Why does it smear pink in early pregnancy. Can there be brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy and how to distinguish the norm from pathology: symptoms of the disease and norms during implantation of the fetal egg

Spotting discharge has a characteristic appearance in early pregnancy. A woman should know the signs of a normal and pathological process. This will allow you to recognize a dangerous symptom in time and seek help from a doctor. In the presence of red or brown discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Spotting in the first months of pregnancy: the norm or a reason to see a doctor?

In the body of a pregnant woman, hormonal and physiological changes take place. Often smearing discharges appear precisely against the background of such metamorphoses.

However, there are a number of pathological causes of an unpleasant nature. In the presence of a daub, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, undergo the necessary examination. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain a favorable course of pregnancy.

Discharge and pregnancy

Spotting during the period of gestation is considered normal with their scarcity and the absence of an unpleasant odor. Normally, they can be white or beige.

You should immediately consult a doctor if there is blood or pus in the secretion. Additionally, the situation can be aggravated by other symptoms and negative manifestations. A woman should not leave them unattended. Otherwise, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

If yellowish secretions appear

Mucus in the spotting secretions of a woman in the first week after conception is considered normal. Thus, the body tries to adapt to changes. After implantation of the embryo, the mucous membrane adjusts to create optimal conditions. This secret begins to be actively produced by the cervix.

Far from always a daub is considered normal during the gestation period. Doctors carefully study the symptom, because it can be a sign of the development of pathology.

Pathological causes

Spotting on early term most often appear after sexual intercourse. The situation arises against the background of the negative course of the following pathological pictures:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • There was a slight mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. This picture occurs when candles are used incorrectly, douching, or having sex that is too intense.
  • Erosion of the cervix, although it does not pose a real threat to the fetus, can produce a daub. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend treating it.
  • Polyps in the cervical canal.

Spotting in a woman may occur after examination by a gynecologist. In this case, you should not panic.

Doctors identify a number of pathological causes of this process:

  1. Detachment of the placenta or directly the fetal egg itself.
  2. Spotting discharge is observed in a woman in case of fetal death.
  3. The threat of abortion.
  4. Ectopic attachment of the ovum.
  5. Sexual infections.

Physiological causes

After the onset of pregnancy, the body needs a certain period of time to rebuild. A woman observes spotting discharge in the first trimester on the days of the expected menstruation. Hormonal restructuring cannot immediately occur in the absence of a cycle. Such a process can pose a real threat to the life of the fetus. Gynecologists advise a woman to observe the following rules:

  • Refrain from sudden movements or heavy lifting.
  • Create the most comfortable emotional situation for yourself.
  • Do not bathe in a hot bath.
  • Refuse sex.

If these precautions are not observed, the risk of bleeding increases. Experts recommend continuing to keep a calendar with the expected days of the menstrual cycle.

Can they be early

Every healthy woman can periodically secrete mucus, everything is covered with it. internal organs. The cervix should always be moist. The genitals begin to work more actively during the onset of pregnancy.

After fertilization of the egg, a woman may find a small amount of discharge Brown. They appear in case of successful fixation of the embryo on the wall of the uterus. The process lasts no more than 40 hours. Daubing may be one-time or occur intermittently over a given period of time. Blood is released against the background of minor damage to blood vessels. Implantation mucus may be absent or may be brown or beige.

If beige smearing secretions are odorless

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo must be securely attached to the wall of the uterus. What follows is a process of growth and development. During this period, the expectant mother may feel slight ailments, and also periodically see spots of various colors on the linen. The situation develops under the influence of the following factors:

  • Against the background of an increase in progesterone, the secretion of the vagina increases markedly.
  • The secretions are used to moisten the woman's genitals.
  • Light beige discharge occurs against the background of the formation of placental tissue and mucous plug. The components are necessary to protect the embryo from negative impact external factors.
  • During the first trimester, during the period of the planned menstruation, a woman may develop a daub with streaks of blood.
  • Brown discharge may occur after examination in the chair or ultrasound. The genitals become sensitive to all the manipulations that are performed with them.
  • Beige discharge also appears in case of an allergy to synthetic underwear or an improperly selected intimate area care product.

Allocations of this nature are considered quite normal. However, if a woman has found severe discomfort or the addition of other symptoms, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Should be used during pregnancy sanitary pads colorless and odorless. In this case, it will be possible to correctly interpret the nature of the discharge.

