Erotic contests at the wedding. Erotic contests and games

To conduct erotic wedding contests, you will need to select several couples of different sexes. The winner is determined by the number of victories in each competition and is awarded with any wedding souvenir. Erotic contests will add a special flavor to your wedding celebration. They are easy and fun. You can create assignments yourself. We give you here only a list of exemplary competitions that you can hold at a wedding.

"Find a stash"

For this competition, partners are taken out of the hall for a few minutes. For partners, guests put 10 banknotes of 10 rubles in pockets and other secluded places. The returning partner must find all 100 rubles as soon as possible. At the same time, her partner should not hint to her about where he hid the "stash". Those whose partner was the most determined and resourceful win.

"Secret Tattoo"

In this competition, partners leave the hall. Guests put some kind of inscription on the partner’s body (for example, “bunny”). For this, it is better to use a felt-tip pen, as it is easily erased. And the returning partner is given the task of finding a secret tattoo on the partner's body. Whoever finds and pronounces the written word first is the winner.


Each pair is given a string or ribbon about 2 meters long. Task for the partner: stretch the rope from the left sleeve of the partner to the right. Task for the partner: stretch the rope under the partner's clothes from the right sleeve to the left leg. Reception, the partner should not help the partner with his hands, but can only make oscillatory movements with some parts of his body to make it easier for her to pass the competition. Whoever stretched first, that couple won.

"Come on, have a drink!"

In this competition, the partner must help the partner drink a glass of vodka (juice, wine) in a special way. To do this, she sits on a chair and holds a glass between her knees, and her partner tries to drink it. Note: both partners must not touch the glass with their hands!


The partner takes an active part in this task. She must peel and eat the banana as soon as possible. But the partner squeezes the banana between the legs, and the partner must do all the manipulations without the help of hands.


In this competition, partners are tied around their necks with a scarf or bow. On a signal, they should stand facing each other, fasten their hands and untie the scarf with their teeth. The winner is the one who unties the scarf the fastest.


For this task, each pair needs two belts or sashes. Partners stand with their backs to each other, and they are given the task to tie a belt on the partner’s belt (you can’t turn around). The winner is the one who quickly ties or otherwise secures the belt on the partner's belt.


This task is carried out separately for partners and partners. Partners are given the task, sitting on their partner's lap, turn over 360 degrees. You can't get off your knees. The partner can and should help the lady turn around, if, of course, he has enough strength for this. The task "Turns" for the partner is that he must put his head on the partner's knees, and after the signal, turn his head 360 degrees without lifting it from the knees. In this case, helping a partner is not recommended.

Such wedding contests can cause a lot of positive emotions in your guests. Tasks for competitions may be different, incl. and invented by you.

Here you will find only approximate scenarios for erotic wedding contests, and then it's up to you.

Couples (of different sexes) traditionally participate in such wedding contests. The winning couple needs something to reward.
The winner of the competition is the one who shows the best result. Prize - preferably related to the wedding theme.

Wedding contests with erotic overtones will add spice to your holiday, however, remember that not all guests can be “shocked” like that.

1. Find a stash

According to the scenario of the competition, it is necessary that the partner-participants leave the hall for a while.

At this time, the guests present at the wedding hide ten ten-ruble bills in their pockets or in other secluded places on partners.
The partners are asked to return and are told that a hundred rubles are hidden on the partners, which must be found. This takes into account time.

The partner does not have the right to somehow prompt the partner. The winner is the pair in which the partner has shown herself to be bolder and more resourceful than the others, and, therefore, coped faster.

2. Secret tattoo

According to the scenario of this competition, partners must leave the hall.

Guests, in the absence of men, need to make a “secret tattoo” on the girl’s body. It is best to do this with a felt-tip pen, however, make sure that he does not smear her clothes in the end.

For example, you can write the word "bunny". Then the partners are returned to the hall and informed that they must find out where this "secret tattoo" is located. The winner is the couple in which the man is the first to loudly name what is written (as an option, depicted) on the body of the participant.

3. Rope

Participants (pairs) are given a string (maybe a ribbon), length - about 2 meters.
Under the terms of the competition, the partner must stretch the ribbon through the left sleeve of his girlfriend to the right, without bypassing the clothes.

The partner's task is complicated: she must pass a ribbon or rope under her partner's clothes, starting from the man's right sleeve and ending with his left leg. At this time, the partner does not have the right to help with his hands, but he is allowed to help his partner with other parts of the body.

Everything looks very spicy and funny.
The winner is the couple who first coped with the task of this erotic contest.

4. Come on, have a drink!

According to the scenario of this contest, the partners sit on a chair and squeeze glasses of drinks (vodka, juice or wine, whatever) between their knees.

The task of the partner, who for this, probably, kneels before the partner, is to try to drink a glass as quickly as possible.
At the same time, the couple, of course, cannot touch the glass with their hands.

5. Banana

This erotic wedding competition is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, with the difference that in this case the partner plays the main role.
And the partner squeezes a banana between his legs, which the girl needs to peel and eat as soon as possible.

And, of course, this must be done without the help of hands.

6. Untie it!

For this erotic competition, you will need bows (as an option, scarves) that are tied around the neck of those taking part.

When the host gives a signal to start the competition, the couples face each other, hold hands (you can’t help yourself with your hands) and try to untie the bow with your teeth.

