A little work with the lungs - and a lightweight copy of the female pelvis comes out.

vacuum assistant

If all of the above constructors make you yawn, it's time to get to the real work. You'll have to work hard for daddy's tools, but in the end you get something more than a car for pleasure - the real pride of the inventor.

WHAT YOU NEED: 50mm polypropylene plumbing pipe, adapter - 50mm at one end and 32mm at the other, 32mm flare, 5mm bolt (not yours, metal), lock nut to it, a pair of rubber gaskets and a plumbing washer with a diameter of 5–8 mm, a chamber from a bicycle wheel 26 x 2.5. Pay attention to the nipples - Dunlop and Presta will do, but Schader definitely won't.

Since complete step-by-step instruction will take several A4 sheets, here are the video tutorials for you:


WHAT YOU NEED: a large (and how else) marker, classic thick pad, electrical tape, condom

We wrap a marker or any other suitable phallic object first with a female gasket, and then with a dense layer of electrical tape. Further, depending on the circumstances: some craftsmen cover the structure with a layer of silicone or other plastic material and even paint it, while others are simply content with a colored condom.

A certain number of men need rubber women - they love them, care for them and sleep with them. Some people even collect these "dolls", walking every day with a new one.

“Dolls have filled a void in my life. They are beautiful, and communication with them completely suits me. If I were now offered to choose between a living woman and a rubber doll, I would not even hesitate. My girls are the best!" - says Everard Kunyon, officially married to a rubber woman.

It is curious that the prices for such dolls can reach tens of thousands of euros. Where and how they make inexpensive "beauties", we have already shown. And today we will look at the Dreamdoll workshop, located in the French city of Duppiheim, where silicone dolls are made to order. Dreamdoll prices start at 5,500 euros.

(Total 16 photos)

1. You can choose a realistic silicone doll from the catalog - the look of your new lover can be made on the basis of one of four basic models with different color eyes and hair. It will take a week to make it, and due to the lightweight aluminum construction, it will weigh a little - about 40 kilograms.

3. Thierry Reverdy, the owner of the Dreamdoll, demonstrates the mechanical construction that serves as the basis of a sex doll.
