Wipe off oil stains. How to remove oil from clothes - the best ways

No one is immune from the appearance of greasy spots: oil splashed during frying, the younger one tried the butter cream from the cake, and the older one returned satisfied and “spotted” from the garage, and that’s it - the job is done.

We will deal with effective ways to eliminate such an unpleasant embarrassment.

On contact with clothing engine oil turns into a persistent brown stain. Such a nuisance cannot be corrected by ordinary washing in an automatic machine - special tools are needed here.

Folk methods of struggle

For fresh and old stains, products that have been effectively used by older generations are suitable.

Please note that the following methods are not suitable for cleaning silk, wool and some synthetics. Aggressive liquids can damage the structure of the fabric and irreversibly spoil the appearance.

  1. Kerosene or aviation gasoline will help remove pollution. These liquids are more aggressive, but they do an excellent job with old stains that you have already lost faith in removing. To do this, apply the product on a cotton swab and rub the contaminated area in the direction from the edge to the center. The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes, then wash the item according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Effective oil stain eliminate the composition of turpentine and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the resulting mixture to the contamination and leave for 5-15 minutes, depending on the degree of tissue damage. If the stain doesn't come off, repeat. At the end of the procedure, clothes are washed in washing machine apart from other things. Before using the product, it is advisable to check the fabric for stability: first apply the product on an inconspicuous area and wait 3-5 minutes.

Since these liquids have a pungent odor and are strong solvents, take care of yourself - ventilate the room and use household gloves.

Handy and specialized chemistry

Kerosene is still not found in every home, but there is definitely an ordinary dishwashing gel or special soap. Modern manufacturers have gotten used to supplying such compounds to the shelves that can even eliminate the consequences of working with engine oil or remove traces of diesel fuel from clothes.

  1. Fresh contamination will come off in half an hour if you drop a concentrated gel on the contaminated area. It is not necessary to foam the agent. After washing the stain by hand and send it to the machine.
  2. Remove oil from clothes"Antipyatin" will help. Specialized soap removes dirt from any fabrics and is ranked among the most gentle, but not the most effective. Wash soiled items as usual for hand washing.
  3. Traditional liquid stain remover is a powerful agent and in theory can be used on any fabric. The composition is applied to the area with a greasy stain for 10-20 minutes. Then comes the normal wash.
  4. Oxygen bleach will restore the purity of white things. The principle of application is the same as that of the stain remover. However, the recommended time should still be slightly increased, since the oil is difficult to remove.

It is worth using a stain remover when cleaning delicate fabrics if there is an appropriate marking on the package, such as “suitable for silk”, etc.

These methods will help you remove vegetable oil stains if you accidentally stain your clothes. They will also help remove grease stains after you have washed the resin from clothes with oil.

Salt will be the first aid in case of contamination with vegetable oil. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the stain and let the excess soak in. This approach will make it easier to wash sunflower oil even from your favorite apron or blouse. If you do not know how to remove red wine stains from clothes, then salt will also come to your rescue.

Folk remedies

Improvised means will come to your aid, which can be found in almost every home and will help remove grease stains from clothes.

  1. If there was no salt at hand, then it will be replaced by a crumb of white bread. Roll into a soft ball and "collect" the butter. Wash the stained area with liquid powder or dishwashing liquid.
  2. Fill the contaminated area and edges with starch, place a small soft cloth on top and iron. If the stain is large, then change the starch and repeat the procedure until the fabric is clean. Followed by regular machine wash.
  3. For quick cleaning, gasoline or acetone is suitable. Moisten the area around the stain with water first. Apply liquid to a cotton swab and treat the surface. Place an A4 sheet on top and iron with a hot iron. Wash in a washing machine at moderate temperature.

The method under point 3 should not be used for delicate fabrics like silk, lycra, linen. Do not use colored acetone either, as it can stain light-colored fabrics.

Chemistry at your fingertips

If home remedies can easily cope with sunflower oil, then olive and sea ​​buckthorn oil it is better to remove home chemicals. So, the standard and most effective set:

  1. Concentrated dishwashing liquid is applied for 40-50 minutes, then the clothes are washed as usual.
  2. Laundry soap for washing clothes - ideal for washing cotton and wool.
  3. Toothpaste is suitable for light and white things. Apply a pea on the contaminated area for a couple of hours and send it to the washing machine.
  4. Bleaches and stain removers are used as a last resort and only for old stains.