The fastest pair wins.

7. Strap

For the competition, you will need belts or sashes, two for each pair of participants.

Standing facing away from each other, the participants must tie the belt around the partner's belt. At the same time, they do not have the right to turn around, everything must be done with their backs to each other.

The winner is the one who manages to complete the task faster than others.

8. Turns

In this competition, both partners and partners act, so to speak.

The female half sits on the knees of partners; on a signal, the ladies must complete a full rotation around their axis (360 °). But this must be done in such a way as not to get off the knees of the man.

The partner, of course, can and even is obliged to help his girlfriend in everything, BUT: this erotic contest provides that the partner’s head should be on the participant’s lap at that time, and after the signal to start the contest, it must also make a complete turn around the axis ( 360 °), without looking up from the girl's knees. So, it’s better not to help your partner in this at all.

In general, a continuous wedding "Kama Sutra". Let's see if your guests succeed, if, of course, you decide to hold it.

Erotic contests will add a special flavor to your wedding celebration. They are easy and fun! To conduct erotic wedding contests, you will need to select several couples of different sexes. The winner is determined by the number of victories in each competition and is awarded with a symbolic wedding souvenir. The portal offers you a list of erotic contests that you can hold at your wedding.

"Find a stash"

Members: couples.

Props: banknotes.

For this competition, partners are taken out of the hall for a few minutes. For partners, guests put 10 bills in their pockets and other secluded places. The returning partner must find all the bills as soon as possible. At the same time, her partner should not hint to her about where he hid the "stash". Those whose partner was the most determined and resourceful win.

"Secret Tattoo"

Members: couples.

Props: marker.

In this competition, partners leave the hall. The guests put some inscription on the partner's body (for example, "bunny"). For this, it is better to use a felt-tip pen, as it is easily erased. And the returning partner is given the task of finding a secret tattoo on the partner's body. Whoever finds and pronounces the written word first is the winner.


Members: 5 pairs

Props: ribbon or rope 2 m long.

Each pair is given a string or ribbon about 2 meters long. Task for the partner: stretch the rope from the left sleeve of the partner to the right. Task for the partner: stretch the rope under the partner's clothes from the right sleeve to the left leg. Moreover, the partner should not help the partner with his hands, but can only make oscillatory movements with some parts of his body to make it easier for her to pass the competition.

"Come on, have a drink!"

Members: couples.

Props: glasses, juice or wine, chairs.

In this competition, the partner must help the partner drink a glass of juice or wine in a special way. To do this, she sits on a chair and holds a glass between her knees, and her partner tries to drink it. Note: both partners must not touch the glass with their hands!


Members: 5 pairs

Props: bananas, chairs.

The partner takes an active part in this task. She must peel and eat the banana as soon as possible. But the partner squeezes the banana between the legs, and the partner must do all the manipulations without the help of hands.


Members: couples.

Props: scarves.

In this competition, partners are tied around their necks with a scarf or bow. On a signal, they should stand facing each other, fasten their hands and untie the scarf with their teeth. The one who unties the scarf the fastest wins.


Members: 5 pairs

Props: Balloons, slow tune.

This task is carried out separately for partners and partners. Partners are given the task, sitting on their partner's lap, turn over 360 degrees. You can't get off your knees. The partner can and should help the lady turn around, if, of course, he has enough strength for this. The task "Turns" for the partner is that he must put his head on the partner's knees, and after the signal, turn his head 360 degrees without lifting it from the knees. In this case, helping a partner is not recommended.

"Drummers of Labor"

Members: 5 pairs

Props: ladles, frying pans.

Girls and boys face each other. A ladle is tied to a belt for guys, and a frying pan for girls. The guy needs to hit the ladle exactly in the pan just translational movements hips. The pair that makes the most strokes in a minute wins.

    Optional accessories: not required

    Erotic game progress:

    1. The number of contestants is unlimited. They line up in a circle in the order boy-girl-boy-girl...
    2. The facilitator asks the participants “What are the shoulders of the neighbor? Good ones?". "Yes" - they answer him. "Then we take the neighbor's shoulders and dance to the music."
    3. Incendiary music begins. The round dance dances and rotates. After a certain period of time, the sounds stop.
    4. The facilitator duplicates the question, asking about other parts of the body. The whole process is repeated over and over again.
    Depending on the looseness of the participants (according to the feelings of the presenter), the proposed parts of the body may be more exciting, for example: “waist”, “hips”, and finally, “buttocks”.

    Competition No. 2 "Cleave off your beloved"


    • clothespins - 12-16 pcs.
    • scarf - 3-4 pcs.

    The contest itself:

    1. 3-4 cute couples are selected for the competition. Guys are placed opposite the girls. The girls are blindfolded.
    2. Clothespins are taken and randomly cling to the surface of the clothes of the fellows.
    3. The girl who quickly finds and removes all the clothespins by touch will win. Possible hints from the audience.

    Competition No. 3 "Wandering Egg"

    What do you need:

    • decorative eggs (wooden or porcelain) - 3-4 pcs.
    • 3-4 men in trousers.

    Competition progress:

    1. Among we choose 3-4 persons who are wearing more or less loose trousers.
    2. We display the same number of the fair sex.
    3. We distribute to each beauty according to a pre-prepared decorative egg.
    4. The winner will be the participant who rolls the egg into one leg, rolls it the fastest and pulls it out of the other leg.

