What does early colostrum look like? At what stage of pregnancy does colostrum appear?

All future mothers know that immediately after childbirth, a secret begins to stand out from the breast. As a rule, it is a colorless viscous liquid, extremely rich in nutrients, which will soon turn into regular breast milk.

During pregnancy Colostrum "comes" milk
After Coming Use
Usage method

But not everyone knows that many women produce colostrum during pregnancy. That is why, when colostrum begins to stand out, many women experience anxiety.

When colostrum appears during gestation, this is a natural physiological process, it is not dangerous for the health of mother and baby.

Could it be a sign of conception?

Colostrum is in itself one of the signs of pregnancy, but not always. You should be careful in the following cases.

  1. Menstruation should begin (but for some reason it has not yet begun), your chest has increased and hurts. Do a test to determine interesting position”, but rather donate blood for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to check if conception has occurred. If the result is negative, check the level of prolactin in the blood, visit a gynecologist and mammologist.
  2. The secret is released before each menstruation. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a mammologist, he will confirm or exclude inflammation of the mammary glands, as well as other possible diseases.
  3. The secret stood out for the first time, but the test to determine the "interesting position" showed a negative result. Donate blood for hCG, if there is no conception according to the result of the analysis, first of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist to check if there are any malfunctions in the body.

It is wrong to consider secretion secretion as a sure sign of an “interesting situation”, since colostrum can be excreted without pregnancy. An exact answer to the question of a possible conception can be obtained only by passing an analysis for the "pregnancy hormone" hCG. All .

Any, even the most insignificant discharge from the chest, if conception has not occurred, is a reason to make an appointment with a specialist. Only a slight release of colostrum in newborns (both girls and boys) is considered the norm, which is associated with the residual presence of mother's hormones in the blood.

Isolation of the secret in the early stages

When colostrum begins during pregnancy, this means one thing: the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, has activated in the woman's body. Everything is natural, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth.

At what month of pregnancy colostrum appears depends on various reasons:

  1. Heredity. If your mother began to produce colostrum during pregnancy early, it is likely that you will also have it early.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body, changes in hormonal levels. The higher the level of the hormone prolactin in the body, the sooner the secret will begin to stand out.
  3. Heat, high air temperature with high humidity. It's not news that in the summer early release the secret happens much more often than in winter.
  4. Massage, sexual stimulation of the breast can accelerate the secretion from the chest. The same effect can be from the transferred stress.
  5. Hot showers, drinking hot drinks (tea, coffee) is not necessary, but may affect the secretion during childbearing.
  6. Breast size. A minor factor, however. How larger size breasts, the earlier colostrum production during pregnancy may begin, especially if several points coincide (for example, heredity and heat). As well as vice versa: thin girls with a small breast size usually do not complain about the early appearance of a secret, and the question at what stage of pregnancy begins to stand out colostrum begins to interest them not before the second trimester waiting for the baby.

This is a natural biological process

Thus, in the normal course of pregnancy, most likely, colostrum should appear starting from the second trimester. On later dates"interesting position" (from 32 weeks until the birth of a child) secret, prototype breast milk, stands out in the vast majority of expectant mothers.

Why is this feature dangerous?

The mere appearance of colostrum in early pregnancy is not such a good cause for alarm. This is just a signal that the body of a pregnant woman is preparing for the imminent appearance of the baby. External signs: swelling of the breast and enlargement of the mammary glands.

At a scheduled examination, the gynecologist necessarily conducts an external examination of the breast and performs its palpation. If he did not have a reason for concern, then you, respectively, can sleep peacefully.

You should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible if.

  1. There are colostrum discharges in the first weeks of pregnancy, often pulling in the lower abdomen (as with menstruation). An immediate visit to the doctor in this case is necessary to confirm or exclude a threat to the life of the fetus.
  2. Isolation of a secret in women who are kept in a hospital - sure sign uterine contractions, which can also pose a threat to the fetus. It is especially dangerous if the sudden secretion is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.
  3. The chest hurts, you notice purulent and / or spotting on the underwear, seals are felt in the chest. This is not normal and needs treatment.
What color is it?