If you decide to wash kitchen towels from grease and stains, then we have written detailed instructions for you.

Special approach for special fabrics

The main danger for delicate fabrics is that solvents and aggressive chemicals can take the paint along with the stain or completely disfigure the structure. Therefore, delicate home remedies or specialized gentle chemicals will be the best option.

Unlike delicate and thin clothes denim, especially expensive row-denim and the like, have a dense structure. Due to their high density, they absorb oily liquids abundantly. That's why wash jeans from machine oil or fat of vegetable origin is the easiest immediately. In this case, an old stain cannot be removed without consequences. After the curiosity, the stain is blotted with a napkin to pick up most of the fat. Then rub raw potatoes and spread on the stain for 30 minutes. After removing the gruel, the pollution is cleaned with stale dark bread. Alternatives- stain remover soap or dishwashing liquid.

Vegetable oil is very popular among the population. It is used internally to improve the functioning of the digestive system, salads are seasoned with it, and various dishes are prepared on it. In a word - you can’t do without oil in the kitchen.

Often the hostess notices greasy marks on things. She immediately begins to wonder: how to remove sunflower oil from clothes?

emergency measures

As soon as the oil gets on the fabric, it appears dark color. If you do not take emergency measures, then the fat will spread further. How to wash vegetable oil? The first thing to do is to wet the stained area. paper napkin, handkerchief or cotton towel. Synthetic materials are not suitable for this, on the contrary, they will aggravate the situation. Such activities will help get rid of some of the oil.

Some first moisturize the contours of the stain. This prevents the oil from spreading to the sides.

It is also known that fresh stains move away from products much better. But if such a situation occurred outside the home, then you should not be upset. There are various methods to help remove sunflower oil stains.

Effective removal methods

How to remove sunflower oil from clothes? There are several fabric options.

Dishwashing liquid

When you do not know how to wash sunflower oil, you can use the usual detergent for dish washing. It contains components that have the ability to break down fats.

Apply some gel to the contaminated area. Rub lightly and leave for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse the item under warm water. If the greasy trace could not be removed the first time, then the manipulations can be repeated.

How to get oil stains out of clothes? Helpful at home handy tool in the form of table salt. The particles have the ability to absorb fat molecules, while they do not spoil the tissue fibers.

To remove sunflower oil from clothes, cover the stained area with salt. This method is considered classic. But for efficiency it can be improved. Place a clean washcloth over the salt layer. Warm it up with a hot iron.

After that, remove the napkin and shake off the remaining salt. If the contamination is not completely removed, then the manipulations can be repeated.

How to wash olive oil? This type of pollution is washed off with a mustard composition. Take a bag of dry mustard from the store. Product with additives will not work. Dilute in a little water and stir. You should get a thick slurry.

Cover the oil spot with the mixture, rub it in lightly and wait until it dries completely. With the help of a soft brush, the dried layer is removed. After that, the product is washed in the usual way.


How to wash the stain if it is dry? What to do if machine oil gets on your clothes? You can solve the problem with gasoline.

It should be noted that this method of removing traces is used only on cotton fabrics. If the composition of the product includes synthetics, then the fabric will deteriorate and lose its original appearance.

How to remove stains from vegetable oil? To clean the item, lay it out on a horizontal surface. Place a cotton cloth under the greasy mark. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and treat the area of ​​​​contamination.

To remove gasoline residues, wash clothes in a washing machine with the addition of powder.


Not sure how to remove vegetable oil stains? Take advantage of pretty in an unusual way- Use a sanitary ware cleaner. It must be applied very carefully so as not to spoil the product and the skin on the hands.

Sprinkle some powder on the stain. Add a few drops of water and lightly rub into the greasy mark. Leave for 30 minutes. After that, the remnants of the powder must be removed, and the thing should be washed in the machine.

Stain remover

You can remove stains from sunflower oil with a stain remover. But the means must be good quality. If there is no powder at hand, then you can make it yourself.

