15 years of marriage. Crystal, glass wedding (15 years)

crystal wedding comes to 15 years of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested. However, crystal is still a breakable material, so spouses must be careful not to break it.

The invited guests at the crystal wedding should be relatives and close friends of the spouses. Gifts for this anniversary should be made of crystal or glass. It can be various souvenirs glassware or glassware. According to tradition, for a crystal wedding, there must be as many glass and crystal dishes as possible on the table, especially crystal wine glasses.

Having handed over their gifts, the guests raise their crystal wine glasses, and also say beautiful toasts and wish the spouses to live in prosperity and happiness.

Today is a special day for you -
You've been together for 15 years.
Congratulations on your crystal wedding.
I wish you happiness, warmth.

Let the fire in the soul not go out
Keep your bright hearth.
Let love always help
You survive resentment, fear.

The family is a great sanctuary,
You understood this a long time ago.
As the years go by, the feeling only gets sweeter
Like aged wine.

The sacred vessel became crystal,
15 years already family,
I congratulate you on a glorious date,
Love for both husband and wife.

May the sparkle in your eyes always flicker,
Let your passion not subside
Let the union only flourish
May you have abundance.

I wish to cherish tender feelings,
Do not let resentment into your house,
Let it always be comfortable
You even keep quiet together.

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your family, on a crystal wedding. May your feelings always remain crystal clear and bright, may your life be filled with happiness and goodness, may there always be joy and prosperity in your home, may your love forever remain strong and great.

Happy crystal wedding, my dears!
It's a beautiful anniversary for you.
And let your feelings be
Love will play in the hearts with renewed vigor.

Keep each other warm with warmth,
Do not spare care, support in everything.
And no matter how many difficult periods
You will overcome them all together.

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful.
Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful.
You lived, keeping the consent,
Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness.

I wish you in the fast run of days -
I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -
Shine with love with the sun on a par,
After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Crystal is reliable. They speak in vain
That it is brittle, that it is only glass.
For fifteen years he grew stronger every hour,
And the time has come to become a diamond!

And your crystal marriage is even more reliable
And it became stronger, not a crack in it.
It is based on a solid life,
And the cozy, sweet home became warm.

Fifteen years have gone by so fast
Like one day, and love is so strong,
What have you become younger during this period,
And passion is alive and insatiable again.

Already have children, good job,
You have built your own world.
So God bless you and have fun!
In life, love is the only idol.

Can't believe it's been fifteen years!
They went insanely fast!
I wish you to continue to live troubles,
May you always love each other!

I wish you both tenderness and passion,
So that feelings only grow stronger, like steel!
And, of course, human happiness,
And so that your crystal is strong!

Fifteen years - what a date!
So your faces shine with love,
How happy we are for you guys
May your happiness last forever!

Hand in hand you go through life
Not noticing petty insults.
Live happily and selflessly
And fate will bestow upon you in full.

Crystal chime, glasses clink ...
Fifteen years is a crystal jubilee,
And you are not tired of loving each other,
Only every year closer and dearer.

Have not lost joy over the years,
She is in our hearts and souls forever.
And let everything that you dreamed come true
And only a tear will shine from happiness.

Your love grows stronger with age
You look great together
It's been fifteen years now
And you live like in a movie!

And happy crystal anniversary to you,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I wish you happiness for no reason
Love, take care of your family!

I wish that dreams come true
So that you do not know the problems
In each other so as not to doubt
Wishing me this is not too lazy!.ru/cards/den-svadby/svadba-15-let-hrustalnaya.gif

15 years from the wedding - this is the third round anniversary. Previously, it was called glass, but now everyone knows it as crystal. On the Svadbagolik.ru portal, you can find a list of all anniversaries and their correct names.

15 years since the wedding: the history of traditions

This anniversary is called a crystal wedding, because the couple's relationship to this moment is just as pure and real, but quite fragile. But it is worth noting that crystal is a more durable material compared to glass, although their composition is similar. Almost all over the world, this date has a similar name, but the traditions that are associated with it differ. For example, in France since the time of Louis XIV, it has been customary to launch doves into the sky, and if they circle over the venue of the holiday, then the couple will live to see the golden jubilee.

In England have been celebrating this event for a long time. Then it was a good tradition to present a crystal button - a symbol of celebration. In Germany 15 years life together they call it a violet anniversary, not a crystal one, but the meaning of the name is the same. According to tradition, the invited guests were served 15 dishes, and the young ones were sprinkled with violet petals.

