Comic gifts from Santa Claus at the corporate party. New Year's scenario for adults at a corporate party with interesting contests and gifts

Good day! It's time to learn the words for the leading roles on New Year's days, the script for New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home will help to refresh the text and plot. Festive services for the winter magical days are already being prepared, both children and parents are waiting for the arrival of long-awaited guests with gifts, but in addition to a gift, you need to find beautiful words for congratulations, to be able to entertain and give children a real fairy tale.

The script for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home includes several parts, these are the Coming of Santa Claus, Acquaintance, Gift for the guest, Gift of Santa Claus entertainment and Order of Santa Claus. That is, our script for New Year's greetings, in a small amount, included the full dramaturgy of the home New Year's event. Choose scenarios, contests, fairy tales, cool parties or modern funny scenarios! And so simply funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the desired highlighted word.

In search of Santa Claus: New Year's holiday at home

Scenario children's holiday on New Year with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Active heroes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, children.
Holiday props:

  • rope and 2 cardboard boxes (the size of a foot);
  • a bag of Santa Claus with snowballs (cotton balls in gauze - 10 pieces);
  • a white sheet of paper on which milk is written in advance: “Call me! DM";
  • a lighter or a candle (you can just a lamp);
  • large paper snowflake;
  • decorative glass pieces 6+6 pcs.
  • large capacity - bucket, basin, pan.

Duration- 30 minutes.

Location- an ordinary apartment.

Meeting of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Doorbell. The Snow Maiden appears. One. (Santa Claus at this time is outside the door, in the corridor.)

Snow Maiden's words: Hello kids! You recognized me? That's right, I'm a Snow Maiden. Do you know what holiday we all celebrate? That's right, New Years. On this day it is supposed to have fun, dance, play and give gifts. Do you know who is in charge of gifts on this day?

He is kind, not at all strict, his beard is all overgrown,
We are in a hurry for the holiday. Who is this? (Father Frost)
Who arranged the skating rinks for us, covered the streets with snow,
Did you build bridges out of ice? Who is this? (Father Frost)

That's right, it's Santa Claus! But why isn't he? Santa Claus comes only to obedient children. Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!) And the ugly ones? (No!) And the mischievous ones? (No!) And the rascals? (No!) What about good kids? (Yes!) Are you obedient children? And do you help your parents? (Are you doing your homework, do you study well?). (Yes!) Then Santa Claus should come to you! But where is he, children? Santa Claus must have left us a message telling us how to find him. Let's eat it. ABOUT! And here is the letter! (The Snow Maiden "finds" a white blank leaf.) But there's absolutely nothing to see (shows to children)! So, a miracle is indispensable! I have a magic candle. With her help, we can read this letter. (Pulls out a candle lighter.)
Candle fun burn
Show the letters of Grandfather!

(The Snow Maiden lights a candle-lighter and drives it under a piece of paper on which “Call me! DM” is written in advance with milk. The letters appear.)

Who is this mysterious DM? And kids, don't you think? Right! This is Santa Claus. He writes that we need to call him. Let's shout out loud: "Santa Claus!"

(Children call several times. Knock on the door. Santa Claus appears. Children meet him.)

Santa's words: Hello guys, well, finally, I got to you! Sorry, kids, I'm late - I got lost in the forest. Children, do you go to the forest? When do you go to the forest? - That's right, in the summer (autumn). Is it true? (If you have never walked, then "then we must teach you how not to get lost in the forest.") Then show me with the Snow Maiden how you overcome obstacles in the forest.

Competitions with Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: And here is the first obstacle, this is a stream. (Spreads the rope on the floor in the form of a stream of the desired width.) How to overcome the stream? That's right, jump over. (Children jump.) You go through the forest, and the forest is getting thicker, and here is a fallen tree on your way (pulls a rope slightly below the height of the child with the help of Grandfather). What will you do? That's right, you have to bend down and crawl under it! Well done! Are you dexterous? (Yes!) Are you strong? (Yes!) Are you brave? (Yes!) Well then let's move on. Oh, now you have a difficult obstacle! Fairy bog! (Lays a rope around on the floor. Santa Claus distributes 2 cardboard tracks to the children.)

Father Frost: These are my magical footprints that will help you overcome it!

Snow Maiden: See how to cross this swamp. (Shows, putting cardboard boxes in turn and in turn standing on them with his foot; children “cross the swamp”.) Well done, kids, you are great at overcoming obstacles! If you were with Santa Claus, he would definitely not be lost!

Father Frost: What clever kids you are! You must love to play! Snow Maiden, teach the children to play my favorite game "Snowballs"! (To play, you need cotton balls - “snowballs” that children will throw, and a large container where children will throw snowballs.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, how are we going to play snowballs without snow?

Father Frost: I'm a magician, I'll sweep such a mountain of snow for you!

Snow Maiden: Don't, Grandpa! The kids are freezing! Can you make snowballs warm?

Father Frost: Well, warm, so warm. Look! (Takes out a bag of cotton snowballs, tosses them up.) One, two, three, it turned out, look! ( They start playing. Snowballs are thrown into the bucket. If there are several children, then they compete with each other. If the child is alone, he competes with the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden: (riddles, at the end about snowflakes)
Falling from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
light fluff,
White… (Snowflakes.)

Or: Tell me, kids, what do we make snowballs out of when we play outside? (Out of the snow!) What is snow made of? (From snowflakes!) Do you know, kids, that all Santa Claus's snowflakes are different? When you go for a walk - be sure to check!

Father Frost: What you, children, cheerful, what good! You pleased me very much! I want to tell you one of my secrets. About snowflakes. (gets big snowflake and shows to the children. Here is one of my snowflakes. Kids, count how many rays she has. (Children count.) That's right, six. Here it is, my secret. All my snowflakes have exactly six rays! (When the child is old enough, does not like outdoor games, etc.)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, let's check if Vasya knows what I can do! Vasya, here are ice cubes for you. (Pulls out decorative glass.) Come on, make an icicle / snowball / snowflake out of them! (For older children: a snowdrift, a snowman, a Christmas tree, fruits: an apple, a pear, a banana, the letters of the name of Santa Claus, constellations - Ursa Major, Cassiopeia. The child and Santa Claus collect figures. Then they guess each other's figures. Who guessed - that candy. )

Father Frost: Oh how fun! Phew… (Wipes sweat from forehead.)

New Year's round dance

Snow Maiden: You are tired, grandfather, sit down, rest, and the guys will read poetry to you, dance or sing a song. (Children perform prepared numbers.)

Father Frost: And now I invite you to New Year's round dance. Do you know my favorite song? Let's sing. (If not - “Let's teach you”; “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
The blizzard sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost wrapped in snow: “Look, do not freeze!”
Coward Bunny gray
Jumped under the tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, trotted.
And here she is, dressed up,
Came to us for the holiday
And brought a lot of joy to the kids.

Father Frost: Well, well, Snow Maiden, we listened to the kids, sang my favorite song, did we forget to do something else? Of course, my gray head! - give gifts!

(Give gifts, take pictures, read a congratulatory poem.)