When to worry

Spotting in the first trimester is typical for most women. They should not be with bad smell or accompanied by itching, burning. Even a small amount of blood indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of the change in condition based on a series of tests.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the discharge is dark brown or brown in color with blood. A negative clinical picture also develops with a smear of green or gray color. Additionally, a sharp and bad smell. Only a specialist in this field can correctly assess the degree of danger.

What to do

A woman should consult a doctor for advice if any negative changes in the condition are detected. The specialist will conduct a survey, on the basis of which the result will be formulated and the degree of threat assessed. You will need to take swabs to check for a fungal or vaginal infection. When diagnosing an ailment, a treatment is selected that cannot harm the process of forming a new organism.

If necessary, hormonal preparations are prescribed. If the pregnancy has ceased to develop, then immediate surgical intervention is required - an abortion.

A woman should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can choose the right medicines.

Spotting discharge appears in a woman at any time during pregnancy. They can be physiologically normal or serve as a symptom of pathologies during the formation of the fetus. Conclusions can only be drawn on the basis of a detailed examination. It will be necessary to exclude serious pathologies that can adversely affect the body of the mother or child. It should not be forgotten that the risk of termination persists throughout pregnancy.

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Spotting in early pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, and in most cases is not a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. It occurs for several reasons. We will consider the main, as well as medical recommendations regarding a particular situation.

Detachment of the placenta or chorion

Often, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy (more often in the second half of the first trimester) occurs precisely for this reason. Under these detachments, blood accumulates, which women later find on linen. Small, non-progressive detachments are not dangerous. Although any woman who has had spotting from the genital tract during pregnancy is advised to limit physical activity, not to have sex and take medication to prevent miscarriage. Usually appoint "Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan". Moreover, the second drug is considered more effective (this is proved by recent studies) when used vaginally. In addition, doctors “to the heap” prescribe Magne B6, multivitamins for pregnant women, vitamin E can be prescribed separately. This has nothing to do with the treatment of a threatened miscarriage, it can (and should) be deleted from the list of prescriptions. An ultrasound is necessarily performed, on which they look at how the fetal egg develops, how large the detachment is. Further, the examination is carried out in dynamics in 7-10 days, or with increased discharge.

Hormonal changes

Quite often, a daub during pregnancy occurs at the time when menstruation should have begun, if not interesting position. That is, approximately every 4 weeks (if there was a 28-day menstrual cycle). In these weeks, you need to be especially careful, it is advisable to rest more, not to worry.

Frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, the phenomenon is not uncommon in the first trimester. The most common cause (according to the results of histological studies) is chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo that are not compatible with life. In addition, acute infections (for example, if a woman becomes infected with the herpes virus type II while already in position) and various teratogenic effects (for example, taking toxic medicines, alcohol in large quantities).

During pregnancy, every girl is attentive to all changes in the body. Incomprehensible situations cause a storm of emotions and experiences. An important issue is the appearance of spotting during pregnancy. What problems arise when they are detected, and what harm can they cause to an unborn child? Let us consider in order what danger they carry, their causes and consequences.

Smearing discharge, what is it?

During pregnancy, any discharge makes you anxious. future mother. You need to know that not all of them are dangerous for the formation of the embryo. There are different types of them, but any of them cause concern.

Smearing discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is distinguished by small volumes of fluid released with an admixture of blood from the girl's genitals. If they are ordinary, then they do not have a smell and a pronounced color. This can happen to any girl, and during pregnancy they do not disappear. Any changes in the state of discharge must be carefully monitored so as not to miss a call about the presence of a problem with the health of the mother or child. It would be nice to use snow-white day pads to make it easier to notice any changes.

If you experience heavy discharge with a large volume of blood, you should immediately go to the doctor for help.

Causes of discharge

Every eighth girl in the position is faced with such an ailment. It must be understood that the causes of spotting during pregnancy are different and do not always carry a danger. They can be caused by various reasons:

  1. Physiological. They appear due to a hormonal surge in the girl's body. This reason is completely natural. Allocations can also occur even before pregnancy is determined, this happens due to an increase in the volume of progesterone in the body.
  2. Physical. They may be related to the health of the mother or child. Very often, spotting during pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower back and pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most risky, and it is during this period that it is recommended to carefully monitor your health. If you notice any changes, you should consult with your doctor.


Normal discharge during pregnancy happens, and you can’t get rid of them anywhere. A light, uncolored, odorless secret is considered the norm. In the early stages of pregnancy, progesterone is responsible for its formation. Thanks to him, mucous secretions begin to be vigorously produced in the body. Further, after the appearance of estrogen, the discharge becomes more abundant.