To do this, take 15 milliliters of ammonia, 20 milliliters of ethyl alcohol and 10 milliliters of refined gasoline. Combine the components together and mix thoroughly.

Pour the solution over the grease mark and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse the clothes in cool water.

Getting rid of stains from thick fabrics

How to remove that got on a dense thing? Even for such cases, there are several effective recipes. They are used to remove greasy marks from trouser suits, down jackets.

First method

To eliminate greasy traces, use potatoes. It contains starch, which has the ability to bleach any stain.

Take one vegetable, peel and grate on a fine grater. Add some refined gasoline. Stir, and then apply to contamination. Leave until completely dry.

Then take a soft brush and remove the remnants of the composition. To complete the procedure, wash the item in the machine.

Second method

Any of the three remedies will help get rid of the sunflower - kerosene, tooth powder, gasoline in combination with turpentine.

If white jeans are dirty in oil, then kerosene or gasoline is more suitable. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the stain. Then soak in warm water with bleach for 8-10 hours. To complete the procedure, process the item in the machine.

If there are oil stains on your clothes, then you should not worry too much. Any type of dirt can be removed with homemade products.

Before use, a reaction test on an inconspicuous area should be carried out. If the fabric has not deteriorated, then continue the procedure.

Soak laundry in salt, stain removers, hydrogen peroxide, or ammonia. Remove stubborn dirt with nail polish remover, turpentine, gasoline, but be careful, otherwise discoloration will appear in place of the oil stain.

Vegetable fats, compared with automotive oil stains, are easier to wash, so in most cases it is enough to use improvised means.

Removing fresh stains

If you see how sunflower oil from fried potatoes or salad has dripped onto your clothes or tablecloth, immediately blot it with a paper towel and treat it with salt.

Immediately after the feast, remove and wash the product using the following ingredients:


Pour water into a basin and pour 0.5 packs of soda into it.

Place the tablecloth in the solution for a couple of hours and wash by hand or machine. If it is made of cotton, use hot water as it dissolves fats better, but before washing, make sure that the colors do not suffer.

Dishwashing liquid

Removing industrial oils

Washing off a machine oil stain is much more difficult, because it penetrates the fibers more aggressively.

It is necessary to select a detergent, starting from the age of pollution and the material.

  • Treat a fresh stain with nail polish remover. Pour on the problem area, wait 15-20 minutes, and then wash thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
  • The old can only be removed with purified turpentine, kerosene or gasoline. Use the products in the same way as you use the nail polish, but be aware that poorly dyed fabrics may discolor or form holes in them if you leave the clothes treated for a long time.

Note! Aggressive agents such as gasoline should be used as a last resort, when you still have to throw away your knitwear. Avoid using them on black items as a light spot may form.

After washing, the clothes will emit bad smell, so machine wash with double the amount of scented fabric softener.

Cosmetic stains

In the process of massage, the use of massage cream cannot be avoided, but it also partially consists of oils that are imprinted on clothes.

If you notice a stain on white clothes, soak them in hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 hours, and then launder as you like.

Colored products from baby cream"Johnsons Baby" and massage oils are cleaned with salt and soda (1 tablespoon each), diluted in water. After an hour of soaking, wash the traces of vaseline oils with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly.

What Not to Do

Improper washing can permanently damage the fabric or colors.

To avoid this, make sure:

  • Chose the right tool. Bleach can only be used on white fabrics. Whitening agents are: hydrogen peroxide, "Whiteness", etc.
  • We checked the reaction of the tissue to the selected agent. Failure to comply with this item will result in home re-dyeing of clothing or its unsuitability.

Before you start processing fresh pollution, wipe it off, moving from the edges to the center. This will reduce the work area and prevent the stain from growing. Using the described ingredients, it is possible to clean spilled oil even asphalt and paving slabs. But to treat large-scale pollution, you will need a lot of money, so use a soap solution consisting of laundry soap, dish liquid, powder and stain removers.

Types and features of oil stains

In nature, there are many varieties of fats: animal, creamy, vegetable (linseed, coke, corn, sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower oil, etc.) There are also many of them in mayonnaise and modern sauces.

