How to properly epilate with an epilator. How is an epilator different from a depilator? Saving money

There are many ways to get rid of excess body hair, and our today's story is just about one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which gives us the opportunity for several weeks not even to remember that we have extra hairs somewhere - about the epilator! How to use an epilator to achieve perfectly smooth skin?

Since ancient times, long, thick and shiny hair were the pride of women and girls. What can not be said about other vegetation on the female body - it has never been attractive, and the whole beautiful half of humanity tried its best to get rid of it. How much easier it was for ladies in the Middle Ages - long skirts, wide cloaks and capes could mask unwanted hairs on the legs. But in our age of mini-skirts and skimpy bikinis extra hair completely unacceptable!

Advantages and disadvantages of using an epilator

Without a doubt, the epilator is rightfully considered one of the most effective devices designed for hair removal. Its only drawback can be called, perhaps, only the presence of painful sensations during epilation. But they can also be dealt with. How? We will talk about this a little later.

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Epilator Priorities

  • If you have previously used a conventional razor to remove hair, then you probably know that a razor is not able to remove the entire hair, it only cuts off the part that protrudes above the skin. The part remaining in the bulb quickly grows, the very next day it is noticeable to the naked eye. The epilator removes hair completely! “Coming to her senses”, the hair follicle is able to give a new process not earlier than in three or even four weeks. Just think - whole month you can not think about epilation, isn't it, great!
  • Without visiting expensive salon procedures, in a calm, relaxing home environment you can slowly perform the epilation on your own. Moreover, this does not require any special training or special knowledge. After reviewing our recommendations, you can easily cope with this task.
  • Any other type of hair removal requires additional tools and manipulations: for example, shaving requires a special cream, both before and after application. razor and without taking a shower is indispensable. For waxing you also need a lot of devices - a special jar for heating wax and wax strips. And the epilator does not require any more tools, it alone is able to complete the entire hair removal procedure from start to finish.
  • Difficulty to use? Confused instructions for use? There is none of that when it comes to performing a hair removal procedure with an epilator. Easy to operate, also easy to care for, store and transport - it's all about him. If you try to remove hair with an epilator, you will certainly appreciate the advantages of this method.
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If you decide to use an epilator for hair removal for the first time, try to follow the following simple, but very important rules.

The fast rotating mechanism of the epilator is designed to firmly grab and remove unwanted hairs. Therefore, before epilation, wait until the hairs previously removed and growing again have reached a length of several millimeters. What should be their exact length can be determined empirically during the procedure itself - if the hair is too short, the epilator simply will not capture it.

The rotation speed of the epilator mechanism can be adjusted; for those who are going to use it for the first time, we recommend setting the minimum speed. Too high speed can lead to the fact that fine hairs are not removed, but break off at the base, then the very next day you will be provided with a “bristle”.

Before removing hairs, it is advisable to take a hot bath, or at least a hot shower (15-20 minutes will be enough). Why do it? The pores of the skin surface will steam out, become wider, and the epilation procedure will be much easier and less painful. Attention: to use the epilator of conventional models, the skin must be properly dried.

This advice does not apply to new developments, the most modern models can even be used under water! For example, the manufacturer Braun has proven itself excellently, which has released the Braun Silk-épil 7 7681 Legs, Body & Face Wet&Dry model, which works in water, in its line of epilators.

Now it's time to talk about pain. When the seller in the store convincingly tells you that the epilator is “well, it doesn’t hurt at all, honestly!”, Do not believe it. Pleasant sensations during hair removal - this is definitely not about the epilator. However, everything is in our hands, and we can reduce all pain to a minimum:

