Options for how to beautifully paint your toenails. Nail polish on the legs: choose according to all the rules

Used to envy the owners of the perfect pedicure? It's time to give up on this bad habit, to do perfect pedicure home is not so difficult! Knowing correctly and accurately, you can achieve the perfect result and forget about such troubles as peeled varnish or ugly stains on the surface. nail plate.

Preparing the base for varnish

In order for the coating to look neat, regardless of the color and type of varnish chosen, it is necessary to carefully treat the nails before applying it. Unlike fingernails, which, as a rule, do not differ in strength, toenails are usually difficult to process with tools, so experts recommend pre-steaming the legs, and only then proceed to the pedicure.

The surface of the nail prepared for painting should be smooth and fat-free - only in this case the varnish will lie flat.

On the treated nail, we apply a base under the varnish in one layer and wait for it to dry completely, until this moment it is impossible to apply varnish! It is also not recommended to paint nails without first applying the base: firstly, the base makes the nail more even and “holds” the varnish well, and secondly, the coloring pigments of the varnish (especially dark colors) can eat into the nail plate and give it an ugly yellowish tint .

We apply varnish

When choosing a toenail polish, you can choose the most daring options - bright shades are in fashion this season. Lacquer should be applied from the center of the nail, with wide strokes

Pay attention to the shelf life of the varnish: thickened varnish does not fit well and dries slowly, so the coating looks sloppy and uneven. All colored varnishes should be applied in two layers: in this way the color “opens up”, acquires saturation and juiciness. In addition, even if the first layer of varnish did not lie perfectly evenly and in some places the color of the nail is visible through a thin coating, the second layer will correct this deficiency. But before applying the second layer, be sure to wait until the first layer of varnish is completely dry! If during the coloring of the nails you caught a little cuticle with a brush, you can quickly remove the excess with a toothpick (until the varnish is dry).

Fixing the result

To make painted toenails look flawless for a long time, you should cover the varnish with a fixative. Open shoes or a love of walking barefoot by no means prolong the life of the coating, so in the summer you can not do without a fixer. In addition, the fixer helps the varnish to maintain its brightness and neat appearance for a long time, the coating is less scratched and does not peel off closer to the ends of the nail. Today on sale you can find not only a transparent fixer for varnish, but also its more interesting varieties - for example, a fixer with sparkles, which allows you to achieve an elegant and sparkling effect in a summery way!

We dry correctly

Nail polish manufacturers certainly don't skimp on promises: when telling consumers how fast their products dry, some brands use the phrase "thirty seconds" or "a couple of minutes." But let's face it: after you have done a pedicure and painted your nails with any varnish, you should wait at least an hour, and only then put on your shoes. Otherwise, all your painstaking work can be ruined in an instant! Are you in a hurry? Use a special dryer for varnish in the form of a spray.

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Some women have a question: "How to paint toenails, and is it worth it at all?". Of course, it's worth it or not - it's a matter of taste. As well as what color of varnish to choose for application. You can choose fashion bright colors, or you can cover well-groomed nails with colorless varnish.

In any case, before applying varnish to the surface of the nail, it is necessary to do a pedicure. Perhaps many consider this procedure a luxury and an expensive service, but above all, it is a necessity that allows you to preserve the beauty of your legs and prolong their youth. Let's figure out how to do a pedicure correctly:

1. First, pour warm water into the tub. Add any emollient to your pedicure. As it, you can use ordinary soda, or a special emollient from cosmetics manufacturers.

2. Wait until the product is completely dissolved in water and lower your legs into it. Soak them in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then pat your feet in turn with a towel. Then, you should clean the heels with a fine-grained pumice stone or a special brush. Very carefully and gradually remove the rough skin from the heels, so as not to damage healthy skin. Do not use an iron brush or blade - these methods are very harmful to the skin.

3. Apply cuticle softener to each nail. Gently move the softened skin with an orange stick to the base of the nail. Cut the cuticle carefully. This procedure is necessary in order to remove the dry part of the cuticle, which does not decorate the pedicure at all.

4. Cut your nails in a straight line without rounding the nail plate. File your nails with a nail file, giving them round shape. Buff each nail with a polishing buffer. Lubricate the feet with a softening cream, without covering the nail plate.

5. Insert an expander between the fingers, it will prevent the fingers from touching and smearing the varnish. Apply a lacquer base on your nails - it will smooth out bumps and increase the life of your pedicure. Let the base dry.