Once on the fabric, they are absorbed into its structure, which leaves a mark that is difficult to get rid of.

The most difficult stains to remove remain from engine, lamp, hydraulic oil. They have a chemical structure, which affects the inner layers of the tissue, so it is important to get rid of them immediately with aggressive means.

Any greasy spot must be washed off immediately. But if it was not possible to wash the jacket, cover the contamination with finely abrasive salt so that it absorbs fats. If possible, remove the T-shirt, treat with salt, cover with a paper towel and iron. After such treatment, the volume of the stain and its intensity will decrease, but upon arrival at home, be sure to wash the product to get rid of the oil trace.

Larisa, August 14, 2018.

Someone likes to cook, and someone likes to mess with the car in the garage. But as a result, in both cases, you get oil stains as a bonus, which are so difficult to remove. Such stains can spoil not only good things, but also mood. But do not be so upset, everything is quite fixable. Things can still be saved, but the mood can be improved. We'll show you how to get oil stains out of clothes at home, and the pleasure of having your car running again or a delicious meal you've cooked will lift your spirits.

Before proceeding with the withdrawal procedure greasy contaminants that poison your life, read the recommendations of experts:

  • The faster you start to get rid of pollution, the more chances you have for a successful outcome and the less effort you have to make. A fresh stain should be immediately blotted with a paper towel or napkin so that the grease does not penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric.
  • When choosing a remedy, start with more gentle ones, and only if necessary, move on to more aggressive ones.
  • Before use, any product should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing somewhere on the wrong side, since different fabrics react differently to certain products, and you can not only not remove the stain, but also completely ruin a good thing.
  • When cooking folk remedies observe the suggested proportions, and when using household chemicals- instructions.
  • Treat the stain carefully, moving from the edges to the center so that it does not blur even more, do not rub the dirt heavily.
  • If the contamination is on a dense fabric, then the agent for its removal must be applied from the inside out or from both sides. Be sure to place a sheet of paper or a piece of material under the stain to prevent the grease from transferring to other surfaces.

Important! Work in a well-ventilated area, away from children and allergy sufferers, and be sure to protect your hands with gloves if using harsh substances.

Removing oil stains

So, how to remove an oil stain from clothes at home?


The lightest and available remedy, which is in every kitchen, is table salt:

  1. Sprinkle a little salt on a fresh greasy stain and rub it in a little.
  2. Leave for a few minutes.
  3. Shake off any remaining salt.
  4. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Important! Salt can be replaced with a crumb of white bread. In this case, you need to roll it up and press it against the stained area for a few minutes.

Laundry soap

This is another easy way to get oil stains out of clothes at home. Laundry soap washes many types of dirt, and will not fail this time:

  • Soap the problem area properly with soap and leave it overnight, and wash it in the morning. In most cases, the spots do not even leave memories.
  • If you want to speed up the process and not wait all night, then sprinkle some sugar on the soapy area and wait 15 minutes. Now you can wash. From such a “sweet” life, greasy spots immediately go away.

Important! Laundry soap is still in great demand. It can be used not only for washing clothes, but also for washing dishes. We have prepared a separate review in which you will find out.


Soda is another universal remedy for all occasions, in addition, it is an excellent adsorbent. We apply it like this:

  1. Fill the problem area with plenty of soda. Instead of soda, you can use potato starch.
  2. Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Wipe the dirt with an old toothbrush. Shake off the rest.
  4. If the contamination is very large, then the procedure can be repeated by adding a new layer of soda. Dishwashing liquid can be dripped on top of it.
  5. Rub the mixture into the stain and leave for a while.
  6. Wash normally.

Starch, chalk or tooth powder

All these substances are also excellent adsorbents and absorb fat:

  1. Apply any of these products to the stain and leave for a few hours to absorb the oil.
  2. To speed up the process, you can cover with a clean white cloth and walk with a warm iron.
  3. When the stain is gone, the remaining product should be thoroughly washed off with water, and then the clothes should be washed as usual.