  • when epilating, with one hand you need to stretch the skin, and with the other - guide the epilator over the surface. You will feel the effect immediately - the stretched skin weakens the "capture" of the hair follicle, and the hair itself is easier to remove;
  • start epilation from the area where the hairs are smaller, and they themselves are thinner. So you can get used to possible pain in other areas of the skin with big amount hair;
  • manufacturers supply many models of epilators with special attachments to reduce skin sensitivity and, accordingly, reduce pain. For example, the Philips HP6521 epilator has a nozzle that is located in front of the removal mechanism and during epilation performs a slight vibration - thereby relaxing the skin and making hair removal easier. And the Philips HP6517/00 epilator is equipped with a special cooling cap - before the procedure, it must be put in the freezer, and during epilation, the cold will help to significantly reduce the pain of hair removal. There are also nozzles for "special" skin areas with increased sensitivity - we are talking about the armpit and bikini area. With these attachments, the gripping “tweezers” are arranged in a thinned order and at the same time can remove the wrong a large number of hairs, as a normal mechanism, thereby the procedure is more gentle, such a nozzle is equipped, for example, with the Rowenta EP 8550 epilator;
  • many different ways to reduce pain from hair removal, offered by manufacturers, suggests that such sensations still exist, and you should be prepared for this. If your skin is very sensitive, do not epilate the entire surface at once. Take breaks, let your skin rest, and let yourself catch your breath.

After epilation, be sure to use special cream, relieving possible irritation - it will soothe the skin and soften it.

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Do we recommend removing hairs with an epilator? Of course we recommend! In addition to the amazing effect of smooth, silky skin, you will get the opportunity to forget about the need to remove excess vegetation on the body for a long time. As for pain ... remember how the secretary Verochka from the movie "Office Romance" advised plucking her eyebrows? In response to the words that it hurts and can only be done under anesthesia, she said, in our opinion, a brilliant phrase: “Well, you are a woman, be patient!” What are a few minutes of your patience worth compared to the pleasure of being beautiful and well-groomed?!

Smooth and silky skin on the legs is one of essential elements image modern girl. Unattractive vegetation is quite difficult to hide under summer clothes, so every woman faces the problem of hair removal. Thanks to the advertising companies of the equipment manufacturers, many already know how to use the epilator, and realized that it helps to achieve desired result without significant time and financial costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of epilators

Developers call the following advantages of using the device:

It seems that you just need to plug the device into a socket, run it over the epilation area with a smooth movement of your hand, and voila - perfect smoothness for at least a month.

But the realities of life are such that many hush up the unpleasant truth, and advertising in this matter is no exception. In fact, on the way to beautiful legs, we encounter many obstacles, such as severe pain, redness and ingrown hairs after using the epilator. Faced with them, many girls who bought a device so much touted on TV screens hide it somewhere deep in the chest and take out a good old razor, and forget about epilation as a nightmare.

pain ingrown hairs

Agree, this is also not an option, because there are ways to minimize the listed consequences. You will need some skill and knowledge of the features of using this miracle of technology. To get your first hair removal right and with minimal discomfort, you can follow the tips below.

How does an epilator work?

First, let's understand how it works best friend each girl and find out for ourselves the difference between the processes of hair removal and depilation.

Epilation is the process of destroying the hair follicle, removing the bulb and, accordingly, the hair forever, that is, the effect of the procedure is permanent. According to experts, a similar effect is achieved only in the office of a beautician with the help of special equipment.

Depilation is the process of removing the upper visible part of the hair without affecting the bulb. It is quite long, but still temporary.

Calling the device an “epilator” was quite profitable, this is a successful marketing ploy. According to the principle of its work, it is rather a “depilator”, because new hairs appear in place of the removed hairs after some time.

Let's figure out why this happens.

By plugging in your epilator, you start the rotation of its metal or ceramic discs, which, like tweezers, capture each hair and pull it out. But, despite the fact that the bulb breaks out along with the hair, after some time, unwanted vegetation reappears.

This is due to the fact that the hair follicle surrounding the bulb does not go anywhere. Cell division, and with it the process of growing a new hair, starts again, giving life to a new “growth” as soon as you have depilated.

before after 3-4 weeks

However, the damaged hair grows much more slowly than, say, after using a razor. On average, the growth process takes 3-4 weeks, the period depends on the genetic predisposition, the thickness of the hair shaft and its color. Dark and thick hairs break through to the surface much faster than light ones. But in any case, it's almost a month of smooth skin!

Are you using an epilator? Well, you are a heroine!

