Francis Woodworth, How to Train a Centaur, or My Dream Diary. Francis Woodworth How to Train Your Centaur, or the diary of my dream Francis Woodworth how to train a centaur full version

How to tame a centaur, or a diary of my sleep

fifty shades of magic

* * *

Chapter 1

- Madam! Mistress! I heard lamentations.

“But who is this lady, why are they killing her so much? Has the series started on TV? .. "

Oh, and I kissed hard, still weakness in my whole body. What could be easier than standing on a chair and replacing a burnt out light bulb in a chandelier? Only this production of the furniture industry broke under me, and I, having lost my balance, beautifully waved my hands and crashed to the floor, hitting the back of my head so well.

It's strange, it seems that I should lie on the carpet, but here, according to all the sensations, a featherbed. I even fidgeted to check. It was really soft, and I opened my eyes in bewilderment and squinted against the bright light.

The lamentations stopped, and the face of an unfamiliar woman appeared in front of me, and I screamed out of surprise. But when she heard her voice, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. Either I hurt my head, or my voice is not mine. Maybe he changed with fear?

Oh, what about the hand? I twisted the brush before my eyes, examining thin, graceful fingers, with snow-white skin and beautiful polished nails. Where did they come from? As far as I remember, in the morning I wanted to wipe off the peeling varnish, but I decided to do it after cleaning.

- Madam! You are alive?! - I was grabbed by the palm, which I hastened to pull out.

- Who are you? I asked, looking at the middle-aged woman in dark robes.

Where did this crow come from in my apartment?!

“Oh, yes, something was not observed in my apartment and a four-poster bed,” I noted another inconsistency.

Turning my head around, I looked around and was forced to admit: wherever I am, but the fact that I am not in my apartment is a fact! This luxuriously furnished room did not look like a hospital ward either.

I looked at the woman again, but she only opened her mouth, not making a sound.

- Who are you? I demanded again, hoping to get at least some explanation.

- I?! she gasped. - Don't you remember?!

- I see you for the first time in my life! I answered sincerely.

- What did he do to you? she squealed.

- Well? ka tsyts! I barked, and she shut up, blinking in surprise. Why yell? My head is breaking, and then she decided to develop her voice.

“No one did anything to me! I said. - She fell down. Better tell me where am I?

- As where?! The woman was even more surprised. - In their quarters.

“I don’t know whose chambers these are, but they certainly aren’t mine!” How did I get here?

“They brought you…” she began to stutter a little.

- Where did they bring it from?

“From the quarters to your s?s?husband,” the woman reported.

- Where?! I hurried. - Honey, I'm not married! - What a sin to conceal - I wanted this, but it has not happened yet.

I found that I was wearing a floor-length pink dress made of an airy material. What idiot put this rag on me? I can't stand pink! In addition, admit that a thirty-year-old person in this color looks stupid.

Grimacing and ignoring the crazy woman, who stopped shedding tears and warily followed my movements, I walked to the mirror, experiencing a strange feeling of unreality of what was happening.

- Madam! Mistress! I heard lamentations.

“But who is this lady, why are they killing her so much? Has the series started on TV? .. "

Oh, and I kissed hard, still weakness in my whole body. What could be easier than standing on a chair and replacing a burnt out light bulb in a chandelier? Only this production of the furniture industry broke under me, and I, having lost my balance, beautifully waved my hands and crashed to the floor, hitting the back of my head so well.

It's strange, it seems that I should lie on the carpet, but here, according to all the sensations, a featherbed. I even fidgeted to check. It was really soft, and I opened my eyes in bewilderment and squinted against the bright light.

The lamentations stopped, and the face of an unfamiliar woman appeared in front of me, and I screamed out of surprise. But when she heard her voice, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. Either I hurt my head, or my voice is not mine. Maybe he changed with fear?

Oh, what about the hand? I twisted the brush before my eyes, examining thin, graceful fingers, with snow-white skin and beautiful polished nails. Where did they come from? As far as I remember, in the morning I wanted to wipe off the peeling varnish, but I decided to do it after cleaning.

- Madam! You are alive?! - I was grabbed by the palm, which I hastened to pull out.

- Who are you? I asked, looking at the middle-aged woman in dark robes.

Where did this crow come from in my apartment?!

“Oh, yes, something was not observed in my apartment and a four-poster bed,” I noted another discrepancy.

Turning my head around, I looked around and was forced to admit: wherever I am, but the fact that I am not in my apartment is a fact! This luxuriously furnished room did not look like a hospital ward either.

I looked at the woman again, but she only opened her mouth, not making a sound.

- Who are you? I demanded again, hoping to get at least some explanation.

- I?! she gasped. - Don't you remember?

- I see you for the first time in my life! I answered sincerely.

- What did he do to you? she squealed.

- Well, chick! I barked, and she shut up, blinking in surprise. Why yell? My head is breaking, and then she decided to develop her voice.

“No one did anything to me! I said. - She fell down. Better tell me where am I?

- As where?! The woman was even more surprised. - In their quarters.

“I don’t know whose chambers these are, but they certainly aren’t mine!” How did I get here?

“Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-t-thinging was done…” she began to stutter a little.

- Where did they bring it from?

“From your s-s-husband’s s-s-port,” the woman reported.

- Where?! I hurried. - Honey, I'm not married! - What a sin to conceal - I wanted this, but it has not happened yet.

I found that I was wearing a floor-length pink dress made of an airy material. What idiot put this rag on me? I can't stand pink! In addition, admit that a thirty-year-old person in this color looks stupid.

Grimacing and ignoring the crazy woman, who stopped shedding tears and warily followed my movements, I walked to the mirror, experiencing a strange feeling of unreality of what was happening.

I wanted to see if I had bruised myself when I fell, and to appreciate how ridiculous I looked in this outfit.

I froze in front of the mirror. She waved her hand, then another. Even jumped! What's happening?! The young stranger in the mirror regularly repeated all the movements after me. I touched my face and so did she. She traced the contour of her lips, and she feigned mischief, circling her plump lips with her fingertip. I suddenly stuck out my tongue, and this beast mimicked my gesture.

The girl had blond long hair down to her waist. I myself am a brunette, and my hair is just below my shoulders. I brought my own strand to my eyes and… screamed. Losing consciousness, I squeezed a blond silky curl in my fist.

I came to my senses from the pungent smell that was brought under my breath. I turned my head away in annoyance, snorting.

- It's all your fault! The woman's words were full of poison. “The girl didn’t even recognize me from shock! I told you she's still young!

Opening my eyes, I even blinked a few times, deciding that I was delirious. A handsome man was sitting next to me on the bed. I even swallowed, he was such a handsome man. A brunette in her thirties, with light brown eyes, dark skin, and sculpted features that made my hormones scream with delight.

- Who are you? I croaked, my voice cracked by overwhelmed emotions.

- Your husband! - they told me. – Do not even dream of forgetting about it, feigning memory loss!

- I agree! I immediately blurted out.

- For what? - he was taken aback, not expecting such a reaction.

- For my husband! His eyebrow raised in surprise, and his stern gaze softened. - Sorry, I don’t remember you, but if you say that you are a husband, then I have nothing against it.

I haven't lost my mind yet about these beauties!

Oh, judging by the reaction of the man, I voiced my thoughts.

I was carefully studied, scanning with a glance.

- Can I touch you? I asked, standing up. And what? I'm clearly asleep. The dream begins to flow from a nightmarish into an erotic one. What's the point of wasting time? Maybe now my sister will come, see my body on the floor, and start pouring water over it, bringing me back to consciousness. So my hot fantasy will evaporate, remember your name.

Without waiting for permission, I got up and touched his strong hand with long beautiful fingers. Gotta be warm! I turned my hand over and ran it over the hard skin. I wonder what she got rough on? My fantasy evoked thoughts about the hilt of the sword. Well, not from a ballpoint pen?

"Do you practice with a sword?" I immediately asked and received a nod of confirmation. The man was watching me closely. Embarrassed, my fingers slid down his forearm, feeling the muscles of steel under his clothes. Here is the body! Too bad he's wearing some kind of camisole.

- Can you take it off? I asked. The man did not move, allowing himself to be touched. I deliberately did not touch his face, leaving it for dessert.

- Aueria! squealed the woman, who had been silent before. - How are you behaving?

She's here for me, right? Here she was awarded the same name.

- If you tell me, then there is nothing to yell! I replied irritably. - If I understood everything correctly, then he is my husband, which means you need to go out and not interfere with the spouses!

The woman choked with anger and went red spots.

“What a harmful woman,” I shared with my husband. - Will you undress?

He couldn't help it and let out a chuckle.

“Now I see that you are not pretending,” he said. What a pleasant voice. I would listen and listen. But the fact that he began to move away, I did not like, and I grabbed his hand. Let him explain what's going on.

- Where are you going? – I was indignant.

“Baby, I’m afraid if I stay, I won’t keep my word,” he sighed.

– What word?!

“I promised not to touch you until your eighteenth birthday,” he dumbfounded me.

"I'm not eighteen anymore!" I reassured him.

– How much?

“Women don’t get asked that,” I replied with dignity. His smile softened his features, and I admired him.

“Did you really promise not to touch me?” I asked, and the faithful nodded.

– When is my birthday?

“In two months and eight days.

What can I say ... I do not think that I will stay here for so long. It's a pity.

- Can I touch you? I decided to clarify.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that at this question, a woman standing to the side almost fainted. How impressive. Maybe a nun?

“You didn’t make any promises,” he finally answered. I was pleased that he switched to "you". It sounded intimate, but I myself could not do the same - we had not yet drunk on brotherhood with him.

- That's fine! I breathed a sigh of relief. - Listen, let me touch you. What are you sorry for?

The man hesitated a little and, looking into my eyes, slowly unbuttoned the buttons of his camisole. He took it off, watching my reaction. What about me? Holding my breath, I tried not to miss anything. I liked everything I saw. God, it's like I'm hungry for sex, if my imagination has created such a hot male specimen!

- Aueria, come to your senses! the woman called to me. And what is she up to?!

- How tired she is of me! I moaned. - Can you post it? I asked a hot sample of my fantasy.

“Donna van Brasco, leave the room!” he ordered without taking his eyes off me.

"I won't let you seduce a girl!" she yelled.

“In my opinion, they are seducing me now,” he grinned and added in an icy tone: “That was an order!”

Wow, how can he be ... The tone of a man who is used to commanding. The slam of the door announced that we were alone.

