Day of textile and light industry workers. Day of textile and light industry workers Textile and light industry

When is this holiday held? The Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers is annually celebrated in our country on the second Sunday of June. In 2019, this date falls on June 9th.

How is Light Industry Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The management congratulates the employees, corporate parties are held, at which congratulations are heard on the Light Industry Day. Films dedicated to workers in this industry are shown on television.

History and traditions of the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

The traditions of the holiday, which was celebrated back in the Soviet period, span several decades. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days."

And in modern Russia, the holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1111 of June 17, 2000 "On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers." Don't forget to congratulate your colleagues, friends and family who work in this industry on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry in verse

Light industry celebrates the holiday.
Your work is very important, needed and appreciated.
On this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love!

Let the work be easy and beloved,
May it bring you great income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale,
And success and luck lead you forward!

Happy Light Industry Workers Day
Congratulations to everyone involved in this industry!
On a June day, very sunny and warm
We want your salaries to rise.
So that work gives you pleasure,
The enterprise to grow and prosper,
So that there were more promotions in the service!
Let's celebrate the holiday together.

The Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers is a great occasion to congratulate textile workers, seamstresses, shoemakers and other specialists on their professional holiday.

This page contains verses that can be used as congratulations on Light Industry Day. They can be read in formal and informal settings, sent by e-mail or as a text message.

And a tailor, and a seamstress,
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break,
Pattern so as not to be lost,
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything to succeed in life
Who does life need to connect with?
To avoid frustration
May you all succeed!

Congratulations on the holiday,
We send our fiery greetings!
We sincerely wish you happiness
Labor big victories!
To make life more beautiful
And a hundred times richer
To make the house a full bowl,
As the people say.

Light industry workers
Accept congratulations from us!
May these wishes of good lines
Will touch and move you all.
We wish your industry to bloom,
And you - to work and not get tired.
Good luck to you, health and patience,
Well, get more pay.

The climatic conditions of the Russian Federation make it necessary to have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in the wardrobe of every Russian. This allows people to comfortably spend time outdoors. Many people buy imported clothes for themselves, but consumer demand for domestic products is also not small.

Light industry employees celebrate their professional holiday in early July. Most of the workers in this industry are women. On this day, all employees of the clothing and footwear industries and everyone who is somehow connected with the textile industry deserve congratulations.


Officially, the Textile Worker's Day in the Russian Federation was approved by the President at the beginning of the 21st century. But this holiday has been celebrated for more than 30 years.

Until the 18th century, wool and linen were the main raw materials for Russian light industry. In the manufactories of that time, serfs mainly worked. Despite the flourishing of the new textile factories, handicraft workshops remained the dominant form of production.

In the 19th century, a gradual transition to factory production began. From the middle of the 19th century, manual machines began to be replaced by more modern ones - mechanical ones. By the end of the century, half of the enterprises switched to machine production.

During the First and Second World Wars, the Russian manufactory suffered huge losses. In production, the volume of manufactured products fell several times. It was only in the 1940s that the industry was fully established and restored.

  • 1970s - the textile industry reaches the pinnacle of its development.
  • Since the 1970s, active production of synthetics has begun: acetate silk, lavsan, nitron.
  • From 1965 to 1986 The USSR occupies one of the first places in the production of wool.
  • Since the 1980s, a sharp decline in production efficiency has begun.

From 1990 to 1998, the productivity of the textile industry fell catastrophically. The volume of production decreased several times. The number of imported goods in the Russian markets began to prevail over domestic ones.


In honor of this holiday, large-scale festivities are held at factories and enterprises of this industry. Employees try to organize interesting and vibrant concerts, corporate parties and other events.

In addition to corporate events, successful factories and textile corporations hold fashion shows. Most often, these shows present fashionable products from the finest fabrics. They are carried out to increase the number of consumers and increase credibility in the market.

It is also customary to celebrate this holiday in the family circle. Relatives, friends and colleagues gather at festive tables, share their professional experience, tell interesting and funny stories.

Do not forget to congratulate light industry employees, because they make a huge contribution to the comfortable existence of mankind.

Cool congratulations happy day of light industry workers 2019

June 9 - Light Industry Worker's Day (second Sunday in June)

IN light industry day,
I congratulate you
I wish you a treasure of health
Always take care of yourself!
Happiness in new clothes
In new shoes - love,
To make your wishes come true
Call for good luck!

WITH Today there is no need to weave canvas and spin yarn at home. Go to the store and choose a suit to your taste or a piece of colorful fabric ... Today is the time of textile abundance! And today is a holiday, the Day of Light Industry Workers! Thank you for a stylish, excellent wardrobe and mountains of various textiles!

T Alanta you do not take
Your pockets are full of ideas.
Shoe the country in fashion
And dress - these are the plans!

You are eager to fight, rushing to the machines,
Industry rising to the heights.
For a thing from you I will give everything -
You have an excellent job!

IN You will dress the whole world with taste, comfortable and beautiful, profitable and fashionable ... Happy Light Industry Workers Day! May the threads never run out, the fantasy does not dry out on bright prints, and most importantly - there will always be bright joy in my soul!