Snow Maiden: Congratulations and wish that in it,
Good luck awaited you in business small and large!
So that the children are obedient (So that your Vasya is obedient),
May everyone be healthy!

Father Frost: In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!

Together: Happy New Year!

The script for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home

Santa Claus remains out of sight. The Snow Maiden knocks on the door.

SNOW MAIDEN. After the owners open the doors.

Hello! Recognized me? What is my name?

Didn't Santa Claus visit you?

Oh, where is he, probably behind, does he have a big bag with gifts, or maybe he got lost and cannot find the door?

Let's call Santa Claus together?

The arrival of Santa Claus

Santa Claus enters.


Good New Year's Day! Were you waiting?

Didn't the holiday start without me?

I'm a little late to you

The road was far

Through forests, snow, blizzards,

Ripe with the Snow Maiden

To your home for a bright holiday,

To present your gifts!



Grandfather Frost, both parents and the main residents were waiting for you!


I am a magical Santa Claus

But sclerosis pestered me,

I'm confused here too

What do you say your name is?

(Child or children name names)


And who is in front of you, is it not a question for you?

Santa Claus brought a gift from the forest!

To continue our meeting,

Lead to your Christmas tree.


Where is your Christmas tree?

New Year's, glorious, okay?

They pass to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus is offered a chair on which he is located near the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST. I saw a tree.

What a beautiful girl!

I traveled a lot, I've been everywhere,

But I have never seen a more beautiful Christmas tree!

Toys, glitter, colored strings,

Your Christmas tree, as if from a fairy tale!

Who decorated the Christmas tree like that?

Who looked after her so beautifully?

Well, well done, you made me happy,

Not even a day is enough to see!

SNOW MAIDEN. Addressing the child.

Tell us dear friend

How do you spend your leisure time

Tell me how are you doing

How do you live, tell your grandfather?


Soup and porridge, are you eating?

Mom, dad, are you listening?

Do you help around the house?

Do you hate animals?

If the child can talk about himself and his life, you can ask him simple questions: What do you eat? Are you listening to your parents? Can he write and read?

Gift for a guest


We are interested, the letter was sent,

Santa Claus in the taiga gave?

What a gift in dreams to receive

So that Santa Claus could give today?


Tell us, my friend

Have you prepared a poem?

You will surprise with song, dance,

Speak, why are you silent?

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden accept a creative gift from a child.

Gift from Santa Claus


Thank you, respected, your number is very bright,

It's time to get new year gift!

For your talent, for kindness, for obedience,

May your magical wish come true!

The Snow Maiden helps to get a gift out of the bag, Santa Claus hands it to the child. The Snow Maiden offers to take a picture at the Christmas tree.

Entertainment - game


Let's get in the circle now

And we will sing a song to grandfather,

About the beautiful Christmas tree

What Santa Claus likes.

All who are, honest people,

Get into the round dance!

A small New Year's round dance is formed from among the heroes and household members. Several verses are sung: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” or “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”


Now it's time to say goodbye

Another child is waiting for us.

We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,

Health and happiness, good weather!

Write me letters to the forest mail,

And I will wrap gifts for you again.

We are always ready to repeat the visit,

So that best gift to give to the child.


We wish your family prosperity,

May all issues be resolved smoothly.

Let there be a friendly and strong family -

Happy holiday to you! Goodbye, friends!

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

The script of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home. New Year's greetings for children at home.

The long-awaited appearance of the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden.
In the clearing at the edge
I live in a forest hut.
Call me Snow Maiden
All snowflakes are my family.
All the friends we've gathered
In the New Year's bright hour,
We haven't met for a whole year.
I missed you.
Hello guys! Do you know what holiday you have today? answer
Who's new year coming? (horses) And what year of the horse will be for you? Funny? Kind? Festive? Will everyone be healthy?

Getting to know children.
Snow Maiden. Guys, who is sure to come with me? Father Frost.
Do you want Grandpa to come now?
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
- Right!
He comes at seven sharp, right?
- Wrong!
- Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
- Right!
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?
- Wrong!
Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
- Right!
He will bring gifts, right?
- Right!
- The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
- Right!
“It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?
- Wrong!
- What grows on the tree? Cones, right?
- Right!
- Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
- Wrong!
- The view is beautiful at our Christmas tree, right?
- Right!
“There are red needles everywhere, right?
- Wrong!
- Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
- Wrong!
- He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
- Right!
What, the answers are given to the questions,
You know everything about Santa Claus,
And that means it's time
All kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Children start shouting "Santa Claus!!!" "Santa Claus' song" begins to sound main character evenings.

Father Frost.
Happy New Year
congratulations friends,
I was with you a year ago, I'm glad to see everyone again
grew up (stroking baby), large steel (dad)
Did you recognize me????
That's right, I'm still the same gray-haired with a long white beard
Together with you, even now I'm ready to start dancing ...
but while I was getting to you, my hands froze, help me warm them up by playing a game with me and the Snow Maiden:

Fingers game.
Santa Claus tries to quickly touch the hands outstretched to him, but does not have time. Children quickly clean them behind their backs. As soon as Grandfather turns away, the children immediately stretch out their hands again, teasing Santa Claus: “We are not afraid of frost, we play, we have fun!”

Are you afraid of frost? Beware, beware! As I blow it, I whistle - in a moment of frost I will let it go! Come on, stretch the handles, stretch them, and then remove them! And then I'll freeze!

– That's how! Well, well done! Do you know how to take care of your ears? And the knees? And the noses? (Santa Claus tries to touch his knees and noses with a mitten, but the children manage to cover them with their hands.)

- I see that you guys are kind, which means you should be happy in the new year! I want to play with these guys.

"Game Train"

The guys stand behind Grandfather and the Snow Maiden with a “train”, they lead them, sentencing and showing different movements that children must perform.
We held hands together
How the horses galloped.
(Grandfather shows how horses jump, raising their knees high, and the children repeat.)

We jump one after another
We are not afraid of the cold!
And now we are like bears
We went along the path.
(Grandfather walks slowly, waddling from foot to foot, the children repeat.)

We're walking along
And we don't get tired
Like playful bunnies
Both girls and boys!
(Everyone jumps like bunnies.)
Jump, pranksters,
On a happy holiday!

- Here we are! To our today's New Year's beauty. What song shall we honor her with?
To my favorite - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"!

Snow Maiden.
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer
Green was.
The blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!",
Frost covered with snow:
"Look, don't freeze!"
Coward Bunny gray
Jumped under the tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
Ran through.
Chu! Frequent snow in the forest
Creaks under the canopy
Hurry, run.
The horse is carrying firewood,
And in the woods an old man,
He cut down our Christmas tree
Under the spine.
Now she is elegant
Came to us for a holiday
And a lot, a lot of joy
Brought it to the kids.

(The song ends with general applause for the Christmas Tree.)

See how Yolochka liked our song. She smiled at us, flashed with colorful lights!

Snow Maiden.
There is one game for you:
I will read poetry now
I'll start and you finish
Answer in unison!
Who painted the cheeks of children
In red in winter, not in summer?
Who's pinching their noses?
(Father Frost)

In the center of the room stands
All toys shine.
needle pricks,
How beautiful...