6. Take a bottle of varnish. Shake it thoroughly before use. Dial the required amount of varnish on the brush to cover one nail plate.

7. Apply varnish from the middle of the nail to its end, and then from the tip of the nail to its base. Gently blend the varnish on the sides and let it dry.

8. In a similar way, apply a second layer of varnish to the nail plate. Let it dry.

9. Then cover the nails with a fixative. With it, your pedicure will gain shine, beauty and durability. If you notice that you have inaccurately applied varnish, or any other remedy, and touched the skin around the nail, remove the irregularities with a corrective pencil. The pencil can be pre-moistened with nail polish remover.

Now your pedicure is ready. The legs are well-groomed and beautiful.

A pedicure makes our nails neat and well-groomed, so you can safely wear open shoes. Not everyone is willing to spend money on professional care behind them, but the mistakes of a home pedicure, as a rule, lead to the fact that a woman does not want to demonstrate her “creation”. How beautiful to paint toenails without the help of a specialist? Remember a few tricks and become a master yourself!

The choice of varnish is not an easy task.

First of all, you need to decide what color is better to paint your toenails. Of course, you need to consider where you will be while the pedicure lasts. Delicate pastel colors are suitable for the office, and on the beach, a picnic, a disco, a tool from a bright palette or color combinations would be appropriate.

Note: the dark color of the varnish visually lengthens the nails and allows you to give the pedicure originality.

Do not allow the color of fingernails and toenails to match. It is desirable that the chosen shade is combined with clothes and shoes. If the surface of the nails is difficult to polish, it is better to use a more matte version instead of a glossy product. The use of gel polish opens up many design possibilities. In particular, you can:

  • attach contrasting specks, beads and rhinestones and other decorations to the nails;

  • combine varnish with dry glitter.

You should not use more than three colors, depict horizontal drawings, attach too large or too small objects to the nails. It is most comfortable to walk with flat decorations.

Application algorithm

To beautifully paint your toenails, like a real master, you need to prepare your nails for the procedure:

  • remove traces of the previous coating;
  • eliminate cuticles;
  • give the nails a semicircular shape and grind their surface.

  1. Separate your toes with toe pads so you don't ruin your pedicure while the polish dries.
  2. Cover your nails with a special base.
  3. Pick up the desired amount of varnish on the brush. Try not to make a mistake, otherwise the joints and irregularities on the surface of the nail will be noticeable.
  4. Apply varnish by moving from left to right or from top to bottom.
  5. Use a fixative to make your pedicure last as long as possible.

Regular polish dries within an hour. If you are thinking about how to paint your toenails with gel polish, you will have to purchase a 36W UV lamp or a special LED lamp. The first device fixes the product in 2 minutes, the second - instantly.

  1. Put separating pads on your fingers, thoroughly clean and polish your nails, get rid of cuticles.
  2. Apply a thin layer of base coat and hold under the lamp.
  3. Apply a layer of gel polish and cure under the lamp.
  4. Attach the selected decorations to the surface of the nails.
  5. Cover the plates with the final top coat and cure under the lamp.
  6. Wipe the finished pedicure with a napkin or cotton pad, treat the cuticle with oil.

Can pregnant women paint their toenails? A pedicure will not harm the expectant mother only if she:

  • use varnish and liquid to remove this product without harmful substances;
  • will paint nails in a well-ventilated area;
  • after the varnish has dried or removed, wash hands with soap and water.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails make your legs look good and make a statement for a woman's style.

Nowadays, girls tend to spend more time to treat their fingers and nails with multi-colored varnishes for nails that go well with the outfits they wear. How to paint toenails and do a pedicure? This is comparatively easier than doing fingernails since you can use both hands.

Necessary things:

- Nail polish
- Nail polish remover
– Cotton balls
– nail file
– Wire cutters
– Cuticle cream (cuticle is a skin rim that borders the plate)
– Cuticle stick
- cotton swabs (optional, but useful)


The basics of nail manicure and pedicure include trimming and shaping, trimming the cuticle, maintaining the hands and feet with moisturizers, and buffing the nails. Typical home manicure and pedicures, which are a popular alternative to expensive beauty salons, treatments that follow simple steps and can be easily done with some nail care tool. While more emphasis on manicures and pedicures is geared towards women, men also often include basic manicures and pedicures to keep their hands and feet healthy and well cared for.

