What is the rite of nike. Important to know: the order of conducting nikah

The traditions of marriage in Islam have remained unchanged for many centuries. The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, says that the creation of a family is one of the main commandments of the Almighty. To this day, young men and women are in awe of the most important marriage ritual - the wedding ceremony.

The traditional Muslim wedding ceremony is called nikah. In accordance with religious traditions, all the faithful, when concluding a family union, go through this ceremony, otherwise the marriage will be considered invalid. This means that the joint residence of spouses without nikah, from the point of view of Islam, is illegal, and children will be born in sin.

In modern society, the fact of performing nikah is confirmed by a document that has no legal force. Despite this, Muslims continue to sacredly honor and observe the custom of their ancestors.

Nikah is a rite prescribed by Sharia (a set of rules regarding the life of Muslims, and based on the observance of the Koran). It symbolizes the sacred conclusion of marriage between a man and a woman. Its essence is not only in acquiring the right to legal family relations, living together, living and having children, but also in taking mutual obligations.

They are seriously preparing for nikah. First of all, young people communicate their intention to get married to their parents in order to receive their blessing. Long before the wedding ceremony, future spouses discuss the most important points life together and their expectations of each other. So, a girl can warn her future husband that she intends to get an education, and only after that consider the issue of having children.

Muslims believe that all important issues, even the most intimate ones, should be discussed before marriage. to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. Modern youth does not consider it immodest to come to their own nikah with a marriage contract in their hands, which is read out during the ceremony in front of witnesses, in the presence of a clergyman.

Conditions for Nikah

In Islam, there is a clear regulation of the rules and conditions for entering into a religious marriage:

  • nikah is concluded exclusively by mutual agreement of a man and a woman;
  • future spouses must reach marriageable age;
  • it is unacceptable that they be closely related;
  • at the ceremony, the presence of a man from among the closest relatives of the bride, who acts as a guardian: father, brother or uncle, is obligatory. When this is not possible, other adult male Muslims are invited;
  • the ceremony always takes place with male witnesses from each of the future spouses;
  • the groom must certainly pay the mahr (money as wedding gift) to the bride. The amount depends on her desire. Modern Muslims often replace money with expensive jewelry, valuable property or real estate.

Interesting! According to Islamic tradition, mahr should not be excessive or too small.

The conditions for concluding a nikah are in many ways similar to those that are customary to observe during secular registration of marriage. This suggests that they have passed the test of time and repeatedly confirmed their worth.

The ideal wife for a Muslim

Muslim men are extremely responsible in choosing their future wife. For them it is important that the girl:

  • was healthy and pious;
  • received a highly moral education;
  • well versed in the Islamic religion.

It is desirable that she was still beautiful and rich. However, the faithful honor the warnings of the Prophet that it is wrong to make the external attractiveness of a woman and her level of wealth the main criteria. The prophet warned that external beauty could in the future have a detrimental effect on spiritual qualities, and wealth could become a cause of disobedience.

Criteria for choosing a future wife are based on the goals of creating a family because marriage is for:

  • creating a harmonious union of loving people;
  • birth and upbringing of children.

From this point of view, the parameters that Muslim men are guided by when choosing a life partner look quite logical.

Henna night

An Islamic woman has the right to marry more than once, but there is only one night of henna, 1-2 days before the first nikah. It symbolizes the separation of a girl from her stepfather's house and unmarried friends, and also means the beginning of a new life in the status of a wife, a married lady. In fact, “henna night” is a bachelorette party.

By tradition, the assembled women sing sad songs, and the bride cries. It is generally accepted that the more tears shed that night, the more successful and happier the upcoming marriage will be. In the old days, marriage really gave rise to sobs, because a young woman was separated from her relatives for a long time (sometimes forever). She was worried about moving into the family of the groom, with whom she might even be unfamiliar.

Now a lot has changed. The brides are no longer sad, but openly rejoice, singing and dancing. Often, a “henna night” takes place in a restaurant under cheerful music are held for the bride and her bridesmaids.

The traditional Muslim ritual opens with the "lighting of the henna". The groom's mother brings in a beautiful tray of henna and burning candles. This symbolizes the ardent mutual love of the future newlyweds. The event is attended by friends and relatives of the bride - elegant, with beautiful hairstyles. The hero of the occasion, as expected, is dressed in a luxurious red dress, and her head is covered with an elegant red veil. Guests sing songs and dance.

The future mother-in-law puts a gold coin into the palm of her son's bride and holds it tightly. At this point, the girl must make a wish. The hand is painted with henna and a special red bag is put on it.