Who does Frost play hide and seek with?
In a white coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter
And her name is...
Snow Maiden

He tells everyone to dance
Will make you sing songs
He makes everyone happy
Tired does not know.
It has been with us for centuries
Friendly, noisy....
round dance

Both in boxes and bags
Packed sweets.
Fanfiction is so bright!
All will be... (present)

A blizzard walks around the yard,
The Christmas tree is sparkling in the house.
Children lead a round dance.
What holiday? (New Year)

You can go out in riddles for a round dance or for gifts.

Father Frost.
Well done boys! I have one more game for you, now let's check if you know how animals scream???

- In the forest by the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve
There is a merry round dance.
Seated firmly on the bough,
Rooster cries...

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

- And each time in response to him
A cow hums...

- Moo, moo, moo!

- I wanted to say “bravo” to the singers,
but it turned out only with a cat ...

- Meow!

- Can't make out the words
frogs say...

- Qua-qua-qua!

- And something whispers to the bullfinch
Funny pig...

- Oink oink oink!

And smiling to myself
The goat sang…

- Be-be-be!

- Who the hell is that?
The cuckoo screamed...


Father Frost.
Snowball we all roll,
We all count to five
One two three four five -
You sing a song.
And you read poetry.
You dance to dance.
You have to guess a riddle...

Father Frost And Snow Maiden say goodbye to the children and promise to come back next year.

Well, today they sang songs with you, guessed riddles, recited poems, played games ???? Well, happy holidays, see you in a year ... (DM gets up and leaves when he is reminded of the gifts, he remembers)

Oh, what did I forget???
Went to the holiday to you in a hurry,
There was a blizzard, snow circled ...
I forgot my presents...
Guys, can you help me find them? (they look for them outside the door, everyone is happy ....)

Reserve games.

Santa Claus is sleeping.

Santa Claus falls asleep. And the Snow Maiden brings the children and tells the children in a whisper that let's wake up Santa Claus by shouting loudly and stamping our feet. Children do this. Grandpa gets scared, and the children run away. The game is repeated 3 times.

Snowballs are falling. First throwing snowballs, and then collecting them in a bag

The script for the release of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at a corporate party

The Snow Maiden appears in the hall with the song "And it's snowing"

SN: Hello, here I am. Happy New Year to you friends!
One day the day and the hour come. Everyone is looking forward to their arrival.
And a miracle happens again, because this miracle is the New Year!
We come to visit people with him and he is no longer far away.
Let everyone be happy on your New Year's light!

I was walking towards you on a long road through blizzards and snow, and that's bad luck: somewhere along the way, Grandfather Frost got lost. Let's try calling him. Answer in chorus to my questions "YES" or "NO":

Santa Claus - a great man?
Will he drink half a bucket of Wheat?
Likes jokes, anecdotes?
What about work Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandpa have a girlfriend?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
So who should we call?
All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!….

Sounds like Jingle Bells. Santa Claus comes out

D.M.: Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
All gray-haired - to turn black. So that bald hair
Thickened at the top Like Siberian forests!
With all my heart I wish you not to be sad and not to grow old,
On a winter holiday, sometimes warm the Soul with a glass.
The first - for the New Year, the second - for our people,
The third - let's drink for love, To seethe blood in the veins.
To songs, to dances To make my head spin!
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations, friends!

SN: Congratulations on the best,
The most tender and melodious
Happy holiday cheerful,
Snow-white new year!
Happiness, humor, good luck
And in love of great return.
And may this New Year
Won't give you any trouble.

Santa Claus invites everyone to fill their glasses. Have a drink

D.M.: How did the kids grow up, Snegurochka? I probably don't recognize them...
SN: Nothing, Grandpa, but they still expect gifts from you.
D.M.: Yes, I have a bag full of them here! But in order to get them, you must first solve the riddles of my assistant Snegurochka

The Snow Maiden makes riddles, conducts a game. Santa Claus gives prizes.

CH: First I want to check how you know New Year films! I will guess them, and you answer. But the main thing is to rhyme!
They celebrated the New Year in the country ...

And it was a movie… (“Gentlemen of Fortune.”)
And, as usual, we would look

We are on this night ... ("Irony of Fate.")
Although Santa Claus is actually the namesake,

But affectionately in the film is called ... ("Frost".)
He was a freak, a dwarf, but a lucky one.

And the cartoon is called ... ("The Nutcracker".)
She was lucky to meet everyone at once.

About these brothers the film ... ("12 months.")
And fairy tales have scientific ideas.

About this film is wonderful ... ("Wizards".)
We don’t mind watching him for the tenth time,

The film is called ... ("Carnival Night".)

SN: Well, Grandfather, they know films well. So something more difficult is needed. Now we will guess winter and New Year's songs, but I turned the phrases from them and confused them. Here's an example: A large aspen is warm in summer. ("The little Christmas tree is cold in winter")
Oh, heat, heat, you don't steam him You don't steam him and his elephant. ("Oh, frost, frost, don't freeze me, don't freeze me, my horse")
The pinniped seal lies calmly. ("The hairy horse is in a hurry, runs")
Green, green dew fell on the grass. ("Blue, blue frost lay on the wires")
In silence, he told a rhyme, get up, get up quickly, aspen. (“The blizzard sang a song to her, sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye”)
I'll read you a report for two hours. ("I'll sing you a song about five minutes")
The clips were thrown and everything lay down in a row. ("Beads hung up, stood in a round dance")

SN: And then everything was guessed! Well, okay then difficult riddles guess!

In the new year in the midst of fun,
From it we will shoot loudly,
And we will laugh a lot
If we kill all our friends!

Every adult in the New Year,
This miracle is waiting
And here's hoping
Her director will bring!

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
And who goes to the owner,
She lets you know.

Consists of three letters
Starts with "X"
When it's worth working
When he finishes, he bows.

If very, very long
Loudly shout loudly
If everyone, gathered together,
Invite him to visit.
That on New Year's Eve
He will definitely come!
police squad

D.M .: Well done, Snow Maiden, and now I’ll tell you my riddle:
Grandma's midwives
Grandpa's rattles will warm.

The host offers to fill the glasses. Have a drink

The Snow Maiden offers to sing new year song and asks to guess the favorite song of Santa Claus. Everyone guesses "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." If there is a Christmas tree, they invite them to dance around it, if not, then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in the center sing a song, and everyone around them.
DM: Now it's time to leave, But do not be upset!
You will meet us again, More surprises are waiting for you!