The color of colostrum during pregnancy, as well as its consistency, depends directly on the period of gestation of the baby.

  1. In the first weeks of the “interesting position”, the released secret can be compared with a thick, yellowish, sticky liquid.
  2. The closer the date of birth, the more transparent and whiter the colostrum during pregnancy, and the more it is similar in texture to breast milk. How these selections look can be seen in the photo.

A leaked secret

Usually, colostrum during childbearing does not interfere with the comfort of a woman, since it is excreted mainly at night. But hot weather, positive or negative stress, breast massage and other factors that have already been mentioned above can provoke increased secretion, regardless of the time of day.

Preventive actions.

  1. A pregnant woman must carefully observe personal hygiene, especially when secreting a secret. This is an indispensable condition for the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. You need to take care of a bra that is suitable in size, which will not squeeze the chest. It is best to choose special bras for nursing mothers, they will also come in handy after the baby is born.
  3. If colostrum is secreted so strongly during pregnancy that it stains underwear, you can easily buy special bra inserts in almost any store or pharmacy. You can also use regular cotton pads if the discharge is small. But do not forget to change your bra and liners in a timely manner, as a humid environment creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria.
  4. To prevent infections, be sure to rinse your chest several times a day (as needed) with warm water, but only without soap.
  5. The most important rule is never to try to express colostrum! This will only increase its output. After all, it is not in vain that mothers who have just given birth are advised to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.
  6. During pregnancy, intensive stimulation of the mammary glands can also be dangerous, as the release of oxytocin into the blood increases, which provokes uterine contractions, which, with the most unfortunate consequences, can cause a miscarriage.
  7. By stimulating the chest, you can easily introduce an accidental infection through microcracks that are invisible to the eye.

Invest in special ointments and creams for stretch marks: they will not only help keep your breasts beautiful, but also relieve itching of swollen breasts and help you feel comfortable.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

As a rule, waiting for the birth of her baby into the world, any mother cares about so many moments. Firstly, so that the birth goes well, that is, safely, so that, of course, God forbid, there are no complications, so that your baby is born truly healthy and naturally on time. And also, of course, so that mommy subsequently had enough of the much-needed baby milk. Each of the normal pregnant women seeks to immediately attach the baby to her breast, and in the very first minutes, hours and, of course, days after childbirth. Agree, because in fact there is nothing better for the baby than the very colostrum.

However, it must be said that the appearance of colostrum immediately before childbirth, say, during the bearing of an unborn child, can very much frighten the expectant mother herself. Is this normal? And in general, what could it be? I know that it’s not time for me to give birth yet, but colostrum is already actively secreted?

Colostrum appearing during pregnancy is quite normal.

We will hasten to reassure you right away - the active release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon, exactly the same as its complete absence. Usually, colostrum begins to be actively produced by the body already with, and even if you do not see it, it simply does not flow out. By this time, the female breast begins to naturally prepare for the upcoming birth and, accordingly, for feeding your newborn. At first, as a rule, colostrum is thick, yellow and even sticky, but closer to childbirth, it often becomes almost transparent and more liquid.

Moreover, you can often even feel some itching in the chest or tingling in the same place, and even a kind of “movement”. This is also considered to be an absolute norm: after all, your muscles, as it were, push this colostrum to the nipple itself.

And once again we want to note, if you still don’t have colostrum, and, right up to the onset of the birth itself, this is the same quite normal phenomenon. Isolation of the same colostrum even before delivery, believe me, is not at all necessary, this is only one of the options for an absolutely normal and ending pregnancy. And, for example, if you don’t have it, you should not think that your breasts are, as they say, “non-dairy” and that, for example, you specifically will not have much milk. Understand this has nothing to do with one another. It should be noted that often colostrum can begin to stand out right during childbirth or, say, immediately after them. In addition, it does not matter in the slightest, and the amount of colostrum that is secreted during the course of pregnancy and even after it - after all, its amount is strictly individual, and for each particular woman it always varies.