Then all the women present are decorated with patterns from a mixture of henna. An ornate pattern is applied, as a rule, on the hands. It is believed that this contributes to a happy marriage and a long family life. Unmarried young girls prefer a small ornament, often applying paint only to their fingertips - this is how they emphasize their modesty and innocence. Older women and those who already have a family richly paint their palms, hands, and sometimes feet.

The rite of nikah can take place in any language. The main thing is that the groom, bride and witnesses understand the meaning of what was said and what is happening.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the mullah announces a sermon:

  • about the significance of the marriage union and the mutual responsibility of the spouses to each other;
  • about the importance of a decent upbringing of offspring.

Traditionally, a relative of the bride during the ceremony asks her consent to marriage. At the same time, the silence of the bride does not mean that she objects. Spiritual traditions allow that being a virgin, the future wife may simply be too shy to express her “yes” out loud.

If a woman does not want to marry, no one has the right to force her to do so. This applies to both relatives and the groom himself or representatives of the clergy. Forced marriage is considered a great sin in Islam. When the bride and groom express mutual consent, the imam or mullah announces that the marriage has been concluded. After that, excerpts from the Koran are read and prayers are offered for the happiness and well-being of the young family.

Important! In accordance with spiritual tradition, it is recommended to end nikah with a feast, to which many guests are called and plentiful treats are served.

Marriage for Muslims is not just a beautiful custom. In accordance with the wills of the Prophet, men who are able and willing to marry should do so. The concept of "opportunity" includes:

  • normal physical and mental health;
  • awareness of moral responsibility for the family and willingness to accept it;
  • the required level of material security;
  • literacy in matters of religion.

Muslims, not without reason, believe that the observance of these rules is an indispensable condition for happiness and harmony in marriage.

Nikah with a Christian

Islam does not forbid Muslim men to marry Christian and Jewish women. At the same time, a woman is not obliged to change her faith, and forcing her to do so is considered a sin. However, it is desirable that in the future family members adhere to the same religion. This will avoid many disagreements in living together, including in matters of raising children.

Nikah with a girl of a different faith is carried out in compliance with all traditions, but at the same time there is a number of features:

  • witnesses from the side of the bride must be Muslims, since the presence of representatives of other religions during the ceremony is unacceptable;
  • the girl must be dressed in accordance with Islamic rules;
  • when performing nikah, the bride says a special prayer - shahada - and receives a second (Muslim) name.

Interesting! Islamic women are only allowed to marry Muslims. They can create a family with representatives of other faiths only if future husband accept Islam.

Rite in the mosque

It is advisable to plan the marriage ceremony for Friday evening. Usually, Muslims perform nikah a few days before the secular procedure for registering a marriage.


It all starts with the fact that each of the future spouses, while still at home, completely washes the body and puts on formal attire. At the same time, it is long, closed and not tight-fitting, and the headdress (veil or scarf) completely covers the hair. For this reason muslim brides eliminated the need to spend long hours at the hairdresser the day before the ceremony.

As for the suit of the groom, modern men do not attach special importance to it, often choosing the usual "deuce". IN Lately there was a tendency to order a special frock coat, under which classic pants and shoes.

A prayer is offered in the parental home, the young ask and receive the blessing of their father and mother, after which the bride and groom, each accompanied by their parents, go to the ceremony. Traditionally, the nikah ceremony takes place in a mosque, but it is not forbidden to get married at home, where a representative of the clergy is specially invited.


The ceremony begins with a sermon read by a mullah or an imam.


  • prayers for the happiness and well-being of the new family follow;
  • the mahr is voiced, which the girl often receives right there;
  • the groom prays for the good for the future wife and her protection from evil forces.

Having received mutual consent from the newlyweds, the mullah announces the marriage, after which the spouses exchange wedding rings. At the end of the ceremony, they are given a special certificate.


Important! In accordance with Shariah rules, Muslim wedding rings must be only silver, without precious stones. For men, this condition is mandatory today, but women are allowed gold.

Jewelry firms offer variety of options wedding rings for nikah, the main decoration of which are words and phrases praising Allah. They can be inscribed both on the inside and on the outside of the decoration. Small, "modest" diamonds are increasingly sparkling on women's rings.

Muslim banquet

After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests go to a gala dinner. Wedding tables are set plentifully and varied. Musicians are invited to the event to create a special atmosphere of celebration. People are having fun and dancing.

