Fig whether us, beautiful ladies! Figli us beautiful women to read.

Fig whether us, beautiful ladies!

You are like an echo of a forgotten anthem In my black and wild fate.

A. Blok

Part 1

Dan, what are you doing?

- Didn't understand?

- Why are you staring at this aunt?

Danila smiled at the bride.

“I don't stare at anyone. Just thought.

- Yes, not about what, but about whom.

- And about whom? Ilona asked coquettishly.

- About you, of course! Are you jealous?

- And how! But, of course, not to this aunt!

- And in my opinion, she is not an aunt at all.

Ilona smiled...

- Well then? Same!

But Danila was cunning. He couldn't take his eyes off the woman's face. And he said about age, just so that twenty-two-year-old Ilona would calm down. The woman was well over thirty. Dark skin, huge eyes, a sensual mouth and a tired, detached expression. I wonder what color her eyes are? Probably green. It's not visible from here. And also amazingly beautiful hands with large rings. She slowly drank coffee from a large cup and lazily picked at some dessert with a spoon. Waiting for someone?

- Dan, I'll go for a minute ...

- Go, but not for long, otherwise I will miss you.

God, what a woman! wedding ring can not see. She felt his gaze, raised her fantastic eyes, which turned out to be blue, and smiled almost imperceptibly. Not to him, no. Yes, she does not need me for three hundred years. And I would for such a fire and water. I wonder what her hair is? The woman was wearing some kind of complex bandage, with a large knot near the left ear. But then she looked at her watch, took out her phone, dialed a number.

– Hello! Joseph Markovich? Hello, this is Ariadne.

What Ariadne was talking about with Iosif Markovich, he no longer heard.

- Danka, will you despise me if I order ice cream?

- Yes! I will scorn you! But so that you do not suffer from my contempt, I will order myself a tiramisu!

Danka, I love you!

– Mutually, girl!

A waiter approached Ariadne, she paid him off and stood up. Danila was surprised, she turned out to be of medium height. And he thought she was tall.

“Stylish little thing,” Ilona remarked.

- Do you find it?

- Yes! Heels would be a little higher. Although at her age it is already difficult ...

A wave of dull irritation swept over Danila. But he held back.

The woman left. The feeling of irreparable loss squeezed his heart. Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty...

Ilona enjoyed eating ice cream.

Current page: 1 (total book has 10 pages) [available reading excerpt: 3 pages]

Ekaterina Vilmont
Fig whether us, beautiful ladies!

© Vilmont E. N., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

You are like an echo of a forgotten anthem In my black and wild fate.

A. Blok

Part 1

Dan, what are you doing?

- Didn't understand?

- Why are you staring at this aunt?

Danila smiled at the bride.

“I don't stare at anyone. Just thought.

- Yes, not about what, but about whom.

- And about whom? Ilona asked coquettishly.

- About you, of course! Are you jealous?

- And how! But, of course, not to this aunt!

“I don't think she's an aunt at all.

Ilona smiled.

- Well, that's it!

But Danila was cunning. He couldn't take his eyes off the woman's face. And he said about age, just so that twenty-two-year-old Ilona would calm down. The woman was well over thirty. Dark skin, huge eyes, a sensual mouth and a tired, detached expression. I wonder what color her eyes are? Probably green. It's not visible from here. And also amazingly beautiful hands with large rings. She slowly drank coffee from a large cup and lazily picked at some dessert with a spoon. Waiting for someone?

- Dan, I'll go for a minute ...

- Go, but not for long, otherwise I will miss you.

God, what a woman! The wedding ring is not visible. She felt his gaze, raised her fantastic eyes, which turned out to be blue, and smiled almost imperceptibly. Not to him, no. Yes, she does not need me for three hundred years. And I would for such a fire and water. I wonder what her hair is? The woman was wearing some kind of complex bandage, with a large knot near the left ear. But then she looked at her watch, took out her phone, dialed a number.

– Hello! Joseph Markovich? Hello, this is Ariadne.

What Ariadne was talking about with Iosif Markovich, he no longer heard.

- Danka, will you despise me if I order ice cream?

- Yes! I will scorn you! But so that you do not suffer from my contempt, I will order myself a tiramisu!

Danka, I love you!

– Mutually, girl!

A waiter approached Ariadne, she paid him off and stood up. Danila was surprised, she turned out to be of medium height. And he thought she was tall.

“Stylish little thing,” Ilona remarked.

- Do you find it?

- Yes! Heels would be a little higher. Although at her age it is already difficult ...

A wave of dull irritation swept over Danila. But he held back.

The woman left. The feeling of irreparable loss squeezed his heart. Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty...

Ilona enjoyed eating ice cream.

I don’t love her, it sounded distinctly in Danila’s head. He was frightened by this thought - in two months the wedding was coming. Don't drive your horses, he told himself. Ilona is a great girl, she loves me, and in general ... She is twenty-two, she is a beauty, seemingly not stupid, quite economic, her mother approves of her. And this one… Wow, Ariadne… I will most likely never see this Ariadne again. If I were an artist, I would paint her portraits, many portraits, different ... I wonder why she has this bandage on her head? Hair bad? Or bald after chemotherapy? Phew, what a thought! Or am I defending myself against the impression this Ariadne made on me? It looks like it. You will never get tired of looking at such a woman. And to hear her voice too ... Come on, Danila, it's like in a movie - I saw some unthinkable beauty and became her fan. But that doesn't stop you from living. And she will be forgotten in two days.

– Danka, how is your tiramisu?

- What? he woke up. - Tiramisu? But not very. It happens better. Well, shall we ask for the bill?

- Certainly!

Days passed, but the woman from the cafe was not forgotten. Her face, a distant smile literally haunted him. Something must be done about this. But what? Looking for a needle in a haystack? Time heals, it's just that the course of treatment can be longer. Once or twice he stopped by that cafe in the hope that she was a regular there, but in vain.

Things piled up, a business trip to Syria, and there was no time for beautiful strangers there. And when he returned, Ilona threw him a tantrum.

- You do not have to! Don't you dare! It's so dangerous there! I couldn't sleep or eat! Danya, if you love me, I beg you, go to another job! Good journalists are needed everywhere! I won't have a quiet moment! What if we have a baby? Pregnant women don't have to worry!

– Are you pregnant?

- Not yet, but we will get married, and then ...

“And then, do you think I’ll go to work in a glossy magazine, writing reports on secular parties?” So it's also unsafe. You know, I once heard Nikita Dzhigurda growl. For me, the explosions of shells are even more harmonious.

“You always turn everything into a joke, but I’m serious ...

You know, I'm serious too. And keep in mind - I am a war correspondent, I love my profession, and if you are afraid of unrest, then we will not marry, look for a husband who is more adapted for your spiritual comfort.

She started crying. Sadness overwhelmed him.

“Danny, it’s such a worrying time right now…

- And what? Do you think I, a young man, should hide under the table and hold on to your skirt? But I, perhaps, in a year or two will have had enough of war games and will be high on some idiotic talk show. Until then, it's too early for me!

He had never spoken to her so harshly. She was frightened.

- OK, I understand. You are right, of course. I just love you so!

- If you love, remember: you can’t put pressure on me, I don’t accept this in principle. Basically! And even more so when it comes to my work. All. Stop talk about this.

She looked at him fearfully. He had never spoken to her like that before.

- Danechka, I ... Forgive me, I was not going to put pressure on you, I'm just afraid for you ...

- You know, my mother is also afraid for me, but ...