ABOUT shoemakers, textile workers, tailors
Today, on Light Industry Day,
We want to say thank you for the work
And to always keep the tail with a carrot!
I want to wish you on your holiday
Success in work, happiness in personal life.
Say thank you, and there is something for that!
We are well dressed and dressed!

IN you know the whole way of textiles - from a cotton flower on a field and a piece of wool on a sheep, to a fashionable outfit that will replenish our wardrobe ... On the Day of Light Industry Workers - accept our congratulations! We can only be surprised at your profession, which requires so much work and invention, and also wish you good luck and happiness!

IN seven workers in the light industry
I want to wish you health
To work easily and dexterously,
Never know fatigue
So that your work is revered by all,
After all, it would be difficult to live without you,
To smile at you every moment.
Rejoice, believe and love!

M other times when good clothes was available only to the nobility! Today - dress to your liking, and whatever you want - everything will be found! For this variety and excellent quality, thank you - light industry workers! Happy holiday to you! Let your textiles and your whole life be bright!

H now a holiday at the weavers,
Perfumers and tailors
Light Industry Day
We will celebrate with sweet vodka!
Happy cherished day, congratulations,
And we wish prosperity to everyone!
Let your life become more beautiful
The house is empty will be a full bowl!

ABOUT t fashion dizzy! It seems that there are simply no two identical pieces of fabric on Earth! And all thanks to you, light industry workers! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes! May your imagination and luck not run out!

WITH you fill us with clothes
And shoes strong, reliable,
Everything is stylish, beautiful and fashionable,
You are doing an excellent job.
For this we are grateful to you
And on the day when the holiday came,
We wish you a lot of strength and inspiration,
Good luck, wealth, luck.

WITH Today, on your professional holiday, you have a reason to dress up and listen to well-deserved praise! Happy Textile Workers Day! Each shred from you is a masterpiece, with you we will always be the most beautiful of all! So let everything and always be just wonderful!

IN Day of Light Industry Workers
I wish you good orders.
The clarity of the lines, there will be no break,
Your quality is immediately visible.

I wish you a stable salary
And recognition in the field of textile.
Your hands are worthy of a sonnet,
After all, the work is warmed by the soul.

TO Who can thank you for the fact that women have a full closet and nothing to wear? Because flax is not bleached in the meadows today? For the fact that you can spin endlessly in a whirlwind of fashion? Of course, you - light industry workers! On your professional holiday, please accept our congratulations, praise for your colorful work and best wishes!

TO when we wear something
And we put on shoes, every time
Somehow we forget
Who made it for us;
But they didn't mean to offend you.
We - you can not offend!
Let any business argue!
Cut, sew, weave boldly!
And Happy Holidays to all of you, friends!

AND the Venetian merchants did not have what you have, and at quite humane prices! It's good that there are people who will help us dress in fashion and in the best! Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry Workers! Be unique in your work inspiration and your long happy life!

P give birth to the mind
But they are greeted by clothes!
We would like a little
Be in tune with fashion too.
Fabrics for fun
And cover it so as not to be a "bag",
shoes with sturdy heels,
And a good train of spirits. . .
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magical hands
A miracle suddenly appears
Lots of things we need.
We count on you -
fashion designers and weavers,
Perfumers and tailors.
Congratulations on a good hour
Happy Labor Day!
We always need your work!

P I congratulate you on the Day of Light Industry Workers! It costs you nothing to produce textiles of all sorts for a century ahead, and if the windy fashion comes up with something - overtake it! I wish you to live long, dress smartly and always smile truly happily!

M you are shod and dressed
thanks to you,
We congratulate you today
So we are not in vain!
On this holiday we wish you
big prizes,
To be proud, yes for life,
To love with heart!

B Without you, there would be no fashion in the world,
Chanel, Diora, Gucci, Valentino,
And women's beauty would not be composed of odes,
Kohl would be dressed all the same,

Thank you for the beauty and brightness,
For the fact that you needle so skillfully,
Don't hide behind laziness and fatigue
Do your good work.

Wizards dressmakers, fashion designers,
We wish you to smile more often
Reach all the heights of your career
And never give up optimism.

AND jun. Second Sunday.
You put aside everything.
May this day be filled with joy
It's time to celebrate.
In your day of light industry
All congratulations to you.
AND warm congratulations lines
Let you be happy now.

IN to those who tirelessly
Working for the good of life
We wish you good luck
You won't be forgotten
After all, in the light industry -
human comfort,
Let a firm gait
Happiness and love will come!

TO We wish every fashion designer
Become a millionaire.
To every tailor
One more house.
Well, the perfumer -
New apartment.
So that everyone on their own holiday
Received a difficult gift.

P congratulations on the holiday
Those who dress up:
Those who sew clothes for us,
Who is dressing us.
We wish you joy
Happiness and luck
And always good
In the life of mood!
Thank you, dear
Your work is very important!
with your products
Our whole life is adjusted!

B The country cannot do without your industry,
How can we live without cloth and clothes.
You warm our life
We place all our hopes on you.
Everything will be great for you
Success in work, happiness in personal life.
Your salaries will be super class.
And the light industry is excellent.