In Russia, as before, and now it is customary to magnificently celebrate 15 years from the date of marriage. main tradition there were gifts, but in the days of the USSR it was almost impossible to get crystal (sets of dishes, vases, figurines), guests gave ceramics or glass, so the wedding anniversary of 15 years was called accordingly. But when this material became more widely available, the name and gifts changed to crystal and remain so to this day. For 15 years of marriage, there is another Russian tradition: what is a wedding without broken dishes, on this day the newlyweds break their wedding glasses after another toast as a sign of the beginning of a new stage in married life. If they are not preserved, break any other glasses.

Wedding anniversary 15 years: where and how to celebrate

The wedding anniversary of 15 years is remarkable in that it can be attended by children who have already grown up and can celebrate with adults, and parents who are still in uniform, as well as friends. To celebrate this day, there are three options:

  1. Book a table or a banquet hall in a cafe.
  2. Mark home.
  3. Go out into nature and organize a holiday in the fresh air.

Celebration in nature

If the wedding anniversary of 15 years fell in the summer, then great way her departure will be out of town. It can be a summer cottage, a rented farmstead, a clearing in the forest, or simply a well-equipped lakeside. Your best bet is to book a catering service so you don't have to worry about cooking. You can also find a designer to create the right atmosphere for you. However, by turning on the fantasy, you can save on his services by decorating the yard yourself. Look at your home for all kinds of glass vases, jars, beakers, caskets. Maybe there is an old glass window frame lying around in the basement, from which you can make a “Welcome” sign. Put glass candlesticks on the table. You can also order special hanging glass balls, which are placed flowers or other decorations. If there are small children at the celebration, then instead of glass balls, it is better to order large transparent balloons filled with helium. You should definitely invite a photographer to such an event.

home holiday

If you decide to celebrate the anniversary within the walls of your home, then you need to take care of creating the right solemn atmosphere. The celebration of the 15th anniversary of the wedding is traditionally decorated in light colors: white, ivory. But an interesting variety will be bright inclusions in the interior: pillows, napkins, etc. Probably, every couple at home has a set of crystal glasses - that's what it should be on the table. And if you do not have transparent tableware, then this is a great reason to get such utensils. Flowers on the table are an indispensable element, and they should stand in a crystal vase. Choosing a wedding anniversary cake should be stylized, for example, decorated with caramel crystal figurines. To mark this day as fifteen years ago the wedding itself, you should not stand at the stove all day: ask your sister, girlfriend or someone else about it, or order food in a restaurant. In this way, you will be able to properly prepare yourself: hair, makeup and outfit. By the way, usually on this day they put on their newlywed dress, possibly altered.


Organizing a holiday in a cafe or restaurant is the easiest and most convenient option. Spouses do not have to worry about cooking and washing dishes. And it is convenient for guests to get home from the city limits. You can look for an institution with a suitable interior: vases, candlesticks, crystal chandeliers. Or ask the administrator to decorate your table with some suitable items. The 15th wedding anniversary for a couple is a milestone to which the awareness of all responsibility for each other, for children and parents is already coming. Therefore, the image of the young must match. For a woman, this is a simple, but not devoid of elegance, floor-length dress or middle length light tone, or a pantsuit in the same color, complemented by a bright blouse. Jewelry or Jewelry, inlaid with transparent stones: rock crystal, Swarovski crystals, cubic zirconias, topazes. The hairstyle is also decorated with similar elements. For a man the best option is a good old classic: suit, shirt and tie. His charming wife will be his decoration at a glass wedding.

Choosing gifts

If you are invited to a wedding anniversary of 15 years and do not know what they usually give, then here is a short list of original presents for you:

  • Some kind of crystal thing (ashtray, vase, candlestick) engraved with the wishes and date of the wedding anniversary.
  • Aquarium with exotic fish.
  • Chandelier, lamps, sconces made of crystal or glass.
  • Crystal chess.
  • Rings with rock crystal inlay, which is a talisman from the evil eye.
  • Painting on glass.

15 years of marriage is a serious period, so to speak. After all, only in love and harmony can you live to see a crystal wedding. 15 years since the wedding is a great opportunity to gather your friends, relatives and loved ones around the table and remember all the pleasant episodes from your married life. With whom, if not with loved ones, you can share this joy. In turn, relatives are thinking about what to give the "newlyweds" for their anniversary. In our article, we will talk about what traditions exist for 15 years of marriage, what kind of wedding it is and what to give to husband and wife.