- Not afraid?

- What? I was surprised. - You can't touch me... Are you the ruler? Understand, I don’t care, but you are obviously used to commanding, – I shared my impressions.

"Don't you remember anything?"

“Nothing,” I confirmed. “You can tell me while I touch you, if you like.”

In fact, enough time to waste talking. And then I will come to my senses without even touching the masterpiece of my imagination. So where did I stop? Hey, it doesn't matter! My hands slid over his chest, which was wrapped around a snow-white shirt adorned with lace. Surprisingly, he did not look feminine in it. Lord, even put a dress on him, you can’t hide a powerful masculine principle.

I put my hand on his heart and I was pleased to feel how fast it was beating. You feel like a seductress. Although, remembering what kind of image I fantasized about, this is not so far from the truth: the young lady in the mirror was a miracle how good. No, I really like myself, but between a thirty and a seventeen year old girl a big difference no matter how hard we sometimes convince ourselves otherwise.

My hands, ignoring the thoughts raging in my head, continued to explore the body of the interlocutor and lay on his shoulders.

– Do you remember my name? - he asked.

“No,” I replied, studying him at that moment. broad shoulders. I wondered how long his hair is? And I moved behind the handsome man to find out. Blue-black glossy hair was braided in french braid and descended below the shoulder blades. My hands were itching to undo it. Normal desire, by the way. You are nowadays a lot of supermen with long hair meet? That's it!

No sooner said than done! I began to unravel the strands, removing leather belt.

“I want to see your hair,” I replied without interrupting my work. How thick and silky! With pleasure I walked over them with five fingers, enjoying how the strands glide between my fingers. Real mane! And why does a man need such wealth?

- What happened to you?! he wondered.

I was tempted to report that I was actually lying unconscious at home, and he was a fantasy of my brain, which shook well when it hit the floor. But then our conversation would have flowed in a completely different direction, and I wanted to enjoy the closeness of this man for a longer time.

“I hit my head,” I answered curtly.

My hands slid up his back and I pressed against him, burying my face in his black hair and breathing in the scent of the amazing man. All this time he sat without moving and allowed me to do all the disgrace.

"I am Sherridan of Donglass, Lord of the Centaurs," he told me in a shaky voice.

When what was said came to my mind, I even pulled away, moved back and, surprised, sat opposite him.

What do you mean centaur? - I did not understand. - I agree, you look like a stallion, but a centaur is already too much!

The corners of her beautifully defined lips twitched.

“I didn’t know you knew those words.

- Which? You have a stallion - is that a swear word? It's a little strange if you claim to be a centaur.

“I am a centaur!” he declared with dignity.

“As you say,” I didn’t argue. What have I not seen centaurs?! It's a horse with a human torso. And if the torso of my specimen was excellent, then the hooves were not visible. Something my imagination was too clever. Oh, I see, I still injured my head badly.

"Aueria, what's the matter with you?" - he burst out.

I grimaced. The unfamiliar name cut the ear.

“Better call me Riya,” I suggested. Let it be so. My name is Raisa, and Raya and Riya are consonant. - I'll call you Sherry.

I liked the way it sounds. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. I wonder if he's happy or dissatisfied? You can't tell by the face. Well, before my imagination kicks in, it's time to move on to dessert. I put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek. Before he understood my maneuvers, she quickly leaned over and kissed him.

He immediately flew off the bed, out of reach. No, that's not fair! You can’t stop like this, on the most interesting. I frowned and looked at him resentfully.

- Riya, do not test my patience - I'm not made of iron! he roared. I admired his tall and imposing figure. “And you yourself will be hysterical when you come to your senses.

- I don’t know when I’ll come to my senses, but I can throw a tantrum even now if you don’t come back! He froze, not knowing how to react to my words. Well, I had to leave the bed and go to him myself. It was unusual to look at a man from the bottom up. I am not small in my life - seventy-five meters, and if you take into account my love for high heels, then consider for yourself. Curious, is he such a giant or am I Thumbelina?

I put my hands on my centaur's chest again, feeling his rapid breathing.

- I gave my word! He tried to stop me, but made no attempt to move away.

“Maybe this will teach you not to make hasty promises in the future!” - I said and, hugging his neck, kissed him again, standing on my toes.

After all, if I don’t kiss those magnificent lips, then when I wake up, I’ll bite my elbows for sure!

What is it? If not for his ragged breathing, then with the same success it would be possible to seduce a wax figure. I even slightly bit his lower lip, from disappointment.

- Are you kidding me?! - I was indignant, again switching to "you". When she met his gaze, she froze. A predator, who was put on a leash, was looking at me. You see the thirst for blood in his eyes and understand that only the strength of the chain on which he sits saves you from becoming dinner.

- Now you're kidding me! He pulled away and my hands slipped from his neck. Turning abruptly, he left the room.

I just stood there, not knowing how to react.

“Aueria, are you out of your mind?! - the indignant cries of the returned woman were heard. I suspected that all this time she was guarding under the door.

- Shut up! I said in my heart.

– What do you allow yourself?!

“I am the wife of the Lord, and who are you?” I decided to remind myself of my position. By the way, who is she to me anyway?

- Your duenna! she said angrily.

“Maybe I don’t understand something, but duennas protect their wards before the wedding, and not after it, and from their own husbands,” I frowned.

“Your father assigned me to you to see to it that the Master kept his word.

- How long have I been married?

- Four months.

“And why did you have to wait until my eighteenth birthday?” - I did not understand. For me, that seventeen and a half, that eighteen, if you are married, then what's the difference when it passes the wedding night?!

- Are you stupid? she hissed.

Don't forget who you're talking to! - I reined in her, and she slowed down her tone.

“That was your father's plan. During this time, he will gather troops and allies and fight back this impudent centaur, quickly making you a widow!

The wickedness of the plan made me sick. I didn’t even want to think that someone was planning to kill such a man.

- And what will prevent my husband from killing me for violating the contract? I asked.

"You don't remember anything at all?!" the duenna threw up her hands. - Your task is to persuade him to celebrate your eighteenth birthday with his father. You will be safe there, and the centaur will be easily eliminated.

“And if I don’t succeed?”

– Then the father will send news of his serious illness and the desire to see you before his death.

I have a wonderful dad. It can be seen that he is still a beetle, since the daughter uses it as a pawn in her intrigues.

Not knowing how to react to all this, I went to the window to hide my expression. My windows overlooked a patio full of flowers. The Sovereign came into view, and as if sensing my gaze, he lifted his head and looked straight at me.

In front of my eyes, he turned into a black centaur, prancing with a bare chest. He reared up and galloped away, and I froze, staring after him in shock. How did you not faint?

Sherridan ran at full speed, trying to regain his elusive composure. Everyone tried to get out of his way, seeing the Sovereign in such a state. And he could not understand how this pale moth, afraid of its own shadow, could hit him like that ?!

When Sherridan offered her father a peace treaty, he didn't expect to get a prenuptial agreement instead. He has long begun to look at neighboring lands, wanting to get access to the sea, and as a result, the development of the economy of his state. Well, Sheridan was preparing for war, and the preparations for the wedding came out. He had nothing against it, as he got what he wanted without unnecessary bloodshed.

But Aegnus, her father, set a condition - that the son-in-law exercised his rights only after the eighteenth birthday of Aueria, since she was too young. On a counter offer to conclude an agreement now, and to play a wedding in six months, Sherridan was refused. Aegnus declared that he was giving him his precious daughter as a guarantee of good intentions, and they would sign the contract after she came of age.

Sherridan sensed a catch, but couldn't figure out what it was. The wedding was played, and the young woman left with him. Everyone knew about Agnus's love for his only daughter, and the centaur did not expect betrayal, because the girl's life was a guarantee. He just didn't like the reports of the spies that Aegnus was gathering troops.

Well, if Aegnus cheats, there will be war, and I will send him my daughter's head on a platter, Sheridan had long since decided.

He immediately liked Aueria. The beauty and grace of the princess were undeniable. Yes, only upon closer acquaintance she turned out to be more shy than a fallow deer, afraid of her own shadow. In his presence, she could not connect two words, she only shook with a slight tremor. And this misunderstanding is the mother of his future children?!

The most annoying thing is that when looking at his betrothed, he did not feel desire. Eh, he did not dream of such a wife, but the benefits of marriage were undeniable.

All right, he reassured himself, the main thing is to make a child, and then you can forget about her, spending time with concubines.

The cup of patience overflowed yesterday evening. Sherridan tried to be gentle with his wife and mend the relationship, as she constantly avoided him. He invited her to dinner, wanting to talk alone, and with difficulty got rid of the chaperone.

What was his disappointment when nothing came of this venture. The fool even knocked over a glass of wine, which he held out, her hands trembled so much. Cursing, he began to unbutton his ruined shirt, and the little wife fainted!

Angry at everyone and everything, he lifted Aueria off the floor and carried her to her room. The duenna raised a howl, they say, he killed her girl. I had to calm her down and explain that the red spots on his shirt were not blood, but wine. They called the doctors, but they could not bring the touchy to life, they said that she was in deep oblivion and would come to herself.

In the morning he was informed that his wife had woken up but had lost her memory. Thinking she was faking it, Sherridan rushed over to her. What was his surprise when she raised her eyelashes and looked at him ...

He suggested that she decided to feign unconsciousness and refuse marriage. Only a complete fool could hope that this would change the legality of their union.

But Sherridan held his breath when he met her gaze. She looked directly into his eyes, not hiding admiration. And she was in no hurry to disown marriage.

“I haven’t lost my mind yet to refuse such beauties!” Sherridan was startled by her words. But not only that, she also wanted to touch him. Desire pierced him at the innocent touch on his arm. But this seemed to her not enough, and she asked him to take off his camisole! And the one who fainted yesterday when he unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt begged for this?!

In addition, her character also erupted, and she put the ubiquitous duenna in her place, ordering her not to interfere with her husband.

"What a harmful woman!" Sherridan was in full agreement with her words, the hanger-on and irritated him immensely. Yes, that's just before Aueria obeyed her unquestioningly.

"Will you undress?" - this question finally convinced him that his wife really lost her memory. The former Aueria, not only to say, she was not even capable of thinking about such a thing. That phrase made his blood boil. If not for the promise, he would have done it with great pleasure.

And the baby was persistent in her desires.

"Can I touch you?" She was clearly determined to drive him crazy!

He saw no trace of fear in her eyes when they were alone, only anticipation.