    Erotic Contest #4 "Sassy Pump"


    • bicycle pump with hose - 3 pcs.
    • medium size balloon - 3 pcs.
    • threads or adhesive tape (for fixing the balls) - 1 pc.
    • chair - 3 pcs.

    Competition directly:

    1. For the competition, 3 pairs are displayed that are not burdened with complexes.
    2. The fellows sit down on chairs. Pumps with balls attached to them are placed between their knees.
    3. Grasping the handle of the pump, the ladies must pump up the ball. The pair with which it burst faster wins.

    The most erotic wedding contest » wedding! for lovers!

    Erotic contests at the wedding are interesting and always cause a storm of emotions and jubilation. They have nothing to do with striptease and vulgar games. Any competition can turn into an erotic one, even the simplest and most naive, the main thing is how you present it and hold it, which participants you choose, how you can submit it. this "highlight" . Of course, liberated guests will suit more, but the sense of tact is in the first place here!

    One of "Husband's stash" . Start an erotic contest with the hosts of the celebration - with the bride. Parents on both sides are also perfect, it is better if it is a couple - father-in-law with mother-in-law and mother-in-law with father-in-law. Tamada makes a small introduction to the competition. The fact that the husband came from a "hack" and decided to hide for a future gift to his beloved. But you can’t fool your wife, she can easily find a stash. The contest is to hide a few bills in different places in the clothes of the “husband”, and the “wife” only needs to be informed of the amount left for the gift. The victory goes to the bravest resourceful wife!

    In the competition "Tatu" the main character is a woman. A tattoo is made on her body with a felt-tip pen, cosmetic pencil or lipstick - any inscription. A man must find and read what is written, then he is declared the winner. The degree of eroticism of this contest will depend on where you hide the inscription. The most erotic place that makes a male contestant sweat is behind the ear or on the little toe of the foot.

    "Glass of a hussar". Here young man it is proposed to drink a glass from the girl's knees. She firmly clamps a glass, glass or glass between her knees, and the second participant tries to drink the drink to the bottom without hands.

    Lately mass erotic contests are held at weddings. One of these could be competition. "Banana" . Five volunteer women try to simultaneously peel a banana sandwiched between the knees of a partner (male).

    Holding such competitions requires a certain mood of the guests. They are never held either at the beginning of the dinner or at the end. Here you need a "golden mean", when the guests got to know each other a little, but at the same time they did not have time to "get tired" properly. Excellent peppy is guaranteed to you, the guests will loosen up a little, laugh a lot and take a lot of funny photos, take this word for it.

    Erotic wedding contests

    "Find a stash"

    For this competition, partners are taken out of the hall for a few minutes. the guests stuff 10 banknotes of 10 rubles into their pockets and other secluded places. The returning partner owes all 100 rubles as soon as possible. At the same time, her partner should not hint to her about where he hid the "stash". Those whose partner was the most determined and resourceful win.

    "Secret Tattoo"


    Each is given a string or ribbon about 2 meters long. Task for the partner: stretch the rope from the left sleeve of the partner to the right. Task for the partner: stretch the rope under the partner's clothes from the right sleeve to the left leg. Reception, the partner should not help the partner with his hands, but can only make oscillatory movements with some parts of his body to make it easier for her to pass the competition. Whoever stretched first, that couple won.

    "Come on, have a drink!"




    2012-10-08 12:26:57

    Erotic wedding contests

    To conduct erotic wedding contests, you will need to select several couples of different sexes. The winner is determined by the number of victories in each competition and is awarded with any wedding souvenir. Erotic contests will add a special flavor to your wedding celebration. They are easy and fun. You can create assignments yourself. We give you here only a list of exemplary competitions that you can hold at a wedding.

    "Find a stash"

    For this competition, partners are taken out of the hall for a few minutes. For partners, guests put 10 banknotes of 10 rubles in pockets and other secluded places. The returning partner must find all 100 rubles as soon as possible. At the same time, her partner should not hint to her about where he hid the "stash". Those whose partner was the most determined and resourceful win.

    "Secret Tattoo"

    In this competition, partners leave the hall. Guests put some kind of inscription on the partner’s body (for example, “bunny”). For this, it is better to use a felt-tip pen, as it is easily erased. And the returning partner is given the task of finding a secret tattoo on the partner's body. Whoever finds and pronounces the written word first is the winner.


    Each pair is given a string or ribbon about 2 meters long. Task for the partner: stretch the rope from the left sleeve of the partner to the right. Task for the partner: stretch the rope under the partner's clothes from the right sleeve to the left leg. Reception, the partner should not help the partner with his hands, but can only make oscillatory movements with some parts of his body to make it easier for her to pass the competition. Whoever stretched first, that couple won.

    "Come on, have a drink!"

    In this competition, the partner must help the partner drink a glass of vodka (juice, wine) in a special way. To do this, she sits on a chair and holds a glass between her knees, and her partner tries to drink it. Note: both partners must not touch the glass with their hands!


    The partner takes an active part in this task. She must peel and eat the banana as soon as possible. But the partner squeezes the banana between the legs, and the partner must do all the manipulations without the help of hands.


    In this competition, partners are tied around their necks with a scarf or bow. On a signal, they should stand facing each other, fasten their hands and untie the scarf with their teeth. The winner is the one who unties the scarf the fastest.


