Composition: Psychophysiological features of adolescence. Essay on the topic: I am a teenager Essay what I felt when I was a teenager

Each age has its pros and cons. Throughout life, a person goes through a series of age-related crises. In my opinion, the problem of the crisis of adolescence is most important in the formation of a person's future life, the definition of his life goals, worldview, the formation of character and in right choice professions.

Adolescence is different for everyone. But on average, psychologists determine this period from 11-16 years. Why is the crisis coming at this particular time? First of all, because there is a dramatic change in physiology, intelligence and abilities. It is at this age that the desire to be an adult intensifies in a teenager. But parents still continue to see him as a child. Because of this, various conflicts occur in the family, relationships with parents deteriorate. In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult stages in a person's life. It affects both the teenager and his loved ones.

At the same time, the problem of communication with peers arises. A teenager is trying to assert himself in society, to stand out, to attract attention and thereby achieve success among his own kind. Boys spend more time on their appearance. Girls are starting to use bright makeup, harsh perfume. In order to gain credibility among their peers, the so-called friends begin to gravitate toward bad habits, often resulting in the abuse of alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

Against the background of personality development, increased self-criticism occurs. A teenager compares his intellectual abilities with the abilities of his peers. Very often he looks at himself in the mirror, evaluates his appearance, looks for flaws, comparing with the ideal of his presentation. A teenager wakes up a contradiction of characters, instability, misunderstanding of his "I".

Exacerbation of one of these factors or all three can lead to unpleasant consequences, increased irritability, mental disorders, as well as suicide.

Not every teenager goes through this period with ease. The "child" must go through these problems on his own, but not without the help of loved ones. Relatives should be sympathetic to the child, support him in a difficult time of spiritual storm.

Exacerbation of one of these factors, or all three, can lead to unpleasant consequences of increased irritability, mental disorders, as well as suicide. And therefore, at this time, attention, understanding, support of his relatives, and above all, parents, is important for any person.

But if a teenager successfully passes this period, then he is followed by the ability to create his own happy family, a successful career, confidence in yourself and in the future.

Essay on the topic “Adolescence Crisis” updated: January 16, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

What are today's teenagers reading?

I have been working at the school for many years. I read literature to my students. And like all adults, literature teachers, the question arises whether children read these days, if they read, then what?

What prevents them from enjoying the golden reserve of human wisdom? Should we look for those responsible for all this?

Who are they, the culprits of this whole picture?

Phones, gadgets?

However, this is not always true.

Any book enters a child's life through parents, through us, teachers, at an early age.

In my opinion, the very atmosphere in the family is extremely important. I was born and lived in the Dagestan steppes. Surprisingly rich and kind childhood.

This is a rural area, everyone lives in a private house, where a mailbox hangs near the gate.

Our box was always bursting with an abundance of magazines and newspapers.

The names of some of them: "Family and School", "Peasant Woman", "Our Garden", "Technique", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Pionerskaya Pravda" and so on. Not only my family read, absolutely everyone read.

Maybe someone will say that times are different now, that the video sequence has blocked access to bookshelves.

Yes, today it is enough to find an answer to any question on the Internet.

It is necessary to return the following occupation to fashion: home reading aloud.

Such a pastime makes the family more friendly and strong.

And indeed it is. When I look at the books that are on our shelves, I am once again convinced that these are our friends: do we need good advice on how to glue wallpaper, how to bake a cake - we turn to the book.

My childhood.

Every evening, fairy-tale characters from the pages of our favorite works come to our house, because every time at the end of the day my mother and I read fairy tales aloud. That is why today I am not just declaring that reading aloud at home is very close, I am calling everyone to this good deed. We discuss what we read for a long time, compare plot twists with our everyday life, because, as in fairy tales, in real life we are surrounded by "characters" endowed with positive and negative qualities.

Books are the main thing, TV is secondary. Books teach, enrich our spiritual world, broaden our horizons, and finally, bring us closer.

I proudly declare that in each of my class teams there are students who read avidly, all members of their families read.

It is to such students that I give the opportunity to express their opinion on this or that hero, how he attracted them, what qualities they remember, what they can offer their classmates to read.

And every day there are more and more readers. I compare each literary hero with today's people, I say that everything in our life repeats itself, that the heroes about whom our great classics wrote are still among us today.

My current sixth-graders are very proud of Lefty, his courage and talent, a sense of patriotism, with great pleasure they write essays on the main characters of Chekhov's characters, they say that all the topics raised by the author are extremely relevant today.

In our age of extreme speeds, the question often arises of the need for a book.

Some believe that the book will soon be superseded by the computer. I think these questions will not arise in those who have learned to read, who have been encouraged to read.

Level B. Other.