“Aren’t you afraid there yourself?”

- Well, why ... It happens. And how! But I can't live without this job. And you know, even if I had succumbed to your persuasion and changed jobs, you would hate me in two months. I can really be a nightmare type, when I'm bored, I can get up! It doesn't seem like much!

"So you're bored with me?"

- It's not about you. I'm bored with myself outside of my job. A month is the maximum I can handle. And if my memory serves me, I warned you when it came to the wedding.

- Okay, Danechka, I understand everything. But do you love me?

- Yes, I love, I love ...

Oh my God, do all the women ask this idiotic question? I wonder if that woman asks it too? I'm sure not. She simply has no doubt that any man she descends to will die of love. Ugh, what an obsession! More than a month has passed, but she is not forgotten.

- Danchik, did you tell your dad about the wedding? Mom asked.

- Certainly. He promised to come.

- Well, fine. Did he dissuade you from marrying?

“No, no,” Daniel laughed. - Just surprised. And he asked: "Are you a fool, or what?"

- Yes, your father, when we got divorced, said: “I won’t step on this rake again!” And, as you can see, he keeps his word. Son, are you... Are you sure you want to get married?

Why did you ask? Did you like Ilonka?

- I still like her. good girl. Intelligent, intelligent, loves you ... Well, pretty, like a picture. She just called the other day, she was sad… Did you offend her in any way?

- Probably not. She just… In short, she demanded that I change jobs, which is unacceptable to me.

Was she exactly what she asked for?

Inna Lvovna shook her head sadly.

“If you only knew how much I want it myself!”

- I know. But you don't pressure me.

“Because I know you will do the opposite.” You'll go to hell yourself. It's better to be silent.

- So I would explain to Ilona if you like her so much.

- Don't you like her? Don't like it already?

- I have no idea…

- Danka, if so, then it’s better not to!

- Oh, mom ... There is already in full swing preparing for the wedding. Yes, I feel sorry for Ilona. In fact, she is good, and it's time for me to start a family. You want comfort when you return from a business trip. Yes, and I was sick of a bachelor life, thirty-two already. And Ilonka's parents are nice people, intelligent, sweet ...

- Everything is so, Danechka, everything is so, but doom is heard in your tone. Don't you love her?

- How do I know?

- Danka, if you have met another woman?

He looked fearfully at his mother.

“Kolis, Danka. It will be easier. Who is she?

“You know, Mom, this is such an idiotic story. In fact, there isn't even a story.

And he told his mother about the beautiful stranger.

“And you know absolutely nothing about her?”

- Just a name. Ariadne.

- Well, son, this is nonsense! It will pass. And do not try to break your life and Ilonka because of such nonsense. You are a young man, in Moscow there is an abyss beautiful women, after all you will not catch up with everyone. And then, did you look at her?

- Not really. She noticed how I stared at her, and smiled slightly, but not at me, but like that ...

- It seems that Blok has this: “And this one is in love!”? In a word, "Breathing in spirits and mists"?

- No, rather "I remember a wonderful moment."

Oh, then you have a chance! laughed Inna Lvovna.

- Why?

- Well, “our everything” dedicated these verses to Anna Petrovna Kern, and in his diaries there is an entry: “Today, with God's help, I used Anna Petrovna Kern!”

- Well, mom, you give! Good thing your husband can't hear you! He wouldn't be happy. Bad influence on the younger generation.

- Nonsense! Of course, he is a teacher, but he has a good sense of humor. Otherwise, I would never have married him.

– Yes, the lack of a sense of humor is a difficult diagnosis.

- But your Ilonka has this feeling. And a beautiful stranger may not have it.

So live in peace. And remember: do what you must, and come what may. If fate pleases, she can again push you against this woman. You don't even know if she's a Muscovite. And marry your girl. She will be a good wife.

- Thank you, mommy! You know how to heal my spiritual wounds.

“It's not a wound, lad, just a slight scratch.

Talking to my mother really helped. He began to think about what other unbearable shortcomings for him could be found in Ariadne. A slob, a fool, without a sense of humor, a pathological stingy woman, impudent as a tank, who can only talk about diets and the personal lives of celebrities. What a horror! Why then this beauty with such a bouquet? In a day or so, you'll be sick.

And he calmed down.

Time inexorably approached the day of the wedding. The stranger almost forgot. Three days before the celebration, my father called.

“Danka, forgive the old man, I won’t be able to come to the wedding, I twisted my leg, it’s swollen, I can barely crawl, and I really don’t want to come to Moscow as an invalid.” And if you can’t dance with young beauties at a wedding, it’s bitter and insulting. Don't cry, son! Plus, the boots don't fit. In a word, bad luck. Are you planning a honeymoon trip?

- Yes of course.

- And where, if not a secret?

- To Italy.

Why did it sound so sad?

- Not really. I would personally prefer to stay at home.

- And the bride longs for Europe, right?

- Well, yes. By the way, I haven't been to Italy yet. So even glad ...

- How long are you?

- For two weeks.

“Perhaps they would drop by to see me on the way back?” I would like to meet my daughter-in-law.

- I'm afraid it won't. I have a business trip right now.

– Back to hot spots?

- I don't know for sure yet.

- Well, then, as soon as the leg passes and you will be in Moscow, I will certainly fly. I have luxury for you wedding gift! I could send it directly to the wedding, but I want to see your joyful faces not via Skype. How is your mom?

- As always witty.

- Does she like your fiancee?

- Yes, I like it.

- This is good. However, I always knew that she would be a good mother-in-law.

- Yes, Ilonka already has a soul in her!

- ABOUT! So you are a lucky guy, Danila Kulchitsky!

- Pah, pah, pah!

- Of course, I spit three times over my left shoulder! Everything, son. I kiss you and wish you happiness family life!

And on the day of the wedding, the young people were delivered a luxurious basket of flowers and an old carved chest full of Swiss dark chocolate. And a note: “May this chocolate be the biggest bitterness in your life!”

Daniel was moved. Ilona was delighted.

What a fine fellow your dad is! I want to get to know him! In general, your parents are a fly away!

Yours is even better!

- Why?

Because they are already together silver wedding played. Mine are in different countries.

“Does this make you sad, Danechka?”

“Yes, just a little bit,” he smiled at the bride.

- I love you, Danechka! And I'm so happy today!

- That's good. I'm happy too! - he said. Although he thought it sounded somehow unconvincing. But, fortunately, Ilona did not notice this. She was so charming in short dress the color of cream and with an elegant wreath on his head. When it came to wedding dress, Ilona immediately stated that she would never want a long dress.

- For what? So that it then gathers dust in the closet and takes up space? And in short, I, as they say, both in a feast and in the world.

Inna Lvovna highly approved of this decision, and Ilona's mother too.

It’s good that the girl is practical, both matchmakers decided.

By the way, the most kind relations were established between them. And this is the key to a happy family life, Danila decided. And Ilona's father and Danila's stepfather both turned out to be passionate fans of Spartak, and they always had something to talk about, especially since their favorite team in last years brought them grief. But even the thought of changing Spartak did not arise for both.

The wedding was not too crowded - forty-five people - and very cheerful. No one got drunk to disgrace, no one got into a fight, there was no stupid toastmaster, his role was taken by Ilona's uncle, a famous film actor, and brilliantly coped with the task. He was very witty, and everyone laughed to tears.

“Danka, what a wonderful wedding, I didn’t even expect it,” Inna Lvovna said to her son. - I don’t like weddings at all, but here ... God grant you any and all happiness!