The main and significant disadvantage of using the device is unpleasant pain. Moreover, turning for help to consultants of stores and websites of manufacturers of goods, you are unlikely to find a truthful answer there.

You will be told that it is completely painless to treat your legs with an epilator, and all the stories about torment are nothing more than idle speculation, and it is their device that will provide you with maximum comfort during the procedure.

Do not believe it, it is impossible to painlessly make epilation with an epilator device, such devices have simply not yet been invented. The level of sensitivity directly depends on the pain threshold. For some, the pain will seem equal to Gestapo torture, while for others it will be quite tolerable.

The following areas are most sensitive to depilation:

But it is quite possible to reduce pain during depilation. This is especially true during the first procedure, because here, as in any other matter, skill is needed. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you will not learn how to do hair removal with a device skillfully right away. Experience will come after five or six procedures, when you choose the optimal speed for yourself and find out your weakest points.

Say no to pain

We offer a few tips to help minimize discomfort.

  1. Shave your legs 3-4 days before waxing. The optimal hair length for capturing it with the epilator discs is 0.2-0.5 cm, because it is too short hair he simply can't.

    Shave your legs 3-4 days before hair removal
    use different epilator speeds

  2. All models of epilators have more than one speed. Experiment and find the best one for yourself. Do not carry out the first procedure at super speeds. In addition, with an excessively fast rotation of the disks of the device, thin hairs will not break out, but simply break off at the base, and after a few days they will “delight” you with an overgrown bristle.
  3. Before the procedure, spend at least a quarter of an hour in a hot bath, or at least stand in the shower.

    take a bath before hair removal

    Your pores will steam out and expand, blood flow will increase, and the hairs will leave their homes much easier. However, carefully read the instructions for your epilator, some devices require that the skin be sure to be dry. While many modern models can be used directly under water jets. They are usually labeled "wet and dry".

  4. You can also reduce pain with the help of cooling, rubbing the depilated area with a piece of ice or using special anesthetic gels.

    anesthetic cream

  5. Often, before the onset of menstruation, the pain threshold decreases. Experts recommend performing the procedure a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle.
  6. For disinfection, the depilated area can be pre-wiped with an alcohol wipe. This will also reduce pain.

    a few days before the onset of menstruation wipe the skin with an alcohol wipe

It is necessary to properly epilate with an epilator by pointing the device against hair growth, holding it at a right angle. Try not to press the device to the skin, thereby you will avoid additional scratches and irritation.

Perform the procedure better evening, and not 15 minutes before leaving the house for a date or to the beach. Often, after epilation, the skin is reddened, and visible traces remain in place of the pulled out hairs. In the morning, this effect will pass, and the skin will delight you with its perfect smoothness.

The nuances of hair removal bikini and armpits

In the armpits and bikini area, the skin is the most delicate and sensitive. Not every girl can carry out hair removal there.

armpit area
bikini area

It is also necessary to be able to use the epilator correctly in the bikini and underarm areas. To facilitate the removal of hairs in such delicate areas, you can put into practice the following recommendations:

When epilating, avoid areas with protruding moles and dilated vessels. For their processing, a conventional or electric razor is more suitable.

  1. Reduce the frequency of epilation will help special means that slow down hair growth. They come in the form of sprays, lotions and creams.

Despite some inconvenience caused by epilation with an epilator, the result is simply magnificent. And pain is quite possible to nullify with proper use of the device. In addition, your skin will gradually get used to the effects, and over and over again, removing unwanted hairs will be less of a hassle.

An epilator is an indispensable thing in the arsenal of every girl. The device quickly and efficiently removes hairs from the dermis, making it smooth and velvety. So that the epilator brings only benefits and does not lead to negative consequences you need to know how to use them correctly.

The main thing to remember is that learning how to use an epilator does not always work right away. Comes in the box with it detailed instructions by use. However, sometimes even she is unable to help. Only after 5-7 procedures will it be possible to learn how to quickly and painlessly do hair removal at home.