The life of modern teenagers

Modern teenagers are greatly different from the previous generations. They are more independent, have another interests and more spacious mind, but they are far more lazy.

Most of these distinctions are caused by fast technical progress. Quite every teenager has a computer, a mobile phone and the internet access. On the one hand it is good, because they can find any information, it can be useful or not; any book or film can be found very easy and fast too. The internet helps in studying and people from different countries or cities moreover can communicate despite the distention between them. One the other hand, teenagers become more and more lazy, because they would better stay at home in front of computer than go somewhere. Also the big amount of information they have every day makes them indifferent to amazing things. The teenagers are not fascinated with the beauty of nature or art so much, because they have already seen it. The internet can show everythig from Van Gogh paintings to the polar light, so young people don’t need to travel or visit museums to see something unusual. As a result it is very difficult to surprise teenager, because the computer screen has already show and explain everything.

The internet is also affecting the teenagers relations. Those young people who are shy or are afraid to introduce new people choose to make friend in the internet. There are a lot of social networks which have thousands of users, who spend hours chatting there. Sometimes instead of living the exciting and colorful life teenagers surf the net, communicate with unreal friends. Also a lot of young people play online games, which take a lot of time, they start to live in virtual world and forget about everything.

Despite the fact the young people are not very impressionable, they have some passions. The most popular and loved is music. Nowadays there is a wide variety of bands and kinds of music from reggae and pop music to techno and doom metal, so every teenager can find something he or she likes. A lot of teenagers prefer to communicate with those who have similar tastes in music, so the fist question when he or she meets unfamiliar person may be ‘What kind of music do you like?’. The music affects even the way the teenagers dress, as sometimes they try to copy the image of their favorite singers or musicians. Moreover, music gives young people the dream of being a rock star, so a lot of them learn to play musical instruments, especially guitars and sing. That's why nowadays there are hundreds of garage bands, some of those will become successful one day.

Although the technic is very developed, there are a lot of teenagers who are intrested in handmade things and art. Nowadays it is very popular to create jewelleries, dolls, or clothes by yourself, also there are many tallented young people who take great pictures or draw painting using paints or special computer programs. They upload their works to the internet, create their own web sites and sometimes become wellknown.

Those teenagers who prefer dynamic activities to drawing or photography do sports. They go to the gym, dance, run and so on. Fortunately, there are fitness clubs and gyms in almost every city.
The most brave and daredevil teenagers do the extreme kinds of sport such as skateboarding, solo jumping, snowboarding and etc. They are looking for strong emotions and they like the feeling of frightened that dangerous sports give. Extreme sports demand a great courage, so not everyone is able to do it. It is pitty, sometimes young people can`t evalue the risk and get serious ingures and even die.
Unluckily, not only extreme sports cause the health problems. Teenagers suffer from different diseases because of junk food, pernicious habits, smoking and alcohol, that is quite aviable. Also they spend a lot of time with computer, what is very bad for eyes. The couch potato life style causes the obesity.

The way modern teenagers dress is different from the previous too. Gils and boys have almost similar clothes. Of course, guys don’t wear skirts and dresses, but girls wear trousers, shirts and snickers as well as boys do. Moreover, short hairstyles are quite popular. The usual clothes for young people are jeans and T-shirts, but there are a lot of subcultures, which have their own rules of dressing.
Recent years the new way of look called ‘Synthetic Beauty’ has appeared. It has become popular due to the internet. The main feature of synthetic beauty is unnatural color of hair and eyes, a lot of makeup, leanness, piercing and tattoos. Some young people make dreadlocks, body modification or neoplasty. There is only one rule in synthetic beauty - wear what you like. It can be a mixture of different styles and colors, or it can be cosplay of cartoon or fairytale character. There had never been anything like this in the way of dressing before and teenagers who want to be unusual and show their individualism choose this fashion style.
To sum up, the modern teenagers are the generation of the internet and technical progress. They have their own hobbies, fashion and problems, some of them are very creative, talented and interesting, some of them are shy and prefer to live virtually. They are all different, but I believe that they will be a good change to the previous generation, they will save the heritage and create something new to leave the trail in the world history.

Today's teenagers are very different from previous generations. They are more independent, have other interests and a broader outlook, but they are much lazier.

Most of these differences are caused by technological progress. Almost every teenager has a computer, mobile phone and Internet access. On the one hand, this is good, because they can find any information, it may be useful or not; any book or movie can also be easily found. In addition, the Internet helps in learning and people from different countries can communicate despite the distance between them. On the other hand, teenagers are becoming more and more lazy because they would rather sit at the computer than go somewhere. Besides a large number of information they receive every day makes them indifferent to amazing things. Teenagers are not very impressed by the beauty of nature or art, because they have already seen it. The internet can show everything from Van Gogh paintings to the Northern Lights, so young people don't have to travel or visit museums to see something out of the ordinary. As a result, it is very difficult to surprise them, because the computer screen has already shown and explained everything to them.