    For this task, each pair needs two belts or sashes. Partners stand with their backs to each other, and they are given the task to tie a belt on the partner’s belt (you can’t turn around). The winner is the one who quickly ties or otherwise secures the belt on the partner's belt.


    This task is carried out separately for partners and partners. Partners are given the task, sitting on their partner's lap, turn over 360 degrees. You can't get off your knees. The partner can and should help the lady turn around, if, of course, he has enough strength for this. The task "Turns" for the partner is that he must put his head on the partner's knees, and after the signal, turn his head 360 degrees without lifting it from the knees. In this case, helping a partner is not recommended.

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    The game involves couples (man, woman), a man (preferably) must be in spacious trousers.
    Women are given teaspoons, they are threaded into the trouser leg of a man from below. The purpose of the game is
    the fastest way to get a spoon from behind the top edge of the trousers. Shirts, T-shirts and other clothing
    worn above the waist, must be tucked into trousers.

    Several couples are involved. The game requires forks according to the number of players and some threads.
    The forks are tied to the belt approximately at the level of the knee (pick up experimentally) at the back.
    The goal of the game is to stand facing each other and hook with forks.
    Attention. Skirts on girls are not a hindrance! Difficulty can be adjusted by the length of the thread.

    So - one (leader) sits down (gets up, lies down) and they blindfold him. Some of the rest
    at will, quietly approaches him (her) and begins to gently touch on the back (head,
    stomach, chest, arms, legs, etc.). The host must guess who it is from those present.
    If he guessed right, then the one who touched becomes the leader. If he did not guess, then he
    one penalty point is awarded. And so on until he guesses. For each penalty point
    you can, for example, make them drink a glass of beer or get a crack. We had that man
    removes as many items of clothing as he scored penalty points.

    The essence of the game is as follows. The girl or guy lies on the floor (on the carpet) or, if
    dimensions allow, on a sofa (sofa; bed). A coin is placed on his (her) stomach. From sizes
    coins depends on the complexity of the game - you can complicate over time.
    A player of the opposite sex lies on top of the player (of course, as you like, but we
    so they played), and they must turn over so that the coin is on the stomach of the second
    player without falling. And so on.
    If the coin fell, then the couple responsible for its fall must kiss.

    Pairs of players stand side by side with each other and hug each other by the shoulders.
    It turns out that the one on the right has only his right hand free, and the one on the right
    on the left - only the left. Together they are a Siamese twin.
    And this " Siamese twin» you need to do something (for example, button up a guy’s shirt
    (previously unbuttoned) or tie shoelaces).

    Very interesting competition for a company that is already a little drunk. Proven by experience.
    Several couples are invited to the stage to participate in the competition. To begin with, we offer couples
    queues to dance a slow dance with elements of eroticism (who cares what), then for
    wins in the competition invite couples to move on to a more difficult task. We show them on before
    installed sofa. In the center of the stage and ask them what they think they should
    to do with these props, and what they think; they should show us now!
    And then they show this (but they must be warned that the pair that shows
    maximum eroticism!).

    Everyone stands in a circle, alternating men and women. The host announces what to touch.
    For example, first the knees, then the nose, and then the fun begins. Can talk to
    priests, fly, etc. After touching, it is necessary to go a circle or more ...

    The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dances are announced.
    The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order for intimate places
    did not excite vacationers on the beach. Music sounds, dancing begins. Players need to
    during the dance, not to lose a single record, and for this you have to dance, clinging tightly,
    to each other.

    KISSES - 1
    It's better to play with a friend. But who wants to. The players are equally divided between boys and girls.
    The beginner kisses the girl and takes off one thing, the girl kisses the guy and also takes off one thing.
    And so on the rise - kissed, take off the thing. The one who refuses to undress further,
    exits the game. They continue until the bitter end, that is, when there will be nothing left to shoot.

    - ¦ KISSES -2
    One player is blindfolded. Then one of the other players comes up and kisses him;
    he is trying to guess who kissed him - in case of success, the kisser sits on his
    place and he gets up.
    Note. Firstly, you need to kiss "in an adult way", otherwise the sitting one will never
    guess the kisser.
    Secondly, if a guy is sitting, then the guys, too, should
    kissing - otherwise it will not be fun (girls, of course, also kiss girls).

    All players sit around the table, alternating - a guy with a girl. Take the usual
    edible long straw. Next, the first player (suppose the guy) takes her to
    teeth and passes it into the teeth of a girl sitting next to him. She bites off a part at the moment of transmission
    straws, then the next piece is bitten off by a young man sitting next to her.
    The game ends when there is nothing left of the straw.
    Of course, some agree to kiss without a game, but for many this is the only
    It is all the more interesting to see how the participants sit down.

    There will be no winners and losers in this game, this game is a joke to have fun
    guests. Two are invited to it, the participants are a man and a woman. The man is explained
    the rules of the game - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy in her mouth,
    and your task is to blindfold find this candy without the help of hands and pick it up
    her mouth too. ”The whole comical situation lies in the fact that as soon as a man is tied
    eyes, a man is laid on a sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me
    how long will your chosen gentleman try to find candy from the “lady”, so many guests,
    will laugh heartily.