IN light industry you found yourself,
Itself, at the call of the heart, you came here!
Light Industry Day is celebrated together.
Congratulations to all those who dressed us!
And I congratulate you on this holiday,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck and health.
May the sun and joy always be with you,
To run to work would not be a burden.

B Without you, we would not have flown
And they would freeze and starve!
Today, this summer day
Let's sing praises to you!
And we will clap loudly, that there are forces,
And let's raise the festive flag!
Congratulations humble hard workers
Light and textile industry!

P congratulations to those who sew
in noisy factory floors,
Who creates all textiles,
Shoes, things and furs.
Everything that surrounds life
Made by hard work
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you
To make your home comfortable.

Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Almost everything we wear and use is the products of light and textile industries. Significant, isn't it? But it is even more significant, even surprising, that hundreds of thousands of workers of this detachment of manufacturers received their professional holiday only in 1980. With that memorable Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the annual honoring of textile workers and light industrial workers began on the second Sunday of June. 20 years later, a similar Decree was signed by the President of the now sovereign Russia.

Manufactory production, from which the biography of enterprises of this plan actually began, flourished even before Ivan the Terrible and Peter I. However, individual artisans and handicraft workshops even provided their own state with difficulty. Well, there was no need to talk about quality, especially textile materials. Ladies and gentlemen tried to import everything from abroad.

Now everything is different. Almost 15 thousand enterprises of light and textile industry work in Russia. And they employ about half a million professional workers, experienced engineers and designers, mostly women. The title of "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry" was established Russian Federation". The interests of all labor collectives are protected and defended by the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs.

This focus on the industry is understandable. After all, since ancient times, everywhere on earth a person was met "by clothes ..." Textile workers provide us with it. So that a Russian citizen looks no worse than any foreigner.

The combination of "Women" and "light industry" does not at all characterize the specifics of production. There is also a lot of heavy, monotonous physical labor, because the industry includes not only textile enterprises, but also the clothing, leather, fur, and shoe industries. Here are produced faux fur and leather, polymer-film materials. This means that the chemical industry is closely related to production. To unite everything, to group, to fine-tune interdepartmental relations, to establish mutual deliveries is also unsweetened work, and only leaders from the beautiful half of humanity can do it, who understand how important it is that the rhythm of production is clear and the supply of products is not disrupted. And in the end, so that neither trade enterprises, nor subcontractors, nor, most importantly, society suffer. Which, of course, is interested in the domestic product, supports the native manufacturer. And after the war, continuing to perform the difficult functions of the rear of the Fatherland.

Light industry provides 40% of all the necessary consumer needs of the citizens of our country. Despite this, workers in this area are not revered, as doctors or teachers, but they invest no less work and bring no less benefit. The humble workers of the light industry celebrate their professional holiday every year on the 2nd Sunday of June.

When they celebrate

The Day of Light Industry Workers is celebrated in Russia and other countries former USSR. For the first time this holiday went down in history as an official celebration, under Soviet rule, in 1980, on October 1, by the decree of Brezhnev L.I. (First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU of the USSR from 1964-1982) "On memorable and festive dates."

After the collapse of the USSR, the entire industry fell into decay, hard times came for the whole country, then people were not up to the holidays, and the day of light industry was forgotten for a while. They began to celebrate this celebration again in 2000, after the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. dated 17 June. According to the official document, the day of the light industry worker is celebrated every second Sunday of the first summer month, i.e. in June.

Whose holiday is this

According to the international classification, light industry includes 25 divisions: textile production, footwear, leather, clothing, knitwear, silk, chemical, etc. This holiday is celebrated by both veterans and active workers in these areas of production. The celebration is celebrated on a special scale in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Novgorod regions. These areas are considered the center of the textile and light industry in Russia.

Almost every fifth family in Russia works at light industry enterprises, and of course they take part in festive events, go out of town, collect festive table invite guests to share the fun with them. Because this holiday falls on summer period, then as festivities, the management of enterprises organize mass field trips, picnics, competitions. Fairs, exhibitions, fashion shows are held in the central palaces of the city.

Interesting facts about light industry

1. Every year, 82 million tons of textile fibers are produced in the world, the production of which requires 6 billion tons of coal and 8 billion liters of water.
2. The most popular types of fabric: linen, cotton, polyester, viscose, lycra.
3. From 1996 to 2011 there was a sharp decline in light industry, during which time almost 3 million people lost their jobs.
4. According to statistics, the average life expectancy women's clothing- 3 years, male - 6 years.
5. The first clothing that man invented was a loincloth, the second was a skirt.
6. In the Middle Ages, a person's belonging to a social class was determined by the color of clothes, so the rich wore red shades, the poor - gray and brown, bankers and merchants - green.


More than 2 million people work in Russia's light industry. They produce consumer goods: clothes, shoes, underwear, everything necessary for Everyday life. All these domestically produced goods are much cheaper than imported ones, but the quality is not inferior to foreign counterparts. On this day, do not forget to congratulate your family and friends on their professional holiday, they will be very pleased to know that their work is appreciated and respected. Our signs of attention will become the best gifts for them, and compliments and praise will give an incentive to work with great enthusiasm.
