Weaving chest. A chest of newspaper tubes: a detailed master class

Weaving from a vine is quite a difficult and troublesome business, but recently an interesting direction in needlework has appeared - weaving from paper tubes, which made it possible to use the technique of weaving from a vine and at the same time simplified its process. In this master class, we will get acquainted with the technology of how to weave a chest from newspaper tubes.

Master class: weaving a chest from newspaper tubes

You will need:

  • cardboard box and cardboard for the lid;
  • tubes from newspapers;
  • thick PVA glue, paper, brush;
  • paint (stain) and varnish for wood;
  • fabric for decoration;
  • wide braid or thick fabric;
  • decoration accessories.

The base of the chest

  1. We take a small cardboard box of the right size. We mark its side faces after 2 cm and draw vertical lines.
  2. On the bottom of the box on the lines we make holes at a distance of 3-5 mm from the bottom. We insert the tubes into the holes and glue their ends from the inside. If the box is small, then the ends of the tubes can be fixed from below at the bottom of the box.
  3. Outside, we lift the tubes vertically along the lines and fasten them with clothespins from above.
  4. We make weaving from tubes along the entire side surface of the box. Weaving "chintz": horizontally with one tube we lead along the vertical bases, alternating the passage in front and behind. The next row we change the alternation.
  5. When the weaving is finished, at the top we bend the vertical tubes inside the box and glue it.
  6. Lid
  7. We take a piece of cardboard and cut out a rectangle with a length equal to the length of the chest, and a width of 10-15 cm more than the width of the chest, depending on the future height of the lid. We bend the cardboard with an elastic band or wire, as in the photo.
  8. We circle the bend of the lid blank with a pencil on another cardboard, putting it on its side.
  9. We cut out two blanks of the sidewalls of the lid with newspaper tubes.
  10. We glue the three parts of the lid for the chest from the inside with the help of strips of paper 3-4 cm wide, bent at a corner. If necessary, then in some places we cut the strip.
  11. We braid the lid with tubes weaving "chintz".
  12. Having glued the ends of the tubes to the inside of the lid, we glue wooden planks to its edges from above.
  13. We collect the chest.
  14. We glue a strip of dense fabric (wide braid) at the junction of the lid and the box.
  15. Outside, the junction of the two parts is sealed with paper.
  16. We cover the inside of the box with thin white paper.
  17. If you glued the tubes from the outside to the bottom of the box, then close them by gluing cardboard. We make legs from coiled tubes.
  18. We cut out the fabric according to the size of the bottom of the chest and glue the lining.
  19. We paint the outer surfaces of the chest with paint and varnish in 2 layers. When weaving a chest with tubes from newspapers, upon completion of work, be sure to paint the product well with paint so that the text does not shine through.

Here we have such a beautiful chest!

We always try to make our home more comfortable and pleasant. Everyone knows that the beauty is in the little things. Every year, a lot of different idle trifles accumulate, which are pleasant with memorable memories and over time there is simply nowhere to store them. Of course, you can buy a beautiful basket or even a small chest of drawers for storage. But you can try to make things with your own hands that will give your home a special comfort and allow you to save a lot. And today we will try to make a chest of newspaper tubes.

Everyone is well aware of the various products made from wicker vines. The technology is rather complicated in execution, and it is not always possible to find a suitable vine. Even in the distant past, when the production of paper and newspapers ceased to be a luxury and became affordable, oriental craftsmen, mainly from Korea and Japan, came up with such an interesting and affordable technology that is popular to this day.

IN this master class we will introduce you to the technology of weaving chests and consider in detail each stage of work.

Let's start manufacturing

For work, we need the following material:

  • cardboard, a box of confectionery are perfect. Choose the size of the box according to the desired size of the chest. You will also need a cardboard piece for the lid;
  • many newspapers from which we will make tubes;
  • PVA glue good quality, paper and brushes;
  • dye desired color and varnish on wood;
  • fabric for interior decoration of the chest;
  • wide ribbon;
  • any details for decoration.

Prepared everything the right materials and we can get to work.

First, let's prepare the base. On the side of the box we make markings, draw vertical lines every 2 cm.

On each line we make small holes at a distance of 2-3 mm from the bottom, we fix the tubes in them and glue them to the bottom with glue.

On a note! If the chest is still not big size, you can glue the tubes to the bottom from the outside.

