F m Dostoevsky summary of the work of a teenager. Teenager

F. M. Dostoevsky
Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, who is also a Teenager, tells in his notes about himself and recent events in which he was one of the main participants. He is twenty years old, he had just graduated from a gymnasium in Moscow, but he decided to postpone entering the university so as not to be distracted from the implementation of the cherished idea, which he had hatched almost from the sixth grade.
His idea is to become a Rothschild, that is, to accumulate a lot of money, and along with the money to gain power and solitude. With the people of Arkady, according to his confession,

It is difficult, he is lost, it seems to him that they are laughing at him, he begins to assert himself and becomes too expansive. The idea did not accidentally crept into his soul. Arkady is the illegitimate son of the well-born nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov and his yard, which gives rise to an inferiority complex in him, a proud and proud teenager. He bears a different surname - his formal father, also a courtyard Versilov, Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, but this is just another reason for humiliation - when meeting him, he is often asked again: Prince Dolgoruky?
Before the gymnasium, he was brought up in the boarding school of the Frenchman Touchard, where he suffered many humiliations because of his illegitimacy. All this made him especially impressionable and vulnerable. Once, having come to his half-brother, the legitimate son of Versilov, to receive money sent by his father, he was not received, although his brother was at home, the money was transferred through a footman, which caused a storm of indignation in Arcadia. His self-esteem is constantly on the alert and easily wounded, but, kind and enthusiastic by nature, with a friendly and benevolent attitude towards him, he quickly passes from resentment and hostility to love and adoration.
He comes to St. Petersburg at the invitation of his father to enter the service. In addition, his mother, meek and pious Sofya Andreevna, and sister Liza live there, and most importantly, his father, Andrey Petrovich Versilov, who belongs to the highest Russian cultural type of “worldwide support for all”. Versilov professes the idea of ​​spiritual nobility, the highest aristocracy of the spirit, considers the highest Russian cultural thought to be "the reconciliation of ideas" and "world citizenship".
In the heart of a teenager, he holds a huge place. Brought up by strangers, Arkady only once saw his father, and he made an indelible impression on him. “Each dream of mine, from childhood, resonated with them: hovered around him, reduced to him in the final result. I don’t know whether I hated or loved him, but he filled with himself my whole future, all my calculations for life. He thinks a lot about him, trying to understand what kind of person he is, he collects rumors and opinions about him from different people. Versilov is his ideal: beauty, intelligence, depth, aristocracy... And especially, nobility, which, nevertheless, is constantly questioned by Arkady.
Arkady arrives in St. Petersburg wary and aggressive towards Versilov. He wants to crush the slander against him, crush his enemies, but at the same time he suspects him of base and dishonorable deeds. He wants to know the whole truth about him. He heard a lot about his piety and passion for Catholicism, something is known about his proposal to Lidia Akhmakova, as well as about the slap in the face of Prince Sergei Sokolsky, to which Versilov did not respond. After some scandalous act, Versilov is expelled from high society, but everything is shrouded in fog and mystery.
Arkady is appointed secretary to ex friend Versilov, the old prince Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky, who becomes attached to an intelligent and impulsive young man. However, he soon resigns from his position out of pride, especially since the prince's daughter, the beautiful Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova, who has long been hostile to Versilov, accuses Arkady of espionage.
By chance, two important letters turn out to be in the hands of Arkady: from one it follows that the process won by Versilov about the inheritance with the princes Sokolsky can be revised not in his favor. The second, written by Katerina Nikolaevna, speaks of the dementia of her father, the old prince Sokolsky, and the need to take him into custody. The letter is capable of arousing the wrath of the old prince with dire consequences for the daughter, namely deprivation of inheritance. This “document”, around which the main intrigue revolves, is sewn up in the lining of Arkady’s coat, although he tells everyone, including Katerina Nikolaevna, that the letter was burned by his acquaintance Kraft (he gave it to Arkady), who soon shot himself.
The first explanation with Versilov leads to a temporary reconciliation, although Arkady's attitude towards his father remains wary. He acts as a demon-tempter, giving Versilov a letter of inheritance, believing that he will hide it, and justifying him in advance. In addition, in order to protect the honor of his father, he decides to challenge the same Prince Sergei Sokolsky, who once slapped Versilov, to a duel.
Arkady goes to his friend Vasin to ask him to be a second, and there he meets his stepfather, the swindler Stebelkov, from whom he learns about Versilov's infant from Lydia Akhmakova. Immediately in the next room, a scandal is played out, also in some mysterious way connected with Versilov. Soon, Arkady will find the continuation of this scandal at his mother's apartment, where he accidentally arrives at the same time as a young girl Olya, who angrily accuses Versilov of meanness and throws the money given to him, and a little later commits suicide. Trouble in the mind of a teenager. Versilov appears as a secret corrupter. After all, Arkady himself is the fruit of Versilov's sinful passion for someone else's wife, whom he takes away from her lawful husband. Where is the honor? Where is the debt? Where is the nobility?
Arkady finally expresses to his father everything that has accumulated in his soul over the years of humiliation, suffering and reflection, and announces his break with Versilov, so that he can then proudly retire to his corner and hide there. He does not leave the thought of a duel with Prince Sergei Sokolsky and challenges him, but he expresses his deep repentance and no less deep respect for Versilov himself. They part as great friends. Immediately it becomes known that Versilov renounced the inheritance in favor of the princes. It turns out that it was not his fault in Olya's suicide: they gave her money completely disinterestedly, as help, but she, who had already become the object of heinous attacks several times, misunderstood his act.