SN: In the meantime, thunder fun, Music and laughter flow,
Happy New Year! With new happiness! With wonderful time of miracles!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for adults

The Snow Maiden appears doing somersaults, then she takes off her fur coat beautifully and stands in a beautiful (as it is more decent to call it) position!
SN: - Have fun honest people!
Soon the holiday - New Year!
I came to you for a holiday
Yes, and brought my grandfather!
Turns his head to the door!
- De-ed! Get out of the sleigh and tie up the horses!
My grandfather has become quite old, because he is already a thousand years old!
Let's respect grandfather, let's call him properly three times!
Three - four: Grandfather Frost !!! (3 times).
Santa Claus enters, leaning on a staff, holding on to his back.
D.M .: - Oh, and granddaughter, well, it does, I can’t wait to climb forward!
With guests:
hello hello dear friends
Married and single, Good and bad,
Rich and poor!
Drinkers and non-drinkers, well, or slightly succumbed ...
(squints at the glass)
SN: - De-ed !!!
D.M, emboldened, continues:
-Happy New Year! And with a snow dance!
With a magnificent Christmas tree in a bucket, And with a bottle on the table ...
(looks at the bottle)
SN: - De-ed !!! Again for the old! You remember!
Like it or not, but at work you don't drink!
Let's better for relaxation
We're doing New Year's Eve!
The guests are sitting, and you are Grandpa standing!
Now without getting up from the chair,
you have to start dancing.
This is your order!!!
Parts of the body are different - wonderful - beautiful !!!
1. Our hands are not for boredom -
Let only hands dance! (lezginka).
2. Let's go down below ... and now,
Dance hips and belly!!! (lambada).
3. We rested a little,
Let's dance our feet!!! (cancan).
4. Everyone dances well,
Now the face is dancing !!! (lips with a bow).
5. Dance Russia, dance Europe, and now the priest is dancing.
(Dance Russia)
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden demonstrate movements as best they can
Santa Claus (pronounces a spell knocks with a staff):
“Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is seventeen years old!”
- Oh, how I warmed up, and my back let go,
Well, ladies, whoever touches the staff, his chest will increase by three sizes !!!
- And now, my dears, let's fill the glasses and drink the elixir of youth. I knock with a staff and alcoholic drinks turn into an elixir of youth!
Knocking and saying, Pour, pour, and drink together for the coming 2011! Well done, you feel like energy has increased!
Sn .: Oh Grandfather, you should pour everything and drink!
D.M .: And you should play everything, sing and dance!
SN: And let's play and dance:
Everyone knows that the year of the CAT is coming!
S.: Okay, we'll figure it out later!
Raise your hand those men who were born in March (another option, if there are none: Is there an avid fisherman among you? And who do we have with a mustache? As a result, he chooses 2 if a large company of 3 men)
Tell me what is the meaning of every man's life:
-to plant a tree
-to grow up a child
-build a house. But my grandfather understands this in his own way:
-plant the liver
- grow a belly
- build a wife and mother-in-law Men must inflate a balloon and place it under their shirt, drink vodka and assemble a team of women, after kissing them and placing them behind their backs. Whoever has the longest steam locomotive of the ladies will be patronized by the CAT all year! ("If I were Sultan)
(If one wins, then D.M. says that the Snow Maiden clearly urged, and if I give evenly, then D.M. still offers to replay)
D.M .: Dear ladies, stand in one line, and our Cats are now turning into Playboy rabbits (they put sliders on their heads - these are ears). Now these Rabbits must quickly, as all rabbits do, all ... kiss each other as follows: pen - cheek, pen - cheek, back and forth!
(The loser dances a striptease!) (music to a striptease)
And all the guests first get up in a round dance.
SN: Well, we have bunnies, and, as you know, they love to jump under the Christmas tree.
D.M .: And the Christmas tree, as you know, is always smart. This lady is our most elegant - she will be our Christmas tree! We have a round dance, we have a Christmas tree, hares too!
Dream: Hares jump under the Christmas tree, the Christmas tree is dancing, and we all sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
(A card in A4 format was made in advance so that it could be seen from the back of the word for D.M., the Snow Maiden with everyone in a round dance, and D.M. In the center of the circle with cards at the “Yolka”, if there is no time, you can sing a simple song )D.M.
Where did this Christmas tree come from and where did she live?
Born in the forest fir tree in the forest she grew up
Whose footprints are under the tree? Who ran nearby?
Little white cowardly bunny jumped under the Christmas tree
The sleigh runners will fasten, And the snow sparkles all around
Hairy horse Hurry up, run
And what the horse is carrying is probably a chest
A horse is carrying a firewood And a little man in a firewood
The guy is probably cool, He has a big bag with him.
He cut down our Christmas tree to the very root
We dressed up the Christmas tree, it's beautiful
And D.M. brought many, many joys to the guests. Looking at the exit: Something the horses are wheezing there, and knocking with their hooves!
SN: Goodbye everyone! Happy New Year!
D.M.: With a new turn in life!!!

How to play Santa Claus: script for dad

MOM: We have a fun holiday
Winter has brought
Green tree to us
Came to visit.
MashaToday on the Christmas tree
shiny outfit,
golden lights,
How the stars burn
MOM Let's play with the Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree is standing
The lights don't burn.
And the heels will stomp -
And the lights go out.
(stomp, the lights go out on the Christmas tree)
Our Christmas tree is standing
The lights don't burn.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree, burn!"
(clapping, the tree lights up)
Hello holiday tree!
Hello, hello New Year!
Near the Christmas tree today
We will lead a round dance! Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." sit down to eat)
Later, the lights on the Christmas tree go out ... mom What is it? What's happened?
Why did the Christmas tree lights go out?
Maybe someone doesn't want us to have fun?
Or maybe someone prepared a surprise for us? A beautiful Christmas tree,
Light up the fires
colored eyes
Look at Xenia!
(repeat together, the lights on the Christmas tree are lit)
Mom, will we still lead a round dance?
Let everyone have fun in the New Year! "Round dance" The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

mama In the clearing, on the meadow Quietly snow falls. You can play snowballs
Do you want to play?
Xenia: Yes!

Snowball fight (dad changes clothes).

Masha: And now, my friends,
I'll guess a riddle.
Who, who, who is
With a long white beard
Knows a lot of games and jokes
Does he play with children on New Year's Eve?
Xenia: Santa Claus!
mom: I need to call my grandfather
Celebrate the New Year with us.
Let's call "Santa Claus!"
(call) knock on the door, open
Santa Claus: Congratulations to all the guests!
Congratulations Ksyusha!
I was with you a year ago
I am glad to see you again.
She grew up, she became big.
Did you recognize me? (-Yes!)

Santa Claus: Ksenya, are you afraid of frost? (-No!)
Now I'll check it out!
Freeze game
Masha: “Grandfather Frost, so you can freeze everything? Perhaps you will freeze Ksenya too?
Santa Claus: "I'll freeze!"
Snow Maiden: “We’ll see this now! Ksyusha is fast and nimble, it’s not so easy to freeze her!”

The game starts. become in a circle. Santa Claus says: “Now I will freeze you ... spouts!”. Children should cover their noses with their hands so that Santa Claus does not have time to touch them. Then Frost tries to freeze their ears, eyes, tummies, etc.

Mom: Santa Claus walked for a long time,
Farther road.
Sit by our tree
Get some rest!
Santa Claus: You sang songs, danced,
But they didn't read poetry.
I want to see now
Who is braver here.

I received your letter (takes it out, reads it), did everything I asked for, it was not easy to find some gifts, so I would like to hear poems from you!