There are sometimes cases when colostrum begins to stand out even in the very early stages of the current pregnancy. In this case, such a phenomenon can be regarded as one of the signs of the onset of pregnancy, along with a sharp increase in the breast and also swelling and bursting of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can begin to be released during a gentle breast massage, or simply sexual stimulation of the breast, and sometimes as a result of severe stress already suffered, less often in conditions of a rather high body temperature or indoor air, due to which the ducts in the chest simply expand.

What should be done if colostrum begins to stand out?

In cases where colostrum leaks very strongly, then you will certainly need to use special disposable bra inserts, which will need to be changed in a timely and constant manner. After all, colostrum is the most ideal environment for the active reproduction of various bacteria. And in this regard, do not forget to wash your chest with plain warm water (but preferably without soap).

It must be remembered that in no case should you press on your chest at this time or, even worse, decide to express the secreted colostrum. After all, any stimulation of the breast will definitely entail a powerful release of such a hormone as oxytocin, which causes the contractile activity of the uterus. And this, as you understand, may well lead to the occurrence of a miscarriage or premature birth.

Cases where colostrum can be a dangerous harbinger

It should be noted, however, that the release of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so pleasant and safe. Since colostrum is secreted directly from the breast, and its active stimulation is almost directly related to the general condition of the uterus (after all, when the baby suckles the mother’s breasts, the uterus usually contracts), and therefore the release of colostrum can sometimes signal the onset of a threatened abortion.

In cases where you are already on conservation and say along with other signs of a threat spontaneous miscarriage(for example, with pulling pains somewhere in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, as well as with bloody discharge from the vagina) and your chest suddenly begins to swell and colostrum flows out - you must definitely tell your doctor about this! And, for example, if you are not in the hospital at this time, then you will probably still need to be hospitalized.

The fair sex can observe colostrum secreted from the mammary glands, although pregnancy and breastfeeding are absent. This condition is called galactorrhea, and it cannot be considered a separate disease. The factors provoking the violation are of natural or pathological origin.

Do not ignore the discharge that appears or try to eliminate them yourself. Determination of the causes and selection of effective means is the prerogative of a qualified specialist.

As soon as a woman managed to get pregnant, her body begins to rebuild in order to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. From the second or third trimester, most have a discharge of colostrum (colostrum), although some have it at an earlier date.

The peculiarity of colostrum, which is a viscous, sticky liquid of a whitish or yellowish hue, lies in its calorie content (150 kcal per 100 ml) and complex composition. Not to mention the presence a large number proteins, a significant part of which are proteins of immune cells.

In contrast to mature milk, colostrum contains less water, so that the kidneys of the crumbs are protected from excessive stress. In addition, the baby after birth is not yet able to take a lot of food, and since colostrum has a high energy content, the baby receives enough calories with a small amount of food.

Colostrum is rich:

  1. albumins and globulins. They have the same amino acid composition as the proteins of the baby's tissues. They are easy to digest and do not provoke unwanted tension in the digestive tract.
  2. Salts of sodium and potassium. This explains the salty taste of the secret.
  3. Immune defense factors (macrophages, neutrophils, leukocytes, T-lymphocytes, interferon and other substances). Their task is to provide passive immunity, anti-infective and anti-allergic protection with the rapid settlement of microflora. For example, interferon has antiviral properties. It is not for nothing that doctors consider colostrum a real medicine for a newborn. Enough 2 ml. a secret so that immunization processes start in the body of the crumbs.
  4. Lactoferrin. The substance contributes to the normal absorption of iron.
  5. Immunoglobulin A. Once in the body of a child, it covers the surface of the intestines and other weak points, which prevents various infections from having a harmful effect.
  6. Substances that form the so-called HAMLET complex. They are able to eliminate malignant cells. However, the properties of this complex are fully revealed only if the mother is breastfeeding.
  7. Antioxidants (vitamins A, E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc). Protects against the negative effects of free radicals.
  8. Hormones and hormone-like factors. With their help, the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole is stimulated.
  9. Prebiotics. More than 130 species are present in the colostrum. Their presence determines the nutrition of the intestinal microflora and protection against infections. They prevent pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the intestinal mucosa.

Among the significant benefits of colostrum, the low content of lactose and fats should be noted. Also, colostrum has a laxative effect, due to which the excretion of meconium (original feces) is accelerated.