Two months pass, Arkady dressed up as a dandy and leads the most secular way of life, taking money from Prince Sergei Sokolsky on account of those that, as it were, rely on Versilov. His main hobby is playing roulette. He plays often, but that doesn't stop him. Versilov visits Arkady from time to time for a chat. The closest and most trusting relationship is established between father and son. knotted friendly relations at Arkady's and with Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova.
Meanwhile, it becomes known that the legitimate daughter of Versilov, the half-sister of Arkady Anna Andreevna, intends to marry the old prince Sokolsky and is extremely preoccupied with the question of the inheritance. For her, the document discrediting the daughter of Prince Akhmakova is important, and she is extremely interested in it.
One day, Katerina Nikolaevna appoints Arkady a meeting with his aunt Tatyana Pavlovna Prutkova. He flies winged and, finding her alone, is even more inspired, dreaming that he has an appointment for a love date. Yes, he suspected her of deceit, of wanting to know about the document, but now, fascinated by her innocence and cordiality, he admiringly composes a hymn to her beauty and chastity. She slightly pushes the young man who has become too excited, although she does not at all seek to extinguish the fire that has flared up in him.
In a semi-feverish state, Arkady plays roulette and wins a lot of money. During a hysterical explanation with Prince Serezha, who offended Arkady by turning away from him in the gambling hall, he learns that his sister Lisa is pregnant from the prince. Dumbfounded, Arkady gives him everything he has won. Arkady tells Versilov in every detail about his meeting with Akhmakova, and he sends her an angry, insulting letter. Arkady, having learned about the letter, in anguish seeks to explain himself to Katerina Nikolaevna, but she avoids him. Arkady plays roulette again and wins again, but he is unfairly accused of stealing other people's money and pushed out of the gambling hall.
Impressed by the humiliation he experienced, he falls asleep in the cold, he dreams of a boarding house, where he was offended by both Touchard and his friend Lambert, he wakes up from someone's blows and sees ... Lambert. An old friend brings him to him, gives him wine to drink, and Arkady, in a fit of frankness, tells him about the fatal document. From that moment on, the villain Lambert begins to weave his vile intrigues, trying to use Arcadia as well.
In turn, Prince Sergei Sokolsky, a kindly but weak-willed person, turns out to be somehow involved in the forgery of shares, which is carried out by the swindler Stebelkov, who also weaves his nets around the hero. Not devoid of conscience and honor, the prince goes to the police and confesses everything. Arrested, however, he commits another meanness - out of jealousy he informs on Vasin, who owns a certain seditious manuscript, given by him to Lisa and from her already got to Sokolsky. As a result, Vasin was also arrested.
On the same days, the seriously ill Arkady meets his legal father Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, a handsome and pious old man who collected money for the construction of the temple on his travels, and now, due to illness, he has stopped at Arkady's mother. During their conversations, the wise old man sheds light on his soul.
The arrival of the old prince Sokolsky with Anna Andreevna is expected, and they intend to place the prince in the same apartment where Arkady lives, in the hope that he will not stand it when he sees the prince in a state of fear and depression, and will show him Akhmakova’s letter. Meanwhile, Makar Ivanovich dies, as a result of which Versilov gets the opportunity to legally marry Arkady's mother. But a frenzied passion for Akhmakova flares up in him again, driving him to insanity. In front of the eyes of the whole family, he splits the icon especially dear to Sofya Andreevna, bequeathed to him by Makar Ivanovich, and leaves. Arkady looks for him and overhears Versilov's explanation with Akhmakova. He is shocked by his father's passion, in which love and hate fight. Akhmakova admits that she once loved him, but now she definitely doesn’t love him, and she marries Baron Bjoring because she will be calm for him.
Compassionate to the father and wanting to save him, hating and at the same time jealous of Akhmakova, entangled in own feelings, Arkady runs to Lambert and discusses with him actions against Akhmakova - in order to disgrace her. Lambert gets the Teenager soldered and at night, with the help of his mistress Alfonsinka, steals the document, sewing up an empty piece of paper instead.
The next day, the old prince Sokolsky arrives. Anna Andreevna is trying in every possible way to influence her brother, but Arkady, having repented after desperate frankness with Lambert, categorically refuses to act against Akhmakova. Meanwhile, Bjoring breaks into the apartment and takes the prince away by force. Now defending the honor of Anna Andreevna, Arkady tries to fight, but to no avail. They take him to the station.
Soon he is released, and he learns that Lambert and Versilov lured Katerina Nikolaevna to Arkady's aunt Tatyana Pavlovna. He hurries there and is in time at the most critical moments: Lambert, threatening with a document, and then with a revolver, extorts money from Akhmakova. At this moment, Versilov, who was hiding, runs out, takes away the revolver and stuns Lambert with it. Katerina Nikolaevna faints in horror. Versilov picks her up in his arms and senselessly carries her in his arms, and then lays his victim on the bed and, suddenly remembering the revolver, wants to shoot first at her, and then at himself. During the struggle with Arkady and Trishatov, who came to his aid, he tries to commit suicide, but he hits not in the heart, but in the shoulder.
After the crisis, Versilov stays with Sofya Andreevna, Akhmakov breaks up with Byoring, and the Teenager, who has not renounced his idea, now, however, “already in a completely different form,” is persuaded to enter the university. These notes, according to the hero, served for his re-education - "precisely the process of remembering and writing down."