Holding his breath, he enjoyed her touch. When she began to undo his hair, Sherridan was on the verge of losing control. He had an unbearable desire to hear her say his name. In all that time, she had never called him anything other than "Overlord".

"Sherri..." His name in her mouth touched something in her soul. She drove him crazy, and he couldn't touch her!

He fled the room, realizing that in a moment - and he would forget about all the oaths. Aueria is his wife, and he has the right to possess her. Her innocent touch excited him more than the most sophisticated caresses of the concubines.

This memory-lost baby excited him insanely. And she kissed him herself!

He set out to visit the concubines and calm the excitement, but turned around before reaching the harem. Sherridan knew who he really wanted, and it was in his nature to satisfy his desires without settling for less.

Sherridan had to admit that this girl made him see himself differently. She even came up with a new name for herself. What else can he expect? Perhaps memory loss will allow you to know the nature of your wife - true, without the shackles of upbringing and instilled restrictions?

The situation turned out to be interesting. Here are the quirks of my mind! I didn't want to wake up at all. And what is waiting for me at home? Cleaning? Have time!

Immediately such a handsome man showed up, and even my husband is. And you can not be tormented by remorse, but only insist on the fulfillment of the holy marital duty. Only one ambush, the guy can’t touch me, is a minus ... But I’m allowed to touch him! And I'll figure out what to do and where to put my hands. Remembering what kind of body he had, he wanted to apply these very hands everywhere and at once.

"I'm probably in heaven!" I decided. And what? Sherry in the role of Adam, I, in my new guise, quite pull on the young Eve, and my duenna is a spitting image of a snake, besides, he constantly hisses and splashes with poison, without leaving the image.

And as for the transformation of the spouse into a centaur ... I don’t know how according to Freud, or which of the psychologists there carried out associations, but this did not shock me. Sherry is still a stallion, figuratively speaking, so there is nothing to be surprised, my subconscious continued this thought and transformed the man into a centaur. Yes, and in horse form, he was good, one torso is worth something. Too bad I didn't get to see it very well.

In short, we stay here and try to seduce our spouse. The first thing to do is to evaluate what kind of body the subconscious gave me.

While I was thinking, this Donna-What-Her-There kept muttering about how and what I should do. Tired to the point of horror, and I demanded to be left alone, citing a headache, and asked to send a maid. Do I have a chambermaid? Or who does the wardrobe? With that pink misunderstanding that I'm wearing, you can't seduce a man.

They glared at me, but left. It's time to put this woman in her place. I am the main one in this fantasy, and I do not intend to endure how they try to control me.

A girl came and we sorted through my wardrobe. The outfits were not encouraging. They seemed to be specially selected to emphasize the age of innocence. In such dresses, you make others want to pat on the head and treat you with candy, and not hug or kiss. We must change something! I demanded that seamstresses be sent to me.

Having chosen one of the dresses, I was already wondering how to reshape it. Oh, now the main thing is not to wake up before dinner! More and more I began to like what was happening.

After handing out tasks, I escorted everyone out of the room and hung in front of the mirror, examining myself. I turned out to be a petite beauty with gorgeous blond hair that cascaded down to my waist. Without thinking twice, I began to undress, wanting to look at my body. It turned out wow! The addition is proportional, not a gram excess weight. Slim Beautiful legs, thin waist, full, somewhere in the third size, chest, my skin was snow-white, without flaws. I turned my back to the mirror and assessed the ass.

Well, with such data, a saint can be seduced, and my husband gave the impression of a temperamental person.

Satisfied with my appearance I even pinched my arm. Weird, it hurt. I did not like it. I wonder if I prick my finger, will it bleed? Deciding to experiment, she went to the fruit platter and took a small knife. I pricked my finger and a drop of blood came out. The wound hurt, and I put my finger in my mouth. Sorry, it hurts like a real cut.

And my chaperone has not found a better time than now to come to me.

- Aueria! she yelled.

That's definitely sick in the head! Didn't they teach her to knock? And he teaches me all the time. Although the picture was opened to her that still. I stand naked with a knife in my hands.

- My girl! Did he come? Don't kill yourself! she said.

Yes, I somehow did not plan to do such stupid things. Not listening to me, she pulled the knife out of my hands and shouted: “I’ll tell him everything now!” - ran out of the room.

I went to get dressed, as my intuition told me that my husband would come in speed. No, it would be possible to meet him naked, but I planned a more subtle seduction.

Before I had time to put on a dress, my handsome man flew into the room at full speed. It is a pity that my chaperone was attached to him. His hair was loose and slightly damp. I hope she didn’t pull him out of the shower, otherwise she will become.

- This is true? - he blurted out from the threshold.

- What exactly?

- What did you want to commit suicide!

- Why do you think so?

“I was told that you wanted to cut your throat naked with this…” He showed the knife.

Sherry was worried and just ate me with his eyes.

“My chaperone is too imaginative,” I said in an icy tone, giving the latter a murderous look.

“But how… you…” she stammered.

The owner glared at the duenna in rage, and she trembled, then pulled herself together: - I saw what I saw.

Did you hold this knife in your hands? he decided to investigate.

“Sherri, I like it better when we are on you,” I answered meekly.

“Riya, did you hold that knife in your hands?” he rephrased the question.

“I held it and was even naked,” I admitted. His gaze froze, but I continued: - It was interesting for me to look at myself, I don’t remember how I look, so I undressed! I liked what I saw so much that I decided to prick my finger and see if it was a dream. Here! I handed him a finger with a small wound. To do this, she came close and put her hand on his shoulder, and extended her finger closer to her lips.

He could not restrain himself and kissed the wound. What a fine fellow! This is what it was designed for.

Now he was looking at me with completely different eyes. Not only did the fire flare up in them - the fire! And what? It can be understood. All men are curious, and now he will be tormented by the question of how I look naked, even if I myself was so delighted that I pricked my finger.

Let me take you to dinner! he said to me, caressing his eyes.

“With pleasure,” I replied with a smile.

Ignoring Donna-What-Her-There, we left the room.

© F. Woodworth, 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

Chapter 1

- Madam! Mistress! I heard lamentations.

“But who is this lady, why are they killing her so much? Has the series started on TV? .. "

Oh, and I kissed hard, still weakness in my whole body. What could be easier than standing on a chair and replacing a burnt out light bulb in a chandelier? Only this production of the furniture industry broke under me, and I, having lost my balance, beautifully waved my hands and crashed to the floor, hitting the back of my head so well.

It's strange, it seems that I should lie on the carpet, but here, according to all the sensations, a featherbed. I even fidgeted to check. It was really soft, and I opened my eyes in bewilderment and squinted against the bright light.

The lamentations stopped, and the face of an unfamiliar woman appeared in front of me, and I screamed out of surprise. But when she heard her voice, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. Either I hurt my head, or my voice is not mine. Maybe he changed with fear?

Oh, what about the hand? I twisted the brush before my eyes, examining thin, graceful fingers, with snow-white skin and beautiful polished nails. Where did they come from? As far as I remember, in the morning I wanted to wipe off the peeling varnish, but I decided to do it after cleaning.

- Madam! You are alive?! - I was grabbed by the palm, which I hastened to pull out.

- Who are you? I asked, looking at the middle-aged woman in dark robes.

Where did this crow come from in my apartment?!

“Oh, yes, something was not observed in my apartment and a four-poster bed,” I noted another discrepancy.

Turning my head around, I looked around and was forced to admit: wherever I am, but the fact that I am not in my apartment is a fact! This luxuriously furnished room did not look like a hospital ward either.

I looked at the woman again, but she only opened her mouth, not making a sound.

- Who are you? I demanded again, hoping to get at least some explanation.

- I?! she gasped. - Don't you remember?

- I see you for the first time in my life! I answered sincerely.

- What did he do to you? she squealed.

- Well, chick! I barked, and she shut up, blinking in surprise. Why yell? My head is breaking, and then she decided to develop her voice.

“No one did anything to me! I said. - She fell down. Better tell me where am I?

- As where?! The woman was even more surprised. - In their quarters.

“I don’t know whose chambers these are, but they certainly aren’t mine!” How did I get here?

“Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-t-thinging was done…” she began to stutter a little.

- Where did they bring it from?

“From your s-s-husband’s s-s-port,” the woman reported.

- Where?! I hurried. - Honey, I'm not married! - What a sin to conceal - I wanted this, but it has not happened yet.

I found that I was wearing a floor-length pink dress made of an airy material. What idiot put this rag on me? I can't stand pink! In addition, admit that a thirty-year-old person in this color looks stupid.

Grimacing and ignoring the crazy woman, who stopped shedding tears and warily followed my movements, I walked to the mirror, experiencing a strange feeling of unreality of what was happening.

I wanted to see if I had bruised myself when I fell, and to appreciate how ridiculous I looked in this outfit.

I froze in front of the mirror. She waved her hand, then another. Even jumped! What's happening?! The young stranger in the mirror regularly repeated all the movements after me. I touched my face and so did she. She traced the contour of her lips, and she feigned mischief, circling her plump lips with her fingertip. I suddenly stuck out my tongue, and this beast mimicked my gesture.

The girl had blond long hair down to her waist. I myself am a brunette, and my hair is just below my shoulders. I brought my own strand to my eyes and… screamed. Losing consciousness, I squeezed a blond silky curl in my fist.

I came to my senses from the pungent smell that was brought under my breath. I turned my head away in annoyance, snorting.

- It's all your fault! The woman's words were full of poison. “The girl didn’t even recognize me from shock! I told you she's still young!

Opening my eyes, I even blinked a few times, deciding that I was delirious. A handsome man was sitting next to me on the bed. I even swallowed, he was such a handsome man. A brunette in her thirties, with light brown eyes, dark skin, and sculpted features that made my hormones scream with delight.

- Who are you? I croaked, my voice cracked by overwhelmed emotions.

- Your husband! - they told me. – Do not even dream of forgetting about it, feigning memory loss!

- I agree! I immediately blurted out.

- For what? - he was taken aback, not expecting such a reaction.

- For my husband! His eyebrow raised in surprise, and his stern gaze softened. - Sorry, I don’t remember you, but if you say that you are a husband, then I have nothing against it.

I haven't lost my mind yet about these beauties!

Oh, judging by the reaction of the man, I voiced my thoughts.

I was carefully studied, scanning with a glance.