Colostrum secreted from the breast can be called with full confidence an indispensable product for the baby, since its composition is ideal for the normal maturation of the body.

Can there be colostrum without pregnancy? The secret from the mammary gland can stand out for various reasons. Colostrum discharge during pregnancy or immediately after delivery is considered normal, and some women report the appearance of a yellowish liquid, similar to colostrum, before menstruation.

To find out the real reason for what is happening, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

natural factors

The secretion of milk is greatly influenced by the hormone prolactin. Its synthesis is carried out in the pituitary gland, while the content of the hormone increases significantly during pregnancy, breastfeeding and before menstruation.

Galactorrhea is a condition in which colostrum is secreted in non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding women. However, in some cases it may be natural.

Why does colostrum develop in the absence of pregnancy and lactation, and when is such a phenomenon considered the norm? Colostrum secretion is allowed when:

  • After the end of the lactation period, no more than 5 months have passed.
  • The last pregnancy was a maximum of 2-3 years ago, while there is no breast milk feeding, and monthly cycle came back to normal.
  • Conception has occurred, although the test so far shows the opposite.

It happens that the fetus may freeze or the pregnancy is interrupted for one reason or another (for example, after an abortion), but colostrum production occurs. In such situations, doctors should prescribe drugs that suppress the production of prolactin.

Why does colostrum come out of the breast if the girl is not pregnant? The secret can stand out not only in the cases mentioned above. His appearance is quite acceptable:

  • Before the start of menstruation.
  • When wearing tight underwear.
  • When having sex while pressing on the nipple and the area of ​​the nipple field.
  • With frequent massaging of the chest area.

Often, after menstruation or the end of lactation, this problem disappears on its own. If it lasts too long and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you should seek medical help.

Diseases and pathological processes

Colostrum production outside of pregnancy is mainly due to an increase in prolactin concentration. Its number can grow due to many violations. In other words, the discharge is provoked:

  1. Medications. Colostrum secretion occurs in women taking hormonal drugs (oral contraceptives, steroid hormones), tranquilizers, sedatives, analgesics, drugs to control blood pressure.
  2. Herbs with lactogenic action. The use of many plants (dill, cumin, anise, grapes, fenugreek) is often practiced to increase milk production. However, herbs can work even in the absence of lactation.
  3. Prolactinoma is a tumor of the pituitary gland, in which the production of hormones, including prolactin, occurs.
  4. Pathological formations in the hypothalamus.
  5. Hypothyroidism, in which thyroid function decreases, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, but prolactin, on the contrary, becomes more.
  6. Diseases of the adrenal glands, accompanied by an increase in the concentration of cortisol and its derivatives.
  7. Polycystic ovaries, the development of which is complemented by increased secretion of prolactin.
  8. Renal or liver failure. Utilization of the hormone is carried out in the kidneys. If they are affected, prolactin accumulates in significant doses.
  9. Injuries, burns and surgery in the mammary glands, the consequence of which is damage to the nerve fibers.

When colostrum comes from the breast, its amount can be very different. For most women who are interested in why colostrum is released when pressed, the situation is bilateral. The appearance of a secret from one nipple may indicate both a pathological and a natural process.

In order not to miss the initial stage of a serious illness, you should be attentive to your own health. The following signs should be alert:

  • If, six months after the child was weaned, yellowish drops spontaneously stand out from the chest, although the woman is sure that there is no pregnancy.
  • If a girl has never become pregnant, and she has a foul-smelling colostrum or discharge of a greenish, brownish tint, mixed with blood or pus.

Any soreness or discomfort should alert the woman. This condition may develop due to inflammatory process in tissues and ducts of the breast.

The liquid can be released spontaneously or only when pressed. In the presence of abundant spontaneous discharge, it is possible to detect a benign tumor of the pituitary gland. When separated in appearance sometimes resembles colostrum.

When the discharge of colostrum is normal, the liquid has a yellowish tint. If the secret looks different, you should definitely visit a doctor - a gynecologist or a mammologist. True, the examination will be appropriate in any case.