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The works of such a famous classic as Fyodor Dostoevsky, the thinker of modern Russian classics, have not lost their relevance to this day. On the contrary, they are gaining more and more interest not only in the circles of researchers of Fyodor Mikhailovich's work, but also among young people and people of the older generation. Dostoyevsky's novel The Teenager was written in 1875 and was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski of the same year. The nature of this work is such that, willy-nilly, you will think not only about the abstract meaning of life, but about your own situation, your state of mind today. The novel, indeed, makes you think deeply about your life, and besides, it also helps to feel like a person who is searching and thinking. This is the impact the novel has on the millions of minds that read it.

The very first idea that catches the eye of the reader analyzing the work is, perhaps, the author's desire to reflect the relationship between fathers and children, their problems and ways out of problematic situations. And not only in private, but also on a larger scale - for example, the relationship between generations of fathers and children. The theme of religion and the relationship of a person to spiritual values ​​is also competently and successfully woven into the novel.

So, the development of relations, for the most part, takes place between two heroes - this is a teenager Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky (Arkady's surname was his formal father) and his father Andrei Petrovich Versilov. The main character, a teenager Arkady, is nineteen years old. By modern standards, at this age, people are already considered to be in their youthful years, and not adolescence. But F.M. Dostoevsky sees him as a teenager quite reasonably, because everyone around him considered Arkady as such. He was very indignant about this, saying: “What a teenager I am! Do they grow up at nineteen?”

By his age, Arkady had already graduated from the Moscow gymnasium, but he did not want to go further to study. Instead, he decided to realize his cherished dream - to become the richest person, such as, for example, Rothschild. Why did he want wealth? - you ask. And the answer will be this - he really wanted to be powerful and live a solitary life. “Why such a seemingly insane desire,” the reader involuntarily thinks. And the thing was that Arkady had problems in communicating with people. It always seemed to him that they were laughing at him, and he looked stupid. His character was, as is typical of all teenagers, prone to pride, pride and expansive radicalism.

So, after graduating from the gymnasium, Arkady moved to St. Petersburg, where he was invited by his own father Versilov to find a job, or as it used to be called "to enter the service." His mother, Sofya Andreevna, and his sister, Elizaveta Andreevna, also live in St. Petersburg. Father Versilov very actively preached Russian culture, all kinds of ideas of the spirituality of the Russian nobility, "world citizenship" and "reconciliation of ideas." Of course, such a person will serve as a significant authority for Arkady and occupy the main place in his life. After all, Versilov in the eyes of a teenager was not just a father, but also an ideological inspirer.

However, despite this attitude towards Versilov, Arkady still fell under the influence of gossip about his father. Therefore, he goes to St. Petersburg with some kind of internal tension and the task of finding out whether Versilov actually committed all those vile deeds that people's rumors ascribed to him. And so, having arrived, Arkady enters the service of a secretary to Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky, who used to be a friend of Versilov. After serving for a short time, Arkady leaves Sokolsky in his next outburst of pride and wounded pride, because Sokolsky's daughter accused him of espionage.

And then two letters fall into Arkady's hands. One of which is a notification that the inheritance lawsuit with the Sokolskys, which Versilov won, can be reviewed and the decision will clearly not be in favor of Arkady's father. And the second letter was from Sokolsky's daughter, Katerina Nikolaevna, and spoke of her father's dementia and that he needed custody. Such content of the letter could have made Sokolsky very angry and set him against his daughter. Arkady, however, did not lose his head and hid the second letter.

Helpful for young people

A story about a teenager who wanted to develop his relationship with his own father. After stormy scandals and experienced moral upheavals, the main character settles down his proud character and acquires life wisdom. Very philosophical and realistic story.

Further events and the scandal around Versilov and Lydia Akhmakova, who bore him an illegitimate child, finally stun Arkady. Moreover, he himself was an eyewitness to the scandal over Versilov. Arkady is devastated. He understands that his father, whom he almost idolized, is a dishonest man, a secret corrupter and a scoundrel. Therefore, Arkady decided to tell everything to his father and move away from him. But after some time he becomes convinced of the opposite, that Versilov is not guilty of anything, and Arkady calms down. Between father and son now, at last, a close relationship has been established.

After some time, Arkady became addicted to gambling and plays roulette. And, of course, he loses a lot. But one day he found out that his half-sister Anna Andreevna was going to marry Sokolsky and that she was very interested in his inheritance. And in order to decide everything in her favor, she is looking for any compromising evidence on Sokolsky's daughter. But he did not immediately tell her anything about the letter, which is still in his possession. After many events in a drunken delirium, he tells about this letter to an old friend Lambert, who also decided to weave his nets around the opportunity to warm his hands on Sokolsky's money.

Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, the formal father of Arkady, is woven into all these intricacies around profit and meanness. He was a very well-behaved and wise elder who collected alms for the construction of the temple. In moments of wise and instructive conversations for Arkady with Makar Ivanovich, life-giving light poured into the young soul of the young man. A little later, Makar Ivanovich dies. Versilov's father leaves his family and runs to his old passion Akhmakova, Sokolsky's daughter, who rejects him. And Akrkadiya finally decides to take revenge on Akhmakova for her heartfelt mockery of Versilov. He goes to Lambert to discuss a plan for revenge with the help of a preserved letter.

Lambert, having drunk the poor teenager, steals a letter from him and, together with Versilov, lures Akhmakova to Tatyana Pavlovna, Arkady's aunt. The remorseful teenager finds out about this and rushes headlong to her to stop Lambert's plan. Arriving at the place, he finds such a picture: Lambert, threatening with a revolver and with a letter, demanded money from Akhmakova. The outcome of such a tense situation is decided with the help of one strange act of Versilov, who suddenly turns out to be lurking outside the door. He snatched the revolver from Lambert. I decided first to shoot myself at Akhmakov, but then he nevertheless chose himself, intending to shoot at his own heart. Arkady rushed to save his father, Trishatov helped him. Versilov still shoots in the struggle, but hits himself in the shoulder.

In his notes, Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky (teenager) talks about himself, as well as about his life, and those people who were in his life.

In the first entries, he wrote that he was twenty years old, and that he was a high school student who graduated from an institution in Moscow. But he decided to postpone entering the university, as he had many plans for a long time that he wanted to implement. And this took time. One of his ideas, which has been in his mind for many years, is to acquire lots and lots of money, so that he becomes a Rothschild, a fabulously rich man. Since he really wanted to become more powerful and be independent. But he was not very good at communicating with people, and therefore it always seemed to him that they were laughing at him. Because he was illegitimate, because of this he endured so much he endured. He came to St. Petersburg at the invitation of his father, and there he entered the service. When he saw his own father, he changed his mind about him and began to admire him.

After all, as it turned out, his father had everything that his son would always like to have - money, power, wealth and position, and in addition - the father had the character that his son would like to have.

All these moments in the life of his father and Arkady - changed the teenager himself, because in that part of his life when he lived with his own father, he learned a lot - he saw real life, all real problems. I began to truly understand the nature of people in real life, and their motives, more hidden.

Picture or drawing

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Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky


Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, who is also a Teenager, tells in his notes about himself and recent events in which he was one of the main participants. He is twenty years old, he had just graduated from a gymnasium in Moscow, but he decided to postpone entering the university so as not to be distracted from the implementation of the cherished idea, which he had hatched almost from the sixth grade.

His idea is to become a Rothschild, that is, to accumulate a lot of money, and along with the money to gain power and solitude. According to him, it is difficult for Arkady with people, he is lost, it seems to him that they are laughing at him, he begins to assert himself and becomes too expansive. The idea did not accidentally crept into his soul. Arkady is the illegitimate son of the well-born nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov and his yard, which gives rise to an inferiority complex in him, a proud and proud teenager. He bears a different surname - his formal father, also a courtyard Versilov, Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, but this is just another reason for humiliation - when meeting him, he is often asked again: Prince Dolgoruky?

Before the gymnasium, he was brought up in the boarding house of the Frenchman Touchard, where he suffered many humiliations because of his illegitimacy. All this made him especially impressionable and vulnerable. Once, having come to his half-brother, the legitimate son of Versilov, to receive money sent by his father, he was not received, although his brother was at home, the money was transferred through a footman, which caused a storm of indignation in Arcadia. His self-esteem is constantly on the alert and easily wounded, but, kind and enthusiastic by nature, with a friendly and benevolent attitude towards him, he quickly passes from resentment and hostility to love and adoration.

He comes to St. Petersburg at the invitation of his father to enter the service. In addition, his mother, meek and pious Sofya Andreevna, and sister Liza live there, and most importantly, his father, Andrey Petrovich Versilov, who belongs to the highest Russian cultural type of “worldwide support for all”. Versilov professes the idea of ​​spiritual nobility, the highest aristocracy of the spirit, considers the highest Russian cultural thought to be "the reconciliation of ideas" and "world citizenship".

In the heart of a teenager, he holds a huge place. Brought up by strangers, Arkady only once saw his father, and he made an indelible impression on him. “Each dream of mine, from childhood, resonated with them: hovered around him, reduced to him in the final result. I don’t know whether I hated or loved him, but he filled with himself my whole future, all my calculations for life. He thinks a lot about him, trying to understand what kind of person he is, he collects rumors and opinions about him from different people. Versilov is his ideal: beauty, intelligence, depth, aristocracy... And especially, nobility, which, nevertheless, is constantly questioned by Arkady.

Arkady arrives in St. Petersburg wary and aggressive towards Versilov. He wants to crush the slander against him, crush his enemies, but at the same time he suspects him of base and dishonorable deeds. He wants to know the whole truth about him. He heard a lot about his piety and passion for Catholicism, something is known about his proposal to Lidia Akhmakova, as well as about the slap in the face of Prince Sergei Sokolsky, to which Versilov did not respond. After some scandalous act, Versilov is expelled from high society, but everything is shrouded in fog and mystery.

Arkady is appointed secretary to Versilov's former friend, the old prince Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky, who becomes attached to an intelligent and impulsive young man. However, he soon resigns from his position out of pride, especially since the prince's daughter, the beautiful Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova, who has long been hostile to Versilov, accuses Arkady of espionage.