Ksenya reads poetry and for kzh receives a gift from DM

Santa Claus: Well done, Ksenechka!

Santa Claus: That's it! And I have to go!
Be happy friends!
To you for a holiday in a year
Santa Claus is coming again!
All: Goodbye! Bye!
(Santa Claus leaves)

Scenario New Year's party 15 minutes

Heroes: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden + musical arrangement.

Beautiful Christmas music sounds. Knock on the door. Appears:

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear hosts!

Were you expecting guests?

(Answer of the owners. Acquaintance of the Snow Maiden with the owners)

Snow Maiden: - Through the forests, through the mountains

I was in a hurry to visit you

Grandpa was going with me

And I got lost along the way!

Did he happen to visit you?

(host response)

Snow Maiden: - Then gently set off on the road, look for him.

Maybe you can help me?

(host response)

Snow Maiden: - But in order to get to the forest,

We need to train

Get behind me.

(The hosts become)

Snow Maiden: - We will now move forward,

And to get there faster

We will change transport.

(The Snow Maiden pronounces words and performs actions, and children and adults repeat after her)

Snow Maiden: - So that we can get to Frost,

Need to play sports

Get on your skis and go

There is a surprise waiting for all the children.

(Imitate skiing)

Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus cannot be caught up,

We need to change skis.

Gotta get on the train

So that he will take us faster!

(They pretend to be riding a steam locomotive)

Snow Maiden: - Oh, snowdrifts ahead

Do not pass, do not pass

To move forward

You need to get on a snowmobile.

(They pretend to be riding a snowmobile)

Big ravine ahead

(They pretend to be flying in an airplane)

Snow Maiden: - And now, tightly close our eyes,

You need to clap your hands 3 times,

stomp your right foot 3 times

spin around yourself 3 times

And open your eyes.

(Everyone do)

Snow Maiden: - I feel with my heart

Santa Claus is very close

Let's call him.

(All call together)

- Father Frost!

(Santa Claus appears to the music)

Santa Claus: - Hello, my family!

I am very glad to see you!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations friends!

Grow up, get older

And you didn't recognize me?

(host response)

Santa Claus: - Granddaughter, give me a chair,

I'm tired from the road. Quite old.

(Santa Claus sits down if there is no chair on the sofa)

Snow Maiden: - Why are you sitting down, grandfather?

All gifts are waiting for you.

You've been so late.

And we searched for you, searched and found,

Really, kids?

(Children answer)

Santa Claus: - Before giving gifts, you need to test them.

How did they mature in a year?

They have grown wiser, how talented they have become (thinks).

I'll make them turntables

Get it right - your gifts.

(Gets up and conducts the game "Transformers")

Santa Claus: - I will call the beast for you,

And you portray him.

Let's just say the magic spell first.

Together: - Clap hands (clap),

Top with feet (stomp),

Head back and forth (turn your head).

We all circled together and turned into rabbits.

(2) bears; 3) kittens; 4) giraffes; 5) elephants)

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, it's very easy.

They not only can portray these little animals,

But to tell and show everything about them in dances.

Really guys?

And I will help you.

(The game "Giraffes", a song with movements. First, the Snow Maiden explains and shows, and then loses)

Santa Claus: - Yes, well done, they did it.

Only I don't know

Do you have a friendly family?

Can you compete with my granddaughter in dexterity?

(The game "Trap", everyone is in a circle, the Snow Maiden is trying to get out of the circle)

Santa Claus: We did it. Last test.

I see that you are also a friendly family -

Your gifts, honestly deserved.

(The musical game “Come on, raise your hands with an acceleration of the tempo.” Santa Claus is in front of her in pairs and explains the rules)

Santa Claus: - And now everyone got up in a round dance.

(Presenting gifts + reading poems or songs; photograph for memory)

Santa Claus: - Let it be a warm parting,

We'll just say, "Goodbye!"

Snow Maiden: - We will return to you in a year,

And let happiness come to your house!

Health to you, love, and fulfillment of all desires.

New Year's banquet.

Exit Santa Claus.

Santa Claus.: Hello my dear!

I came early today
I came from afar
Happy New Year to you,
And please a little (show gifts in all their glory)!
Maybe you forgot at all
What (soon) Today is the New Year?!
Nothing, he knows everything
Sneak up and come!!!

Oh, where is the snowman? Wasn't there yet?
Ai-i-i-i-i-i-i! Here's the trouble!
What should I do? So the Snow Maiden let me down!
Vish again, she has a date, a meeting with Lel in a restaurant. Don't give a damn about Grandpa! All in Spring, vigorous mother! She, too, is a flirtatious: she would forever flutter in love! Not the hostess - the trouble is simple!
Well, what should I do now? Without the Snow Maiden, what a thing to let everyone down on New Year's Eve!
Listen, girl, beauty, idea! Dress up and, I hope, you will pass for the Snow Maiden. Oh, and here's another beauty, do not refuse the old man!
The best Snow Maiden will get a good prize!

1 creation of the best snow maiden!

Each contender for the role of the Snow Maiden must dress up in such a way as to match the image of the modern Snow Maiden. You can use everything that is already worn on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional items, things, Christmas decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

2 is the most resourceful!
Now I need three assistants - men, it is better if they are husbands or good friends.
All Snow Maidens are blindfolded. A man stands in front of each, in whose clothes a small Christmas tree decoration. The fastest and most resourceful wins!

3 the most affectionate!
Oh, all such beauties, dexterous nimble, that it is not easy to decide on the choice! Therefore, I propose the following test, only one, the most affectionate, will win. Well, please, old man, tell me warm, sweet words, compliments! A little more and I'll melt!

Prize and cap.

We have decided on the snowman! On this I propose a toast!

All dreams came true
And luck came to you
For money to flow
To have a sweet life!!! HOORAY!!!
IF offered a drink
Oh, thank you guys, but health is not the same!
I’m not the first century already a grandfather, without teeth for a long time and gray.

and you, Snow Maiden, what do you wish our friends?
New Year's greetings from the left snowman
Spur glued to a postcard
Well, granddaughter, help, invite everyone to the round dance.

Round dance.

The exit of the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:
Yeah, the fun is in full swing
I'm almost late
I came to your holiday tree from afar.
I walked for quite a long time through the ice, through the snow.
I walked all the days, not knowing laziness, I did not go astray.
Either she sat on deer, then in a fixed-route taxi ...
Oh, Santa Claus! see see!
It does not matter at all that a gray beard.
It is not in vain that they say: “The demon in the rib”, when the years are not the same.
I'll tell Spring everything!

Santa Claus.:
This is a misunderstanding! I got out of position! And he suffered for it: he ran into a scandal!
Thank you motherfucker helped!
Snow Maiden:
OK OK! Father Frost!
Laugh today, relax
Don't strain your head
Don't forget to give gifts!
Father Frost.
Yes! Gifts are my passion! In the New Year I give them!
Snow Maiden:
We know that you are ruining your capital and love to make gifts. You are a spender and a waste! Here!
And the first New Year's gift will go to the one who wins it!