- Thank you, mommy!

And they flew to Rome.

Three months have passed. Danila and his closest friend Fedor, the operator with whom they had been working together for two years, were returning from another business trip, and due to weather conditions they had to stay at the Milan airport. The business trip was difficult, both were exhausted terribly, and they wanted to get home as soon as possible. And the departure earlier than in five hours was not promised.

- Maybe we'll go to the city, we'll see, eh, Danila?

- Yes, fuck him! I was in this Milan, I don’t want to! He pulled out a tablet from his backpack. – Look, all the sights of Milan are here! Although you, of course, will say that I took everything mediocre. But by the way ... Why hang around here, let's go, we'll have dinner at good squash, grappa pull.

- And in the evening they will let us go there in this form?

- Yes, even with a feather in the ass! A very democratic institution. And the food is delicious. Although Ilonka did not like it there. But I got through.

- Go. Eat hunting.

They took a taxi and forty minutes later landed on the square in front of the restaurant. There was such a noise that both, without saying a word, twisted their faces.

- Fuck this chart! Fedor said. - On vacation, I want silence. And then with our work ... There is also noise at the airport.

- Agree. Okay, there's time, let's look for something quieter.

Soon they came across a small and seemingly quite cozy restaurant. They glanced at the menu on the street.

- Great. There is osso bucco here. Adore! Daniel decided.

- Yeah, I love it too! I want meat! And then my girlfriend is a vegetarian, damn it! Does your Ilona eat meat?

- You're lucky, brother! And my everything is moaning - get married and get married. But I didn't sign up for that. Why is my wife a vegetarian?

- So tell her!

- I already spoke. She thinks I'm kidding.

- Fool, right?

- Stuffed.

“So why the hell are you wasting time with her?”

- Yes, I'm used to it ... But it's good here. Cosy.

- Agree. Listen, Fedya, here we are like friends ...

- Why like? We are, yes, friends, as Matvey Yurievich says. What's the matter?

Why didn't you introduce me to your girlfriend?

- Do you need it?

Are you ashamed of her?

- Not really. You see, it is, how should I put it, for domestic use, not an export version.

- Listen, Fedka, stop fooling around, find yourself a normal ...

“A normal one will peck at me, or what?” To whom did I, such a stray dog, surrender?

- And I? Also a stray dog, but surrendered to Ilonka. Fed, what did you see there, huh?

- Listen, there is a woman sitting there ... Fuck!

- What, beautiful?

- Not that word! Like in a neo-realistic movie… This one needs to be filmed…

- Fedenka, look around us. There are such beauties. And instead of reporting from the scene, start shooting beauties. And there will be more money, and there will be less danger at times ...

“Come on, we don’t have such faces. This is some kind of Italian countess, there must be ten generations of aristocrats ...

“That’s where you’re wrong, brother! I was in Moscow, even before the wedding, I was with Ilonka in a cafe, and I almost went crazy, but what's there, just stupid. Staring at her like an idiot, Ilonka even started to get jealous...

- Never mind. What could I do with Ilonka? The only thing I know is her name.

- Ariadne. And I couldn't forget her. But in the last month I somehow did not remember. And here you are with your aristocrat. I should have looked at her too.

Yes, they are already leaving.

Daniel turned around. And almost screamed. It was Ariadne. And with her is a middle-aged man, of a very imposing appearance.

"She's…" he muttered. It's Ariadne!

- The same one?

- The same one. Wow…

- Danka, then she is not an Italian aristocrat, but just a Moscow beauty?

- Who knows if it's Moscow? But Russian, that's for sure.

- Yes, stunning babe!

- And in the snout do not want?

- Is this for a grandmother? Fyodor laughed. - Yes, brother, you're in trouble. And also married! Well, okay, let's drink to her beauty!

They drank.

- Fedka, what do you think, is it realistic to find a woman in Moscow only by name?

- Sit! Fedor suddenly jumped up and rushed to the exit. He returned five minutes later with an extremely pleased look.

- Here, hold on! He handed Daniel a smartphone. There was a photograph of Ariadne. - Having a portrait and a name, you can already search.

- But how did you manage?

- Elementary! He overtook, fell to his knees and asked permission to capture such incomparable beauty. I thought she was pleased.

- Wow! Thanks you're a real friend.

- I just want to remind you, Danilka, that you are, for a moment, a young husband.

- Yes I remember. And then, why did I give up on her? And I won't look for it. But thanks for the picture. Throw me soap.

– And if Ilonka sees?

- He won't see it. I'll screw everything up.

And she's not so young anymore. She is in her forties.

- Yes, so ...

- Listen, what kind of man was with her?

I thought it was business contact. He is Italian. He put her in a taxi and left.

- Fedya, maybe you should ask the FSB to go outside?

- I will definitely ask! By the way, she does not wear a wedding ring.

Yes, I noticed it back then. I wonder who she is?

- Yes, a little ...

We should probably go to the airport.

– Oh, indeed! Rushed!

All the way to Moscow, as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the face of Ariadne. As someone constantly dealing with danger to life, he was a fatalist. And I decided: I will not take a single step to find her, but if this is fate, life will still bring us together. And calmed down.

It was good at home. Clean, comfortable, delicious. Ilona shone with youth and beauty. Perhaps this is family happiness? There is still not enough well-fed baby to pull his hands in dressings to him and mutter: “Dad! Dad!" And then there will be a complete set ... But Ilona did not want to hear about the child.

- Understand, Danya, well, I can’t give birth while you are at this damn job! Afraid! You know how I tremble with fear when you are in Syria, then in Donetsk, then somewhere else ... And if, God forbid, something happens to you? I even once dreamed that you were taken prisoner by these ... ISIS and put a bag over your head ... - She began to cry. What child are you talking about? If you leave this job, then immediately ... In the meantime, don’t dream!

“Why did you marry me?”

“Because I love you, you damned fool!”

“And by the way, if they kill me, at least you will have a child from me.”

She raised her tear-stained face to him.

- You're joking like that, aren't you?

- I'm kidding, of course I'm kidding! He hastened to reassure her. - Okay, I promise that in two years I will think about another job, but for now, be patient!

- I'll be patient. And you suffer without a baby.

- I'll be patient. I am still young, and you have not yet matured to conscious motherhood. Everyone closed the topic. And tell me, wife, do you have a normal girlfriend for Fyodor?

Ilona was surprised.

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

She doesn't suit him.

What was he complaining about?

- Well, not that he complained, but I felt sorry for him. The guy toils. She is a vegetarian. And besides, a complete fool.

– So, we need to look for a smart meat-eater? Ilona laughed.

- To the point, my love!

- Okay, I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel. Fedka is a prominent guy ... And generally a good one. I will think.

The next day, coming home from work, Ilona asked:

– Dan, are you busy tomorrow evening?

I got two theater tickets. For a new musical performance.

- In Stasik!

“Oh, no, I’m sorry, but I somehow can’t digest it. Well, don't be angry, go with some girlfriend.

- Well Dan!

- I beg you, have pity!

- So be it, but you will be left without dinner.

- No problem! I won't die of hunger. Or I go to my mom.

“I was actually thinking about taking your mom to the theatre.

- CONSPIRACY? Okay, go! You are my cultivators!

- Culturists? What else is this? Ilona laughed.

- And this is when I worked in Israel, we had a driver, originally from Zaporozhye, so he said that they have these rosettes for sleeping tea bags called cultivators.

- And what! Cool word!