By chance, two important letters turn out to be in the hands of Arkady: from one it follows that the process won by Versilov about the inheritance with the princes Sokolsky can be revised not in his favor. The second, written by Katerina Nikolaevna, speaks of the dementia of her father, the old prince Sokolsky, and the need to take him into custody. The letter is capable of arousing the wrath of the old prince with dire consequences for the daughter, namely deprivation of inheritance. This “document”, around which the main intrigue revolves, is sewn up in the lining of Arkady’s coat, although he tells everyone, including Katerina Nikolaevna, that the letter was burned by his acquaintance Kraft (he gave it to Arkady), who soon shot himself.

The first explanation with Versilov leads to a temporary reconciliation, although Arkady's attitude towards his father remains wary. He acts as a demon-tempter, giving Versilov a letter of inheritance, believing that he will hide it, and justifying him in advance. In addition, in order to protect the honor of his father, he decides to challenge the same Prince Sergei Sokolsky, who once slapped Versilov, to a duel.

Arkady goes to his friend Vasin to ask him to be a second, and there he meets his stepfather, the swindler Stebelkov, from whom he learns about baby Versilov from Lidia Akhmakova. Immediately in the next room, a scandal is played out, also in some mysterious way connected with Versilov. Soon Arkady will find the continuation of this scandal at his mother's apartment, where he accidentally arrives at the same time as the young girl Olya, who angrily accuses Versilov of meanness and throws the money given to him, and a little later commits suicide. Trouble in the mind of a teenager. Versilov appears as a secret corrupter. After all, Arkady himself is the fruit of Versilov's sinful passion for someone else's wife, whom he takes away from her lawful husband. Where is the honor? Where is the debt? Where is the nobility?

Arkady finally expresses to his father everything that has accumulated in his soul over the years of humiliation, suffering and reflection, and announces his break with Versilov, so that he can then proudly retire to his corner and hide there. He does not leave the thought of a duel with Prince Sergei Sokolsky and challenges him, but he expresses his deep repentance and no less deep respect for Versilov himself. They part as great friends. Immediately it becomes known that Versilov renounced the inheritance in favor of the princes. It turns out that it was not his fault in Olya's suicide: they gave her money completely disinterestedly, as help, but she, who had already become the object of heinous attacks several times, misunderstood his act.

Two months pass, Arkady dressed up as a dandy and leads the most secular lifestyle, taking money from Prince Sergei Sokolsky at the expense of those that, as it were, rely on Versilov. His main hobby is playing roulette. He plays often, but that doesn't stop him. Versilov visits Arkady from time to time for a chat. The closest and most trusting relationship is established between father and son. Friendly relations are established with Arkady and with Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova.

Meanwhile, it becomes known that the legitimate daughter of Versilov, the half-sister of Arkady Anna Andreevna, intends to marry the old prince Sokolsky and is extremely preoccupied with the question of the inheritance. For her, the document discrediting the daughter of Prince Akhmakova is important, and she is extremely interested in him.

Once Katerina Nikolaevna appoints Arkady a meeting with his aunt Tatyana Pavlovna Prutkova. He flies inspired and, finding her alone, is even more inspired, dreaming that he has an appointment for a love date. Yes, he suspected her of deceit, of wanting to know about the document, but now, fascinated by her innocence and cordiality, he admiringly composes a hymn to her beauty and chastity. She slightly pushes the young man who has become too excited, although she does not at all seek to extinguish the fire that has flared up in him.

In a semi-feverish state, Arkady plays roulette and wins a lot of money. During a hysterical explanation with Prince Serezha, who offended Arkady by turning away from him in the gambling hall, he learns that his sister Lisa is pregnant from the prince. Dumbfounded, Arkady gives him everything he won. Arkady tells Versilov in every detail about his meeting with Akhmakova, and he sends her an angry, insulting letter. Arkady, having learned about the letter, in anguish seeks to explain himself to Katerina Nikolaevna, but she avoids him. Arkady plays roulette again and wins again, but he is unfairly accused of stealing other people's money and pushed out of the gambling hall.

Impressed by the humiliation he experienced, he falls asleep in the cold, he dreams of a boarding house, where he was offended by both Touchard and his friend Lambert, he wakes up from someone's blows and sees ... Lambert. An old friend brings him to him, gives him wine to drink, and Arkady, in a fit of frankness, tells him about the fatal document. From that moment on, the villain Lambert begins to weave his vile intrigues, trying to use Arcadia as well.

In turn, Prince Sergei Sokolsky, a kindly but weak-willed person, turns out to be somehow involved in the forgery of shares, which is carried out by the swindler Stebelkov, who also weaves his nets around the hero. Not devoid of conscience and honor, the prince goes to the police and confesses everything. Arrested, however, he commits another meanness - out of jealousy, he informs on Vasin, who owns a certain seditious manuscript, given by him to Liza and from her already got to Sokolsky. As a result, Vasin was also arrested.

On the same days, the seriously ill Arkady meets his legal father Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky, a handsome and pious old man who collected money for the construction of the temple on his travels, and now, due to illness, he has stopped at Arkady's mother. During their conversations, the wise old man sheds light on his soul.