It is allowed to invite friends and relatives to the wedding banquet, regardless of religion. Before the start of the feast, the guests give gifts to the newlyweds. Mostly money, special gold coins and expensive jewelry are presented as gifts.

According to Muslim tradition, there should be no alcohol and pork on the table. But sweets, fruits, juices and popular carbonated drinks are welcome. At the end of the gala dinner, the newly-made husband and wife leave for home.

Useful video

Regardless of religion - a sacred rite that gives a husband and wife a church blessing for a happy family life, birth of children. About how the wedding takes place among Muslims, in the video:


Muslims hold sacred customs. The modern rite of nikah may differ among Turks and Arabs, Circassians and Tajiks, representatives of other peoples and nationalities. But what remains unchanged is that this ceremony is considered perhaps the most important in the life of every Muslim, because it gives rise to a new and happy family life.

Muslims like a Christian wedding. It is worth noting that it is held not only among the Tatars, but also in other states where the Laws of the Koran are revered - in the Arab countries, Kazakhstan, India, Uzbekistan and many others.

Conditions for performing Nikah

According to the Law of Islam, Nikah is a very important event. But at the same time, such a rite does not have any legal force. Therefore, after it, young people must necessarily register their relationship with the registry office. Nikah has a very long history, since ancient times, a man who expressed a desire to take a girl he liked as a wife had to go to the main square (street) of a city or village and shout loudly that he was taking this woman as his wife.

According to Sharia, Nikah is a marriage between a woman and a man, which is based primarily on the principles of publicity. Islam does not approve of the intention of a guy and a girl to live together without telling anyone about it, this is considered a great vice. It is important that society necessarily recognize the new family.

Nikah in Islam is a custom that can take place only after several conditions are met:

1. Consent to marriage must be given by both the groom and the bride.

Between relatives according to the Qur'an is strictly prohibited.

3. At least one male relative must be present on the girl's side.

4. there can be either two men, or a man, and two votes of only two women are equal to one man's). Women cannot be all witnesses, otherwise such a marriage will be considered invalid.

5. The groom must give a dowry for the bride. In ancient times, kalym suggested that this should be a very generous gift, for example, a herd of horses or camels. Now the sums of gifts are more modest. The groom must make a gift worth at least 5 thousand rubles. Most often, such a gift is some kind of gold jewelry for a girl. In addition, the future husband undertakes to fulfill any future. This may be a request to buy an apartment, a car, purchase other property, as long as the gift has a value of at least 10,000 rubles.

Marriage with non-Muslims

It is worth noting that Nikah is a rite that is performed not only between Muslims. For example, marriage between a Muslim and a woman of a different faith is permitted. But in this case, children who are born in such a family should be brought up only according to the Koran.

Women who profess Islam, as a rule, do not have the opportunity to marry representatives of other faiths. It is highly undesirable to spend Nikah and marry an "infidel". Under such circumstances, the girl will have to choose what is more important to her - faith or a loved one.

After marriage, the husband and wife have 4 main responsibilities:

The wife cannot leave the house without her husband's permission;

A wife should not refuse her husband;

The husband, in turn, fully supports his wife and should never reproach her for this;

Husband and wife must have sexual intercourse at least once every 4 months.

Islam devotes enough to family and marriage great attention. Muslims believe that strong families adorn and strengthen society, and couples that do not have spiritual harmony only destroy society. Nikah is the great basis of the union of a man and a woman, indispensable for the prolongation of the family, the preservation of the family and the protection of human dignity.

Nowadays, in Russia and around the world, the so-called “civil marriage”, in other words, cohabitation, is increasingly practiced between a man and a woman. Previously, in order to start a family, young people enlisted the blessing of their parents and performed the sacrament of the wedding. Due to the fact that there are several religions in the world and many of their offshoots, not all couples got married in a church. Such a marriage without a wedding was called civil. This name was fixed in the XVI century in the Netherlands. Today, this word means something else. This word usage became widespread in speech by the end of the 20th century and means the coexistence of a man and a woman without marriage registration.

While more and more young couples prefer not to burden themselves with marriage, society is divided into two camps. Civil marriage has many ardent supporters and no less principled opponents. It happens that a difference of opinion on this important issue even provokes a break in relations: for example, he dreams of giving her his last name and putting a ring on his finger, and she directly says that she is not ready, does not want and will not register a relationship. Although more often it happens the other way around: she is “unbearable to get married”, and he “sincerely wonders” why this stamp is needed in the passport at all, because we love each other anyway!