Consider what spotting during pregnancy poses a danger to the condition of the fetus and mother:

  • Yellow. During the appearance of such secretions, it is necessary to determine whether they have an odor and an uneven consistency? If these 2 factors are absent, then they can be safely attributed to normal secretions. If they are present, as well as itching and pain with every trip to the toilet, this indicates that there may be an infection in the urinary tract.
  • White. If you have a milky discharge, a consistency similar to curd mass, this indicates the development of thrush. Similar whites are a large number pregnant women. Due to changes in the microflora of the vagina, the fungi living there easily begin to multiply.
  • Greens. If these discharges are accompanied by a bad smell, there may be a sexually transmitted disease. If there was an untreated disease in the body before conception, then it will have to be eliminated during pregnancy. The presence of such spotting during pregnancy is dangerous because the pathology threatens the development of the embryo.
  • Bloody. This is the most dangerous type of discharge for a pregnant girl. You need to go for help immediately.

Spotting after conception

After sexual intercourse, the girl cannot immediately know whether fertilization has occurred. Life continues to go on as usual. But with a successful conception, after 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, spotting may occur. This happens due to an increase in progesterone in the blood. They usually contain a small amount of blood streaks and do not have a bad smell. Their appearance does not entail danger to the expectant mother and fetus. On the contrary, spotting will show the first signs of pregnancy even before the start of the delay.

There is also a second type. They are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, have an unpleasant odor and a bloody tint. Such symptoms indicate the incorrect development of pregnancy and the likely risk of miscarriage.

Smearing discharge in the early stages: what danger do they carry

Many girls face the problem of spotting during pregnancy in the early stages. In most cases, they are of natural origin, do not cause inconvenience and do not pose a threat to the development of the fetus.

But there are other situations in which discharge indicates the presence of problems with pregnancy. It could be:

  • Risk of miscarriage. At the initial stage of pregnancy, while the fetus is not yet strong, there is a high probability of miscarriage. This happens in most cases due to intense physical activity. Tears of the fetal egg appear, from which blood appears. Bleeding may be scanty or profuse. With a timely visit to the doctor, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy may not do much harm to the girl. She is sent to the hospital for treatment, a course drug treatment and prescribe complete rest. Basically, with a quick response, the pregnancy can be saved.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Preservation of the fetus in this case is impossible, because the fetal egg has not reached the required place. Attached on the way, in the tubes of the mother or ovaries. In most cases, it turns out that the girl does not even suspect that she is pregnant, and during the appearance of spotting at the 6th week of pregnancy, she thinks that these are regular periods. It is the discharge at the 6th week that indicates the presence of pathologists in the development of pregnancy. If you do not respond in time to these signs, the fetus will develop in the wrong place, until it causes profuse bleeding. This situation can threaten the life of the mother.
  • there is a risk that the formation of the embryo will stop. There are many reasons for this, and it is impossible to say exactly why this happens. With such a diagnosis, the fetus cannot be saved. In this case, during pregnancy, spotting is accompanied by intense pain in the lower abdomen, a strong feeling of nausea, and general malaise.

If there is a suspicion of a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a doctor, an ultrasound room. After an accurate diagnosis, an operation is prescribed to remove the fetus from the womb. It is recommended to respond immediately when the first symptoms appear. If you delay going to the doctor, complications are likely, up to the removal of the female reproductive organs.

The appearance of spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy requires medical supervision. Even if minor symptoms occur, it is worth informing your doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary tests to find out the causes.

Spotting in the third trimester

In the final trimester, spotting during pregnancy may also appear. In the early stages, they raise a lot of questions about the reason for their appearance, and in the third trimester things are much easier. The appearance of smearing brownish secretions indicates the beginning of the cork's departure. This happens before the baby is about to be born. Not every woman notices this moment, for some the discharge is not visible at all, while for others it may be clearly visible brown marks mixed with mucus.

If spotting occurs, the main thing is to remember that regardless of the period (let there be spotting at the 7th week of pregnancy or at the end of the term), it is important that they are without an unpleasant odor and without a lot of blood.

And in the third trimester there are complications, so you need to vigilantly monitor your condition until the very birth. After all, you risk not only your health, but also the health of the baby. If spotting occurs during pregnancy, the danger they carry is associated with the appearance of scarlet blood. This may indicate a number of troubles:

  • placental abruption;
  • prolapse of the placenta into the cervix.