In order for the procedure to be productive and without injury, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The length of the hairs that can be epilated should be 0.5-0.7 cm. If the girl used the machine before purchasing the epilator. Then you need to wait a few days for the hairs to grow back, and only then carry out the procedure.
  2. If the girl has never used devices. It is better to start with the weakest mode, so as not to damage the top layer of the skin. At high speed, the device removes hairs from the skin faster, however, you can skip some areas.
  3. Before the procedure, you need to steam the skin well. Take a hot bath or shower. When the pores on the skin expand, it is easier for the device to pull out the hairs from the root. And also so it is possible to avoid irritation and dryness.
  4. When epilating an area on the body, point the epilator against the hairline. This is the only way to capture all the hairs. If you move the device according to your height, it is likely that the procedure will be long, and it will not be possible to make the skin smooth over the entire area.
  5. Epilate with ease. Do not press hard on the epilator, this will not achieve the best effect. The skin may be scratched and cut. Drive the machine as easily and smoothly as possible over the dermis.

Important! Before starting the procedure, carefully read the instructions for use, indications and contraindications in order to avoid complications.

What additional funds may be needed for epilation

If the girl has delicate sensitive skin, then before the procedure it is recommended to apply an anesthetic cream with lidocaine to the epilation area. It will help to avoid pain and make the process more enjoyable.

When epilating the intimate area and armpits, it is recommended to additionally treat the skin with baby powder. The powder will degrease the skin well, which will help remove all unwanted hair.

For epilation with an epilator, in addition to the device itself, no more additional funds are required. After the procedure, it is best to lubricate the treated areas with a nourishing, soothing body lotion to avoid dryness and irritation.

How to use an epilator for the first time

Each person has a different pain threshold. Therefore, for one girl, hair removal is a painless process, for another it is very painful. Unwanted hair is removed from the body from different areas. Each of which must be properly epilated.

On the legs, the most painful area for depilation is the ankle and the area under the knee. The rest of the limb quickly gets used to pain. Therefore, at the first depilation of the legs, the pain ceases to be felt after 10 minutes of the procedure. Due to the fact that the surface of the leg is even and it is clearly visible, it is easy to shave this area.

Before epilation, you need to scrub and steam your legs well to remove subcutaneous fat and exfoliated skin. After that, you can start epilation. You need to drive the switched on device from the bottom up with smooth movements throughout the area.

The bikini area is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. It is better to epilate it using an anesthetic cream or spray. It will help reduce sensitivity and make the procedure more enjoyable.

To prepare the skin for epilation, it is first recommended to pull out a few hairs from the bikini area with tweezers. This will give the body a signal that the hair in this area will be pulled out. If the skin is very sensitive, then after epilation the dermis is treated with an antiseptic and a children's regenerating cream.

Armpits no less sensitive than the bikini area. They also require extra care. To make hair removal with an epilator painless, it is recommended to stretch the skin of the armpit a little and walk smoothly over it.

If the armpit area is very long hair, then first they need to be cut with scissors. Otherwise, the epilator will not be able to capture such a length. To relieve irritation from this area, you can attach a couple of ice cubes.

Is it possible to epilate the face

The epilator is designed to remove unwanted hair from the body. Therefore, it is forbidden to epilate their face. This procedure may damage thin skin face and harm the girl. For the face, special small epilators are produced that effectively remove fluff and do not create microtraumas on the skin.

Using an epilator, unlike regular shaving and waxing, has a number of features. This must be taken into account when choosing and using it. The main features include:

The epilator today is in second place in terms of efficiency of use after laser procedure hair removal. The device allows you to quickly and effectively remove hair from different places on the body. With regular use, you will be able to make the skin smooth and tender for a long time. Only the correct use of the device will achieve the desired result and protect against injuries and consequences.

Many women remove unwanted body hair with an epilator. It is convenient - the procedure can be performed at any time. An important plus - you need to spend money only once on the purchase of the device.

The basis of the epilator- plucking hairs. This is done with tweezers or disks on the tool head.

Any part of the body can be treated with such a device. Some manufacturers even offer separate facial attachments for convenience.

Modern children grow up early, so very young girls begin to be interested in hair removal. Parents are wondering how old you can carry out such a procedure.

The answer is not age, but the characteristics of the organism.

Everyone’s hair appears at different times, and it’s worth removing them after the vegetation darkens, becomes thicker and stiffer. The first fluff does not need to be touched.