Dishwashing liquid

Any dishwashing liquid helps to get rid of greasy stains:

  1. Apply a little on the problem area, lather with your fingers and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Rinse off the remaining product and wash the clothes as usual.

mustard powder

How to remove oil stains from clothes at home? You can use mustard powder:

  1. Dilute the powder with water until a slurry is formed.
  2. Apply this gruel to the stain and leave to dry completely.
  3. Remove the remaining powder with a brush and wash the product.

Important! This is another one of universal means for home. In our separate publication, we talked about the fact that.

Spot heat treatment

You can also use an iron to remove traces of grease from clothes:

  1. Lay down several layers of paper towels or toilet paper top and bottom of the fabric.
  2. Iron the problem area with a hot iron.
  3. Under the influence of hot temperature, the fat will melt and the paper will absorb it.
  4. Change paper as needed.

Important! During heat treatment, you can use chalk, which will absorb fat, or a special solution that needs to be applied to the contamination. The solution is prepared as follows: add 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of washing powder to 100 ml of water.

Ammonia + turpentine + laundry soap

There are very effective method to solve the problem of how to remove a stain from sunflower oil on clothes. To do this, you will need to prepare a paste from one spoon of ammonia, two teaspoons of turpentine and grated laundry soap:

  1. Apply this paste on the stain.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with hot water or a sponge dipped in hot water.

Refined gasoline

Grease stains will help remove refined gasoline:

  1. Soak a cotton pad or rag in gasoline and treat the dirt.
  2. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse off the solvent under running water and wash the clothes as usual.

Powder for cleaning sanitary ware

From greasy stains on a jacket or down jacket, you will be helped to get rid of powder for cleaning plumbing, for example, "Komet" or "Pemolux". Pour a little powder on the problem area, gently rub and leave for a few minutes, and then shake off.


What to do if the stain is already deeply ingrained into the fabric? We'll have to go to extreme measures. In this case, you can use acetone or a nail polish remover based on it:

  1. Moisten the problem area with water.
  2. Apply acetone with a cotton pad.
  3. Cover the stain with a piece of paper.
  4. Iron the fabric with a hot iron.
  5. Wash your clothes as usual.

Important! This method is not suitable for delicate or synthetic fabrics.


What else can you do to get oil out of clothes? You can use alcohol. Just treat them with pollution and leave for an hour, and then wash.

Important! You can enhance the effect by adding salt to alcohol:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of alcohol and half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Apply the mixture on the stain for 15 minutes and then rinse.

Ammonium chloride + glycerin

For delicate clothes, there is a way that will definitely not harm her. For this.

It is very easy to stain clothes, but it is much more difficult to remove all stains. Despite the fact that modern stain removers do a very good job of this task, it is far from always possible to remove oil stains from clothes. To remove such a stain, there are many different ways that you can try.

Preparing things before removing stains

Just applying caustic substances to the fabric is fraught with final damage to the thing, so it is necessary to prepare clothes for cleaning.

Clean your clothes well from dust and dirt, if necessary, you can even wash them. This will allow you to remove the stained layer from your clothing, which means the chemical used will come into direct contact with the stain and work more effectively. In addition, you can use more than just washing to clean - for a quick way, rubbing the stain well with a wet brush is enough.

Prepare in advance all the items that you will use to remove oil stains (rags, brushes, swabs, etc.).

Since you can't know for sure how the solution will affect the fabric, be sure to test it on another fabric and see how it reacts. Starting to apply to the thing with which you want to remove the stain, do it gradually and look at the reaction.

Removing an old oil stain

A stain that has already dried can be removed using the following tools:
  • Salt . There is in every house and costs almost nothing. In order for the use to be effective, pour into the basin hot water, then put clothes in it and pour half a glass of salt. Stir well to dissolve the salt. Now carefully observe the thing, you need to "catch" the moment when the salt absorbs the fat, and immediately wash the thing.
  • Glycerol . Effective remedy, which allows you to quickly clean any thing from old greasy or oil stains. You just need to apply glycerin to the stain, after half an hour, just wipe this place with a cotton swab or a clean rag.
  • sawdust . This method is best suited for cleaning carpets or fabrics that are difficult to move to other places. If your carpet has oil or oil on it, you can soak sawdust in gasoline and put it on the stain. This is enough to get rid of an unpleasant greasy blot.
  • Ammonia and turpentine . To use this method, you will need to mix turpentine and ammonia, try to mix thoroughly. Soak the solution with a cotton swab and apply to the stain. It is necessary to wait 2-3 hours, then wash the thing.
  • Refined gasoline . In addition to refined gasoline, you can use turpentine with the maximum percentage of purification. In this method, you need to wet the cloth with the substance, then put it under the stain and wipe the stain with another piece of clean cloth. After that, you can clean the fabric with plain water or wash the item.