Causes of spotting, not depending on the gestational age

Not all spotting during pregnancy can be attributed and compared with a certain period. They can be caused by causes not related to the development of the fetus, and in most cases are related to the health of the mother. It could be:

  1. Erosion. Many ladies have faced this problem. Whether you are pregnant or not, there is a risk of cervical erosion. Usually treatment consists of cauterization, but this is not recommended during pregnancy. Since it is possible to complicate natural childbirth. Bloody discharge appears after irritation of the cervix with a foreign object, this can happen after intercourse or after a doctor's examination.
  2. infectious disease and inflammation. Spotting discharge during pregnancy poses a danger to the mother and unborn child with the possibility of developing sexually transmitted infections. It is not always the case that a girl becomes infected after pregnancy. In most cases, the microorganisms living in her genitals could not cause problems as long as there was a strong immune system. When the girl becomes pregnant, the protection begins to gradually lose its stamina, which leads to the unhindered development of the disease. Bloody discharge in this case is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

The main thing to remember is that during pregnancy brown discharge with changes in structure and smell entail a number of problems that can harm the condition of the fetus. Do not forget to be observed by your doctor and tell about any changes that concern you.

When to See a Doctor

Throughout pregnancy, girls are observed by a gynecologist. If you have any worries and worries, it is worth discussing with your doctor. He will explain in detail what the processes occurring in your body are connected with. With normal discharges, you should not panic too much. There is always an explanation.

But when discharge appears with obvious deviations, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, without waiting for the next appointment with the local gynecologist. With the advent of secretions, accompanying processes occur in the body:

  • aching back pain;
  • pulls the lower abdomen;
  • the temperature rises;
  • itching may occur.

An ambulance will take you to the hospital, to the gynecological department. An examination by the doctor on duty will be carried out without fail. He will prescribe the necessary treatment, depending on the situation in which you are. The necessary tests will be scheduled in the morning to further determine the cause of the bleeding.

Obligatory for admitted pregnant girls to the departments with bleeding is the passage of ultrasound. Thanks to the study, the doctor will be able to more accurately determine the causes of hospitalization and prescribe the correct treatment.

The most dangerous time for the appearance of discharge is early pregnancy. Mostly spotting at the 5th week of pregnancy and beyond entail serious consequences. Therefore, in the early stages, it is advisable for girls to be vigilant about their health and all changes. The sooner you seek help, the more likely you are to save the pregnancy.

What treatment is given?

When discharge appears, regardless of the gestational age, the doctor prescribes tests to determine the cause of their occurrence. An examination is carried out on a gynecological chair, and, if necessary, an ultrasound examination is prescribed.

When the nature of the discharge becomes clear to the doctor, he prescribes treatment depending on the situation:

  1. Erosion is treated after childbirth, provided that it is required. In many cases, after pregnancy, the pathology disappears. naturally. However, if treatment is required, then it is necessary to carry it out after childbirth, so that after cauterization it does not impede the process of natural childbirth. There are cases when it is necessary to treat erosion after pregnancy, in which case electrocoagulation is used.
  2. If an infection is detected, the doctor prescribes medication during pregnancy. Drugs are used only those that do not harm the development of the child. After identifying chlamydia or thrush, antiviral and antifungal agents are prescribed. Such treatment can be carried out at home, it is necessary to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. With gonorrhea, treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors. If you do not seek help in time, there may be bad consequences that will be difficult to cure. These include heart failure nervous system. For treatment, not only tablets are prescribed, but intramuscular daily injections are also used. At the discretion of the doctor, physiotherapy may be prescribed.
  3. If a threat of miscarriage is detected in a future mother, she is immediately hospitalized and a course of hormonal drugs is prescribed. This will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Girls are also assigned a permanent bed rest, refusal of physical activity and compliance with the diet prescribed by the attending physician.
  4. If after the tests it became clear that a frozen pregnancy had come, then no treatment was prescribed. Further development of the fetus is no longer possible. The girl is sent for surgical curettage.

Doctors try to save the pregnancy to the last, if there is a threat. Nowadays, there are much more positive outcomes. Through innovation, the latest equipment and the zeal of doctors manages to keep the pregnancy.