The arrival of the old prince Sokolsky with Anna Andreevna is expected, and they intend to place the prince in the same apartment where Arkady lives, in the hope that he will not stand it when he sees the prince in a state of fear and depression, and will show him Akhmakova’s letter. Meanwhile, Makar Ivanovich dies, as a result of which Versilov gets the opportunity to legally marry Arkady's mother. But a frenzied passion for Akhmakova flares up in him again, driving him to insanity. In front of the eyes of the whole family, he splits the icon especially dear to Sofya Andreevna, bequeathed to him by Makar Ivanovich, and leaves. Arkady looks for him and overhears Versilov's explanation with Akhmakova. He is shocked by his father's passion, in which love and hate fight. Akhmakova admits that she once loved him, but now she definitely doesn’t love him, and she marries Baron Bjoring because she will be calm for him.

Sympathizing with his father and wanting to save him, hating and at the same time jealous of Akhmakova, confused in his own feelings, Arkady runs to Lambert and discusses with him actions against Akhmakova in order to disgrace her. Lambert gets the Teenager soldered and at night, with the help of his mistress Alfonsinka, steals the document, sewing up an empty piece of paper instead.

The next day, the old prince Sokolsky arrives. Anna Andreevna is trying in every possible way to influence her brother, but Arkady, having repented after desperate frankness with Lambert, categorically refuses to act against Akhmakova. Meanwhile, Bjoring breaks into the apartment and takes the prince away by force. Now defending the honor of Anna Andreevna, Arkady tries to fight, but to no avail. They take him to the station.

Soon he is released, and he learns that Lambert and Versilov lured Katerina Nikolaevna to Arkady's aunt Tatyana Pavlovna. He hurries there and is in time at the most critical moments: Lambert, threatening with a document, and then with a revolver, extorts money from Akhmakova. At this moment, Versilov, who was hiding, runs out, takes away the revolver and stuns Lambert with it. Katerina Nikolaevna faints in horror. Versilov picks her up in his arms and senselessly carries her in his arms, and then lays his victim on the bed and, suddenly remembering the revolver, wants to shoot first at her, and then at himself. During the struggle with Arkady and Trishatov, who came to his aid, he tries to commit suicide, but he hits not in the heart, but in the shoulder.

After the crisis, Versilov remains with Sofya Andreevna, Akhmakov breaks up with Björing, and the Teenager, who has not renounced his idea, now, however, “already in a completely different form,” is persuaded to enter the university. These notes, according to the hero, served for his re-education - "precisely the process of remembering and writing down."

Nineteen-year-old teenager Arkady Dolgoruky, the illegitimate son of the nobleman Versilov, aka Teenager, keeps a diary of his growing up. The young man is obsessed with the idea of ​​accumulating a fortune, and at the same time power and solitude. The guy is brought up in a boarding house of a French immigrant, where he suffers from the fact that he is fatherless. These accusations make the boy especially impressionable and vulnerable, because his blood relatives constantly ignore him, preferring to communicate with him through a messenger or lackey. Such an attitude torments the pride of a teenager, however, a benevolent attitude towards him gives rise to love and adoration in his soul.

Later, his father invites him to serve in St. Petersburg, but the teenager perceives his father warily and aggressively, considering his father's actions unworthy and dishonorable. Arkady gets a job as a secretary for Prince Sokolsky, with whom his father's relationship can be called strained. Here the guy meets Katerina Nikolaevna, the daughter of Prince Sokolsky, with whom he subsequently develops friendly relations. However, Versilov is trying to improve relations with his son and gives him a letter of inheritance, which says that Prince Sokolsky is weak in mind and he needs a guardian who will receive the entire princely inheritance. Arkady wants to protect his father's honor and challenges Sokolsky to a duel, but he refuses to duel, expressing high respect to the father of a teenager. Arkady parted ways with Prince Sokolsky as great friends.

Once Katerina makes an appointment with Arkady, he comes to her, guessing that the prince's daughter wants to find out about the inheritance document. The young man is heated, but the princess is in no hurry to extinguish his flame of passion. In this state, Arkady goes to play roulette, where he wins a lot of money. The young man quarrels with Katerina in an attempt to unite with her, Arkady is expelled from the gambling hall on suspicion of stealing other people's money. From such humiliations, he falls asleep on the street and he dreams of the boarding house in which he spent his childhood and friend Lambert. It turns out that he did not dream of a friend, soon Lambert begins to weave intrigues against a teenager. After that, Arkady meets his legal father.

Soon Arkady's legal father dies, and Versilov gets the opportunity to marry the teenager's mother. But, alas, the prince is too carried away by the young Akhmakova, who does not love him and is going to marry Baron Bjoring. Arkady, in a desire to save his father from an unsuccessful marriage and at the same time jealous of the girl for her father, asks Lambert to disgrace Akhmakova. But the conspiracy turns against him, Lambert steals Arkady's inheritance paper, replacing it with a blank sheet.

Later, Arkady learns that Lambert, threatening her with a hereditary document, and later with a revolver, is extorting money from Akhmakova. Prince Versilov saves Akhmakova by stunning Lambert and taking his revolver. A frustrated Versilov tries to take his own life, but misses and a bullet hits him in the shoulder.

After these events, the prince remains with Arkady's mother, Akhmakova breaks off relations with Baron Byoring, and the Teenager enters the university.