- By the way, in our house, in my opinion, there is not a single culturist.

We don't even have tea bags.

- Well, yes, yes, you are an exemplary housewife, and exemplary housewives should not have tea in bags!

“You can’t stand tea bags yourself!”

- Yes, I'm joking ... Come on, call your mother.

Inna Lvovna enthusiastically agreed to go to the theatre. And Daniel was delighted. Friendship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a very useful thing in family life.

“By the way, I asked the girls at work today about your Fedor. So far, no one has been found. That is, there were two, but both vegetarians. And one of them is a vegan.

- Darling, won't you go into vegetarianism? And then I'll die!

- Live in peace, I'm a meat eater even by blood type.

Listen, I have an idea! Let me pick you up at the theater tomorrow and take you out to dinner? How do you like this option?

- Accepted with enthusiasm!

In the restaurant, the women incessantly admired the performance, the voices, the design, the choreography.

“It’s good, Danka, that you didn’t go,” Inna Lvovna laughed, “I haven’t received such pleasure for a long time.

- Me too! Such beauty ... And the costumes, you can’t die!

- Happy for you, my dear cultivators!

“I know, Ilonka has already enlightened me,” laughed Inna Lvovna.

- How I feel good with you, my most beloved women! Danila smiled.

In short, the evening went well.

Having brought their mother home, they went to their place.

- You know, Danka, I still want you to watch this performance!

- Hello, we've arrived!

– And she would be happy to do it again… No, you simply have to! I'm 100% sure you'll screw up! It's such a delight! Now there are still some premiere roughness, but in two months ... Promise me that you will go!

- Okay, I promise!

They spent a wonderful night, and in the morning Ilona rushed off to the fitness club, as it was Saturday, and Danila, having taken a shower, decided to cook his favorite dish - baked potatoes. In an air fryer, this takes about twenty minutes. On the coffee table, he saw a thick glossy notebook - the program of yesterday's performance. He leafed through it lazily. And he almost screamed when he saw the portrait of Ariadne. Is it really her? Yes! Ariadna Zamchevskaya, costume designer. Ariadna Zamchevskaya... Her heart was pounding like crazy. I found her! Well, I haven't found it yet, but it's already absolutely real. What for? Why is she to me? To destroy a newly formed family? Or completely ruin your life? Why did I get the idea that she would contact me at all? She is a theatrical person, there are such celebrities around her, such beauties are spinning around. Or maybe she's a lesbian? Easy! And I'm going crazy here. Ready to throw everything at her feet. Yes, I have nothing special to throw ... And she is worthy of kings. However, he wanted to learn more about her, and he rushed to the computer. So, Ariadna Maksimovna Zamchevskaya was born in Moscow in 1976 in a family of artists. She graduated from the art department of the Moscow Art Theater School. Was married twice. She has worked in theaters in Russia, France, Germany, Canada… She prefers musical performances. Her staging of Mozart's The Magic Flute at the Brussels Opera House brought her European success and numerous international awards.

So ... A star of the European scale. And why did she give up a guy like me? Except I'm seven years younger. Yes, it seems to be not bad. And I am also a romantic hero in the eyes of some women ... You are an idiot, not a hero! Complete asshole! Fell in love with the aunt from the picture. All! Forget! Your work cannot be done in a state of discord. You can easily hit either a bullet or a shell fragment. And from this woman he will be even more discordant ... But I decided to forget about her if I don’t meet. Have I met? The photo in the program is not a meeting, it is a chimera.

But the thought of Ariadne prevented her from living like a splinter. Something needs to be done about this! But then, fortunately, he was sent to Egypt, and he ordered himself to forget about her. And I seem to have forgotten. Having filmed necessary material, he and Fedor were going home, but then Danila received a message from his father. He wrote: “Hey, son! Your old man will turn fifty-five the day after tomorrow, a figure, so to speak, not round, but still I would like to see my only son on this mournful day. If you can, drop by for a day! Your old folder. P.S. Yes, at the same time I will give you your wedding gift!

- Fedyunya, how about a visit to Berlin?

- To Berlin? What to do there?

- Yes, dad has a birthday, fifty-five, calls to celebrate. Berlin, by the way, is a cool city!

- Yes, what am I doing here? No, fly alone! I don't like to be a weight.

- Fedka, what kind of appendage? You are my best friend!

“Your friend, not your dad.” Why did I give up on him? Yes, I was in Berlin. Not inspired...

- Well, what to do with you ...

And Danila flew to Berlin. He had not seen his father for a long time, and he wanted to visit Berlin.

Danila's father, Andrei Viktorovich Kulchitsky, was a very famous composer, very popular in the West. He moved to Germany in the early 2000s. His opera was staged at the Berlin Opera House, he went there to work with the director, and so he settled there. He divorced Danila's mother already then. Danila was offended by many things and even wanted to take his mother's surname. But over the years, everything smoothed out, especially since Inna Lvovna soon got married and often said: “How lucky I am that Andrei left me! Living with a composer for a person who doesn’t know a damn thing about music is torture!” In addition, his father was a charming person, easy and sociable, and Danila began her own stormy life, and it seemed simply stupid to cherish the old grievances. And he looked forward to a two-day communication with his father with pleasure.

His father met him at the airport.

- Oh, you are a hero! Just Jack London! Or not, Hemingway! Are girls dying of you?

- Yes, dad! Girls have other priorities these days! Daniel laughed. “Dad, you took me by surprise with your invitation, I didn’t have time to buy you some worthy gift ...

- Oh, come on!

“But still, I brought you one trinket, I don’t really understand this, but look ...

- ABOUT! Cufflinks! Excellent, Danka! Somehow I didn’t wear them, but a friend gave me half a dozen chic shirts with cufflinks! Great! Thank you!

Danila was delighted, although, knowing his father, he could well assume that he invented all this on the spot so as not to upset his son. Who's giving away half a dozen shirts these days? Kind of weird…

My father had a large apartment on a quiet street near the Kurfürstendamm.

“You know, I'm thinking about moving to Potsdam.

- But why? You really liked it here!

- It got noisy. Yes, and they tortured gay parades, such a dirty trick ... I once almost missed my plane because of them. And in general ... I sat up here. And in Potsdam he looked after a lovely apartment. It's quiet and the air is much better. And close to Berlin. Well, sit down, I will feed you dinner, and in the evening we will celebrate our half-anniversary in a chic restaurant.

- Together?

- At first I thought it was just the two of us, but as it turned out, one of my friends is here on a business trip, she called today, congratulated, well, I invited her. Charming woman, smart and beautiful.

“Did she give you a dozen shirts?”

- No, not her. And not a dozen, but half a dozen,” my father laughed.

And he's still good, Danila thought.

My father has always been a great cook. And now he put a porcelain tureen on the table - he was also an aesthete.

- Your favorite soup, Danilka!

- Oh, with dumplings! Mmm! Adore! Listen, yours is even tastier than mom's, the dumplings are more tender! Thanks dad!

“Does your wife make you dumpling soup?”

It does, but rarely. Dad, I want more!

- Eat, honey! Andrey Viktorovich was delighted.

The second was the most tender veal baked with some kind of sauce and vegetables.

- Cooked especially for you.

How nice it is to feed a hungry son! Well, tell me!

– What to tell?

- Yes all! About your wife, about your crazy job, about your mother.

“Oh, dad, I don’t know how!

- Don't play the fool, I watch your reports, you have a great tongue, you have a non-standard approach to events ...