The main recommendation of doctors is that when planning a pregnancy in advance, you need to check for the presence of sexual diseases and infections. Both girls and men will have to take tests. If only one partner is cured, the other can transmit the disease again. This will help keep you from needless medication when you become pregnant.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without the appearance of a variety of spotting, doctors recommend following simple rules:

  1. Limit strenuous exercise. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon sports, you just need to switch to a lightweight program that is allowed for pregnant women.
  2. Proper nutrition should accompany you throughout your pregnancy.
  3. Avoid unnecessary stressful situations and brewing scandals. Your condition affects the development and formation of the fetus. With the appearance of failures in development, a deplorable outcome is possible.
  4. Regularly appear at weekly appointments with a gynecologist. Carry out prescribed treatment and pass all recommended tests.

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every girl, throughout the whole time it is necessary to carefully monitor all the changes. If you experience discharge, an unpleasant odor, pain in the abdomen and back, contact your doctor immediately. After all, the faster you respond, the more time the doctor has to help you. Be healthy!

After a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she begins to be most scrupulous about her health. And, of course, that any changes in the functioning of the body are perceived by her as a threat to the continuation of gestation. Especially if brown discharge occurs during pregnancy. After all, they are frequent companions of various diseases that can jeopardize the further development of gestation. And can you smear during pregnancy without pathologies and in what situations, you will now find out.

Oh, this pregnancy!

Before considering the factors that provoke dark discharge, you should talk about the process that occurs in the body after conception. So, initially, the gamete is released from its shell (the dominant follicle plays its role), meets with the spermatozoon, is fertilized, and then enters the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus.

It is in it that the further formation of the embryo takes place. But in order to get into the cavity of the organ, the fertilized gamete must penetrate through its walls. And this entails minor damage to the small capillaries that permeate all the walls of the uterus, because of which blood begins to come out of it. When she contacts external environment, oxidation processes occur, which color it in a darkish hue. Therefore, most gynecologists assure that there is nothing to worry about in the occurrence of light brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

However, one must be aware that there is a fine line between pathology and physiology. Discharges at week 4 and earlier that are not accompanied by extraneous symptoms (weakness, fatigue, strong odor, etc.) are normal for this period and should not cause premature panic. And if the daub at the beginning of pregnancy is supplemented by a deterioration in well-being or the appearance of other signs of pathologies, then there can be no talk of a normal course of gestation. To determine the true "mechanism" of its occurrence, you will need to pass a lot of tests.

Just don't panic!

So, as it has already become clear, spotting discharge that does not provoke the appearance in intimate area discomfort are completely natural. But the gestation period is 9 months and during this period of time the daub may appear repeatedly.

Some patients complain of discharge from later dates and, according to doctors, their appearance is also not a pathology. They occur mainly at 39–40 weeks, when the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. It is at this stage of gestation in the body that there is an active production of progesterone, which helps to reduce muscle tone cervix and loosening of its walls, which ensures the unimpeded passage of the child through the birth canal.

During pregnancy at 39 weeks, the baby's head is already quite large and it puts a lot of pressure on the cervix. And when it has a weakened tone and loose walls, such pressure can cause damage to its vessels, which is why a daub can occur during pregnancy a few weeks before the onset of childbirth.

Also, discharge at 41 weeks and earlier may occur as a result of opening the birth canal and removing the mucous plug from it. At the same time, the secret that stands out from the vagina looks like snot and often contains blood or brown streaks. The discharge of the cork signals the imminent approach of childbirth, and therefore, if it is found on the linen, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it and be hospitalized.

In pregnant women, often in the first month of pregnancy, daubing occurs on the days of the expected menstruation. Therefore, many of them even have no idea that they will become mothers, perceiving smearing brown discharge as the beginning of menstruation. However, the latter never come. Instead, a daub occurs, which can be observed for 4-7 days, which is also not considered a pathology, since an imbalance of hormones occurs in the body.

In addition, small secretions often occur when the body is exposed to the following factors:

  • Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep.
  • Taking certain drugs.
  • A sharp change in climate, etc.

Often, a brown spot during early pregnancy stands out due to the fact that a woman continues to take certain medications without doing a test before and not knowing that she will soon become a mother. These include hormones, antibiotics, sedatives and others. Therefore, if you are taking any medications and you should already have your period, and instead of it there is a discharge interspersed with blood, then you should do a test, and even better, visit a gynecologist right away. Since if you do not stop taking these drugs, this can either provoke a miscarriage or adversely affect the mental and physical development fetus, because it is at 3-4 weeks of gestation that vital organs are laid down.

Allocations after examination by a gynecologist may also appear in some women. Their color varies from light brown to brown. And they appear due to damage to the mucous membranes. Their distinguishing feature is their short duration.