The Internet also affects the relationships of teenagers. Those young people who are modest or afraid to meet new people choose to make friends on the Internet. There are many social networks which have thousands of users who spend hours chatting there. Sometimes, instead of an exciting and colorful life, a teenager surfs the Internet, communicating with unreal friends. Also, many young people play Online Games that take a long time, they start to live in virtual world and forget everything.

Despite the fact that young people are not very impressionable, they have their own passions. The most popular and favorite is music. Now there is a huge variety of bands and musical genres from reggae and pop to techno and doom metal, so every teenager can find what he or she likes. Many teenagers prefer to hang out with those who have the same taste in music, so the first question they ask when they meet a stranger might be "What kind of music do you like?" Music also influences how teenagers dress, as they sometimes try to imitate their favorite singer or musician. In addition, music gives young people the dream of becoming a rock star, so many of them learn to play musical instruments, especially guitars, and sing. That's why there are hundreds of garage bands right now, some of which will one day be successful.

Although the technique is very advanced, there are many teenagers who are interested in handmade and art. Now it is very popular to make jewelry, dolls or clothes with your own hands, and many talented young people draw pictures using paints or special computer programs. They upload their work to the Internet, create their own websites and sometimes become famous.

The way teenagers dress today is also different from what it was before. Girls and boys have almost the same clothes. Sure, guys don't wear skirts and dresses, but girls do wear pants, shirts, and sneakers, just like guys do. Besides, short haircuts have become very popular. The usual clothes for young people are jeans and T-shirts, but there are many subcultures that have their own rules in clothing.
In the last few years, a new trend has emerged called Synthetic Beauty. The main features of synthetic beauty are unnatural hair and eye color, a lot of makeup, thinness, piercings and tattoos. Some young people get dreadlocks, body modifications or plastic surgery. There is only one rule in synthetic beauty - wear what you like. It can be a mixture of styles and colors, or it can be a cosplay of a cartoon character or a fairy tale. Previously, there was nothing like this in clothing and teenagers who want to be unusual and want to show their individuality choose this fashionable direction.

Those teenagers who prefer active actions to drawing and photography go in for sports. Fortunately, almost every city has gyms and fitness clubs.
The bravest and most insane go in for extreme sports such as skateboarding, solo jumping, snowboarding, etc. They are looking for strong emotions, and they like the feeling of horror that dangerous sports provide. Extreme sports require courage, so not everyone is capable of it. Unfortunately, sometimes young people are not able to weigh the risk and get seriously injured or even killed.
Unfortunately, not only extreme sports cause health problems. Teenagers often suffer from various diseases due to unhealthy food, bad habits, smoking and alcohol, which is quite affordable. In addition, they spend a lot of time at the computer, which is very bad for the eyes. A lazy lifestyle leads to obesity.

To sum up, today's teenagers are the generation of the Internet and technological advancement. They have their own hobbies, fashions and challenges, some of them are very creative, talented and interesting, some of them are modest and prefer to live virtually. They are all different, but I believe that they will be a good successor to the previous generation, they will preserve the legacy and create something new to leave a mark on world history.

Essay on the topic: "What it's like to be a teenager." 4.71 /5 (94.29%) 7 votes

Many people think that teenagers are a special category of people who are only interested in communication, parties and other things. Most adults look askance in their direction, condemn. Everyone was a teenager and understands that this time, like other age conditions, has its pros and cons.
As a teenager, I can say that being a teenager is not easy. Every day something important, complex, interesting and exciting happens.
You say, “Teens are carefree and irresponsible. They don't have real problems." What do you think these “real” problems are? After all, each person can only judge by personal experience. And the one who went through the war looks at the world differently, not at all like the one who lives in peacetime. So are teenagers, they cannot be compared with adults, since each of the above has their own baggage behind their backs.

Many believe that teenagers have become worse, their interests have deteriorated compared to their predecessors. I may agree with this statement, but only in part. After all, time goes by and you can not compare the children of the nineties and the children of the present time. The world has changed, society has changed, and hence interests, a lot of new technologies have appeared. And I think it's natural that people want to master them. Of course, Internet addiction is a disease of our time. But the "sick" can be attributed not only to adolescents, but also to the majority of the adult population.
That's why I want to say, you can't say "teenagers" when referring to such issues, because when you go deeper, you will see that you need to say "society" and not "teenagers."
Undoubtedly, life is changing, interests are changing, why then should people not change?! I think that changes in all of the above are quite normal. People should treat everything correctly, and instead of a judgmental look, a look of understanding and a desire to understand the situation will appear.