When using the epilator for the first time and in the future, it is important to remember some points:

  • handle hairs 0.5-1 cm long are better.
  • Before removal steam the skin hairs - the procedure can be performed after 15 minutes.
  • Do hair removal better after peeling.
  • handle need dry skin.
  • Before removal vegetation, you can not use cosmetics, especially for fatty creams.
  • For disinfection and degreasing hairs, you can use baby talc.
  • When processing the angle between the skin and the epilator head should be 90°.
  • One area of ​​the body it is necessary to go through several times - from one time you will not get complete smoothness.
  • Avoid irritation after epilation, you can use a cream with dexpanthenol, chamomile or calendula extract - apply it not immediately after the procedure, but after 15 minutes.
  • So that after removal do not grow hair, you need to regularly apply a scrub.

It is not enough to understand how to use the epilator correctly, you also need to be able to do it painlessly.

In order to get rid of unwanted vegetation without pain, you need to know a few tricks:

  1. Start epilation follows from less sensitive areas - the skin will gradually get used to such treatment.
  2. It is better not to do the procedure. on critical days - at this time, the sensitivity increases.
  3. If there is no special nozzle, then you can soothe the pain with ice packs - you need to cool the skin immediately after treatment.
  4. Treatment of leather with alcohol. It disinfects and reduces discomfort.
  5. When choosing a device, take into account its complete set. Feelings will be less sharp if you use special attachments for the epilator.

    They may target specific parts of the body, be smaller or have fewer tweezers (discs).

  6. Especially sensitive women so that it does not hurt, it is worth resorting to special means. This is a gel with the effect of anesthesia, Lidocaine in ampoules.

When do you frequently use your epilator?, the skin gets used to such home procedures, so the discomfort subsides.

Can I use an epilator during pregnancy?

Many women wonder if it is possible to do hair removal during pregnancy. There is no single answer.

Pregnant women's skin becomes more sensitive and anesthetics are not recommended. You have to listen to your feelings.

If the procedure has become too painful, then temporarily you need to choose another technique to remove vegetation.

If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then any traumatic procedures are prohibited..

Increased stress during pregnancy often leads to problems with the veins. With varicose veins, you should refrain from epilation.

It is contraindicated in such circumstances to use other methods - wax, chemical, shugaring.

In pregnant women, the choice of methods for hair removal is limited.. It is not worth exposing the body to laser and other beams, as they can affect the child.

Electric current can adversely affect the chord of pregnancy and fetal development.

How to epilate the bikini area so that it does not hurt?

The most sensitive areas of the body include the bikini area. You want to give smoothness and tenderness to the skin in this area for a long time and without pain.

The epilator is effective in this regard, and following some tips you can minimize discomfort.:

  1. 2-3 days before the procedure use a soft scrub.
  2. The skin needs to be steamed- this expands the pores and softens the hairs, so their removal is simplified.
  3. Anesthetize the treated area. To do this, you can use special tools, a cooling nozzle (mitt) or ice.
  4. If the device is suitable for use in water then you should take advantage of this opportunity. Pain is significantly reduced.
  5. The skin in the bikini area is soft, therefore, it must be processed in small areas and be sure to slightly stretch it.
  6. The device must be moved against the hairline.
  7. After the procedure apply soothing and moisturizing agents. Effective products with dexanthenol, chamomile, sea ​​buckthorn oil, calendula.

Advice: remove hairs on intimate areas need to be careful, otherwise it can be damaged delicate skin. It is better to use machines with special nozzles.

List of quality epilator manufacturers

For high-quality hair removal at home, you need a good device.

Choose among the best manufacturers:

Manufacturer Model Features
Brown Representatives of German quality brown silk epilators are very popular. There are devices that run on the network and cars on batteries.

Model 9 of the series is waterproof, has various nozzles (the number depends on the modification) and additional devices in the kit

Philips One of the best representatives of this Dutch brand is the Philips HP 6553. 2 speeds, 2 nozzles, flushing and a nice price.