Music Prize game.

Musical prize, who will get it! We pass this prize to the music, the music stops (the one who has it in his hands begins to unfold the newspaper or leaves)
Father Frost: Let's continue the holiday together
We fill the glasses again.
I want to convey the word.
Who wants to say something?
Then I'll tell you!

I would like to wish women of any age to be as irresistible in the new year as they were in the old one. Dear women, be charming, attractive and loved!
For ladies, men, standing!

Father Frost.
I propose to drink for the fact that we would also get the gingerbread of life!

Fairy tale game.

This fairy tale ends, and who listened well done!
The public applaud!
Artists bow down!

Snow Maiden:
On this occasion, I propose a toast, for a fairy tale!
So that all dreams come true, so that you have everything and nothing for you!

Well, now we are starting to move and circle in a circular direction, not a rocket, not a sleigh, not a moon rover!
And the New Year's self-propelled song-walker, the good old round dance!

Round dance.

Snow Maiden:

Well, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye!

Father Frost.
“And it’s time for you to raise a toast.”
Well, Frost wishes you every success,
Lots of happiness, few tears, but lots of laughter!
Goodbye - bye, and for a new toast
Remember the old man with a kind quiet word!

Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

(Some of the employees dress up in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and arrange cheerful congratulations colleagues(

Leading . That's how miracles are! We wanted
And you flew to us!

Father Frost. We have not arrived, but we have entered!

Snow Maiden. Barely found the way in the dark!

Father Frost. (grunts) Don't you guys know that we, Santa Clauses, are in great demand now, and you can't lure us to you with any witchcraft! You need to ask in advance, invite ...

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, stop grumbling, you need to congratulate these adult children on the New Year!

Father Frost. Okay, okay, I agree
Only one question is not clear to me,
Rather, the answer to it is not clear,
Will the kids sing to me, or not?

Snow Maiden. They will, they will, they know a lot of songs about winter,
They often sing them.
Come on, guys, show your prowess,
Hurry up to participate in the song contest!
There is a song contest about winter.

Father Frost. Oh, you singers - well done!
Are there any of you such daring,
What will they dance for me, an old man,
Yes, they will show the bravery!

Snow Maiden. We invite you all to a fun dance!
There is a dance competition.

Father Frost . Well you made me laugh
Santa Claus was comforted!
I even got hot!

Snow Maiden. So, grandpa, hand out gifts!
The bag will become lighter, and your hand will be stronger,
Unbutton your fur coat, and you yourself will go to the dance!

Father Frost. Okay, granddaughter, I'll listen to you,
Let the kids eat sweets!
Santa Claus gives sweet gifts.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, dear,
We stayed here with you!
The team here is good.
nice people,
But how many more worries do we have!
After all, everyone celebrates the New Year!
We must continue on our way
And it's time to part with these "children"!

Leading. We won't just let go.
Set aside, Santa Claus, your bag,
Yes, drink "on the road"!
And let the Snow Maiden take a sip of champagne!

Father Frost. Persuaded. If so, I'll make my favorite toast.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, just not for long, I know that you did an "internship on toasts" in the Caucasus!

Father Frost. So what, I'm an advanced grandfather, youthful, and my toasts are advanced. For example:
Do not freeze, walk, people!
Today is New Year's Eve!

Snow Maiden . Today is the brightest holiday
Everyone is waiting for him, both an adult and a prankster baby!
All roads and paths are open to him,
Kinder and happier not to find!

Father Frost. When the clock strikes twelve
Let your heart beat in unison
Love and happiness come to you
And this is reality, not a wonderful dream!

Snow Maiden . We congratulate each of you
And we wish everyone only what he wants,
The new year will soon raise its voice!
New Year - this reality is not a wonderful dream!

Fanfare. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Scenario New Year for adults.

New Year's scenario "Snake Gorynych"

Father Frost: Good evening!

Snow Maiden: Hello!

Father Frost:

Another beautiful year has passed

In which you have worked gloriously!

And what was not done

Let everything happen in the new!

Snow Maiden:

May the New Year, which is on the threshold,

Enter your home like a new friend!

Father Frost:

Let them forget the way to you

Sorrow, adversity and illness.

Snow Maiden:

And let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

Father Frost:

And let it be the best

And the happiest for everyone!

Father Frost:

I will raise a glass with you for your happiness and health, for your labor successes in the New Year!

(Everyone raises their glasses. Santa Claus addresses the guests: “For you, friends! Health and happiness to you!”)

Father Frost:

I trampled my heels!

Well, I'll sit down, I'll sit down!

I'll tell you riddles

Who is smarter - I'll see.

(Makes several riddles. Then the Serpent Gorynych appears, one in three persons, two male heads, one female.)


Ah-ah-ah! You are celebrating! And without me! How much food is there, so plump, so soft! (Snake Gorynych feels the guests, licks his lips carnivorously) And there are a lot of snacks on the table! That's where I get hired! (Serpent Gorynych grabs pieces of food from the table).

Father Frost: What is it! Why did you come here? Don't spoil our holiday, leave in a good way. And not that...

Dragon: Well? Something? You won't do anything to me! I'm stronger than everyone and I'll eat everyone here!

Father Frost: Dear guests! Yes, what is being done. Yes, I'll freeze you now.

(Santa Claus blows on the Serpent Gorynych. The Snow Maiden asks the guests to help, the guests “sculpt” snowballs from napkins and throw them at the Serpent Gorynych. The Serpent Gorynych takes out one lighter, lights it, blocks the fire from the cold air, and brushes off the snowballs with his other paws).

Father Frost: Phew, tired of blowing! What do we do? How to drive away this scaly Herod!

Dragon: Ha! Here it is! No one can handle me!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Let's call someone for help! (Turns to guests) Who should we call? Who can cope with the Serpent Gorynych?

(The guests shout out fabulous heroes, etc. The Snow Maiden remembers about everyone: this one is on a business trip in China, fighting a dragon; he took a vacation, went to the Bahamas; and so on about everyone who the guests offer.)

Snow Maiden: And let's call Dr. Aibolit! He is kind, helps everyone, immediately comes running when called, not like an ambulance, (everyone calls Doctor Aibolit.)

Dr. Aibolit: I'm coming! I hurry, I hurry! What's happened? What's happened? Who is bad?

Snow Maiden: We all feel bad! And grandfather feels bad, and guests.

Dr. Aibolit: So! You feel bad? (Grabs the first guest by the hand, counts the pulse) The pulse is good. Show your tongue, so, look left, right. No, here the patient is not the patient. (Turns to another guest) Or are you ill? Does your stomach hurt? What did you eat for lunch? Everything is fine? (Runs to Santa Claus, touches his forehead with his hand) Oh-oh-oh! How cold! You, young man, need hospitalization! Urgent, immediate hospitalization!

Snow Maiden: No! We are all healthy! The Serpent Gorynych came to us, he wants to spoil our holiday, he wants to eat everyone!