Nails that have grown too long are usually the first destination for manicures and pedicures. Some people prefer to cut off excess nails first with nail clippers, although this practice can often result in overly sharp nail edges. The trimmed nails are then usually smoothed out with a nail file. This step can be done with either a disposable sandpaper disc or a metal file. Some professional appliances for nail care, warn and always against the use of metal files with additional coarse grains, because they can sometimes leave jagged edges on the nail. If at least once the fingernails and toenails have been done correctly and have the correct shape, the powdery residue should be wiped off the hands and feet before proceeding to the next steps.

1. Remove old varnish

First of all, you need to remove your old varnish that is on your fingers. For hard to reach edges, you can use cotton swab to remove old varnish.

2. Treatment of the top of the nails

Since the toenails are rougher than the hands, it is advisable to apply a varnish buffer in order to smooth out the protrusions and grooves. This process will eliminate the residue left from your old pedicure and force the new pedicure hold on longer.

4. Wash your feet

Soaking your feet in a bowl of warm water is usually the next step in a pedicure, and can be done in a portable spa pool or foot bath. Water cleans nails of residue and softens any calloused skin on the feet to make it easier to exfoliate.
While the feet are soaked for about ten minutes, the toes also typically need to be soaked in a bowl of warm water for about three to five minutes to soften skin cuticles. Once your feet and hands are sufficiently soaked and dry, lubricate them with skin moisturizer.

Wash your nails thoroughly after trimming and filing. You need to remove all the nail polish remover and then soften the cuticles.

5. Check your cuticles

Excessive skin cuticles on the nails usually appear as a white coating at the base of each nail. Some manicurists recommend gently exfoliating your skin with a damp washcloth rather than pushing your cuticles back and trimming them. It is easy to overdo it when trimming the cuticle, and sometimes it can lead to infection and removal of the protective layer. Moisturizing in general can be done with any type of lotion, as well as any type of cuticle cream.

After prepping your toenails, push back your cuticles with a cuticle stick. If you feel it needs to be trimmed, use a cuticle cutter. Apply cuticle cream later, but make sure you remove any cream that sticks to your nails.

6. Separate fingers and apply base coat

Now you need to separate your fingers so that you can easily apply the polish. Then put a base layer that is enriched with calcium.

7. Choose a color and varnish

After applying the base coat, choose the color you want to use on your feet. Then apply the varnish gently so that it is evenly distributed. You should apply the varnish in a light thin layer and let it dry for 10 minutes. After it dries, it is necessary to apply another coat of varnish in the same way.

If you want to wear trendy sandals in spring, presentable feet and toes are a must. For the spring season, a pedicure should always be in order. Modest leg makeup can be achieved right at home, without the need to go to the nearest spa. The procedure is not that complicated, and all you need to do is follow a few simple steps to do your own pedicure.

How to do a pedicure step by step

1. If available, it is better to use a foot massager.
2. Remove all old nail polish and push cuticles back.
3. Now you can trim your toenails, but not too short.
4. Smooth out sharp corners with a nail file.
5. Now, using a callus scrub, you need to remove the calluses from the soles of your feet.
6. Do the same for the back of the heel.
7. If you use a scrub that is too harsh, you can peel the skin and injure your leg.
8. Now you need to massage your feet using an exfoliating cream that will leave your skin soft and help with regeneration. With the cream on your hands, gently massage your feet in circular motions.
9. Now dry your feet with a soft towel and apply body cream on your feet. After massaging thoroughly, use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to wipe your feet.
10. Now, apply two more coats of bright nail polish. The only thing to remember is to apply dry polish.
11. To lengthen the life of your pedicure, apply a top coat of color.
12. From here on out, you need to apply body lotion to your heels on a regular basis to keep your feet smooth.
14. It is recommended to apply a top coat to your nails every four days to keep them shiny and avoid chipping.
15. You should try to wear cotton socks while you sleep so they don't sweat.

Nail polishes are an integral part of the image for many girls. Someone prefers red or burgundy shades, someone chooses calmer beige-pink tones. Some even love the riot of colors. In any case, the nails will look good only if the varnish is applied evenly and accurately.
Painting your fingernails with varnish is not easy. From the first time it may not turn out as beautifully as we would like, you definitely need to practice. It would seem that the legs should not be so difficult. And it really is, if you know how to do it right. Of course, you can just trust the professionals, but it’s easy to paint your nails with varnish at home.

Nail preparation

  • bath with warm water and additives at will;
  • pumice stone or foot file;
  • orange sticks;
  • nailfile;
  • foot cream;
  • nail polish remover, if desired - liquid for degreasing nails.