Another attractive model of this brand is Satinelle BRE650. It can be used in water, and 8 nozzles allow you to remove hairs in any areas, even on the face

Panasonic The Japanese brand Panasonic offers an excellent model ES-ED94. It attracts not only with 2 speeds and multiple attachments, but also with a double floating head
Rowenta This German brand is a well-known representative of beauty technology. One of the best models of the brand is Roventa EP8710. The device is mains operated, has 2 speeds and is suitable for flushing

Separately, it is worth considering a mini epilator"Tenderness" from the brand Leomax. It doesn't have much functionality, but it's very compact. This option is attractive for travel.

Epilators are one of the best options to remove unwanted hairs. This device is easy to use at home with minimal training and excellent results.

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The epilator is a convenient device for performing home procedures. The device removes hairs from the root, and the skin becomes soft and smooth. But working with the device has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. How to use the epilator correctly is described in the article.

Principle of operation

An epilator is a device that has built-in discs or metal tweezers. When the device is connected to the network, the parts begin to rotate and capture the hair, eliminating it from the root. On almost all modern devices, the rotation speed can be adjusted. It is necessary to take into account the pain and the result that you want to get.

The first epilators were designed to remove excess hair on the legs and armpits. Later, they began to produce devices with nozzles that can be used for the intimate area and face. Depending on the nozzles, you can eliminate hairs with bulbs, as well as perform a massage. It speeds up blood circulation, and therefore the procedure will not be so painful.

Some manufacturers have devices equipped with a cooling function, which “freezes” the skin a little, preventing severe pain. The latest devices are ideal for everyone, no matter the pain threshold and the amount of body hair. If desired, the tool can be used for the back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, armpits, legs, bikini area. How to use the Brown epilator or any other brand of epilator is described below. If you follow the established rules, the procedure will be effective and safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

How to use the epilator is usually written in the instructions. The advantages of such devices include the following qualities:

  • The procedure can be performed independently.
  • Ease of application, storage and cleaning.
  • No additional fixtures needed.
  • The hairs are removed from the root.
  • The result is stored for a long time (3-4 weeks).
  • Affordable price.

Of the minuses are:

  • Loud operation (but not for every device).
  • The duration of the process (compared to depilation).
  • Soreness.

Why you need to use an epilator

As you know, shaving with a machine does not eliminate hairs from the root. The blade cuts off only the upper part, which rises above the skin. In this case, the bulb will be inside, and new vegetation will appear after 2-3 days. The epilator does not have this feature, its main purpose is to remove hairs with a bulb, the skin remains smooth for 3-4 weeks.

How to use the epilator for the first time? To perform the procedure with such a device, no special skills are needed. The device is easy to use, so you can do everything yourself. The procedure does not require additional devices, all that is required is the epilator itself.

Features of use

Considering the question of how to use the epilator, you should take into account some features of the use of this device. They are as follows:

  1. Speed. The device has a lever with which you can adjust the speed of rotation of discs or tweezers. At low power, it is necessary to eliminate hard and short hairs, because due to strong rotation they will break, and the root will be inside. If the device is used for the first time, there will be pain especially at low speed. But you should not increase the power, because this move reduces the processing efficiency. After a certain period of time, the skin will get used to the stress, the epilation will be quick and painless. Only then can you increase the speed, as the hairs will be thinner, so it will be easier to remove them.
  2. Length. When using the machine, you can not grow dense vegetation on the legs, underarms and in the bikini area. You need to steam the skin, and then remove the vegetation. With an epilator, this is impossible, you will need to endure 2-3 days until the stumps grow to 0.4-0.5 cm. To eliminate the hairs from the root, forceps capture them whole.
  3. Technique. The device must be held against the growth of hairs, otherwise there is a risk that the device will be carried out several times, which increases pain. It is necessary to hold the device at an angle to the side in which the movement occurs. Do not remove hair by pressing the epilator firmly against the skin. Move the instrument slowly and smoothly.
  4. Steaming. The downside of the device is pain. To minimize discomfort, it is necessary to steam the skin before the procedure. You should take a hot bath with the addition of sea salt and essential oils. A hot shower will do too.

How to use the epilator may depend on the areas being treated. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of work on each specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.