One of the main arguments usually made by supporters of "civil marriage" is good way test their relationship by joint housekeeping. But is this not a sign of doubt that the person you have chosen is really right for you and you are ready to spend your whole life with him? In other words, many are simply afraid of responsibility and are not sure of their choice, because responsibility in a civil marriage is much lower. Spouses can cheat on each other without guilt. Also, one of them may simply leave one day, taking his things, without explaining any reasons.

In addition, according to statistics, women who are in a civil marriage endure pregnancy and childbirth worse, which subsequently affects the health of the child. A woman does not have confidence that tomorrow she will not be left alone with a child in her arms, which, as all the same statistics show, happens quite often.

One can enumerate many negative aspects of civil marriage from the point of view of secular society, and one can think of many reasons to justify it. And what is the attitude of religion towards such marriages? What does marriage mean in terms of Islam and how does it relate to the cohabitation of a man and a woman? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

According to Islam, a mandatory condition for the coexistence of a man and a woman is nikah - marriage. One of the other names for nikah is the Arabic word zawaj, that is, "connection, union." The conditions for the validity of a marriage are: 1) the consent (rizalyk) of the bride and groom; 2) the presence of at least two witnesses; 3) the absence of prohibitions for marriage, that is, neither a woman nor a man are those with whom, according to Sharia, marriage cannot be entered into, for example, because of the proximity of kinship or religion (women cannot marry non-Muslims, and men are forbidden marry unbelievers or polytheists); 4) providing the bride with a marriage gift (mahr), which, unlike the kalym, is mandatory and the form of which the bride herself chooses, both tangible means, such as money or jewelry, and intangible ones, such as the promise of the groom to take his future wife in the hajj or something else at the choice of the bride. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Give gifts to each other, for, verily, a gift removes hatred from the heart.”

In Islam, the combination of marriage (nikah) is the cause of the emergence of the very community of people, brings them closer to each other and contributes to the establishment of love and cooperation between them. Thanks to marriage, an outsider becomes close and loved, which is also mentioned in the Qur'an: “He is the One Who created a person from water, and then established for him kinship by blood and marriage, because your Lord is the Almighty” (surah “al- Furqan, 25:54). In the hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) it is said: “Let those who do not have the opportunity to marry remain chaste until Allah enriches them by His grace.”

The main goal of marriage is to create a family - that God's gift, that value that one must not only be able to create, but also protect. A strong family- this is a guarantee of the prosperity of society, and life without a family is like a tree without leaves and fruits. Allah Almighty and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encourage people to marry. So, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever married has gained half of the faith, let him fear Allah in regard to the remaining (her) half.” We know from the Qur'an that in the Last Abode, Allah will unite the believers with their spouses and offspring, if they turn out to be from among the pious, so that their joy will be complete. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged people to marry and forbade people to renounce the world and refuse to create a family, even for the sake of completely devoting oneself to the worship of Allah.

Nikah, as you know, has always been observed by the Muslims of our country, even in the most difficult communist times. Even then, although many did not know others important rules Islam, but they tried to make nikah. Now, many Muslims are also very poorly acquainted with their religion, but they still know about nikah and try to observe this rite before entering family life. This speaks, first of all, about the importance and significance of the marriage ceremony among Muslims and the unacceptability of the so-called civil marriage in the concept of cohabitation of a man and a woman without marriage (nikah). As for the registration of marriage in the registry office, this is not a prerequisite, but it is highly desirable in order to avoid possible problems and legal difficulties.

According to Islam, there are conditions right choice his life partner, the main of which are his good disposition and religiosity. The Messenger of Allah commanded the Muslims: "... by all means seek the one who is committed to religion" . He gave a similar covenant to Muslim women: “If people begin to come to you to woo, whose religiosity and character you are satisfied with, then marry them, but if you do not do this, then temptation will appear on earth and immorality will become widespread”. Naturally, in this case, the consent to the marriage of the bride herself is implied, since this is one of the necessary conditions for marriage. As for love, its presence is one of the requirements of Sharia (Islamic law), which means that each of the spouses should try to strengthen this love. When one of the companions began to woo a woman, the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) told him: “Look at her, for this will most contribute to the emergence of love between you.”

Nikah cannot be read between blood relatives, such as a brother and sister. It is also forbidden to read nikah to a Muslim woman who marries a representative of a religion other than Islam, as this is connected with the upbringing of children and the dependence of her religious beliefs on her husband's beliefs. As for the situation when a Muslim marries representatives of another religion, there are also restrictions here - for example, you can create a family with Christians and Jews, but you cannot marry polytheists or atheists. In addition, a Jewish or Christian woman must be pious, observing her religion. A prerequisite for such a marriage is Muslim children. Also, parents should pay attention to the religious beliefs of their son, because if he is weak enough in this respect and there is a danger that he or his children will leave the bosom of Islam, then such a marriage should not be allowed.