Teenager What is the typical meaning of "Teenager" The history of the creation of the novel "The Teenager" by Dostoevsky Composition based on Dostoevsky's novel "Teenager" The hero of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Teenager" The idea of ​​the fantastic in the poem-novel "Teenager"

It can be said about Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky that he is the "mind, honor and advice" of his era, the great thinker of Russian classics. The problems of the society he shows are very relevant for us today. Of course, he is the same person with vices and passions and as dual as his heroes, whom he always describes with big love and understanding, but constantly waging a struggle, and, above all, with himself.

Isn't that what The Teenager is about? The summary of this work will not give a complete picture, but it will shed light on many aspects of the life of people who, like many, many years ago, are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of money: honor, name and position.

Pure psychology and realism

The novel "Teenager" is not simple in the plot, summary which indicates that, without understanding his internal problems, a person often either commits suicide. From nobility to meanness, he always has one step left. In an instant, he can execute or pardon, denigrate or justify, and sometimes not immediately understand where the truth is and where the lie is.

Critics very often accused Dostoevsky of describing his characters and the difficult moments in which his characters found themselves too realistically. From ill-wishers, the writer openly received hints that he himself could be an accomplice in some not very personal situations, and perhaps even criminal events.

F.M. was a very difficult person. Dostoevsky. "Teenager" (a brief summary of the work will be discussed a little later) fully demonstrates this statement of fact.


In the work, which will be discussed further, the main character is a slightly naive, conceited, vulnerable, intelligent and impulsive teenager. It is not in vain that Dostoevsky saturates the chapters of the novel with some deep philosophy of fascinating ideas from a variety of people. Each person lives by his own ideal - political, religious, love, economic, etc. Everything depends on its culture, moral and spiritual development. Main character also adheres to one idea - by all means get rich. But more on that later.

Dostoevsky, "Teenager": a summary

The very first thing that catches your eye when analyzing the work is the eternal problem of “fathers and children”, because two heroes are put in the foreground - a twenty-year-old young man Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, who bore the name of his formal father Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky, a courtyard of the Versilov family , and the father of Arkady is the nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov. The young man's mother, Sofya Andreevna, was also a courtyard, later bought from Dolgoruky by Versilov, who lived with him and bore him two more children - Liza and another boy who died early in illness. From these events, she aged very early, grief was always visible on her face.

Arkady Makarovich was a "bastard" - a very sweet teenager with a clear outlook on life. A brief summary about him tells that, having graduated from the Moscow gymnasium, he did not want to continue to study. Before the gymnasium, he studied at the French boarding house Touchara and there he suffered a lot of humiliation and bullying from his peers precisely because of his illegitimacy, and then because of the name Dolgoruky. In society, when he introduced himself, he was always asked again: “Prince?”. It just pissed him off. Because of this, the guy grew up very impressionable. Now his dream has become the desire to get rich, like Rothschild. This would give him power over other people and a free, solitary life. As is already clear, this is precisely what Dostoevsky focuses on. "Teenager", a summary and analysis of which will be considered as events unfold, as a work is quite difficult to understand. Nevertheless…


Once Arkady appeared on the threshold of the house of the legitimate son of Versilov, but only in order to receive money sent from his father. His brother did not accept him, but only gave him the money through a servant. Arkady was indignant. His pride in such cases was very easily wounded, however, kind and enthusiastic by nature, he quickly calmed down and immediately turned to love and adoration when he was treated politely and in a good way.

With his brother, he will then establish a relationship. He always had some problems in communicating with people, it often seemed to him that they were laughing at him and playing tricks. And he, like any young man, was proud and proud and demanded a proper attitude towards himself.


And finally, he came home to his parents in St. Petersburg. His father invited him because he found a job for him. Versilov Sr. preached all sorts of ideas of "world citizenship", Russian culture and "the reconciliation of ideas." For Arkady Makarovich, he was the only authority and the main ideological inspirer, for whom he was ready to fight in a duel.

However, despite all this, he goes to St. Petersburg with some caution, as there are bad rumors about his father, and he wants to find out if everything is really so.

fatal letter

However, only a little later Dostoevsky will reveal to us all the secrets of the novel "The Teenager". The summary notes that Arkady immediately gets a job as a secretary to his father's friend, Prince Sokolsky Nikolai Ivanovich. After serving a little with him, he leaves, since his daughter Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova accused him of espionage - he simply could not stand such an insult.

A little earlier, two documents fell into his hands, one of them is a document stating that the elder Versilov won the lawsuit with Sokolsky, but it can be revised at any moment, and the decision can become directly opposite.

The second document was given to him by Kraf, who soon shot himself. The paper was a letter in which it was said that the daughter of Prince Sokolsky considers her father to be weak-minded, who, due to old age unable to make independent decisions, and therefore he needs guardianship. Such a letter, if it fell into the hands of the old prince, would cause a huge scandal and could set the father against his daughter.

"Teenager": a summary in parts

At the same time, the younger Versilov constantly collects all sorts of information about his father and eventually realizes that his benevolent parent is not really who he claims to be. Gossip around a crazy woman who committed suicide added fuel to the fire. Then there was a child whom another person allegedly gave birth to from him. Then some kind of secret relationship arose with Katerina Ivanovna Akhmakova. With the thought that his father was a lustful man, a scoundrel and a scoundrel, Arkady Makarovich wanted to leave him. But then some false moments came to light, and then the father and son showed condescension to each other. Moreover, they even became close to each other.