- Can I touch you? I asked, standing up. And what? I'm clearly asleep. The dream begins to flow from a nightmarish into an erotic one. What's the point of wasting time? Maybe now my sister will come, see my body on the floor, and start pouring water over it, bringing me back to consciousness. So my hot fantasy will evaporate, remember your name.

Without waiting for permission, I got up and touched his strong hand with long beautiful fingers. Gotta be warm! I turned my hand over and ran it over the hard skin. I wonder what she got rough on? My fantasy evoked thoughts about the hilt of the sword. Well, not from a ballpoint pen?

"Do you practice with a sword?" I immediately asked and received a nod of confirmation. The man was watching me closely. Embarrassed, my fingers slid down his forearm, feeling the muscles of steel under his clothes. Here is the body! Too bad he's wearing some kind of camisole.

- Can you take it off? I asked. The man did not move, allowing himself to be touched. I deliberately did not touch his face, leaving it for dessert.

- Aueria! squealed the woman, who had been silent before. - How are you behaving?

She's here for me, right? Here she was awarded the same name.

- If you tell me, then there is nothing to yell! I replied irritably. - If I understood everything correctly, then he is my husband, which means you need to go out and not interfere with the spouses!

The woman choked with anger and went red spots.

“What a harmful woman,” I shared with my husband. - Will you undress?

He couldn't help it and let out a chuckle.

“Now I see that you are not pretending,” he said. What a pleasant voice. I would listen and listen. But the fact that he began to move away, I did not like, and I grabbed his hand. Let him explain what's going on.

- Where are you going? – I was indignant.

“Baby, I’m afraid if I stay, I won’t keep my word,” he sighed.

– What word?!

“I promised not to touch you until your eighteenth birthday,” he dumbfounded me.

"I'm not eighteen anymore!" I reassured him.

– How much?

“Women don’t get asked that,” I replied with dignity. His smile softened his features, and I admired him.

“Did you really promise not to touch me?” I asked, and the faithful nodded.

– When is my birthday?

“In two months and eight days.

What can I say ... I do not think that I will stay here for so long. It's a pity.

- Can I touch you? I decided to clarify.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that at this question, a woman standing to the side almost fainted. How impressive. Maybe a nun?

“You didn’t make any promises,” he finally answered. I was pleased that he switched to "you". It sounded intimate, but I myself could not do the same - we had not yet drunk on brotherhood with him.

- That's fine! I breathed a sigh of relief. - Listen, let me touch you. What are you sorry for?

The man hesitated a little and, looking into my eyes, slowly unbuttoned the buttons of his camisole. He took it off, watching my reaction. What about me? Holding my breath, I tried not to miss anything. I liked everything I saw. God, it's like I'm hungry for sex, if my imagination has created such a hot male specimen!

- Aueria, come to your senses! the woman called to me. And what is she up to?!

- How tired she is of me! I moaned. - Can you post it? I asked a hot sample of my fantasy.

“Donna van Brasco, leave the room!” he ordered without taking his eyes off me.

"I won't let you seduce a girl!" she yelled.

“In my opinion, they are seducing me now,” he grinned and added in an icy tone: “That was an order!”

Wow, how can he be ... The tone of a man who is used to commanding. The slam of the door announced that we were alone.

- Not afraid?

- What? I was surprised. - You can't touch me... Are you the ruler? Understand, I don’t care, but you are obviously used to commanding, – I shared my impressions.

"Don't you remember anything?"

“Nothing,” I confirmed. “You can tell me while I touch you, if you like.”

In fact, enough time to waste talking. And then I will come to my senses without even touching the masterpiece of my imagination. So where did I stop? Hey, it doesn't matter! My hands slid over his chest, which was wrapped around a snow-white shirt adorned with lace. Surprisingly, he did not look feminine in it. Lord, even put a dress on him, you can’t hide a powerful masculine principle.

I put my hand on his heart and I was pleased to feel how fast it was beating. You feel like a seductress. Although, remembering what kind of image I fantasized about, this is not so far from the truth: the young lady in the mirror was a miracle how good. No, I actually like myself, but there is a big difference between a thirty-year-old and a seventeen-year-old girl, no matter how we sometimes convince ourselves otherwise.

My hands, ignoring the thoughts raging in my head, continued to explore the body of the interlocutor and lay on his shoulders.

– Do you remember my name? - he asked.

“No,” I replied, studying his broad shoulders at that moment. I wondered how long his hair is? And I moved behind the handsome man to find out. She wore jet-black glossy hair in a French braid that fell below her shoulder blades. My hands were itching to undo it. Normal desire, by the way. Do you meet a lot of supermen with long hair nowadays? That's it!

No sooner said than done! I began to undo the strands, removing the leather strap.

“I want to see your hair,” I replied without interrupting my work. How thick and silky! With pleasure I walked over them with five fingers, enjoying how the strands glide between my fingers. Real mane! And why does a man need such wealth?

- What happened to you?! he wondered.

I was tempted to report that I was actually lying unconscious at home, and he was a fantasy of my brain, which shook well when it hit the floor. But then our conversation would have flowed in a completely different direction, and I wanted to enjoy the closeness of this man for a longer time.

“I hit my head,” I answered curtly.

My hands slid up his back and I pressed against him, burying my face in his black hair and breathing in the scent of the amazing man. All this time he sat without moving and allowed me to do all the disgrace.

"I am Sherridan of Donglass, Lord of the Centaurs," he told me in a shaky voice.

When what was said came to my mind, I even pulled away, moved back and, surprised, sat opposite him.

What do you mean centaur? - I did not understand. - I agree, you look like a stallion, but a centaur is already too much!

The corners of her beautifully defined lips twitched.

“I didn’t know you knew those words.

- Which? You have a stallion - is that a swear word? It's a little strange if you claim to be a centaur.

“I am a centaur!” he declared with dignity.

“As you say,” I didn’t argue. What have I not seen centaurs?! It's a horse with a human torso. And if the torso of my specimen was excellent, then the hooves were not visible. Something my imagination was too clever. Oh, I see, I still injured my head badly.

"Aueria, what's the matter with you?" - he burst out.

I grimaced. The unfamiliar name cut the ear.

“Better call me Riya,” I suggested. Let it be so. My name is Raisa, and Raya and Riya are consonant. - I'll call you Sherry.

I liked the way it sounds. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. I wonder if he's happy or dissatisfied? You can't tell by the face. Well, before my imagination kicks in, it's time to move on to dessert. I put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek. Before he understood my maneuvers, she quickly leaned over and kissed him.

He immediately flew off the bed, out of reach. No, that's not fair! You can’t stop like this, on the most interesting. I frowned and looked at him resentfully.

- Riya, do not test my patience - I'm not made of iron! he roared. I admired his tall and imposing figure. “And you yourself will be hysterical when you come to your senses.

- I don’t know when I’ll come to my senses, but I can throw a tantrum even now if you don’t come back! He froze, not knowing how to react to my words. Well, I had to leave the bed and go to him myself. It was unusual to look at a man from the bottom up. I am not small in my life - seventy-five meters, and if you take into account my love for high heels, then consider for yourself. Curious, is he such a giant or am I Thumbelina?

I put my hands on my centaur's chest again, feeling his rapid breathing.

- I gave my word! He tried to stop me, but made no attempt to move away.

“Maybe this will teach you not to make hasty promises in the future!” - I said and, hugging his neck, kissed him again, standing on my toes.

After all, if I don’t kiss those magnificent lips, then when I wake up, I’ll bite my elbows for sure!

What is it? If not for his ragged breathing, then with the same success it would be possible to seduce a wax figure. I even slightly bit his lower lip, from disappointment.

- Are you kidding me?! - I was indignant, again switching to "you". When she met his gaze, she froze. A predator, who was put on a leash, was looking at me. You see the thirst for blood in his eyes and understand that only the strength of the chain on which he sits saves you from becoming dinner.

- Now you're kidding me! He pulled away and my hands slipped from his neck. Turning abruptly, he left the room.

I just stood there, not knowing how to react.

“Aueria, are you out of your mind?! - the indignant cries of the returned woman were heard. I suspected that all this time she was guarding under the door.

- Shut up! I said in my heart.

– What do you allow yourself?!

“I am the wife of the Lord, and who are you?” I decided to remind myself of my position. By the way, who is she to me anyway?

- Your duenna! she said angrily.

“Maybe I don’t understand something, but duennas protect their wards before the wedding, and not after it, and from their own husbands,” I frowned.

“Your father assigned me to you to see to it that the Master kept his word.

- How long have I been married?

- Four months.

“And why did you have to wait until my eighteenth birthday?” - I did not understand. For me, what is seventeen and a half, what is eighteen, if you are married, then what difference does it make when the wedding night passes ?!

- Are you stupid? she hissed.

Don't forget who you're talking to! - I reined in her, and she slowed down her tone.

“That was your father's plan. During this time, he will gather troops and allies and fight back this impudent centaur, quickly making you a widow!

The wickedness of the plan made me sick. I didn’t even want to think that someone was planning to kill such a man.

- And what will prevent my husband from killing me for violating the contract? I asked.

"You don't remember anything at all?!" the duenna threw up her hands. - Your task is to persuade him to celebrate your eighteenth birthday with his father. You will be safe there, and the centaur will be easily eliminated.

“And if I don’t succeed?”

– Then the father will send news of his serious illness and the desire to see you before his death.

I have a wonderful dad. It can be seen that he is still a beetle, since the daughter uses it as a pawn in her intrigues.

Not knowing how to react to all this, I went to the window to hide my expression. My windows overlooked a patio full of flowers. The Sovereign came into view, and as if sensing my gaze, he lifted his head and looked straight at me.

In front of my eyes, he turned into a black centaur, prancing with a bare chest. He reared up and galloped away, and I froze, staring after him in shock. How did you not faint?

Sherridan ran at full speed, trying to regain his elusive composure. Everyone tried to get out of his way, seeing the Sovereign in such a state. And he could not understand how this pale moth, afraid of its own shadow, could hit him like that ?!

When Sherridan offered her father a peace treaty, he didn't expect to get a prenuptial agreement instead. He has long begun to look at neighboring lands, wanting to get access to the sea, and as a result, the development of the economy of his state. Well, Sheridan was preparing for war, and the preparations for the wedding came out. He had nothing against it, as he got what he wanted without unnecessary bloodshed.

But Aegnus, her father, set a condition - that the son-in-law exercised his rights only after the eighteenth birthday of Aueria, since she was too young. On a counter offer to conclude an agreement now, and to play a wedding in six months, Sherridan was refused. Aegnus declared that he was giving him his precious daughter as a guarantee of good intentions, and they would sign the contract after she came of age.