Traditions of celebrating 15 years of marriage

First of all, we would like to say a few words about the traditions of celebrating 15 years of married life:

  1. The room in which the celebration will take place should be appropriately decorated, preferably in white or beige tones;
  2. According to wedding traditions spouses should send out invitations to their friends and relatives;
  3. For 15 years of wedding on the table should be crystal tableware;
  4. At the end of the celebration, the spouses drink from crystal glasses and break them - this is for good luck.

If you and your husband want to celebrate this date in a quiet and secluded environment, then why not go on a romantic trip together? Arrange yourself a vacation abroad, or go to a restaurant together. The main thing is that on this festive day both of you should be warm and comfortable with each other, because we set the mood for ourselves.

What to give your husband for 15 years of marriage?

Below we will offer you some gift ideas for your beloved spouse.

Necessary gifts

Here we will talk about technology. Great gift husband on a significant date will be an expensive camera, mobile phone, laptop or accessories for it, gifts in the car. You can give an expensive watch.

You can give a man a good camera on his wedding day

Everyday Gifts

This may include some of the household items. For example, if your husband smokes, then a good gift there will be an ashtray of their crystal. A husband who loves beer can give a crystal glass.

Gifts of a personal nature

This includes gifts that are designed to satisfy the taste of your man. Who, if not a beloved wife, knows taste preferences her husband. Give him a good, expensive perfume for his 15th wedding anniversary, which he has long dreamed of.

Household Plan Gifts

If your husband loves to make or do something with his own hands, then you should definitely give him a chic set of tools or one thing, for example, a drill. It’s only better to ask your husband in advance if he would like to receive such a gift. You can ask your friends for help.

a man on his wedding day can be presented with a set of tools


Expensive wine, cognac will become a wonderful gift husband, especially if he is a connoisseur of good and high-quality alcohol and understands it. In general, alcohol is always great present for a man of any status.

Original gifts

This may include the following:

  1. A set of chess or checkers, where the figures are made of crystal;
  2. Dinner for two in a romantic setting;
  3. Vacation trip for two;
  4. Certificate to the store of fashionable branded men's shoes;
  5. A picture made of glass or sewn by hand;
  6. Silver cufflinks or tie clip (assuming the husband wears suits).

As we can see, gifts for 15 years of married life can be very diverse. An excellent option would be a joint trip, for example, to a winter resort. And it’s okay if both of you haven’t skied or gotten on ATVs before, because it’s so nice to share first impressions with your loved one.

for a married couple for 15 years from the wedding day, you can organize a romantic dinner in a chic restaurant

What to give your wife for 15 years of marriage?

Men have to puzzle for a long time over choosing a gift for their other half for any holiday, not to mention such a serious date.

Thematic gifts

For a crystal wedding, it is customary to give crystal objects, for example: a set of dishes, a vase, a figurine, a phone stand and other items. But these presents are the most anticipated, they can be left to friends. The husband should give something exquisite.

Tasty gifts

Almost all women have a sweet tooth by nature. An excellent gift for 15 years of marriage will be a cake with the symbols of the holiday, write on it "Happy wedding day!". Ordering it now is not a problem - the confectioner will make it exactly as you wish. You can place your wedding photo on it.

gift for a woman on her wedding day original cake with an inscription

jewelry gifts

Beloved wife will be glad to receive beautiful jewelry as a gift. It can be earrings, rings, necklaces, or a set containing precious or semi-precious stones as decor.

"Warm" gifts

Your wife will be very pleased to receive a fur coat that she has long dreamed of for 15 years of married life.


Undoubtedly, no family celebration can do without flowers. It is customary for a woman to give flowers, so let the bouquet be unusual. Instead of flowers, give your wife a few perfumes, beautifully arranged in a "floral" bouquet. We are sure that she will appreciate your originality.

Universal gifts

Such gifts will always delight your wife with originality, namely:

  1. Gift certificate to a beauty salon for any kind of cosmetic services;
  2. A ticket to the sea;
  3. Order a limousine and ride around the night city, a walk on hot-air balloon or a parachute jump for brave ladies;
  4. Tour of restaurants with the aim of tasting the proposed dishes of different cuisines;
  5. A date at the cinema, where only you and your wife will be in the hall.