    The player is offered to cover himself with a blanket. It is reported that the people around thought of a thing that
    on it, and offer him to guess what it is. For each incorrect answer, the player must
    remove the named item. Thus, you can undress a person to any
    degree. The joke is that the correct answer is the bedspread. Naturally,
    that such a game is "one-off" and requires newcomers who should not see
    performance by previous members.
    P.S. For convenience, the bedspread can be held by someone else.

    Several couples compete. Partners leave the room for a while, and at this time
    guests who do not participate in games put it in the pockets and other secret places of partners
    10 ten-rouble notes. That is, each partner, as it were, "hid" 100 rubles from a friend.
    Partners, returning to the hall, on a signal, must search their companions and find all 10
    pieces of paper. At the same time, the partner should neither suggest nor hint where he "hides" the money.
    The winner is the pair in which the partner is more decisive and faster to produce
    detection of "stash".

    Every lady keeps in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip with his lips
    ribbons and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. Whoever has the outfit wins
    will be more successful, or the one who will complete the task faster.

    The girl lies down horizontally, napkins with lemon slices are laid out over her body,
    and one is obligatory in a mouth (it is impossible to swallow).
    The guy is blindfolded, and he must find all the slices and eat. Drinking is possible
    vodka/water. A softer option - instead of lemon - candy. The fastest pair wins.

    Two teams are formed: one for men, the other for women. On signal, the players of each team
    begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has
    own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

    The game is played by several couples. Each pair receives two ping-pong balls. Men
    roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve. The ladies roll the balls through
    men's trousers from the right leg to the left.

    Play 2-3 couples. A young man sits on a chair and squeezes a banana with a torn peel with his knees,
    crude. The partner must eat it without the help of hands.
    For the game you will need bandages according to the number of participants. The participants of the game become in a circle,
    they are blindfolded. The facilitator asks each participant if he will kiss a certain
    part of the partner's body and shows it on any other participant (this can be lips, neck,
    shoulder, etc.), and so on, until the respondent agrees. The facilitator then asks how much
    once the participant agrees to kiss the partner, and throws out on the fingers certain number, And
    until the participant agrees. At the end, the bandages are removed, and the participants perform
    the task received. There are no winners, the main thing is the mood.

    Play 2-3 couples. In this game, the partners leave the room for the games for a while. And the girls write
    on any part of the body covered by clothing, any one word. For example, "pussy". This procedure
    it is better to entrust the partner's friends. And the inscription should be made quick-erasing, for which
    a marker is best. The partners who returned to the hall are told that on the body of their girlfriends
    there are "tattoos" consisting of one word. This sign needs to be found. Of course partners
    should not tell where they have this "tattoo". The partner who first discovers
    on the body of a companion and pronounce it aloud, bring victory to his pair.

    For this task, you will need a rope or ribbon 2 meters long. This rope partner
    must stretch under the partner’s clothes so that in the end one end of the rope is exposed from
    right sleeve and the other from the left leg. Another condition - the rope should be skipped
    from that side of the partner's body, which is called the "front".

    This stage practically does not differ from the previous one. But this time the rope under the clothes
    girlfriend stretches partner. And you need to skip this rope from the right sleeve to the left.

    Several couples compete. The partner should help her friend drink a glass of wine. Is it true,
    drinking is not quite traditional. The partner should sit on a chair, and a glass (glass)
    should be firmly clamped between her knees. Both partners should not touch the glass (glass) with their hands.
    The fastest pair wins.

    You will need several stools (according to the number of participating couples). The game is played in two stages.
    First, the partner must sit on a stool. And the partner should put his head on her knees.
    Its task is to make a 360-degree head turn after the signal. Naturally, during this
    while turning, the partner’s head should not for a second come off the girlfriend’s knees. Friends, by
    For safety reasons, it is recommended not to help your companions in this difficult matter.
    At the next stage, the partner sits on the stool. His girlfriend sits on his lap. Everything from her
    required is, without getting off the partner’s knees, turn 360 degrees Unlike
    the first stage, where help was undesirable, here it is simply necessary. Actually not
    the partner should turn around, and the partner should turn her around. If, of course, he has enough strength.

    Several heterosexual couples take part in the game.
    The participants are blindfolded and several clothespins are attached to their clothes, in the most
    secluded corners. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to look for clothespins on the body of their partner.
    The winner is the pair whose members quickly remove all the clothespins from each other.

    The game requires several pairs. In each pair, the man puts his feet on a large plastic
    bottle with a tightly closed lid. Women, without resorting to the help of their hands, must unscrew with their mouths
    bottle cap. The winner is the couple in which the woman completes the task faster than the rest.
    A more complicated version of the game involves the participation of a third player. In each trio
    two men and one woman. One man has a bottle with a cap between his legs,
    the second - without a lid. The woman's task is to unscrew the lid as quickly as possible from the first
    bottle and screw it on the second.

    Those who wish are divided into pairs: a man-a woman. Each pair is blindfolded and given
    long cucumber or banana. The task of the players is to eat it as quickly as possible. Wherein
    you can't use your hands! There is a cucumber (banana) should be at the same time from two ends.
    The game can be made more spicy. To do this, it is recommended to change partners.
    Usually couples are made by mutual agreement, most often we are talking about married couples.
    After the players are blindfolded, you can make new pairs without them noticing.

    All willing men and women break into pairs and stand facing each other.
    . Each couple holds an apple between their bellies. The task of the players is not touching the apple
    with your hands, roll it with your body to the level of your mouth as quickly as possible and bite on both sides.