Sherridan sensed a catch, but couldn't figure out what it was. The wedding was played, and the young woman left with him. Everyone knew about Agnus's love for his only daughter, and the centaur did not expect betrayal, because the girl's life was a guarantee. He just didn't like the reports of the spies that Aegnus was gathering troops.

Well, if Aegnus cheats, there will be war, and I will send him my daughter's head on a platter, Sheridan had long since decided.

He immediately liked Aueria. The beauty and grace of the princess were undeniable. Yes, only upon closer acquaintance she turned out to be more shy than a fallow deer, afraid of her own shadow. In his presence, she could not connect two words, she only shook with a slight tremor. And this misunderstanding is the mother of his future children?!

The most annoying thing is that when looking at his betrothed, he did not feel desire. Eh, he did not dream of such a wife, but the benefits of marriage were undeniable.

All right, he reassured himself, the main thing is to make a child, and then you can forget about her, spending time with concubines.

The cup of patience overflowed yesterday evening. Sherridan tried to be gentle with his wife and mend the relationship, as she constantly avoided him. He invited her to dinner, wanting to talk alone, and with difficulty got rid of the chaperone.

What was his disappointment when nothing came of this venture. The fool even knocked over a glass of wine, which he held out, her hands trembled so much. Cursing, he began to unbutton his ruined shirt, and the little wife fainted!

Angry at everyone and everything, he lifted Aueria off the floor and carried her to her room. The duenna raised a howl, they say, he killed her girl. I had to calm her down and explain that the red spots on his shirt were not blood, but wine. They called the doctors, but they could not bring the touchy to life, they said that she was in deep oblivion and would come to herself.

In the morning he was informed that his wife had woken up but had lost her memory. Thinking she was faking it, Sherridan rushed over to her. What was his surprise when she raised her eyelashes and looked at him ...

He suggested that she decided to feign unconsciousness and refuse marriage. Only a complete fool could hope that this would change the legality of their union.

But Sherridan held his breath when he met her gaze. She looked directly into his eyes, not hiding admiration. And she was in no hurry to disown marriage.

“I haven’t lost my mind yet to refuse such beauties!” Sherridan was startled by her words. But not only that, she also wanted to touch him. Desire pierced him at the innocent touch on his arm. But this seemed to her not enough, and she asked him to take off his camisole! And the one who fainted yesterday when he unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt begged for this?!

In addition, her character also erupted, and she put the ubiquitous duenna in her place, ordering her not to interfere with her husband.

"What a harmful woman!" Sherridan was in full agreement with her words, the hanger-on and irritated him immensely. Yes, that's just before Aueria obeyed her unquestioningly.

"Will you undress?" - this question finally convinced him that his wife really lost her memory. The former Aueria, not only to say, she was not even capable of thinking about such a thing. That phrase made his blood boil. If not for the promise, he would have done it with great pleasure.

And the baby was persistent in her desires.

"Can I touch you?" She was clearly determined to drive him crazy!

He saw no trace of fear in her eyes when they were alone, only anticipation.

Holding his breath, he enjoyed her touch. When she began to undo his hair, Sherridan was on the verge of losing control. He had an unbearable desire to hear her say his name. In all that time, she had never called him anything other than "Overlord".

"Sherri..." His name in her mouth touched something in her soul. She drove him crazy, and he couldn't touch her!

He fled the room, realizing that in a moment - and he would forget about all the oaths. Aueria is his wife, and he has the right to possess her. Her innocent touch excited him more than the most sophisticated caresses of the concubines.

This memory-lost baby excited him insanely. And she kissed him herself!

He set out to visit the concubines and calm the excitement, but turned around before reaching the harem. Sherridan knew who he really wanted, and it was in his nature to satisfy his desires without settling for less.

Sherridan had to admit that this girl made him see himself differently. She even came up with a new name for herself. What else can he expect? Perhaps memory loss will allow you to know the nature of your wife - true, without the shackles of upbringing and instilled restrictions?

The situation turned out to be interesting. Here are the quirks of my mind! I didn't want to wake up at all. And what is waiting for me at home? Cleaning? Have time!

Immediately such a handsome man showed up, and even my husband is. And you can not be tormented by remorse, but only insist on the fulfillment of the holy marital duty. Only one ambush, the guy can’t touch me, is a minus ... But I’m allowed to touch him! And I'll figure out what to do and where to put my hands. Remembering what kind of body he had, he wanted to apply these very hands everywhere and at once.

"I'm probably in heaven!" I decided. And what? Sherry in the role of Adam, I, in my new guise, quite pull on the young Eve, and my duenna is a spitting image of a snake, besides, he constantly hisses and splashes with poison, without leaving the image.

And as for the transformation of the spouse into a centaur ... I don’t know how according to Freud, or which of the psychologists there carried out associations, but this did not shock me. Sherry is still a stallion, figuratively speaking, so there is nothing to be surprised, my subconscious continued this thought and transformed the man into a centaur. Yes, and in horse form, he was good, one torso is worth something. Too bad I didn't get to see it very well.

In short, we stay here and try to seduce our spouse. The first thing to do is to evaluate what kind of body the subconscious gave me.

While I was thinking, this Donna-What-Her-There kept muttering about how and what I should do. Tired to the point of horror, and I demanded to be left alone, citing a headache, and asked to send a maid. Do I have a chambermaid? Or who does the wardrobe? With that pink misunderstanding that I'm wearing, you can't seduce a man.

They glared at me, but left. It's time to put this woman in her place. I am the main one in this fantasy, and I do not intend to endure how they try to control me.

A girl came and we sorted through my wardrobe. The outfits were not encouraging. They seemed to be specially selected to emphasize the age of innocence. In such dresses, you make others want to pat on the head and treat you with candy, and not hug or kiss. We must change something! I demanded that seamstresses be sent to me.

Having chosen one of the dresses, I was already wondering how to reshape it. Oh, now the main thing is not to wake up before dinner! More and more I began to like what was happening.

After handing out tasks, I escorted everyone out of the room and hung in front of the mirror, examining myself. I turned out to be a petite beauty with gorgeous blond hair that cascaded down to my waist. Without thinking twice, I began to undress, wanting to look at my body. It turned out wow! The addition is proportional, not a gram of excess weight. Slender beautiful legs, thin waist, full, somewhere in the third size, chest, my skin was snow-white, without flaws. I turned my back to the mirror and assessed the ass.

Well, with such data, a saint can be seduced, and my husband gave the impression of a temperamental person.

Satisfied with my appearance, I even pinched my arm. Weird, it hurt. I did not like it. I wonder if I prick my finger, will it bleed? Deciding to experiment, she went to the fruit platter and took a small knife. I pricked my finger and a drop of blood came out. The wound hurt, and I put my finger in my mouth. Sorry, it hurts like a real cut.

And my chaperone has not found a better time than now to come to me.

- Aueria! she yelled.

That's definitely sick in the head! Didn't they teach her to knock? And he teaches me all the time. Although the picture was opened to her that still. I stand naked with a knife in my hands.

- My girl! Did he come? Don't kill yourself! she said.

Yes, I somehow did not plan to do such stupid things. Not listening to me, she pulled the knife out of my hands and shouted: “I’ll tell him everything now!” - ran out of the room.

I went to get dressed, as my intuition told me that my husband would come in speed. No, it would be possible to meet him naked, but I planned a more subtle seduction.

Before I had time to put on a dress, my handsome man flew into the room at full speed. It is a pity that my chaperone was attached to him. His hair was loose and slightly damp. I hope she didn’t pull him out of the shower, otherwise she will become.

- This is true? - he blurted out from the threshold.

- What exactly?

- What did you want to commit suicide!

- Why do you think so?

“I was told that you wanted to cut your throat naked with this…” He showed the knife.

Sherry was worried and just ate me with his eyes.

“My chaperone is too imaginative,” I said in an icy tone, giving the latter a murderous look.

“But how… you…” she stammered.

The owner glared at the duenna in rage, and she trembled, then pulled herself together: - I saw what I saw.

Did you hold this knife in your hands? he decided to investigate.

“Sherri, I like it better when we are on you,” I answered meekly.

“Riya, did you hold that knife in your hands?” he rephrased the question.

“I held it and was even naked,” I admitted. His gaze froze, but I continued: - It was interesting for me to look at myself, I don’t remember how I look, so I undressed! I liked what I saw so much that I decided to prick my finger and see if it was a dream. Here! I handed him a finger with a small wound. To do this, she came close and put her hand on his shoulder, and extended her finger closer to her lips.

He could not restrain himself and kissed the wound. What a fine fellow! This is what it was designed for.

Now he was looking at me with completely different eyes. Not only did the fire flare up in them - the fire! And what? It can be understood. All men are curious, and now he will be tormented by the question of how I look naked, even if I myself was so delighted that I pricked my finger.

Let me take you to dinner! he said to me, caressing his eyes.

“With pleasure,” I replied with a smile.

Ignoring Donna-What-Her-There, we left the room.

Franziska Woodworth

How to tame a centaur, or a diary of my sleep

© F. Woodworth, 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

- Madam! Mistress! I heard lamentations.

“But who is this lady, why are they killing her so much? Has the series started on TV? .. "

Oh, and I kissed hard, still weakness in my whole body. What could be easier than standing on a chair and replacing a burnt out light bulb in a chandelier? Only this production of the furniture industry broke under me, and I, having lost my balance, beautifully waved my hands and crashed to the floor, hitting the back of my head so well.

It's strange, it seems that I should lie on the carpet, but here, according to all the sensations, a featherbed. I even fidgeted to check. It was really soft, and I opened my eyes in bewilderment and squinted against the bright light.

The lamentations stopped, and the face of an unfamiliar woman appeared in front of me, and I screamed out of surprise. But when she heard her voice, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. Either I hurt my head, or my voice is not mine. Maybe he changed with fear?

Oh, what about the hand? I twisted the brush before my eyes, examining thin, graceful fingers, with snow-white skin and beautiful polished nails. Where did they come from? As far as I remember, in the morning I wanted to wipe off the peeling varnish, but I decided to do it after cleaning.

- Madam! You are alive?! - I was grabbed by the palm, which I hastened to pull out.

- Who are you? I asked, looking at the middle-aged woman in dark robes.

Where did this crow come from in my apartment?!