To pick up effective treatment, the doctor must find out why colostrum is secreted without pregnancy. Initially, a visual examination of the mammary glands is carried out, after which the patient is sent for the passage:

  • MRI and CT;
  • mammography;
  • breast ultrasound;
  • blood tests.

You will also need to make sure that there is no pregnancy at all.

Selection of medical therapy

There is no universal way to eliminate galactorrhea. Treatment directly depends on the factors that provoked this condition:

  1. It will be possible to cope with prolactinoma with the help of drugs, surgery or radiotherapy. Often the tumor is benign and does not cause serious disorders in the patient's health.
  2. If colostrum is due to certain medications, they should be discontinued. If necessary, the doctor will select more suitable medications.
  3. When the cause of the condition could not be determined, therapy is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at reducing the production of prolactin.

If the methods used were ineffective, surgical removal of the milk ducts is not excluded. However, in most cases, colostrum secretion stops on its own once the underlying cause has been eliminated.

In order not to provoke an increase in colostrum secretion, it is recommended to follow a number of rules.

Colostrum is the first secret of the mammary glands and the best food for a newly born baby. It is generally accepted that colostrum in a woman begins to be produced immediately after childbirth, but often this happens even during pregnancy. Many expectant mothers are extremely concerned about the question: when does it appear? The whole point is that popular belief delayed colostrum can mean late delivery of milk after childbirth, as well as problems with breastfeeding.

What does colostrum look like during pregnancy?

Colostrum is an amazing product of the female body. It is 2.5 times more nutritious than breast milk, contains a large amount of protein, vitamins A and C, as well as a set of hormones, enzymes and antibodies necessary for the baby in the first hours of life.

If colostrum begins to be produced early in pregnancy, it appears as a yellowish, thick, sticky liquid. Closer to childbirth, colostrum becomes more like milk - liquid and whitish.

At what time does colostrum appear?

There is no single answer to this question: we are all different, and the body of each woman functions according to her own program. In most cases, the first drops of colostrum are produced immediately after the birth of the placenta, however, sometimes expectant mothers find yellowish discharge from the breast - this is colostrum - already in the fourth month of pregnancy. Most often, colostrum is released during breast stimulation (for example, during massage or sex). Sometimes its production can be provoked by a strong shock or a long stay in the heat.

It is almost impossible to determine at what week of waiting for the baby colostrum appears: in some women, the mammary glands begin their work already in the second trimester, while others do not have colostrum after 32 weeks. Therefore, you should not worry about the appearance or, conversely, the absence of colostrum during pregnancy.

It happens that, having appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, colostrum disappears before childbirth. This is also the norm. You don't have to worry about the amount of allocation either. In general, doctors unanimously advise expectant mothers not to take to heart the question of how long and in what quantity colostrum is secreted. It has no effect on breastfeeding and milk supply.

Should I panic when colostrum begins to stand out?

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy often give a woman a lot of discomfort: the breast grows, swells, and sometimes becomes painful. When does colostrum appear during pregnancy? future mom may feel itching or tingling in the chest - this is normal and only means that the mammary glands are preparing to perform their main function - milk production.

However, if you are at risk of miscarriage, the appearance of colostrum, especially in large quantities- a very unfavorable sign, especially if at the same time you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, as well as spotting. In this case, it is necessary see a doctor as soon as possible, as there is a risk of losing a child.

Can you drink colostrum?

Among some Asian peoples, animal colostrum (cow, mare, goat) is considered a delicacy: it is cooked and drunk fresh, treated to dear guests and served on major holidays. Some future and established mothers are sure that the use of colostrum will help to establish breastfeeding, increase immunity. Of course, if we are talking about a livestock product.

You should not drink your own colostrum: attempts to express the precious liquid can provoke the production of a hormone responsible for the secretion of the mammary glands and uterine contraction. In other words, then premature birth is possible.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period during which in the female body begins to emerge new life. At the same time, it undergoes various transformations that ensure the normal development of the fetus. These include changes in the shape of the breast. With the onset of preeclampsia, it begins to actively fill with colostrum and prepare for the upcoming lactation. At the same time, in women, discharge from the chest during pregnancy can be of a different nature, be transparent or yellow. And when exactly they should appear and what to do if they are not there, you will now find out.