Dr. Aibolit:(Turns to Zmey Gorynych) Oh, my Zmeyushka! Are you offended here? Did you get hurt anywhere? Didn't scratch? Come on, show me your paw, my little one. (Examines Zmey Gorynych, smears something on his paws. Serpent Gorynych whimpers like Small child, points fingers at the guests and Santa Claus: “They offended me”) Well, now, it will heal soon! (turns to the guests) Well, why did you call me? Everyone is healthy here.

Snow Maiden: We called you to drive the Serpent Gorynych away, and not treat him!

Dr. Aibolit: I'm flying animals, not chasing them like jackdaws! Goodbye, all the best, they are waiting for me in other places! (leaves)

Snow Maiden: Who else should we call? Ah, I know! We will call the idols of the kids - Ninja Turtles!

(everyone calls the Ninja Turtles. They come out with a song).

Song of the Ninja Turtles:

We are not sorry insect!

Super Ninja Turtle!

We wear a shell like rubasti,

Yunni talents!

Turtles: Hello! Hello! We will save you! We will fight any dragon! Where is he?

(The guests point to the Serpent Gorynych. The turtles draw their swords and rush at him with screams. The Serpent Gorynych fights back as best he can, turns out to be stronger and drives the turtles away.)

Turtles:(running away) Sorry! Not our speciality! We should fight dragons!

Snow Maiden: (shouting after them) Turtles! Where are you?

Father Frost: Well, since it is not possible to influence the Serpent Gorynych by forceful methods, let's try bureaucratic ones. Let's write a telegram to the Duma so that it issues a law that the Serpents of Gorynychi have no right to spoil the holiday of honest people. Guests, help me compose the text of the telegram. Name adjectives. Snow Maiden, write it down.

(The Snow Maiden writes them down in order: ("fat", "red", "hot", "hungry", "sluggish", "light", "kind" ...) Adjectives are inserted into the gaps in the text of the telegram.)

Telegram text:

Thought! All _______ guests look forward to your help. New Year is the most holiday of the year. And _______________ Serpent Gorynych showed up to us and wants to spoil our holiday and eat all of us, such _____. __________ Duma, help us.

With _____________ respect, __________ Santa Claus, _________ Snow Maiden, ______ guests.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden! Go send a telegram. (The Snow Maiden leaves. Santa Claus turns to the Serpent Gorynych) Now you won’t get away, now you’ll dance with us, flying gastropod!

Dragon: But, but! No offense please! I didn't deal with that either! Yes, I burned Koshchei the Deathless with fire (pause), but all to no avail: immortal, he is immortal. Yes, I beat the Nightingale the Robber (pause) at cards, and I almost defeated Ivan Tsarevich himself (pause)!

(The Snow Maiden returns)

Snow Maiden: Sent! Telegram-lightning! In the meantime, we are waiting for an answer, let's play. And you, Serpent Gorynych, play with us, the winner gets a prize!

Dragon: Come on, let's play. And who will be the prize?

Game from the Snow Maiden

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Consider what's inside.

Small fish were seen

And not one, but as many as five.

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better... seven.

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you took the prize.

I give you a five.

(appears Official person with a folder (briefcase) under the arm)

Official person:(angrily and dissatisfied, grumbles, looking back) Well, what kind of work is this? The day started off so well: Friday is almost Saturday! Start celebrating the new year right now! And then drag around, carry all sorts of papers. Yes, urgently! Hello! Who is the most important here?

Dragon: I! I! I!

Snow Maiden: The most important on our holiday is Santa Claus!

(The official takes a paper out of the folder, gives it to Santa Claus and, muttering something under his breath, leaves.)

Father Frost: (is reading)

Decree No. 785 of the Ministry of Emergency Circumstances of _ December 201_.

By the decree of Tsar Peter the Great of December 15, 1699, as a sign of a good undertaking and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ORDERED to make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper along the large passing streets and noble people in front of the gates. And for poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or branches over the gate. And so that it ripens by the 1st number of 1700 of this year; and to stand for that decoration of January until the 7th day of the same year. On the 1st day, as a sign of fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when fiery fun begins on Red Square and there will be shooting.

In this regard, I DECIDE: To celebrate the New Year cheerfully, with songs, with jokes and jokes. Those who interfere with that, to be expelled from the holiday.

The scenario contains an option with banquet hall, the number of employees is 20 people. If your event is for large quantity people, then just add a few .

Characters: Santa Claus, Snegurochka (they are also leading), employees.

Props: gifts for participation in the competition, scissors, colored ribbons, rain, adhesive tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers, 3-4 hard-boiled eggs, cards with dance names and song names, auction lots, Men's shirts, men's gloves, glass jars, coins.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall to the music.

Father Frost :
We have come to you today
We will have fun with you
I wish all my friends
Smile and drink!

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa is joking, out of the way,
Looks like the old man is tired
Good evening dear ones,
The hour of miracles is now!

Father Frost :
The most important, the first toast,
Your leader will say
He brought you gifts
The most important leader!

(The director of the organization pronounces the first toast, with which he opens the holiday)

Snow Maiden :
They say the year of the rooster
It will be bright and perky,
Are you waiting for his friends?
Is the gift house full?

Father Frost :
I'm waiting for this year
Maybe I'll find my grandmother
Maybe someone younger
I will take and love!

Snow Maiden :
I, too, dream here,
To replace grandfather
So that with the young on a holiday,
Come by my hand!
In general, I wish everyone
So that your dreams come true
Accept my congratulations
We are starting the holiday!

Father Frost :
And let's start with you
From menu selection to table,
You compose it
Well, I'll help you eat!

Competition "New Year's Menu".
3 participants are selected. Everyone should name as many New Year's dishes as possible for a given letter of the leader. For repetition - departure. The winner will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
So, we decided on the menu,
We need to raise a glass
And now the accountant will be,
Congratulations to your team!

(Accountant says)

Father Frost :
This is what I thought, my dear Snow Maiden, how do you look at the fact that I will give you my New Year's gift in 2018?

Snow Maiden :
I didn’t understand something, what does it mean to me in old fur coat another year to go?

Father Frost :
But what difference does it make, what, you are not valued for a fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Maybe not for a fur coat, but this does not mean that a new one is not needed! And although, as you know, I’m going to lead the next corporate party naked, but what’s the difference?

Father Frost :
Don't boil, or you'll melt! There will be a coat!

Snow Maiden :
Why did you start the conversation?

Father Frost :
Yes, just to keep the conversation going! Something we digress.

Snow Maiden :
So, we decided on the menu, it's time to decide on alcohol, which is on holiday table will stand! But, the whole difficulty is that in order for us to put it, we need to guess the riddle.

(Alcohol riddles. Whoever gives the most correct answers will win a prize)

Riddle options:
1. Folk drink of all time,
Passed through copper pipes
Often cooked on the stove
Well, you name him.

2. Burns the mouth and throat,
But at the same time they drink together,
Usually served in glasses
But they also drink from glasses.

3. Delicate fragrance, what a bouquet,
Beautiful color and astringency, sweetness,
It has been in barrels for many years,
Well, have you already guessed?

4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,
Adding juice and ice
And in the composition like grass,
Hits in the head sometimes.