- Well, then I won’t talk about work, you can see its results. Mom seems to be quite satisfied with life, they are friends with my wife, sometimes they go somewhere together ...

- Oh, I completely forgot! Andrey Viktorovich slapped himself on the forehead. – I am now. He jumped up, left the room for a moment and returned with a beautiful thin folder. - Here you are!

- What's this?

- A wedding present.

Danila opened the zipper. The folder contained a file with some documents and a leather case for keys.

- Keys ... What is it, dad?

- It's a black beha!

- Beha? To me?

- You, you had a wedding.

- I know you have a car, and it will be a family car. However, as you wish. Does your wife drive a car?

- Oh, dad, thank you! Daniel suddenly beamed. - This is a royal gift!

Well, I only have one son!

- I will drive it myself, and I will give my Skoda to Ilonka.

- Yes, you will get a car in Moscow, at the BMW technical center.

- What a boy you are! Father shook his head sympathetically. - Tell me, will I wait for the grandchildren? It's time for you. Fourth decade after all.

- Yes, I want to, but Ilonka gave me an ultimatum: she won’t give birth while I’m at this job. And I… I love this job…

– Adrenaline?

- It's not that, for the sake of adrenaline, you can jump with a parachute. And I feel…maybe it sounds old-fashioned…that I have to…because I can. Understand? I can’t because I have to, but, on the contrary, I have to because I can.

External attractiveness, success in business, at work, in personal life - these living standards are promoted by modern society. All the material attributes of success are glorified and erected, almost into a cult. But, as often happens, the main thing is not visible behind the external tinsel, no one talks about happiness, spiritual harmony and love. It is assumed that with the acquisition of material wealth, the spiritual will also come. But it's not. Over it, as well as over external success, you need to work hard, take care, cherish it and cherish it.
Modern writers were among the first to understand how important not only the material, but also the spiritual component is. Ekaterina Vilmont, an unsurpassed author of a romance novel, carries in her books much more than a standard, predictable plot. Her works are full of philosophical reasoning and instructive life stories.
Vilmont's new novel - "What the hell do we, beautiful ladies!" became extremely original. In it, the author, having taken the cherished dream of the majority of the inhabitants, smashes it to smithereens. Showing that beauty, wealth and success are worth nothing without inner harmony and a sense of happiness, to which, no matter what, our soul still strives. main character Ariad's novel is the modern embodiment of success. She is smart, incredibly beautiful and loved. Everyone around her is envious and sure that she is incredibly lucky in life. However, Ariadne does not feel happy, but does not understand why. And then one day, a chance meeting turns her world upside down and puts many things in their places.
“What the heck, beautiful ladies!” The book is good, light and entertaining. It is distinguished by a surprisingly beautiful literary style, but it is worth noting that here the author chose an original style of presentation. As can be seen from the title, Vilmont actively uses slang expressions, which in no way affects the harmony of the narrative language, but makes the book as close as possible to real life. The characters in the book are all beautiful and successful. And Vilmont without cuts shows their life from the inside, using real stories, which could happen to anyone, demonstrates what such a life is really worth. Someone recognizes themselves or their relatives and friends in these heroes.
The book "Do we care, beautiful ladies!" - a good, fascinating novel with a deep meaning. Reading it will be a pleasant pastime, it will make you rethink many of your desires and goals, and it will also prompt you to think about the meaning and price of life.
On our literary site, you can download the book by Ekaterina Vilmont “Do we care, beautiful ladies!” free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

© Vilmont E. N., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

You are like an echo of a forgotten anthem In my black and wild fate.

A. Blok

Part 1

Dan, what are you doing?

- Didn't understand?

- Why are you staring at this aunt?

Danila smiled at the bride.

“I don't stare at anyone. Just thought.

- Yes, not about what, but about whom.

- And about whom? Ilona asked coquettishly.

- About you, of course! Are you jealous?

- And how! But, of course, not to this aunt!

“I don't think she's an aunt at all.

Ilona smiled.

- Well, that's it!

But Danila was cunning. He couldn't take his eyes off the woman's face. And he said about age, just so that twenty-two-year-old Ilona would calm down. The woman was well over thirty. Dark skin, huge eyes, a sensual mouth and a tired, detached expression. I wonder what color her eyes are? Probably green. It's not visible from here. And also amazingly beautiful hands with large rings. She slowly drank coffee from a large cup and lazily picked at some dessert with a spoon. Waiting for someone?

- Dan, I'll go for a minute ...

- Go, but not for long, otherwise I will miss you.

God, what a woman! The wedding ring is not visible. She felt his gaze, raised her fantastic eyes, which turned out to be blue, and smiled almost imperceptibly. Not to him, no. Yes, she does not need me for three hundred years. And I would for such a fire and water. I wonder what her hair is? The woman was wearing some kind of complex bandage, with a large knot near the left ear. But then she looked at her watch, took out her phone, dialed a number.

– Hello! Joseph Markovich? Hello, this is Ariadne.

What Ariadne was talking about with Iosif Markovich, he no longer heard.

- Danka, will you despise me if I order ice cream?

- Yes! I will scorn you! But so that you do not suffer from my contempt, I will order myself a tiramisu!

Danka, I love you!

– Mutually, girl!

A waiter approached Ariadne, she paid him off and stood up. Danila was surprised, she turned out to be of medium height. And he thought she was tall.

“Stylish little thing,” Ilona remarked.

- Do you find it?

- Yes! Heels would be a little higher. Although at her age it is already difficult ...

A wave of dull irritation swept over Danila. But he held back.

The woman left. The feeling of irreparable loss squeezed his heart. Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty...

Ilona enjoyed eating ice cream.

I don’t love her, it sounded distinctly in Danila’s head. He was frightened by this thought - in two months the wedding was coming. Don't drive your horses, he told himself.

Ilona is a great girl, she loves me, and in general ... She is twenty-two, she is a beauty, seemingly not stupid, quite economic, her mother approves of her. And this one… Wow, Ariadne… I will most likely never see this Ariadne again. If I were an artist, I would paint her portraits, many portraits, different ... I wonder why she has this bandage on her head? Hair bad? Or bald after chemotherapy? Phew, what a thought! Or am I defending myself against the impression this Ariadne made on me? It looks like it. You will never get tired of looking at such a woman. And to hear her voice too ... Come on, Danila, it's like in a movie - I saw some unthinkable beauty and became her fan. But that doesn't stop you from living. And she will be forgotten in two days.

– Danka, how is your tiramisu?

- What? he woke up. - Tiramisu? But not very. It happens better. Well, shall we ask for the bill?

- Certainly!

Days passed, but the woman from the cafe was not forgotten. Her face, a distant smile literally haunted him. Something must be done about this. But what? Looking for a needle in a haystack? Time heals, it's just that the course of treatment can be longer. Once or twice he stopped by that cafe in the hope that she was a regular there, but in vain.

Things piled up, a business trip to Syria, and there was no time for beautiful strangers there. And when he returned, Ilona threw him a tantrum.

- You do not have to! Don't you dare! It's so dangerous there! I couldn't sleep or eat! Danya, if you love me, I beg you, go to another job! Good journalists are needed everywhere! I won't have a quiet moment! What if we have a baby? Pregnant women don't have to worry!

– Are you pregnant?

- Not yet, but we will get married, and then ...

“And then, do you think I’ll go to work in a glossy magazine, writing reports on secular parties?” So it's also unsafe. You know, I once heard Nikita Dzhigurda growl. For me, the explosions of shells are even more harmonious.