“Oh, yes, something was not observed in my apartment and a four-poster bed,” I noted another discrepancy.

Turning my head around, I looked around and was forced to admit: wherever I am, but the fact that I am not in my apartment is a fact! This luxuriously furnished room did not look like a hospital ward either.

I looked at the woman again, but she only opened her mouth, not making a sound.

- Who are you? I demanded again, hoping to get at least some explanation.

- I?! she gasped. - Don't you remember?

- I see you for the first time in my life! I answered sincerely.

- What did he do to you? she squealed.

- Well, chick! I barked, and she shut up, blinking in surprise. Why yell? My head is breaking, and then she decided to develop her voice.

“No one did anything to me! I said. - She fell down. Better tell me where am I?

- As where?! The woman was even more surprised. - In their quarters.

“I don’t know whose chambers these are, but they certainly aren’t mine!” How did I get here?

“Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-t-thinging was done…” she began to stutter a little.

- Where did they bring it from?

“From your s-s-husband’s s-s-port,” the woman reported.

- Where?! I hurried. - Honey, I'm not married! - What a sin to conceal - I wanted this, but it has not happened yet.

I found that I was wearing a floor-length pink dress made of an airy material. What idiot put this rag on me? I can't stand pink! In addition, admit that a thirty-year-old person in this color looks stupid.

Grimacing and ignoring the crazy woman, who stopped shedding tears and warily followed my movements, I walked to the mirror, experiencing a strange feeling of unreality of what was happening.

I wanted to see if I had bruised myself when I fell, and to appreciate how ridiculous I looked in this outfit.

I froze in front of the mirror. She waved her hand, then another. Even jumped! What's happening?! The young stranger in the mirror regularly repeated all the movements after me. I touched my face and so did she. She traced the contour of her lips, and she feigned mischief, circling her plump lips with her fingertip. I suddenly stuck out my tongue, and this beast mimicked my gesture.

Did Raya, while cleaning the house, think that she would hit her head and wake up in another world? And there she, a free thirty-year-old woman, will find herself in the body of a seventeen-year-old girl, who is also married to a centaur. True, the husband turned out to be handsome, he was only happy about the changes in his wife, and he liked the new character of his wife. Paradise was not at a loss, dispersed the harem into three hundred concubines, introduced her husband to the character of a Russian woman, breaking several vases on his head in order to better imbue, live and rejoice ... But daddy weaves intrigues, and even the Earlings started their own game. Nothing, modern women still not able to cope with such, would be nice next! Arguing in this way, Raya plunges into a maelstrom of intrigue...

A series: fifty shades of magic

* * *

by the LitRes company.

You should have seen the faces of Sherry's people as we sailed out together for dinner and I held my husband's arm. Even the conversations stopped for a moment. That's what a spectacular appearance means!

The table was long, and, as I understood, before that we ate on different ends. And now Sherry wanted to take me to the same place, but I stopped him.

"Aren't we sitting together?" I was surprised and he hesitated.

“You preferred the chair at the opposite end.

“Sherri, I don't remember anything, and you're the only one I know. Let's make an exception and sit next to each other, shall we?

Everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to know how our conversation would end. When I called my husband "Sherri", the faces of those around me stretched out.

He liked the idea. I would not have liked it when I looked with a touching, trusting look, stroking the crook of his elbow with my fingers. We took a seat at the table.

I liked his presence. What a spectacular man, a real ruler! This was manifested in the imperious gaze, the aura of power surrounding him, confident movements. I even know what I want for dessert ... or rather, whom. Whipped cream would go great with it. So white and airy on tanned skin. I even licked my fork dreamily, keeping my eyes on him.

Riya, what are you thinking? - His question sounded slightly hoarse.

About dessert...

- What would you like for dessert? He didn't take his eyes off me.

I almost said, “You,” but I bit my tongue just in time.

- Fluffy whipped cream that melts when you taste it. - I wonder if my eyes reflected the pictures flashing in my imagination? Judging by the way his fingers turned white, clutching the cutlery, he definitely caught something.

I took pity on him and lowered my eyelashes. We aroused a burning interest, and everyone stared at us. At the opposite end of the table, my chaperone was choking on her poison. That's probably how snakes eat.

“Sherri,” I touched his arm, getting his attention. Maybe it was an extra gesture, but it was nice to touch my centaur. He bowed his head towards me. Will you introduce me to your people? I do not remember anyone, and I would not like to be impolite and ignore acquaintances.

Something strange flashed in his eyes, and it caused me anxiety.

“I’ll introduce you,” he promised, but that didn’t calm me down.

“Show me who is who and with whom I preferred to communicate,” I insisted, without removing my hand.

“You see… you preferred to communicate only with your chaperone.


- Four months?! I looked at him in shock. He even covered my hand with his, comforting me. At least one plus, he imperceptibly began to touch me himself.

“Although, if you yourself have been ignoring me for four months, then how else should the courtiers treat me? I said sadly and tried to pull my hand away. Yes, it was not there. He squeezed it and started kissing my fingers in front of everyone. I looked at him in fascination.

"I promise I won't make that mistake again," he promised.

After dinner, he really introduced me to everyone. Then we got rid of the duenna company and went for a walk. I asked how we met, how I lived here all this time, what kind of relationship we have. You never know, suddenly we spend some special evenings with him, but I forgot about it.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to tell: all four months I didn’t even raise my eyes to him, I was afraid to talk and communicated only with a chaperone.

- Why do I need a duenna? Why did you agree to her presence? I wondered.

- Your father insisted on this, they say, you are very attached to her, and I thought that it was okay if a familiar person was next to you.

“You don’t need strangers with such a friend,” I muttered quietly, but he heard and smiled.

"Can't you send her home now?" I asked hopefully. “After all, I don’t remember her at all, and the need for her presence has disappeared.

What if your memory comes back?

To this I had no answer. How can I know how long this dream will last. I was worried about something else - the information that this Donna shared with me. But how would you present it?

It's impossible to say directly. He will go to war against my alleged father, and it’s good if he doesn’t divorce me. The man is hot...

Even if they don't get divorced? Sit and wait for his return?! I somehow hoped to spend a more pleasant time, let's say so.

“Sherri, I still don’t understand, why wait for my birthday?” Well, if I were fourteen years old, then this act is still understandable. Why did you agree? Are you planning to have our marriage annulled? “Here, the best defense is an attack. Now he himself will wonder if my father is up to something like that.

And so it happened. He even stopped and fixed an indignant look at me.

“Remember, I will never dissolve our marriage!” - he said furiously and with pressure.

- Do you promise? I watched hopefully, demanding that he dispel my fears.

- I promise! he swore.

That's good. Now you can relax and think about how to avoid the traps of the father.

“By the way, it’s your father who is gathering the army,” he remarked.

“Wo-o-o-t! Consider this fact! I mentally called out.

“I don't remember my father. Tell me, can he declare our marriage invalid? Did you verbally agree that you should not touch me or did you sign a contract? I asked with concern.

- Orally! he muttered thoughtfully. - And I will keep my word, but if he violates his, then even your relationship will not stop me! he added menacingly.

“You know,” I took him by the arm, stroking him soothingly, “somewhere I heard one interesting saying: “If you want peace, prepare for war!” If your father is gathering an army, maybe you will gather it too, arrange some exercises? Well, for demonstration purposes?

Sherridan was getting more and more surprised. How can a person change so dramatically? This new Aueria did not leave his thoughts for a moment.

Take at least lunch. She used to enjoy staying away from him, and he didn't mind it either. Today she marveled at this fact, and he was pleased to sit next to her. Yes, she lost her memory, but her reasoning is sound.

“Sherri, I don't remember anything and you are the only one I know. Can we make an exception and sit next to each other?” How could he refuse her?

That's just the way she gave him a look, talking about dessert, beat off all his appetite completely. No, the appetites woke up, but of a different order.

Then she showed interest in his people and wanted to get to know everyone again. And how could she explain that all this time she shied away from everyone and, except for her chaperone, did not exchange a word with anyone. Previously, this angered him, then he was already glad that his wife practically did not remind him of her existence.

She is smart, she understood everything immediately. The hint that people are ignoring her because their master behaves in the same way made the pangs of conscience stir in the soul. There was a grain of truth in this. Well, now everything will change, and he clearly expressed his interest in his wife in front of everyone.

The walk brought even more surprises. Aueria asked precise questions and quickly found out that before her injury, they had little to no contact. Yes, he somehow had no desire to talk with a trembling creature, unable to connect even two words. The new Aueria was capable of more than just that. She was not afraid to anger him and asked why he agreed to abstinence and whether he plans to dissolve the marriage!

He howled that she suspected him of such disgrace. How could she even think?! But his anger was quickly cooled by the fact that she was clearly relieved when he assured her otherwise.

She clearly did not remember her father, and the threats against Agnus did not bother her much. The saying “If you want peace, prepare for war!” he was subdued, as was the advice to conduct exercises.

“Well, for demonstration purposes…” He chuckled as he remembered those words. And it's right! He will conduct such exercises on the border of the lands with Aegnus that he will think twice whether to get involved.

He could not resist and asked whose side she was on. Riya's answer sunk into his heart: “I don't remember anything, and you are my husband. On this moment For me, you are the only close and dear person.

Sherridan would have given a lot to keep it that way. This new girl Riya became more and more intriguing to him and liked him much more than before.

"What will happen if her memory returns?" – there was a question from which something clenched in a breast.

He was so frightened today by her chaperone, when she came running screaming, that the girl wanted to commit suicide.

He believed this, because from the former Aueria, if she came to her senses, this could be expected. Fortunately, his little girl was just naughty. He presented her naked and completely lost his peace.

Sherridan himself did not notice how for the first time he warmly called Aueria his own, feeling a pleasant sense of ownership.

Sherry had business planned, and after the walk I returned to my room. I did this in vain, because there a poisonous infection was waiting for me, in the person of my duenna. I didn't like her at first sight.

- Aueria! She began to scold me as soon as she saw me. – Have you lost your mind? What do you allow yourself, how do you behave?

Donna, you're forgetting! I gave her an icy look. - I don’t know what kind of relationship we had before, but I want to remind you that I am a princess and your mistress. Your familiarity is unacceptable! Stop poke me! I demand respect and behavior appropriate to my status. If I want to know your opinion on any issue, I will ask it. Now leave me, and henceforth do not enter my room without knocking!