    Men and women are divided into pairs. Each man is given a bottle of some
    drink (usually alcoholic), and his partner - an empty glass or glass. And those and others
    clamp the objects given to them between their knees. The task of men is to pour a drink for a lady,
    without using hands. The competition can be made more difficult by forcing men to empty their filled glasses,
    again without the help of hands. Women are required to help their partners cope
    with the task. In this competition it is not recommended to use drinks that leave
    stains that cannot be removed later (for example, red wine).

    All comers form a chain in which men alternate with women. Every player
    takes a match in his mouth. The first in line is put on a match ring. The task of the players
    pass the ring from match to match from the first player to the last. Hands to use

    This is probably the most popular erotic game.
    Everyone who wants to sit in a circle, on the floor or at the table. An empty bottle is placed in the center.
    One of the players spins it. Whoever shows the bottom and neck of the bottle, they kiss.

    One player sits on a chair with his back to the others. The host takes turns pointing at each
    player and asks: "Kis?".
    If the driver answers “Shoot!”, The leader points to another player and again
    asks "Kiss?" At some point, the driver must say "Meow", which means
    that he agrees with the proposed choice. The player on whom while showing
    the leader, the driver must kiss. After that, the leader takes the place of the driver,
    The “kissed” becomes the leader, and the driver takes the player’s place. And the game goes on
    according to the same scenario. The game can be slightly complicated if, before the driver turns
    and sees his choice, he will be asked to name any color. Depending on whether
    what color will be called, the driver must make one or another with the selected player
    Red - kiss on the lips,
    Pink - kiss on the cheek,
    burgundy - kiss on the mouth,
    purple - kiss the hand,
    lilac - bite on the ear,
    blue - kiss on the stomach,
    blue - kiss on the neck,
    turquoise - change clothes (or a certain number of items of clothing),
    green - ask 3 candid questions;
    yellow - shake hands firmly,
    orange - bite in the nose,
    beige - pick up,
    brown - hug,
    white - invite to dance,
    black - close together in a closet or bathroom for 2-3 minutes.
    If the driver refuses to complete the task, he is out of the game.

    The facilitator asks each player to name in turn what part of the body he likes,
    and what does not like the neighbor on the right. After all players have named their favorite and
    unloved parts of the body, the host offers to kiss what they love and bite what
    that they do not like in their neighbor.

    The host takes a small naked baby doll and invites all players to kiss
    him by coming up with some convincing excuse (for example, “this is our birthday boy, he
    just born, so let's shower him with kisses." Every player must kiss
    baby doll to some place and explain why here. For example: "I kiss him on the eye,
    so he can see better. Places cannot be repeated.
    Therefore, when the "innocent" parts of the body run out, you will have to kiss ... what remains.
    The host must remember where each of their players kissed the baby doll.
    The most interesting begins in the second part of the game, when the host announces,
    that the training on the baby doll is over. It's time to get down to business and kiss your
    neighbor to the place that each player kissed on the baby doll. Kisses are made in
    the same order in which the baby doll was kissed. If the company is diverse and of different ages,
    then a phantom can pay off a kiss. In the future, guests will have to decide that the host
    fanta will have to do.

    The facilitator invites young people and girls to sit in a circle in such a way that
    the girls were grouped in one part of the circle, and the boys in the other. To the center of the circle
    put 2 chairs, backs to each other. With the help of a counter, the leader chooses one
    a girl and one boy and asks them to take chairs in the center of the circle. At the command of the leader
    young people should look around at the same time. If they turn their heads to one
    side, then kiss; if in different directions, then they return to their places.
    With the help of a counting rhyme, the host selects a new pair. The game can be played until
    until there is not a single person left who has not been kissed and has not kissed himself.

    The game will require 10 of the most sober guests of both sexes. pre-cut 5
    long ribbons of the same color. The participants form a circle. To the center of the circle
    becomes the leader, who collects the middle of all the ribbons in his fist. Each member
    takes the free end of the ribbon and, at the command of the leader, begins to pull it towards him.
    The leader opens his fist. Couples formed at both ends of each ribbon kiss.

    GUESS - KA!
    The game is best played towards the end of the evening, when tipsy guests can hardly
    stand on their feet. The participants become in a circle, and the leader chooses among them the one
    who will drive. The driver is blindfolded and wrapped three times around its axis.
    After that, the leader calls some part of the body. It is along it that the driver must
    guess any player from the circle. If the driver guesses, the one who was guessed takes
    his place. If the driver makes a mistake, then he will drive again.

    Those who wish are divided into harems: one male sultan and several female concubines.
    The number of women in all harems should be the same. The concubines are offered
    dress the Sultan in the clothes that they themselves are wearing. The leader turns on some
    oriental music and women begin to take off their clothes, accessories and jewelry and
    put them on your Sultan. The game is played on time. The harem that succeeds
    more items to put on the sultan, wins.

    Props - cards with the names of different parts of the body.
    In order to start the game, you need 2 willing men. They will be masters of the harem.
    In a couple of them, the first two wives are chosen. Sultan and his first wife draw one by one
    card and touch those parts of the body that are written on them. Then choose a second wife,
    which also draws a card along with the Sultan and attaches itself to it, taking into account
    specified parts of the body. Then come the third, fourth wife, and so on. Game continues
    until the wives run out or until there are no more places left on the man to join.
    The winner is the graem, whose statue of love will turn out to be more original.