“You always turn everything into a joke, but I’m serious ...

You know, I'm serious too. And keep in mind - I am a war correspondent, I love my profession, and if you are afraid of unrest, then we will not marry, look for a husband who is more adapted for your spiritual comfort.

She started crying. Sadness overwhelmed him.

“Danny, it’s such a worrying time right now…

- And what? Do you think I, a young man, should hide under the table and hold on to your skirt? But I, perhaps, in a year or two will have had enough of war games and will be high on some idiotic talk show. Until then, it's too early for me!

He had never spoken to her so harshly. She was frightened.

- OK, I understand. You are right, of course. I just love you so!

- If you love, remember: you can’t put pressure on me, I don’t accept this in principle. Basically! And even more so when it comes to my work. All. Stop talk about this.

She looked at him fearfully. He had never spoken to her like that before.

- Danechka, I ... Forgive me, I was not going to put pressure on you, I'm just afraid for you ...

- You know, my mother is also afraid for me, but ...

“Aren’t you afraid there yourself?”

- Well, why ... It happens. And how! But I can't live without this job. And you know, even if I had succumbed to your persuasion and changed jobs, you would hate me in two months. I can really be a nightmare type, when I'm bored, I can get up! It doesn't seem like much!

"So you're bored with me?"

- It's not about you. I'm bored with myself outside of my job. A month is the maximum I can handle. And if my memory serves me, I warned you when it came to the wedding.

- Okay, Danechka, I understand everything. But do you love me?

- Yes, I love, I love ...

Oh my God, do all the women ask this idiotic question? I wonder if that woman asks it too? I'm sure not. She simply has no doubt that any man she descends to will die of love. Ugh, what an obsession! More than a month has passed, but she is not forgotten.

- Danchik, did you tell your dad about the wedding? Mom asked.

- Certainly. He promised to come.

- Well, fine. Did he dissuade you from marrying?

“No, no,” Daniel laughed. - Just surprised. And he asked: "Are you a fool, or what?"

- Yes, your father, when we got divorced, said: “I won’t step on this rake again!” And, as you can see, he keeps his word. Son, are you... Are you sure you want to get married?

Why did you ask? Did you like Ilonka?

- I still like her. Good girl. Intelligent, intelligent, loves you ... Well, pretty, like a picture. She just called the other day, she was sad… Did you offend her in any way?

- Probably not. She just… In short, she demanded that I change jobs, which is unacceptable to me.

Was she exactly what she asked for?

Inna Lvovna shook her head sadly.

“If you only knew how much I want it myself!”

- I know. But you don't pressure me.

“Because I know you will do the opposite.” You'll go to hell yourself. It's better to be silent.

- So I would explain to Ilona if you like her so much.

- Don't you like her? Don't like it already?

- I have no idea…

- Danka, if so, then it’s better not to!

- Oh, mom ... There is already in full swing preparing for the wedding. Yes, I feel sorry for Ilona. In fact, she is good, and it's time for me to start a family. You want comfort when you return from a business trip. Yes, and I was sick of a bachelor life, thirty-two already. And Ilonka's parents are nice people, intelligent, sweet ...

- Everything is so, Danechka, everything is so, but doom is heard in your tone. Don't you love her?

- How do I know?

- Danka, if you have met another woman?

He looked fearfully at his mother.

“Kolis, Danka. It will be easier. Who is she?

“You know, Mom, this is such an idiotic story. In fact, there isn't even a story.

And he told his mother about the beautiful stranger.

“And you know absolutely nothing about her?”

- Just a name. Ariadne.

- Well, son, this is nonsense! It will pass. And do not try to break your life and Ilonka because of such nonsense. You are a young man, in Moscow there are a lot of beautiful women, you can’t catch up with everyone. And then, did you look at her?

- Not really. She noticed how I stared at her, and smiled slightly, but not at me, but like that ...

- It seems that Blok has this: “And this one is in love!”? In a word, "Breathing in spirits and mists"?

- No, rather "I remember a wonderful moment."

Oh, then you have a chance! laughed Inna Lvovna.

- Why?

- Well, “our everything” dedicated these verses to Anna Petrovna Kern, and in his diaries there is an entry: “Today, with God's help, I used Anna Petrovna Kern!”

- Well, mom, you give! Good thing your husband can't hear you! He wouldn't be happy. Bad influence on the younger generation.

- Nonsense! Of course, he is a teacher, but he has a good sense of humor. Otherwise, I would never have married him.

– Yes, the lack of a sense of humor is a difficult diagnosis.

- But your Ilonka has this feeling. And a beautiful stranger may not have it.

So live in peace. And remember: do what you must, and come what may. If fate pleases, she can again push you against this woman. You don't even know if she's a Muscovite. And marry your girl. She will be a good wife.

- Thank you, mommy! You know how to heal my spiritual wounds.

“It's not a wound, lad, just a slight scratch.

Talking to my mother really helped. He began to think about what other unbearable shortcomings for him could be found in Ariadne. A slob, a fool, without a sense of humor, a pathological stingy woman, impudent as a tank, who can only talk about diets and the personal lives of celebrities. What a horror! Why then this beauty with such a bouquet? In a day or so, you'll be sick.

And he calmed down.

Time inexorably approached the day of the wedding. The stranger almost forgot. Three days before the celebration, my father called.

“Danka, forgive the old man, I won’t be able to come to the wedding, I twisted my leg, it’s swollen, I can barely crawl, and I really don’t want to come to Moscow as an invalid.” And if you can’t dance with young beauties at a wedding, it’s bitter and insulting. Don't cry, son! Plus, the boots don't fit. In a word, bad luck. Are you planning a honeymoon trip?

- Yes of course.

- And where, if not a secret?

- To Italy.

Why did it sound so sad?

- Not really. I would personally prefer to stay at home.

- And the bride longs for Europe, right?

- Well, yes. By the way, I haven't been to Italy yet. So even glad ...

- How long are you?

- For two weeks.

“Perhaps they would drop by to see me on the way back?” I would like to meet my daughter-in-law.

- I'm afraid it won't. I have a business trip right now.

– Back to hot spots?

- I don't know for sure yet.

- Well, then, as soon as the leg passes and you will be in Moscow, I will certainly fly. I have a luxurious wedding present for you! I could send it directly to the wedding, but I want to see your joyful faces not via Skype. How is your mom?

- As always witty.

- Does she like your fiancee?

- Yes, I like it.

- This is good. However, I always knew that she would be a good mother-in-law.

- Yes, Ilonka already has a soul in her!

- ABOUT! So you are a lucky guy, Danila Kulchitsky!

- Pah, pah, pah!

- Of course, I spit three times over my left shoulder! Everything, son. I kiss you and wish you happiness in family life!

And on the day of the wedding, the young people were delivered a luxurious basket of flowers and an old carved chest full of Swiss dark chocolate. And a note: “May this chocolate be the biggest bitterness in your life!”

Daniel was moved. Ilona was delighted.

What a fine fellow your dad is! I want to get to know him! In general, your parents are a fly away!

Yours is even better!

- Why?

- Because they have already played a silver wedding together. Mine are in different countries.

“Does this make you sad, Danechka?”

“Yes, just a little bit,” he smiled at the bride.

- I love you, Danechka! And I'm so happy today!

- That's good. I'm happy too! - he said. Although he thought it sounded somehow unconvincing. But, fortunately, Ilona did not notice this. She was so charming in a short cream-colored dress and with a delicate wreath on her head. When it came to the wedding dress, Ilona immediately stated that she would never want a long dress.