After visiting the doctor, the discharge occurs due to the fact that the gynecological examination was carried out using special tools. It is carried out in this way only at the initial appointment; further instrumental examination is not carried out.

When is caution needed?

Speaking about why it smears during pregnancy, it should be noted that various pathologies that you also need to know about can be to blame. After all, if you do not eliminate them in a timely manner, this can lead to serious complications.

One of the most common reasons why many women have discharge at the beginning of pregnancy or at a later date. When erosion occurs, a wound is formed on the surface of the cervix, which can bleed periodically. As a rule, this happens as a result of contact of the cervix with foreign objects, for example, during instrumental diagnostics or sex.

If the discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy and later appears due to an erosive lesion of the cervix, then women may periodically experience unpleasant pain in the abdomen, aggravated after sex or excessive physical exertion.

There is only one way to get rid of erosion - cauterization. But with the onset of gestation, this procedure can not be carried out. It can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, the treatment is carried out conservatively, that is, with the use of medicines, which can also provoke discharge.

Important! The treatment of this pathology must be dealt with! Otherwise, it can cause not only the appearance of secretions, but also an increase in the risk of developing oncology! Therefore, it is impossible to joke with this disease. If it is present, it is urgent to take measures to eliminate it and it is better to do this even before the conception of a child.

Threat of spontaneous miscarriage

Brown discharge in the early stages of gestation may signal rejection of the embryo. This is due to:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Strong emotional stress.
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal deficiency.

Exposure to at least one of these factors can trigger processes in the body that will lead to rejection of the fetal egg, as a result of which women smear brown during early pregnancy. If no action is taken in a timely manner, this will lead to a miscarriage.

bubble skid

A rare pathology, but with its development, discharge also often appears in the first trimester of pregnancy. It occurs in two cases:

  • When a defective egg is fertilized that does not contain the required number of chromosomes.
  • When a healthy egg is fertilized, but by several spermatozoa at once, as a result of which an overabundance of chromosomes is observed.

Allocations appear due to the fact that with a deficiency or excess of chromosomes, a tumor forms in the tissues of the placenta. Often it is benign, but in medical practice there were also cases when the tumor was malignant and metastasized to the vagina and nearby organs.

The tumor itself consists of a large number of small cysts, which appear as vesicles containing liquid exudate. It should be noted that this pathology has two types - complete and incomplete. The first is characterized by a complete lesion of the placenta, and the second - by partial.

Important! If a woman has discharge at 8 weeks and earlier due to the development hydatidiform mole She is advised to have an abortion. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the chances of carrying a child are very small, and secondly, even if gestation proceeds normally, due to a deficiency or excess of chromosomes, the child will still experience pathologies that manifest themselves in the form of an abnormal body structure or abnormal development of internal organs.

When a cystic drift occurs, not only discharge appears, but also symptoms such as:

  • Nausea, often turning into vomiting.
  • Migraine.
  • Increase / decrease in blood pressure.

A distinctive feature of this pathology is that brown daub in early pregnancy can bubble. But unlike infectious diseases, it does not have a sharp specific aroma, and during its development there are also no unpleasant sensations in the vagina.

Attachment of the ovum to the fallopian tube

Most women for this reason have abundant discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, as the women themselves note, brown clots or streaks of blood are present in the excreted secret.

However, when this disease occurs, not only discharge is observed, but also a number of other symptoms:

  • Temperature.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the left or right side of the abdomen, depending on which wall of the fallopian tube the ovum was attached to.

Important! If you have not yet had an ultrasound, but you think that you are pregnant, and at about the seventh week you have a pale or dark brown discharge, complemented by the clinical picture described above, you should immediately go to the doctor. Pregnancy of 4 weeks or more must be interrupted, because if this is not done, the growing embryo can lead to a rupture of the fallopian tube and then it will need to be removed. And after that, it will be very problematic to conceive a child naturally.

Detachment of the placenta

Often this causes brown discharge at 13 weeks of gestation or later, when the placenta has already formed and provides nutrients to the fetus. And if its detachment occurs, this can lead not only to the death of the fetus, but also to the emergence of a serious threat to the life of the woman herself.

When the placenta begins to exfoliate, not only discharge, but also other symptoms are noted. Among them are:

  • Constant feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Pain syndrome of a pulling and dull nature.