Carefully lift the tubes up and fix with improvised means, as in the photo:

And let's start weaving. Stretching horizontally paper straws and we start for a horizontal basis. In the course of weaving in each row, we alternate the passage in front and behind.

When you have reached the desired height of the chest, the upper vertical tubes must be wrapped into the inside of the box and glued. At this point, you can stop, you just get an open box. But since we are making a chest, we proceed to the manufacture of the lid.

We cut a rectangle out of cardboard along the length of the chest, and add 14-20 cm to the width. This will make the lid convex. And fix the cardboard. To make a curved cover, simply lean the side against the paper, circle it. We make two such identical parts and glue them with tubes.

We glue all the details of the lid with the inside with pieces of paper.

We braid the top of the lid in the same pattern as the chest itself.

We also glue the edges of the tubes to the inside and add wooden planks.

We connect all the details of the chest. We glue it in the middle with a dense braid, a strap from a backpack is well suited.

Glue the sides with paper or beautiful cloth such as lace material.

We also glue the inside of the chest with paper.

If you fixed the tubes to the outside, then you need to glue another layer of cardboard to the bottom.

We glue the inside with a fabric of a suitable color.

And we paint the chest well so that the newspaper seal does not shine through. After drying, open with varnish several times. And decorate with various details.

And here we have such a beautiful chest. A little patience, and a wonderful thing is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

We provide a selection of videos on the manufacture of various products in this way.

We continue to replenish our household with interior items in style. And today I will tell you how you can weave such a chest from old newspapers.

To perform such a task, mailboxes of the Russian Post are best suited in shape. They already have lids ready. They are sold by mail. I had such a box.

However, if you do not have such a box, then it's okay. Absolutely any box to which you can attach the lid with just tape will do.

Carefully cut off the lid on all sides and get this box:

If you had a box without a lid, then just stick it to the box with strips of tape so that it closes and opens freely.

We turn the box over and glue paper tubes, future racks, to its bottom around the entire perimeter. I just do it with tape.

How to make paper tubes, I wrote in detail.

Please note that a special stand should be glued in each corner of the box so that the corners of the future chest are even and neat.

The smaller the distance between the uprights, the finer the weaving will turn out. I considered the optimal distance of 4 cm.

Again we put the box on its bottom, bend the racks vertically upwards and fasten them with clothespins to the top of the box.

From the side of the lid, it will not be possible to fix the racks with clothespins, therefore, during weaving, it will be necessary to constantly ensure that they are located vertically upwards and stand evenly.

At the bottom of the box during weaving, you need to put something heavy so that it does not move, and so that it is more convenient to weave.

I have written many times about how to braid the box, so I will not repeat myself. It can be seen and .

We hide the ends of the racks inside the weave. How to do this can also be found in the above messages.

Now we have to braid the lid. To do this, on the fold of the inner side of the cover, we make marks for future racks.

We pierce holes with a thick knitting needle and thread the racks into them so that the rack itself is on the outside of the lid, and its tip is brought out to the inside.

Please note that on both sides you need to put an additional rack along the edges of the cover.

We glue the ends of the racks on the inside of the cover with adhesive tape:

From the outside of the rack, straighten it and attach with clothespins to the top of the cover.

We start from the extreme stand to weave with a rope in the forward and reverse direction (I wrote how to do this).

We weave a rectangle equal in size to our cover. We finish weaving and hide the racks inside the weaving.

Then, on the outside of the cover on three sides, we glue new racks with tape.

Important: racks should not be glued to the very edge of the cover, but at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm from it.

Please note that separate posts must be attached to the corners of the cover.

Now we have to do a very dreary, but necessary procedure. It is necessary to pull each rack through the weave so as to connect the cover and weave together.

We braid the extreme rack with working tubes and begin to weave around our cover:

We reach the end, unfold the working tubes and weave in the opposite direction:

Weave like this until our weaving is equal to the outer walls of our chest. Usually 2-3 rows are enough for this.

After trying on, we turn our chest on the lid. We bend the racks vertically upwards and continue to weave further around the chest, but already in the vertical direction.

At the very beginning it will be a little difficult, but after the second or third row everything is getting better.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that the racks stand straight and vertical. Otherwise, weaving will not be neat.

Weave like this until the edges of our cover reach the height we need. Usually 5 - 7 cm is enough.