- For what? So that it then gathers dust in the closet and takes up space? And in short, I, as they say, both in a feast and in the world.

Inna Lvovna highly approved of this decision, and Ilona's mother too.

It’s good that the girl is practical, both matchmakers decided.

By the way, the most kind relations were established between them. And this is the key to a happy family life, Danila decided. And Ilona's father and Danila's stepfather both turned out to be passionate fans of Spartak, and they always had something to talk about, especially since their favorite team in recent years has mostly brought them grief. But even the thought of changing Spartak did not arise for both.

The wedding was not too crowded - forty-five people - and very cheerful. No one got drunk to disgrace, no one got into a fight, there was no stupid toastmaster, his role was taken by Ilona's uncle, a famous film actor, and brilliantly coped with the task. He was very witty, and everyone laughed to tears.

“Danka, what a wonderful wedding, I didn’t even expect it,” Inna Lvovna said to her son. - I don’t like weddings at all, but here ... God grant you any and all happiness!

- Thank you, mommy!

And they flew to Rome.

Three months have passed. Danila and his closest friend Fedor, the operator with whom they had been working together for two years, were returning from another business trip, and due to weather conditions they had to stay at the Milan airport. The business trip was difficult, both were exhausted terribly, and they wanted to get home as soon as possible. And the departure earlier than in five hours was not promised.

- Maybe we'll go to the city, we'll see, eh, Danila?

- Yes, fuck him! I was in this Milan, I don’t want to! He pulled out a tablet from his backpack. – Look, all the sights of Milan are here! Although you, of course, will say that I took everything mediocre. But by the way ... Why hang around here, let's go, we'll have dinner in a good tavern, we'll pull the grappa.

- And in the evening they will let us go there in this form?

- Yes, even with a feather in the ass! A very democratic institution. And the food is delicious. Although Ilonka did not like it there. But I got through.

- Go. Eat hunting.

They took a taxi and forty minutes later landed on the square in front of the restaurant. There was such a noise that both, without saying a word, twisted their faces.

- Fuck this chart! Fedor said. - On vacation, I want silence. And then with our work ... There is also noise at the airport.

- Agree. Okay, there's time, let's look for something quieter.

Soon they came across a small and seemingly quite cozy restaurant. They glanced at the menu on the street.

- Great. There is osso bucco here. Adore! Daniel decided.

- Yeah, I love it too! I want meat! And then my girlfriend is a vegetarian, damn it! Does your Ilona eat meat?

- You're lucky, brother! And my everything is moaning - get married and get married. But I didn't sign up for that. Why is my wife a vegetarian?

- So tell her!

- I already spoke. She thinks I'm kidding.

- Fool, right?

- Stuffed.

“So why the hell are you wasting time with her?”

- Yes, I'm used to it ... But it's good here. Cosy.

- Agree. Listen, Fedya, here we are like friends ...

- Why like? We are, yes, friends, as Matvey Yurievich says. What's the matter?

Why didn't you introduce me to your girlfriend?

- Do you need it?

Are you ashamed of her?

- Not really. You see, it is, how should I put it, for domestic use, not an export version.

- Listen, Fedka, stop fooling around, find yourself a normal ...

“A normal one will peck at me, or what?” To whom did I, such a stray dog, surrender?

- And I? Also a stray dog, but surrendered to Ilonka. Fed, what did you see there, huh?

- Listen, there is a woman sitting there ... Fuck!

- What, beautiful?

- Not that word! Like in a neo-realistic movie… This one needs to be filmed…

- Fedenka, look around us. There are such beauties. And instead of reporting from the scene, start shooting beauties. And there will be more money, and there will be less danger at times ...

“Come on, we don’t have such faces. This is some kind of Italian countess, there must be ten generations of aristocrats ...

“That’s where you’re wrong, brother! I was in Moscow, even before the wedding, I was with Ilonka in a cafe, and I almost went crazy, but what's there, just stupid. Staring at her like an idiot, Ilonka even started to get jealous...

- Never mind. What could I do with Ilonka? The only thing I know is her name.

- Ariadne. And I couldn't forget her. But in the last month I somehow did not remember. And here you are with your aristocrat. I should have looked at her too.

Yes, they are already leaving.

Daniel turned around. And almost screamed. It was Ariadne. And with her is a middle-aged man, of a very imposing appearance.

"She's…" he muttered. It's Ariadne!

- The same one?

- The same one. Wow…

- Danka, then she is not an Italian aristocrat, but just a Moscow beauty?

- Who knows if it's Moscow? But Russian, that's for sure.

- Yes, stunning babe!

- And in the snout do not want?

- Is this for a grandmother? Fyodor laughed. - Yes, brother, you're in trouble. And also married! Well, okay, let's drink to her beauty!

They drank.

- Fedka, what do you think, is it realistic to find a woman in Moscow only by name?

- Sit! Fedor suddenly jumped up and rushed to the exit. He returned five minutes later with an extremely pleased look.

- Here, hold on! He handed Daniel a smartphone. There was a photograph of Ariadne. - Having a portrait and a name, you can already search.

- But how did you manage?

- Elementary! He overtook, fell to his knees and asked permission to capture such incomparable beauty. I thought she was pleased.

- Wow! Thanks you're a real friend.

- I just want to remind you, Danilka, that you are, for a moment, a young husband.

- Yes I remember. And then, why did I give up on her? And I won't look for it. But thanks for the picture. Throw me soap.

– And if Ilonka sees?

- He won't see it. I'll screw everything up.

And she's not so young anymore. She is in her forties.

- Yes, so ...

- Listen, what kind of man was with her?

I thought it was business contact. He is Italian. He put her in a taxi and left.

- Fedya, maybe you should ask the FSB to go outside?

- I will definitely ask! By the way, she does not wear a wedding ring.

Yes, I noticed it back then. I wonder who she is?

- Yes, a little ...

We should probably go to the airport.

– Oh, indeed! Rushed!

All the way to Moscow, as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the face of Ariadne. As someone constantly dealing with danger to life, he was a fatalist. And I decided: I will not take a single step to find her, but if this is fate, life will still bring us together. And calmed down.

It was good at home. Clean, comfortable, delicious. Ilona shone with youth and beauty. Perhaps this is family happiness? There is still not enough well-fed baby to pull his hands in dressings to him and mutter: “Dad! Dad!" And then there will be a complete set ... But Ilona did not want to hear about the child.

- Understand, Danya, well, I can’t give birth while you are at this damn job! Afraid! You know how I tremble with fear when you are in Syria, then in Donetsk, then somewhere else ... And if, God forbid, something happens to you? I even once dreamed that you were taken prisoner by these ... ISIS and put a bag over your head ... - She began to cry. What child are you talking about? If you leave this job, then immediately ... In the meantime, don’t dream!

“Why did you marry me?”

“Because I love you, you damned fool!”

“And by the way, if they kill me, at least you will have a child from me.”

She raised her tear-stained face to him.

- You're joking like that, aren't you?

- I'm kidding, of course I'm kidding! He hastened to reassure her. - Okay, I promise that in two years I will think about another job, but for now, be patient!

- I'll be patient. And you suffer without a baby.

- I'll be patient. I am still young, and you have not yet matured to conscious motherhood. Everyone closed the topic. And tell me, wife, do you have a normal girlfriend for Fyodor?

Ilona was surprised.

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

She doesn't suit him.

What was he complaining about?