She froze, lost in mid-sentence, and only blinked her eyes. With the words: "I will report everything to your father!" - the bastard flew out the door.

“I wonder how often she writes to him?” I thought.

Deciding not to waste time in vain, I called the maid and asked to introduce me to the manager.

It turned out to be a man in his fifties, who politely greeted me, but looked wary.

“I’m sorry, but after the fall I don’t remember your name,” I confessed.

“We didn’t know each other before,” he replied.

- Why? I jumped up. - Who runs the business?

“Before the Lord’s wedding, his mother was in charge of everything, but she left, and now everything is on me.

Something from the news head swollen. Strange, what did Aueria do all day long?! But what am I talking about. It's a dream! But I was bored sitting in the room, and I decided to delve into the life of the palace.

Smiling charmingly at the manager, I asked him to introduce me to the house and tell me how things were going.

The manager's name was Samuelson. I had to ask with a smile if it would offend him if I shortened my name and called Sam. In return, I asked to leave the title "Madam" and call me simply Riya.

Flattered, he took me to acquaint me with the palace. Along the way, he introduced me to the people who live and work here. Sam made a good impression on me. He was calm, explained everything in detail and sensibly.

“And why, after our marriage, did Sherridan’s mother leave the palace?” – I became curious.

- That's the custom. After the wedding, the wife takes over the reins of government.

Why didn't I take them? - All this is strange. But I liked the custom. No struggle for power: a new mistress came, and the old one immediately evaporated.

"You didn't care," he sighed. - I came to you, but your chaperone turned me around, she never let us meet.

“It looks like she, like a Cerberus, drove everyone away from me,” I grunted.

Then we retired to his office, where I looked through the accounting books. I was struck by the amount of purchases and expenses. How many people live here?

Why do we buy so many fabrics? I asked. - Here you can dress more than one hundred people.

- So ... - he hesitated, - there are more than one hundred.

- Women...

– We constantly change uniforms for our workers?! - I did not understand.

- It's for concubines.

- Whose? - hasn't gotten to me yet.

- Mr.

Wow! I was so hasty. What kind of confusion and vacillation is this in our kingdom?

– How many are there? I asked in a deceptively calm tone.

"About three hundred," he answered cautiously, watching my reaction.

And the reaction I had was healthy, true, inside, but it boiled so that a little steam came out of my ears. Here is the stallion! Of course, why not avoid your spouse for six months, when he has so many women.

“They, I suspect, are in the wing we didn’t see today?”

Sam nodded.

Ta-a-ak! I was no longer interested in reading books.

“Sam, can you take me to my husband?” I asked.

- The master has a Council now! he hesitated, looking at me with sympathy. “Mistress, you don’t need to talk to him now. Listen to a man who has seen a lot - cool off.

“Sam,” I smiled, “if I cool down, it won’t be so exciting anymore.” Lead!

Sighing, he did not argue, and we went.

There were two guards at the door in front of the meeting room. Seeing us, they crossed their spears, blocking the entrance.

- The master is busy and asked not to disturb.

They don't want to let me in? Well, hold on!

Looks like I'm not the only one with memory problems. Have you forgotten who I am?!

The guys were confused, but did not flinch.

I walked up to one and said threateningly:

"Boy, I'm your mistress!" Put your toothpick away or I'll shove it up your ass! This applies to you too! I tossed to someone else. Unable to bear the dissonance between my fragile appearance and the meaning of the words, the guards became embarrassed and removed the spears.

Furious, I pushed the doors open and they swung open with a loud bang, revealing me as Nemesis.

Stern men sat at a large oval table in the hall. The cards were laid out in front of them, and my husband was speaking. At my spectacular intrusion, he stood up, and the heads of those present turned in my direction.

– THREE HUNDRED concubines?! I asked furiously.

Riya, I'm busy!

- Not surprising! With so many lovers, how can you still walk? I asked venomously.

He towered, overwhelming in height and size. With my fragility, I was like a pug in front of an elephant. In this position, shouting is tactically unprofitable. Nothing, we'll fix it! Walking over to the table, I gestured for one of the men to stand up.

- Give me your hand! Without looking away from my husband, I ordered. He obediently extended a limb, and I gracefully climbed first onto a chair, and then onto the tabletop. Knocking heels, I walked over to my husband and looked down at him with pleasure.

- You are not a stallion, but a lustful male! I said.

There were chuckles.

- Everybody's Free! he snapped. The sound of doors closing soon announced that we were left alone. We've been staring at each other all this time.

“No wonder you agreed to six months of abstinence. Why do you need a wife when there is a harem!

“Riya, these are our traditions.

“Yeah, that cover up your promiscuity so well!”

What can you know about the needs of a man?

“Because of your concubines, I won’t know about them soon!” When will you have more time for your wife? Should I queue up? I hissed furiously. - Interesting, but I have a harem?

– Riya!!! he yelled.

“Why should I sleep in a cold bed when my husband is having fun with courtesans?”

This is the custom of our people.

Sherry, you are my husband. And if you want to be the only man in my life, then I will be the only one with you! I said, looking into his eyes.

- What does the only one mean?

- And that means: either you are my man, and I don’t share mine, or I will have as many lovers as you have concubines!

Do you want me to lock you in four walls?

Do you want ice in bed?

“I have a harem,” he reminded him mockingly.

"Then know what you're missing!" I freaked out and, taking his face with both hands, sealed a passionate kiss. I didn't care if he answered or not. I claimed my husband. I have the appearance of a girl, but I am a thirty-year-old woman, and I already know how to kiss.

He could not stand it, and our tongues intertwined in a hot fight. He groaned, and my legs were weak with desire. I have never wanted anyone in my life with such force as this man. It made my head spin! The kiss became endless, and I pulled away with difficulty, while I still had the strength, biting my lower lip a little at the end. Sherridan growled and tried to pull me back, but I quickly recoiled. We were both breathing heavily and my knees were shaking.

– Decide with the harem! - I threw and, banging my heels, went to the other end of the table and jumped to the floor. She left without looking back.

People crowded in front of the doors, not in a hurry to disperse.

"Ah, ah, ah," I shook my head. "Didn't anyone tell you it's not good to eavesdrop?"

They looked at me with all their eyes and cautiously glanced at the open doors.

“Yes, he is alive,” I chuckled. - Yes, patted a little! and winked at the crowd. If before this phrase they held out, then after that they simply precipitated.

I looked at Sam, who hadn't left either.

- Oh, Sam! It’s good that you waited for me,” I rejoiced, approaching him and ignoring the audience. “Come on, I’m in the mood to work some more.”

I took him by the arm and we walked away sedately.

“Mistress, I have no words!” he said, laughing. - After you called the spears toothpicks and intimidated the guards, I decided to linger and I do not regret it. I haven't seen such shocked faces on our warriors for a long time.

“Ah, they were discussing military exercises,” I guessed. We talked about this with Sherry today after dinner.

Sam gave me a sharp look.

“Madam, I want to say that you have changed dramatically. I'm sorry, but the memory loss did you good.

- I'm sorry! I smiled. - It's curious, many only today found out about my existence, as if it wasn't I who lost my memory, but all of them! .. - Let's look at the costs of the harem? “I was in a fighting mood. It would be necessary to calculate how much it costs to maintain all this abyss of women. Maybe it's strange, but I'm not jealous. You can be jealous of one or two mistresses, but when there are three hundred of them, then this is already ridiculous. I imagine how funny it is when Sherridan comes into the harem, and starving women rush at him. Yes, he really is!

“Or is it more correct to say yoke-go?” I giggled to myself.

“Excuse me, did you hurt your leg?” I got worried.

“An old wound,” he explained. - Do not pay attention, it starts to hurt when I walk a lot.

- Why didn't you say anything? I threw up my hands. “And I dragged you all over the palace.

"Mistress, it's okay," he reassured me. - I enjoyed our walk.

But I scolded myself for being inattentive to this man. I think that a good massage therapist should be found in the female half.

“I should have orders to send him to Sam,” I made a note to myself.

We settled into Sam's office, and I began to delve into the costs. I have two flower shops and an accountant sister, so I'm good with numbers.

Sam and I worked out all the expenses, and the amount turned out to be decent. With this money it was possible to maintain a small army - with weapons, uniforms and food. I wrote out all these amounts separately, for clarity. I had a great desire to poke my nose into this sheet of my missus, otherwise I divorced it, you know ...

“Sam, remove the personal maids from the harem,” I ordered.

“But how…

- Blame everything on me. Leave only cooks and laundresses! I smiled slyly. “And we’re doing a spring cleaning of the palace, so you’ll keep the girls busy for a oh-so-very long time.”

Sam looked at me, and his eyes shone with laughter. Despite the age difference, we quickly found a common language. And after he appreciated my ability to work with numbers, he generally respected me.

- Why do I see a young girl in front of me, but it feels like I'm talking to an experienced woman? he asked me.

“Youth is a disadvantage that passes with age, the main thing is to have a head on your shoulders,” I winked.

Satisfied with each other, we parted ways. Time passed fairly, and I went to prepare for dinner.

I was expected, and my appearance did not go unnoticed. Still would! The girls did their best and saved my old dress from unnecessary frills and bows, deepening the neckline. I pinned my hair up, revealing my face and swan neck.

With dignity, I approached my husband, who ate me with his eyes. I enjoyed the impression I made. I wonder how long his endurance and patience will last? As I approached, I took a deep breath, causing my chest to rise. His gaze sank into the neckline of the dress. I was tempted to say that my eyes are higher.

- You are beautiful! he breathed, kissing my hand. - New dress?

“Old,” I answered modestly, melting at his touch, “I just removed unnecessary details.”

He pulled out a chair for me and we sat down.

“Darling,” he leaned towards me and said quietly so that only I could hear: “For the future, I don’t like it when others admire what belongs only to me.

“Darling,” I answered him in a tone, “I got the impression that you didn’t know that all this,” I sighed deeply again, showing my chest, “it belongs to you.” For a zealous owner, you showed a criminal inattention to your possessions, - I finished him off with a sweet smile.

I enjoyed teasing my husband, and the fact that he couldn't touch me made the situation even more poignant.

How was the Council?

“After your unforgettable appearance, we decided to reschedule it for tomorrow.

I made an innocent expression on my face, saying that I had nothing to do with it, and shared that I met Samuelson and began to delve into the management of the palace, which surprised the missus beyond words.

And then I felt someone's heavy gaze on me. As it turned out, it was Donna who was staring at me from the other end of the table. She reminded me of something.