Laser epilator

How to use a laser epilator? Before use, you must read the instructions. The device should be tried on a small area of ​​the body to exclude allergies and irritation. Perform epilation on dry and clean skin when the hairs branch to 2 mm or more.

The terms of use are as follows:

  1. The device must be turned on.
  2. Then it is placed close to the skin. Effectively remove hairs will allow the correct angle of exposure. One light flash can cover 3 cm2.
  3. Then the device is placed on another site.
  4. If the length of the hairs is more than 3 mm, then they must be shaved, slightly grown, and only after that epilation is performed.

The hairs do not fall out immediately, but within two days after the procedure. Do not apply before session. cosmetical tools.


The most sensitive area is considered to be under the knees and ankles. Other parts get used to the procedure quickly, so there will be no severe pain in the future. The most difficult thing is to epilate the first 3-5 minutes, and then the discomfort disappears. Due to the fact that the legs have a large and even surface, the session is quite simple. It will last 30-45 minutes.

How to use the epilator for the treatment of legs? First you need to prepare - steam the skin by taking a bath, and then apply a coffee grounds scrub. This event helps to eliminate dead skin particles and remove ingrown hairs. Then you need to disperse the blood with a hard washcloth, each leg should be rubbed for three minutes.

All manipulations are performed 45-60 minutes before the procedure. After leaving the bath, you need to wipe the skin and do a massage, which consists of rubbing, patting and pinching. After preparation, the device must be turned on (at low speed) and you can begin to remove vegetation, move against the growth of hairs.

bikini area

This part is the most sensitive. There are many pain receptors in this place, so discomfort will be felt. It is advisable to perform the procedure with a special spray / gel, which contains lidocaine.

You can use a special cooling glove, which is sold in cosmetic stores. Pain-sensitive women take painkillers before being treated with the device. Before using the epilator in the bikini area, you need to remove the hairs with tweezers from the inside of the thigh. The skin is then treated with alcohol, vodka, or an antiseptic to protect against infection.

After that, you can work with an epilator, and then you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile. A cosmetic swab is moistened in it and wiped over the skin. The procedure helps to relieve irritation and inflammation.


How to use the Philips underarm epilator correctly? Although this part of the body is small in area, it requires special approach. The hairs are in the hollow, so when epilating, you need to pull the skin. To perform the procedure correctly and minimize discomfort, it is necessary to stretch the epidermis at the moment when you guide the epilator over the skin surface.

If the hairs are very long, then they should be cut to 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the pain will be 2 times stronger. After the end of the session, it is necessary to treat the skin with a decoction of chamomile, and then apply a healing cream or lotion. Do not use deodorant for the next six hours.


How to use the epilator "Roventa" on the face? For this, standard devices are not suitable. When removing facial hair with a classic instrument, the skin is injured. This can cause irritation and rashes. Many manufacturers produce devices specifically for the face.

Before the session, the skin must be cleansed. It is preferable to perform peeling to remove dead skin particles. It is important that there are no rashes or irritations on the face. If they are, then it is advisable to postpone the procedure. Position the device perpendicular to the body. Movement should be against the growth of hairs. This will prevent their ingrowth and inflammation.

Pain reduction

The procedure is often accompanied by discomfort. But there are recommendations to reduce pain:

  1. You can use coolants: anesthetic lotions, special gloves. Suitable ice cubes cold water. If the skin is very sensitive, then give preference to waterproof devices to remove vegetation using special foams and gels.
  2. It is undesirable to process large areas at once. The procedure must be carried out without haste.
  3. First, turn on the device at a low speed, it is advisable to start from the first and gradually increase. Gradually, the follicles will weaken, the skin will get used to the procedure, and the process will become less painful.
  4. Shaving heads should be used with lotions, creams or gels that improve glide. This will protect against irritation.
  5. The skin can be soothed with a cooling pad or special cosmetics.

For sensitive epidermis, especially for the area deep bikini, you can purchase a delicate nozzle. The size of this device is smaller, the speed will be lower, which reduces pain. Properly performed procedure eliminates the appearance of allergies and irritation.