It should also be noted that a man can marry four women at the same time, however, he must comply with several conditions, the most important of which is fair treatment of all wives, which is directly stated in the Holy Quran: “If you are afraid that you will not equally fair to them, then only one ”(Sura“ Women 4: 3). This condition includes both moral-spiritual and material obligations of the spouse. So, in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) it is said: “The believer who has the best disposition has the most perfect faith, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife best of all.” However, unfortunately, some men do not pay worthy attention to this. In this regard, many have a distorted perception of this permission, but the prescriptions of Islam in this case are very categorical. It should also be noted that the number of such marriages, even in Muslim states, is extremely low, and this once again indicates that polygamy is not the rule, but the exception. In particular, with the quantitative superiority of women over men (for example, after military conflicts), the opportunity to marry two women seems to be the most competent way out of the difficult demographic situation that may develop in a particular area. Similarly, in the situation of widows or divorced women, the official status of the spouse is more rational than being in the position of mistresses.

Nikah is usually preceded by matchmaking (khitba), during which the acquaintance between the side of the groom and the side of the bride takes place, and various details and conditions are negotiated. In the Turkic-Tatar tradition, during such a meeting, the groom's side pays the bride's side a certain amount, called kalym. It should be noted that the payment of kalym is folk custom and, according to Shariah, is not obligatory.

Thus, the marriage ceremony is performed as follows: in the presence of witnesses (at least two), the imam (or any Muslim with relevant knowledge) asks the bride and groom for their consent to marry between them. Then he asks about the presence of a marriage gift, and if the bride confirms that all her conditions are met, certain verses from the Koran are read (usually the first four verses from the “Women” sura are read) and a dua in which mercy and blessings are asked from the Almighty (barakat ) for the newly created family.

A Muslim wedding is celebrated according to certain customs, one of which is wedding feast. His organization is the responsibility of the husband, who is assisted by members of his family and friends. However, one should not unnecessarily burden oneself with expenses, as a result of which often people are forced to borrow money, or even completely refuse to get married or marry because they cannot cover all wedding expenses. Thus, Muslims, moving away from the rules of their religion, harm and damage themselves, making life difficult for themselves and those around them.

In the Turkic-Tatar environment, a certain tradition has developed, according to which on the first day the wedding ceremony is held directly (and, as a rule, in the bride’s house), the next day - the wedding itself as solemn event, and on the third day - the final Majlis in the husband's house, symbolizing the introduction of the wife into the husband's house, during which the ceremony of tying a special apron to the young mistress takes place. The meaning of this custom is that the question “Who tied this apron?” the young wife replies: "Mom", thereby emphasizing her close relationship to her husband's parents. Since then, both he and she have been trying to call their parents from the spouse's side mom and dad.

As for the trip to the registry office, according to the established tradition, it takes place on the day of nikah, however, from the point of view of Sharia, marriage registration can be carried out on any day. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in order to maintain morality and morality in society, registration should be carried out in parallel with a religious ceremony.

Those who, despite the condemnation of society and the prohibition from the point of view of religion, are faced with the choice of whether to live in a “trial marriage” or start a full-fledged Muslim family, let them remember the statistics: the vast majority of men (about 90%) living in a civil marriage believe themselves as bachelors, but women all consider themselves married.

Elvira Aleeva

When performing the ceremony, the newlyweds promise each other to share joys, anxieties, raise children, give them a decent upbringing, education and be faithful to each other throughout their life together. The day of the conclusion of nikah is the first step towards achieving this goal.

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, a religious marriage performed without official registration in the registry office has no legal force.

The procedure for conducting nikah

The marriage ceremony usually begins with a sermon in the mosque. In the presence of witnesses, the bride and groom must pronounce in the past tense ijab (a statement from the father or guardian of the bride that he gave the woman to the groom as a wife) and kabul (a statement from the groom that he took the woman as his wife).

According to the prescriptions of the Hanafi madhhab, a prerequisite for the ceremony is the presence of two male witnesses, or one man and two women.

At the wedding ceremony, the bride should sit on the right side in front of the person who is performing the nikah. The groom is on the left side.

The rite provides for the preparation of a marriage contract, which determines the obligations of future spouses to each other.