    The host calls several volunteers and invites them to name a number from 1 to 10. What
    the number was pronounced, so many items of clothing the player must remove from the music to the music
    myself. If the player himself is embarrassed to dance a striptease, he can invite someone from
    the most uninhibited guests and beautifully undress him.

    10 chairs are placed in a circle. There are 10 people around the chairs. Presenter includes
    music, and the players begin to slowly walk in a circle. When the music stops, everyone
    the participant takes off one thing and puts it on the chair near which he stopped. Leading
    turns the music on again, and the players go further in a circle. With another pause, the players shoot
    one more thing and put it on the chair near which they were forced to stop.
    And so several times. How much - depends on the degree of proximity of the guests to each other or from
    the amount drunk. After that, the game begins to flow in the opposite direction: with each
    stop the music, the players must put on one thing from the chair, which

    Before the start of the dance, the host announces a competition intended for men. home
    the task of the contestants is to get as many kisses as possible from the ladies present.
    Women are advised to break a little, let themselves be persuaded, and not give kisses
    left and right. After some time, the host stops the music and determines
    the winner of the competition for the number of traces of lipstick on the cheeks. Naturally, he wins
    who has more evidence.

    Everyone stands in a circle one after another. At the leader's command, everyone takes the person in front
    around the waist, and all together, to the appropriate music, begin to dance the lambada, making
    characteristic movements of the hips to the left - to the right and back and forth. Over time
    the leader asks to take the waist of the player who is standing in front of the one in front, that is
    through one, and continue the dance in this form. A few more minutes later
    becomes more difficult: each dancer must take the waist of the player standing 2 people before him,
    and continue lambada. The game lasts until "enough hands".

    Men and women are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a newspaper sheet, which they put
    on the floor. The couple gets their feet on the newspaper sheet. The music turns on and everyone starts
    dance on your sheets. After a while, the facilitator invites each pair to fold
    double sheet of paper. The dance continues already on a folded piece of newspaper, for this
    the dancers have to approach each other. This is repeated several more times:
    folds in half, and the man and woman are approaching each other closer and closer.
    A pair that goes beyond the newspaper sheet is eliminated from the game.

    For each dancing couple, the leader gives out balloon, which is necessary
    strengthen each other. The task of the players is to continue the dance, holding the ball with their bodies. Touch
    his hands are strictly prohibited! A couple that dropped a balloon or burst it
    automatically out of the game. Those dancers who last to the end win
    competition without dropping or bursting the balloon. The competition will be more interesting if you use
    music different styles and pace.

    This game has a completely different goal. Each pair pinches a balloon together
    but her task is to burst it as quickly as possible. You can't use your hands! All pressing
    movements must be produced by the bodies. So that the game does not end as long as possible,
    it is better to use strong balls. The facilitator should check that the clothes of the players
    there were no pins and other piercing and cutting objects.

    Men and women are divided into pairs. TO women's waist tie ribbons. Women
    they wind ribbons around their waists, and give the free ends to their gentlemen. Task
    men - twist the ribbons around your waist as quickly as possible. You have to do it, it's not only
    quickly, but also carefully. The winner gets a kiss from his partner.

    The guests are divided into pairs: a man - a woman. Partner's task - blindfolded
    move the clothespins (previously fixed by the leader) with the teeth from the partner’s back
    on the chest. The first pair to complete the task wins.

    All participants lie down or sit alternately on the floor, sofa, grass. The host distributes
    all numbers in order from 1 to N, where N is the number of players. Then on command the player
    with number 1 makes the first "orgasm-like" sound, after which the player with number 2 makes
    two such sounds, the third - three, etc. An important condition: if in the process of emitting sounds
    someone laughs at himself or at another, then the game starts over.

    There can be any number of players in this game, in any gender ratio. Is taken
    one playing card (preferably plastic). Everyone stand in a circle and start to pass
    card to each other, holding it with your mouth by sucking air. The one whose fault
    the card "fell out of the race", is out. In the end, there is only one winner. After some
    training, the final game, (when two people remain) turns into a gambling spectacle
    (you can even place bets).

    Guys shit on the FIFTH POINT, In one line, spreading or crossing legs in Turkish,
    leaning back and resting their hands on the ground (or floor) behind their backs - these are the beds.
    Girls sit down to them either on crossed legs, or between THEM. THEY are "turnips".
    The leader - "Michurinets" walks in front of the "beds". "Turnip" it is advisable to keep your hands in front of you.
    Having lulled the vigilance of the "beds" with conversations, the "Michurinets" is trying to pull the "turnip" out of the "bed".
    The guy should have time to remove his hands from behind his back and grab (keep the girl). Why is he
    it will be enough - that's how it will turn out. Not holding the "turnip", he himself becomes
    "Michurinets". The main thing for the "beds" after the game is not to get on the "rake.

    With the help of colored hair bands, you can hold such a competition. 2-3 men participate.
    Everyone gets rubber bands of a certain color. The task of the participants is for several
    musical minutes to "ring" as many of the women present as possible. "Rings" -
    rubber bands are put on the ladies' legs, above the feet. And then they count
    the number of "ringed" by each participant. The most agile gets a prize.