- Well, not that he complained, but I felt sorry for him. The guy toils. She is a vegetarian. And besides, a complete fool.

– So, we need to look for a smart meat-eater? Ilona laughed.

- To the point, my love!

- Okay, I'll scrape the bottom of the barrel. Fedka is a prominent guy ... And generally a good one. I will think.

The next day, coming home from work, Ilona asked:

– Dan, are you busy tomorrow evening?

I got two theater tickets. For a new musical performance.

- In Stasik!

“Oh, no, I’m sorry, but I somehow can’t digest it. Well, don't be angry, go with some girlfriend.

- Well Dan!

- I beg you, have pity!

- So be it, but you will be left without dinner.

- No problem! I won't die of hunger. Or I go to my mom.

“I was actually thinking about taking your mom to the theatre.

- CONSPIRACY? Okay, go! You are my cultivators!

- Culturists? What else is this? Ilona laughed.

- And this is when I worked in Israel, we had a driver, originally from Zaporozhye, so he said that they have these rosettes for sleeping tea bags called cultivators.

- And what! Cool word!

- By the way, in our house, in my opinion, there is not a single culturist.

Dan, what are you doing?

- Didn't understand?

- Why are you staring at this aunt?

Danila smiled at the bride.

“I don't stare at anyone. Just thought.

- Yes, not about what, but about whom.

- And about whom? Ilona asked coquettishly.

- About you, of course! Are you jealous?

- And how! But, of course, not to this aunt!

“I don't think she's an aunt at all.

Ilona smiled.

- Well, that's it!

But Danila was cunning. He couldn't take his eyes off the woman's face. And he said about age, just so that twenty-two-year-old Ilona would calm down. The woman was well over thirty. Dark skin, huge eyes, a sensual mouth and a tired, detached expression. I wonder what color her eyes are? Probably green. It's not visible from here. And also amazingly beautiful hands with large rings. She slowly drank coffee from a large cup and lazily picked at some dessert with a spoon. Waiting for someone?

- Dan, I'll go for a minute ...

- Go, but not for long, otherwise I will miss you.

God, what a woman! The wedding ring is not visible. She felt his gaze, raised her fantastic eyes, which turned out to be blue, and smiled almost imperceptibly. Not to him, no. Yes, she does not need me for three hundred years. And I would for such a fire and water. I wonder what her hair is? The woman was wearing some kind of complex bandage, with a large knot near the left ear. But then she looked at her watch, took out her phone, dialed a number.

– Hello! Joseph Markovich? Hello, this is Ariadne.

What Ariadne was talking about with Iosif Markovich, he no longer heard.

- Danka, will you despise me if I order ice cream?

- Yes! I will scorn you! But so that you do not suffer from my contempt, I will order myself a tiramisu!

Danka, I love you!

– Mutually, girl!

A waiter approached Ariadne, she paid him off and stood up. Danila was surprised, she turned out to be of medium height. And he thought she was tall.

“Stylish little thing,” Ilona remarked.

- Do you find it?

- Yes! Heels would be a little higher. Although at her age it is already difficult ...

A wave of dull irritation swept over Danila. But he held back.

The woman left. The feeling of irreparable loss squeezed his heart. Like a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty...

Ilona enjoyed eating ice cream.

I don’t love her, it sounded distinctly in Danila’s head. He was frightened by this thought - in two months the wedding was coming. Don't drive your horses, he told himself. Ilona is a great girl, she loves me, and in general ... She is twenty-two, she is a beauty, seemingly not stupid, quite economic, her mother approves of her. And this one… Wow, Ariadne… I will most likely never see this Ariadne again. If I were an artist, I would paint her portraits, many portraits, different ... I wonder why she has this bandage on her head? Hair bad? Or bald after chemotherapy? Phew, what a thought! Or am I defending myself against the impression this Ariadne made on me? It looks like it. You will never get tired of looking at such a woman. And to hear her voice too ... Come on, Danila, it's like in a movie - I saw some unthinkable beauty and became her fan. But that doesn't stop you from living. And she will be forgotten in two days.

– Danka, how is your tiramisu?

- What? he woke up. - Tiramisu? But not very. It happens better. Well, shall we ask for the bill?

- Certainly!

Days passed, but the woman from the cafe was not forgotten. Her face, a distant smile literally haunted him. Something must be done about this. But what? Looking for a needle in a haystack? Time heals, it's just that the course of treatment can be longer. Once or twice he stopped by that cafe in the hope that she was a regular there, but in vain.

Things piled up, a business trip to Syria, and there was no time for beautiful strangers there. And when he returned, Ilona threw him a tantrum.

- You do not have to! Don't you dare! It's so dangerous there! I couldn't sleep or eat! Danya, if you love me, I beg you, go to another job! Good journalists are needed everywhere! I won't have a quiet moment! What if we have a baby? Pregnant women don't have to worry!

– Are you pregnant?

- Not yet, but we will get married, and then ...

“And then, do you think I’ll go to work in a glossy magazine, writing reports on secular parties?” So it's also unsafe. You know, I once heard Nikita Dzhigurda growl. For me, the explosions of shells are even more harmonious.

“You always turn everything into a joke, but I’m serious ...

You know, I'm serious too. And keep in mind - I am a war correspondent, I love my profession, and if you are afraid of unrest, then we will not marry, look for a husband who is more adapted for your spiritual comfort.

She started crying. Sadness overwhelmed him.

“Danny, it’s such a worrying time right now…

- And what? Do you think I, a young man, should hide under the table and hold on to your skirt? But I, perhaps, in a year or two will have had enough of war games and will be high on some idiotic talk show. Until then, it's too early for me!

He had never spoken to her so harshly. She was frightened.

- OK, I understand. You are right, of course. I just love you so!

- If you love, remember: you can’t put pressure on me, I don’t accept this in principle. Basically! And even more so when it comes to my work. All. Stop talk about this.

She looked at him fearfully. He had never spoken to her like that before.

- Danechka, I ... Forgive me, I was not going to put pressure on you, I'm just afraid for you ...

- You know, my mother is also afraid for me, but ...

“Aren’t you afraid there yourself?”

- Well, why ... It happens. And how! But I can't live without this job. And you know, even if I had succumbed to your persuasion and changed jobs, you would hate me in two months. I can really be a nightmare type, when I'm bored, I can get up! It doesn't seem like much!

"So you're bored with me?"

- It's not about you. I'm bored with myself outside of my job. A month is the maximum I can handle. And if my memory serves me, I warned you when it came to the wedding.

- Okay, Danechka, I understand everything. But do you love me?

- Yes, I love, I love ...

Oh my God, do all the women ask this idiotic question? I wonder if that woman asks it too? I'm sure not. She simply has no doubt that any man she descends to will die of love. Ugh, what an obsession! More than a month has passed, but she is not forgotten.

- Danchik, did you tell your dad about the wedding? Mom asked.

- Certainly. He promised to come.

- Well, fine. Did he dissuade you from marrying?

“No, no,” Daniel laughed. - Just surprised. And he asked: "Are you a fool, or what?"

- Yes, your father, when we got divorced, said: “I won’t step on this rake again!” And, as you can see, he keeps his word. Son, are you... Are you sure you want to get married?

Why did you ask? Did you like Ilonka?

- I still like her. Good girl. Intelligent, intelligent, loves you ... Well, pretty, like a picture. She just called the other day, she was sad… Did you offend her in any way?

- Probably not. She just… In short, she demanded that I change jobs, which is unacceptable to me.

Was she exactly what she asked for?