To surprise your spouse even more, get up early in the morning and decorate the apartment with balloons and flowers. Be sure to tell your wife beautiful words, or prepare unusual congratulations wife. Poems dedicated to your wife and written by you personally will not go unanswered. The main thing is to put all your love into their meaning.

a married couple in honor of the 15th wedding anniversary can arrange a trip to the sea

What to give spouses from friends for 15 years of marriage?

You can give your close friends following gifts:

  1. Crystal dishes;
  2. Crystal aquarium (but here, find out in advance about the preferences of the “newlyweds”, after all, it will require constant care);
  3. Crystal household items (for example, lamps);
  4. Crystal souvenirs (figurines, candlesticks, animal figurines);
  5. Canvas with a portrait of the spouses.

A gift in the form of a photo collage can be very original and memorable, where each of the guests will sign and wish something to the heroes of the occasion.

You can compose cool congratulations on your own and hand them on a postcard. There are many options on how to congratulate friends on their 15th wedding anniversary, the main thing is to show imagination. Don't be afraid to surprise. After all, it is not so much a gift that is expensive as attention.

Quite a serious date - 15 years of marriage. What kind of wedding is this and what to give not only the friends of a married couple think, but also the husband and wife themselves. But it is important not only to pay attention to yourself, but also to the guests. For this reason, we advise you to take care of the celebration in advance - choose a restaurant, make a menu, think over a program and invite a host. A lot also depends on the atmosphere of the holiday.

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is traditionally called crystal. This beautiful anniversary mutual love deserves to be celebrated truly festively and solemnly. How to do it right, how to congratulate the heroes of the occasion, what to give, what meaning crystal carries for spouses - you will learn from our article.

About symbols of celebration

It is believed that the fifteenth anniversary relationships in a couple have reached the beauty and transparency that noble crystal has. At the same time, the name of the wedding "crystal" reminds us that mutual understanding between loving people- the thing is very fragile. It, like an expensive piece of crystal, can be easily broken even by one rash act. However, the very fact that the spouses are celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of a happy life together is proof that each of them has learned over the years to highly appreciate his soul mate and seeks to find a compromise in the most difficult life situations. Crystal has long been associated with something fabulous and unusual.. It is not without reason that magical attributes from this material are often mentioned in Russian fairy tales. If you look through a layer of crystal at the surrounding objects, they acquire unusual shapes and facets. So warm mutual feelings allow you to smooth out the sharp corners of life, to bring an element of fairy tale and romance into everyday bustle. In numerology, the number "fifteen" is considered lucky. It attracts wealth and good luck. For the "newlyweds" fifteenth anniversary family life- this is a great chance to refresh your relationship, forgive each other's mistakes and rush towards new happy opportunities together. In the following video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about crystal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw5s10KpOHc

Rites and traditions

The main and obligatory tradition of any wedding, especially a crystal one, is the breaking of dishes “for good luck”.

It is worth preparing for this responsible ritual in advance - choose old, or glass objects that have already cracked. When breaking dishes, you should mentally let go of all your problems.. Such an ancient ritual symbolically indicates new stage in a relationship between spouses who have lived in a couple for quite some time, helps to clear their house of negative energy and bad memories, attracts material well-being. Guests, in turn, should present the heroes of the occasion with new crystal souvenirs, which will bring an element of luxury and grace to the home interior, as well as emphasize the individual qualities of the owners of the house.

How to arrange a holiday table

Traditional crystal wedding the table should be served with crystal and glassware - dishes, vases, salad bowls. For guests, it is necessary to put expensive wine glasses, which they will raise, saying wishes to the spouses. And the "newlyweds" should have crystal wedding glasses, preferably preserved from the day of their marriage. Of the drinks on the table, there should be traditional champagne, and white wines are also recommended. As an appetizer, among other dishes, guests should be offered cheeses and fruits. It is allowed to organize a light buffet for the fifteenth wedding anniversary.

Who to invite to the party

Anniversary weddings are celebrated in a big way. Among the friends invited should be those who were present at the time of the marriage, as well as everyone with whom the couple managed to establish friendly relations during fifteen years of marriage. Preparing to celebrate this solemn date, you need to decide on the list of guests:

  • Parents;
  • Children;
  • Witnesses at the wedding;
  • Family friends and relatives.

The main guests at the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be the parents of the spouses and children. The presence of older family members is evidence of respect for age and the continuity of generations, and the participation of children in the holiday is a symbol of the continuation of the family lineage.

Where and how to celebrate

If the heroes of the occasion decided to celebrate this event noisily and cheerfully, then it is best rent a separate room in a cafe for these purposes so that the owners themselves have the opportunity to relax during the holiday. As in the case of a regular wedding, you can invite toastmaster or independently prepare a script for a festive evening. The decision to celebrate the wedding anniversary in small company also correct in its own way, especially since astrologers recommend celebrating a crystal wedding in a narrow circle. The fact is that the planet Saturn is responsible for the fifteen-year date, which does not welcome outside interference in family affairs.

Congratulations in verse and prose

As at any wedding, at this celebration can't do without toast. It is better to prepare in advance a few original or cool congratulations, which would not bore those sitting at the table. For this purpose, small poems or witty wishes in prose are suitable. Here are examples of some of them.

Crystal clinking glasses

Cheerful loud laugh.

Happy wedding to you Crystal!

You are the best couple!

Take care of each other

Never quarrel

Keep your love

For many years!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

With an anniversary common date - a crystal wedding!

I wish you love long, clear, like crystal,

And may your union still be strong, like steel!

Fifteen crystal stars

Heaven gave you

And your union of two crystal souls

For all and pride, and beauty!

Let it shine brightly above you

Night high sky!

And the happy stars will not subside

Crystal clear chime!

We wish you to live in full harmony many more times for fifteen years! Continue to share family joys and worries in two. Happiness to you, health and good luck! Bitterly! *** Dear “crystal” spouses! We sincerely congratulate you on the fifteenth anniversary of the family! Protect each other and the purity of your relationship, like an expensive crystal vase! May you live happily ever after!

What to gift

It is not always possible to get something very original for the anniversary wedding, but you can try to turn an ordinary gift into an unusual present.

Suppose a beautiful dish is purchased as a gift. In order to present it in an original way, you can use this present as an auxiliary thing, for example, for playing forfeits. For this purpose, wrappers should be poured onto the dish with comic tasks, and entertain the "young" and guests in such a simple way. And at the end of the game, present it as a prize to the best players - the heroes of the occasion. An ordinary ashtray can be presented with a miniature bouquet of flowers, thus reformatting it into a vase and accompanying it with some kind of joke, for example: “A souvenir should not serve a husband for smoking, but his wife for prosperity.” The option of a gift with figurines will look original. You can purchase two elegant figurines and give them the names of the spouses. When presenting a gift, remember interesting and important events in the life of the “newlyweds”. It will be funny and touching. At any holiday always in price unusual gifts. As such unexpected gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary, you can try the following options:

  • A painting enclosed in an exquisite crystal frame;
  • Crystal samovar, symbolizing the unity of the family;
  • Any souvenir made of optical glass, decorated with an inscription or drawing;
  • Aquarium with decorative fish;
  • Crystal candlesticks are a kind of intimate gift, they are suitable for a romantic evening and symbolize the honeymoon.

Depending on the tastes of the "newlyweds" you can give more practical gifts , but again having at least an indirect relation to glass or crystal. For example, a certificate for the installation of new double-glazed windows, tickets for visiting an aquarium with exotic inhabitants or performances in a dolphinarium. Such gifts will look bold and original. If you wish to make an exclusive gift, you can pay in advance in the workshop for the production of a crystal souvenir by individual order.

Gifts to each other

Gifts should come up for each other and the spouses themselves. After all, guests will come to their house only in the evening, while the holiday begins in the morning. Therefore, it does not hurt to take advantage of a great opportunity and make nice presents to each other. For this, it is best tender words and material offerings, chosen according to the taste of their partner, which each of the spouses is already well aware of.

A wife can be presented with the following crystal gifts:

  • Vase;
  • Jewelry box;
  • Exquisite decorations;
  • Souvenir - shoe or heart;
  • Illuminated crystal;
  • Artificial flower;
  • Table lamp;
  • Keychain, pendant.

The wife should also prepare original gift for a spouse. As a festive crystal present, the following options may be suitable:

  • Statuette;
  • Beer mug;
  • Transparent table figures - a cube, a pyramid or a ball on a stand;
  • Laser hologram in crystal.
  • Framed table clock;
  • Pen holder and business card holder;
  • Flash drive;
  • Souvenir version of the board game.

Crystal wedding follows after steel, nickel and agate. This means that it is not entirely correct to explain its name only by the purity and fragility of human relations. Perhaps a more correct interpretation of this celebration would be the harmony of form and content achieved over a fifteen-year period. After all, the technological process of obtaining crystal includes melting, blowing, heat treatment, engraving and, finally, careful polishing.

Also, relationships between spouses go through a lot of trials for fifteen years before they acquire a beautiful, perfect form, comparable to an exquisite crystal product.

A crystal (glass) wedding personifies the purity and clarity of marital relations. Having lived together for fifteen years, husband and wife have already fully explored each other. Their connection became like glass, as transparent, but at the same time rather fragile. Since a crystal can be broken by a careless movement, so a marriage is destroyed by a single rash act.

Wedding traditions for 15 years of marriage

The main custom of a crystal wedding is the breaking of dishes. Anything is allowed to be broken. Especially if the object personifies an unpleasant period of living together. After the ceremony, you can safely buy new things that will become a symbol of the future, the best stage of life together.

It is also necessary festive table for 15 years of the wedding, serve with crystal dishes. It is this material that symbolizes the value of the years lived and the purity of relationships. And the clink of glasses will disperse the troubles that have ever arisen in the life of the “newlyweds”. Under the crystal sounds, the guests shout “bitterly” to the perpetrators, and they are obliged to kiss, so that the magic of fairy-tale glass touches their family, filling it with happiness and romance.

Also, the custom requires the presence of parents on the 15th anniversary. They are a symbol of respect for tradition and life itself. In addition, there should be children at the table, who are the personification of the continuation of the family on earth.

How to celebrate the fifteenth wedding anniversary?

A crystal wedding is an important anniversary in the life of spouses. It is customary to celebrate such a date with many guests in a good institution.

  1. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the place of celebration. There are many options that allow you to have a good event, regardless of financial condition, time of year. In winter, you may prefer banquet hall or a restaurant. This option must be considered in advance. Since an order made a few weeks in advance will allow you not to think about the organization immediately before the holiday. When a crystal wedding is planned for the warm season, the celebration can be organized outdoors. It will be not only fun, but also useful. Especially if guests come to the holiday with kids.
  2. Room decoration. Such a nuance should be developed in advance. Each element of the decor should remind you that this is the fifteenth anniversary of marriage. It is also worth taking care of the toastmaster and developing a scenario for the upcoming celebration.
  3. Invitations. The wedding anniversary of 15 years is an extraordinary event. And this festive element will give officiality, importance to the event. It will make it mysterious and solemn.
  4. Outfits. What the couple will wear at the celebration is very important. The clothes of the husband and wife should not only emphasize their status, but also give sophistication, modest chic to the whole image.
  5. If a young couple is not one of those who like to spend time in noisy companies, you can buy vouchers and go together for a few days to an exotic country. The children are already big enough to be left under the care of their grandparents. So it's time to fulfill the most romantic dream.

What to give for 15 years of marriage?

What is given for a crystal wedding should be worthy of this date. For example, Appliances, gadgets or computer accessories. You can give items that are directly a symbol of such a day, that is, crystal products.

What to give your husband for 15 years of marriage?

Presents are an integral part of the celebration. Each spouse thinks ahead of time possible options. You can give your beloved man something quite traditional, or choose an unusual thing.

  1. Crystal. Such a gift for 15 years of marriage is quite acceptable for a man. The main thing is that he pleases her husband. From this category of surprises for a loved one, you can choose a beer glass, an ashtray, an original figurine.
  2. A practical thing. If a man belongs to a group of people who prefer only the right gifts, you can stop at the subject that he lacks. For example, a spouse’s phone is broken or his favorite perfume has run out, maybe he wants a set of tools or some kind of car accessory.
  3. Enthusiasm. An excellent gift option would be a little thing related to her husband's hobby: equipment for hunting, fishing, a board game, a set for a craftsman.

What to give your wife for 15 years of marriage?

Such traditional things as crystal tableware, souvenirs will definitely be presented by friends or relatives. For a beloved woman, a gift for a crystal wedding should be chosen from which she will be delighted, and love will light up in her eyes.

  1. Jewelry. Jewelry is a win-win option for any occasion. In this case, saving is not worth it. And you can present your wife with a golden ring with a shiny pebble or beautiful earrings.
  2. Casket. A product made of crystal and decorated with gilding will undoubtedly arouse admiration from his wife.
  3. Perfume. Every woman has a favorite perfume scent. You can present such a present in a beautiful glass bottle and attach bright postcard with a declaration of love.

A crystal wedding is an important period in the life of the whole family. If you look at objects through crystal glass, they acquire unusual shapes and outlines. Also, mutual understanding between spouses allows you to smooth out all the unpleasant life situations, brings magic and romance to the relationship.