Many women are interested in the question: what is colostrum during pregnancy, and for how long is it produced? Colostrum is a liquid exudate that is secreted from the mammary glands at the onset of gestation and appears as immature milk. For a newborn baby, it is of particular value, as it includes many more nutrients than breast milk itself. It contains such chemical elements as:

  • Hormonal substances.
  • food enzymes.
  • Vitamins and minerals.
  • lactose.
  • Lacto- and bifidumbacteria.
  • Fats.

The appearance of colostrum indicates that the female body is actively preparing for HB (breastfeeding). For a newborn child, it is very important to get it as the first food, since colostrum provides the body with nutrients that increase immunity and allow you to quickly adapt to new living conditions.

Given that the fluid secreted from the breast contains lacto and bifidumbacteria, it contributes to the rapid activation of the intestine and its cleansing of meconium. The secretions themselves have a viscous consistency, and they are so high-calorie and satisfying that only about 30 ml of this liquid is enough for a newborn child to ensure normal well-being.

Why does it appear?

Allocations occur due to the fact that the synthesis of prolactin is activated in the woman's body. It is this hormone that is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for the upcoming lactation.

However, the people have their own speculation about why the discharge occurs:

  1. If colostrum comes out of the breast, this is the main sign of pregnancy. That is why many women, with a slight delay, begin to examine their breasts and press on the nipples, in the hope that colostrum will begin to stand out from them. But not all women in the early stages of pregnancy, they appear. And besides, before the onset of menstruation, many young ladies also experience transparent discharge from the chest, which is caused by changes in the hormonal background. Therefore, it is not worth determining on this basis whether pregnancy has occurred or not.
  2. If colostrum is produced, it means that childbirth will soon come. This assumption is incorrect, since the discharge occurs at the very beginning of the development of gestation, when the tummy is not even visible yet. Therefore, you do not need to believe this belief either.
  3. If large amounts of colostrum appear from the mammary glands during pregnancy, then the woman will not have problems with HB. This is also complete nonsense, since the presence of a large amount of colostrum has no connection with GW after childbirth. There are situations when the discharge in the second trimester and until the very birth becomes abundant, and after the stress experienced, milk does not appear at all. Therefore, to judge by the amount of colostrum about the possibility of further breastfeeding not worth it either.

Remember, discharge can appear at different times, and they are in no way related to the amount of breast milk that will be produced in the future after childbirth. It should be understood that each organism has its own characteristics, and its work depends on many factors (the emotional state of a woman, hormonal levels, the presence of pathologies in her, etc.). Therefore, to believe everything that people say is not worth it. If you're concerned about how far along in pregnancy colostrum should be produced, ask your doctor.

When to wait?

When to expect colostrum during pregnancy? According to experts, in the early stages, its appearance is extremely rare due to the fact that prolactin is produced in very small quantities. Although in some women, discharge from the nipples appears even before the onset of the delay, and it is from them that they guess about their “position”. But, as mentioned above, it is not worth taking a viscous secret released from the chest as a sign of pregnancy, since it can also appear before the onset of menstruation or in the presence of serious hormonal disorders.

As a rule, discharge begins around the second trimester. However, in some women, they appear at 35 weeks of gestation, and this is also not a big deal. Moreover, it is also considered normal if the discharge appears after childbirth. Therefore, there is no need to panic in this case.

If the discharge does not appear in the second trimester and the woman is very worried about it, she can independently provoke the discharge of colostrum. To do this, you can resort to the following activities:

  • Drink hot tea or cocoa (these drinks stimulate milk production during lactation and can increase colostrum production).
  • Take a hot shower (you can’t take a bath, because this can cause a deterioration in the well-being of the pregnant woman and lead to premature opening of labor).
  • Massage the mammary glands (movements should be light to avoid tissue injury).

There are two more factors that provoke the production of yellow discharge. And this is a strong emotional shock or long sex. However, their influence can adversely affect the development and formation of the fetus, and therefore, in the absence of colostrum, it is better to use the methods described above.