“Sherri, how is mail delivered?” I asked.

Do you want to write to your father? he immediately asked.

“What should I write about if I don’t even remember him,” I waved him off. “But my chaperone is going to send him a detailed report. I wonder what she's doing to him?

He glanced at the spy and replied:

“The sealed letters are given to the sorcerers, and they magically forward them. I will request that her correspondence be delivered to me first for review.

– Magically? Do you have magic? I immediately perked up.

- What does it mean for us? he wondered. - It exists everywhere.

"I don't remember that," I explained my ignorance.

Dinner was drawing to a close when an excited servant appeared and delivered a message to Sherridan. After reading the dispatch, he darkened his face and cast a hard look at me. Oh, my instinct told me that Sam did not waste time in vain and proceeded to carry out my orders.

I was not frightened by the glare of my husband, and I sent him a sugary smile. I was ready for the collision. Until the end of dinner, we no longer exchanged a word. Sherridan lost his appetite, but I had a great one.

After a meal with the words: “Honey, we need to talk!” Sherry took me to his quarters.

Curious why here? They were huge, and they could easily fit my entire apartment.

“Did you really want to spank, but it’s not very convenient to do this in the office?” I giggled to myself.

- Explain to me what's going on! he demanded.

Oh how evil we are! And why am I not afraid?

- You explain it to me! I demanded and held out a sheet of paper, which I had prudently taken with me.

- What is this? He frowned as he ran his eyes over the numbers.

“I told you I sat down with Sam and got into the running of the palace. This is how much it costs us to maintain a harem. Monthly.

- Of course I can! The main thing is that you can too. Opposite the "harem" - the approximate cost of maintaining the army, which you could have for this money.

– What do you mean by that? he said dazedly.

- Sherry, the harem is not economically viable! For this money, you could have an army that would keep your enemies at bay and ensure peace in the state. Or one could build hospitals and schools for the common people. And what do we have? I'll break through the women who have nothing to do and who need to be looked after. Yes, they have nowhere to put themselves, they only do what they squabble among themselves and weave intrigues.

- How do you know that? he said.

- I beg you, I know the nature of women!

“Why did you take the maids away from them?” he asked in a different tone. My arguments made an impression on him, and sparks of laughter lit up in his eyes.

– The maids are needed here too to put the palace in order, otherwise they launched it, there’s nowhere else to go. The palace of the ruler must shine! And let the young ladies learn to take care of themselves, there will be less time for squabbles.

And how can I explain it to them?

- Sherry, I do not advise you to meddle with them today. You, of course, are a man anywhere with me, but three hundred angry aunts against you alone is still too much.

He looked at me in amazement, and then broke down and burst out laughing.

Seeing that the storm had passed, I sat down in a chair, looking around. Of course, my attention was attracted by a truly royal size bed. Eh, am I not going to be there? My dream should have come to an end by now, which is a pity.

- Sherry, why did I fall yesterday? I decided to clarify. I wonder what explanation my subconscious will offer.

He stopped laughing and looked away. I mentally caressed his figure. In front of me, legs wide apart, a slightly wild and incredibly handsome man stood freely.

“You spilled wine on me and fainted when I took off my soiled shirt.

My eyes widened in surprise, and then I giggled as I pictured this.

- No, no, that's not fair! - I said, sitting comfortably in a chair, tucking my legs under me. Now I will die of curiosity, imagining that I saw such a thing there! - Take off your shirt! I demanded.

Surprised, he raised his eyebrows, and then a spark of passion lit up in his pupils.

- Are you sure? he asked seductively.

- And how! Don't languish! “I was on fire with anticipation. If it’s not a passionate night, then at least I’ll please myself with a male striptease.

Sherry slowly unbuttoned his shirt buttons, glaring at my face and watching for my reaction. I wasn't exactly going to faint, but something was missing.

"Music!" - I understood. Now, if he did it in a dance, it would be even more interesting.

“Sherri, you seem to be undressing boringly,” I snapped. - Could you dance? You have such muscles, so play with them, or something!

Do you want me to dance in front of you? he was stunned.

- Why not? Don't dancers dance in front of you?

“Riya, I am a ruler, not a comfort boy!” he yelled angrily.

– Well, what are you, really?! I don't have them, and as far as I understand, you are against their appearance, so you will have to entertain your wife.

I seem to be more and more impressed with Sherridan. Suddenly he grinned mischievously.

"Show me how it's done," he suggested.

"Do you want me to expose myself in front of you?" It was my turn to be surprised. - Are the tricks of concubines not enough for you?

“But you set out to kill the runaways,” he urged me, “so show that you can move just as well.”

We crossed eyes, and I understood that there was nowhere to retreat. On the other hand, why should I be afraid? I will do it! Yes, I'll do it, so hold on!

“Okay,” I said, standing up and smiling promisingly. I don’t know if my husband expected this from me, but under his gaze I felt hot.

Moving a few meters away, I began to hum a melody and moved my hips. My hands reached for my hair, removing the pins. My hair is gorgeous, and it should have been shown in all its glory. I twirled, loosening curls. Sheridan stood as if struck by thunder.

With a dancing gait, I approached him, turning my back, asked him to loosen the lacing of the dress. Sherry didn't move, but I could feel the heat emanating from his strong body. Then he ran his hand through my hair and threw it over my shoulder, holding it a little in his fingers. I myself liked to touch his hair, so I deliberately left mine out for him to do.

Slowly, he began to unlace the dress, and I danced in place, making it a little more difficult for him, but he did not mind. I hummed a melody and I was sure that it excites him. As soon as Sherry was done, I snuggled up to him for a moment, feeling his arousal, and then twirled away. When I met my husband's eyes, I couldn't look away.

I enjoyed the desire in his pupils and how it flared up brighter and brighter with every movement I made. Shrugging, I lowered the bodice of the dress, exposing the undershirt, with my breasts showing through it and already tense nipples.

Turning my back and wriggling like a snake, I got rid of the dress and looked around. Oh, his reaction was a well-deserved reward! I turned away and ran my hands along the curves of my body, and then put my hands on my chest, lifting it up and outlining it. My nipples tightened and I caressed them. Let him not see them, but he can fantasize. I closed my eyes, imagining that he was touching me. He finds them under the fabric of his shirt, pulls, and then his lips cover the nipple, and he sharply pulls it into his mouth, bites a little, and after my moan, sucks.

I imagined all this so clearly, caressing myself, that I was arched with desire, and I instantly became wet. A long groan escaped his lips.

The convulsive hoarse sigh of my husband, as if he did not have enough air, made me open my eyes.

I was wrong in thinking that he did not see this: our eyes met in the mirror, and time stood still. What is in my eyes, what was burning in his flame of desire. I saw how the fabric of his trousers stretched in the crotch. I wanted to touch, walk with my fingers and ... squeeze. The tension has reached its limit. Well, teasingly, I put a hand on his shoulder and started pulling down my shirt, exposing him. Everything inside begged for the need for my husband to snuggle up to me, and the fabric was superfluous. Wanted to feel hungry man's hands on your naked body, lips giving burning kisses ...

- Who are you?! I heard a hoarse question.

A couple of words, and the obsession dissipated. I suddenly felt cold, and putting my shirt back on, I put my arms around my shoulders. Suddenly I felt an unbearable sadness. Really, who am I and what am I doing here? How long will this world and I in it last? I stared dejectedly at myself in the body of a young girl, so beautiful and so unlike me.

“I don’t know…” she answered him sadly. - I opened my eyes in the morning and saw unknown people. You are my husband, but I don't know you. Everything is alien. I feel like Cinderella disappearing at midnight...

- Who is Cinderella? he immediately asked with concern.

- There is a fairy tale. With the help of magic, the girl got to the ball and met the prince, and at twelve o'clock at night the spell was dispelled.

- And then what? he asked as he approached.

- She disappeared, and the prince was looking for her for a long time. Running away, she dropped her shoe ... And if I disappear, I’m afraid I won’t leave this behind, and I’m not sure if you want to look for me.

“Tell me this tale,” my beloved asked.

“I’m cold,” I shivered.

"Go to bed," he nodded toward the bed.

I did not argue and, stepping over the dress lying on the floor, I climbed onto the couch and wrapped myself in a blanket.

He himself also lay down, but only on top of the blanket at arm's length. I closed my eyes, feeling amazingly vulnerable, and began to tell the tale. At that moment, I didn't want to see him. The emotional upsurge and the desire that suddenly flared up during the dance gave way to recession and devastation. Gradually my speech began to slow down, and somewhere in the middle of the story I fell asleep.

Sherridan looked at the sleeping girl in her bed and didn't know what to think. His wife lost her memory, but it seemed that in return she found herself. Aueria did more in one day than she had in all four months of her stay here. He could not understand whether she had been under the spell all this time, and now she came to her senses, or whether the spell had been placed on her just now. Yesterday's Aueria and today's Riya were two completely different girls.

The former Aueria could not even take a step without her chaperone, this same hooligan cannot stand her spirit. She was unsure of herself and shy, this one was resolute and bold. What is worth one of her appearance today at the Council!

She approached, thumping her heels on the table, and something tightened in his chest. She is not afraid to provoke his anger, but she herself growls at him, fearing nothing. Remembering her kiss, he groaned softly. Where could she have learned this? It was the kiss of an experienced woman who knows what she wants and takes it. Yes, she seemed to burn the brand on his lips!

"Is she innocent?" he asked himself. And you won’t ask, because she doesn’t remember anything.

Then he heard her say that he was alive and she only patted him lightly. She is his! Everyone expected that he would deal with his wife and rein her in, and this devil publicly declared that she had given the ruler a beating!

Oh Gods! His people did not know what to do with their eyes, cautiously entering the office. I had to dismiss everyone, as there was no question of further work.

And now she got to his concubines! When he recalled how she argued how economically unprofitable it was, he did not know whether to laugh or be angry ...

I wanted something completely different, to kiss my wife the way she did it today, so that she would forget about everything except him. In addition to the desire that she evoked in him, Riya made him admire herself. This bright girl was a fire that I so wanted to tame.

He thought about the story she had told. What if she really disappears? He will open his eyes in the morning, and it will be the old Aueria, who will squeal in horror when she sees him ...

For the first time in his life, he, not afraid of anyone and nothing, experienced a panic attack and began to wake the girl.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book How to Train Your Centaur, or My Sleep Diary (Francisca Woodworth, 2015) provided by our book partner -