We finish weaving and hide inside its ends of the racks.

Now take three thin tubes, fasten them on one side with a clothespin and weave a small pigtail. We will need it in order to make a loop.

Strengthen the bottom of the chest by gluing an additional piece of cardboard to it:

If you want your chest to look like a natural wicker product, then it is best to paint it with wood stain. However, in this case, I needed a white chest, so I painted it with white enamel for once.

When our chest is dry, you can start pasting it from the inside. I took fabric for this, but you can take paper or wallpaper.

First, glue the back wall and the inside of the lid in one piece. It is best to glue on PVA glue.

Please note that the ends of the fabric on the inside of the lid go beyond its borders. Then we will fold them up and slide them in between the weave and the lid so that everything is neat.

Now carefully tuck the ends of the fabric between the lid and the weave. It was for this that we left 1 - 1.5 cm from the edge of the lid when we attached the racks.

We coat the gap with Moment glue and put the load on for a while to properly fix the edges.

At the same time, we also glue the loop, inserting it in the middle of the lid between the tucked edge of the fabric and weaving.

When the loop is glued, we will begin to fasten the clasp.

We close the chest as it should be closed and with a thick knitting needle we pierce a hole through and through in the middle of our loop:

Anything can serve as a clasp: a button, a bead, a pom-pom, a spool... whatever your imagination tells you. I wanted to make a clasp like this button on a lace:

Now we can continue pasting the inside of our chest. It was more convenient for me to paste over the remaining three walls with one strip of fabric. You may find it more convenient to paste them separately.

One thing is important: the upper end of the fabric must have a margin so that it can be tucked in between the walls of the box and weaving:

This concludes today's master class. All creative success!

The article will present you with master classes and photos of finished works on making caskets from newspaper tubes.

Weaving a rectangular box and a box of newspaper tubes: master class, photo

Baskets and caskets woven from newspaper tubes have a special beauty and charm. Visually, this material resembles a natural vine. The advantage of such products is that for their manufacture you do not need to collect a vine and weave crafts, putting a lot of effort into this (this can be quite difficult and even traumatic).

Rolling a tube from a newspaper sheet is quite simple:

  • Flatten the sheet of newspaper
  • Take a long wooden skewer
  • Spread a sheet of newspaper with a layer of glue
  • Starting from a corner (any), start twisting the tube
  • Lubricate the edge of the tube well with glue and fix it tightly.
  • Thus, you should twist a lot of tubes from which you will weave the product.

There are several basic forms of "newspaper" caskets:

  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • oval
  • In the shape of a heart
  • Round

IMPORTANT: You can weave the base of the box yourself, but you can also make the base out of cardboard. Such cardboard should be double and its inner part can be covered with a cloth.

What can be stored in these boxes:

  • cosmetics
  • Decorations
  • Sewing kit
  • Keys
  • Kits for creativity and more

You can set the shape of the basket by putting something rectangular: a book, a notebook, a box, a package from something. The ends of each tube should be fastened with clothespins to the mold so that the process is easy. Neat and comfortable. You can also weave a lid on a woven box (it should be 1 cm larger than the box in diameter). Decorate the finished product according to your taste or in the style of your interior.

How to decorate a woven basket:

  • Paint with any acrylic paint
  • Open with varnish
  • Decorate with ribbons
  • decorate with lace
  • Glue rhinestones, bows, sparkles
  • Decorate in the style of "decoupage" or "scrapbooking", as well as much more!
Rectangular box made of newspaper tubes decorated in Japanese style

Video: "How to weave a chest of newspaper tubes?"

Weaving from newspaper tubes of a square box and box: patterns, patterns, description

A box woven from newspaper tubes can also have many of its successful uses:

  • For storing logs
  • For jewelry storage
  • For storing clean or dirty laundry
  • To store children's toys
  • For storage of writing utensils
  • For storing old photos and more.

You can decorate your interior with such wicker boxes and caskets. You can weave several identical products in different diameters: from small to large.

A row of identical boxes and caskets woven from newspaper tubes

Large weave box with clasp

The interior of the caskets (cardboard box covered with fabric)

How is a cardboard box tied with newspaper tubes?