First you need to steam them in warm water. You can add a small amount of lemon juice, sea salt or chamomile tea to whiten, strengthen nails and soothe the skin. Instead of a bath, use is also allowed. special means softening the stratum corneum.

After that, you should use a pumice stone or a special heel file and carefully remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. You need to process the entire foot, paying special attention to the most problematic areas prone to the appearance of corns. In fact, this step is optional. If the feet are in good condition, then you can immediately proceed to further steps.

Carefully with an orange stick. If you use the trimmed pedicure method, then carefully remove the remnants of unnecessary skin with tweezers. After you need to process the nails with a file: first give the desired shape, and then carefully polish the edges and surface. This will allow the nail plate to be smooth, even and not exfoliate.

Now you can rinse the legs, take a suitable cream and apply it to the skin with massaging movements. You need to do this within a few minutes. Such a procedure will be not only useful, but also pleasant. At this stage, it is better not to take very oily foot creams. After the massage is over, you can blot the remnants of the product with a napkin or gently wipe it with a towel.

Let's start preparing the nails. It must be understood that if the cream gets on the surface of the nail, then there is a risk that the varnish on top either does not fall at all, or immediately slides off. That is why before you paint your nails, they must be thoroughly degreased. For these purposes, you can use a regular nail polish remover or a special liquid to remove the greasy layer.

In principle, both options work about the same. Now that the toenails are prepared for applying varnish, you need to choose a position in which it will be convenient for you to do this. The hand should not hang in the air, it must have support. It is better to put separators on your toes so that nothing interferes with the process.

Lacquer application

Important Rule applying varnish - no haste. You should not even start this business if in the next hour you will need to leave the house or go to bed. All actions must be performed smoothly and accurately, because it is easier to immediately apply varnish evenly than to correct flaws later.

What color can you paint your toenails? It's a matter of taste. Everyone chooses the shade that best suits their mood, style of clothing or the nature of the event. It seems to be more suitable for summer bright colors, perhaps even neon: pink, orange, lilac. While for the office it is better to choose calm shades that will not catch your eye and cause irritation to others: beige, pale pink, peach.

Often girls choose black or red shades, which is already considered a classic. Any color will look good as long as it is appropriate and well chosen.

So, in order to paint your toenails with varnish at home, you will need:

  • orange stick;
  • base coat;
  • varnish of the selected shade;
  • nail polish remover (to correct errors), toothpick or small brush;
  • top cover.

Exists little secret how to apply varnish as close to the edge of the cuticle as possible. To do this, right before painting, you need to gently move the skin with an orange stick. Now you can paint. After the border returns to its original place, the varnish will be under it, and the nails will look very neat.

First you need to apply a base coat. It can serve for different purposes depending on the type: to protect the nail plate, to level it, to increase the durability of the varnish. For yourself, you can choose any most suitable option. This coating is quite liquid and dries quickly. Therefore, after a couple of minutes, you can apply colored varnish.

The method of applying varnish is simple. In order to properly and beautifully cover them with nails, you need:

  1. take the bottle, gently scroll it several times between the palms;
  2. open, take out the brush, remove excess funds from it, slightly “squeezing” on the edge of the neck;
  3. place the brush on the center of the nail and put a drop there;
  4. move in a smooth motion first to the cuticle, distributing the varnish at its border, and then move it in the opposite direction to the edge of the nail;
  5. paint over the side areas on both sides with gentle movements.

The varnish should be applied in two layers (if this is not enough - in three), as this will make the coating even, and the color will be completely transferred. Before each new layer, be sure to dry the previous one well.

After the varnish has dried, you can correct the errors, remove excess and marks on the skin. You can take a toothpick or a thin flat brush, dip it in nail polish remover and go over those places that do not suit you. When this is done, you need to make sure once again that the varnish is completely dry and apply a top coat (top). By the way, among them there are also such means that accelerate the drying of colored varnish. Whatever the top, it will not only increase durability, but also visually even out the surface of the nail.

Even after all layers have completely dried, you can’t immediately put on shoes and go to bed, otherwise all the work will be spoiled. Better to wait at least an hour. That is why you should only varnish your toenails at home in your free time, when you are not in a hurry. It is better to just lie down or sit after the procedure so as not to accidentally lubricate the applied layers.

Obviously, there is nothing difficult in painting your own toenails. If you know all the rules that are listed above, then you can always maintain the beauty of the legs at home, without visiting any salons.