5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,
Goes well with fish
Everyone understands perfectly
Malt will be included

7. They often drink it with cola,
They also pour it into barrels,
The most important for pirates,
It is sometimes rich.

8. Goes great with tonic,
The taste is sometimes unusual,
Drink with lemon and ice
No friends, I'm not talking about rum

9. Rich flavor and color,
And we don’t have him dearer,
It plays so easily in a glass
And the stars always shine

10. Bubbles and gaziki,
They play in a glass
We are like aristocrats
Well, who's to guess

(Riddle options may vary)

Father Frost :
And now, your congratulations,
Friends will read to us
Those who are also in leadership
And you can't do without them!

(Toasts are made by department heads, or one on behalf of all)

Snow Maiden :
Stand up together, stand around
Hold hands all of you
In the round dance you are friends,
Spin around in a moment!

Competition "Moonwalk round dance".
All participants stand in a circle. One is chosen and becomes round. The task of the participant in the circle is to squat down and while everyone will dance, move and repeat: “I am a little moonwalker.” Whoever laughs first will take a place in the center of the circle.

(The hosts announce a musical break, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Snow Maiden :
And now, I give you my word,
To all employees now
We want to hear a toast from you
At this moment and at this hour!

(Employees read out)

Father Frost :
There were poems and dances,
And now we have a show
The most fashionable, New Year's,
Who is ready friends of you?

Competition "New Year's dressing rooms".
3-4 participants are selected. Each is given the same set: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, adhesive tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers. The task is to make a rooster costume from a set and defile in it. Runtime 3 minutes. Best Suit will receive a prize.
You will need: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, adhesive tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers.

Snow Maiden :
Let's drink to the coming year
For everything to be fine with us
So that the year was previous,
So that we are lucky in all matters!

Father Frost :
To have a lot of money in our house,
For caviar to stand on the tables,
To be the envy of all the neighbors,
From the failures, only ashes remained!

Snow Maiden :
So that you glow with happiness
So that love lives in the soul,
For all wishes to come true
For this, we drink friends to the bottom!

Father Frost :
Oh, how I feel good, now I'll sing!

Competition "I sing on cotton".
The task is as follows, all the guests at the table together begin to sing on cotton, any New Year's song. At the second clap, they stop singing, but continue to sing to themselves, at the next clap they sing aloud. It will turn out very funny, as many simply will not fall into the rhythm.

Snow Maiden :
I think it's time for us to dance
Let's set the rhythm now
There will be hot rock and roll
Let's fire up now!

(The Snow Maiden announces a musical break for 15-20 minutes. A dance competition can be held before the musical break)

Dance competition for girls "I dance everything in the world".
Cards with the names of dances are prepared in advance. 3-4 participants are selected. Each of them draws a card with the name of the dance. You have 2 minutes to prepare. All dances are performed to Russian hits of the 80s and 90s. For the best performance - a prize.
Dance options for cards: hopak, Russian folk, salsa, lambada, cha-cha, cancan, striptease. Variants of musical compositions (write on a separate card): N. Koroleva "Little Country", E. Belousov "Girl, Girl", E. Osin "The Girl Crying in the Machine", A. Varum "Winter Cherry", Combination "Ksyusha, Ksyusha ”, Na-na “Faina”, A. Apina “The knot will be tied”.
You will need: cards with the names of dances and the name of the songs.

Father Frost :
Do you know who is the coolest in your team? So I don't know, I suggest you find out!

Competition "No cooler".
Only men participate in the competition. Of all the participants, 3-4 people are selected. A plate with hard-boiled eggs is placed on the table (according to the number of participants). The host announces that one of the eggs is raw (although it is not). Participants must take turns breaking their egg on their foreheads. The tension grows with each egg, and the audience's mood rises.
Required: 3-4 hard boiled eggs.

Snow Maiden :
As this competition showed
That in the team everyone is equal,
For equality we drink to the bottom,
You are all awesome, well done!

Father Frost :
And now the auction
Let's do it for you friends
We will distribute gifts
You can't miss the moment!

Announced " New Year's auction».
The host shows the lot and sells it for highest price. Each lot may have its own price and not always monetary.
You will need: lots.

Lot options (may be different):
1. A bottle of champagne with the inscription "Corporate 2018. Thank you for being with us." (Starting price from 50 rubles)
2. Day off in the middle of the week. (Starting price from 150 rubles)
3. The right to be in the role of director. (Starting price from 250 rubles)
4. Not going to work after the winter holidays. (Starting price from 500 rubles, or the fulfillment of the host's desire)
5. Ability to leave 2 hours early from work.
6. Possibility to be late for work for 2 hours. (Starting price from 200 rubles)
7. 3 days off during the week. (Starting price from 600 rubles)
8. Daily praise from the director throughout the week. (Starting price from 700 rubles)
9. Dinner at the expense of the director in any restaurant. (Starting price from 1000 rubles)

(Similar lots need to be coordinated with higher management)

Snow Maiden :
Who knows how the Rooster cries?

(She is answered)

Snow Maiden :
Great. Let's all play together! Since the year of the rooster, you still need to respect the bird, please!

Competition "I'll sing, dance, I can do anything".
3-4 participants are selected. The task is to crow a given song and at the same time walk like a rooster. Whoever fails will receive a prize.

(After that, a musical pause is announced. 20-25 minutes)

Father Frost :
I propose to drink for the New Year,
Let him bring with him
Joy, happiness and luck,
All loot and mood!

Snow Maiden :
All fun, passion, affection,
Let it bring wealth
Let's drink with you, we are friends,
So that luck comes to the house!

Father Frost :
But I'm wondering how smart guys work in this company?

Snow Maiden :
And now we'll check it out!

Competition "Nimble fingers".
3 pairs are selected (man, woman). Men wear a men's shirt, and women are given men's gloves. The women's task is to button up the shirt with gloves. Time to complete 1 minute. The one who does it faster will get a prize.
You will need: men's shirts, men's gloves.

Father Frost :
Let's drink to dexterity, friends,
We all need her all the time!

Snow Maiden :
Team spirit is always valuable
Check it out gentlemen.
Please gather all of you together
It's time to prove unity!

Game "Coin".
Participants are divided into several teams. Each team receives a glass jar and coins (according to the number of participants). The task is to throw your coin without the help of hands and mouth. The team that threw the largest number coins will win. Banks put at a distance of 2 meters.
You will need: glass jars, coins.

Snow Maiden :
I propose to drink for you,
You are so friendly, so interesting,
May miracles fill every hour
Always work together!

(A musical pause is announced in which you can spend musical competition. For example, you can hold a competition "Touch". The conditions are simple. When there is a pause, the leader says what to touch. For example, touch the nose, tree, leg, green, etc.)

Father Frost :
Our holiday is coming to an end
It's time for us to part
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy Year of the Bird - Rooster!

Snow Maiden :
Finally, you need to drink
To consolidate the desire
For the Rooster to bring good luck
For us to live well!

It is important to remember that the roles must be played, and the hall decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, and that thoughtful musical accompaniment is the key to a fun holiday.