In order to create beautiful patterns in weaving caskets, you will need schemes:

simple circuit for beginners Knitting pattern and bottom: detailed diagram What can be weaving: the most common patterns

Video: “Original box-box made of newspaper tubes”

Weaving caskets and boxes from newspaper tubes with a lid: patterns, patterns, description

A box or casket, woven from newspaper tubes, is very beautifully complemented by a lid. The lid can hide the contents of the box and decorate the product. The lid of the box can be decorated with pictures, photographs, bows, lace, ribbons and more.

In order for the lid to “fit” well on the box, it should be 1 cm larger in diameter than the box itself. You can also make a box with a hinged lid that will close with a hook or loop.

Box with hinged lid

Wicker box with a regular lid

What is important in weaving a casket or box. Description of work:

  • Prepare all materials in advance, having in stock a large number of newspaper sheets.
  • Wind a large number of straws to make your work easier
  • You can use any object of a suitable shape, for example, a book or a cardboard box, as a basis and form for tying.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of cardboard, as this will facilitate your work, but you can also weave it yourself. The wicker bottom is ideal for large items, storage boxes, for example.
  • To make the product neat, do not forget to attach the tubes to the form and carefully tie each twig.
  • Use a small metal needle or crochet hook to thread neatly through the tubes and tie beautiful knots.
What kind of weaving can be used to create a box: patterns

Video: "Weaving from newspapers: box, master class"

Weaving from newspaper tubes of an oval casket and box

This oval casket, woven from newspaper tubes and decorated to your liking, looks very gentle and original. Every needlewoman must have such a vintage box, because it is very practical to place any needlework kit in it: threads, fabrics, beads, beads and much more. Also, these boxes are useful for storing cosmetics and much more.

Weaving such a box is not difficult, because for the base you can take any shape: a glass, a cup, a plate, a jar, a vase. The bottom of the box can not be woven, but made of cardboard, covered with a cloth.

Round box decorated in vintage style

How to weave a round box?

Round box with lid

In creating beautiful caskets from the newspaper will help detailed diagrams weaving with job descriptions:

Weaving a round box or a dish from newspaper tubes: a diagram

Types of weaving, patterns, deep round box with cap

Round box and other products from newspaper tubes: weaving

Video: "Delicate box of newspaper tubes"

Weaving from newspaper tubes caskets and heart boxes

Weaving a heart-shaped box is a little more difficult, but quite realistic. To do this, you should use a heart-shaped cardboard base that can be covered with fabric.

Description of work:

  • Cut out two identical hearts from cardboard
  • The size of the hearts must match the preferred size of the box.
  • It is advisable to choose thick cardboard for work.
  • Roll up newspaper tubes
  • Using glue, glue the tubes around the entire diameter of the cardboard heart, fix with clothespins and hold them until the glue dries completely.
  • After removing the clothespins
  • Cover the second bottom with a cloth on one side, fix it with clothespins and glue it, let it dry.
  • Place the base form in the center of the cardboard base and start weaving by attaching the tips to the edge of the form.
  • After weaving is completed, attach the fabric-covered heart to the bottom of the box with glue.

The base of the box is in the shape of a heart and weaving tubes glued to it

Use a heart-shaped box as the basis for weaving the box.

Box of newspaper tubes in the shape of a heart

Video: “Box of newspaper tubes in the shape of a heart, with roses”

Weaving a round box and a box from newspaper tubes

A round box can become your favorite piece of furniture and personal storage, it can be kept in a visible place or hidden in a closet. Depending on your preferences, you can knit a product of any depth and diameter.

Large round box

Round box with lid decorated with flowers

Jewelry box in vintage style

In creating a beautiful box, you will need patterns for weaving newspaper tubes:

Patterned weaving patterns from newspaper tubes

Weaving methods: patterns

Video: “A round miracle box made of newspaper tubes”

Weaving from newspaper tubes boxes and boxes "apple"

The box "apple" looks very original and interesting. It is easy to store any little thing in such a box, it can also be used instead of a candy box or a key holder.

What is important to know, job description:

  • As a form or base, you can use the usual flower pot small size.
  • Thus, you can knit a product to increase volume.
  • When you reach the middle of the product, reduce the diameter of the weave and round off the edges.
  • The lid for the "apple" is a little more difficult to knit, you can make a regular flat lid or with a recess (hole) for the tail.

Box "apple" from newspapers

Weaving the box "apple"

Video: “Apple box from newspaper tubes” Caskets in different styles

Video: "Weaving from newspaper tubes: a master class"