Various factors can provoke the appearance of this pathology. Among them are injuries of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, uterine scars (they are formed mainly after surgical interventions) and the formation of an excessively short umbilical cord.

With placental abruption, women develop dark spotting discharge. They are slimy, thick, have a creamy consistency.


With this disease, there may also be discharge. It is characterized by inflammation of the cervical canal, which occurs for several reasons:

  • Cervix injury.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina.
  • infections.

If the appearance of brown mucus during pregnancy is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then, most likely, infections have become provocateurs of the disease. It is mandatory to pass tests, because if infectious processes are not eliminated, pregnant women may experience serious health problems. And if infections appear at 8 weeks of gestation or earlier, when the placenta has not yet formed, they can affect the embryo and lead to its abnormal development.

How to be?

If brown clots began to come out of your vagina during pregnancy or a weak spotting appeared at 6-7 months or earlier, you should not hesitate and visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

There are many reasons for the appearance of light brown discharge. And some of them can have serious consequences. Especially if we are talking about only a developing pregnancy, when the embryo is not yet fully formed.

It must be understood that discharge at week 6 may signal the rejection of the embryo. To verify this, you will need to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman needs urgent hospitalization.

So, in the presence of erosion or the formation of scar tissue on the uterus, it may be necessary to perform caesarean section, since natural childbirth at 36–41 weeks can be accompanied by serious consequences.

And if you had a daub, no matter at what gestational age, you must definitely inform the doctor about it. Only he can tell if the discharge can pose a threat to you or your unborn baby or not. And for this you will need to pass a lot of tests and undergo a comprehensive computer examination.

In almost all women, menstruation begins with mild spotting. Therefore, usually when they appear, we mean the onset of menstrual bleeding. Such discharges are the norm during this period, but with the onset of pregnancy they are very frightening and alarming, because hormonal processes after the conception of a child occur differently, in particular, for the entire period of gestation, menstruation normally stops.

That's why daubing in early pregnancy causes fears and concerns, and for good reason. But it is not at all necessary to immediately think about the worst: daubing at the beginning of pregnancy is very often the norm and does not pose a danger.

Spotting in early pregnancy

The term "daub" is not medical, but philistine. But it turned out to be so successful that gynecologists also use it in their vocabulary. By daub, they mean spotting, not abundant, meager, which only stain the linen - no more. Most often, when they talk about a smear, they mean brown discharge - bloody, brown, dark brown or light. But other options are also possible when a light, beige, scarlet daub appears in the early stages of pregnancy.

We will make a reservation right away that whitish, light or brownish discharge is considered the most “normal” in most cases. If you notice traces of red, fresh blood on the underwear, or if the discharge is greenish, has impurities of pus, an unpleasant odor, then most likely they are pathological. The likelihood of dashing suspicions increases if the daub is accompanied by pain, itching, burning in the genital tract. But all this is in general terms. And more specifically, daubing in the early stages of pregnancy is very often its sign and a common companion.

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy

When a fertilized egg reaches the uterine cavity for attachment, it begins to scrape particles from the uterine endometrium, forming a nest for itself to land on. In the process of its introduction, microdamages are formed on the surface of the uterus, as a result of which droplets of blood may appear in normal vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman.

This process can last for one or several days, from time to time the fetal egg activates its work, and therefore spotting in a woman during this period can be observed sporadically: appear and disappear.

However, you should know that the spotting during implantation of the egg is not spotting, to which we are accustomed, but only single inclusions of blood in ordinary vaginal leucorrhoea. They may look like small fragments or streaks of beige, brown, or even red blood. These allocations are very scarce! And they do not appear in all women. Particularly sensitive of them can even feel a slight pulling pain during the implantation period - from the side where the fetal egg is attached.

Implantation of the fetal egg begins approximately 5-7 days after conception, that is, approximately one week before the expected menstruation, if ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy and daub

If a daub in early pregnancy is observed at a time when a woman should have had her period earlier, then most likely it is a matter of hormonal changes. Gynecologists say that the most dangerous for the fetus and pregnancy is the first trimester, and especially the days of the expected menstruation. It often happens that these days a pregnant woman has a daub, which is nothing dangerous, being the result of hormonal processes in her body.

However, doctors urge the expectant mother to exercise extreme caution during these periods. The maximum emotional and physical peace is shown: no stress and worries, physical exertion, long walks, sudden movements, thermal procedures and sexual contacts.