    Before the game, remind the female participants that men, like birds, are the most
    attractive during mating season. Let each participant choose a man for the duration of the game
    and will create from him the most "ruffled". To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored rubber bands.
    for hair. Their task is to draw as much as possible from the hair of men with the help of rubber bands.
    "tufts". The companion of the most "ruffled" is awarded a prize.

    3 couples are invited (girl - guy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. Leading
    It is recommended to connect them yourself. That will be more fun. So, the girl on the belt in front
    they tie a frying pan, and the guy - a ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance.
    Now the host needs to count the number of beats for a certain time, for example, per minute.
    You need to hit the ladle exactly on the pan. The one who hits the most wins.

    For the game you need: 1 chair and a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are fastened on a girl's dress, girl
    stands on a chair, two young people are selected from the guests (you can generally split into two teams),
    who will remove clothespins from her blindfold. The one who takes off the last clothespin
    or the one who has more clothespins takes the girl off the chair and kisses as many times as
    he had clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a chair. Clothespins
    to cling on all clothes, it is possible and opposite to "interesting" places.

    rustling leaves
    3-4 pairs of men and women take part in the game. Chairs are placed on which men sit.
    Next, pieces of paper are taken and placed on their knees. After that, the woman sits down on the lying, on
    man's lap sheet of paper. The task is to, within 1 minute, as many as possible
    crush the sheet. From the outside it looks very impressive.

    Chairs are arranged in a circle around the room. Players sit on them - men and women. Selected
    leading. He is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music
    is interrupted, the driver stops and sits on his knees to the one near whom he stopped. That,
    to whom he sat down, should hold his breath and not give himself away. Others ask: "Who?". If
    the driver guesses who he sits on his lap, then he becomes the driver. Hands to use when
    guessing is impossible.

    Two teams in which men and women alternate (3-5 people) must pass from the first
    to the last and back a simple pencil, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip
    playing! Naturally, you can’t touch a pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands.

    4-5 couples are invited (boyfriend - girl). The music turns on. The task is given: a young man plays
    the role of a pillar, and the girl must dance around him, but with the condition that at the end of the dance on the "pillar"
    as few clothes left as possible. It is advisable to encourage the players with a good prize. Most Successfully
    this game takes place in drunken company.

    A square about 2.5 x 2.5 meters in size is drawn and divided into 16 cells, denoted
    numbers. Two people enter it, and the host calls each of them a part of the body (usually limited
    five: head, arms, legs; depending on the stage of intoxication, variations are possible) and
    cell number. The player must move their body part to that location. The leader must have
    sense of humour, imagination and impartiality. The one who fails the next pose loses.

    Stickers (5-10 pieces) are pasted in various places (usually on the arm, neck, cheek, behind the ear, on
    lips, etc.). The partner must gently rip this sticker off with their mouth, teeth, tongue and nothing.
    others without touching it. The sticker should not be too sticky!

    Two teams - men's and women's line up one at a time. Men's task: one by one heading towards
    line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the "kissing campaign" is over,
    a man, symbolizing the end of the task, should say: "I FINISHED." Leading pinpoints
    time for each participant to complete the task. Whoever is faster - he won.

    Three or four participants kneel around a chair (preferably a stool) and put their hands behind their backs. On
    unpeeled bananas are placed on the chair according to the number of participants and on command the participants must speed only
    Peel and eat each banana with your mouth. It looks great and plays even better.

    Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys). The girl gets between the guys, and
    they must dress the girl in a minute, but only with the clothes that they themselves have on (parts of the ring
    are also considered). Accordingly, the team wins, on the girl of which it turned out more clothes.

    A wallpaper path is laid on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide, walk along the "brook",
    without getting your feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the “walk along the stream”, but with
    blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played.
    Having crossed a brook blindfolded and at the end of the path, removing the bandage from her eyes, the woman discovers
    that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man is laid on the wallpaper after?
    the task is completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant's eyes). The woman is embarrassed. Invited
    the second contestant, and when everything repeats again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then
    third, fourth ... Everyone has fun!

    A minimum of three players can participate in the game. In the middle of the room becomes the main player, for
    started, for example, a girl. Two other players (men) are blindfolded. One of them is given
    several ribbons in hand. He should approach the girl with his eyes closed and tie her
    bows anywhere.
    The task of the second man is to approach the girl and find and untie all the bows. Then the players change
    in places - a man is invited to the role of the main player. And so on, until everyone who wants to try
    all roles.

    Part of the company remains outside the door, from where they are called one by one in the order of "boy-girl".
    Everyone who enters sees a picture: there is a column of people (“boy-girl”), depicting a train.
    The host announces: “This is an erotic train. Train departs". The column moves and
    depicting the movement of the train, makes a circle around the room.
    The host says: "Stop (such and such)." The train stops. After which the first carriage kisses
    second, second - third and so on until the end of the train. After that, the person entering is invited to take a seat.
    at the end of the composition.
    Leading: "The train is leaving!". Make a second circle around the room. Host: Stop
    (such and such)." Then - as usual: the first car kisses the second, the second - the third. But when it's
    comes to the last, unexpectedly the penultimate, instead of a kiss, makes a grimace and screams
    throws himself at the last one. Not expecting such a disappointment, the last car has only
    hold a grudge against the newcomer. In fairness, the host is the last to participate.
    Despite the apparent viciousness, the game is very fun.