Once Katerina Nikolaevna invited Arkady to meet her aunt Tatyana Pavlovna Prutkova. He meets her all alone and is immediately inspired by this meeting. It seems to him that he was appointed a love date. He assumed that this lady was treacherous because of the compromising letter, but she disarmed him with her innocence and cordiality. Dolgoruky was completely fascinated by her, but she pushed him away, although she did not try to extinguish the passion that had flared up in him.


Meanwhile, the summary of Dostoevsky's novel "The Teenager" increasingly confuses the plot with its riddles and secrets.

For some time, while living in St. Petersburg, Arkady became addicted to playing roulette and began to lose a lot, while he borrowed money from the son of the old man Sokolsky Sergey, who got confused in life. Even in the service, he was engaged in scams, for which his colleague was unfairly slandered. Then he met with Liza, the sister of Arkady, but at the same time he secretly and passionately loved Akhmakova, whom he wanted to marry.

Arkady found out about everything and immediately decided to put an end to all debts, giving him everything he occupied. Poor Liza, however, soon became pregnant. Nervous system the prince could not stand it, the disease overcame him, he was put in prison for old deeds, and there he died. Lisa had a miscarriage at four months, she lay ill for half a year, but then went on the mend.

And then Arkady finds out that his Anna Andreevna was going to marry the old prince Sokolsky (in this case she is looking for profit, and therefore she really wants to receive a letter compromising the prince's daughter). After all, then she will be able to “warm her hands” well on the inheritance, leaving the daughter of her chosen one without an inheritance.

Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky

Dostoevsky's "Teenager" (a summary of the chapters) literally saturates with new and new people - swindlers and blackmailers. Almost everyone joins in the search for Ekaterina Akhmakova's letter, except for one - Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky, the courtyard who is recorded as Arkady's father. He once appears in Versilov's house. He was a very pleasant person, and he was valued as a wise and interesting narrator of edifying conversations and a God-fearing person who collected alms for the construction of the temple. He came to them quite sick and exhausted, and soon died. In the short time that he was in their house, Arkady became very attached to him. He considered him better and cleaner than everyone around him. It was this simple man who shed the life-giving light of spirituality and love into his soul.

Mysterious Escape

At the same time, Versilov's father realizes that the formal husband of his humble wife Sophia, with whom he lived for many years, has died, and now she is free. However, he runs away to his longtime beloved widow Katerina Akhmakova and asks for her hand in marriage. He literally goes crazy with love for her, but gets rejected.

Arkady, having heard unpleasant things from his fellow swindler Lambert about Katerina Akhmakova, wants to avenge his father and, finally, give her a letter, but on the condition that she becomes his wife (as Lambert advised him). In addition, he certainly wants his father to secretly observe this picture, so that his vision in it perfect image women collapsed in an instant, because the big money of her inheritance is at stake.

Dostoevsky built the whole main intrigue on this. "Teenager", the summary of which will be continued, is a novel with an unpredictable denouement. However, let's get ready for the most important thing.


Once Arkady came once again to Lambert to discuss his plan, but the latter, after getting him drunk, steals from him a letter sewn into the floor of his coat, and runs to the elder Versilov.

At the same time, the younger one, having sobered up from champagne, goes to Tatyana Pavlovna and says that he wants to give the letter into the hands of Katerina Ivanovna herself and put an end to this matter. However, everything collapsed when he found out that he no longer had the letter. The fact that Akhmakova has already left to meet them, Lambert and Versilov find out and immediately enter the game. While Arkady and Tatyana Pavlovna have left the house, Lambert is trying to blackmail Katerina Ivanovna, but she categorically refuses to fulfill his conditions. Meanwhile, in another room, Versilov is watching this whole picture. He does not need money, he just wants to see how a woman will behave in this very delicate and dangerous situation and to what a critical point of meanness Katerina can reach for the sake of money. However, the lady literally spits in Lambert's face, who abruptly grabs a revolver and tries to shoot her. At this point Andrey Petrovich's heart failed, and he rushed at Lambert. A shot rang out... Lambert lay on the floor like he was dead.


How famously F. M. Dostoevsky twisted the plot! "Teenager", the brief content of which comes to the very denouement, is coming to an end.

Then Arkady runs in and sees that his father is twirling a revolver and wants to shoot Akhmakova, who has fainted from horror, and then himself. But Arkady was able to prevent all this by appearing on the threshold with Tatyana Pavlovna in time, but his father manages to shoot himself in the shoulder. Lambert is alive, he gets up and runs away.

As a magnificent detective, F. M. Dostoevsky ends his novel. The Teenager, whose summary keeps the reader in suspense until the very end, tells that after all these terrible scenes the letter was returned to Akhmakova, her wedding with Byoring was upset because he found out about some of her secret meetings with Arkady. The elder Versilov returned to his family, and this story with a shot in the shoulder turned into ridiculous rumors that practically disappeared. The whole family lived peacefully and happily. Akhmakova began to live in Paris and sometimes corresponded with Arkasha.

In the novel "Teenager", a summary of the chapters well tracks the character and behavior of the protagonist, who during this time managed to grow up and go to university. He considered all the events that had taken place to be a very good experience and an effective lesson in the re-education of his personality.