Spotting after examination or after sex during pregnancy

By the way, about contacts. It is the daub after sex in the early stages of pregnancy that is a common cause of female anxiety. This can occur against the background of the existing threat of its interruption, which we will discuss in more detail below, but also often spotting during pregnancy is the result of mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the genital tract: careless sex, inaccurate insertion of vaginal tablets and suppositories, vaginal douching - all this can cause mucosal damage.

In addition, daub appears in women after sex and after examination by a gynecologist with developing cervical erosion or in the presence of polyps in the cervical canal. During pregnancy, erosion is a frequent occurrence, but, as a rule, does not pose any danger. Treatment in such cases is carried out after childbirth.

Daubing in the early stages: when to go to the doctor?

The biggest difficulty in the situation when a daub appears in a pregnant woman in the early stages is, perhaps, that with the same degree of probability it can be both a physiological norm and a pathology that threatens gestation. Therefore, the first should always be implied, but the second should never be forgotten and excluded. It is at the stage when only a daub appears, and not bleeding during pregnancy, that the fetus can be saved almost always.

If you have spotting spotting during pregnancy, it will not be superfluous to go to the doctor. He will examine you on the armchair and, if necessary, send you for additional examinations: a blood test for hCG during pregnancy, ultrasound. For short periods, if any pathologies are suspected, such observations are carried out in dynamics, that is, after 5-10 days, all studies will need to be repeated.

An ultrasound will show whether the embryo is developing in the uterus, and will also assess the compliance of the size of the fetus with the gestational age, that is, it will allow to exclude a missed or non-developing pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound, you can see the location and condition of not only the fetal egg, but also the placenta, and begin treatment for detachment, if it is detected.

A blood test for hCG is a very informative diagnostic method during pregnancy. Normally, the level of this hormone in the first weeks should actively increase as the period increases. The presence or absence of dynamics growth of hCG gives grounds to judge the well-being of the development of pregnancy.

Among dangerous states requiring urgent medical intervention, in which daubing can be observed in early pregnancy, doctors call the following:

  • Sexual infections and inflammation. Any discharge from the vagina that differs from the usual, normal, should not be ignored. If, in addition, they are accompanied by pain, discomfort, and other pathological signs, then you need to consult a gynecologist in any case, even outside of pregnancy. And for expectant mothers - and even more so. Sexual infections pose a real threat to the fetus.
  • Detachment of the ovum or placenta. With small tears, slight bruising is formed, and therefore impurities of gore are observed in ordinary secretions. At an early stage, with a brown daub, the situation can be corrected. In such cases, the woman is hospitalized, she is shown absolute physical rest: it is impossible to even get up or sit down again without the need. Drug therapy is also used (most often Utrozhestan, Duphaston and other drugs may be prescribed).
  • Frozen pregnancy. If for some reason the embryo stops developing, it begins miscarriage accompanied by bleeding. In this case, the signs of pregnancy that appeared earlier gradually disappear: the breasts subside, toxicosis stops, sensitivity decreases, the level of hCG in the blood does not increase ... Usually doctors take an observant position, expecting self-abortion to occur. But if necessary, clean up. Obstetricians emphasize: one should not lose heart in such situations. Of course, this is very sad and unpleasant, but most miscarriages occur due to anomalies and pathologies in the embryo that are incompatible with life. You must pull yourself together and prepare for the next pregnancy as best as possible!
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy, when the fetal egg did not reach the appointed place and was forced to attach along the way to the uterus, does not have the slightest chance of preservation and development, because only one organ, the uterus, is adapted for the growth of the child in the female body. And therefore ectopic pregnancy in any case interrupt, and it is better to do it than early. Suspicion of WB should arise if sharp pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages are localized from one ovary, give to the coccyx, to the anus. If the fetal egg is not removed in time, a rupture can occur with very serious consequences. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Any of these conditions is a threat of termination of pregnancy and requires, if not urgent hospitalization of a woman, then an urgent medical examination. You should immediately visit a gynecologist if you notice other symptoms against the background of a daub:

  • pulling, stabbing, cutting, aching pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, coccyx, side, in the perineum;
  • daub with impurities of blood, pus;
  • the daub turned into bleeding;
  • vaginal discharge has a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • daub is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs.

And yet, until you find out the exact cause of the daub, you should not worry and worry in any case, so as not to earn yourself problems that you don’t have yet.

It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that you are not pregnant, if this has not yet been confirmed by ultrasound: in this case, the daub may be the beginning of the next menstruation. But conception can take place already in the next cycle, if you are waiting for it.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina
