“I’ll get an asterisk from the sky ...” or how to make a happy wife? Happy Wife, Happy Family She thanks you.

Check if your beloved woman has these 12 signs, then you can easily determine how suitable you are for each other.

Each of us is sometimes visited by the question, are I and my loved ones happy? We will try to tell you how to determine whether your wife is happy. Check if your beloved woman has these 12 signs, then you can easily determine how suitable you are for each other. You may also find several useful tips that will make your beloved happier in married life after reading this article.

Every man wants his wife to be the happiest woman in the world. Below you will find several signs that the person is really right for you and you for her.

1. She loves being around you.

When you invite her to go out with you and she immediately agrees, even if you just go to the store household appliances, pawnshop or to the market for nails, then this is clearly a great sign. It may not happen every time, but if this happens quite often, and you see that she enjoys spending time with you, then you can be proud of yourself. Unhappy women usually don't like spending time with their husbands.

2. She smiles at home

Happiness is reflected on the faces of women, they directly shine from the inside when they are pleased with their surroundings. If she smiles most of the time, then you can be sure that she is happy. This does not mean that throughout the day she should walk around the house, smiling broadly - it would look, at least, strange. But if most of the time she is irritable and walks around the house with a frown, then, most likely, not everything in her marriage develops happily. Remember that happy people smile most of the time.

3. She loves your hugs.

When you hug her and she reciprocates, that is also a good sign. If your wife enjoys your hugs, then you have nothing to worry about.

4. Her kisses linger

This also speaks volumes. Of course, not every kiss should be that long, but they should happen regularly. When lips merge into a kiss for a few seconds, this is - sure sign that she enjoys the kiss. This makes her happy. Unhappy married women do not like kissing.

5. She likes to talk to you about different things.

If she likes to chat with you about what's going on in the world, a movie she likes, or anything you both enjoy discussing, including family matters, it means that she feels comfortable around you and enjoys your company. This is a good sign that she is happily married to you.

6. She thanks you

If you do something nice for her, and she thanks you for it, then this is a good sign. Showing gratitude means that she fully understands you and appreciates all your efforts that you make to please her. Happy wives always notice and express their gratitude.

7. She cooks your favorite meals.

There is a lot of truth in popular saying"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." If at least some of the time she tries to please you with her cooking, then this shows that by making you happy, she herself is happy.

8. She loves dating you.

It is quite normal and healthy if your wife goes out occasionally with her girlfriends. But if they are your first preference, then something is wrong in your marriage. If she loves dates with you (and you should ensure that they are), then you can be sure that she is happy with you.

9. She supports you when you are sick or in a bad mood.

If she tries to cure you as quickly as possible when you are sick, tries to make you feel better by preparing, for example, chicken noodle soup or some “delicacy” for you, then you are lucky. You have a caring wife. If she sympathizes with you when you are not in the mood, then you can be sure that she understands you. This is another form of showing support. Happy wives show concern for their husbands in this way.

10. She compliments you and tells you that you are beautiful.

Happy wives notice when their man looks good, and she will definitely tell him about it. This is a sure sign that she is happy with her Man.

11. She thanks God for you in her prayers.

When you pray and she cannot refrain from telling God that she appreciates and loves the man He has sent her, then you are in luck. Thanking God for you is one of the strongest proofs that she is happy with you.

12. Spending time with her makes you happy.

If you notice that, looking at her, you feel completely happy, then this is a sure sign that she is also happy. When it happens, don't hide it. Tell her about it. This will cheer her up and make her smile, and her smile is happiness not only for her, or for you personally, it is a sign of a happy family.

According to his unique psychology, a man can only feel fulfilled with a woman for whom he is the best. Husbands often leave disgruntled wives. How to be?

After all, there are no perfect people. Before getting married, a wise woman will analyze whether the “cons” of a man are acceptable to her or not. To get a clear picture, take a piece of paper and make two graphs - pros and cons.

Will you be comfortable living with his negative qualities on a daily basis? Is it possible for you to avoid the irritation and condemnation of your husband? It is important to answer these questions for yourself if you love him. After all, this feeling implies the desire to see a person happy.

Praise your husband as often as possible -
because there is always something for it.

If you are dissatisfied with something, organize a romantic dinner and from a position weak woman tell me what upsets you. Attention! Disappointing, not disappointing! Reproaches and a mask of disappointment on the face can lead to a lack of motivation in a husband.

There are examples when an uninitiated, rude, unemployed man showed new personality traits in a short time. The reason is the praise of a woman for the most “insignificant” achievements. Will he be able to be rude if, in your words, he is “the most gentle”? How not to make money for the family if: “darling, you spoil me so much” (and let it be a bouquet of chicory for a start). Is it really possible to waste days if “how do you manage to do everything”?

Wife can give strong motivation
to the prosperity of the family, husband.

Respect is an important component of family well-being. All people are visited by a feeling of irritation. And raising your voice, using jargon in such a situation is unacceptable. Having failed to cope with your emotions one day, you will cross the line beyond which he can begin to behave identically.

Initially, keep track of such moments and if your husband is the first to offend you, talk. There are many ways to deal with emotions. Ideal - to deploy and remember the brightest, most romantic moments from your history. If this is not possible, do it while looking at the beloved who is letting off steam of anger. The main thing is to watch your tone and choose your expressions carefully. Love is a fragile thing. And every scandal in which you looked like a peasant woman driving a herd of goats will shake the romantic feelings of your husband. Remember - "a wife is for a husband, not a husband for a wife."

Traditions are the magic of the family,
provided by a smart wife.

In addition to the birthdays of your second cousins, there is the date of your meeting with your husband, the day of the first kiss, the holiday of all lovers in the city, which does not exist - the list is endless. The task of the wife happy husband- organize such events at least once a month.

The tradition necessarily includes spontaneous evenings. You can even rent an apartment for a day in the Dubrovka metro station, with a beautiful interior, to spend an unforgettable evening. Every woman knows that having met her husband in a trite in beautiful underwear, leaving only candles from the lighting, your pastime together will help him get rid of unpleasant thoughts and daily fuss.

An important psychological nuance- sometimes a man can be frightened that you expect "cine" actions from him. Subconsciously, he may experience tension, fearing to disappoint. Therefore, be sensitive - if you feel that your husband is embarrassed or not quite in the mood for a romantic dinner, translate the communication into a playful form.

Just having dinner in your underwear is pretty fun and just as relaxing. In this case, you can buy him funny underwear, for conceptual completeness theme party. And continue by bathing in a foam bath or massage with fir oil.

The best hobby for a wife - family traditions and the organization of such joint leisure, which includes the breaking of patterns and remains invariably amazing.

We often hear from others that only the woman who got the “right” man can be happy in marriage. However, in reality it turns out that with the same man two different women can feel both happy and unhappy. So maybe it's the woman herself?

The 10 main commandments of a happy wife will help you understand how to build relationships with your other half so that they develop in the best possible way.

1. Love your man with all his pros and cons

A woman who does not seek to correct all the shortcomings of her man that seems to her is always one level higher than the one who molds something special out of her husband.

2. In society, it is important to speak only positively about your spouse.

Men always treat women with great honor and respect, who praise them in front of friends and do not take out family quarrels for everyone to see.

3. You need to speak directly to your husband about your desires and experiences, without ambiguous hints.

Men are not always able to capture the thoughts of their soul mates. That is why it is very important to be able to express yourself correctly and not torturing yourself and your husband with phases from the series “guess yourself” or “guess why?”.

4. A man craves tenderness and words of support no less than a woman.

A happy wife knows that if she gives a portion of warmth and love to her man, then everything will come back to her threefold.

5. It is absolutely not worth believing the words of a man said in a fit of anger!

If a man in a heated environment throws offensive word to his wife, in 90% of cases he does this not from evil, but as self-defense.

6. Sincere service to your husband melts the heart of even the coldest man.

A woman who dreams of becoming a happy wife should sincerely want to give love and care to her man. Even a callous and dry man in caring female hands becomes an affectionate cat.

7. Faith in the devotion of the husband does not allow him to betray his half.

Women who 100% trust their men are much less likely to become victims of betrayal and deceit. Happy women remember this.

8. Any forbidden fruit is sweet

A happy wife always remembers that forbidding her husband to do something means pushing him to these actions.

9. Take the side of your husband in a conflict situation - maintain a strong relationship

If a man has a conflict situation outside the home, the wife who takes the side of her husband automatically rises in his eyes by several steps.

10. A happy wife does not stir up conflicts, but smoothes them out.

Women who like to heat up the situation and make scenes with or without cause quickly lose the respect of their spouse and alienate him from themselves.

Sometimes men complain about the lack of attention from their wife or that she grumbles too often. But do they do everything to make the wife happy?

Here are 10 signs of a happy wife that all husbands should consider.

1. She enjoys being around her husband.

If a woman most often easily agrees to go somewhere with her husband on his business, even to the store for a new fishing rod or a pack of nails, this means that she wants to be there, no matter where and under what circumstances. An unhappy wife will not look for an excuse to be with her husband.

2. She smiles a lot

Happiness is a very specific emotional state when inner joy cannot be hidden. The woman seems to glow from the inside and this is reflected on her face in a smile. Of course, she won't smile all the time, but it happens quite often. If the wife often looks gloomy, reacts nervously to everything and grumbles, then such a woman is hardly really happy.

3. She loves hugging her husband

If a woman happily reciprocates the hugs of her husband, then everything is fine in the couple. An unhappy woman will be very reserved or even look for excuses to avoid hugs, citing busyness or other reasons.

4. She likes to kiss her husband

Kissing can also speak volumes. Let not every time, but most often the kiss should be gentle and long, at least for a few seconds. If the husband sees that the wife is enjoying the process at this moment and is not in a hurry to interrupt it, this is a clear sign of a loving and happy woman.

5. She likes to talk to him about everything.

A happy wife will be happy to chat with her husband about everything - about breaking news, favorite movies, family affairs, etc. This is a sign that for a woman, communication with her husband is comfortable and pleasant. Most likely, such a wife feels happy.

6. She thanks her husband

A happy wife appreciates and loves her husband. This also manifests itself in gratitude - she is genuinely glad if he does something for her and always thanks him, trying to show that she appreciates his desire to please her. Of course, for this, the husband should try to please his wife, help her or arrange some kind of pleasant surprise.

7. She cooks his favorite meals

If a wife often cooks her husband's favorite dishes or tries to please him with new culinary delights, this is an important sign that she is happy. So the wife tries to show her husband her love and care.

8. She enjoys spending time with her husband.

Of course, the wife can sometimes meet with her friends and spend time with them. But if she too often prefers their company to the company of her husband, then everything is not so good in marriage. IN happy marriage the husband likes to arrange dates, and the wife gladly accepts his offer to go somewhere together.

9. She supports her husband if he is ill.

A husband will always feel care and love if his wife is happy. She will look after and treat him if he gets sick, will cook delicious meals and worry about him. She will sympathize and support if he has problems or just Bad mood. A happy wife is always caring.

10. She compliments him.

If the wife is happy, she will definitely tell her man when he looks especially good, and will certainly praise him if he manages to cope with any difficult task.

Every man wants to see his wife happy, to feel her love, care and attention. However, for this, a man himself must try to please his wife, surround her with care and love. If many of these points do not appear in the family, then the man should think about whether he is doing everything to make his wife happy.

About husband and wife statuses, short expressions in in social networks do not lose their popularity over the years. Feelings, situations and problems do not change much over time. But the way of expressing them takes on new and new forms.

Romantic about husband and wife: statuses and phrases

You don't have to be serious to convey your feelings. About husband and wife statuses are more often a way to show your partner your attitude, and to remind yourself what is most valuable in life.

  • "When someone else likes your beloved, you don't have to be jealous and get excited. You need to be proud that you got someone else's dream."
  • "A happy marriage is a terrible thing. It is forever!".
  • "What do you want most, love?" - "So that in 50 years you will ask the same thing."
  • "Never stop doing those cute things that you once fell in love with."
  • "In fact, romance is not 101 roses and songs under the balcony. Romance is when you listen with interest to your endless stories about gasoline."
  • "A woman does not need much. Enough to be loved."
  • "You need to live with someone with whom you want to share three things: bread, thoughts and bed."
  • "Truly loving is wanting another to be happy. Even if it does not allow him to live with an unloved self."
  • "In a happy marriage, all conversations seem too short."