After reading the prayer placed at the beginning of the marriage contract, the newlyweds drink the blessed water.

Then a seal is placed on the document and at the end of the ceremony the document is given to the wife. The spiritual servant receives remuneration from her husband.

The nikah procedure itself is free. Financial gratitude is a personal matter of the couple.

How to do nikah

According to Sharia, a marriage is valid if an adult man and woman who are of sound mind voluntarily agree to start a family life. Men are not allowed to marry married woman and close relatives are not allowed to tie the knot.

For Sunni Muslims, marriage should be permanent, not temporary.

Islam forbids men to wear gold jewelry. Wedding ring, as evidence that a person is married, can be silver.

The act of marriage can be performed in any language, but the man and woman must understand the meaning of the words spoken.

In case of violation of the necessary conditions for the rite of nikah, the act of marriage is considered invalid.

Mahr - marriage gift

When making nikah, the husband gives his wife a marriage gift. In Arabic it is called "mahr" or "sadaq".

The wife has the exclusive right to receive mahr. No one can take away a gift without her permission, even parents. Money can be issued as mahr, Jewelry, clothing and more. Usually, the bride and groom agree on the size of the mahr before performing the ceremony (the minimum price is 15-20 thousand tenge).

During the ceremony, the spouses can put forward their own conditions, the violation of which will lead to the dissolution of the marriage, but the requirements should not run counter to the teachings of Islam.

“Nikah is following the paths of our Prophets and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty!), Blooming spring for future generations, innocence and purity of the bright names of a man and a woman, the dominant position of man over all other creatures.”

The Nikah ceremony should be performed in the presence of two male witnesses in order to inform everyone around about the birth of a new bond between the two parties. For marriage, awareness of the entire environment is the main condition for recognizing the newlyweds as a married couple.

Nikah in all its splendor, according to the Muslim religion, is the Law of Allah, the cornerstone for the union of a man and a woman, indispensable in the continuation of the human race, the birth of children and the preservation of the family.

Islam makes this basis significant and completely refutes the baseness and contempt of marriage unions created for evil motives.

According to the Koran, the most serious crime is adultery (zina), which is regarded as committing a crime against morality, desecration of the blessed purity of family foundations, which can even wipe out the entire human race from the face of the earth. And the biggest stupidity and thoughtlessness is the preference for a happy and peaceful family in promiscuity.

The native streets of a well-educated people should not dishonor low deeds, and the jarib should not be an immoral place. Nikah stands guard over the faith and morality of the people. As the Prophet Muhammad said, in order to warn Muslims from grave sins: "The best nikah is not burdensome" (Abu Dovud, Nikah-32).

The Muslim Holy Book, the Quran, states:

“Marry those who have not yet been married among you; your servants and female slaves with virtuous convictions; if they are poor, Allah will make them rich with His mercy, for Allah is omnipotent and omniscient” (An.Nur-32).

Nikah as a process

By pronouncing the bride and groom of special sacred words, they can be considered husband and wife. If certain peoples have legalized marriage in the registry office, then for Muslims this is not completely legal. If you do not perform the Nikah ritual, but register at the registry office, it follows that you are just cohabitants and this entails a sin.

Nikah is a Sunnah for a Muslim who needs it and is able to provide:

Makr (kallim);

Robes for the wife for the whole season;

Taking over the expenses of Nikah.

If a person dares to break even one of the rules listed below, nikah may be considered invalid and annulled:

1. In addition to future husband and wife (both of whom must agree to the marriage)

Note: Two witnesses must be present. During the act, a sentence and a response are pronounced.
For example: The trustee announces: "I gave my daughter to you as a wife", the groom will answer: "I took her as my wife." And it does not matter in what intonation these words were pronounced (jokingly, in an angry state or seriously).

2. A Muslim has the right to marry a woman of any faith. A Muslim woman has the right to marry only a man of her religion, or the other side voluntarily converts to Islam.

3. The wedding is held in any language so that all those present understand it.

The trustee and witnesses must be:

Muslims. Exception: if the father of a Christian is of the same religion.

- "Mukallaf" - those who have reached puberty, having control over their speeches and actions, common sense;

Aware of Islam; have a reliable status (they must be known), high morality and pure intentions; have hearing, sight and a good profession.

The closest relative of the bride can act as a trustee: father, grandfather of the bride, brother, son of the bride's brother (paternal or maternal); father's brother (uncle), etc. If the bride has no relatives, then the former master (if she was previously a slave) can be a trustee; if there is none, then the sultan (caliph) or any clergyman will be the trustee.

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