It is worth noting that after cleaning with gasoline or turpentine, it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell.

Removing a fresh greasy oil-type stain

As you know, it is of great importance how long ago you put this stain. If he is only a few hours old, you need to use completely different methods for removing them than in the case when the stain remained on the clothes for several months.


Ammonia is ideal for removing grease and oil stains from those things whose fabric is of artificial origin:
  1. Add a teaspoon of alcohol to a small portion of warm water;
  2. Dip a cotton swab into a glass, then prepare an iron and a cotton-based cloth;
  3. Wipe the stain with cotton, put a cloth on it and run it several times with an iron set to the maximum temperature;
  4. The stain should come off in a few minutes.

Using ammonia, you can remove not only greasy and oily stains, but also traces of rust, dried glue (although there is one for it), moldy deposits, blood that has got on the fabric, ink, spilled coffee, etc. Alcohol derivatives do a good job of cleaning clothes.

Be sure to use potato starch, as corn starch is not suitable for such purposes. The starch method is best used only if the soiled fabric cannot be washed for any reason.

Use starch in small portions: rub it thoroughly into the stain and leave the item for up to 10-15 minutes. The essence of the method is that starch absorbs fat well. You may have to repeat the procedure several times. If the stain is old, you should use heated starch - just put it in a saucepan and put it on the stove for up to 10 minutes. After the stain disappears, wash the clothes.

Talc and tooth powder

This method is well suited to remove stains from light-colored furs:
  1. Clothes must be placed on some flat surface;
  2. Apply talc (white powder, greasy to the touch) or powder;
  3. On top put transparent paper for making copies of drawings or material that has similar properties;
  4. Iron with an iron set to the highest temperature;
  5. Now you need to press down the thing well and do not touch it for about 12-14 hours.

Other Methods

Check out other recipes:
  • Mustard . In order to remove old grease or oil stains using mustard, you need to leave the applied mixture of dry mustard and water for half an hour. Blend until creamy and apply to stain. After half an hour has passed, wash the item well in warm water.
  • soapy water . Laundry soap can be used in two ways. If you're in a hurry, simply lather the stain with soap, sprinkle with sugar, and scrub the fabric with a toothbrush. There is another way, for it you will have to make a concentrated soap solution and wait about 12 hours. Then just rinse off the solution and wash the thing if you don't like the smell of laundry soap.
  • Method for men . Most bachelors face big amount oil stains and just throw the thing away because they don't know how to wash it. Now you just need to apply shaving foam on the stain for 5 minutes, and you will immediately notice how the stain disappears. After cleaning, be sure to wash the thing.
  • Finely ground salt and cloth . The method is suitable for sofas and armchairs. It is worth using only if the stain is very fresh, has not had time to soak well into the fabric of the chair. Spread fine salt firmly over the place where the fat was spilled, and rub it in. It will easily corrode fresh grease and oil stains.
  • Dishwashing liquid . Pour any thick detergent on a greasy blot and leave for a while. It is best to treat the stain with warm water before applying so that the detergent starts working faster and gives maximum effectiveness.
  • Soap solution and crumb of bread . Wet a crumb of the freshest bread you can find, then simply apply it to your clothes. Most effective on fresh stains. After the crumb has absorbed the maximum amount of fat, use a solution made with soap and warm water to wash this item.
  • crushed chalk . Ideal for removing grease stains from items made from cotton, linen, silk. It is enough just to pour a dense layer of powder on the stain and wait about 3 hours. After that, remove the chalk with a damp cloth or wet cloth and wash the thing.
There are many ways to remove oil and grease from clothes, things and furniture. Try different of them, and you will definitely succeed. Try to remove oil stains as soon as they get on the fabric, this will increase the effectiveness of all the methods described above.