Beautiful phrases about family

Status about husband and wife beautiful phrases about true love can not only decorate the page in social networks, but also inspire others to search for their happiness.

  • "The main thing in life is family. Work will not comfort your pain, career will not wait at home."
  • "I am old-fashioned. I love my wife more than ever. And tomorrow I will love more than today."
  • "Start your day beautifully! With hot coffee, scent of perfume and thoughts of loved ones."
  • "In life, everything is simple: relatives are not offended, but understand, loved ones do not promise to be there, but come."
  • "In a happy family, spouses wake up from the fact that they have stopped hugging."
  • "Sign of happy family life want to go home."
  • "The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each other."
  • "Unwavering faith in each other brings people together for life."
  • "The virtue of the wife is the honor and merit of the husband."

Funny statuses about husband and wife

People with a sense of humor are able to remind everyone that even the most difficult situations can be seen as comical. That is why statuses about husband and wife are increasingly becoming ridiculous.

  • "Message to husband: "Take your son today from kindergarten. Don't worry, he will recognize you."
  • “I managed to dissuade my husband from having a mistress - the budget is not rubber, we won’t pull it. I’d better get a lover - an extra penny will come in handy at home.”
  • "A good man must build a house, raise a son ... What else is there on the wife's list?"
  • "Never! Do you hear? Never ask if your husband liked the soup if he is delighted with this porridge."
  • "A cheerful wife is never upset when she comes to the mirror in the morning. She only smiles ominously and whispers to her husband:" So you need it!
  • "In our family, everything is divided fairly. I buy a fur coat, my husband - swimming trunks."
  • "Life hack for men: persuade the seller of an alcohol stall not to sell anything to your wife without a passport. This way she will be happy to run to you for beer."
  • "Husband does not notice your housework? Stop doing it! He will soon notice."

Original statuses about husband and wife

Statuses about husband and wife with meaning can be non-standard:

  • "The day of reconciliation with consent in our family takes place in the store. I try on, he agrees."
  • "My husband is perfect. If he finds my stash, he puts some more money in it."
  • "Advise a gift to my husband, if he already has everything I need?".
  • "My grandmother also advised me not to bring my husband to a boil. Otherwise, he may evaporate. But not be cold. It will cool down!"
  • "Okey Google, how do I explain to my husband that we got married and I didn't adopt him?"
  • "Girls, do you know how to change your husband's evening plans? Text him:" I know where you go!
  • "Tip of the day for girls: to get your husband to buy everything you want, take him shopping until he begs you to buy something, just to end it all."
  • "Never threaten a woman that if she does not lose weight, you will go to another. There is a risk that she will lose weight and go to another."

Statuses about husband

  • “I would have killed my husband a long time ago. But I can’t - he was issued to me against a signature in the registry office.”
  • “I brought a kitten home. It turned out that my husband was allergic to it. I think who to give it to? He is cute, picky. Height is 190 cm, blond, works as a driver.”
  • "You can't understand a man with your mind. How, tell me, can he say that all my dresses are the same, but his screwdrivers are different?"
  • "My husband is a lucky man. Well, it was necessary to marry so successfully!"
  • "My husband has I remind him regularly."
  • "Dear, your name is inscribed in the Red Book! In my passport."
  • "Ladies! If yours, put bars on the windows and change the locks. So that they don't return back."
  • "I love reading my husband's wives at night. It's like counting sheep before bed."

Statuses about wife

  • "The return of a husband from a business trip is not as scary as a wife from a corporate party."
  • "I will never ruin my wife's birthday. I don't remember when it is."
  • "A woman needs a little to be happy - a husband and everything else."
  • "A wife can forgive a lot. Except one thing: if the husband does not understand how lucky he is with her."
  • "As a wife, you need to choose the one with whom you would be friends all your life, if she were a man."
  • “Instead of a photo of your wife in your wallet, it’s high time to put a note: “Your money could be here.”
  • "My wife is very jealous. For her, I'm always either suspiciously sleepy or suspiciously alert."
  • "Stupid women watch their husbands, smart women watch themselves."
